- Neuron Linear Transformation: Modeling the Domain Shift for Crowd Counting [paper]
- [FSC] Focus on Semantic Consistency for Cross-domain Crowd Understanding (ICASSP) [paper]
- [FSSA] Few-Shot Scene Adaptive Crowd Counting Using Meta-Learning (WACV) [paper]
- Domain-adaptive Crowd Counting via Inter-domain Features Segregation and Gaussian-prior Reconstruction [paper]
- Feature-aware Adaptation and Structured Density Alignment for Crowd Counting in Video Surveillance [paper]
- [OSSS] One-Shot Scene-Specific Crowd Counting (BMVC) [paper]
- [CODA] CODA: Counting Objects via Scale-aware Adversarial Density Adaption (ICME) [paper][code]
- [CCWld, SFCN] Learning from Synthetic Data for Crowd Counting in the Wild (CVPR2019) [paper] [Project] [arxiv]
- Crowd Counting with Density Adaption Networks [paper]