Odd and ends that don't yet seem to belong to a specific category - yet.
Miscellany ~ https://github.com/frameworkless-movement/
The Frameworkless Movement is a group of developers interested in developing applications without frameworks. We don't hate frameworks, nor we will ever create campaigns against frameworks, but we perceive the misuse of frameworks as a lack of knowledge regarding technical debt and the availability of alternatives given by the vanilla language or by dedicated libraries.
Links to a number of useful articles
Miscellany ~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demoscene ~ Demoscene
The demoscene is an international computer art subculture focused on producing demos: self-contained, sometimes extremely small, computer programs that produce audiovisual presentations. The purpose of a demo is to show off programming, visual art, and musical skills. Demos and other demoscene productions (graphics, music, videos, games) are shared at festivals known as demoparties, voted on by those who attend and released online.
Miscellany ~ https://benhoyt.com/writings/the-small-web-is-beautiful/ ~ Ben Hoyt: The small web is beautiful
Summary: I believe that small websites are compelling aesthetically, but are also important to help us resist selling our souls to large tech companies. In this essay I present a vision for the “small web” as well as the small software and architectures that power it. Also, a bonus rant about microservices.
- https://github.com/piecioshka ~ rationale: no demos that just run ~ uses a lot of node.js
Miscellany ~ 2022-05-03 ~ Josh Comeau ~ https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2022/05/you-dont-need-ui-framework/
Developers often reach for UI frameworks like Bootstrap or Material UI, hoping that they’ll save a bunch of time and quickly build a professional-looking app. Unfortunately, things rarely work out this way. Let’s talk about it.
Don't be fooled by the headline. Author says you may not need a UI Framework, but he still expects you to use React.
- https://github.com/sajeebmahamed/Vanilla-JavaScript-Projects ~ his projects >>
- https://github.com/gulraiznoorbari/Awesome-Vanilla-JavaScript-Projects ~ personal efforts - not list of links
- First commit