Taken from: https://i1.wp.com/www.esp32learning.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/MH-ET_LIVE_D1_mini_ESP32_pinout.png and
WEMOS Pin | WEMOS ESP32 GPIO | WEMOS ESP8266 GPIO | MRF24J40 | Description |
1.3 | 26 | D0 | 8 | GPIO 26 to 8 - CS |
1.4 | 18 | D5 | 6 | GPIO 18 to 6 - SCK |
1.5 | 19 | D6 | 7 | GPIO 19 to 6 - SDO |
1.6 | 23 | D7 | 5 | GPIO 23 to 6 - SDI |
1.7 | 5 | D8 | 8 | GPIO 5 to 8 - CS (Alternative) |
1.8 | 3.3v | 3.3v | 10 | 3.3v Power for MRF24J40 |
2.5 | 17 | D3 | 4 | GPIO 17 to 4 - INT |
2.6 | 16 | D4 | 2 | GPIO 16 to 2 - Reset |
2.7 | GND | GND | 1,11,12 | Ground- Must connect 1,11 & 12 |
This wiring is based on the shield posted here from Gunar Schorcht: https://doc.riot-os.org/group__boards__esp32__mh-et-live-minikit.html I emailed him and he was very kind to email me the Gerber files he made so I have had them manufactured. Many thanks Gunar.
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The schematic file has the wiring with SJ1 and SJ2, I have decided to use GPIO26 for CS, and GPIO16 for reset rather than using the main reset.
- Wemos D1 ESP32 - I ordered this one and there are many around the same price. But be sure to order the ESP32 version that has two rows of pins on both sides, the ESP8266 only has one row.
- MRF24J40MA - Zigbee radio controller with "MA" form factor
- MRF PCB Shield - Using the Gerber_PCB_4_2021-02-17.zip file you can get it printed at https://jlcpcb.com/ quite cheaply.