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intro to python

In this repository, I share codes of the introduction to python courses published on my YouTube channel

Table of Contents:

Lesson Number Topic Learning Objectives YouTube Videos
00 (Python)Miniconda Installation - Windows Installation & Environment variables:

1. How to install Miniconda on Windows
2. How to create different environment variables
3. How to install different python libraries

00 (Python)Miniconda Installation - Linux/Ubuntu Installation & Environment variables:

1. How to install Miniconda on Linux/Ubuntu
2. How to create different environment variables
3. How to install different python libraries

01 introduction to jupyter notebook Jupyter Notebook Introduction:

1. How to install Jupyter notebook
2. How to code
3. How to have markdone
4. Learning shortcuts

02 variables & Auto complete variables:

1. How to assign a value to a variable
2. How to delete a variable
3. How to use Jupyter notebook's Auto-Complete

03 standard Data Types numeric & str numeric-types:

1. int
2. float
3. complex
4. bool

sequence types - string:

1. indexing
2. slicing
3. immutable
4. strip
5. split
6. string formatting

04 standard Data Types lists list:

1. create a list
2. indexing & slicing
3. mixture objects
4. mutable:
     1. append
     2. extend
     3. remove

05 basic operators operators:

1. Arithmetic Operators
2. Comparison (Relational) Operators
3. Assignment Operators
4. Membership Operators
5. Identity Operators

06 if statement if_statement:

1. if statements
2. scopes
3. if ... else statements
4. nested if statements
5. Boolean value of different data types

07 loops loops:

1. while loop 1.while structure
2. For Loop 1. for structure
3. range 1. range structure to use range in a for loop
4. break & continue keywords

08 loops if else exercises exercises:

There are seven tasks for better understanding the topics

09 data types tuple tuple:

1. how to create one
2. basic operations
3. indexing
4. slicing
5. immutable

10 data types sets set:

1. how to create one
2. basic operations
3. indexing
4. add
5. remove to create an empty set

11 data types dictionaries dictionaries:

1. how to create one -> key: value
2. how to retrieve a value
3. add a new key, value pair
4. how to delete a key, value pair
5. how to remove a key nad return its value(pop)
6. KeyError
7. how to create an empty dict
8.keys are immutable/unhashable

12 data type conversion conversion:

1. string digit to int and int to string
2. float to int & int to float
3. set/list to tuple
4. tuple/list to set
5. ValueError
6. TypeError
7. list/tuple to dictionary

13 loops part 02 loops part-2:

1. Loops over dictionaries
2. Enumerate loops' iterations
3. Zip for iterating over multiple iterables(lists, tuples, ...)

14 dictionary loops exercises dictionary & loops exercises:

There are four exercises for better understanding the topics

15 functions basics functions basics:

1. Creating a Function
2. Calling a Function
3. Functions' Arguments
4. Keyword Arguments
5. Default Arguments

16 functions docstring functions docstrings:

1. Docstrings
2. Tests
3. Test Failures

17 functions type hints functions type-hint:

1. Defining Type Hints
2. Typing Module

18 functions advanced functions advanced:

1. Function Scopes
2. global keyword
3. mutable and immutable input arguments
4. args, kwargs, *, and ** unpacking
5. pass statement & Ellipsis Mark
5. Mandatory positional and keyword arguments

19 comprehension single-line-if-statement comprehension single-line-if-statement:

1. Single line if statement
2. List Comprehension
3. Dictionary Comprehension
4. Set Comprehension
5. Tuple comprehension

20 File Handling OS & Shutil File Handling OS & Shutil:

1. Opening
2. Reading
3. Encoding
4. Closing & Context Manger
5. Seek
6. Writing
7. OS
8. Shutil

21 Try & Except Try Except :

1. Error Types
2. Exception Handling
3. Raise An Exception
4. Speed Test
5. Exercise

22 collections collections :

1. ChainMap
2. namedtuple
3. Counter
4. defaultdict

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