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Releases: probml/pml-book

2021-03-08 (MAJOR UPDATE)

08 Mar 18:47
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  • Moved some of the more advanced material on Bayesian inference (eg VI, MCMC) to vol 2.
  • Moved material from the appendices (except for notation) into the main body, integrating some of the material to improve the flow
  • Shortened the coverage of Bayesian and frequentist statistics to make more accessible for an intro ML audience
  • Reduced page count from 930 to ~825 ("missing mass" will go into vol 2)
  • Fixed typos
  • Most of the code which is linked to in the figures now runs in colab

2021-03-01 (minor update)

01 Mar 19:46
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  • All figure captions now correctly point to colab code cells
  • Fixed various typos (see github issues)

2021-02-07 (minor update)

07 Feb 23:48
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  • fixes many typos

  • now the figure captions have pointers to the code using the following kind of URL:, where 3 is the chapter number, and 2 is the figure number. This URL in turn gets mapped to a colab cell using some magic running on GCP]. This layer of indirection allows for multiple back-end implementations of the same figure (eg TF->JAX) while keeping the URL in the book the same.

  • changed asset filename from pml1.pdf to book1.pdf (for implementation reasons)

2021-01-18 (minor update)

19 Jan 07:20
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  • index is finally clickable :)
  • changed colors of hyperref (green->blue, easier to read)
  • added list of figures after preface (temporary change, for debugging the code)
  • tweaks to the backprop section from Mathieu
  • fixed some typos

2021-01-15 (minor update)

15 Jan 23:29
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Fixed a bunch of typos (see github issues).
Cleaned up the missing data section, and the decision tree intro section, a little bit.

2021-01-06 (medium update)

07 Jan 00:35
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  • added notation chapter to appendix (this changes the numbering of the appendices!)
  • rewrote backprop/ autodiff section (in MLP chapter)
  • fixed numerous typos (see closed github issues)
  • added a few more references

2021-01-03 (minor update)

04 Jan 05:09
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Fixed a whole bunch of typos (see closed github issues for details :)


01 Jan 01:20
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Several small updates to 2020-12-28 release:

  • Fixed all cross-referencing errors.
  • Fixed hyper-link to notebooks.
  • Fixed some typos reported on github.
  • Added back the section on RKHS.
  • Added back the section on maxent.
  • Added a short section on non-identifiability for Bayesian GMMs.
  • Andrew Wilson added a short section on flows for SSL.
  • Other random tweaks.


28 Dec 19:50
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2020-12-28 Pre-release

This release adds the exercises, and fixes some typos.