- Computer-based Decision Support Systems (Spring 2018 @ Georgetown)
- Computer-based Decision Support Systems (Fall 2017 @ Georgetown)
- Programming in Python & Fundamentals of Software Development (Summer 2017 @ NYU)
- Internet Programming (Spring 2017 @ SCSU)
- Database Design and Applications (Fall 2015 @ GWU)
- Management Info Systems (Fall 2015 @ GWU)
- Event Management System
- How-to Request Recordings
- Contacts: [email protected] and [email protected]
- Enable within NYU Classes: "Settings" > "Tool Order" > "Mediasite"
- Also email the helpdesk to request recordings be made public, i.e. to remove NYU login barrier
- Converting QuickTime screen recordings to GIF format):
ffmpeg -i ~/Dropbox/Screenshares/YOUR_SCREENCAST.mov -pix_fmt rgb24 -r 10 -f gif - | gifsicle --optimize=3 --delay=5 > admin/YOUR_SCREENCAST.gif
- Hiding all Folders on the Desktop:
defaults write com.apple.finder CreateDesktop false && killall Finder
- Default Youtube Video Tags: "python, nyu, prof-rossetti, command-line-computing, software-development, screencast"
- Professor Rossetti's Mac Terminal Customization
- Clearing the Windows Command Prompt
- String interpolation in Python 3.6
- The
function - Formatting numbers as currency with thousands separator
- Gantt Chart GIF
- Example Sprint Board
- MVP Skateboard vs Car Image, also h/t IBM Design team for sharing