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Job-shop Scheduling using ASP


This project aims to solve Job-shop Scheduling Problem (JSP) using Answer Set Programming (ASP).

We developed two ways to solve the JSP:-
The first one is to solve the problem with single shot.
The second one is to solve the problem using Multi-shot.
For the Multi-shot solving, we aimed to decompose the problem into sub-problems and solve them sequentially. To do that, we applied a decomposition strategy based on four different strategies to split the problem into Time Windows and get the best number of Time Windows to obtain good solutions in a resonable time. For the decomposition, two different splitting approaches are applied (Static and Dynamic).
Static decomposition aims to assign the operations into Time Windows before starting the scheduling.
Dynamic decomposition depends on assigning only the operations that will be scheduled into the next Time Window. \

We tested our Model on Taillard benchmark instances Taillard’s instances

Project Structure

├── \Instances                                  # Directory with the benchmark instances 
│   ├── \Multi-shot                             # Directory contains the instances are splitted into different Time Windows (1 - 10)
│        ├── \Static_assignment_operations      # 
│            |── \EST_time-based                # The operations are assigned to Time Windows based on Earliest Starting Time(EST)
│                |── \02 Time windows               # The instances are splitted into two Time Windows
│                    |── \50 X 15                       # A set of instances with 50 jobs and 15 machines
│                    └── \50 X 20                       # A set of instances with 50 jobs and 20 machines
│                |── \: 
│                |── \:
│                └── \10 Time windows               # The instances are splitted into ten Time Windows
│                    |── \50 X 15                       # A set of instances with 50 jobs and 15 machines
│                    |── \50 X 20                       # A set of instances with 50 jobs and 20 machines
│                    └── \100 X 20                      # A set of instances with 100 jobs and 20 machines
│            |── \EST_machine-based             # The operations are assigned to Time Windows based on (EST) considering bottleneck machines
│                |── \02 Time windows               # The instances are splitted into two Time Windows
│                    |── \50 X 15                       # A set of instances with 50 jobs and 15 machines
│                    └── \50 X 20                       # A set of instances with 50 jobs and 20 machines
│                |── \: 
│                |── \:
│                └── \10 Time windows               # The instances are splitted into ten Time Windows
│                    |── \50 X 15                       # A set of instances with 50 jobs and 15 machines
│                    |── \50 X 20                       # A set of instances with 50 jobs and 20 machines
│                    └── \100 X 20                      # A set of instances with 100 jobs and 20 machines
│            |── \MTWR_time-based               # The operations are assigned to Time Windows based on Most Total Work Remaining (MTWR)
│                |── \02 Time windows               # The instances are splitted into two Time Windows
│                    |── \50 X 15                       # A set of instances with 50 jobs and 15 machines
│                    └── \50 X 20                       # A set of instances with 50 jobs and 20 machines
│                |── \: 
│                |── \:
│                └── \10 Time windows               # The instances are splitted into ten Time Windows
│                    |── \50 X 15                       # A set of instances with 50 jobs and 15 machines
│                    |── \50 X 20                       # A set of instances with 50 jobs and 20 machines
│                    └── \100 X 20                      # A set of instances with 100 jobs and 20 machines
│            └── \MTWR_machine-based            # The operations are assigned to Time Windows based on (MTWR) based on bottleneck machines 
│                |── \02 Time windows               # The instances are splitted into two Time Windows
│                    |── \50 X 15                       # A set of instances with 50 jobs and 15 machines
│                    └── \50 X 20                       # A set of instances with 50 jobs and 20 machines
│                |── \: 
│                |── \:
│                └── \10 Time windows               # The instances are splitted into ten Time Windows
│                    |── \50 X 15                       # A set of instances with 50 jobs and 15 machines
│                    |── \50 X 20                       # A set of instances with 50 jobs and 20 machines
│                    └── \100 X 20                      # A set of instances with 100 jobs and 20 machines
│        └── \Dynamic_assignment_operations      # the operations of the instances will be assigned to Time Windows during the optimization process
│            |── \50 X 15                               # A set of instances with 50 jobs and 15 machines
│            |── \50 X 20                               # A set of instances with 50 jobs and 20 machines
│            └── \100 X 20                              # A set of instances with 100 jobs and 20 machines
│   └── \Single-shot                            # Directory with the instances without splitting
│       |── \06 X 06                                    # A set of instances with 06 jobs and 06 machines
│       |── \:                                          
│       |── \:
│       └── \100 X 20                                   # A set of instances with 100 jobs and 20 machines
├── \JSP Encoding                               # Directory with the encoding files using ASP (Clingo, Clingo-Dl)
│   ├── \Multi-shot                             # Directory with logic program codes to solve JSP
|        |── \Dynamic_assignment
|             |──      # Python api with timeout for each Time Window
|             |── dynamic-est.lp                        # encoding to assign the operations based on (EST)
|             |── dynamic-mtwr.lp                       # encoding to assign the operations based on (MTWR)
|             |── input.lp
|             |── output-direct.lp                      # encoding to assign the operations withtout considering bottleneck machines
|        |── \Dynamic_assignment_compression            
|             |──      # Python api with timeout for each Time Window
|             |── Compress_schedule.lp                  # encoding to compress the optimized Time Winodw
|             |── dynamic-est.lp                        # encoding to assign the operations based on (EST)
|             |── dynamic-mtwr.lp                       # encoding to assign the operations based on (MTWR)
|             |── input.lp
|             |── output-direct.lp                      # encoding to assign the operations withtout considering bottleneck machines
|             └── output-machine.lp                     # encoding to assign the operations with bottleneck machines
|        |── \Static_assignment
|             |──      # Python api with timeout for each Time Window
|             └──             # Python api with timeout for each solve call
|        |── \Static_assignment_compression             
|             |──      # Python api with performing the compression phase#
|             |── Compress_schedule.lp                  # encoding to compress the optimized Time Winodw
|             └──             # Python api with timeout for each solve call
|        |── \ASP_scheduler
|            |── JSP.lp                             # Scheduling encoding
│            └── JSP_TW_Overlapping.lp              # Scheduling encoding with Overlapping between Time Windows
│   └── \Single-shot              
|        |── JSP.lp                             # Scheduling encoding with Single-shot 
├── \Strategies to create Time windows      # Directory with different strategies to decompose the problem into Time Windows



  • python .\JSP Encoding\Multi-shot\Static_assignment\ .\JSP Encoding\Multi-shot\ASP_scheduler\JSP.lp .\Instances\Multi-shot\Static_assignment_operations\EST_time-based\03 Time Windows\100 X 20\TA71.lp \

  • python .\JSP Encoding\Multi-shot\Static_assignment\dlO_Timeout_Whole_Time_Window .\JSP Encoding\Multi-shot\ASP_scheduler\JSP.lp .\Instances\Multi-shot\Static_assignment_operations\MTWR_machine-based\03 Time Windows\50 X 20\TA61.lp \

  • python .\JSP Encoding\Multi-shot\Static_assignment\dlO_Timeout_Whole_Time_Window .\JSP Encoding\Multi-shot\ASP_scheduler\JSP_TW_Overlapping.lp .\Instances\Multi-shot\Static_assignment_operations\EST_machine-based\03 Time Windows\50 X 15\TA51.lp \

  • python .\JSP Encoding\Multi-shot\Dynamic_assignment\dlO_Timeout_Whole_Time_Window .\JSP Encoding\Multi-shot\ASP_scheduler\JSP.lp .\Instances\Multi-shot\Dynamic_assignment_operations\50 X 15\TA51.lp \

  • clingo-dl .\JSP Encoding\Single-shot\JSP.lp .\Instances\Single shot\15 X 15\TA01.lp --minimize-variable=bound