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70 lines (55 loc) · 2.51 KB

Melbourne map

Provides a configuration to launch your own retina ready map renderer.

Run it

$ ./
$ docker-compose up

It will take a while for a first start (up to 10 mins) because of DB import. You will know that renderer is ready to use when see logs like this:

postgis_1   | LOG:  autovacuum launcher started
renderer_1  | Starting renderer
renderer_1  | 2016/12/27 23:34:30 app.go:266: [INFO] Serving debug data (/debug/vars) on %s... :9080
renderer_1  | 2016/12/27 23:34:30 app.go:267: [INFO] Serving monitoring xml data on %s... :9080
renderer_1  | 2016/12/27 23:34:30 renderselector.go:209: [DEBUG] ping error %v dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
renderer_1  | 2016/12/27 23:34:30 renderselector.go:117: [DEBUG] '%v' is %v localhost:8090 Offline
renderer_1  | 2016/12/27 23:34:30 main.go:118: [INFO] Starting on %s... :8080
renderer_1  | 2016/12/27 23:34:30 app.go:266: [INFO] Serving debug data (/debug/vars) on %s... :9090
renderer_1  | 2016/12/27 23:34:30 app.go:267: [INFO] Serving monitoring xml data on %s... :9090
renderer_1  | 2016/12/27 23:34:35 main.go:95: [INFO] Done in %v seconds 4.84147165
renderer_1  | 2016/12/27 23:34:35 main.go:103: [INFO] Starting on %s... :8090

Then you can open example in your favourite web browser:


The initial rendering may take 10-30 seconds, after which you will see a fabulous map of Melbourne city.

Renders other areas

You will need to update postgis image to render other city/area:

  • Update postgis/Dockerfile by adding different pbf file to container

Using custom style

This project is using forked version of openstreetmap-carto style that optimised for hi-res displays.

There are two places that you have to tweak to use different style:

  • postgis/ is using style during DB import (--style option):
osm2pgsql --style /openstreetmap-carto/ -d gis -U postgres -k --slim /pbf/data.osm.pbf
  • renderer/map_data/config.json defines style on line 72:
"Cmd": ["/gopnik/bin/gopnikslave", 
"-stylesheet", "/openstreetmap-carto/stylesheet.xml", 
"-pluginsPath", "/usr/lib/mapnik/2.2/input", 
"-fontsPath", "/usr/share/fonts", "-scaleFactor", "2"],

Update database

You can update database by removing data volume and restart containers:

$ ./
$ docker-compose up