Analysis API: Add source shadowing feature to resolve extensions
LL FIR: Performance bottleneck inCompositeModificationTracker.getModificationCount
K2: optimize FirElementBuilder.getOrBuildFir for elements outside bodyKT-59454
K2: drop resolve from org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.api.fir.components.KtFirVisibilityChecker#collectContainingDeclarationsKT-59453
K2: completion regression from org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.api.fir.components.KtFirVisibilityChecker#collectContainingDeclarationsKT-59189
Analysis API: KtFirKDocReference.resolveToSymbols is slowKT-58125
K2: LL FIR:KtToFirMapping.getElement
is slow forKtUserType
s due to on-air resolution of types
K2: FirLazyResolveContractViolationException:lazyResolveToPhase(IMPORTS)
cannot be called from a transformer with a phase IMPORTS from superTypesKT-58499
K2: FirLazyBlock should be calculated before accessingKT-57966
K2: Analysis API: Reference Shortener does not work correctly when called on entire fileKT-60954
K2: Analysis API: Reference shortener does not work correctly with variable assignmentsKT-60940
K2: Analysis API: Reference shortener incorrectly handles types in vararg parameters declarationsKT-60488
Analysis API: forbid providing custom KtLifetimeToken for every analyze callKT-60728
K2: proper support for scripts in LL FIR transformersKT-59159
K2 IDE: declaration is not found exceptionKT-59297
K2: exception from body resolve leads to corrupted state and broken analysisKT-59077
KtFirExpressionTypeProvider behaviour for KtSimpleNameReferences in function callsKT-60586
K2: forbid analyze from write actionKT-57743
K2 IDE: StackOverflowError from LLFirSessionCache for simple JPS project with cyclic dependenciesKT-61026
K2 Scripts: FirLazyExpression should be calculated before accessing from on-air resolveKT-61009
K2 Scripts: KtFirExpressionTypeProvider: Expected FirResolvedTypeRef with ConeKotlinType but was FirImplicitTypeRefImplWithoutSourceKT-60357
K2 IDE. Reified types parameters are not resolved in a function bodyKT-60317
K2 IDE. IAE "This method will only work on compiled declarations, but this declaration is not compiled" on invoking Find Usages for enum method in libraryKT-60706
K2 IDE: FirJvmTypeMapper is not found for kotlin.kotlin-stdlib-commonKT-60552
K2: merge StateKeeper and lazy body calculator for ANNOTATIONS_ARGUMENTS_MAPPING transformerKT-60641
Analysis API: Scope for class org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.impl.ConeClassLikeTypeImpl not found exception when stdlib is missingKT-60638
K2: Expected FirResolvedTypeRef with ConeKotlinType but was FirImplicitTypeRefImplWithoutSourceKT-54846
Analysis API: add isExpect/isActual to KtSymbolKT-60448
cannot be called from a transformer with a phase COMPILER_REQUIRED_ANNOTATIONS from AllOpen pluginKT-59342
K2 IDE. FirLazyResolveContractViolationException:lazyResolveToPhase(TYPES)
cannot be called from a transformer with a phase TYPESKT-59687
K2: Implement proper body update for in-block modificationsKT-59329
Resolve Extensions reference resolution breaks Find UsagesKT-60295
K2: move checkIsResolved for annotations from LLFirAnnotationArgumentsLazyResolver to LLFirTypeLazyResolverKT-59758
K2: Expected is FirResolvedTypeRef, but was FirImplicitTypeRefImplWithoutSource from ReturnTypeCalculatorWithJumpKT-60377
K2 IDE: This method will only work on compiled declarations, but this declaration is not compiledKT-59685
K2: rewrite on-air resolutionKT-60132
K2: properties and functions without a name should be re-analyzable as wellKT-59199
K2 IDE: PSI changes which do not cause OOB modifications can be unseen from the FIR elementsKT-59667
Analysis API: PsiInvalidElementAccessException from JavaClassifierTypeImpl.substitutorKT-59705
KotlinExceptionWithAttachments: No fir element was found for getterKT-59697
AA standalone: JRT module paths are not properly populated in WindowsKT-59505
K2: implicit type lazy resolution doesn't work for delegated declaration from other moduleKT-56426
K2 IDE: Typealised functional types cannot be renderedKT-59598
AA: stackoverflow while simplifying a type with a recursive type parameterKT-58497
K2: Expected FirResolvedTypeRef for initializer type of FirPropertyImpl(Source) but FirImplicitTypeRefImplWithoutSource foundKT-59511
AA standalone mode creates Application Environment for testsKT-58161
Analysis API: Make methods inKtCallResolverMixIn
more distinctive based on their receiver/return typeKT-59093
Do not throw exception on KtCall resolution,KtCallElement.resolveCall
should returnnull
on unknown casesKT-59243
K2: FirLazyResolveContractViolationException:lazyResolveToPhase(IMPORTS)
cannot be called from a transformer with a phase IMPORTS from permits typesKT-58194
K2: Low Level API: use smart pointers to store references to PSI from FIR declarations for JavaElementKT-59133
K2: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fir is not initialized for FirRegularClassSymbolKT-58174
K2: LL FIR: Invalid type reference for T & Any typeKT-52615
LL FIR: build RAW FIR only by stubsKT-55053
K2: Exception "lateinit property diagnostic has not been initialized" in FirBuilderKT-58580
K2: LL FIR: Declarations provided by resolve extensions from a dependency module are not visible throughLLFirCombinedKotlinSymbolProvider
Analysis API: move org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.api.fir.utils.addImportToFile out of Analysis APIKT-58727
K2: AA FIR: implicit type in delegated function treated as errorKT-58653
K2: Analysis API: add functions for KtScope members access by nameKT-57559
K2 IDE: KotlinExceptionWithAttachments: Modules are inconsistent on intellij projectKT-58262
Analysis API: Declarations from Analysis API Resolve Extensions are not seen from completionKT-57455
LL FIR: CombineAbstractFirDeserializedSymbolProvider
s in session dependencies (optimization)KT-57207
LL FIR: CombineJavaSymbolProvider
s in session dependencies (optimization)KT-58546
K2: LL FIR: support name collision in a designation pathKT-58495
K2: Lazy calculation is redundantKT-58500
K2: null cannot be cast to non-null type org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.FirPureAbstractElementKT-58493
K2: Expected FirResolvedTypeRef for default value type of FirValueParameterImpl(Source) but FirUserTypeRefImpl foundKT-58496
K2: Expected FirNamedReference, FirErrorNamedReference or FirFromMissingDependenciesNamedReference, but FirExplicitSuperReference foundKT-58491
K2: Expected FirResolvedTypeRef or FirImplicitTypeRef for return type of FirDefaultPropertyBackingField(Synthetic) but FirUserTypeRefImpl foundKT-56550
LL FIR: implement parallel resolve for non-jumping phasesKT-58503
Analysis API: KtFirNamedClassOrObjectSymbol.visibility/modality do not trigger STATUS resolveKT-57623
K2 IDE: ConcurrentModificationException from getSuperConeTypesKT-58083
K2: LL FIR: implement FakeOverrideTypeCalculator
Android lint tasks fails in Gradle with MPP dependency
Virtual functions trampolines have invalid debug info
K/Wasm: make the compiler compatible with Wasm GC phase 4 (Final) specificationKT-61262
K/Wasm: add a way to turn on k2 in wasm examples that don't use composeKT-61343
K/Wasm: add a wasi example to kotlin-wasm-examplesKT-62147
[Kotlin/Wasm] Nothing typed when expression cause a backend errorKT-59720
K/Wasm: update to final opcodesKT-60834
K/Wasm: investigate consequences of stopping usingbr_on_cast_fail
WASM: localStorage Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')KT-60835
K/Wasm: fix compatibility with Node.js 20.*KT-60113
K/Wasm: illegal cast when using 1.9.20-devKT-60496
Compose-web Wasm crashes on remember { null } callsKT-58746
K/Wasm: Make Arrays' constructors with size and lambda inline (similar to other implementations)KT-58993
[K/Wasm] Fix w3c declarations with lambda parametersKT-59722
K/Wasm: Support new encoding with flags for br_on_cast and br_on_cast_fail instructionsKT-59713
K/Wasm: Implement enumEntries intrinsicKT-59082
WASM: NullPointerException caused by companion with String type constantsKT-58941
WASM Hang with extension delegate inside a ClassKT-60200
K/Wasm: generate types without supertypes properlyKT-52178
IR dump doesn't seem to work for Kotlin/WASM phasesKT-59556
Wasm: critical dependency when using with webpackKT-58681
K/Wasm: division remainder has a wrong signKT-56711
Wasm: IllegalStateException caused by dynamic type
KMP: check all annotation from expect declaration are present on actualKT-58554
KMP: restrict expect opt-in annotations and actual typealiases to annotations with special meaningKT-58545
KMP: prohibit implicit actualization via JavaKT-58536
KMP: prohibitexpect tailrec
/expect external
Make a frontend checker that reports cast to forward declaration as uncheckedKT-60528
Updates for JVM/IR backend of kotlin-atomicfu-compiler-pluginKT-59558
Add support for creating annotation instances with type parametersKT-52367
Devirtualization algorithm improvementKT-58652
Native: Implement frontend checkers for HiddenFromObjC on classes
K2: CFG: do not add edges to nested classes and functionsKT-57860
K/N: Functions with default arguments of value/inline class types have poor performance due to value class boxing
K2: IDE K2: "org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.impl.FirArgumentListImpl cannot be cast to class org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.impl.FirResolvedArgumentList"KT-61228
False positive MUST_BE_INITIALIZED_OR_FINAL_OR_ABSTRACT_WARNING for effectively final propertiesKT-61643
"Argument type mismatch" for mixed Java/Kotlin Project with Java 21KT-62389
JDK 21: Cannot access class 'TimeUnit'. Check your module classpath for missing or conflicting dependenciesKT-56768
K2. No error description on incomplete try catch declarationKT-52220
FIR + LightTree - Consider building a single tree on parsing into LightTreeKT-60601
K2 / Maven: Overload resolution ambiguity between candidates inline methodKT-62027
"java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Empty list doesn't contain element at index 0" caused by ClassicExpectActualMatchingContext.kt when annotation@AllowDifferentMembersInActual
Wrong warning message when overriding vararg with Array during actualizationKT-62655
Don't report a warning when new members and new supertypes are added to open expect actualizationKT-62313
Kotlin/Native Compiler crash: ClassCastException in IntrinsicGeneratorKT-60902
visibility vs upper bound expect actual matching conflictKT-61095
K2: "IAE: source must not be null" from FirMultipleDefaultsInheritedFromSupertypesCheckerKT-47567
'Val cannot be reassigned' error not reported in unreachable codeKT-59468
K2: build realm-kotlinKT-62026
KMP: Correctly handle a case when annotation on expect declaration is unresolvedKT-59476
K2: build ClashForAndroidKT-59487
K2: build KSP-playgroundKT-47409
K1/K2: Investigate and align inference for equality (==) operatorKT-59393
"NoSuchFieldError: TRUE$delegate" on referencing companion's variable in submoduleKT-62335
Improve debuggability of code generator crashesKT-61165
More than one overridden descriptor declares a default value for 'cause: Throwable?'. As the compiler can not make sure these values agree, this is not allowedKT-62263
Turn "different expect/actual members" error into a warningKT-59969
fails during native compilationKT-59377
K2/KMP: Set stdlib-native before stdlib-commonMain in dependencies for shared native metadata compilationKT-61924
Native: problem with abstract fake override from AnyKT-61933
K2: "Argument type mismatch: actual type is 'Foo<kotlin/Function0<kotlin/Unit>>' but 'Foo<kotlin/coroutines/SuspendFunction0<kotlin/Unit>>' was expected
K2: build multiplatform-settingsKT-56077
K2: build kotlinx.atomicfuKT-59465
K2: build kotlinx-datetimeKT-60824
K2 IDE: FirSyntheticCallGenerator: IAE: List has more than one elementKT-61856
K2: "KotlinIllegalArgumentExceptionWithAttachments" on usage of javax.validation.constraints.Email.ListKT-54792
Store program order of properties inside@kotlin
K2: build ktorKT-23861
Expect annotation should not be applicable wider than the actual oneKT-59466
K2: build kotlinx-benchmarkKT-60830
KMP, K2: expect actual annotation IR checker doesn't unwrap actual typealiases to annotationsKT-61668
Put expect/actual diagnostics introduced in 1.9.20 release under 1.9 Language VersionKT-61725
KMP: Annotation matching requirement for expect/actual leads to errors for annotations with@OptionalExpectation
False negative BREAK_OR_CONTINUE_OUTSIDE_A_LOOP withcontinue
block insidefor
KMP: [DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS_IN_EXPECT_WITH_ACTUAL_TYPEALIAS] checker missed for companion functionsKT-61173
K2: FirProperty.hasBackingField is true for an expect valKT-59743
K2: erroneous binding of typealias with two type parameters to a class with one type parameterKT-60650
KMP: prohibit problematic actual typealiasesKT-61461
K2: Kotlin native metadata compilation breaks when stdlib is present in -librariesKT-61270
Enabling Kotlin/Native caching causes 65K warnings from dsymutil when building Compose iOS appKT-58229
K2/MPP/JVM: compiler codegen crash on call of inherited generic class's method with actual-typealias as value parameterKT-47702
Support call of Java annotation constructor without specifying a default valueKT-56460
K2: Do not re-run DiagnosticCollectorVisitor from FirInlineDeclarationChecker.checkChildrenWithCustomVisitorKT-55933
K2: False negative Overload resolution ambiguity for call functions with named parameters if one of params is varargKT-59548
FIR2IR: inconsistent generation of dispatch receiver for object methodsKT-55072
K2: False positive "suspension point is inside a critical section"KT-58778
JVM IR inline: add fake variables for debuggerKT-59404
K2. False negative [FINAL_SUPERTYPE] on extending final class through type aliasKT-60580
K2: Not supported: class org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.ConeFlexibleTypeKT-59391
Intrinsics for atomic update of array elementsKT-59165
K2: Prohibit class literals with empty left-hand sideKT-60427
annotations contain outerType/outerTypeId information for non-inner nested classesKT-59376
K2: No error reported for self-referencing local function with inferred return typeKT-59586
K2: support JVM backend diagnostics in light tree modeKT-57780
K2: Calling a constructor through a deprecated typealias doesn't report a deprecationKT-59110
K2. "NotImplementedError: An operation is not implemented." error on incorrect@Target
K2: Empty varargs are not serialized to KLIBKT-55373
K2. Unresolved reference error for type mismatch with callable referencesKT-55955
K2: callable references are not properly resolved when in conflict with expected typeKT-60144
JVM IR inline: backport primitive boxing in class literalsKT-60779
K2: Implement warning NO_REFLECTION_IN_CLASS_PATHKT-61145
False negative NOTHING_TO_OVERRIDE when context receivers don't matchKT-59378
Default params on actual check and inheritance by delegation compilation errorKT-60800
[atomicfu-K/N]: turn on the tests for the K/N part of the compiler pluginKT-61029
K2: Duplicates when processing direct overridden callablesKT-55196
K2: False-negative CONST_VAL_WITH_NON_CONST_INITIALIZER on boolean .not() callKT-60862
Kotlin Scripting: NoSuchMethodError for ExternalDependenciesResolver.addRepositoryKT-57963
K2: MPP: Annotation calls should be actualizedKT-60854
K2: IrActualizer incorrectly generates fake overrides for synthetic java propertiesKT-59665
ACTUAL_FUNCTION_WITH_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS isn't reported for actual typealias and fake-override actualizationKT-61039
False positive ABSTRACT_MEMBER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED in K1 when expect actual super types scopes don't matchKT-61166
Inherited platform declaration clash & accidental overrideKT-60531
K2/JS: Report diagnostics before running FIR2IRKT-32275
Embedding kotlin-compiler-embeddable into a Java EE App leads to CDI related deployment errorKT-57845
K2. Unresolved reference error on calling Java references with fully qualified nameKT-58757
K2: False-positive NON_PUBLIC_CALL_FROM_PUBLIC_INLINE error in case an inline fun is protected and is a part of an internal abstract class declarationKT-59736
kotlinx.serialization + K2 + JS: e: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Symbol for kotlinx.serialization.json.internal/FormatLanguage.|-547215418288530576[1] is unboundKT-59071
K2/MPP: internal declarations from common module are invisible in dependent source sets if there is more that one intermediate source set betweenKT-61167
Runtime failure: ReferenceError: MyPromise is not definedKT-59408
Kotlin/Native: crash in kmm-production-sample (compose-app) with escape analysis enabledKT-57329
K/N IR linkage issues due to the combination of static caches w/ Lazy IR & Compose compiler pluginKT-59247
Kapt+JVM_IR: AssertionError on anonymous object in enum super constructor callKT-58576
K2: IR actualization problems in MPP scenarioKT-61442
K2: Consider stricter filtering on implicit integer coercionKT-61441
K2: Wrong overload is chosen with ImplicitIntegerCoercion enabledKT-59328
K2: property with compound getter and without explicit type: compilation failure, IAE "List has more than one element" at FirDeclarationsResolveTransformer.transformFunctionWithGivenSignature()KT-61159
K2: OVERLOAD_RESOLUTION_AMBIGUITY between private top-level property in same file and top-level property in different moduleKT-59233
K2: false-negative diagnostic on creating a callable reference to a function with free type variablesKT-61418
k2: ImplicitIntegerCoercion to List leads to "IllegalStateException: Cannot find cached type parameter by FIR symbol"KT-61373
False positive: "The opt-in annotation is redundant: no matching experimental API is used" with multiplatform code.KT-58884
K2: NotAMockException for mock testing with lambda expression with MavenKT-58893
K2: MockitoException for mock testing with lambda expression with GradleKT-59483
K2: Build a Native appKT-57738
K2: unresolved class fields and methods in kotlin scriptsKT-59449
K2: Diagnostic messages contain debugging-style rendered FIRKT-59849
K2: IllegalArgumentException: List has more than one elementKT-57553
Implement deprecation for open val with backing field and deferred initialization in K1KT-57230
Support Kotlin/Wasm in the K2 platformKT-59409
Companion object is not initialized on class constructor callKT-61017
K2: intermediate expect/actual class results in expected class has no actual declaration in moduleKT-60181
K2: "NotImplementedError: An operation is not implemented" with SpringKT-59472
K2: build ReaktiveKT-54786
MPP: "LazyTypeAliasDescriptor cannot be cast to class org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.ClassDescriptor" caused by expected non-constant function argument on iOS if class is type aliasedKT-59753
K2: NotImplementedError when using annotation with vararg with default value from other moduleKT-60883
K2: FixtestRequireKotlinCompilerVersion
in LV 2.0 branchKT-59747
K2: cannot actualize expect class to Unit via typealiasKT-61054
K2: "IAE: source must not be null" with -no-reflect on calling property getter with implicit invokeKT-57126
[KLIB Reproducibility] Manifest is written using os-dependent line separatorsKT-60850
K2: FIR2IR generates incorrect signature for fake overrides for common declaration if it called from a platform moduleKT-59218
K2: return types of calls to@PolymorphicSignature
methods inside try-expressions don't resolve to void when requiredKT-60002
K2 Scripts: FirRecursiveProblemChecker: Expected FirResolvedTypeRef with ConeKotlinType but was FirImplicitTypeRefImplWithoutSourceKT-58906
K2. "Backend Internal error: Exception during IR lowering" instead of CANNOT_INFER_PARAMETER_TYPE error when parameter type missing in lambdaKT-59490
K2: build km-shopKT-60163
K2: vararg annotation argument value is serialized not as an arrayKT-59355
K2: Allow to actual classifier have wider visibility than the corresponding expect classKT-56179
test failedKT-59411
K2: Disappeared API_NOT_AVAILABLEKT-60474
K2: False negative type mismatch for array literal with wrong numeric literalKT-59610
K2: Calls to annotations with default values are serialized differently in K1 and K2KT-60139
K2: Refactor handling of implicitly actual declarations (annotation & inline class constructors and property of inline class)KT-60793
K2: IllegalStateException: Expected FirResolvedTypeRef with ConeKotlinType but was FirJavaTypeRefKT-60735
K2: lateinit property diagnostic has not been initializedKT-60137
K2: Quite complicated redeclaration error description is displayed for data classesKT-60639
K2: IllegalStateException: Unsupported compile-time value GET_CLASS type=kotlin.reflect.KClass<p1.A>KT-56888
CFA: Valid green in K1 -> red in K2.catch_end -> finally -> after_try
K2: Nested finally block has extra jump edge if surrounding try block jumpsKT-60573
K2: False positive/negative CONFLICTING_OVERLOADS for main functionsKT-60124
K2: Conflicting declarations on extension properties with different upper-bounded type parameterKT-60259
K2: Reflection target is missing on adapted function referncesKT-59036
InstantiationError when instantiating annotation with a parameter type as a default parameter of another annotationKT-59094
K2: Fix Scripting K2 testsKT-59711
K/N: Implement enumEntries intrinsicKT-59748
K2: Return type mismatch: expected Unit, actual Any? for when with an assignment in branchKT-60154
K2: Expected some types errorKT-58139
K2/MPP/metadata: compiler FIR serialization crash on complex expression as annotation argumentKT-59485
K2: build Anki-AndroidKT-59415
K/JVM: Implement enumEntries intrinsicKT-57984
K2/JS fails with IdSignature clash for inherited expect/actual functionKT-59398
Native: dynamic caches are broken on LinuxKT-50221
FIR: handle enhanced/flexible nullability inside withNullability properlyKT-59281
JVM IR inline: incorrect type of created arrayKT-59507
JVM IR inline: invocation of arrayOfNulls by function reference results in exceptionKT-58359
Allow volatile intrinsics on inline function constant argumentsKT-60598
K2: add OptIn checkers for command line argumentsKT-59766
K2: ISE: Cannot find cached type parameter by FIR symbol during the coroutines library buildKT-59644
K2: the companion object in anexpect
class requires to be explicitly defined for compileNativeMainKotlinMetadataKT-59640
constructor requires callingthis
but didn't use toKT-58883
K2: False negative type mismatch for generic annotation in collection literalKT-59581
K2: Initializer type mismatch: expected Array<KClass<*>>, actual Array<KClass> in annotation parameter default value using array literalKT-59069
K2: order of data class generated member differs in IRKT-57223
K2: false-negative INAPPLICABLE_JVM_NAME on non-final properties outside interfacesKT-60183
K2: INAPPLICABLE_JVM_NAME on private methods with all-open pluginKT-60120
K2 can't get a default parameter value of expect annotationKT-57240
K2 MPP: Actualization doesn't work for flexible typesKT-60436
K2: investigate possible FirJavaTypeRef equals parameter in FirDataFlowAnalyzer.hasEqualsOverrideKT-60299
K2: when a typealias toUnit
is returned, an explicitreturn
is now requiredKT-58005
K2: Unsupported compile-time value BLOCK for Repeatable annotationsKT-60223
K2: Wrong import with import aliasKT-54854
K2. Unresolved reference for not imported declaration when it is already imported as an import alias is absent in K2KT-59738
K2: NoSuchElementException from JvmValueClassLoweringDispatcher in MPP environmentKT-59708
K2: "Property must be initialized or be abstract" occurs due to constructors orderKT-58483
K2. -Xmulti-platform flag isn't workingKT-53490
FIR: Refactor augmented assignment resolving code - fix lhs-related problems and combine similar code in array and assign operator handlingKT-59673
K2: incorrect error messageKT-58578
K2: Commonize expect-actual logic between FIR and IR actualizerKT-54989
FIR2IR: fragile code in postfix op detectionKT-59464
K2: Investigate cases of implicit type refs in Fir2IrImplicitCastInserterKT-53898
K2: False negative VAL_REASSIGNMENT on member valsKT-57641
K2: "java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: INSTANCE" in kotlin-reflect forKClass.objectInstance
on an anonymous objectKT-59299
[K2] ISE in IrBindablePublicSymbolBase.bind on equals function from companion of serializable classKT-58844
Incorrect type mismatch error: "actual type is kotlin/Int but kotlin/Int was expected"KT-59413
FIR: IrGenerationExtensions cannot see default values from expect declarationsKT-59611
FIR2IR: Unsupported callable reference for enum entry with clashing nameKT-59858
Kotlin Native: Compilation failed: Sequence contains more than one matching element, org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.konan.lower.FunctionReferenceLowering$FunctionReferenceBuilder.buildClass(FunctionReferenceLowering.kt:644)KT-58539
[K2] Ir actualization fails to match expect/actual declarations that use custom function typesKT-59775
'toString()' on Object returns different result with concatenationKT-59737
K2: Actual class 'actual class FastArrayList : AbstractMutableList, MutableListEx, RandomAccess' has no corresponding members for expected class members because of different parameter names in JavaKT-59613
K2: Unhandled intrinsic in ExpressionCodegen exception in for expect function with default value in parameterKT-59216
K2. Unhelpful unresolved reference when inheriting from interface with constructor call (K1 reports NO_CONSTRUCTOR instead)KT-59057
Revise muted tests for native backendKT-57377
K2/MPP: internal declarations from common module are inivisible for intermediate modules during metadata compilationKT-59693
MPP: linkReleaseExecutableLinux fails with IllegalStateException: Drains have not been painted properlyKT-59362
conversion for const val causes SourceCodeAnalysisException: java.lang.NullPointerException: nullKT-51670
FIR: questionable behavior for deprecated String constructorsKT-35314
StackOverflowError with nested try-finally and function with contractsKT-53460
False positive smartcast warning in if block after if blockKT-40851
False MUST_BE_INITIALIZED_OR_BE_ABSTRACT error for a property which is initialised in the init blockKT-59695
False positive “Variable must be initialized” with assignment in scope function and safe callKT-58901
K2. Value parameter default values are not checked for type mismatchKT-48115
Member functions with type parameter and contract don't produce smartcastsKT-59541
K2: Type checking has run into a recursive problem on code that was compiling with Language 1.9KT-58943
K2: Incorrect with K1 priority of "invokeExtension + implicit receiver" candidateKT-37375
[FIR] Incorrect invoke resolutionKT-59789
K2: self-reference does not compile anymoreKT-59286
JVM IR inline: local property not foundKT-58823
K2: Android app crashes right after start: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No virtual method findViewById(I)Landroid/view/ViewKT-57754
K2: No public signature built for the synthesized delegate fieldKT-58533
K2: "Not enough information to infer type variable T" for generic call in throw expressionKT-34846
FIR Java: enhance type parameter bounds properlyKT-52043
FIR: FirValueParameter with SubstitutionOverride does not reference the original FIR declarationKT-59291
JVM IR inline: unexpected result ofapiVersionIsAtLeast
K2: synthetic property isn't seen through JavaKT-59038
[K2] IllegalStateException in mixed Java/Kotlin inheritanceKT-59489
K2: builld spring-petclinic-kotlinKT-58908
K2. Internal error "kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property firType has not been initialized" on incompleteis
K2: Investigate failures related to line numbers with LT compilation enabledKT-56139
K2: consider adding source element for implicit receiversKT-57489
K2: Incorrectly generated line numbers in companion object access inside classKT-58947
Run all existing codegen box tests with kapt stub generationKT-58827
K2 reports ACTUAL_WITHOUT_EXPECT on the whole classKT-54917
K2: ILT leak from a completed generic callKT-56187
K2: type parameter's upper bound is ignored in callable referencesKT-56186
K2: lack of type arguments in type constructor is ignored in callable referencesKT-59356
K2: Restrict rules for matching of expect supertypes for actual classKT-57217
K2: NoSuchMethodError ontoChar
call on java inheritor of java.lang.NumberKT-58356
K2: StackOverflowError with OptIn and Deprecated, while compiling Kotlin projectKT-57954
K2. Auto-generated "entries" member of enum class has higher priority than user-declared companion object with same name when language version is set to 2.0KT-59508
K2: Make sure that warnings-severity nullability annotations are not perceived as reasons for nullability errorsKT-53820
FIR: mismatching error message for invisible reference/memberKT-58641
K2: PublishedApi has no effect when internal fun used in the test source setKT-59461
K2: Erroneous null check when returning not-null typealias to nullable typeKT-58980
K2: Import of java field from companion's base breaks the compilerKT-59140
K2: "Symbol public final static field is invisible" caused by java static field called in kotlin codeKT-59501
Escape analysis constructs arrays of negative sizeKT-59452
apiVersionIsAtLeast calls in body of stdlib inline function may be evaluated on compile-timeKT-53967
[PL] Classifiers: Turning interface from fun to non-fun + adding member function causes Kotlin/JS fail: IAE: "Sequence contains more than one matching element"KT-59346
Not working breakpoints on not initialized variablesKT-55993
Wrong current pointer: strange behaviour of debugger or compiler when two IFs and an uninitialized variable between themKT-58335
K2: Exposed typealias from implementation dependency produces type mismatch in dependent moduleKT-58719
K2: false-positive INVISIBLE_REFERENCE error in case of importing an internal abstract classKT-57694
K2: False positive [NOTHING_TO_OVERRIDE] for a class overriding 'sort' method from the List collectionKT-58460
K2. return without argument became allowed for functions with return type AnyKT-49249
Incorrect nullability inferred for ThrowableKT-57429
K2: Fix computing a mangled name for members of a generic class that reference the class's type parameters in their signatureKT-57566
K2: Fix name mangling for functions that have dynamic type in their signatureKT-57818
K2: Fix FirMangleComputer to not include the "special" package name into mangled names of property accessors on non-JVM platformsKT-57777
K2: Fix computing a mangled name for the synthesizedentries
property getter of an enum classKT-57433
K2: Fix computing a mangled name for top-level functions and propertiesKT-58553
k2: Annotation type arguments are lost in FIR2IRKT-58184
K2: False negative INVISIBLE_MEMBER on destructuring declarationKT-58637
K2: False negative ABSTRACT_MEMBER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED on Entry of Enum with abstract member declarationKT-54952
JvmSerializationBindings does not work with K2KT-54844
FIR/Analysis API: create stubs for equals/hashCode/toString for data classes in FIRKT-58555
K2: Generic property reference inside delegation misses type argumentKT-57648
FIR: move deprecation calculation on COMPILER_REQUIRED_ANNOTATIONS phaseKT-57049
K2 generates duplicates of symbols/declarationsKT-55723
K2: deprecations for enum entries are not resolved on the TYPES phaseKT-59033
Doesn’t support vararg parameter in annotation instantiation with empty argumentsKT-58780
JVM IR inline: local property delegation is not working for K2KT-58779
JVM IR inline: correctly process special inlined block in value class loweringKT-58720
Generate full InnerClass attributes for the standard libraryKT-58215
K2: JVM IR produces line numbers for delegation bridges that are not marked with ACC_BRIDGEKT-42696
JVM IR generates line numbers for all bridges leading to extra steps in the debuggerKT-57228
K2: annotations for interface member properties implemented by delegation are copiedKT-57216
K2: non-trivial enum declaration does not have ACC_FINAL in the bytecodeKT-55866
K2: Constant as parameter of@JvmName
: BE: "Unsupported compile-time value CALL private final fun "KT-58717
Object on the left-hand side of callable reference is not initialized ifKCallable.name
optimization is usedKT-59211
Kapt+JVM_IR: AssertionError on delegating to anonymous objectKT-57251
K2: weird error message when trying to instantiate anexpect
class without explicit constructorKT-58623
Language version 2.0: compiling into common, Native does not report "Protected function call from public-API inline function is prohibited", while JVM, JS doKT-55945
NoSuchMethodError when calling method with value class parameter on java class inherited from kotlin classKT-58840
K1/K2: false positive EXPOSED_FUNCTION_RETURN_TYPE related to protected lower boundKT-57243
K2: no warning or error reported on expect class in CLI, and JVM backend tries to generate it to a .class fileKT-57833
K2 reports NO_ACTUAL_FOR_EXPECT for inherited properties with the same nameKT-58153
K2/MPP/JVM&Native: cannot override Any::toString when an expect-supertype has Any::toString override in actual-classKT-58124
K2: FIR2IR compiler crash with MPP (Fir2IrSimpleFunctionSymbol is already bound)KT-58346
k2: false negative MUST_BE_INITIALIZED for deferred initializationKT-57803
K2. "Kotlin: Only the Kotlin standard library is allowed to use the 'kotlin' package" error missing in 2.0KT-57504
[K2/N] Wrong coercion ofILT: 7
to kotlinx.cinterop.COpaquePointer causesCannot adapt kotlin.Int to kotlinx.cinterop.CPointer
during autoboxingKT-57484
K2: false positive OVERLOAD_RESOLUTION_AMBIGUITY with ImplicitIntegerCoercionKT-57971
K1/K2: False positive "Redundant 'suspend' modifier" warning on declaration site when suspend function is also argumentKT-56779
Checkers false negative: AbstractMethodError when accessing setter via an interface where the member is defined as var, but it's val in implementationKT-51793
FIR: Investigate property+invoke resolution prioritiesKT-57003
FIR: missing annotation on parameter ofdata
class' syntheticcopy
K2: collection stub forsort
is not generated for custom List subclassesKT-54748
K2: incomprehensible errors when type parameter has the same name as a classKT-50703
FIR: Improve reporting UPPER_BOUND_VIOLATED for type arguments of typealias constructor callsKT-57622
Fix incorrect metadata for data class generated methodsKT-54887
K2: fix behavior of references to value classes equals/hashCode/toStringKT-58937
K2: Annotation vararg arguments are incorrectly serializedKT-58621
K2: Private class shadows public function defined in the same packageKT-59041
K2. "IllegalStateException: Expected FirResolvedTypeRef with ConeKotlinType but was FirImplicitTypeRefImplWithoutSource " on incorrect collection declarationKT-58665
K2: Optional.of incorrectly accepts nullable StringKT-58938
K2. Abstract class can be invoked using member reference::
K2. StackOverflowError on incorrect intersection typesKT-59241
K2: broken inference of DNN typesKT-58294
K2 compiler crashes with OOM on deserializing annotation applied to itself with a enum outer/nested parameterKT-58972
K2: Error message of PRIVATE_CLASS_MEMBER_FROM_INLINE doesn't mention class membersKT-58989
K2: Forbid suspend operator get/setValue and provideDelegateKT-59177
K2: Report NAMED_ARGUMENTS_NOT_ALLOWED for named parameters in lambdasKT-57028
K2: "NSEE: Sequence contains no element matching the predicate" with stream related Java apiKT-58007
K2: Unsupported compile-time value GET_FIELD FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD when const value is default for annotationKT-58472
Secondary constructor breaks MUST_BE_INITIALIZED checkKT-59022
Make is and as behaviour consistent in NativeKT-58902
K2: Calls to overridden method with default parameter are not compiledKT-58549
K2: variable type is infered to non-existing interfaceKT-58613
K2: ConcurrentModificationException from FirSignatureEnhancement.performFirstRoundOfBoundsResolutionKT-55552
K2. False negative TYPE_MISMATCH in implementation via delegationKT-57436
Fix computing mangled names of generic properties from IR-based declaration descriptorsKT-58543
[K2/N] Rewrite native MPP tests to avoid expect actual in same moduleKT-57701
Unify selection of inherited callable with default implementation among multiple candidates in JVM, Native & JS backendsKT-58444
K2/MPP/metadata: compiler FIR2IR crash on constant with intrinsic initializer from common source set in Native-shared source setKT-57756
K2: Missing syntax errors when light tree parsing is usedKT-57435
Fix computing mangled names for functions with context receiversKT-57219
K2: incorrect relative order of normal and use-site-targeted annotations on property getter in the resulting bytecodeKT-57955
K2: "ClassCastException: class org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.declarations.impl.IrExternalPackageFragmentImpl cannot be cast to class org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.declarations.IrDeclaration" with property delegateKT-58583
K2: false-positive invisible reference error on nested anonymous object literal extending a protected nested classKT-57425
K2: False-positive smartcast on property accessed through a property from another moduleKT-57844
K2. Not relevant errors when accessing Java member which have private overloads with argument type mismatchKT-58584
K2: "UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property packageFqName has not been initialized"KT-58529
K2: "Extension function type is not allowed as supertypes" compile errorKT-58379
K2: NEW_INFERENCE_ERROR in sortedBy call with exception in branchKT-58284
K2: False negative ITERATOR_MISSINGKT-55078
K2 IDE: Infinite recursion inorg.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.java.JavaScopeProvider#findJavaSuperClass
K2: False-positive TYPECHECKER_HAS_RUN_INTO_RECURSIVE_PROBLEM on annotated const valKT-58674
K2: No expected type for while loop conditionKT-56523
Support dumping signatures and mangled names in irText testsKT-58456
K2: Custom function type metadata breaks Compose library compatibilityKT-58267
K/N: do not reference hidden Array.content* functions from the compilerKT-57791
Native: Method returning String? leads to exception: Unexpected receiver type: kotlin.StringKT-58437
K2: Do not use descriptors in KonanSymbolsKT-57432
K2: Don't create default getters and setters in case when they are not neededKT-46047
FIR: incorrect type of integer literalsKT-57487
[K2/N] Stdlib ArraysTest fails withClass found but error nodes are not allowed
K2: False negative error on compound assignment for property of type ByteKT-57222
K2: compiler FIR serialization crash on two functions with captured type and object literalKT-58224
K2: deprecation on field is not detected properlyKT-55662
K2. Incorrect type mismatch error "inferred type is IOT" instead of "inferred type is Int"KT-55668
K2. 'in' modifier became applicable to star projectionKT-57064
K2: hidden internals of dealing with type-aliased primitive types are exposed to userKT-58252
K2: Symbol already bound for backing field during building resulting JS artifact for MPP projectKT-56940
K/Wasm: report compiler errors for unsupported external declarationsKT-56943
K/Wasm: implement@WasmImport
K2: False negative CANNOT_CHECK_FOR_ERASED on is-check for type with reified type argumentsKT-56944
K/Wasm: implement@JsFun
K2: False-positive suspend conversion for anonymous functionsKT-58028
Documentation change on Interoperability with Swift/Objective-C: highlight that it is not normal to suppress errorsKT-50927
Kotlin / Docs: Delete all the information about old Kotlin/WasmKT-61398
Advertise hierarchy templates in 1.9.20-Beta what's new
K2 IDE: Improve Import quick fix descriptionKTIJ-26056
Support highlighting of KNM files
UAST: optimize methodNameCanBeOneOf
Internal error while highlighting "AndroidHighlighterExtension does not define or inherit highlightDeclaration"KTIJ-27188
Bundled DevKit plugin + 1.9.20-Beta* constantly throws exceptions when opening another plugin codebaseKTIJ-25220
Kotlin not configured dialog does not show if Kotlin stdlib is anywhere on classpathKTIJ-25563
Failed cinterop task becomes UP-TO-DATE and successfully passes on the second importKTIJ-26536
IDE in Java file resolves to property with the same name instead of method in the nested class from libraryKTIJ-25126
K2 IDE. No import quickfix for Java static membersKT-60341
K2 IDE: "UnsupportedOperationException: Unknown type CapturedType(*)?"KTIJ-25960
K2 IDE: KDoc references to static java methods are not resolvedKTIJ-7642
HMPP, IDE: False positive ''suspend' modifier is not allowed on a single abstract member' for common code if JVM target presentKTIJ-25745
K2 IDE: "Type info" intention shows the return type of a functional type instead of the functional type itselfKTIJ-26501
K2: IDE K2: False positive unused import when declaration used for vararg parameter typeKTIJ-26661
K2 IDE. PIEAE “Element class CompositeElement of type FUN” after removing/putting back function with operator modifierKTIJ-26672
K2 IDE: false positive in optimize import for ambiguity callsKTIJ-26760
K2 IDE: rename refactoring doesn't rename subclasses if they are used in import directivesKTIJ-26848
K2 IDE: index inconsistency in case of "" nameKTIJ-26666
K2 IDE: changed FirFile is treated as fully resolved after in-block modificationKT-59836
Symbol Light Classes: Type parameters from the parent interface aren't copied to DefaultImpls methodsKT-28611
MPP: Gradle -> IDE: settings provided viacompilations
DSL are not imported into common modules facetsKTIJ-25448
When project JDK is less than one defines in jvmToolchain block, run with Idea fails withhas been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime
K2: Investigate intellij tests failures in branch 2.0KTIJ-25364
Kotlin assignment plugin: Imports are not recognized in build logic .kt files for Gradle buildKT-60590
Fix light classes related tests in branch 2.0KT-60530
K2 scripting: exception on .gradle.kts openingKT-60539
K2: "KtInaccessibleLifetimeOwnerAccessException: org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.api.lifetime.KtReadActionConfinementLifetimeToken@3ce52fd9
is inaccessible: Using KtLifetimeOwner from previous analysis" at highlightingKTIJ-26276
K2 IDE: Optimize import drops used import aliasKT-60518
K2 IDE. False positive [NON_MEMBER_FUNCTION_NO_BODY] when completing function withComplete current statement
K2 IDE. "KotlinExceptionWithAttachments: Unexpected returnTypeRef. Expected is FirResolvedTypeRef, but was FirImplicitTypeRefImpl" exception on contract return typeKT-60352
K2 IDE. Support Java RecordsKT-56503
K2 IDE: FIR tree is incorrect in a case of ProcessCancelledException was thrown during phase executionKTIJ-25653
K2 IDE. "KotlinExceptionWithAttachments: Containing function should be not null for KtParameter" exception on incorrect derived class declarationKT-59843
) said ROOT package doesn't exist if noKtFile
s are givenKTIJ-26206
Support retrieving KtType from annotation constructor calls on getters and settersKT-59445
Recursion detected on input: JavaAnnotationImplKTIJ-26066
K2 IDE. "KotlinExceptionWithAttachments: Unexpected returnTypeRef. Expected is FirResolvedTypeRef, but was FirImplicitTypeRefImpl" on attempt to set contractKTIJ-26085
K2 IDE: treat psi modification of a contact inside a body as OOBMKTIJ-25869
K2 IDE. Expected FirResolvedTypeRef for return type of FirValueParameterImpl(Source) but FirImplicitTypeRefImplWithoutSource was foundKTIJ-24272
K2 IDE: "Expected some types"KTIJ-24730
K2 IDE. IllegalStateException on absence of opening bracket in main() functionKT-59533
AA/SLC: anonymous object appears during PsiType conversion, resulting in IllegalArgumentException:KtFirPsiTypeProviderKt.asPsiTypeElementKT-59563
Symbol Light Classes: Incorrect type erasure in $annotations methods for extension properties with generic parametersKT-57567
SLC: missingfinal
modifier on enum (non-synthetic) membersKT-59537
SLC: SymbolLightClassForAnonymousObject with null parentKTIJ-24121
K2 IDE. "failed to convert element KtLightField" when trying to declare property after function that has return with type mismatchKTIJ-25335
K2 IDE. "failed to convert element KtLightField:" on attempt to set property in class with constructorKT-59293
Symbol Light Classes: DefaultImpls methods must be static and have an additional $this parameterKTIJ-25976
K2 IDE: Fix "Unsupported compiled declaration of type" for type parametersKT-59325
Symbol Light Classes: Non-existing fields for properties from companion objectsKT-57579
SLC: unboxed type argument as method return typeKT-54804
Generate synthetic functions for annotations on properties in light classesKT-56200
Kotlin FIR reference resolve exception leaks user codeKT-58448
K2 / IDE / SLC:findAttributeValue
for attribute w/ default value raises ClassCastException
K2 IDE: Code completion does not insert import when completing a type in the vararg positionKTIJ-26713
K2 IDE: Code completion does not insert import when completing a type inside a functional typeKTIJ-26597
K2 IDE: "Change return type" quick fix adds full qualified name to anonymous functionKTIJ-26384
K2 IDE: Extension functions completion should recognize context receiversKTIJ-26419
K2 IDE: Completion in anonymous function inside when branch expression does not account for smart castKTIJ-26629
K2 IDE: Completion of types in anonymous function return is not shortenedKTIJ-26599
K2 IDE: Typingdo ... while
statement: InvalidFirElementTypeException: "For DO_WHILE with text... FirExpression expected, but FirDoWhileLoopImpl found"KTIJ-26113
K2 IDE: Completion in when branch does not account for smart casts ifelse
branch is presentKT-60451
K2 IDE: FirDeclaration was not found for class org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtProperty, fir is class org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.impl.FirBlockImplKTIJ-21103
FIR IDE: implement completion In KdocKTIJ-24096
K2 IDE: Completion should insert the fully-qualified class name when the short class name clashes with a name from scopeKTIJ-25116
K2 IDE: Name shortening in constructor's parameters affects constructorKTIJ-19863
Bad completion variants inside annotations
Bytecode viewer: "IllegalStateException: Couldn't find declaration file" for a file with a delegated property with inline accessor in another moduleKTIJ-25465
IDE hangs when indexing Kotlin projectKTIJ-25979
K2 IDE: 'java.lang.IllegalStateException: Attempt to load decompiled text, please use stubs instead' exception if navigate to the decompiled KGP sourcesKTIJ-25985
Stub mismatch for names with special characters
Gradle 8.1: Unresolved references in IDE for build.gradle.ktsKT-61777
Explicit API mode isn't reflected in IDE settings unless every task is configured with GradleKTIJ-26306
apiLevel (API version) for Kotlin/Native modules is set to 1.8 with KGP 1.9 and IDE Plugin 1.9.0-XXX, if the compiler bundled to IDE Plugin is still 1.8KT-61172
MPP: Stacktraces of diagnostics are always printed during IDEA syncKT-48554
[Multiplatform Import] Ensure consistency betweenGradleImportProperties
MPP Gradle plugin doesn't respect manually set compiler arg-opt-in
MPP + IDEA: tryK2 does not affect LV value of common facetsKT-53875
Warn users about erroneously adding dependsOn fromtest
Gradle to IDEA import: "You are currently using the Kotlin/JS Legacy toolchain" balloon is shown when I actually use IR
Scripts: support for standalone configuration flagKTIJ-25910
Scripts: transition to GistStorageKTIJ-26778
Gradle 8.3: some parts of build.gradle.kts look unresolvedKTIJ-26308
IAE “Unable to find script compilation configuration for the script KtFile: build.gradle.kts” on reopening project with build.gradle.ktsKT-60171
K2 IDE: scripting freeze on kotlin project build.gradle.kts fileKT-60236
K2 scripting: completion fails with exceptionKT-59801
K2 IDE: Adding of an import with a task name to a build script leads to unresolved referencesKT-60749
Scripting: default definition as a fallbackKT-60199
K2 scripting: exception on script openingKT-60193
K2 scripts: configuration discovery fails silently from time to time
K2 IDE: "Parameter Info" shows incorrect overload as selected
K2 IDE: Support adding a@OptIn
annotation and suggesting to propagate opt-in requirement in quickFixesKTIJ-25002
Provide a quick fix to migrate use-site 'get' annotations on getters
K2 IDE: 'Redundant qualifier name' false positive for nested classes from supertypes on the outside of a classKTIJ-26103
K2 IDE: False positive in redundant qualifier inspectionKTIJ-26024
K2 IDE: False positive "Redundant qualifier" inspection on a nested class which extends its outer classKTIJ-26576
K2 IDE: "Redundant qualifier" false positive with referring parent's subclass in type constraintKTIJ-26785
K2 IDE: False positive "Redundant qualifier" inspection in extension function for Java interface with nested interfaceKTIJ-26695
K2 IDE. False negative "Redundant qualifier" directive for invoke function from objectKTIJ-26627
K2 IDE: False positive "Redundant qualifier" inspection on extension property called on object when other 'this' is present in scopeKTIJ-23407
K2 IDE. False positive unused import directive for invoke function from objectKTIJ-26808
K2 IDE. "Redundant qualifier" inspection on the receiver of static method from Java may change semantic when receiver is not direct parentKTIJ-26840
K2 IDE. False positive "Redundant qualifier" inspection when accessing companion object member inside anonymous object and there is a name clashKTIJ-26498
KMP: Create expect-actual dialog selects incorrect path on WindowsKTIJ-24877
K2 IDE. False negative unused import directive when declaration is available in file indirectlyKTIJ-25368
K2 IDE. Specify type explicitly intention does not work with Java records
K/JS: Remove balloon warning about migration to IR backend
MPP library: No gutters forexpect
IdeaKotlinBinaryCoordinates doesn't respect capabilities and classifier attributes
KMP: false positive report of non matching expect and actual annotations if annotation is actual typealiasKTIJ-25997
KotlinMPPGradleTestTasksProvider: Support jvm targets with other names (such as android)KT-61686
Check and update places in compiler and IDE where we are saying that MPP is experimental/Beta/AlphaKTIJ-27058
Wizard's KMM application failed to build in 232 ASKT-59760
[BUG] Use bundled version of Kotlin IDE Plugin in KMM Tests instead of customKT-61520
Sources.jar is not imported for common and intermediate source-sets from the MPP libraryKTIJ-25842
MPP: New create expect/actual dialog uses deprecated location for android instrumented actual counterpartKTIJ-25746
MPP: Unable to distinguish android unit and instrumented tests in new create expect/actual dialog if instrumented tests are depends on commonKT-60410
Add minimum supported KGP version in intellij.git infrastructureKT-59794
Bump used KGP in multiplatform intellij.git tests after release 1.9.0KT-59518
Cherry-pick old-import tests into 231-1.9.0/masterKT-56736
Investigate how-to run multiplatform tests on real devicesKT-59519
Bump AGP versions in intellij.git tests in masterKTIJ-25591
MPP: Create expect/actual dialog doesn't allow selecting all targetsKT-56684
Adopt KMM UI tests to be used with IDEAKT-50952
MPP: Commonized cinterops doesn't attach/detach to source set on configuration changes
Navigation from java sources leads to Kotlin decompiled code in case of suspend functionKTIJ-27053
Value parameters documentation of expect isn't shown in actualsKTIJ-26292
Documentation for expect/actual comes from a random actualKTIJ-26441
K2 IDE: navigation doesn't work when type parameters are missed in annotation callKTIJ-26566
K2 IDE: don't show no-name parameters in presentationsKTIJ-25366
K2 IDE. Go to declaration of Java record shows record and constructor
K2 IDE. label rename doesn't change it's name in usages after rename refactoring
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile.getPath()" because the return value of "java.lang.ThreadLocal.get()" is nullKT-60519
Analysis API: scripts are not invalidated on PCEKTIJ-26670
K2 Scripts: We should be able to find a symbol forKTIJ-25731
KtAssignResolutionPresenceService is not available as a service in 231-1.9.20KT-60307
K2 IDE. KotlinExceptionWithAttachments in script file
Wizards 232: Fix generated kotlin version for 1.9.20-BetaKTIJ-26846
Adjust compatibility data for 1.9.20 releaseKTIJ-26479
1.9.20: Update versions in wizardsKT-59347
Rename Compose Multiplatform wizard to Compose for Desktop
"InternalError: Companion object * cannot be interpreted" caused by java's package nameKT-60744
Restore binary compatibility of toIrConst function
Restore compatibility of IdSignature.CommonSignatureKT-59772
Restore compatibility of IrFactory#createFunctionKT-59308
Auto-generate the IrFactory interface
Kotlin/JS source-map-loader slow performance since 1.4.0
KJS: ES15 classes — creating instance by class
KJS / IR: Huge performance bottleneck while generating sourceMaps (getCannonicalFile)
Kotlin/JS compiler incorrect behavior for object singleton with CompleteableDeferredKT-62790
java.lang.ClassCastException in compiler when ::class is usedKT-60495
K2: Make JS CliTestGenerated working with K2KT-6168
Ability to generate one JS file for each Kotlin source fileKT-60667
K2 / KJS: jsTest fails with "SyntaxError: Unexpected token '}'" on runtimeKT-61581
KJS: generate separate imports for useEsModules()KT-56737
K2: build Space JSKT-59001
K/JS: Use open-addressing hash map in JS stdlibKT-60131
KJS: Interference between@JsExport
and final implementation of propertiesKT-59712
K/JS: Implement enumEntries intrinsicKT-60202
JsExport.Ignored internal extension still has "JavaScript name () generated for this declaration clashes with another declaration"KT-51333
KJS: someKType
throws an exception, breaking its symmetryKT-58857
KJS/IR: js file is not generated when source is stored in /var folderKT-53482
KJS: Inheritance from JS class fails in ES6, because constructor is not called with newKT-58891
K/JS: non-local return in lambda may leave an unreachable JS code after returnKT-49077
KJS / IR: Wrong method called when using overloaded methods and class with the same nameKT-59718
K/JS: Concatenating a String with a Char can lead to boxing of the CharKT-59717
K/JS: a redundant boxing of a returned Char from an inline functionKT-39506
Kotlin/JS browser application using JS IR and React fails in runtime with "TypeError: _this__0._set_name__2 is not a function"KT-59151
K2 / KJS: NullPointerException in Fir2IrClassifierStorage.preCacheBuiltinClassesKT-59335
K/JS ES6 classes: A child constructor, when using parent secondary constructor super call, creates a parent objectKT-58797
Optimize the code generated for objects on JS and Wasm backendsKT-52339
FIx failing JS tests after bootstrap updateKT-46643
KJS / IR: Setter of overridden var of external val is removedKT-55315
IR: can't access thestack
property ofThrowable
Automatically generate NATIVE directive in tests for IR signaturesKT-59239
K/JS: Bridge not generated for checking parameter type in generic class overrideKT-57347
KJS: BE IR Incremental cache invalidation doesn't work after inserting Partial Linkage stubKT-58599
KJS: Adding an override method to open class does not rebuild children JS codeKT-58003
K2/MPP/JS: compiler IR serialization crash on multiple calls to inherited expect-functionKT-38017
KJS: tests generate invalid code depending on file namesKT-25796
KJS: Top-level constructs are put in an incorrect orderKT-58396
KJS / IR: "IllegalStateException: Validation failed in file" with Enum.entries and inheritance
Import is failing after creation of new module if project don't use versionCatalogKT-59492
KMM AS plugin for Canary 231 reports error
[klib tool] add ability to dump klib irKT-54402
Programmatic API to dump public signatures from KLibsKT-60576
Keep supported IR signature versions in manifestKT-59136
[PL] Lower the default PL engine messages log level down to INFOKT-59486
klib: Serialize mangled names along with signatures
Prohibit different member scopes for non-final expect and its actualKT-49175
Inconsistency with extension super-type allowance between suspend / non-suspend function typesKT-61573
Emit the compilation warning on expect/actual classes. The warning must mention that expect/actual classes are in BetaKT-57614
KMP: consider prohibitingactual typealias
when the correspondingexpect class
has default argumentsKT-27750
Reverse reservation of 'yield' as keyword
Rework Flags API in kotlinx-metadata-jvm
K/Wasm: (re)publish libraries with 1.9.20-Beta2 (or newer if available)KT-62656
from stdlibKT-58887
Reflection: "IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch" when using reflection to invoke a value class returning function that suspendsKT-61507
Native: enum hashcode is not finalKT-56106
Migrate stdlib to current Kotlin Multiplatform PluginKT-58402
Migrate Vector128 from kotlin.native to kotlinx.cinteropKT-60911
Compatibility publishing of kotlin-stdlib-commonKT-53154
Deprecate enumValues and replace it with enumEntries in standard libraryKT-58123
Update deprecations in native atomic classes for 1.9.20KT-60444
transformJvmMainAtomicfu fails with java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'kotlin.Metadata kotlinx.metadata.jvm.KotlinClassMetadata.getAnnotationData()'KT-61342
kotlin-test-wasm-* artifacts include test codeKT-61315
Publish common sources in kotlin-test-js sources jarKT-56608
WASI Preview1 version of Kotlin/Wasm stdlibKT-55765
Review and stabilize stdlib surface available in K/NKT-55297
kotlin-stdlib should declare constraints on kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 and kotlin-stdlib-jdk7KT-57838
Native: raise ExperimentalNativeApi opt-in requirement level to ERRORKT-61028
Behavioural changes to the Native stdlib APIKT-61024
Native: Mark the kotlin.native.CName annotation with ExperimentalNativeApiKT-61025
Native: Deprecate HashSet.getElement() with WARNINGKT-53791
Publish standard library as a multiplatform artifact with Gradle metadataKT-57363
Remove reified constraint from Array constructors in platforms where Array type parameter is not required to be reifiedKT-57401
Native: Regex matching zero length should split surrogate pairsKT-57359
Provide Common StringBuilder.append/insert with primitive type argumentsKT-58264
K2: republish kotlinx.metadata to support LV 2.0KT-57710
Native: Internalize@Retain
Native: Consider strictening NativeRuntimeApi opt-in requirement level to ERRORKT-57837
Deprecate kotlin.native.SharedImmutable and kotlin.native.concurrent.SharedImmutableKT-58126
Wasm: Consider removing Primitive.equals(Primitive) overload on primitive typesKT-53327
Migrate all usages of 'Enum.values' to 'Enum.entries' in standard libraryKT-59366
Deprecate KmModule.annotationsKT-59365
Get rid of two-stage parsing in KotlinClassMetadataKT-35116
Enum.valueOf throws inconsistent exception across multiple platformsKT-59223
Native Enum.hashCode should return identity hash code, similar to JVMKT-56637
Native: 'String.indexOf' matches byte sequences not on the char boundary, which also makes the result of 'split' and 'replace' operation incorrectKT-59192
Align behavior of collection constructors across platforms
Native: Provide a way to control the KONAN_DATA_DIR by the Gradle mechanismsKT-59448
K2: IR and FIR signatures are not same for composable functions
Native: "unknown options: -ios_simulator_version_min -sdk_version" with Xcode 15 beta 3KT-62532
Support Xcode 15.0 frameworks as Kotlin/Native platform librariesKT-61382
Linking XCFramework fails with error: Invalid record (Producer: 'LLVM11.1.0' Reader: 'LLVM APPLE_1_1300.0.29.30_0')KT-61417
Native: string and array variables are not properly displayed in lldb when compiling with caches with Xcode 15KT-60758
Native: Building for 'iOS-simulator', but linking in dylib built for 'iOS' in Xcode 15 beta 4KT-59149
Native: check compiler compatibility with Xcode 15 beta 1KT-58537
iOS project fails to build with rootProject.name = "Contains Space"KT-59073
Native: don't include kotlinx.cli endorsed library into compiler distributionKT-58707
[K/N] Compiler crash building generics with redundant castKT-58654
Compiler error from kotlin.collections.Map : "Invalid phi record", while compiling for kotlin native
[K2/N] C export doesn't work for non-root packages with K2
Remove ability to import forward declaration by library package nameKT-59643
K2: Disable merging of forward declaration with real declaration classKT-52882
MPP / Native: expect/actual mechanism broken when base contract is NSObjectProtocolKT-55578
Custom user message for linker errorKT-58585
[K2/N] Fix interop issuesKT-56041
[K2/N] Fix broken __builtin_nanf(String)KT-57716
[K2/N] Validation failed in file smoke.kt : unexpected type: expected platform.objc.Protocol?, got objcnames.classes.Protocol?KT-56028
does not resolveKT-59645
Cast to objective C forward declaration crashes compilerKT-58793
[K2/N] Package separators after mangling are different for IR and FIR
[K2/N] Emit DocString klib extensions for ObjCExport
Kotlin/Native: massive increase in memory usageKT-61092
Kotlin/Native: Adjust initial values for expected heap sizeKT-61091
Kotlin/Native: GC scheduler pauses mutators too aggressivelyKT-61741
Kotlin/Native: tsan error in parallel markKT-57773
Kotlin/Native: track memory in big chunks in the GC schedulerKT-61089
Kotlin/Native: fix concurrent weak processing for new allocationsKT-55364
Implement custom allocator for Kotlin/NativeKT-57772
Kotlin/Native: concurrently process weak references in GCKT-57771
Kotlin/Native: parallel mark in GC
Introduce AtomicArrays API in K/N stdlibKT-59120
Native: Rewrite stdlib AtomicReference with Volatile instead of custom C++ code
Reflection: "IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch" when using callSuspend to call a function returning value class over primitiveKT-41373
"KotlinReflectionInternalError: Unresolved class" when inspecting anonymous Java classKT-61304
Reflection: Calling data classcopy
method via reflection (callBy) fails when the data class has exactly 64 fieldsKT-52071
Continue gracefully when the system property check "kotlin.ignore.old.metadata" fails
Add JVM target bytecode version 21KT-58183
ParseCommandLineArgumentsKt.parseCommandLineArguments takes ~500msKT-58690
OutOfMemory when compiling in CLIKT-58065
K2: Enable light tree instead of PSI for CLI compilation of JS and Native by default
[K1/N] Compile sources to native binary in two stagesKT-56855
[K2/N] Command-line compiler doesn't support compiling sources directly to a native binary (without intermediate klib) with-language-version 2.0
[K2/N] FIR frontend cannot resolve symbols from resolved klib having non-normalized path
Commonizer: make sure that opt-in annotation generated by cinterop made it into commonized artifactKT-62028
False positive "Unnecessary '@OptIn
' Annotation" for ExperimentalForeignApiKT-55757
: empty opt-in messageKT-59859
Change the OptIn Level to Error for kotlinx.cinterop.UnsafeNumberKT-59132
K2/Native/CInterop: [UPPER_BOUND_VIOLATED] Type argument is not within its bounds: should be subtype of 'kotlinx/cinterop/CPointed'KT-58822
Kotlin Gradle Plugin: migrate tests off native deprecated targetsKT-47641
Enabled cInterop commonization triggers native compilation during Gradle sync in IDE
K2: Annotations generated by IR plugins are not included into metadataKT-61872
K2: Adding annotations to metadata from backend plugin doesn't work in the presence of comments on annotated declarationKT-61833
K2: annotations added viaaddMetadataVisibleAnnotationsToElement
to declarations from common sourceset in MPP project are invisibleKT-60051
K2: Support metadata serialization of primitive const annotation arguments generated by IR plugins
[atomicfu-compiler-plugin]: check that atomic properties are declared as private or internal valKT-58079
K2/atomicfu: JVM IR transformer crash on atomic extension functionsKT-61293
Usage of atomicfu compiler plugin leads to UnsupportedClassVersionError if Gradle runs on JVM <11KT-55876
K2. "[Internal Error] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jetbrains/kotlin/com/intellij/openapi/util/UserDataHolderBase" when project with languageVersion 2.0 is Built and Run using Intelij IDEAKT-58049
K2: Smartcast of nullable property fails when Spring compiler plugin is presentKT-57468
Kotlin assignment plugin: operation name cannot be found for reference
K2/MPP/serialization: several classifier kinds seem to miss generated serializer functions when compiled to K/JS and K/Native targetsKT-59768
kotlinx.serialization + K2 + JS/Native: Support meta-annotations on sealed interfaces with user-defined companions
Default standard library dependency should use the single artifact for all targetsKT-57398
Add ability to run compilation via build-tools-apiKT-34901
Gradle testFixtures don't have friendPaths setKT-44833
Gradle DSL: AddlanguageSettings
accessor tokotlin
extension that applies to all source setsKT-58315
Add build metrics for Kotlin/Native task
Android Studio sync memory leak in 1.9.20-BetaKT-62496
Configuration time regression with KGP 1.9.20-Beta caused by loading of propertiesKT-61426
Enabling compilation via the build tools API may cause high metaspace usage
"Unresolved reference: platform" when enabling Gradle configuration cacheKT-59826
Update SimpleKotlinGradleIT#testProjectIsolation to run on Gradle 8KT-57565
Add ability to capture classpath snapshots via the build-tools-apiKT-51964
feature to improve incremental Kotlin compilationKT-61368
Native compiler option 'module-name' isn't available within the compilerOptions extension for native target while configuring it inside compilationsKT-61355
freeCompilerArgs arguments and its values are passed to the compiler 5 times if added through target-level compilerOptions{} extension inside compilationsKT-61273
KGP: TaskOutputsBackup.createSnapshot was failed by IOException sometimesKT-58987
Use some available JVM target if there's no JvmTarget for the inferred toolchain versionKT-58234
Kotlin Gradle Plugin: Deprecate and remove KotlinCompilation.source APIKT-61401
The reported language version value for KotlinNativeLink tasks in build reports and build scans is inaccurateKT-54231
Compatibility with Gradle 8.0 releaseKT-61950
K/Wasm: Add warning about changed sourceSetsKT-61895
KotlinTopLevelExtension.useCompilerVersion is not marked as experimentalKT-61303
The module-name value stays unchanged when configuring it through compiler options extension specific to the android targetKT-61194
MPP compiler options: part of JsCompilerOptions set up using js { compilerOptions {} } extension is lostKT-61253
CompileExecutableKotlinJs task is skipped while configuring LV either using sourceSets.all {} or both js compiler options extension and base multiplatform compiler options extensionKT-59588
Upgrade max gradle version to max supported in kapt connected testsKT-61292
Gradle: compilation tasks may capture wrong build directory when build directory is changed after task configurationKT-61193
Flag kotlin.experimental.tryK2 doesn't set LV 2.0 for tasks of kotlin-js gradle pluginKT-60541
Possibility to create a custom usableKotlinCompile
task without using internalsKT-59451
[K2][1.9.0-Beta] "Errors were stored into ..." log files never actually existKT-48898
Can't suppress warnings by Optin() in KMM build.gradle.kts or IDEA settingsKT-60660
konan.data.dir property not provided for K/N Gradle project build (on Linux or Mac) with a dependency from a MavenKT-56959
K2: Set up Ktor repo performance benchmarks with K2 enabledKT-56178
Compatibility with Gradle 8.1 releaseKT-61457
Kotlin Gradle Plugin should not use internal deprecated StartParameterInternal.isConfigurationCacheKT-60718
Kotlin Gradle Plugin's incremental compilation violates Project Isolation by accessing the tasks in the task graph that were produced by other projectsKT-60717
Kotlin Gradle Plugin violates Project Isolation restrictions by dynamically looking up properties in the projectKT-54232
Don't check if file exists in task file inputs configurationKT-61066
[KMP] iOS "Unkown Kotlin JVM target 20"KT-54160
New KGP API using lazy properties to add compiler plugin options may remove options with the same pluginIdKT-60839
KGP provides incorrect default value "ENABLED" for -Xpartial-linkageKT-15370
Gradle DSL: add module-level kotlin optionsKT-57645
build_scan failed in testBuildScanReportSmokeTestForConfigurationCache test with Gradle 8.0.2KT-59827
Update configuration to validate plugin inputsKT-59799
Validate Gralde Integrations tests has only one tagKT-59117
Add gradle integration tests for explicit api mode in Android projectsKT-59587
Upgrade max gradle version to max supported in jvmToolchain connected testsKT-56636
Bump max Gradle version for integration tests to 8.0KT-58353
Support reporting of diagnostics after projects are evaluatedKT-53822
Upgrade thegradle-download-task
dependency of the Kotlin Gradle pluginKT-58162
Kotlin Gradle Plugin: Remove kotlinx.coroutines from classpath of KGPKT-58104
Check values for MPP_PLATFORMSKT-58569
Bump language version for Gradle plugins dependencies to 1.5
Add diagnostic that a dummy framework is not present when build is triggered from XcodeKT-57741
KMP importing an iOS project with Xcode 14.3 fails when importing a pod that depends onlibarclite_iphoneos
Log reason why podInstall task is skippedKT-49430
Stop invalidating iOS framework generated by KMM module on each Gradle SyncKT-59522
Set the required environment for cocoapods invocationsKT-59313
Elevate to error deprecation of useLibrariesKT-58775
If the pod has a declared dependency on itself, then it will cause StackOverFlow exception while importing of a project
KJS / Gradle: Add npm style repository option for YarnRootExtension - and/or don't register github repository when download=false
KJS: "Could not serialize value of type Build_gradle" caused by changed name in packageJson taskKT-61623
K/Wasm: Error with project dependency between modules with both wasmJs and wasmWasi targetsKT-61326
K/JS: rootPackageJson fails with NLP when testPackageJson skipped and main packageJson up-to-dateKT-60218
K/JS reports reports deprecation for non-Action dsl params in regular kotlin dslKT-56933
Add Kotlin/JS incremental tests with K2 enabledKT-58970
browserTest gradle task fails if karma is used and gradle configuration cache is enabledKT-42520
Add a way to setup generating separate js files for each module inside gradleKT-32086
Gradle, JS: runTask.enabled = false has no effect on npm dependenciesKT-48358
KJS: Circular dependency when multiple second-level Gradle modules have the same nameKT-50530
Kotlin/JS: enablingkotlin.js.ir.output.granularity=whole-program
does not remove superfluous .js output filesKT-50442
KJS / Gradle: webpack plugin errors not loggedKT-46003
KJS / IR: Should provide single distributions folder for production and development similarly to LegacyKT-47319
KJS: Error when project contains two modules with same nameKT-46010
KJS / Gradle: Can't find a file on building on WindowsKT-48923
KJS / Gradle: NoWebpack
error messages when Node.js process exits unexpectedKT-51942
KJS / Gradle: fails with two projects with the same name, but different pathsKT-51372
Kotlin/JS: Gradle compileKotlinJs processes directory just excluded from source setKT-52134
KJS: the default generated JS module name in a Gradle project with multiple subprojects is incomplete, which might cause duplicate names and build conflictsKT-52776
KJS / Gradle: Webpack version update despite yarn.lock breaks Kotlin/JS buildKT-39173
Kotlin/JS: kotlinNpmInstall fails with Gradle plugin 1.4-M2 and transitive dependency to 1.4-M1KT-55216
KJS / IR: Transitive NPM dependencies between projects are not included in jsPublicPackageJsonTaskKT-54182
MPP / JS:StackOverflowError
when in a Gradle multi-project and Kotlin Multiplatform build with the JS IR target which depends on another with the same subproject name via a renamed published Maven artifactKT-58250
tasks are not compatible with Gradle configuration cacheKT-58256
tasks are not compatible with Gradle configuration cache
KGP based dependency resolution: Support 'idea.gradle.download.sources' flag
Deprecate multiple ‘same’ targetsKT-59042
"Cannot build 'KotlinProjectStructureMetadata' during project configuration phase" when configuration cache enabledKT-58029
Emit warning when using experimental artifacts DSLKT-60763
Evaluate user feedback after switch tojava-base
plugin for KotlinJvmTarget.withJavaKT-62029
Kotlin 1.9.20-Beta fails to detect some transitive dependency references in JVM+Android source setKT-61652
MPP ConcurrentModificationException on transformCommonMainDependenciesMetadataKT-61622
Upgrading to Kotlin 1.9 prevents commonMain sourceset classes from being processed by kapt/ksp (dagger/Hilt)KT-59321
Deprecate targets.presetsKT-58759
and other related to Gradle DependencyHandler methods inKotlinDependencyHandler
Multiplatform;Composite Builds: prepareKotlinIdeaImport called by wrong path for nested build, causing sync failKT-61540
K2: KMP/K2: Metadata compilations: Discriminate expect over actual by sorting compile path using refines edgesKTIJ-26340
Bump Kotlin Gradle Plugin version to '1.9.20-dev-6845'KT-59020
1.9.0 Beta Kotlin plugin Gradle sync fails with intermediate JVM + Android source setKT-60198
Stop publishing the org.jetbrains.kotlin.multiplatform.pm20KT-60596
with deprecation to kotlin dsl for smooth migrationKT-59595
KotlinJvmTarget.withJava: Switch implementation fromjava
Add some cocoapods will cause Xcode preview into build loop since Xcode 14.3KT-58489
MPP: Add an error if SourceLayoutV1 is usedKT-59774
MPP: Print stacktraces of diagnostics only when--stacktrace
(or higher) is usedKT-60158
KotlinJvmTarget.withJava: Ensure java source sets are created eagerlyKT-58316
Gradle 8: ':podDebugFrameworkIosFat' and [configuration ':debugFrameworkIosFat'] contain identical attribute setsKT-59615
renderReportedDiagnostics: Rename 'isVerbose' to 'renderForTests'KT-60943
K2/KMP: compileCommonMainKotlinMetadata fails with resolution ambiguity between candidates from stdlibKT-60491
KMP: Add documentation link to the warning messagew: The Default Kotlin Hierarchy was not applied to
MPP: Compiler options declared in places other than languageSettings don't reach shared source setsKT-58676
Enable default Kotlin Target Hierarchy by defaultKT-61056
Native-shared source sets don't receive dependency on a commonMain of 1.9.20 stdlibKT-58712
Enable commonization by default if the CocoaPods plugin provided the dependencies that should be commonizedKT-59317
Deprecate ios() preset in favor of target hierarchyKT-47144
[Multiplatform] Warn about setting *Test.dependsOn(*Main)KT-59733
Make KotlinDefaultHierarchyFallbackIllegalTargetNames to check target names disregarding the caseKT-55787
Deprecate dependsOn edges ending at declared source sets of platform compilationsKT-58872
MPP: kotlin-test library reported as published in the legacy modeKT-59863
pluginManagement.includeBuild doesn't work when kotlin("multiplatform") applied to one of subprojects of included buildKT-58729
Investigate failures in KMM UI testsKT-59661
Bump kotlin.git AGP version in tests to 8KT-58753
Add Hedgehog AS in KMM UI testsKT-58731
Fix failues in Mac tests in kt-master, kt-231-1.9.0 and kt-223-1.9.0KT-59248
Fix failures in Mac tests and Android Tests in kt-223-master and kt-231-masterKT-58732
Run kt-master Mac tests on cloud MacKT-57686
Fix KMM UI tests againKT-60134
MPP: Include user attributes to host-specific metadata dependency configurationsKT-60233
Investigate publication of TargetJvmEnivornment on Kotlin configurationKT-59311
Elevate to ErrorcommonMain.dependsOn(anything)
Elevate to Error usage of jvmWithJavaKT-45877
MPP / Gradle: "GradleException: Please initialize at least one Kotlin target" isn't user-friendlyKT-59844
KGP-based import: Reduce 'red wall of errors' on dependency resolution failuresKT-60462
jvm().withJava(): Zombie instance returned for compilations created after withJava callKT-58471
Kotlin Multiplatform plugin resolves configurations during configurationKT-59578
External Android Target: Implement integration testsKT-58737
Develop tests for old import in new intellij.git test infraKT-59268
Run multiplatform tests in intellij.git with XCode 15.0 manuallyKT-58220
Kotlin Gradle Plugin: Kotlin 1.9 release groomingKT-58305
Investigate KotlinAndroidMppIT.testCustomAttributesInAndroidTargets: being broken for AGP 7.0.4KT-58255
Kotlin Gradle Plugin Lifecycle: Remove LifecycleAwarePropertyKT-55312
Replace "ALL_COMPILE_DEPENDENCIES_METADATA" configuration with set of metadata dependencies configurations associated per setKT-54825
TCS: Gradle Sync: Dependency resolution in KGP
Support Gradle Configuration caching in Xcode integration tasks and in CocoaPods pluginKT-61700
Native: linkDebugExecutableNative has duplicated freeCompilerArgsKT-58519
Migrate Xcode/CocoaPods warnings to the new diagnostics infraKT-61154
NativeCompilerDownloader adds .konan/kotlin-native-prebuilt-linux-x86_64-1.9.0/konan/lib/kotlin-native-compiler-embeddable.jar as configuration cache inputKT-59252
Support configuration cache in Xcode/CocoaPods tasks with Gradle 8.1
Kotlin 1.9.20-Beta: incremental compilation fails with files outside of the project folderKT-19745
After konverting java to kotlin, kapt3 throws duplicate class exceptionKT-58547
"has several compatible actual declarations in , "
Add basic JPS build performance metricsKT-57039
K2 IDE. Cannot compile gradle project with LV=2.0 via JPS with NoClassDefFoundError: org/jetbrains/kotlin/com/intellij/openapi/util/UserDataHolderBaseKT-58314
kotlin-build-statistics is missing for kotlin-jps-plugin
Change experimental K2 kapt diagnostic messageKT-61879
K2 Kapt: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError during stub generationKT-58326
KAPT / Gradle: argument changes are ignoredKT-61114
K2 Kapt: add a Gradle propertykapt.use.k2
to enable K2 KaptKT-57594
K2: Investigate the Kapt features used in the quality gates projectsKT-59754
K2: KAPT4 generates non-compilable code for nested data classes, annotated by Moshi's@JsonClass
K2: KAPT4 tries to generate metadata for local variablesKT-60293
K2: KAPT4 fails to generate metadata for const valsKT-59704
KAPT4 does not support Dagger's@Inject
lateinit propertiesKT-59745
K2: KAPT4: ISE when passing moshi's@JsonClass
to ClassKT-59756
K2: KAPT4 with Moshi generates@Transient
K2: KAPT4: Generic interfaces with default methods lead to static usage of type parametersKT-59703
KAPT4 generates old metadata version
Maven Kotlin Plugin should not WARN when no sources found
Add for-ide support for Parcelize K2 jars
K2 / Script: "IllegalArgumentException: source must not be null" during compilationKT-58817
K2: support for .kts highlighting and completion
Wasm tests (still) do not work on Kotlin 1.9.20-Beta2KT-61973
K/Wasm: wasmWasiNodeRun is missedKT-61971
K/Wasm: wasmWasiTest should depends on kotlinNodeJsSetupKT-60654
Wasm: split wasm target into wasm-js and wasm-wasiKT-57058
Do not require a return value for DOM event listeners with Kotlin/WasmKT-59062
WASM: Report errors when calling WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming in testsKTIJ-25207
Collect stats about Kotlin/Wasm usage
Analysis API: provide an API for extending Kotlin resolutionKT-57636
K2: Add the return type of K2 reference shortener AAShortenCommand::invokeShortening()
to allow callers to access the shortening result PSI
Analysis API: Disable error logging for FE10 implementation of resolveCall when resolve is not successfulKT-55626
Impossible to restore symbol by psi from script fileKT-57314
LL FIR: CombineLLFirProvider$SymbolProvider
s in session dependencies (optimization)KT-55527
K2 IDE: Rewrite KtScopeContext class to allow to handle each scope separatelyKT-55329
LL FIR: Unexpected ACTUAL_WITHOUT_EXPECT error on constructor and function declarationKT-50732
LL API: fix compiler based testsKT-57850
K2: contract violation due to SymbolLightAccessorMethod.propertyAccessorSymbolKT-56543
LL FIR: rework lazy transformers so transformers modify only declarations they suppose toKT-56721
K2: FirExtensionDeclarationsSymbolProvider: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Recursive updateKT-50253
Analysis API: Solve issues with ProcessCancelledExceptionKT-56800
K2 IDE: optimize deprecation calculation for symbolsKT-55006
Analysis API does not transform Java type refs for callable symbol return typesKT-57256
AA FIR: Reduce lazy resolve phase for deprecation statusKT-57619
K2: CFG for class initializer is not correctly built in reversed resolve modeKT-58141
K2: AA FIR: impossible to restore symbol for declaration with annotation with argument inside typeKT-57462
Symbol Light Classes: SymbolLightFieldForProperty should retrieve annotations not from KtPropertySymbol, but from the corresponding backing fieldKT-54864
Analysis API: add function to get expect KtSymbol list by actual KtSymbolKT-56763
Analysis API:.KtSourceModuleImpl is missing in the map.
on symbol restore when symbol cannot be seen from the use-site moduleKT-56617
Analysis API: optimize KtFirSymbolProviderByJavaPsi.getNamedClassSymbolKT-54430
K2: .getAllOverriddenSymbols() returns invalid results
Kotlin/Native debugger: inline function parameters are not visible during debugging
Wasm: ReferenceError: e is not defined in kotlin.test.jsThrowKT-58931
Wasm tests are failing to start on Kotlin 1.9.0-BetaKT-58188
Restore binary compatibility of PlatformDiagnosticSuppressor.shouldReportUnusedParameterKT-57136
K/Wasm: Restrict non-external types in JS interopKT-57060
Clarify the lack of support for dynamic in Kotlin/WasmKT-56955
K/Wasm: Support restricted version of K/JSjs(code)
Wasm: "Body not found for function" error when compiling konform library with Kotlin/Wasm supportKT-56976
K/Wasm bug with calling override of external function with default parameters
Allow secondary constructors in value classes with bodiesKT-54944
support in nativeKT-54746
Deprecate with ERROR JvmDefault annotation and old -Xjvm-default modesKT-47902
Do not propagate method deprecation through overridesKT-29378
K2: rework warnings/errors for equality/identity operators on incompatible typesKT-57477
False-positive overload resolution ambiguity in case of lambda without argumentsKT-57010
Kotlin/Native: make it possible to compile bitcode in a separate compiler invocationKT-55691
K2: Avoid inferring Nothing? in presence of other constraints (beside type parameter bounds)KT-46288
Unexpected behavior of extension function on lambda with suspend receiverKT-24779
Inconsistent smart cast behavior for bound data flow values
Optimize out field for property delegate when it's safe (JVM)KT-56906
FIR: Use cached instance of FirImplicitTypeRefImpl in FIR buildersKT-56276
LanguageVersion.getVersionString() allocates 5k objects on project opening
"NullPointerException: Parameter specified as non-null is null:" with enum, companion object, 'entries' and mapKT-55217
K2: support callable reference conversions on top-level expressionsKT-57232
K2: build Space JVM (master)KT-59079
"AE: SyntheticAccessorLowering should not attempt to modify other files!" with callable reference to constructor with value class parameterKT-58837
Partial linkage fails to report any compiler message on Windows when launched through Gradle pluginKT-57602
K2: Rework member scope of types having projection arguments for covariant parametersKT-55171
Put new contracts syntax under a feature flagKT-58719
K2: false-positive INVISIBLE_REFERENCE error in case of importing an internal abstract classKT-56030
[K2/N] Support Objective-C overloading by param names onlyKT-57510
K2: Data class equals/hashCode/toString methods are not written to Klib metadataKT-56331
K2: compiler backend crash on usage of expected function with default argumentsKT-53846
K2 / Context receivers: ClassCastException on secondary constructor of class with context receiverKT-58621
K2: Private class shadows public function defined in the same packageKT-59102
K2: constant evaluator does not provide Long type on shlKT-59066
[K2] delegation leads to "IllegalStateException: Expected some types"KT-56074
K2: build Space JVM (snapshot 2022.3)KT-58787
KAPT: "NullPointerException: null cannot be cast to non-null type" with delegateKT-57022
K2 IllegalStateException in signature computationKT-56792
K2: build kotlinpoetKT-57373
K2: FIR properties synthesized when implementing interface by delegation don't have accessorsKT-56583
K1: Implement opt-in for integer cinterop conversionsKT-59030
[PL] Workaround for broken@Deprecated
annotations in c-interop KLIBsKT-58618
K2: Local property delegates cannot infer generic return typeKT-36770
Prohibit unsafe calls with expected@NotNull
T and given Kotlin generic parameter with nullable boundKT-56739
K2: build Space iOSKT-57131
K2: stdlib test compilation fails on ListTest.kt in FirJvmMangleComputerKT-58137
K2: ISE "Usage of default value argument for this annotation is not yet possible" when instantiating Kotlin annotation with default parameter from another moduleKT-58897
K2: False positive unresolved reference with same-named enum class and its entryKT-40903
Forbid actual member in expect classKT-30905
Expect var property with default public setter matches with actual var property with private setterKT-56172
K2: Fix reporting of PRIVATE_CLASS_MEMBER_FROM_INLINE errorKT-56171
Implement deprecation warning for missing PRIVATE_CLASS_MEMBER_FROM_INLINE errorKT-27261
Contracts for infix functions don't work (for receivers and parameters)KT-56927
Enum with secondary constructor can't be compiled with K2 using JS/Native backendKT-53568
Partial linkage: absent class as type parameter bound causes failure ofcompileProductionExecutableKotlinJs
Partial linkage: Kotlin/JS fails with IllegalStateException: "Validation failed in file" when overridden declaration was visible, but now privateKT-53663
Partial linkage: usage of property which becomes abstract: no IrLinkageError, but AssertionError in Native backend insteadKT-56013
K2. a set of errors about local properties are missingKT-53939
Partial linkage: with turning object into class linkNative and jsTest tasks failKT-53938
Partial linkage: with turning interface into class and using as second parent Native build failsKT-53941
Partial linkage: with turning class into object accessing member via parameterless constructor does not failKT-53970
Partial linkage: on turning nested class into inner JS tasks are successful, Native build failsKT-53971
Partial linkage: turning inner class into nested: without usage in executable Native is successful, JavaScript failsKT-53972
Partial linkage: turning inner class into nested: with usage in executable Native fails with NPE in backendKT-54045
Partial linkage: turning class into type alias + calculating implicit function type: build fails with UninitializedPropertyAccessException: "lateinit property parent has not been initialized"KT-54046
Partial linkage: turning type alias into class + using it as type: build fails with AssertionError: "Expected exactly one delegating constructor call but none encountered"KT-53887
Partial linkage: turning from enum to regular class + reference to enum contant causes compileProductionExecutableKotlinJs fail with IllegalStateExceptionKT-54047
Partial linkage: reference to removed enum const causes JS fail with "IllegalStateException: Validation failed in file"KT-54048
Partial linkage: reference to removed enum const in runtime causes Native fail with IllegalStateException at IrBindablePublicSymbolBase.getOwner()KT-53995
Partial linkage: on turning class to abstract and direct constructor call Naive fails, JavaScript is successfulKT-43527
is allowed on function types with no parameters and leads to backend exceptionKT-55316
K2. IllegalStateException on incorrect import directive nameKT-57570
Remove source code excerpts from platform type nullability assertion exceptionsKT-56073
K2: build ExposedKT-47932
Report errors on cycles in annotation parameter typesKT-38871
Kotlin Gradle DSL, MPP: UNUSED_VARIABLE when configuring a sourceset with delegated propertyKT-46344
No error for a super class constructor call on a function interface in supertypes listKT-56609
K2: False positive NULL_FOR_NONNULL_TYPE with -Xjsr305=strict and@Nullable
annotation Java parameterKT-56656
K1/K2: inconsistent NOTHING_TO_OVERRIDE with complex nullable annotationsKT-58332
K2: local fun with suspend type is not marked as suspend in IRKT-57991
K2: Modifier 'suspend' is not applicable to 'anonymous function'KT-54294
K2: "Not all type variables found" in builder inference with type parameters inferred through a union of two branchesKT-58564
[PL] Annotations with unlinked parameters are not removedKT-52597
Provide Alpha Support for Multiplatform in the K2 platformKT-58523
K2: reference is resolved to imported type-alias instead of identically named top-level propertyKT-57098
Native: avoid object initialization while accessing const valKT-57973
32-th default value in inline classes override function is not usedKT-57714
"IllegalStateException: <B::!>" using reified genericsKT-57810
of object erroneously considered as constant function in string concatenationKT-58076
K2: Incorrect inference of type of labeled receiverKT-57929
K2: Arguments of annotations are not calculated in a lot of strange locationsKT-54874
K2. No compilation error with incorrect Comparator invocationKT-55388
Consider enabling ProhibitUsingNullableTypeParameterAgainstNotNullAnnotatedKT-53041
NPE in Kotlin 1.7.0 when using RxJava Maybe.doOnEvent with anonymous parametersKT-54829
Cleanup local types approximation logicKT-58577
K2: private Kotlin property prevents use of Java set-method from Java-Kotlin-Java hierarchy in another moduleKT-58587
MUST_BE_INITIALIZED must take into account effectivelly finalKT-58524
K2: false-positive overload resolution ambiguity error on invoking a generic class's member function with id-shaped function-typed parameter on intersection-typed receiverKT-53929
Enum.entries: consider changing scope behavior in K1KT-58520
K2: FIR2IR: ISE during const evaluation of operator times with exposedKT-57905
K1: resolution to base class's Java field instead of derived class's Kotlin property is not deprecated in case of different typesKT-56662
K1: false negative INVISIBLE_SETTER for a var with internal setter accessed from a derived classKT-57770
K2: Support generation of serializer if base class for serializable class declared in different moduleKT-58375
Kapt: "wrong number of type arguments. required 1" when more than 22 type argumentsKT-48870
[FIR] Different behavior for explicit receiver resolution inside delegated constructorsKT-58013
K2: "Not enough information to infer type variable T" when using assert non-null (!!) and delegationKT-58365
K2: Fix stub types leakage in builder inference caused by implicit receiver type update with partially resolved calls (IGNORE_LEAKED_INTERNAL_TYPES for stub types)KT-58214
Continuation parameter only exists in lowered suspend functions, but function origin is LOCAL_FUNCTION_FOR_LAMBDAKT-58030
K2/MPP/JVM: compiler backend crash on super-call to indirectly inherited Java methodKT-58135
K2: Priority of extension property is lower than ordinary propertyKT-57181
[K1/N, K2/N] Expect and Actual funs have different IdSignature.CommonSignature, if Expect has default argumentKT-58219
K2/MPP/metadata: false-positive invisible reference error in Native-shared source setKT-58145
K2/MPP/metadata: compiler FIR crash on inheritance of a generic class with property by actual-class from Native-shared source setKT-56023
Constant operations (e.g. division) are not constant in K2 (JS, Native)KT-57354
In suspend function default arguments are sometimes not deleted in IRKT-55242
K2/MPP: basic build/link functionalityKT-57979
K2: Unresolved reference error when assigning to Java synthetic property with a different nullability getterKT-57543
K2: val parameter with more specific type is lower priorityKT-48546
RECEIVER_TYPE_MISMATCH on synthetic property from mutually recursive Java generics with disabled ProperTypeInferenceConstraintsProcessingKT-54518
False negative NON_PUBLIC_CALL_FROM_PUBLIC_INLINE when calling internal method of super classKT-58025
K2: Argument type mismatch when using Springs HandlerMethodArgumentResolverKT-58259
Unexpected unresolved function call with obvious invoke-convention desugaringKT-57135
K2: Fir should take into account an annotation's allowed targets as well as the use-site target when deciding whether it applies to a property, a field, or a constructor parameterKT-57069
K2: Method kind in metadata is DECLARATION when DELEGATION is used in K1KT-57958
K2: Initializer type mismatch when using extension property on type with star projectionKT-58149
K2: New inference error with buildListKT-58008
K2: "Cannot find cached type parameter by FIR symbol: T" on suspend function with generic and nested classKT-57835
K2: compiler crash on lambda with dynamic receiverKT-57601
K2: Builtin functionextensionToString
can't be accessedKT-57655
K2: ImplicitIntegerCoercion is not working for named argumentsKT-58143
K2: overload resolution ambiguity inside dynamic lambdaKT-58132
K2: Implicit int constant to long converion crashes FirSerializerKT-57378
Partial linkage: Run codegen box tests for Native & JS with enabled PLKT-58207
K2: Handle result of completion of synthetic call with callable reference argumentKT-56549
K2: Reference to Java sealed class fails to compileKT-57994
K2: Type inference failed on function referenceKT-58099
interop0 test fails with error "type kotlin.String? is not supported here: doesn't correspond to any C type"KT-57671
Synthetic $EntriesMappings declaration is public and generated even for enums from current module on ICKT-56517
K2: Reference to Java record fails to compile: "unresolved reference", "Overload resolution ambiguity between candidates"KT-58163
FIR: deserialized default property setter and getter must have FirResolvePhase.ANALYZED_DEPENDENCIES phaseKT-55646
K2: Report definitely non-nullable as reified errorKT-58043
k2: Expect call is not removed from IR with nullability-based overloadKT-56442
K2: Make sure K2 has the same behavior for defaults with overrides as K1 hasKT-55904
Fix tests for volatile annotation on K2KT-57928
K2: Arguments of annotations on constructor value parameter are not calculatedKT-57814
K2: Argument type mismatch with delegating propertyKT-56490
Implement deprecation for an anonymous type exposed from inline functions with type argumentKT-57781
K2: Generated serializer is invisible in a non-JVM test source setKT-57807
K2: Symbol already bound exception for arrayOf function from IrBuiltInsOverFirKT-57962
K2: No set method providing array access on dynamicKT-57353
K2: unresolved reference when using fully qualified object declaration name as an expression, when a declaration package is from another klib and has at least two name segmentsKT-57899
K2: compiler FIR2IR crash on anonymous object with inheritance by delegation to value of smart-casted type parameterKT-57988
K2: compiler exception on get operator on dynamic thisKT-57960
K2: incorrect type inference in lambda with dynamic receiverKT-57923
K2: Optional expectation annotation crashes const evaluatorKT-56511
K1: false negative SMARTCAST_IMPOSSIBLE when alien constructor property is accessed from a private classKT-58033
K2 reports Constructor must be private or protected in sealed class in actual sealed class if its constructor has own actual declarationKT-58061
K2: false-positive unsupported feature error on callable references to Java methods from annotation interfacesKT-55079
Refactor DiagnosticReporterByTrackingStrategy and fix some "diagnostic into black hole" problemsKT-57889
K2: false-positive lack of information for inline function's type parameter in case of builder-style inference from caller function's return expressionKT-57961
K2: Unresolved reference using dynamic lambda parameterKT-57911
K2: Contracts are not inherited by substitution overridesKT-57880
K2: false-positive argument type mismatch due to lambda receiver shadowing labeled outer lambda receiver when assigning lambda to variableKT-57986
K2: NPE on building SpaceKT-57873
K2: compiler FIR serialization crash on builder-style inference from lambda's return typeKT-57941
K2: Assertion error on loading serializable class with non-serializable property compiled with K1 compilerKT-57947
K2: Incorrect resolution results when property type for invokeExtension is not inferredKT-58002
K2: compiler FIR serialization crash on platform type with type-targeted Java annotation with Java enum as argumentKT-57263
K2/MPP/JVM: compiler codegen crash on expect-property as default argument for expect-function's parameterKT-56942
K2: False-negative NO_ELSE_IN_WHEN if subject is flexible typeKT-56687
Unexpected behaviour with enum entries when using outdated stdlibKT-56398
K2/MPP: compiler backend crash on inheritance from expected interfaceKT-57806
K2: string interpolation as annotation parameter causes errorKT-57611
K2: Annotation arguments are not evaluatedKT-56190
[K2/N] Const initializers are not serialized to klibKT-57843
K2: Missing diagnostic when calling constructor through typealias whose expansion has a deprecationKT-57350
FIR: deprecation diagnostic is not reported on a super class callKT-57532
K2: IrActualizer doesn't handle properties overloaded by extension receiver correctlyKT-57776
K2: Suppressing "INVISIBLE_REFERENCE" leads to AssertionError: Unexpected IR element found during code generationKT-57769
[K2] Load properties in proper order for classes compiled with kotlinx.serialization and LV < 2.0KT-57879
K2: compiler FIR serialization crash on passing Java constants as arguments to type-targeted annotationsKT-57893
K1/K2 inconsistency on smart casts of internally visible properties in friend modulesKT-57876
K2: stack overflow in compiler FIR deserialization on nested type-target annotation class used in enclosing classKT-57839
K2: Compiler crash on lambda returning anonymous object with implemented lambdaKT-57822
K2: Can't refer to external interface from class literalKT-57809
K2: No value passed for parameter of external classKT-56383
Build intellij master with LV 1.9KT-57735
K2: MPP: K2 reports hides member of supertype and needs 'override' modifier for the function with@PlatformDependent
annotation when there is an empty linux target in projectKT-55056
Builder inference causes incorrect type inference result in related callKT-57689
K2: Unresolved reference to nested typealias in KLIBKT-57665
K2: incorrect resolution of dynamic typeKT-57381
K2/MPP/Native: impossible to override Any::equals with non-external functionKT-57654
K2: Lambda with receiver deserialized as lambda without receiver during metadata compilationKT-57662
K2: The error message is poorly formatted and not precise in case of NO_ACTUAL_CLASS_MEMBER_FOR_EXPECTED_CLASS error and@Suppress
is usedKT-57763
FirExtensionRegistrar extension point brokenKT-57312
K2: IR interpreter fails on string interpolation withconst val
from a klib involvedKT-57768
Don't decompile code to search for annotation argumentsKT-55628
Diagnostics for kotlin.concurrent.Volatile annotation applicabilityKT-55860
K2. [CONFLICTING_INHERITED_MEMBERS] for inheritor of a class with overloaded generic functionKT-53491
K2: Implement "Operator '==' cannot be applied to 'Long' and 'Int'" errorKT-55804
K2: UNSAFE_CALL Non-nullable generic marked as nullable even if non-null assertedKT-57682
K2: Incorrect composing of signatures for calls on dynamic typesKT-55405
K2: false-negative INVISIBLE_REFERENCE in import directivesKT-54781
K2: no error on unresolved import statement with more than one packageKT-57635
K2/MPP: Expect constructors are not considered as expect during metadata deserializationKT-57376
K2/MPP: false-positive K/JS diagnostic in absence of K/JS target when sharing a source set between K/JVM and K/NativeKT-55902
K2: Support ImplicitIntegerCoercion annotationKT-56577
Migrate Native KLIB ABI compatibility tests to K2KT-56603
[K2/N] Segfault invoking fun from binary compatible klibKT-57457
K2: the error message is not quite informative in case of EXPOSED_PROPERTY_TYPE_IN_CONSTRUCTOR_ERRORKT-57568
K2: K2, Native reports overload resolution ambiguityKT-57446
K2: Adapter function reference is not generated inside when expressionKT-54894
K2: False positive RETURN_TYPE_MISMATCH on function which returns a functional type with@UnsafeVariance
K2 compilation fails due to nullabillity subtyping not working properlyKT-57271
Delay forbidding inference to an empty intersection to version 2.0KT-57209
K2: type parameters are available in companion object scopeKT-50550
False positive NO_ELSE_IN_WHEN with annotatedwhen
branch conditionKT-57431
K2 MPP JS: Compiler crash on transitive common dependenciesKT-57456
K2 reports uninitializied variable in enum class when variable is used in lambda and defined in companion objectKT-57583
K2/MPP/JS&Native: FIR2IR compiler crash on reference to Any method inherited by expect-classifierKT-56336
[K2/N] Multiplatform test fails with unexpected "actual declaration has no corresponding expected declaration" compiler errorKT-57556
K2: Rename error 'This API is not available after FIR'KT-23447
Integer.toChar compiles to missing methodKT-46465
Deprecate and make open Number.toChar()KT-49017
Forbid usages of super or super if in fact it accesses an abstract memberKT-56119
BinaryVersion.isCompatible binary compatibility is brokenKT-57369
K2/MPP: supertypes established in actual-classifiers from other source sets are not visibleKT-55469
[K2/N] equals(Double,Double) and equals(Boolean,Boolean) are not foundKT-57250
K2: the metadata is serialized for anexpect
class even if theactual
class is present when compiling to klibKT-56660
K2/MPP: compiler backend crash on invoking a K/Common constructor in K/JS codeKT-55055
K1: Builder inference violates upper boundKT-57316
Initialize Enum.entries eagerly: avoid using invokedynamicsKT-57491
Kotlin synthetic parameter looks ordinaryKT-56846
K2: incorrect line & symbol numbers in exception reportingKT-56368
K2/MPP: compiler backend crash on missing actual declarationKT-57104
K2: false-positive conflicting inherited JVM declarations error despite use of@JvmName
in another moduleKT-56747
[K2/N] Return type forlambda: (Any) -> Any
which returns Unit is different for K1 and K2 and return statement is missing with K2KT-57211
K2: incorrect "error: an annotation argument must be a compile-time constant" on unsigned array in annotation argumentKT-57302
K2 fails with IllegalStateException on reading inherited property of Java enumKT-57424
K2 IDE: "By now the annotations argument mapping should have been resolved" exceptionKT-57241
K2 MPP: Actualization doesn't work for actual enum that has primary constructor with argumentsKT-57210
K2 MPP: Support of arguments with dynamic typeKT-57182
K2 MPP: Actualization doesn't work for nested objectsKT-56344
K2: Implement correct errors reporting of IrActualizerKT-54405
K2 compiler allows val redeclarationKT-54531
[K2] Uncaught Runtime exception is thrown instead of user friendly error messages with details in case -no-jdk option set to trueKT-56926
K2: incorrect line number generated for class constructor or method with default parameter when comment beforeKT-56913
K2: Incorrect line numbers in overriden field getters and settersKT-56982
K2: Incorrect line number start in when expressionKT-56720
K2: false positive MANY_IMPL_MEMBER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED in case of delegation in diamond inheritanceKT-57175
K2: false-positive INVALID_TYPE_OF_ANNOTATION_MEMBER on type aliasesKT-25694
Fix reporting of uninitialized parameter in default values of parametersKT-57198
K2: false-positive type mismatch error on inherited raw-typed class with type parameters in upper bounds of other type parametersKT-15470
Inconsistency: use-site 'set' target is a compilation error, use-site 'get' target is okKT-57179
FIR: preserve prefix increment behavior like in K1 by calling getter twiceKT-57405
K2. Function call ambiguity error when nullable String is passed to function with Spring@Nullable
annotation in signatureKT-57284
K2: compiler codegen crash at property initialization in constructor after smartcast of dispatch receiver to indirectly derived typeKT-57221
K2: compiler FIR2IR crash on function's unavailable cached type parameterKT-57036
Unresolved reference: with inferred type of class constructor with extension parameterKT-56177
K2: FIR should not generate annotation on both property and parameterKT-54990
NI: Type mismatch when encountering bounded type parameter and projectionsKT-57065
K2: overload resolution ambiguity between type-aliased constructor and identically named functionKT-49653
Deprecate and remove Enum.declaringClass synthetic propertyKT-57190
K2: false-positive unsafe call error on safe call on type-aliased nullable receiver in SAM-conversionKT-57166
K2: false-positive val reassignment error when synthetic property with implicitly typed overridden getter is called from implicitly typed member that is declared earlierKT-55828
[K2/N]: Fix test fails in OPT mode :Internal compiler error: no implementation found ... when building itable/vtable
False negative deprecation warning about future inference error with builder inferenceKT-56657
K1/K2: inconsistent behavior in nullability mismatch (Guava hash set/map)KT-57105
K2: compiler codegen crash at property initialization in constructor after smartcastKT-56379
K2: build tests for the Kotlin standard libraryKT-56079
K2: build YouTrack 2022.3KT-57092
K2: false-positive multiple inherited implementations errorKT-56696
K2: Allow to access uninitialized member properties in non-inPlace lambdas in class initializationKT-56354
K2/MPP: unresolved references to library entitiesKT-57095
K2: false-positive lack of type arguments error on raw cast of Base<*> to Derived: Base<T?>KT-56630
FIR: ClassCastException on compilation hierarchy with a raw typeKT-57171
K2: Implement bytecode testsKT-57214
K2: compiler FIR crash on annotation usage before annotation class declarationKT-57204
K2: callable reference to mutable property of inherited by delegation superinterface isn't properly resolvedKT-57195
K2: false-positive VAR_TYPE_MISMATCH_ON_OVERRIDE on changing property's platform type to non-nullable type when overridingKT-56814
K2. PsiElement is null inside IrClass. As a result ClassBuilder defineClass gets null as originKT-54758
and provide another method without dependency on K1KT-57253
K2: clean up callable reference logic in FIR2IRKT-56225
K2. "BackendException: Backend Internal error: Exception during IR lowering" error on incorrect constructor in inline classKT-56769
K2. Annotation applicability is ignored during compilation when there's use-site@target
K2: cannot infer Java array type properlyKT-57247
K2: false-positive INVALID_TYPE_OF_ANNOTATION_MEMBER on type-aliased vararg propertyKT-57206
K2: false-positive val reassignment error on synthetic property from generic class with overridden getter but not setterKT-56519
K2: Compiler crash on a function reference on companion receiver that inherits from outer classKT-56506
K1/K2 inconsistency: VAL_REASSIGNMENT on synthetic setter with different nullabilityKT-56877
K2: false-positive UNRESOLVED_LABEL for labeled this-expression in contract descriptionKT-56863
K2: false-positive property initialization analysis errors after smartcastKT-56864
K2: Unexpected behavior with default parameter inheritance and function referenceKT-56665
K2 does not support SAM conversions with condition into Java/Kotlin functional interfacesKT-56659
FIR: Increment operator on object leads to exception from resolveKT-56771
FIR: Increment operator on qualified expressions leads to exception from resolveKT-56759
K2: False-positive UNRESOLVED_REFERENCE on labeled desctructuring declaration in LT modeKT-56548
K2: false positive overload resolution ambiguity for Java record constructorKT-56476
K2: false positive NO_RETURN_IN_FUNCTION_WITH_BLOCK_BODY at inline fun use-siteKT-56138
K2: Illegal conversion of lambda with parameters to ExtensionFunction expected typeKT-56448
K2: False-positive unsafe call due to incorrect inference of smartcasted typeKT-55966
K2: Not enough information to infer type variable K if smartcast is usedKT-57168
K2: compiler FIR2IR crash on synthetic property from generic class with overridden getter but not setterKT-56876
K2: false-positive UNRESOLVED_REFERENCE for name of nested class in contract descriptionKT-57194
K2: overload resolution doesn't prioritize Double over FloatKT-57067
Warning about expect/aсtual in the same module doesn't take into account absence of 'actual' modifierKT-56954
K2: function literals can be passed as arguments to parameters with kotlin.reflect function typesKT-55423
K2: no line number in bytecode when ASTORE exception in catchKT-56829
K2: compiler FIR2IR crash on passing to function a callable reference to nested class's constructor with default argumentsKT-57029
Per-file caches fail on local inline function in an inline functionKT-57085
is sensitive to its argument's caseKT-57103
K1: AssertionError: Mismatching type arguments: 0 vs 1 + 0 when calling inline function with callable reference to generic synthetic propertyKT-57033
Make KtClassLiteralExpression stub basedKT-57035
Make KtCollectionLiteralExpression stub basedKT-40857
Invalid parameterized types for extension function on parameterized receiver when javaParameters=trueKT-56154
Compiler backend crash on reference to Java synthetic property from generic classKT-56692
StackOverflow in PrivateInlineFunctionsReturningAnonymousObjectsCheckerKT-55879
Modularized tests: fir.bench.language.version is used as API version, not language versionKT-51821
ClassCastException on anonymous fun interface implementation when unrelated vararg is usedKT-56820
K2: compiler FIR crash on Java field access after smartcastKT-56579
[K2/N] IR actualizer crashed with K2 on expect annotation marked with@OptionalExpectation
, without actual.KT-56750
K2: "IllegalArgumentException: No argument for parameter VALUE_PARAMETER" when calling typealias method referenceKT-55614
K2: consider serializing static enum members (values/valueOf/entries) to match K1 behaviorKT-30507
Unsound smartcast if null assignment inside index place and plusAssign/minusAssign is usedKT-56646
K2: "IllegalStateException: No single implementation found for: FUN FAKE_OVERRIDE" when compiling a functional interfaceKT-56334
K2: can't call expected function with default argumentsKT-56514
Exception during IR lowering: Cannot determine lineNumber of element FUN name:cancelProgressKT-56542
K2: false positive TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS in VarHandle.set callKT-56861
FIR: test FirPluginBlackBoxCodegenTestGenerated.testClassWithAllPropertiesConstructor is failing with runtime errorKT-56234
K2: "ISE: Expected value generated with NEW" with inline property setter and noinline parameterKT-56722
K2: cannot resolve component call after smart castKT-56875
K2: isOperator flag is incorrectly set for java methodsKT-56714
K2: wrong argument mapping in DSLKT-56723
K2: lambda accidentally returns Unit? instead of UnitKT-55877
K2: Secondary constructor without call to parent: no frontend error, ISE: "Null argument in ExpressionCodegen for parameter VALUE_PARAMETER"KT-56386
K2: Make possible to access Java field which is shadowed by Kotlin invisible property`KT-56862
Compatibility problem with using Kotlin in Intellij 223 or higher because of missing particular trove4j dependencyKT-55088
JS, Native compilation fail with internal error onSomeEnum.entries
reference whenSomeEnum
is from klib compiled with disabled EnumEntries language featureKT-40904
No warning when declare actual in the same target (module) as expectKT-56707
K2: Unexpected TYPECHECKER_HAS_RUN_INTO_RECURSIVE_PROBLEM where only getter type specified explicitlyKT-56508
Context receivers: Internal compiler error when compiling code containing a class with a secondary constructorKT-56706
K2: False-positive ARGUMENT_TYPE_MISMATCH for generic nested types from libraryKT-56505
errors on various declarationsKT-56682
K2: False-negative UNINITIALIZED_VARIABLE on access to delegated propertyKT-56678
K2: False-negative UNINITIALIZED_VARIABLE if corresponding variable has initializerKT-56612
K2: false positive NO_TYPE_ARGUMENTS_ON_RHS on raw cast with type alias based argumentKT-56445
K2: False-positive unresolved reference to callable reference to function with default argumentKT-55024
K2: overload resolution ambiguity/unresolved reference if variable is smart-casted to an invisible internal classKT-55722
K2: Incorrect OVERLOAD_RESOLUTION_AMBIGUITY with smart cast on dispatch receiver (simple)KT-56563
Inference within if stops working when changing expected type from Any to a different typeKT-55936
K2: Support proper resolution of callable references as last statements in lambdaKT-45989
FIR: wrong callable reference type inferredKT-55169
K2: False-negative NO_ELSE_IN_WHENKT-55932
K2. No compiler error when elvis operator returns not matched typeKT-53987
K2: False negative "TYPE_MISMATCH" with if statement returnKT-41038
NI: TYPE_MISMATCH when passing constructor of nested classKT-42449
Can not resolve property for value of type Any even after casting type to a type with star projectionKT-52934
StackOverflow fromPseudocodeTraverserKt.collectDataFromSubgraph
StackOverflowError when casting involving recursive generics and star projectionKT-52424
ClassCastException: Wrong smartcast to Nothing? with if-else in nullable lambda parameterKT-52262
TYPE_MISMATCH: Nonnull smartcasting fails with non-exhaustive whenKT-52502
Forbid extension calls on inline functional parametersKT-51045
SETTER_PROJECTED_OUT: Star projected nullable property can't be set to nullKT-40480
[FIR] SupporthasStableParameterName
from metadataKT-50134
NI: Type inference regression in java streams groupingByKT-50160
False positive "USELESS_CAST" caused by indexed access operatorKT-42715
Unable to use implicit lambda paramit
for overloaded methodsKT-49045
False positive USELESS_CAST in generic type with nullable type parameterKT-49024
AssertionError: Variance conflict: type parameter variance 'out' and projection kind 'in' cannot be combinedKT-48975
Type mismatch: inferred type is X but Nothing! was expected with the AssertJ latest versionKT-47870
INVISIBLE_MEMBER: Kotlin class can't access protected annotation defined in Java parent classKT-47495
ReenteringLazyValueComputationException on invalid codeKT-47490
Missed diagnostic for incorrect callable reference in finallyKT-47484
"Recursion detected in a lazy value under LockBasedStorageManager" on invalid codeKT-46301
Combining branches with sealed interfaces inwhen
breaks type inferenceKT-44392
False negative: redundant nullability/not null check on cast with as operatorKT-43936
Recursion detected on input: ANNOTATION_ENTRY with annotation on star-imported nested classKT-43846
No smart cast when returning function closures with captured smart-cast variableKT-43603
False positive USELESS_CAST leads to TYPECHECKER_HAS_RUN_INTO_RECURSIVE_PROBLEM on "when" with smart cast and extension propertyKT-43553
JVM / IR: "AssertionError: Unbound symbols not allowed" caused by annotation class with TYPE targetKT-42169
False negative CAST_NEVER_SUCCEEDS for incompatible types with generic parameter and star projectionKT-42136
NI: False positive [USELESS_CAST] when list serves to create a mutable listKT-41721
SAM conversion fails on varargs with type approximated to NothingKT-38288
Unresolved reference for type parameter upper bound of nested class when outer class extends it with star projected type argumentKT-37490
NULL_FOR_NONNULL_TYPE: "Null can not be a value of a non-null type Nothing" when null is passed to nullable argument of type projected methodKT-37365
NPE fromReflectionReferencesGenerator.generateCallableReference
with inner class function reference and wrong parenthesisKT-36958
NI: missed unresolved on parenthesized callable reference passing through call (back-ends throw an exception)KT-30756
No smartcast if elvis operator as a smartcast source in while or do-while is used as the last statementKT-24737
Report an error on invalid this-expression with angle brackets on left-hand side of a callable referenceKT-21463
Compiler doesn't take into accout a type parameter upper bound if a corresponding type argument is in projectionKT-6822
Smart cast doesn't work inside local returned expression in lambdaKT-55840
Inconsistency between members of enums in bytecode between FE 1.0 + JVM IR and FIR + JVM IRKT-47815
JVM: "Recursion detected in a lazy value under LockBasedStorageManager" when trying to inherit interface from a class with non-trivial functionKT-17817
No error reported on invalid LHS for class literalKT-47373
Missed diagnostics on/after non-null assertion (!!) on generic class class use with class literalKT-51143
Wrong Unit-requiring at if/when branch with stub typesKT-53671
False-positive diagnostic reported on OptIn annotation import from root packageKT-53494
Mistaken type inference in compound 'if' expression with nullability check and covariant typeKT-28668
"AssertionError: Unrelated types in SAM conversion for index variable" if lambda argument of '[...]' in LHS of augmented assignment is used as an implementation for different SAM interfacesKT-55931
Inference for callable reference inside synthetic calls for if/when/try/etc stops working when brought into lambda for a callKT-20223
Inline access check ignores operator calls toinvoke()
K2: Add stack of all FIR elements to CheckerContextKT-41126
[FIR] Inconsistency of a compiler behaviour at init block for an enum entry with and without a qualifier nameKT-54931
Annotations defined in nested classes cannot be instantiated directlyKT-52338
"IncompatibleClassChangeError: Expected non-static field" with Kotlin class with same-named companion object property as base Java class fieldKT-24901
No smart cast forwhen
with early returnKT-53086
"Cannot access '' before superclass constructor has been called" with inner class secondary constructorKT-55137
Callable references with conversion are incorrectly allowed to be promoted to KFunctionKT-30497
EXACTLY_ONCE contract doesn't work in a function withvararg
Front-end Internal error: Failed to analyze declaration State / java.lang.IllegalStateException: Should not be called! when try to add ParcelizeKT-24503
Return-as-expression is allowed as this/super constructor parameterKT-55379
False positive NO_ELSE_IN_WHEN with smartcast to BooleanKT-47750
False positive NO_ELSE_IN_WHEN in presence of smartcast to sealed interfaceKT-53819
False positive UNINITIALIZED_VARIABLE with secondary constructor and custom property getter in local classKT-56457
JVM: Enum.entries are not annotated with@NotNull
K2. "IllegalStateException: Fir2IrSimpleFunctionSymbol for is already bound" when trying to access java synthetic property of inherited classKT-50082
Kotlin non-overriding property of subclass doesn't shadow same-named Java field from base classKT-55822
False positive ABSTRACT_CLASS_MEMBER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED with raw types and mixed overridden membersKT-55666
K2: label on local function is rejected: "Target label does not denote a function"KT-56283
False-positive INVISIBLE_MEMBER on overridden member of more specific type after smart castKT-51969
[FIR] Compilation for expect value class fails with "Fir2IrSimpleFunctionSymbol for [declaration] is already bound"KT-56329
K2: compiler backend crash on two expected functions with similar signaturesKT-56361
K2/MPP: receiver isn't available in lambda literals with receiverKT-55295
K2/MPP: JS build functionalityKT-55909
[K2/N] IndexOutOfBoundsException for a reference to a function defined in companion object superclassKT-55664
K2: eliminate ClassId.isSame call from FirClass.isSubclassOfKT-56353
K2. False negative "Unresolved reference" in default value of secondary constructor's parameterKT-56381
K2: Function type kind not extracted from lambda literal in generic callKT-55747
K2. "Convention for 'mod' is forbidden. Use 'rem'" error is missingKT-56104
Unnecessary inner classes attributes in class files for subclassesKT-55570
K2: ACTUAL_WITHOUT_EXPECT error is not reported on a simple actual classKT-56176
[K2/N] "IllegalStateException: actual type is kotlin.Int, expected kotlin.Long" when expected type uses typealiasKT-56229
K2: IllegalStateException (already bound) for triangle-like dependencies scheme with MPP scenarioKT-56199
K2 + MPP + kotlinx.serialization: java.lang.VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack in aaloadKT-56212
K2: Exception when compiling extension function declaration with illegally chained type parameter receiverKT-55503
K2: "Argument type mismatch" caused by using the wrong "this"KT-56050
K2: inconsistency regarding visibility of synthetic properties with protected getter and public setterKT-49663
FIR: Support@kotlin
.jvm.PurelyImplements for java collectionsKT-55468
[K2/N] Crash with debuginfo caused by changed tree using IMPLICIT_COERCION_TO_UNITKT-56269
[K2/N] Don't test "Tailrec is not allowed on open members" in K2KT-54647
K2: Function call with Lambda on LHS of assignment leads to KotlinExceptionWithAttachments: FirDeclaration was not found for class org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtFunctionLiteralKT-54648
K2: Function call on left side of erroneous assignment isn't resolvedKT-55699
K2. False Negative "Type parameter T is not an expression"KT-56132
Restore 'JvmBackendContext' constructor signature for compatibilityKT-55973
K2: Exception from UnusedChecker on an unused destructuringKT-56275
K2 IDE: Missed error for enum super typeKT-54775
K2. "IllegalStateException: Expected FirResolvedTypeRef with ConeKotlinType but was FirImplicitTypeRefImpl " exception on incorrect codeKT-55528
K2: CFA for property initialization analysis is not run for class initialization graphsKT-54410
K2: Deprecation warning instead of "this declaration is only available since Kotlin X" when language version in project are below required to use language featureKT-55186
K2: No compilation error on calling exception without constructorKT-36776
Treat special constructions (if, when, try) as a usual calls when there is expected typeKT-50947
False negative: FE 1.0 doesn't report type variance conflict error on an inner typeKT-39041
Collection literals should not be allowed inside annotation classesKT-54694
Consider enabling BooleanElvisBoundSmartCasts in K1 or K2KT-54587
K2. CCE on compilation when some operator fun is needed and it is implemented as an extension function for another classKT-52774
Resolve unqualified enum constants based on expected type
Update coding style conventions to include rangeUntil operatorKT-57902
Create migration tutorial from kotlin-js to kotlin-multiplatform gradle pluginKT-58381
[Docs][Libraries] Document Path.createParentDirectories
Make main run configuration detection lighterKT-56613
Reduce memory consumption of light classes
Infinite "Analyzing..." on .kt files from native source-setKTIJ-25448
When project JDK is less than one defines in jvmToolchain block run with Idea fails withhas been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime
Temporarily switch off adding jvmToolchain to new/converted Kotlin projectsKTIJ-25719
K/Wasm: Fix import of wasm projects with Kotlin 1.9.0KTIJ-24136
Files with actual declarations are not highlighted in kotlinx.coroutines projectKTIJ-24390
Kotlin assignment plugin: Imports are not recognized in build logic .kt files for Gradle buildKTIJ-24695
Default Kotlin project can not be synced on Mac M1KTIJ-25302
Wrong variant of serialization plugins is passed to JPS build if the project was imported from GradleKTIJ-25416
"Add import" works incorrectly without formatting the code for root packageKT-57849
K2: contract violation due to implicit java type with annotationKTIJ-24666
Store annotation arguments in clsKTIJ-24667
Store constant expressions in clsKTIJ-24665
Store contracts in clsKTIJ-24543
An option to configure kotlin with JavaScript is available at Tools -> Kotlin menuKT-57857
LC: FakeFileForLightClass: Read access is allowed from inside read-actionKTIJ-25172
Store flexible types in clsKT-57578
SLC: incorrect upper bound wildcardsKT-57917
Analysis API: decompiled value parameters are not resolvedKT-56046
K2 IDE: Avoid redundant resolve from annotationsKT-57569
SLC: incorrect visibility for lateinit var with private setterKT-57547
SLC: non-lastvararg
value parameter type mismatchKTIJ-25034
K2 IDE: unresolved import treated as unusedKT-57548
SLC: incorrect inheritance list for ComparatorKT-56843
Light classes: certain kinds of constant values in property initializers aren't supportedKTIJ-24676
Enum.entries is red if it's called on enum class from JDK or module without stdlib in dependenciesKT-56868
SLC: IncorrectOperationException on enum annotation arguments that are not valid Java identifiersKTIJ-25048
K2: IDE K2: "Unexpected scope FirNameAwareCompositeScope"KTIJ-24895
K2 IDE: "Invalid FirDeclarationOrigin Synthetic" exception for synthetic "WHEN_CALL" function during highlightingKT-56833
Light classes: Accessors to lateinit properties don't have@NotNull
IDE K2: "IllegalArgumentException Failed requirement at FirJvmTypeMapper"KT-56845
Light classes: Overridden property accessors don't have@Override
K2 IDE: reference from Java to ObjectName.INSTANCE of private object is red in IDE, but compiled successfullyKT-56891
Symbol Classes: DefaultImpls classes contain methods without default implementationKTIJ-24742
K2 IDE: InvalidFirElementTypeExceptionKTIJ-24067
K2 IDE: references from .java source to top-level Kotlin members from dependencies are unresolvedKT-56842
Light Classes: Primitive-backed context receiver parameters shouldn't be marked with@NotNull
Light classes: Underlying fields for delegated properties should be marked as final and@NotNull
Light Classes: Inline classes backed by Java primitives shouldn't be marked with@NotNull
K2 IDE. False positivenot applicable to
for kotlin annotation with target annotating Java elementKTIJ-24610
K2: Exception from import optimizer: "Unexpected qualifier '10' of type 'KtConstantExpression`"KTIJ-24476
Make application services to be classes instead of objectsKTIJ-24574
K2 IDE: "No fir element was found for" from inspectionsKT-55815
SLC: Keep annotations on type when converting toPsiType
K2 IDE: INRE from light classesKTIJ-24530
K2 IDE: status resolution fails with CCEKTIJ-23937
K2: No 'JavaSymbolProvider' in array owner: Source session for moduleKTIJ-24087
K2: Type parameter bounds found not analyzed during call inferenceKTIJ-24344
K2 IDE: Object reference incorrectly resolves to 'invoke' operator functionKTIJ-24107
K2 IDE: Unresolved call for qualified companion invoke()KTIJ-24385
K2 IDE: KtCallExpression(KtCallExpression) should always resolve to a KtCallInfo
Organize imports puts imports in one line if Formatter option is used
K2 IDE: Code completion in Java context for Kotlin top level members: "Slow operations are prohibited on EDT" through KtAnalysisScopeProviderImpl.canBeAnalysed()KTIJ-24989
K2 IDE: completion should show information about expanded types for type alias parametersKTIJ-24992
K2 IDE: completion shows return type with incorrect nullability when type is stub typeKTIJ-24948
K2 IDE: "ERROR: class org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.jvm.FirJavaTypeRef cannot be cast to class org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.FirResolvedTypeRef" during completion of inner classes' constructorsKTIJ-24256
K2 IDE: Angle brackets are missing in completion of function with type parametersKTIJ-24083
K2, Completion: Exception on adding a type parameter receiver to a functionKTIJ-23963
K2 IDE: Completion in Kotlin suggests overriding a Java field; fails with "Unknown member to override"KTIJ-22359
K2 IDE: no completion for Java synthetic properties from super classKTIJ-23880
Completion doesn't work for Java synthetic property reference
Kotlin Bytecode tool window: ISE Symbol with IrSimpleFunctionSymbolImpl is unbound on actual callable with argument in mpp project with IRKTIJ-24475
Migrate kotlin index extension implementation from object to classesKTIJ-24335
Kotlin Bytecode tool window: NoSuchElementException caused by duplicate Boolean type descriptor in JvmSharedVariablesManager.getProviderKTIJ-24206
Kotlin Bytecode tool window: "Unhandled intrinsic in ExpressionCodegen" when compiling a source file with an expect functionKTIJ-15764
IR by default in Kotlin bytecode tool window
MPP build failed with "Factory type is not known for plugin variants" in kt-231-*KT-56671
KGP import: K/N distribution libraries should'n be resolved for IDE by KGP with package namesKTIJ-24573
KGP-based import: commonized cinterop libraries don't include source set targets, unsupported by hostKTIJ-25757
KJS: 1.9.0-Beta fails to run when running in Android StudioKTIJ-24701
KGP import: JVM+Android shared source sets don't receive a correct default stdlib dependencyKTIJ-24745
IDE sync of kotlin("js") projects with js(BOTH) set fails with exception because of the new MPP IDE importKTIJ-24567
Enable KGP dependency resolution by defaultKTIJ-24729
KotlinMPPGradleProjectResolverKt must not be requested from main classloader on project importKTIJ-11978
IDE does not recognize the sources JAR of a published to mavenLocal MPP library
K2 IDE: 'Redundant qualifier name' false positive in type specification in extension functionKTIJ-24662
K2 IDE: False positive "Redundant qualifier name" inspection for nested class from base interfaceKTIJ-25232
K2 IDE: "Redundant qualifier name" inspection false positive with object referenced via propertyKTIJ-25447
Make Enum.entries and RangeUntil inspections don't check for opt-in when APIs become stableKTIJ-23588
K2 IDE. False positive unused import directive for extension function of an objectKTIJ-25112
K2 IDE: False positive "Actual value of parameter 'b' is always 'null'"KTIJ-24485
Explicit API mode: false positive "redundant 'public' modifier"KTIJ-24453
Unsuccessfull resolve error from OperatorToFunctionIntention on recursive property declaration
Kotlin Gradle Plugin ignores language version value for Kotlin/JS sources
K2 IDE: Library sessions are garbage collected between performance test runs with enabled library cachesKTIJ-24413
Cannot navigate to enum of the Kotlin library via entries call
K2 IDE: NoSuchMethodError: KtPsiFactory$Companion.contextualKTIJ-25304
Move IDE Extension Points from compiler.xml to the IDE repositoryKTIJ-24893
K2 IDE: Serializable plugin causes infinite resolve recursion
MPP: Library wizard with android target uses deprecatedandroidTest
source setKTIJ-25479
Compiler options is not imported correctly for js source setsKTIJ-24011
MPP: Native tests are missing run gutters
K2 IDE: Navigation doesn't work from library sources to another library sourcesKTIJ-24819
K2 IDE: support compiler reference indexKTIJ-24697
K2 IDE: handling PresistenceMap in LLFirSessionsCache takes a lot of timeKTIJ-24373
K2 IDE: Qualified generic type is not fully resolved
K2 IDE. Junit5 test method with internal modifier can't be launched using gutter
Turn off the adding new targets in Kotlin Multiplatform WizardKTIJ-26022
Project module not selected in a second page of "New Project" window in KMP wizardKTIJ-24834
Set default for "kotlin.mpp.experimental" flag for K/JS features to true
JS: generate ES2015 compatible modulesKT-48154
KJS / IR: Inline members support for external typesKT-51582
FIR: support basic compile-time evaluation for JS backend
KJS / IR: "Cannot set property message of Error which has only a getter" caused by class that is child of ThrowableKT-57690
K2/MPP: compileProductionLibraryKotlinJs fails with Module has a reference to symbol kotlin/arrayOf|3204918726020768747[0]. Neither the module itself nor its dependencies contain such declarationKT-56911
K2/MPP: Compile K/JS fails for@Serializable
annotation with class IrDeclarationOrigin$GeneratedByPlugin cannot be cast to class IrDeclarationOriginImplKT-56950
Support KLIB IC with K2KT-58570
KJS: ES6 classes + PL throw java.lang.NullPointerExceptionKT-58835
K2/JS: Fix incremental compilation klib testsKT-58794
KJS / K2: Assertion failed with Space buildKT-51706
Partial linkage: in case of absent symbol referred from declaration Native compiler is successful, JavaScript failsKT-54452
Kotlin/JS libraries with "joined" legacy+IR content: publish IR sources for themKT-53180
Kotlin/JS: generated TypeScript constructor can have "TS1016: A required parameter cannot follow an optional parameter" error with certain properties orderKT-39650
KJS IR: provide a way to enable ES2015 class generationKT-57990
KJS/IR. Invalidsuper
call for final parent methods (ES classes)KT-58246
KJS: ES15 classses — duplicated code in class constructorKT-57479
KJS: Add an annotation for a function parameter which checks that a passed argument has an external typeKT-58201
Unknown statement type when building with ES modulesKT-30810
values and valueOf are miscompiled for external enum classesKT-57024
Ugly TypeScript definitions for declarations with both@JsExport
KJS + IC: Adding or removing interface default implementation doesn't invalidate children and doesn't update JS codeKT-54638
K2/JS: Fir2ir - implement and use JS-specific manglerKT-54028
Native / JS: Using private object implementing a sealed interface causes a linker errorKT-57423
KJS: Add an annotation for external interfaces which allows to be inherited only by other external interfaces, classes or objectsKT-57711
K2: Native & JS fail to compile a KLIB that uses const val from a dependency KLIBKT-57078
JS IC: Unbound symbol left inSymbolTable
Deprecateexternal enum
KJS: "JsParserException: missing name after . operator" when a js(...) block contains an interpolated constantKT-56961
JS IR: serializedIrFileFingerprints in klib manifest has a wrong formatKT-56282
KJS: Invalidate incremental cache in case of compiler internal errors
"Framework not found SQLCipher": after selection of "Regular framework" as "iOS framework distribution" and installing SqlCihper through CocoaPodsKT-55988
KN debugger in KMM plugin for Android Studio can't recognize the source code
Provide modern and performant replacement for Enum.values()KT-15613
Introduce special syntax for the until operatorKT-4107
Design and implement a solution for toString, equals and hashCode on objects (data object)
Prohibit protected visibility in final expected classesKT-39362
Expect fun interface must have actual fun interface counterpartKT-48994
Prohibit type unsound java fields assignmentsKT-58791
Prolongate PROGRESSION_CHANGE_RESOLVE diagnostics to 2.xKT-53778
Release stdlib API about "rangeUntil" operator in 1.9KT-53653
Export Enum.entries to Objective-C and SwiftKT-55177
Deprecate declaration of expect and actual counterparts of same class in one moduleKT-49110
Prohibit access to members of companion of enum class from initializers of entries of this enumKT-47986
Forbid implicit inferring a type variable into an upper bound in the builder inference contextKT-57395
Delay ForbidInferringPostponedTypeVariableIntoDeclaredUpperBound feature to LV 2.0KT-55082
Bump KLib version for Enum.entriesKT-49264
Deprecate infix function calls of functions named "suspend" with dangling function literal
Stabilize remaining kotlin.time API: time sources, time marks, measureTimeKT-58074
Stabilization of Atomics API in K/NKT-55268
Provide common function for getting regex capture group by nameKT-53263
Add toString() to standard delegates classes (NotNullVar, LazyVal, BlockingLazyVal, ...)KT-40728
Add AssertionError constructor withcause: Throwable
parameter to common stdlibKT-57298
Avoid FileAlreadyExistsException from Path.createParentDirectories in case of parent is symlink
method in collection builders (Set, Map, List) should return a single instance for empty collectionsKT-42589
Provide common listOf(value) overload to avoid allocation of the varargKT-55091
Stdlib: Sequence.toSet() and Sequence.toList() may create the collection twiceKT-57617
Optimize ReversedListReadOnly iteratorKT-57607
KJS: Bad performance for ArrayList.addAll
Serialization: NPE when obtaining a serializer of a sealed base class with a self-referencing propertyKT-57728
Explicitly specify level of stability of programmatically-accessible interoperability APIKT-58985
Update KClass.isData KDocKT-57762
Introduce HexFormat for formatting and parsing hexadecimalsKT-55612
Stabilize experimental API for 1.9KT-58548
Stabilize standard library API for Enum.entriesKT-56400
Disable compilation of atomicfu-runtime with legacy JS backendKT-58276
Deprecate redundant public declarations in kotlin.native.concurrentKT-35973
Extract org.w3c declarations from stdlib-jsKT-58073
JS/Legacy compiler blocks compilation of kotlinx.atomicfu with K2KT-57317
Repack EnumEntries from stdlib into the compilerKT-54702
Native: mark Worker and related APIs as obsoleteKT-55610
Deprecate kotlin.jvm.Volatile annotation in platforms except JVMKT-57404
Native: Support AnnotationTarget.TYPE_PARAMETERKT-57318
Change EnumEntries stdlib implementation to be eagerKT-57137
Native: Consider removing ArrayAsListKT-56661
Missing EnumEntries-related bytecode in kotlin-stdlib-1.9.255-SNAPSHOT.jarKT-51579
PlatformImplementations loading is not compatible with graalvm native-image --no-fallback
Decommission and remove 'enableEndorsedLibs' flag from Gradle setupKT-52594
Provide Alpha support for Native in the K2 platformKT-56071
K2/MPP: Native build functionalityKT-56218
[K2/N] Receiver annotations for properties are not serializedKT-56326
[K2/N] RemoveRedundantCallsToStaticInitializersPhase removes important static initializerKT-27002
intrinsics frontend checkers aren't applied on Native
Native: performance build configuration fails with NoSuchMethodError: 'boolean kotlinx.coroutines.CompletableDeferredKt.completeWith(kotlinx.coroutines.CompletableDeferred, java.lang.Object)'
Kotlin Native can't callobjc_direct
[K2/N] Support typealiases in FirClassSymbol<*>.selfOrAnySuperClass()KT-58651
Native c-interop tool generates broken@Deprecated
Compilation fails without explicit cast on cinterop codeKT-54805
KMP ios memory leak when using CA LayerKT-57490
[K/N] Duplicate package names for cinterop klibs with objc protocols fails to link
K/N: Exception during HiddenFromObjC marked class extension function compilingKT-56464
K/N: Allow HiddenFromObjC for classesKT-57507
K2: Set of Objc exported declarations is different between K1 and K2
generate bridges without switching stateKT-57091
Align Native and Java file/class initialization behavior
[Kotlin/Native] Crash when enum values are accessed in multiple threadsKT-58130
Implement preview of custom allocator for Kotlin/NativeKT-56402
Native: if a Kotlin peer for an Obj-C object is created on the main thread, then Kotlin runtime should run objc_release for it on the main thread
Try to remove strange .equals overload on primitive typesKT-57592
Native: Remove the default parameter value for AtomicLong constructor
Enable more K2 MPP codegen/box tests for Kotlin/NativeKT-57026
K2: Fix Native test infrastructure for MPP
Reflection: Incorrect behaviour for Field.kotlinProperty function in companion objectsKT-56650
ArrayStoreException from InlineClassAwareCaller.call with an array of inline classKT-56093
Metaspace leak in a Gradle plugin built with Kotlin 1.8.0KT-55937
Optimize implementation of kotlinFunction/kotlinProperty
Specify the priority between candidates with type and value receivers when doing callable reference inferenceKT-54254
Specify that an annotation type cannot have itself as a nested elementKT-53427
Add Enum.entries to Kotlin specification, KEEP-283KT-54255
Specify extension receivers are effectivelynoinline
Incorporate rangeUntil (..<) operator into specification
Add JVM target bytecode version 20KT-57154
Incorrect version of JDK is provided through CoreJrtFsKT-56209
Add CLI support for HMPP in K2KT-58351
Confusing error message when using removed -Xjvm-default mode valueKT-57535
K2: Kotlin command line compiler doesn't see class files on the class path in 2.0KT-57644
K2: Prohibit passing HMPP module structure with CLI arguments to metadata compilerKT-56351
Reduce memory usage spent on compiler settings
NoSuchFileException in :module-B:commonizeCInterop with Kotlin 1.8.20KT-56207
Investigate failing tests in ClassifierCommonizationFromSourcesTest
K2: Compiler calls declaration generation plugins twice for classes in the common source setKT-57406
FIR Compiler plugins: Assignment plugin incorrectly recognizes qualified names of annotationsKT-57626
K2: SERIALIZER_NOT_FOUND for serializable class from another moduleKT-57400
FIR Compiler Plugins:annotated
predicate does not work with Java classesKT-57140
K2: Implement backwards compatibility for FirFunctionTypeKindExtensionKT-56685
K2: ArrayIndexOfBound during session creation if compiler plugins are enabledKT-55375
Remove "legacy" mode of jvm-abi-gen pluginKT-53470
FIR: passMemberGenerationContext
to all methods of FirDeclarationGenerationExtensionKT-51092
causes IllegalAccessErrorKT-55885
K2 plugin API: Backend-only declarations are not visible from other modulesKT-55584
K2: Improve registration of session components from compiler pluginsKT-55843
FIR Plugin API: metaAnnotated predicate returns meta-annotation itself as wellKT-53874
Optimize checking for plugin applicability and redesign DeclarationPredicates
Serialization: NPE at run time when accessing a delegating property of a deserialized objectKT-56537
Serialization: Presence of (transient) delegated field in the serialized class breaks deserializationKT-58918
Serialization: NPE at run time obtaining a serializer for a sealed class with a generic self-referencing propertyKT-59113
Serialization: NPE at run time when accessing a delegating property of a deserialized objectKT-57647
Serialization: "IllegalAccessError: Update to static final field" caused by serializable value classKT-57704
K2/serialization: false-positive SERIALIZER_NOT_FOUND when compiling against 1.7.20 binary with enum classKT-57083
K2/serialization: can't resolve serializers for classes from other modulesKT-56480
K2: false-positive warning about incompatible serializer type when using type aliasesKT-56594
K2/serialization reports SERIALIZER_NOT_FOUND over aliased String or primitive typesKT-56553
Support 'serialization plugin intrinsics' feature in K2KT-56244
kotlinx.serialization compiler intrinsic does not work with encodeToString function in 1.8.0
Remove "new" Kotlin daemon from codebase
Expose jvmTargetValidationMode property in KotlinCompile Gradle taskKT-57159
Add project level compiler options for Kotlin/JVM plugin
Gradle: Stop using exceptions for flow controlKT-57757
Reduce classpath snapshotter memory consumptionKT-56052
Implement an in-memory wrapper for PersistentHashMap to avoid applying changes to IC caches before successful compilation
Update KGP integration tests that use removed in Gradle 8 getClassifier methodKT-59589
Gradle: 'java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/gradle/scan/plugin/BuildScanExtension' on 1.9.0-RC when applying Enterprise Plugin from initscriptKT-59063
Explicit API mode broken in Kotlin 1.9.0-BetaKT-57653
Explicit API mode is not enabled when free compiler arguments are specified in Gradle projectKT-59256
[1.9.0-Beta] ServiceLoader does not pick up classes defined in the same projectKT-58662
Gradle 8.1 + Configuration Cache: custom values data is missing from build reportKT-58280
org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm Gradle plugin contributes build directories to the test compile classpathKT-59191
Actual compilation failure exception might be hidden in the case of a Kotlin daemon crashKT-56211
Improve Kotlin build reportsKT-57767
Gradle: "ZipException: invalid entry size" with 1.8.20KT-57736
K2: Introduce an easy way to try K2 compiler in Gradle user projectsKT-59056
FreeCompilerArgs options added using 'subprojects' extension override module-level freeCompilerArgs optionsKT-55740
Gradle 8: Listener registration using Gradle.addBuildListener() has been deprecatedKT-37652
Support explicit mode for Android projectsKT-58251
Build Statistics. Kotlin-specific tags are missing in build scans if projects use Gradle 8+KT-57224
Add an indicator into build metrics report to show whether K1 or K2 compiler was used to compile the codeKT-58571
ExplicitApi mode should not apply for test compilationsKT-42718
Test and AndroidTest sources should be excluded from explicit API requirements for librariesKT-58916
K2, Gradle: Improve message "100% (2/2) tasks have compiled with Kotlin 2"KT-52811
Kotlin Serialization metadata issue due to incompatibility between Gradle Kotlin embedded version and Kotlin Gradle Plugin versionKT-57330
Provide collection of usage statistics for the DokkaKT-57393
jvm-target value set through 'android.kotlinOptions' is ignored and overwritten with the default 1.8 valueKT-58745
KaptGenerateStubs task should also be configured with the same compiler plugin optionsKT-58682
Explicit api mode does not apply in MPP projectsKT-52976
Remove deprecated Gradle conventions usagesKT-58530
Compiler plugin unbundling changes should be backward compatible with Kotlin pluginKT-36904
Adding folders to sourceSets.resources.srcDir() in Gradle script does not workKT-58313
An exception in console if no task is executed and file build reports are enabledKT-58619
Move all pm20 interfaces into Gradle plugin codebaseKT-58320
Kotlin daemon OOM help message is missing on OOM in Kotlin Daemon itselfKT-53923
Add 'progressive' compiler argument to Gradle compiler optionsKT-53924
Add 'optIn' compiler arguments to Gradle compiler optionsKT-53748
Remove KotlinCompile setClasspath/getClasspath methodsKT-56454
Bump minimal support AGP version to 4.2.2KT-57397
Add infrastructure to use the build-tools-api to run compilation from GradleKT-56946
Switch incremental Gradle tests for K2 to use language version 2.0KT-57782
Disable daemon fallback strategy for Gradle integration tests by defaultKT-57142
Split org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks/Tasks.kt into several source filesKT-54447
Remove usage of deprecated internal Gradle field in Kotlin Gradle Plugin, replace with equivalent in public APIKT-49785
Avoid creating task output backups until really neededKT-56047
False positive message about full recompilation is displayed while restoring from build cache and then making a syntax errorKT-56421
Gradle: plugin should not use BasePluginExtension deprecated propertiesKT-55241
Gradle: the VariantImplementationFactories build service state is not persistent making impossible to access factories with configuration cache lazilyKT-56357
Gradle: "DefaultTaskCollection#configureEach(Action) on task set cannot be executed in the current context" because of VariantImplementationFactoriesKT-56352
Make build scan reports more readableKT-55972
Gradle: Add an assertion to all integration tests ifwarningMode
is notFAIL
, but the build doesn't produce any warnings
Support reusing generated C-interop between dependant podsKT-54161
Support adding extra code to generated Podfile from the Kotlin gradle pluginKT-56162
Provide granular Gradle warnings suppression for CocoaPodsIT
KJS: Support for Power(ppc64le) and Z(s390x)KT-32209
org.jetbrains.kotlin.js does not respect Gradle's archivesBaseNameKT-52646
KJS / Gradle: make "KotlinCompilationNpmResolver already closed" a warningKT-52647
KJS / Gradle: Make "Projects must be configuring" a warningKT-56158
KJS: Support implementation dependencies
Unresolved reference: useKarma in convention pluginKT-57604
JS, Space: Circular dependency between tasksKT-59116
K/JS npm dependcies are not resolved properly on Kotlin 1.9KT-54731
KJS / Gradle: "There are multiple versions of "kotlin" used in nodejs build: 1.6.21, 1.7.20." with kotlin-dsl in buildSrcKT-58970
browserTest gradle task fails if karma is used and gradle configuration cache is enabledKT-59004
Kotlin JS 1.9.0-Beta, yarn.lock is unstable in multi module projectKT-56458
KJS / Gradle: Unnecessary and confusing "There are multiple versions of "kotlin" used in nodejs build" generated fromYarnImportedPackagesVersionResolver
Gradle configurations don't inherit unique attributes from JsTarget DSLKT-57817
JS: executables for couple of JS targets builds in the same directoryKT-58199
K/JS: Remove useCoverage methodKT-57116
KJS / Gradle:commonWebpackConfig
not applied if called afterbinaries.executable()
K/JS: Upgrade NPM dependency versionsKT-57629
K/JS: Change default destination of JS production distributionKT-57480
K/JS: Use IR compiler by default without explicit choosing of js compilerKT-58345
K/JS: Webpack task skipped with ES modules because files have mjs extensionKT-58071
KJS / Gradle:jsNodeTest
task is not incrementalKT-43809
KJS: browserProductionExecutableDistributeResources tasks deletes distributions directoryKT-56690
Kotlin2JsCompiler friendDependencies cannot be configured through friendPathsKT-57920
K/JS: Make imported NPM package not considering dev dependenciesKT-56025
KJS / Gradle: Gradle 8.0 jsBrowserProductionWebpack uses the output of another project's jsProductionExecutableCompileSyncKT-57630
K/JS: webpack updating twice on one change of kt sourcesKT-47351
KJS / IR::jsTestPackageJson
is unable to find nested included builds under composite buildKT-44754
K/JS:browserRun --continuous
keeps rebuilding without any changesKT-49774
KJS / Gradle: Errors during NPM dependencies resolution in parallel build lead to unfriendly error messages like "Projects must be closed"KT-57387
Remove support of webpack 4KT-57386
Kotlin/JS upgrade npm dependenciesKT-56705
KJS / Gradle: Module name starting with '@' isn't properly set when FUS is disabledKT-46428
KJS / IR: Composing build failed "Failed to create MD5 hash for package.json"KT-53687
Don't trigger npm and yarn related tasks if it not relevant for assembleKT-49915
KJS / Gradle: Gradle build cache miss because of absolute path inKotlinJsIrLink.filteredArgumentsMap
KJS: In browser testing no original sources in stacktraceKT-42395
Kotlin/JS: Gradle DSL: PackageJson.customField() does not accept nullKT-43305
Support Node.JS downloading for UbuntuKT-48631
KJS: Unconditionally uses linux/x86 binariesKT-38015
NodeJS installation does not extract symlinks correctly (npm and npx)
Provide an option for Android targets to compile & runcommonTest
tests as unit tests only, instrumented tests only, or bothKT-55881
Add possibility to enable/disable sources publication similar to Java Gradle Plugin API
MPP: transformCommonMainDependenciesMetadata failing for api java dependency in shared jvm source set with Future was not completed yetKT-55751
MPP / Gradle: Consumable configurations must have unique attributesKT-57688
task fails with llegalArgumentException: 'moduleName' is null!KT-56210
Pass module structure to CLI of K2 if K2 enabledKT-57531
KotlinNativeLink: StackOverflowError when consuming library with dependency cycles (from constraints)KT-58281
Kotlin Gradle Plugin: Enable Kotlin/Android SourceSetLayout v2 by defaultKT-57903
Prepare for migration to the pluggable android target pluginKT-49933
Support Gradle Configuration caching with HMPPKTIJ-25644
KGP import: 'KotlinRunConfiguration' won't be able to infer correct runtime classpathKT-58661
KGP: KotlinJvmTarget: Implement 'run' carrier taskKT-59055
KotlinJvmRun not respecting jvmToolchain settingKT-57959
Module-name value can't be changed for the android target of a multiplatform projectKT-55506
TCS: Gradle Sync: kotlin-stdlib-common is not filtered from JVM + Android source setsKTIJ-25732
Flaky: KotlinMultiplatformSmokeTests .testJvmAndNativeKTIJ-25039
New import can add unresolved dependency as emptyKT-57652
Don't expose sourcesElements for project2project dependenciesKT-58601
Finalise "ExternalKotlinTargetApi" shape for initial 1.9 releaseKT-58710
External Target Api: Add API to control SourceSetTreeKT-58488
Add a diagnostic message to KGP in case of val androidTest by getting usageKT-57482
cleanNativeDistributionCommonization is not compatible with configuration cache with gradle 8.0KT-58062
Commonizer configuration cache not compatible with Gradle 8.1KT-58086
Warn about using MPP libraries published in the legacy modeKTIJ-24254
KotlinProjectArtifactDependencyResolver returning too earlyKT-56439
TCS: Gradle Sync: IdeBinaryResolver: Add componentFilter API for compilations/configurationsKT-57023
Cryptic Gradle task descriptions for compile tasksKT-58470
Warning about using MPP libraries published in the legacy mode is not reported if the dependency is declared in an intermediate source setKT-58466
K2 Gradle: non *.kt files are passed to -Xfragment-sourcesKT-58319
kotlin.git: ProjectMetadataProviderImpl "Unexpected source set 'commonMain'"KT-51940
HMPP resolves configurations during configurationKT-58261
Link kotlin native binary framework tasks fails when configuration cache is enabledKT-41506
UnknownDomainObjectException: "KotlinSourceSet with name not found" when creating custom compilations after applying withJava to an MPP JVM targetKT-58209
Do not use the term 'Module' in KotlinTargetHierarchyKT-56153
When the dependency is unresolved, import fails and don't import anything instead of degrading gracefullyKT-56571
New import broke apiVersion for commonMain, commonTest and jvmAndAndroidMain modulesKTIJ-24552
TCS: KotlinMppGradleProjectResolverExtension: Add 'afterProjectResolved' APIKTIJ-24368
Multiplatform;Composite Builds: prepareKotlinIdeaImport not executed on included buildsKTIJ-24377
Multiplatform;Composite Builds: Unresolved symbols from a root project of included buildKT-56712
Multiplatform;Composite Builds: Classpath isolation: .MppDependencyProjectStructureMetadataExtractorFactory cannot be cast to class *MppDependencyProjectStructureMetadataExtractorFactoryKT-56461
MPP: resolvableMetadataConfiguration: Ensure consistent resolution across all compile dependenciesKT-56841
MPP: Module-to-module dependencies don't work inside included build in included buildKT-42748
Project that transitively depends on composite build of multimodule multiplatform library cannot resolve dependencies properlyKT-52356
MPP / Gradle: Missing common classes on KMM project integrated via Gradle included build into an Android applicationKT-51293
Unresolved references with hierarchical project structure when building KotlinMetadata from native-common source setKTIJ-24771
Multiplatform: Composite builds do not resolve in IDEA when rootProject.name != buildIdentifier.nameKT-56700
V2 MPP Source Set layout warnings should include link to docsKT-55926
TCS: Gradle Sync: Import Extras on KotlinSourceSet and KotlinTargetKTIJ-24364
KotlinProjectArtifactDependencyResolver: Extend API to include information about 'requesting source set'KTIJ-24365
KotlinMPPGradleProjectResolver: Create extension points for other plugins (Android)KT-55730
MPP / Gradle: compileKotlinMetadata fails to resolve symbols in additional source sets
KGP/Multiplatform: 1.9.0-Beta with custom cinterops: IllegalStateException: Could not create domain object 'jni' (DefaultCInteropSettings)KT-57823
KotlinNativeCompileOptions.moduleName value is ignored and replaced with the default one if to set up using compilationsKT-57815
KotlinNativeCompileOptions.moduleName isn't accessible if to configure using compilerOptions.configure {}KT-57944
K2: K2, MPP, Native: K2 reports "Source does not belong to any module" for native sourcesKT-53108
Expose Kotlin/Native compiler options as Gradle DSLKT-58063
Kotlin/Native tasks configuration cache are not compatible with Gradle 8.1KT-38317
Kotlin/Native: NSURLConnection HTTPS requests fail in iOS tests due to --standalone simctl flagKT-56280
Gradle: freeCompilerArgs are no longer propagated from compilations to Native binaries
IC fails to detect a change to class annotationsKT-58986
New IC: ISE "The following LookupSymbols are not yet converted to ProgramSymbols: LookupSymbol(name=$$delegatedProperties, ...)"KT-56197
If use classpathSnapshot, the invoke place of subclass's super function who has default parameters will not recompiled if it is incremental buildKT-56886
K2: Changes to Java sources used in Kotlin project do not trigger a rebuild if a previous build was successful
JPS plugin: serialization plugin is not applied to modulesKT-56438
Add minimal statistic report for JPS buildKT-58314
kotlin-build-statistics is missing for kotlin-jps-pluginKT-55696
JPS IC K2 - fix new failing tests with Java interopKT-57102
SCE: DefaultErrorMessages$Extension: DefaultErrorMessagesWasm not a subtype after adding WASM error messages
KAPT Gradle plugin causes eager task creationKT-59521
Kapt maven plugin require version of annotation processorKT-58301
K2: Compile Kotlin task failure for the generated by Kapt sources : 'Source NameOfTheGenerated.kt does not belong to any moduleKT-57598
K2: Support a fallback mode executing Kapt with K1 even when the compiler is run with languageVersion=2.0KT-58226
KAPT: “org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi2ir.generators.ErrorExpressionException: null: KtNameReferenceExpression” with enum with secondary constructor
Maven. JVM target is imported as 1.6 when no target specified in pom.xml
K2: "IllegalStateException: Function has no body with@Parcelize
" on nested sealed class hierarchies
The obsolete kotlin-script-util jar is still published and contains broken JSR-223 implementation