Releases: reactphp/promise
Releases · reactphp/promise
This release introduces the ExtendedPromiseInterface.
The ExtendedPromiseInterface extends the PromiseInterface with useful shortcut
and utility methods which are not part of the Promises/A specification.
Introduce new CancellablePromiseInterface implemented by all promises.
New major release. The goal was to streamline the API and to make it more compliant with other promise libraries and especially with the new upcoming ES6 promises specification.
- Add standalone Promise class.
- Add new React\Promise\race() function.
- BC break: Bump minimum PHP version to PHP 5.4.
- BC break: Remove ResolverInterface and PromiseInterface from Deferred.
- BC break: Change signature of PromiseInterface.
- BC break: Remove When and Util classes and move static methods to functions.
- BC break: FulfilledPromise and RejectedPromise now throw an exception when initialized with a promise instead of a value/reason.
- BC break: React\Promise\Deferred::resolve() and React\Promise\Deferred::reject() no longer return a promise.