Readium CSS is a set of reference stylesheets for EPUB Reading Systems, starting with Readium 2.
Readium CSS provides styles for reflowable text:
- paged and scrolled views;
- a “patch” for HTML5 Suggested Rendering specific to publications (e.g. extra styles for hyphenation, breaks, etc.);
- default styles for unstyled ebooks;
- reading modes (day, night, and sepia);
- themes;
- user settings;
- a set of baselines and recommendations for accessibility, overrides, and internationalization.
Readium CSS is currently in beta (version 1.0.0-beta.2
{% include toc.html %}
You can alternatively download this documentation as an EPUB file.
We’ve been using house-made web apps during ReadiumCSS that we made available in the project’s repo:
- Typeface Tester, to help pick fonts for reading apps or alternatives for EPUB files;
- Dynamic Leading Tester, to find the ideal line-height for a specified font.