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7 1 Did you know that more and more people these days are depending on computers for their safety, natural education, and their social life? In my opinion, the increasing use of computers is not benefiting society. Initially, ones safety while using a computer is at risk. To begin, when someone is talking to another on a computer, they @MONTH1 never know who is at the other end of it. For example, @CAPS1 a small girl was playing a game on the computer and a person began talking to her, it could be a predator. She will never know unless they meet us somewhere. At this point, it maybe too late. Moreover, studies show that @PERCENT1 of people's information is more widely exposed in the last @NUM1 years due to the new chat websites. Such as myspace and facebook. In these websites, people share their information. With this, their safety is at risk. Finally, people should stop using computers as much as they are now, in order to keep their safety safe. Furthermore, enjoying nature is a must, in our world full of immense landscapes, wide waters, dense forests, and lush valleys. @CAPS1 you depend on your computer to teach you about the world, you should cease this use. One must actually be outside, experiencing the feel, the smell, and even the taste of nature. A recent study shows that people who actually went to the grand canyon could write a @NUM1 page essay on what they had learned. The people who didn't go and simply read information off their computer, could not write this much. Finally, society needs to back away from their computers, and stop into. Thirdly, a person's social life could be ruined from the use of computers for many reasons. One reasons for this could be that a person spends all their time on their computer instead of spending time with their family and friends. Sure, you can chat with people online, but that's nothing like chatting in person. There is no need to talk to a friend or family member online, when you could do it in person. Finally, @CAPS1 someone takes an embarrasing picture of you and puts it on their computer, it is there forever. Thus, you can lose friends, whether you're the person in the picture or the addict who put the picture on. With this, you can easily ruin your family/social life by using your computer too often. How would you feel @CAPS1 it was your fault that someone's safety is at risk? Wouldn't you rather enjoy nature in person instead of which it on your computer and not get the fall effect? Couldn't you talk to your friends and family in person rather than ignore them to use your computer? There are numerous ways in which the increasing rate of computer use does not benefit society. I encourage you to agree with me that computers can put one safety at risk decrease their education of nature and ruin their social life. 5 5 10
13 1 Dear local newspaper I raed ur argument on the computers and I think they are a positive effect on people. The first reson I think they are a good effect is because you can do so much with them like if you live in mane and ur cuzin lives in califan you and him could have a wed chat. The second thing you could do is look up news any were in the world you could be stuck on a plane and it would be vary boring when you can take but ur computer and go on ur computer at work and start doing work. When you said it takes away from exirsis well some people use the computer for that too to chart how fast they run or how meny miles they want and sometimes what they eat. The thrid reson is some peolpe jobs are on the computers or making computers for exmple when you made this artical you didnt use a type writer you used a computer and printed it out if we didnt have computers it would make ur @CAPS1 a lot harder. Thank you for reading and whe you are thinking adout it agen pleas consiter my thrie resons. 4 3 7
17 1 Dear Local Newspaper, I belive that computers have a negative effect on peoples lives. I belive this because who spend to much time on the computer don't get out as much as they should, don't spend enough time with their family, and the computer can't do everything. My first reason is I belive that people need to get out more. When they don't get out, they don't exersise and that is very unhealthy. Instead of watching the games or the scores they should get out and play the game. I also belive that they should enjoy nature because I feel like they are wasting the beauty of nature all around them. We wouldn't want to waste our abilities and privalges would we? Another reason is that they do not spend enough time with family. If you have family near you, then you should take advantage of that and interact with one another. You can have fun with your family by playing games. You can also have fun by just hanging out, which boost your social skills and the computer can't always do that, which brings me to my next point. The computer can't do everything, so take advantage of what you have now. Some computer time is fine, but it can be very dangerous by getting addictted to it. The computer @MONTH1 have lots of information, but there is nothing that you can't find in a book. Your computer can't love your dog, so there is a reason why we should get off the computer. There are pleanty of other things that you can do that you can't do on the computer, including sports, taking care of family, and any of your hobbys. Remember that the computer @MONTH1 be great from time to time, but it can not live your life for you. That is why I belive that we should spend less time on the computer, and more time getting out, and having fun with family, and that the the computer can't do everything. 4 4 8
20 1 Well computers can be a good or a bad thing. I don'@CAPS1 realy see @CAPS2 computers can be a bad thing for me. I also know @CAPS2 computers can or will help people all around the world. I think computers has positive effects on people like me. Computers teaches hand-eye coordination. It can help if you need to find out reasearch for a school project. You can create lots of things on computers like music, desiner @CAPS1-shirts, logos, banners and lots of other creative things. With computer you can look up available homes and apartments. You can even go online and fill out a job application and save trips to stores @CAPS2 cool is that!! Well im a regular person not rich not famous but computers provide lot of information people use today. Thats why I think that computers has a positive effects on people and you don'@CAPS1 have to be super smart to use one. 3 3 6
23 1 Dear local newspaper, @CAPS1 you ever see a child on the computer for hours and nothing could get them off? Well I believe that this is very harmful for the child since it doesn't allow them to exersice, interact face to face with people or use their minds to the best of their @NUM1. The more and more we advance in society we get laziar and forget to about these essential things. I think taking a step back from using computers could benefit society more than using them. Obesity in the @LOCATION2 is at its highest @PERCENT1 of kids in the @LOCATION3 agree that they only exersice once a week and would rather spend time on the computer. Think of this, @PERCENT1 of kids. Thats more than @NUM2 of @CAPS2 children. I took the and compared it in @CAPS3 children who don't the benefit of this technology. I learned that @PERCENT1 of children there exersice only once a week. That's for less what these computers are doing to @LOCATION3 @PERCENT2 of children are overweight and @PERCENT3 of them develope heart of blood problems as adults. I by exercise in to go and play with friends or bike, or go for a jog. It doesn't sound hard does it? If we make a to spend this than on computers I think we can reduce this obesity amount and I believe @CAPS2 ran as on overall country. On the computer we have popular websites like @CAPS5, @CAPS6, and @CAPS7. More websites allow you interact with people over the island. This could be in more ways than one. These computer websites are allowing anyone to talk in people who could have the interest in mind. More than @NUM3 out of @NUM4 people in my school say they have one of these accounts and have personal posted on them. With this personal info, could and with these websites the crime rate has gone up @PERCENT4. Also, these websites cause people to their social skills. People spend hours on these websites talking to people and forget how to talk face to face. @PERCENT2 of @LOCATION1 students say they would say something online that they wouldn't say to someone's face. This creates more problems in schools and could possibly make someone hurt someone else or themselves. I've heard all over the news about suicides and because of computers and I believe with less of them people would spend more time with their family and or nation would be closer and safer. Computers dont allow you to explore nature and use your mind to the best of its ability. Computers make it easy and I myself, think it makes me laziar because it allow me to read a book there or read about other people, instead of going to a library and getting a book. Computers take away time to actually use your mind and problem solve in real life solution. There's years and I've learned I can be on the computer for hours playing them and not realize it at all. Without them, would make a difference. Kids are living through computers and we can change them. 5 5 10
28 1 Dear Newspaper, Computers are high tec and have expanded in an everyday thing. They play a big role in society. Computers have been improved to do many different things without them we would barely get any thing done. Although kids should start goind outside more, computers teaches kids new things, and it is useful. With computers kids are rarely going outside. A lot of our population of the @LOCATION1 are obese, including kids. Because of this they are staying inside and on their computer. Kids need to go outside evry once and while to get some fresh air and exercise. If they limit their time on the computer and do some active game it would be better for the child. Since computers are rapidly growing and adapting kids spend half of the day on it just stareing at the screen playing some flash game, like run escape. Instead of wasteing their time doing that they should go outside, take a walk just do something! Computers teaches kids new things. Google something like trees. You would get bunch of websites containg information about trees. Kids also play games, if they don't know it, some of the games they play are teaching them stuff, for an example, my little sister, goes on a site called nickeloden.com I see that right and it teaches her stuff she didn't know before. from those types of games it prepared her for kindergarden. Now a days more and more sites keep adapting and becoming known like bing. Computers are real useful. suppose you want to know whats goind on at work. So click your mouse on internet explorer and get your email. With computers, you could go on social networking sites, like facebook and connect with friends. You can also go on instant messageing site to talk to friends and see what there up to. For your entertainment you could play games. Remember though to not stay on too long. Computers are big deal in our community. Life would be very difficult without them. But remember not to stay on too long! Although kids should start going outside, computers, teaches kids new things, and is useful. 5 4 9
36 1 "Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, Have you ever wondered what effect computers have on people? It is a very negative effect. Computers are one of the main reasons of why kids do not exercise and become obese, it can effect students' grades, and by being on the @CAPS6, you are isolating yourself from your loved ones. First of all, more and more kids are using computers way more often than they should. The result of this, you @MONTH1 ask? Since computers are used daily, especially by young adolescents, it is likely for that child to become obese. Researches from well-known colleges, such as @ORGANIZATION2 and @LOCATION2, discovered that @PERCENT1 of kids who spend more than two hours on the @CAPS6 are obese or will become heavier when they are older. After speaking with @PERSON1, graduate from @LOCATION1, he told me that when children spend more time on the @CAPS6, they are doing nothing but staring at a bright screen that can damage their eyes, and not spending their time outside enjoying the beautiful weather. As a consequence, kids start to gain body fat from sitting on a coach staring at the @CAPS6 all day instead of exercising! My second reason of why computers are a negative effects on kids is that it can harm your grades! After I spoke with a current student at @ORGANIZATION1, she told me that the reason why her grades drop is because she is too busy on @CAPS3, @CAPS4, @CAPS5, etc. She does not focus on her @ORGANIZATION1 work like she should and because she doesn't, her grades go from @NUM1's to low @NUM2's. This shows that even ""A"" students are getting bad grades from being on the @CAPS6. Additionally, from being on the @CAPS6 so much and not paying attention at @ORGANIZATION1 work, it can effect your best grades on the @ORGANIZATION3's! This shows that by always going on the @CAPS6 you hurt your academic skills. My last and final reason of why computers have a negative effect on children is because it harms your social skills of being on outgoing, talkative individual! Everytime you log into that death trap device, your selfesteem becomes lower because you never talk to friends or call them. You just sit on a hard chair, looking at an electronics device that is going to take you no where in life. Also, you are pushing your loved ones away by being on @CAPS6 @NUM3. You will end up never spend time with them and you will never call your friends to see what they are up to if you keep on going on the @CAPS6. Furthermore, if your mom or dad tells you to get off your @CAPS6, you become cranky and rude to your family just becuase you want to go back on your favorite electronic device. Do you really want to act that way to your family? So, in summing up, computers are a negative effect on many young individuals, and the reasons for this are that you have less time to exercise, it harms your grades, and you are not able to be as interactive with people by being on the @CAPS6. The real question is, though, is do you think computers have a negative or positive effect on people?" 5 5 10
42 1 Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 @CAPS3: Computers have a negitive affect on people and their to connect with others because they always are on the computer and never outside. My first reason is that computers hurt your eyes after a long time sitting at them. People I know have complained of their eyes hurting after using the computer. Studys show taht @PERCENT1 of all people who use the computer after a long time are more likly to loose their eye sight than people who are outside all day. Another one of my reasons is people who are inside on electronics all day are less likly to have good people skills. If you don't have good people skills then you probibly wont have alot of friends and if you need them it would probibly be over the computer. And you never know what they could be like. Also if your inside all day then you will not get the proper excersize could be very bad you and others. My third and final reason is that people will makes fun of you if you sit inside all day don't come out because your on the computer. If you ar on the computer you are more likly to fail in school you don't do your homework or projects but instead your on the computer playing games. And your more likly to get into fights with your parents or guardians because your on the computer and they never see you or hear from you. Also they wont be able to go online and pay their bills witch could be bad for everyone. So these are just some of the reasons I think computers could be bad. Thank you. 4 4 8
46 1 Dear, Local Newspaper @CAPS1 here to inform you that the time we spend on computers is needed because it helps you with information, it helps you to become smarter and it helps you with hand-eye coordination. I will now explain to you why the time we spend on computers is needed by stating these three reason. My first reason I'll like to state that will convince you with the time we spend on computer's are needed is it helps us with information and it teaches stuff about place's, people, culture and more it teaches us useful information which takes a while to learn so the time we spend on computeres is needed to learn new information. My second reason I'll like to state that will convince you with. The time we spend on computer's are needed is it helps us to become smarter. Say if you needed help with fractions you can go on a math site it helps you with it. Computers make you become become smarter. And at the end of the day it's about who's smarter not who does more excerise. My third and final reason which contribute to why we spend the time we spend on computer are needed because it teaches you good hand-eye coordination because it help with typing and become more faster to do essay's and when you have good hand-eye coordination you dont make a lot of mistake's typing. So I have come to my conclusion why a lot of computer time is needed because it helps with information, you become smarter, and it teaches good hand-eye coordination this is why a lot of computer time is needed probably even more computer time is needed. A lot of computer time is needed because you get smarter plus it beneifts society. 4 4 8
50 1 Computers are the greatest tool mankind has. They give people acsess to more information than anything else in the world. they ler us connect faraway places with one click of the button without computers people would never know and learn or do as much as can without computers modern planes or cars would not exist. without computer this very test probaly would not exist so no sconclusion to much time on the computor, because theres more to do than one can doin lifetime 2 3 5
52 1 Dear @CAPS1 of society I am writing this letter to you to explain the many benefits towards computers. My first reason will explain the many ways computers help you @CAPS2 beleive that people using computers is a very good idea. They beleive this because computers make you really focus and pay attention. This gives you really great eye sight and amazing hand eye cordonation. A important ability that computers have is they are able to teach you about far away places depending on were you live. The reason people would probobility want to visit one of these places on a website would probobility be for vacational purposes. My third reason to why I feel we should keep computers is. There is a lot of websites you can join so that you can speak to your friends as long as there online. IAM, @CAPS3, @CAPS4 exc. These are all great uses for computers. Also people who own a well paying email system on these computer that tells them who wants to sell a piece of machinary, or anything that involves buisness ethics. Now you know my three very important reasons to why computers are a great way to get hand eye cordonation. A great way to learn about other states. And so you can talk to friends and have a email for buisness purposes. I hope you have enjoyed reading this and hope to see you on my side toward this topic. 3 4 7
57 1 in @DATE1 has become far more advanced. Computers are one of the most futiristic objects. The computer is good for connecting to people around the world. However, computers have bad effects on people's lives. Children are taking time out of their homework to go on the computer, citizens are gaining weight, and children are being kidnapped. School is very important and valuable if you want to suceed in life. However, computers have made it difficult for students to concentrat on their homework. This is a horrible habbit and a bad effect on students every where. Students grades will suffer and will not obtain class credits if this problem is not mentioned. Obesity is a huge problem in @LOCATION1, five out of every ten @CAPS1 are either overweight or obese. This can lead to death. The problem is that people are spending hours on the computer each day. Most of that time can be used to exercise. Exercising can be an important benefit to someone's life. If this problem is not addressed millions of americans will be overweight, @CAPS2 is a very serious and dangerous topic. Every month dozend of kids are kidnapped. Since the internet was invented there is a twenty percent increase rate of kids missing children will go on poppular networking websites such as @CAPS3, @CAPS4, and twitter and give out their important information. Pedophiles use the internet to trick children in to giving their address. This problem needs to stop and be addressed by the police. Everyday, more and more people use computers. Compuers have good and bad effects on peoples lives. The bad effects are very serious and dangerous. How would you feel if your child fails school, gains weight, or gets kidnapped because of the computer? 5 4 9
63 1 Dear local newspaper, I think that computers have a good effect on people. They are good because you can learn things educational. You can hear the latest stories on everything, and you can keep your information down for yourself. Computers are a good thing to have because you can learn information. @CAPS1 you have a question or don't know what something means, you can find out on the internet. These are some internet sources that are @NUM1 to answer questions. @CAPS1 we didnt have computers, then @CAPS1 you have a question, then you would have to go find a book to read in and that takes much more work. Another reason why computers are a good things is because you can catch up on all of the recent stories. You can learn about whats happenings in other parts of the world, you can learn things about celebrities, and you can look at the weather. You can find all this cut on television, but you never knows when it would come on. With computers, you can search all the latest stories and find things cut when you want to know them. With Computers, you can also keep information down. You could use @ORGANIZATION1 and keep everything you need to know in a nice and fashion. You can also make graphs on the computer. This way your graphs will nice have alright time and @CAPS1 you would to go information that in a @CAPS1 there were no computers then your information would not be as and you can it. I believe that computers are a good thing to have because you can hear about the latest stories, and you can keep your own information neat. I believe computers positive effect in people. 4 4 8
74 1 I believe that computers have good effects on people. Computers allow people to stay in touch with long distance friends or family. Computers have games for kids that help them learn, and, also, people learn new things, too. My first reason is that, computers allow people to stay in touch. If someone in their family live long distance then they could always use e-mails to talk. That way they wont lose each other. Also, sometimes, friends move away and you always want to keep in touch. Another thing is that, if they want to send photos to each other, they can use e-mail. Also, because, thru an mail takes forever. Please, let the people stay in touch! My second reason is that, computers has games kids play. The games kids play could help them learn more. Sometimes watching t.v. don't help. If they acutually play the game and see what their doing, then they will got smarter. That's what we want for our kids, right? Also, kids have fun playing these games. Do you really want to take the learning experience away? My third reason is, computers help people learn new things. Like, they could go on the computer and learn what's happening in the world. People can learn new words they never knew about. Also, pictures on the computer help, too. For example, if someone is traveling somewhere, and they don't know how the price. They can get on the computer and check it out, right? So, in conclusion, I believe that computers are good use. They help people stay in touch, help kids learn by playing games and help people learn new things about the world and more. So, I'm saying, please, keep the computers. They are not a waste of our time. Turst me! 4 3 7
79 1 Computers have caused many people money, friends and time. In fact, since that the computers came out this year, lots of people has been spending web to much time of them. Which can cause people to loose time and friends. Computers and technology today have had a very influence on very many people. Spending too much time on computers can cause to loose time and money. For example, my oldest brother was very large at the age of @NUM1 or @NUM2 because our computer started working, but this had a positive impact on him, he started participating in sports such as basketball and lacrosse and that he was very at them and followed lacrosse through highschool. While doing this he and saves my parents money. This is @CAPS1 reason how computers have had a negative effect on people. The new technology has caused people to loose lots of time when they could be doing other things that would them in life. For example, many people in the @LOCATION1 have half of their day to computers, and not getting the exercise of this are video games of the day on computers. This is @CAPS1 affect that computers can have on people is loosing or with friends. For example, I used to be friends a person, but then he did not talk to me for almost the entire @DATE1 because he was always on the computer, which made me think that he did not want to be friends but actually he just deleted almost all of the the @DATE1 to the computer. Since this helped I have been over to his house about @NUM3 times this year as to every @DATE2. This is @CAPS1 way computers can change your life. The time has come to decide whether to have a computer or not to have in computers. In my mind I that it would be best for everyone if we did not have the on computers, but if you do that we should have the an computers than put a certain time wait on computers. In your so you and your family members don't loose time, exercise time, or friends. Overall, I think that it would be best for everyone if we had a time on computers to the whole day on them. 5 5 10
82 1 "Do you remember the last time you locked something up on the computer? Many people use Computers, but not everyone agrees that this benefits society. Those who support a trances in technology believe that computer have a positive effect on people. I support computers because they help with writing, locking up information and provide communication. One reason I support computers is because they help with writing. You can tell I do not have the greatest hand writing. To help this, I type almost all of my papers. Computers can also help people with spelling and gramar. There are even systems now that let you say something and @CAPS1 will appear on the screen. This is just one reason I support computers. Next, computers are benifical because of the information they can provide. ""before computers you would need to go to the libary and find around ten books that might not even have what your looking for. Now you can find hundreds of articals on any topic in minutes. The amount of information out there is un imageinable. I think computers are a great of technology because of the information they can provide. Finally, I believe computer are a benifit to us because of comunication. One term of communication that came out recently is @CAPS2. @CAPS1 is a website that let's you sent messages to a friend, share picture, videos and many more things. E-mail let's you send letters to people via internet instantly. I could go on forever about forms of comunication on the internet. This is the last reason I support computers. Computers are a great benifit to society. They help with writing, communication, and everyone could benifit form computers." 4 4 8
84 1 I think computers help people out because you can learn about at here thing like @CAPS1 you want a job you can look it up in the computers. Also @CAPS1 you have a problem they will help you out. @CAPS1 you what to go some where you could go and be on the computer and look how it is and @CAPS1 you like it you could go @CAPS1 not look some where else you what to go. I think it a great thing @CAPS1 you look for people in the computer because you could talk to them and see them it realy cool. You can look for coltures in your computer what you want to learn. Like @CAPS1 you have a favert person you what to know about you can look it up in the computer and she videos or you can look up different sites it really cool. There games you can play online there alot of game and fun game learning games. Math game science game different games you what. Also you can us othere people that are planing the game game as you. It realy cool. I think the computer isn't bad for people computer help them a lot. 3 3 6
88 1 "Dear Newspaper, ""@CAPS1 no!' I forgot the deffinition to this homework problem and I dont have my notes. Now, in this situation a computer would be very helpful to just type in the word and get a whole bunch of results. This is why I believe having access to a computer at all times is very helpfull because you can find information that you've been needing. You can get in touch with a friend if you need to or just to talk to lostly if you are just sitting around and having nothing to do you can just go on the computer and discover things you @MONTH1 not have known. Having access to a computer is a real and very helpfull because if your just having a conversation with someone and you forget a name of an important fact you want to tell them, you can always just look it up. For me, a lot of the times I just need information about maybe a sports player of facts about a famous event. Since our technology is so up to date the computer is right there sitting with many of the helpfull facts we would like to know. Friends are a big part of my life and I love just to talk to them and see how they are doing. Again, our technology is so advanced now that there is a bunch of websites where we can talk and see how we are doing. A big reason why being able to talk to friends and family is helpful is for taking to people that are very far away and the ones you dont normally see. On a computer you can talk to people from not only all over the @CAPS2.S.A but even in other countrys! Finally, the times I find having a computer around me most helpfull is when I am just bored with nothing to do! I can just visit a whole bunch of educational websites on things I @MONTH1 have learned in school or wanted to learn. On the internet there are many things to keep you occupied like games or ou can even watch movies from your home onto the computer! If you have a computer around your house you should not be bored because there is many things you can be doing or even learning! Having a computer around your house is so helpfull, you can have fun but your even learning how to be good with technology at the same time. Computers are the future and its a good one. So I suggest you pick one up and just have a blast, you wont be sorry." 4 5 9
89 1 Computers do benefit are society. They have changed the world alot. You can do many things on the internet. On the computer, you can chat with people everywhere. The computer helps the world. These are ways how computers do benefit our society. There are many things you can do on the internet. You can play games with people. You can talk to people on certain websites. You can look up vaction spots. If your tired of being home, then just go on the internet. These are things you can do on the internet. On the computer, there are many settings. Out of all of them, chatting is the best. You can be playing a game and still chat. If you chatting with someone, you can still chat with another person. You can chat with people from across the world. This is why chatting is the best setting. Computer helps the world in many ways. It helps kids if they need to research something. It helps the cops catch the bad people. The computer helps parents get from their children by vaction ads. This is has the computer helps the world. The computer does benifit our society. It has change the world. You can do many things on it. On the computer, you can chat with people from anywhere. The computer helps the world everyday. This is how the computer benifits our society. 3 3 6
91 1 Dear Newspaper, I think computers are great. There really helpful. They can teach us about things. Also they have fun games and websites which is always a plus. Computers are helpful in lots of things, like if you need to look something up for school you can just easily go on the computer and find it also some teachers have websites now where insted of bringing a big social studies book home, you can go on the internet and use the online book. Did you know that @PERCENT1 of @CAPS1 students rather use the internet book then taking the actual one home. Also if you forgot to write down your homework theres a website to lookup all the homework you have. Also computers can teach us things. There are websites that have math games and school related things. Also you can easilly go on google and look up things and they can give you thousands of information. Lastly the internet is a good source for fun they have millions of games on the internet and also fun websites like facebook. Did you know @PERCENT2 of @CAPS1 students use the computer for the games and online talking. This also gives kids lots of things to do on a rainy day. So weither your using the internet for it's helpfulness its resources, or just for the fun games and websites. Computers are really helpful. 4 4 8
95 1 "Although some people believe that computers turn us children into zombies, I believe that they effect us in a posotive way. Computers can help us explore far away places that we @MONTH1 never go to. Maybe help us connect with an old friend or just a little help on homeworks. One reason why I think computers are only helping us is they help us explore othe places. I know for a fact that every kid dreams of a place that they would love to visit. But not at all of us can afford to travel far away. Most families however, do have computers. With these computers, kids with a parents permission, can use the internet to learn tons of cool facts about their place. ""I have always wanted to go to @LOCATION1 but my parents just don't have the proper incomg"" said @PERSON1 of @CAPS1-@CAPS2 @CAPS3 school @CAPS4 I used my @CAPS6 and the internet to discover. HUNDREDS of amazing facts on it."" @CAPS4 as you can see computers can help people realize their dreams. Another reason why I think computers are good is they help you connect with friends. If you are like me, you like to talk to your friends. A @CAPS5! But sometimes they are too far away to call if you don't want to pay for it. A solution a new wonderful machine called. The @CAPS6! You can chat long distances without being for it. This is especially good for me because not too long ago, one of my best friends moved away to @LOCATION2. I thoughy I would never talk to him again. Then I learned about @CAPS7 @CAPS8. It allows you to talk whenever you want, whenever you want! Now, me and my friend can stay in touch and @CAPS4 can you! My finale reason as to why I think computers are good is they can help you on homework too. Even have a tricky math problem you couldn't figure out? How about the capital of a state that visit, slipped your mined? Well the @CAPS6 can solve both of those problems and more! @PERCENT1 of computers these days come with soft wear in them that comes with a calculator. For the other @PERCENT1 you can download and install softwear onto your @CAPS6 for a low price. And every @CAPS6 made in this world has internet capabilities. All's you need to do is it on and get ready for a ride! @CAPS4 don'y worry about too much @CAPS6 use, because computers can only help us not hurt us. @CAPS4 remember, computers help us live our dreams to the full extent. they also help us connect with no another, and help us excel in school. @CAPS4 get on, and get goin. Have you used your @CAPS6 today?" 5 5 10
100 1 Dear local newspaper, @CAPS1 you know how long you go on the computer for? Well get up and go outside. Thats one of my reasons why I think people spend to much time on it my other reason is your eyesit can go bad. Its a nice sunny day dont wast your time on the computer! Go outside! All, kids @CAPS1 is sit on the computer all day not getting exercis. Did you know @NUM1 out of @NUM2 kids that sit on the computers all day gain at least @NUM3? @PERSON1 told me that. I mean I believe him because its true kids dont get up.There missing a nice day out would you wanna miss a nice sunny day? My finall reason is kids eyesight can go bad. I mean having them stare at a screen all day, thats bad. @PERSON1 told me if your on the computer for @NUM4 hours on the computer for @NUM4 hours straight your eyes can get worst. I remember a tiny when I was on the computer for @NUM4 1/@NUM4 hours my eyes were killing me everything I blink. I know the computer is fun playing games, talking to friends but you should take a break and @CAPS1 something ples. In conclusion just go outside and have fun! @CAPS1 you want to wast a nice sunny day by staying in doors hurting your eyes? I know I @CAPS1! 3 4 7
105 1 "Computers are used world wide everyday, and most of the time @CAPS2 is used for a good reason. Computers help out by making @CAPS2 possible to get all the info you want, like for a trip. @CAPS1 you wanted to go to a close but fancy restaurant you @MONTH1 use a computer so you know how far. Computers also help out, making @CAPS2 possible to talk to friends that you haven't seen for years. @CAPS2 is also great way to meet new people. Let's say you are really stressed at work or school and you forget your book, you can usually bring @CAPS2 up on the computer and do @CAPS2 there. First, computers help out with traveling, sight seeing and lots more. When you travel, dont you want to know everything? And the biggest detail you want to know is the cost and the computer can usually give you a close to exact price for everything. Now that help's out a bunch when your traveling the world. And also when your site seeing you usually want to find either the most amazing or romantic spot were you are. And @CAPS1 you type in ""the most romantic spot in somers"" @CAPS2 should come up with a bunch of spots. So dont drive to miles just to get a map or brochure, use your computer and print one off. Second, @CAPS1 there was a friend you haven't seen in years and you want to talk, you can go on the computer. The computer helps in so many ways @CAPS2 could even tell you were this person lives and you could surprise visit him/her. When your on the computer, you can even meet new friends and have conversations with them. and even meet them someday. And @CAPS1 you and that new friend get along then mabey you and that person could be best friends. So @CAPS1 you haven't seen or talked to someone in a while that you knew use the computer to have a chat. Third, say your teacher or boss yelled at you today and no one has been nice to you all day and you forget your homework book or paperwork. Were do you go? the computer, @CAPS2 can bring most any paper work or work book you need to get the job done. @CAPS1 you forgot your homework book, you dont want to get a falling grade. on this homework. So you go to your computer from there. And @CAPS1 you forgot your paper work, and @CAPS1 you didn't finish this project for work tonight you would be fired, you could just go on the computer, find the work and finish @CAPS2. Also save your job. So that why computers help out so much in this lifetime. Last, that is why in this lifetime you need computers. They help us with our vacation trips. They help with conversation with old friends we haven't seen forever. Also they help with your school and job work. At least @PERCENT1 of our population use computers every day and with out them our society would colaps/ @DATE1. So think about the decision you are making and @CAPS1 @CAPS2 will benefit our society or make our society @DATE1 to its knees." 4 5 9
111 1 @CAPS1 judgment comes from expirience, and expirience comes from bad judgement, qouted from my uncle's dad. Computers haven't been around all that long for the public, so the public has little experience. Therefore, the public also lacks @CAPS1 judgement in using computers and the detrimental effects are starting to show. Computers have caused damage to people! To begin with, computers can be a @CAPS2 issue for people. In studies in @LOCATION1, @NUM1 out of @NUM2 @CAPS3 who spend their time (@NUM3 or more hours) are wearing glasses. Because of bad @CAPS2 effects the screen has on your eyes. Furthermore, computer games are made to be addicting, which causes @CAPS3 to sit in front of the computer instead of excercising. This @MONTH1 be one of the biggest causes of obesity in @LOCATION2! My little brother used to be addicted to a flying game, and he sat in front of it for hours every day and started to get fat. As soon as he stopped playing it and going outside more he immediatly started to lose fat. Therefore, people need to move around more instead of sitting in front of the computer. To continue, my second argument is about detrimental effects computers have on the enviroment. First, computers need electricity to run. That electricity comes from power plants. Over @PERCENT1 of @LOCATION2's powerplants are coal, petroleum, or natural gas based. When people turn on the computer because they are bored, it wastes electricity that doesn't need to be used. Furthermore, scientists suspect humans are now a major cause of global warming. It is common sense that those powerplants burn their respective fuels to create electricity. In other words there is a definite connection between computers and global warming. Also, the powerplants release pollutants into the air that can eventually cause acid rain. To end with, my last argument is about people's skills. In a school survey, @CAPS3 who used their computers for more than @NUM4 hours per day didn't know how to cook or how to even light a match! There is a definite connection between the two as most people just put something in the microwave to eat to be able to go back to the computers as fast as possible. The matches are lit by parents to light fires or candles, But what happens when a natural disaster strikes like in @LOCATION3 or @LOCATION4? How will @CAPS3 be able to fend for themselves? The only way to cook would be with fire. There wouldn't be microwaves to cook canned food with. Furthermore, how would @CAPS3 be able to even start a fire without @CAPS4 how to light a match? Evidently excessive computer use could have very detrimental effects in a natural disaster, even to adults, so we need to stop it! Do you want @LOCATION2 to be thought of as @CAPS5 and @CAPS6? Should the enviroment, our only home, suffer because of a few bored people? How will we handle a major natural disaster? In conclusion, people are spending too much time on their computers, and they need to stop! People are becoming @CAPS6, @CAPS7 the environment, and losing important life skills. We need to all come together and cooperate to keep people healthy, to retain our life skills, but most importantly ssave our one and only beautiful @LOCATION5. 6 5 11
132 1 "Dear @ORGANIZATION1, I understand that the idea of advances in technology benefiting society is a very controversal topic. However, I support these advances in technology and I believe that computers have a positive effect on people. They allow friends and family who live far away from each other to communicate and stay in touch. Computers @CAPS7 allow easy access to the news and online textbooks which provides an enourmous amount of benifits to today's society. In the long run, doing more things by computer instead of on paper will save billions of trees! @CAPS7, computers teach us hand-eye coordination which is a tremenciously important skill. These advances in technology are extremely benefitial to our society and should be taken advantage of! ""@CAPS1, @CAPS1!"" @CAPS3 computer wails as I recieve a video call from @CAPS3 cousin, @PERSON4. The advantage in technology has provided many new ways for @CAPS3 family and I to communicate with each other. @CAPS3 cousins and I rarely see one another, but computers make it possible for us to stay connected. Four out of five teenagers would agree that without computers or technological advances, their long-distance relationships with family and friends wouldn't be possible. For example; I go on oovoo once a week to video chat with @CAPS3 cousin whom I only see on holidays. Teen @CAPS4, @PERSON2 says: ""Technology such as computers and cell phones are great for teens, but it should be monitored and not used excessively."" Computers are great for keeping in touch with family and friends at a distance! Next, computers allow easy access to the news and online textbooks. @CAPS5 more people took advantage of this, we could sace millions of trees and have a healthier environment. Environmentalist, @PERSON3 says: ""@CAPS5 more schools switched to online textbooks they would end up saving thousands of dollars that can be put elsewhere."" I agree, @CAPS3 friend @PERSON1 says. ""@CAPS5 we didnt have to take home so many textbooks everyday, I might not have scoliousis!"" @CAPS7, computers allow quick access to the news, so we can find out about accidents right away instead of waiting for the newspaper to come. @CAPS7, computers help children develop hand-eye coordination, which is a very important skill. Computer activities keep our brain excercising and @MONTH1 even help us hit more accurately next baseball season! Three out of five kids at @ORGANIZATION2 say that @CAPS5 they didn't have a computer growing up, they wouldn't be as good at their sport. Computers are an extremely useful recource for many things that we need to take advantages of!" 6 5 11
136 1 "There are so many different sides to this computer problem, well it's simple computers ruin our lives. Now think if it how many @CAPS1 do you see your kid on it? Computers messes up kids grades. It stops people from taking a car ride to @ORGANIZATION1's house. Also people don't ride their bikes a lot. Computers are an outrage. It first starts off with grades. The parents tell their kid go and start your paper. They sayd ok, and then they are down there on facebook. More @CAPS1 then not kids and parents abuse the computer. In fact @PERCENT2 of america do uses it, that might seem like a small percent but thats more than half the country. Me I don't abuse the computer be I need to keep @CAPS6 grades up. Most students have @CAPS2-average because studies show it's because of computers. Also if your son has a lapttop they're not doing work if that is what you think. I have computers, but we have, books for a reason, no spank, pop ups, or no distractions while working. Like one time I was working on a project, a pop-up came up and read trafic rush free to your computer. So dume me downloads it and @CAPS6 parents caught me playing. Has this changed your mind. Since you probably haven't changed your mind here is another thing way computer bad, your car. All guys love cars. Computers are holding more thand @PERCENT3 of people working or driving their cars. Te only person it hasn't affected is @CAPS6 dad, he works on his cars day in and day out. @CAPS6 grandmom said something interesting to me the after day,""@CAPS3 your dad comes up to visit me more can @CAPS6 other sons, @CAPS6 ohter sons are carzy for computers.""People go bannas for computers today. Latly I have seen less and less people outside anymore. There is only reason for that, all people are shaved in their basement in the dark, so when their light it gurns their eyes it's so bright. Come on did this change your mind yet now. Well since you are still reading on that means you cannot make up your mind. Well here's this people are starting to not want to ride their bikes anymore. That is facebook, this is what they thinks,""@CAPS4 it talk now why I need to ride to talk in person?"" That @PERCENT1 right for what they are think. Because we task a test of all the kids who have facebook, and that's what around all of them said. I know amazing @CAPS5 a at home mother said,"" @CAPS6 son's gaining weight, all her does is eat and go on facebook. When he not on during they day, I catch him at night too."" That is a sad story for that mohter. I ride @CAPS6 bike a lot, this is a real life story: once I was sitting around doing nothing really did @CAPS6 mom said we are riding bikes for @NUM1 miles. I got up end did it too. That had to change your mind, or nothing will. So, in conclusing I have no more ideas for no computers and why. But just remember your grades, cars, and your weight. So please, change your mind." 4 5 9
143 1 Dear, @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 name is @CAPS2 @CAPS3 and I am a students in @ORGANIZATION1 middle school. I want to state a opinion on how computer effects people. There are many thing like games, chatrooms, socile thing. Also information for homework or for work and jobs. Well let get started @CAPS1 opinion on people using ocmputer is good, only fools don't use computers. They help you a lot like, let say I am a coole and I forgot how to do something, I'll just go on the computer and fine it and it that easy. I use a computer all @CAPS1 life and I am smart, I even help @CAPS1 mom use the comptuer sometimes. Chat room are good to you can make new friends and you can talk to family members, like your mom dad or causen if they live in a different part of the world. I talk to @CAPS1 cansen all the time not reuily a little and he live in colombia. I also talk to @CAPS1 friends on facebook to ask what was the homework sometimes. Games, games are fun when you get bored or do not have nothing to do. You can play all different kind of games like action or if you want a chenllens you can play hard games i think games like chess or sodotea. To help your brain thnk to exercise your brian. Games can help you knew the computer more like they bored, many people don't even knew how to type with out looking at the borad. I have to look at it. Well thus where same opinion I had about the computer. Even though people think it take time from exercising and interacting with people it not really time. There exercising there brian and they can interacte with people. So till next time 3 4 7
147 1 Hour after hour of gaming online and posting blogs on social networking sights is all one sees. Unaware at there surroundings, many people zone to their computer screens and only break @CAPS4 absolutely necessary. That is not what the world should become but that is what is society is creating. Computers do not create positive benefits to society. Because of all the time spent on the computer, people's bodies are taking the negative effects. There is also less and less face-to-face interactions with family and friends. Another huge issue is cyber bulling. These are all problems that should be addressed. With all the time spend on a computer in a stuffy, dark room, how will our bodies be maintained properly? Exercise is a key ingriedient to healthy living. It is like trying to make bread without flour, without that necessity the bread will not rise its full potential. It is the same with the health and functions at our bodies. Exercise must be took part in to burn fat and calories, but it is also needed to build and maintain muscles. In fact, muscles start it is recommended to get in at least one hour of exercise of outside play a days. Not many succeed with this goal, which brings up another negative effect to the body. @CAPS2 @CAPS1 helps to maintain strong bones. To get the recommended dose of @CAPS2 @CAPS1 a day you only need to absorb @NUM1 minutes of sunlight a day. It doesn't seem like a lot but @PERCENT1 of our population is not outside to recieve it. Instead, they are inside on their computers. Parties, lunch breaks, or even a family dinner are great times to socialize. But, what if one day you decided you were going to skip your lunch break with friends and instead spend time posting a daily blog. This is social time lost. If this habit continues you might soon see yourself drifting away from your friends because you don't make the time to spend lunch break with them. Even @CAPS4 a child interactions @CAPS4 chatting with friends on @CAPS5 or @CAPS6, anything could be said. Children wont learn at a young age how to think on there fact language. This will effect their later years @CAPS4 interviewing for things such as colleges or even jobs. Social skills are the difference between success and failure. Spending life on a computer is equivalent to being a caterpillar in their while at least attempting to be an extreme will turn you @CAPS7 and @CAPS7 are all created with the ominous cyberbulling. One simple way to prevent this is spending less time in the computer. The effects of cyber bulling can be brutal. A recent study showed that @PERCENT2 of kids would rather be bullied in face then over the internet. The reason being a of cruelty is displayed through cyberbulling over the internet because it takes much less courage to type something up then it for a bully to say something to them victims face. Such cyberbulling has even led to suicides. In fact, a girl in committed suicide due to cyber bulling just @NUM2 weeks ago. If you don't have In conclusion, computers produce more negative effect on society than good. A lack of exercise and proper body maintenance results. Reduced social interacting and skills also result. And maybe most importantly cyberbulling which takes lives occurs. In prevent society from turning into a social waste and felled with the glow of computer screens, lets all turn the monitor and get outside with nature and all its benefits. 6 6 12
149 1 Dear local Newspaper. I am stating my opinion that the more people use computers the less they spend with their family. I have three ressons why computer are good or bad. Not every one agrees that computer are benefitsal for the society. The positive effect and negative effect that computers have on people. My resson for supporting this @CAPS1 that computer are good or bad are that computers have a positive effect on people. The second @CAPS1 is to be able to talk to other people on line. The last @CAPS1 I have is Spending more time with family than on the computer. The first resson that i have for computers is how they have for computers is how they have positive effect on people. The examples that I have to Support this @CAPS1 are that computers tech hand eye coordination, computers given people the ability to Learn about far way place and peop. The second resson that I have on computers is that you talk to people online. The examples that I have to support my @CAPS1 are the website that kids us to talk to their friends like myspace and facebook. The place that kid like to go to are tutube and even blogging about everything and everyone. Some of theis thing can be good if you don't post picture or other this on your myspace or facebook. I think that these website are dangers because somebody can hack in to your file and they can try to talk to you like their your friend. The third resson I have to support my @CAPS1 is that we should spend more time with our family than being on the computer the whole time I have example on want we should do with or familys instead of being on the computers I have some @CAPS1 of games that we can play with our familys instead of being on the computers, The games that we can play with our familys are monopoly, somy, canda landy card, video games, we can also talk to our family instead of talking to our friends the whole time. When we can injoy want we have in live not just with computers but with our family. Inconclusion I am statting my opinion that the more time people spend on computers than with their own family. I have three resson on why computers are good or bad. The r\ess that I have to support my @CAPS1 are that computers have a positive effeck on people, to be able to talk to people online, To spend more time with family than on the computer. 4 4 8
155 1 "Dear @ORGANIZATION2, @CAPS1 there has been a lot of talk about how computers effect society. Some ""experts"" say computers are good for society and some think the opposite computers are bad for society because they make children obese, decrease a person social skills, and even make children less educated. Computers are just plain bad. In recent years studies show that children that use the computer often are less likely and less willing to get active. Dr. @PERSON1 says, ""The more children use computers is the more time they waste @CAPS3 not being active at all."" A study conducted @CAPS3 the @ORGANIZATION1 shows that children that use the computer @NUM1 hours a day are more obese then children who use it one hour or less a day. Computers keep children inside all day. A child on the computer is wasting time not being active. The main reason children become fat on the computer is because it is easier to just go on the computer than to walk and exert energy. Computer are a direct cause to child obesity, and they are a threat to society. Some of you @MONTH1 think a computer can increase social skills, and you are dead wrong! On a computer you can ""talk"" to friends, but it is not like you are actually talking to them. On a computer you can talk in privite and say what ever the heck you want. In public if you say something bad you will get in a lot of trouble. A computer offers no face to face interaction. So when a person who uses a computer often is at a social gathering they are usually very awkward. My cousin spends all of his time on the computer and when I went to his on christmas he never took his eyes off the screen! Computers is destroying the social life millions of people. Did you know that people who use the computer often are usually less smart than kids who don't? ""Experts"" on computers say that computers can be used for infenite nolege. The key word in that fraise is ""can"". just because kids have knoledge at their finger tips doesn't mean the will use it. On many projects and homework assignments I have record kids say ""@CAPS2 I just copied and printed an article on google."" @CAPS3 copying and printing students don't learn anything. Computers are slowly making people less educated. Ever since the invention of the computer people have seen promise for society. Now computers are destroying society @CAPS3 making people fat, socialy weird, and less educated. So how can people still think computers are good?" 5 5 10
160 1 Dear local newspaper, I agree that people are spending more time on the computers and less time doing other important stuff. For example, they don't spend time exercising, enjoying nature, and they don't spend time with their family. Those are very important things that people don't undeRstand that they are missing of. First, people that spend a lot of time on the computer don't do exercise. Doing exercise is good for your health. If you don't do exercise when you get older your bones are going to work. Also, you could get fat and that is bad for your heart. Just for being on the computer people don't pay attention to their health. Next, people don't enjoy the beautiful nature that is outside. Is beautiful when you hear the birds singing or seeing the plants outside. People are forgeting about nature. They don't recycle so the planet could be clean. The air that we smell is not clean because they don't care about nature. Instead of being on the computer they chould help so the world could be better. Finally, people don't spend time with the people that love them. Is very important to spend time with your family. People don't realize thats the first thing in life is your family. Instead of being on the computer, is fun going to the beach with your kids, wife, father, and etc. In conclusion, i believe that computers affect on people. People just for being on the computer they don't do exercise, enjoy nature, and they don't spend time with their family. Now that you heard my , i ask you to think about yours. 4 4 8
164 1 Dear local newspaper, @CAPS1 you think computers have a positive or negative effect on people? I personally think computers have a positive effect on people because with computers many people @CAPS1 research about the past. Also I don't agree that computers have a negative effect on anybody because with computers many people learn hand-eye coordinations, gives them the ability to learn about faraway people and places, they also allow people to talk to old friends or family members. Then, computers can also be used to help someone find information about nature such as different trees, plants, animals, and many other things that are involved in nature. After that, computers are also sometimes used to contact people who live faraway from you. Some ways to contact people on a computer are using e-mails, instant message, facebook, myspace, and many other websites. In addition, I think computers have a positive effect on people, but others maya not agree which is fine because not everybody has the same opinion on stuff in the world. Then, computers can be very useful to many people because they can use computers if they need to find information on history, any events that might have went on in the past that might not still be done in the present. Finally, computers are useful to scientists, business workers, many adults, and even children use computers if they need to type something for school or need to find information for a project they're doing. 4 4 8
189 1 Dear Newspaper, @CAPS1 you turn there is technology. It's not going to change. Try a schedule. Encouragment helps a lot of people. Activities keep you mind off things read on to find our more. Scheduleing is important. Limit the time on the computer. For every half hour at least @NUM1 minutes outside or with friends. try to memorize the schedule. Encouragement helps me and alot of people! Try to encourage family and friends, The goverment is also trying to fight this. Encouragement helps. Activities can keep people off the computer. Try neighborhood activities. After-school activities for a while. All kinds of stuff is fun. Do you think scheduling helps? Do you like encouragement? Do activities keep you mind off things? then by far this stuff helps. 3 3 6
190 1 "Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 you imagine a world where technology controls human interaction? Its not such a far fetched idea. Some people @MONTH1 see this as a great advancement. Not me. I think that computers detach people from reality, create false personas, and has no physical benefit. This is what i think the computers effects have on people. First of all, Computers detach people from reality. Its a lot easier for someone to sit on the computer, browsing aimlessly on some social networking website, than go out and actually meet new people. Sure you @CAPS2 send all the friend requests you want, but theres nothing that compares to a first impression that you get from meeting someone in person. The computer can also have an affect on family members and the time spent with them. Secondly, the computer creates false personas. If i had a facebook or @CAPS3 account, it would be very easy to say something false about myself, or someone else. The computer dosn't know better. This allows people to gain, ""friendships"" with others that dont know the real you. I find this as a real problem because eventually lead to shaky or unsteady relationshops. Lastly, I think that the computer offers no physical gain, This nation is in a severe heath crisis. With things easier to get now a days like fast food, and drugs, I don't think that computers help. People need discipline and theres a time and place for everything, including computers. However those that aren't disciplined might use them more than they need to and that isn't good. So @CAPS2 you imagine a world controlled by computers? I think that little by little, thats whats happening, slowly taking away the human element. I think the effects will be severe, detaching reality, creating false personas, and offering no physical gain. I don't think its right, but I hope I've persuaded you to think my way." 5 5 10
193 1 Dear @PERSON1 weekly, The new millenium brought a new wave of technology. Computers is the main invention that most likely everyone uses. The computers teach us great things such as learning about a vacation spot or a far off country. The computer allows us to talk to friends or family while they are away or even home. Also, typing on the computer teaches us hand eye coordination that can help us with other things. The computer is surely a great invention. Have you ever wanted to go on vacation to somewhere overseas? Well the computer is a great source for learning about these places. The effects it has could be significant. One day some one might want to go to the bahamas, but then finds a new location such as @LOCATION1 or even @LOCATION3. In addition the computer benefits students very well. Students usually have to do projects on places in the world and the computer is the main source of intelligence. When I have an essay to do I always use the computer first. Recently my grandmother moved down to @LOCATION2 and I can only talk to her on the phone. Although on my computer I can actually see her on my screen. The webcam allows me to see me grandma. The computer allows you to keep in touch with friends and family that you do not see on a regular bases. For example @CAPS1 or twitter keeps you in touch with friends from high school. The computer can also send emails to friends and family so you can say hello every once in a while. Sports require a great deal of hand eye coordination. The computer makes you better at this. By looking at the screen while typing, gives you a boost on your hand-eye coordination because you are doing two things at once. A sport that requires a lot of this is @CAPS2. While the ball is in the air you must focus on it while holding your stick at the correct position. Although hand-eye coordination is mainly taught through the powers of the computer. To conclude, all that I would like to say is that the computer is a great source for intellegence. It also allows you to keep in touch with high school friends and far away family. Finally, the computer teaches you hand-eye coordination. The computer is a very important piece of technology. 4 4 8
196 1 I think the use of computers is very good things in the present day @LOCATION2. I think this because people use it to research, stay in touch with friends and family, and music. These are all things adults and kids need a like to do. read on and I will explain why this is so important. My first reason why I think computers are good thing is because the are a good source to do research on a specific topic. Kids all over the @LOCATION1 use the internet to do class projects. Adults can use the computer to look up a certain food resipe. If you need help with something the computer is allways there. Some people even use the computer for a job. Computers can help with a lot of things. Another reason why computers are a big help because you can stay in touch with friends and family. A great thing to use on a computer is a web cam. With this you can see and talk to people on a lillte camray even if they are far away. You can also go on myspace of face book. Theare two websites that are used to post pictures and to talk to chosen friend. It is a good way for people to get to know you. A similar thing to this is instant messaging. You can use this to talk to friends and many on line. Don't stop reading there is more thing! My last reason why computer are sutch a great thing to have is because you can do do mutch with music on the computer. You can use the computer to listen to music, and put music on to and ipod or @NUM1 player. Some people use the computer to make music. You can get a progrem that you can make heats and put it together to make some kind of a song. music is a great thing that all age groups love. That is why I think haveing a computer is a very positive thing. You can do researching, say in touch with friends and family, and do a lot with music. There is so mutch more then thease @NUM2 thing that a computer is good for. I don't think the world would be the same without computers. 4 4 8
199 1 @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1, click, clack that the sound @ORGANIZATION2 computer keys being hit right now. Computers are everywhere these days, even in the poorest places like @LOCATION3. In @LOCATION2. Dreadful, humble, time conservative computers are taking away the meaning and enjoyments @ORGANIZATION2 life that are offered to us. Computers are our sourse @CAPS5 infromation, and time @CAPS5 liesure these days, but we are fogetting that there is a life away from them as well such as having family time, and taking walks in the beautiful, nature. To much use @ORGANIZATION2 a computer is leading to aweful health. Computers can cause many fatal problems such as seeing and vision problems, and obisity, due to the fact that you sit all day and @CAPS2't work out. Computers are like mind, and body eaters the slowly take away from you and let you cry, and weap @CAPS5 the rest @ORGANIZATION2 your life, @CAPS2't you agree? Do you know the @ORGANIZATION2 says that the second biggest leading cause @ORGANIZATION2 obisity is computer? Yes that is true! I have experinced problem. While growing up. When I was @NUM1 I was adictied to the computer. Day and night my eyes were guled to the computer screen. I had nothing on my mind except @CAPS5 computer, my mom got mad at me and yelled at me to get away from it, but I didn't. Slowly, slowly I started to put on heavy, awful faton myself, and later I found out I was over weight @CAPS5 my age. To this day I have not lost the weight I put on from using the computer, and I am sure others are to. Obesity just doesn't happen from eating to much. It also happens from not doing any cardio activities, which the computer stps us from doing. So basically the computer is unhealth. As said by @PERCENT1 @ORGANIZATION2 people from the state @ORGANIZATION2 @LOCATION1. Time consuming computers, are taking away family time from many family these days. Do you know that @PERCENT2 @ORGANIZATION2 families aren't getting to spend the time with each other as the wish, reason being computers? Kids are on the computer playing games, moms finding a resipe online to make @CAPS5 dinner, and dad is buying another stock online. Yes that happens a lot, insded @ORGANIZATION2 doing those things they could be doing something else, but no computer work is more important. My family used to spend a lot @ORGANIZATION2 time together, but because @ORGANIZATION2 the computer I never get to do anything with my family now. Do you know the time health @ORGANIZATION2 @ORGANIZATION2 say kids who spend time with their family are bound to become more better parents than who @CAPS2't spend time with family. I bet you are a really good family man/women and spend time with please take these computers away and make families come together once again. @LOCATION1 has the most beautiful nature ever, the birds, the animals, the @DATE1 times and the fall time. If anyone ever wants to see nature they should come to @LOCATION1, but the sad thing is that the people @ORGANIZATION2 @LOCATION1 aren't appriating nature themselves because they are do busy with things such as computers. I know one time we went to a comp out, and we were ready @CAPS5 nature and this boy brings his computer, and wouldn't you know it the whole got people forgot about nature and played with the boys computer. So many people missed out on the nature and the beautiful animals seen one the such as yellow @CAPS3 through that time was amazing and it is very unfortunet that many people missed out on that event. People these days are once again not apricating nature, which one day they will regret, because @ORGANIZATION2 the fact the one day you @MONTH1 not be around to enjoy this got given @CAPS2't let the computer tell you what to do lets be the boss and @CAPS5 ourself. It is now or never the decision is in your hand, make the right decision and say no to computers. Go out their enjoy nature, spend time with you family, and get healthy. Be the smart, and well educated people. (I know you are) and tell the world to not getting told by the computer @ORGANIZATION2 what you can, and cant do, be the boss control. Yes computers are fun, giving, but is bad. Say no to computers if you @CAPS2't you will regret it. 5 6 11
205 1 "Dear local newspaper, @CAPS1, my name is @PERSON1. I've just been informed about how people view computers and the effects of them. In my opinion, I find computers to be a very negative influence on yound kids, teens, and adults. Many harmful awarenesses come along with having one. For one thing, people being so hypnotized in this electronical device are finding lesser time to excercise and take care of themselves. Also to, the only nature they're experiencing is pictures online and not enjoying the full beuty of what we have left of out earth. Another negative outcome is that they start becoming more and more distant from their loved ones. What happened to our society? Why can't we think on our own anymore? I truely, strongly hope that what i'm saying will change the minds of some people. Thank you very much. Exercise is a very key aspect in anyone's life. Especially growing kids and teens. On the computer what exercise benefits are you getting? Stronger fingers? A higher chance of syndrome @CAPS10. ""@CAPS2 @PERCENT1 of kids having @CAPS7 problems like obesity have access to the internet"", accoding to @PERSON2 of the, ""@CAPS3 feel right with @CAPS4 @CAPS5 @CAPS6"" in hunington beach, @LOCATION1. When basically, your giveing youself to the computers, you @MONTH1 not have any thoughts at all of staying fir. Instead on some chips while typing. @CAPS4 @CAPS7 BENEFITS @CAPS8 that game help? With global warming by ourside, what you saw yesterday @MONTH1 not be there today. Breathing in some fresh, natural air can really calm a stressed child out. What ever happened to playing an endless scoth with side walk chalk and fresh? or tag or just running around? Is it not cool anymore? Yah, not cool to take care of yourself. Inspire yourself by writing poems about how you feel or draw a screnary. Now a days, instead of @CAPS10 climing a tree, were climbing our mouse arrow to the next website. There's so much that we all take for granted, that one day when you look back on ti all, youre going to really miss those @DATE1 days. Family time is so critical in anyone's life. Without a family, you're nothing. When did game night or family time disapear? Just because we're in a society that says computers are completely normal everyday thing in a house, doesn't mean you family and friends aren't a main priority to you anymore. If you want to hangout a friend's house, dont email about it, walk @CAPS2 there and get the full affect since when does a computer a family? Never. If we got out of a fake reality, @CAPS10 there wouldn't be negativity in our life. @CAPS10 you can regain a true life back with them. @CAPS10 you'd think more clearer just @CAPS10. Whats makes a computer any better than life? Nothing ask yourself that. So inconclusive, I strongly believe that with this in you lives we've actually get dumber. There's more negative than positives in having a computer. Sure you could quickly send them a message or like @CAPS9, but is it ever bad to do the good old fashion calling? Or sendin letter? I say again, thank you for taking out your time to read this. @CAPS10 i changed you, @CAPS10 not. Whatever you do, think about the next time you're online and see what happends. " 5 5 10
206 1 Dear local newspaper, I do agree that computers have impacted human society greatly. Therefore, my opinion is that is @MONTH1 be one of the greatest inventions. I would say this because there are different help programs or websites that @MONTH1 help people in everyday life. Especially students have the ability to study from education webpages. Also, people are able to communicate online. Lastly, you are able to type stories instead of hand-writing them. Having the advantage to study online is great. Different websites with tons of information and true facts @MONTH1 really affect grades of most students. Did you know about @PERCENT1 of the @LOCATION1 go on educational websites for information for writing, whether it's an essay or non-fiction story? Thanks to computers, there is a great chance students @MONTH1 receive a passing grade. Communication online has made huge impact worldwide. Whether you use facebook, @CAPS1, @ORGANIZATION1 etc., communicating with family or friends is fantastic. For example, I use facebook and I love talking to my family down in @LOCATION2, whom I see about once every couple years. Online communication has affected people because there is an easier way to talk to other instantly. Just a push of a button, and you have immediate communication with someone. Finally, people have the ability to type on a program if they wanted to type a letter or story. For instance, if you use microsoft word, you can type up whatever you want. This has effected people because it is a faster ans easier way to write. Therefore, if you finish earlier than you would have if you typed it, you would have extra leisure time, or more time to get the rest of your work done. Also, it is easy for me because I type like the wind; after practice, of course. In conclusion, the invention of computers helped and still do help society in many ways. But, the three ways that i have chosen to tell you about in this letter, I feel, have impacted us the most. I hope this helps you with you questions about how computers effected people. Thank you for taking time to read my letter. Have a good day. 5 5 10
212 1 I think that people are spending a lot of time on there computers and not enjoying nature and things. My reasons are that people don't do anything except surf the web, talk to other people all the time, and they site around eating junk and no exercise. Those are my three reasons. My first reason is people do is surf the web. There is over a million websites to go to. What people do is go to all of them look at things or buy something. The only thing they should be doing is homework or buisness. Also people play to many video games on the computer too. My second reason is that people go on @CAPS1 or @CAPS2 or use web cams. Those people could be on there for hours talking to people. Sometime those things are peoples life and all they do. I know someone who has a @CAPS1 and after school all they do is talk to people. They have friends on @CAPS1 but no friends in real life. My third reason is when people do go on all they do is eat junk food and get no exercise. Sometimes they eat potato chips and cookies and have soda. If you do that for week you will be very tired and sleepy. Also you can get very fat. Your body will be unhealthy and out of shape. Now that you have read my reasons, I hope you like them. My reasons where people don't do anything but surf the web, talk to other people all the time, and people eat junk food and get no exercise. 3 4 7
216 1 Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, I'm writing you today so you can see why advanced technology is a positive effect on people. My reasons for wrint this is because computers allow people to talk online to others people learn about faraway places, and finally it teacher hand-eye coordination. As you read my letter I hope you fell the same way. First of all computers allow you to talk to other people online. The reason I feel this way is what if you can't fond your fone in your hose or even your cell phone, you could see if they were online. Also its the same thing as texting, but with a bigger keyboard/screen I can relate to this because I was texting someone and went online to find whtm on too, so we sent aims to each other instead. I hope you can see why computers can be good for people. Secondly not a lot of people will go to the library to look up information for a paper for a school. The reason I feel this way is a computer has google to make finding things easier. Another reason is going to the library @MONTH1 cause you send more money to fill up your gas tanks. I can relate this because everytim my family goes to the library we have to fill the car up after we go. This is another reasons why computers a good. Finally the computers can teach hand-eye coordination. The reason for this is because if your writing an email then you should know the keys that your fingers touch. Another reasons why computers are hand-eye coordination is because if your kid take karayta then might have learned to move there hands that fast from somewhere. I can relate ti this because when I was in the first grade there was a guy that you told me and my friends that be need us to get in the truck to help him find his lost puppy, and he tried grabbing me but I pulled my hard away before I became pinned. I hope you can see why we need computers. I would like to that the I for sitting and reading my essay. Once again my reasons for writing where people can talk to other people online, learn about faraway places, and finally hand-eye coordination. I hpoe you will rethink why we should have computers in school. 4 4 8
217 1 Dear Local Newspaper, I agree that computers have a positive effect on people. You learn hand - eye coordination, you don't have to step out to go to the library and it can improve social skills. Continue reading to find out why. Computers, we use them everyday. They are teaching us something. We @MONTH1 not even realize it, but they are teaching us hand-eye coordination. We type something and we use our eyes to look at the screen and then our hands to type, one mistake and automatically our hand fix it. Or maybe when we are playing games online, the same thing applies. Our eyes are looking, while our hands are fast at work over the keyboard. Hand-eye Coordination is a skill you need on sports, and I believe that computers, since we spend time on them are the quick way to learn that skill. Next, how many student's parents work? My parents do. Something it becomes difficult to walk to the library, not everyone lives in walking distance to one. That's when a computer helps. If you have a project to do, but your parents work, you can just @ORGANIZATION1 it up, you might even get more information, then what you can get in the library. Hows that? you ask. Well, for an example, @CAPS1 you had to do a project on @CAPS2. Let's just say, you managed to go to a library, but apparently there were only @NUM1 books on @CAPS2, out of which @NUM2 were checked out. You can always check it out from another library, but that might not come soon enough, on a survey @PERCENT1 of students said this has happened to them, but the computer saved them. So what else did they say? HELLO @ORGANIZATION1! Last but not least, a computer improves your social skils. When I first moved here I was a very shy person. When I made a @CAPS3, I @CAPS4 talking to people who go to my school. I even became friends with them. I'm not saying that you should just stop talking to people in person, and use @CAPS3, @CAPS6, @CAPS7, or @CAPS8 and communicate. @CAPS9 I am saying is that if you start talking to them online, you know them a little, then when you talk in person you will see you have alot in common, with that person, and soon you can become friends. Another thing, that is somewhat related to this. I have many friends living in @LOCATION1, and many cousins in @LOCATION3, @LOCATION2, @CAPS9 over. We @CAPS9 know, you can't travel @CAPS9 the time, sometimes you can't even get to see them. Thats @CAPS10 social networks help. You can keep in touch, plus @CAPS11.S. not even waste minutes on you phone. Can it get better? In conclusion, Computers have a very positive effect on people. From improving hand-eye coordination, to not stepping out to go to the library, and getting that project done in time with a A+ as a grade, to improving your socia skills. Even see the data collected. Thank you for taking your time and effort to read this, I hope it has persuaded many people. 5 5 10
228 1 Dear people from the newspaper, I am concerned that people take too much time on the computer because it could cause trouble, voilence, & illegal crimes. First, I am concerned that people spend too much time on the computer because it couses trouble, in @DATE2, @PERCENT1 @DATE1 people in the @LOCATION1, do bad stuff like starting rumors, & saying bad stuff about people they dispise, in the @DATE1, @PERCENT2 @DATE1 teens form ages @NUM1 were envolven with the rumor spreading. This would be bad for all children. All these reasons will lead to the @NUM2 below. Secondly, I am concerned that people spend too much time on the computer because it couses voilence, because @DATE1 the reasons started in the @NUM3 paragraph, if all this continues, then it @MONTH1 & lead to voilence, in @DATE1 @NUM4 people died from all the crimes online. @NUM5 threats were found online from big websites like @CAPS1, @CAPS2 & @CAPS3. Lastly, I am concerned that people spend too much time on the computer because it could lead to illegal crimes, In @DATE3 a girl was talking to a boy online then when they decided to meet, he shot & killed her. It turned out he was just a person who lied about who he was online, @CAPS4 on a website online, a group @DATE1 men were talking about now much they hated kids so they decided to shot them @ their bus stops. Thank god that the police caught them before they were to do the crime In conclusion, I am concenred that people are spending too much time on the computer because it causes trouble, voilence, & illegal crimes. This @CAPS5 like totally needs to stop before everyone is addicted to spreading rumors. Thank you for your time in reading this letter 4 4 8
229 1 Dear Readers, Everyone now-a-days has a computer. This could be a good thing but mostly its unnatral. People can now do things they couldn't do before; when people move they don't need to send letters to one another, and have to wait days for a reply. Now they just sign into aim, facebook, or myspace. Then they can talk in time. But thats only the good things here are the bad. People spend less time outside they don't look at any of the butey anymore. We don't spend time with our friends any more. I can't even remember the last time I had a face to face convetation with soemone if I didn't have to. People on the internet can do anything they want. You @MONTH1 be saying thats a good thing. Right? Well the answer is no! People can hack into almost everything. People can cyber bully others with out any one ever knowing who the other person is. People can also be any one they want online. Say if I was @NUM1 and I wanted to stalk so little @NUM2 years old I could also pretend that I was ten and pretend make friends with the ten year old. When I found out enough information I would then be able to find the ten year old. Before people wern't able to do this. If people start to see what is heppening with our exsistence the more people would stop being stached @NUM3 to their computers. People would start to cut down on the amount of time they spend on their computers and start to live. Take action! Take notice! Start spreding the word! 4 4 8
237 1 Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 @CAPS3, I am writing this letter to state my opinion on the effects computers have on people. And there are three of them: @CAPS4 theft, cyberbully, addition. Now I will write one paragraph about each. My first reason why I feel that computers have bad effects is. @CAPS4 theft many people in the @CAPS5.S.A identities get stolen for listing private information online (computer) which can leave that person in a lot of debt. How are we going to encourage people to use computers when their at the risk of getting their @CAPS4 stolen. If this happening to innocent people it needs to stop we must'nt encourage this online behavior so say no to computers. i understand it really is interesting to learn about people from different countries but their are some cons. Talking online to people you don't know and have never seen, met in person they can pose as someone famous and bully you for their enjoyment. It has been proven that when children even adults get cyberbullied can lead them in the path of depression even suicide. Now I find it quite febble-minded to give up your life for a computer. So again I say no to computers. My last reason why I say no to computers is because people become addicted to the excitement of the computers when eventually lead to the division from friends and family because your lost in the computer world also you forget about you hygene some people even forget to eat. This thing they call computer is a drug, a drug that makes you forget about reality and everything else you used to think of and bring you to computer land. And I say no to computers. I have gave you my opinion and three supporting reasons why I feel the way I do which were because @CAPS4 theft, cyberbullying, addiction. Say no @NUM1 computers. 4 4 8
240 1 Dear @CAPS1, This a letter telling you my opinion about computer. Yes people do spend that time in computers a lot, its because computers are very helpful in many ways. Computers help us with our job, school, work ect. For example science. Im in @NUM1 grade. My teacher @PERSON1 gives us homework; every @DATE1, we have to do @ORGANIZATION1 are @NUM2 facts about anything you want to write about. A lot of people look up bears on @ORGANIZATION2 and they do their assigment about bears. Jobs; secreatenes always have to use computer for everything in our school secreaterys and teachers use computers for attendance, grading. They check you, attendance, grade, phone number and schedule. Communication, my dad the computer wuth our family from @LOCATION1. We talk to know how they've been, to know whats new. Like a week ago I was chating to my cousin she told me her dog had @NUM3 puppies. My family also uses the computer, to order. My uncle went to ticketmaster.com and he ordered two tickets for wwe. He also orders his flight tickets in his computer, to go to @LOCATION1. Well my point is people use computer a lot because they are, very helpful in many ways. Its not good to just be in the computer it good to outside enjoy nature live your life exercise not only to be in shape, but for your health. @CAPS1 hope you enjoy and understand my opinion on computers. Thank you for taking your time and reading I really appreciate it. 4 4 8
243 1 Dear, @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 would life effect you if you did not have a computer? I strongly belive that computers have a great effect on people all around the world. It helps you at work for a job and at school. Computers also help students and adults talk to people. Many people want to go to places but they do not know what the place looks like or where it is. With a computer, you can find out all of that information. Read in to the minds of the students and see what we have to say on this topic. With a computer it is much easier at your job or at school. Just think, without computers people would need to write every paper by hand and we all know that can take hours. When you type a paper for school, you go to spell check and then you know everything is correct. If you write a paper by hand, there is a huge chance that some words could be spelt wrong. Work get finished a lot a quicker on the computer so you have more time to do other things like hang out with friends. If you rush on a paper, the people reading it will have a tough time trying to figure out what it says, on the computer, you work is always going to be neat. You mcan e-mail your work to a friend or save it to your computer so if. you need to change something for a paper, it will be a quicker than having to rewrite the whole paper over. Computers do not effect me in a horrible way because it helps 'me get my work done faster. Computers help people communicate with other people. By having a computer people can talk to other people. In many schools students ask their friend a question about homework. Without a computer, people would have no way of asking questions and end up getting it wrong. I like to hang out with my friends and in order to do that you have to make plans. When you are on the computer, you can go on facebook and if they are on, talk to them about what they wanted to do kthat night. It is so much easier to do instead of looking up their number and calling them. Many people in the world have old friends from school that they want to stay in touch with. Now with a computer they will have no issue doing that. You will finally be able to look up a place you want to go. Many people in this world like to travel on the computer you can look up maps and see the shortest way to get to the place, you want to go, you will see if they easy way to get there and that might not he by car. i would not want to go to a place that did not look eye catching. Now I can just go on the website and find out 'everything I wanted to know about that place. If a place is @NUM1 hours away, I would not want to travel that far so I would need to know if a place is close to where I live computers really tell you a lot about it and what the weather is mostly like. i use the computer for mostly everything I do. Comming through our minds have showed you what we have thought about the effects computers have on us today. We can make work a lot easier, talk to other ;people, and get imformation on places you want to visit somebody. The computer is a very reliable source for me and you have lost a lot if you do not agree with me on this. 5 6 11
251 1 Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 I have learned that some experts say that people spend too much time on computers when they could be excercising or with friends and family. I, on the other hand, think otherwise. Computers are a great way to learn and communicate with others, here's why: @CAPS3 of all, I would like to say how much computers help us in school. Most students use them every day. We can study for tests by looking for websites with lots of information and we can also research topics that we don't understand. For example, if you want to find out how planets form, you can just type it into a search engine and a list of websites will pop up. Another way we use computers in school is when we have to make projects. We can use different tools to set up a slide show while also looking up information on the internet. Lastly, the internet is also a way for teachers to communicate with their students. If the teacher sets up a blog, students can always see what the class is doing, what the homework is, and find cool links that will help them understand certain topics better. Another point I would like to mention is that the experts say that computers deprive us of time with family and friends when the truth is, its the opposite, computers actually take communication to a whole new level. For example, if you wanted to have a chat with an old friend, you could log right on to msn or aim and find out what's new in their lives. A second way to communicate with friend is by @ORGANIZATION1, a cheap and easy way to contact friends outside the country. Next, you could go a bit more old fashioned and just write an e-mail. It will take longer to get a reply but its still worth the wait in the end. Lastly for parents who kids live far away, video chat is also a good way to communicate because you will be able to see them and hear their voice as well. Lastly, I would like to tell you about just how much we can learn by using a computer. You could just go to a search engine and search any topic in the world and you're bound to finds hundreds of results. It doesn't matter what your interests are because you'll always find great information. The internet also allows you to catch up on recent news such as weather. Next, there are websites that allows you to ask questions and get answers just as fast. You might have to check your sources to make sure they're reliable, but I believe it's still worth it. Lastly, if you are getting ready to go on a trip, you can check flight information with the click of a button. Or maybe you need to find out what the weather will be like, there are many websites for that. There are also websites that can help you learn about the place you'll be staying at as well. Next time, think twice about what you hear about computers because they really aren't all that bad for you. Sometimes it @MONTH1 be better to go outside and play but computers do help you learn and communicate with others which are just as important. 5 4 9
252 1 Dear local newspaper, I also agree that computers have a positive effect on people. I agree with this because the computer can teach people things. Also people can talk to each other, and believe / create whatever they want. Computer have a positive effect on people because i believe the computer can teach people a lot. The computer can make things visual to kids and out. I know that when i was younger i used to play math and science games on the computer to help me study for tests. The computer also helps out with adults and their jobs. I don't know what half the adults in the world would do without computers. If you think about all jobs that are happening today also @CAPS1 of the computer. Such as e-mail. What would some buisnesses do. without e-mail? also adults like to check websites for the news and to catch upon sports. we can all learn so much from the computer and there are so many people who @CAPS1 their jobs on computer. we all learn something everyday and with the computer, we can make it kind. Also the computer benefits online chats e-mail and now even with a cam you can talk face to face with people all over the world I know e-mail helps out so many people who live long distance and e-mail doesn't take long at all. I know thanks to cam and microphones that are buit into computer helped our because now I can talk to all my friends and family and see them I hear them without traveling just simply clicking a button. There are websites now that @CAPS1 of taveing to @NUM1 people online and over cam or microphone. Things like this help out so much somepeople just. Think about all those people who have relationships and what not, @CAPS1 it off of computers really do help out. Lastly all the people who @CAPS1 their imagination off computers, all those people who put that thoughts and feelings into the computer. I know plenty of people who type their feeling because they would never dare say them a loud. Now imagine if computers faded away? That's what i think about what people say such things as the computers not. Everything is useful and everything has at least some sort of positive effect coming out or it. So @CAPS2 in my opinion computers do bring out a positive effect to the world. 5 4 9
260 1 Over one million people on the computer daily. I think being on the computer is unhealthy. So many people abuse themselves staying on to long. You should manage a time schedule so you can still get excercise dont use the computer if needed. People become overweight also. I think people should do something els then use the computer. One main effect that see is many people play the computer too long and are becoming overweight. This can be stopped if we all join together. One person isn't going to change anything. But many of us will. We can be the huge dangerous preditors going for the prey. If there is something els to do besides play the computer do it. If you know your over weight from the computer. You!! Can make a change. If you keep doing other activities you can get skinny again easily. You just gotten make that type of change. A serious issue is people don't wanna take time to make a quick little chart to manage computer useage. The way isee it is if we make a chart then we will know when to get off and twhen to play. This is important because some people take in information better when they have it infront of them. This could make some satisfying results. People use the computer for school work. This is good depending on how long it takes. In my opinon people shouldn't be on the computer or more then @NUM1 hours to @NUM2 hours a day. I think people should get their schoolwork done and get off. I much rather see kids outside playing. The nature and wildlife is much more important. The effects on the computer puts on us can vary. If its not to overweight to not spending time with families, to doing schoolwork. You need to use your time wisely. 4 3 7
263 1 "Dear @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 minute of the day - millions of computer users around the world hop onto their laptops or desktops, but is it always a good thing? The question has been raised if people spending alot of time on computers is a bad thing. Computers are a bad thing because people spend too much time on them and lose quility time with friends and family. The dangers of online interaction, and the risk of having your information stolen. Countless people around the world face these problems everyday and computer usage should be lessened. Whether teens, kids, or adults are gaming, on websites or typing essays people around the world spend way too much time on their computers. For example, of the @PERCENT1 of people who have computers with online access @PERCENT2 of them spend @NUM1 hours a day on them. This is about @NUM2 billion hours of computer usage around the world. Children and adults alike have lost face time or interraction with other human beings face to face. Before computers kids played outside running and playing around. While in present day less than @PERCENT3 of all children get at least one hour of time outside. Computers are not a bad thing, but its is when they are over used they become hurtful to kids health. These facts have not just contributed, but they are almost the cause of obesity in the world. Computer usage needs to be cut down to size if we are to solve these problems. The additon of online chat to computers has not only increased computer usage but doubled it. The invention of @CAPS2, and instant messaging was never meant to be a bad thing, but it sure did turn into one. Online chat allows people to send hatefull and vulgar messages to their enemys without showing their face. In some cases some teens were harrased online so bad they committed suicide. Another bad thing about @CAPS2, or @CAPS3 is that dangerous criminals can hide behind their computers and lure children or teens to a meeting place where they can be kidnapped. @NUM3 out of @NUM4 users of online chat was lured by a criminal to a "" meeting place"" and was kidnapped and never seen against last year. Most of these victims do not return or are found. Although the invention of chat online was meant as quick easy communication it became a horror crime in most cases. Millions even billions of dollars have been stolen by internet hackers. These hackers break the security codes and buy things online using other peoples money. Four out five people admit to having multiple sites with personal information on them and @NUM5 out of those four people have had at least one account hacked. This problem continues to grow and hackers feed off of weak sites. If this problem continues to grow the whole world will be bankrupt. These hackers know who you are, your family, your personal information, and where you live. Internet usage needs to be cut down to sites. If we do not then usage will increase, there will be no chat problems and peoples money will get stolen." 5 5 10
281 1 "Dear, Local Newspaper writer I believe that computers benefit our society because we could connect to people more faster and easier. And computers @CAPS1 good for our society because of we don't have to spend to much time on the phone. That @CAPS1 why I think computers benefits our society. ""@CAPS1 computers a good thing or bad thing?"" Computers are a good thing because you could email your family or friends any time you want too. But sometimes we don't have to be on the computer so long. That @CAPS1 why I think computers are a good thing. Without computers it will be different because you have to talk to people on the phone or text message. In my opinion I am really thankful that we have computers. And on computers you could go on everything like @ORGANIZATION2, @CAPS2, @CAPS3, @CAPS4, and even work on the computer. That @CAPS1 without computers it will be different. I think people are not spending to much time on the computer"", because a lot of people on the computer to do office work. Computer make things a lot easier for us! But sometimes people take advantage over it. That @CAPS1 why I feel people are not spending too much time on the computer. Last but not least that @CAPS1 why I know computers benefit's our society." 4 3 7
287 1 "Dear The @CAPS1 @CAPS2, Your resources, your entertainment, even your communication with people might be fading. @CAPS8 you know a large portion of people think this @PERSON2 is harming our society. Well I will say I think they don't understand these benifit that computers bring us. Computer act like teachers teaching us without us even knowing it. Hand-eye coordination is a perfect example. Plus, we use computers to learn about places we might want to travel to, or have a conversation with frinds or family living ways away tromus. Computers is an extrodarny piece or technology. First, I like to say everything that you do physically uses hand-eye coordination. Making dinner, riding a bike, driving a car etc. And unfortiunitly not @CAPS6 people are the best at hand-eye coordination. One of @CAPS7 friends, @PERSON1, had horriable hand eye coordination. So for his birthday I decided an getting him a computer. It's been @NUM1 month since his he had his computer and @CAPS8 he was trying to hit a baseball at his sons party, he moneged to hit the ball @NUM2 out of @NUM3 where he used to hit it @NUM1 or @NUM5 out of @NUM6. @PERCENT2 is a termendous increase in only @NUM1 month! Just something @CAPS8 simple @CAPS8 a computer improved @CAPS7 friends hand-eye coordination a termendous amount. Secondly, the computer can help you learn about far away places @CAPS8 the @LOCATION1 or @LOCATION4. Do you really want to travel up to the icey cold, and piercing winds of the @LOCATION1 just to learn about it? For some I'd say like that but what if you cant travel up the @LOCATION1 due to money or flying conditions. I want to be able to study about polar bears and the glaciers without needing to worry. A statics from the @CAPS3 @CAPS4 of @CAPS5 states ""@PERCENT2 of people wpould love to experience the thrill and excitement of the @ORGANIZATION1 lights. But out of those @PERCENT2 only @PERCENT3 said they'd actually travel to @LOCATION2 to see them"". So you can see that @PERCENT4 of those people wouldn't go whether it be due to money or the cold. Thery @CAPS6 said thats why they love the computer. They can experience the @ORGANIZATION1 lights without needing to travel into the bitter cold.Lastly, that better thing to do on the computer than with family you've never met before or don't get to see them. The editor for the @LOCATION3 Local states ""@CAPS7 parents live over @NUM8 miles away. I rarly get to tell to them now because I can't afford to travel that distance ofter. So I use @CAPS7 computer, @CAPS7 parents and I now communicate @PERCENT1 more than we used to. I love the computer it helps keep me close to @CAPS7 loved ones."" @CAPS8 you can tell, thanks to the computer we talk @PERCENT1 more to his parents than he used to! In conclusion, the computer is a gracous device that is extremely benifital to people. The computer teaches us hand-eye coordination, lets us learn about places we other wise would never learn about, and to have conversations with friends or family that we generally dont get to see often. Now you go out and make anyone that says computers are a horrible inventions you tell them exactly why computers are so important!" 6 6 12
289 1 "Dear @CAPS1, The effect that computers have on people is not a positive one. I think people spend way too much time on computers, some information on computers is inaccurate, there are still telephones and cellphones that people can use fir communication. A majority of peoples' time is spent on the computer. Whether its playing games, checking @CAPS2-mail, or even working, peoples' valuable time is getting used up. This time could be used by doing more important things such as being with friends and family, being outside with nature or exercising. Being on the computer insteads of exercising has had a huge effect on people. Some people are overweight because they eat and then do not exercise after. My sister works on the all day and she says @NUM1 or @NUM2 ladies at her work are un healthy because all they do is go on the the computer and eat granola bars, wich are usually healthy. If others spent at least a half an hour being outside to @CAPS3 some fresh air instead of using a computer most of them would feel a lot better. My doctor always used to tell me and my brother, ""@CAPS3 out and play an hour a day!"" This is true, and I strongly encourage people to go outside and do an activity as opposed to playing on the computer. The computer is used a lot for researching. Some of the information on the computer is very helpful, but you can never really know what information is inaccurate. At least when you research using a book or encyclopedia, you can trust those sources. What if you had to do a report and you could only use the internet, how would you be able to tell if the information is trustworthy? Sure, computers also teach hand-eye coordination by playing video games, but when in real life, will you need to know how to shoot a dragon or dodge candy that's falling from the sky? This is just an example of unneeded information and skills that keeps people wanting to go back on the computer. Another thing you can do on the computer is communicte with others. When computers weren't invented or even that advanced, people were more than happy to give one another a call. Now with computers, people @CAPS2-mail, instant message, or even skype; a webcam website. What even happened to cellphones, you can take." 5 5 10
290 1 Dear reader, @CAPS1, people have been debating whether or not computers are actually benefiting society, especially now that the majority of @CAPS2 now own one of these helpful machines. Computers help people with everyday tasks and are no doubt doing more good than harm. Imagine how impossible it would be for most people to do their jobs without them life would become much harder for the people living on this planet. Think of the successful schools in our country, and then think of which of those schools don't have computers. Computers are the easiest way to look up information, something important when children are learning. Whenever someone needs to know something, they just google it. This comes in handy when researching for that huge project due next week. People have never been so knowledgable. Computers are only important for school, but also in the work place. They serve almost the same environments. Now that computers are so common, people can conveniently type up a paper and submit it to their boss or teacher. It saves time and effort with a more professional result. Computers also serve the important purpose of communication using email or instant messaging, one could communicate with someone on the other side of the world without that enormous phonebill.Some @MONTH1 see this as dangerous because you could be chatting with a complete stranger. However, it is also opening your eyes to new cultures. Now it's possible to learn about life in @LOCATION1 first hand. If computers were no more, it would be extremely hard for a regular person to interact with someone from another country. It's almost like isolation from the world. There are many out there who take great interest in learning other languages. Better ways exist than sitting in a classroom listening to someone talk. As a person on this planet, do you really want to be kept separate from others just because they don't live close enough? A main concern about computers is that no one will want to read books and anything else. However, a recent study shows that after computers came out, more people have begun to read. This proves that just because there is now something fun and new, it doesn't mean everything else is trash. People will still continue to do things they always did, just with something new on their list. In addition, it is the option of everyone w/ other or not they want to spent their time on the computer. If someone doesn't like the idea, they've no right to take it away from someone else computers were created to help the human race not control it. If a person doesn't want one, they don't have to get one, everything is up to them, and that is the way it should remain. The next time you see a computer, don't think of it as some sort of obsession that's keeping people from doing other thinkgs they could be. But as a universal device that allows them to broaden their horizons and learn things they probably wouldn't go to the library to look for comuputers aren't holding anyone back, but pushing everyone forward, whether at work, school, or even the house, they benefit everyone, everywhere. 6 5 11
299 1 Do you think computers have a negative effect on people? Well I don't I think @CAPS2 is on easier way to get information faster. The three reasons why I believe computers have a positive effect on people are to learn about faraway places, to have jobs in the computer, business, and you are able to talk to people from faraway. These are many other reasons but I'@CAPS1 only required to talk about three. First of all, you are able to learn about faraway places you can learn about places you aren't able to see in real life. @CAPS2 is a faster way to get information about news that wouldn't be able to out on newspaper until the next day. If you dont have money to travel then you could just go on the internet and see the faraway places in many ways, @CAPS2's just a better source of information. My second reason is to have a job in the computer business. There are alot of jobs that require computers. If we didn't have computers more and more people would not have jobs. Also, business would be slow because they wouldn't have the information they needed. That is why computers are needed. Lastly, you are able to talk to people from faraway, yes people are able to talk through the phone but its not the some if you get to talk and see the person. Video chat is a great way to make new friends and still talk with your old friends. You can talk to relatives, friends, or anyone you want to talk to. If we didn't have computers you would lose touch with people you know that live faraway from you. That would be a terrible thing. In conclusion computers are an easier way to get information. You can learn about faraway places. You can have a job in the computer business. Lastly, you are able to talk to people from faraway, I think computers are a positive thing. 4 4 8
300 1 "Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 @CAPS3, @CAPS4 you look on a map of your effect all you see is computers everywhere. A map of the town compouters everywhere the state, the country, and even the world all you see are computers everywhere. @CAPS8 need to shut down these computers so @CAPS8 can start excersising, enjoying nature, and interacting with our families. It's times to finally help the world soldiers. Men, @CAPS4 you look around what do you see. Nothing but obesity. These so called computers are causing this why, look over there. There's @CAPS5. He used to weigh over @NUM1 pounds. All he did was use that blasted electrical error @CAPS8 call a computer. One day he realized he could do this no longer, and got same exercise. After only a year @CAPS5 just wayed @NUM2 pounds. You see, a man named @PERSON1, who's a doctor, computer expert, and wrote their books on exercise, nature and family, says, "" @CAPS7 people would shut off their computers and use the gym, over @PERCENT1 of @LOCATION1's obesity would drop. ""@CAPS8 must stop the madness men. Soldiers, do you know what's really a share about the enemy @CAPS8're fighting? It's causing people to miss out on this beautiful nature. You know @PERSON1 says that over @PERCENT2 of people will never go in nature @CAPS7 they get a computer. They don't know what their missing out on. I can picture it now the freshly plump hanging from the full bush of soring green. The mosuelous waterfall that shines @CAPS4 it off into a creek.The full dark scenary majestic. Lets not forget the lalaby of the crickets and owls putting you in a deep slumber under the staggering oak trees. This, soldiers, is what @CAPS8 need to get people hooked on not time consuming electronics. Men, do you want to know the solders part of this war? The hostages of the computer can't even sped time with their families. They're so busy on @CAPS9, @CAPS10, and other death comps that the real things important our alone. My friend @PERSON2 was one of the captives of the computer. He escaped just in time to stop one of his kids from going to an illegal party. Ever sence then, @PERSON2 has put his family before anything. Other families arn't us lucky though. In fact have @PERSON1 says that @PERCENT3 of families with copmuters have no communication and end up splitting up. The computers have gone to far now. Not only did they mess up people's lives, but their family too. This was must end now. Do you see our future now? It's filled with the computers on top. @CAPS8're their slaves @CAPS4 @CAPS8 come at their call. They won't let us excersise to shape, see the beatiful lands of nature,or spend time with our families so @CAPS8 can keep it together. This is why @CAPS8're fighting this is why were here will you join us?" 4 4 8
309 1 Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, @CAPS3 @CAPS4 all the talk about computers these days I would have to agree with the people who think its taking up alot more of our time. I hardly ever see people playing outside anymore because apparently computers are far more entertaining then being with your friends and family. Why do you think the obesity is so high these days? Well theres one of the reasons and I @CAPS5 when my parents were kids that they had no computers and they went outside to enjoy nature. Computers have there ups and downs but I do not think they benifit out society, first reason being, computers are taking away time to be with our friends and family. I rember when facebook and @CAPS6 werent created those were the days when people actually did fun things with there friends and family. there was a recent study that snowed since @DATE1 to @PERCENT1 of all americans use computers more than @NUM1 @CAPS2 a day for all sorts of diffrent reasons. I think mainiy computers were invented to make reason easier but now adays all we use them for is social networking. My second biggest point as to why computers do not benifit our is because over the past @NUM2 years the obesity rate has gone up by @PERCENT3 and due to what cause? eating un healthy food and sitting in front of your computers all day not exersiing. I am almost @PERCENT2 sure that if people stoped using computers that our world would be a healthier place. dont you feel bad for those people who are stuck being ovwrsized for there whole life because of these habits? I @CAPS5 most people would feel bad. My last reason is that we have this ahmazing planet that no one seems to enjoy anymore becaus they use up all there time on computers if only people got out every once and a while they would relize they have been wasting where time. there been a recent study that says @PERCENT4 of people are inside doing nothing all day! thats more than half!! I hope this will change somtim soon because computers hace only created a nusence to people and now it seems like no one has any type of a life.. computers hace spread to all sorts ofs societys but please let it not take over this friendly town of @CAPS1. 4 5 9
311 1 Dear Newspaper editor, I think that computers are @CAPS1 for everyone. First of all, you can learn about places that are around the world in a click. Also, you can communicate with friends and family. Finally, it makes your life so much easier. Here are some reasons why you should get a computer for your family. First, you can learn about things you didn't even know were real, in an instant. You can learn about ancient civilizations, different cultures, and different recipes for tonights dinner. you can get help in school work also. If you need to learn about the @CAPS1 @CAPS2 of @LOCATION1, all you have to do is type in it. If you need to learn your multiplication table, you type it in and it will show up in the matter of seconds. The internet is @CAPS1 for searching up all types of things. Secondly, you can talk to your family members and friends on the internet. Ive heard a lot of people saying people need to spend more time with their family. So on the computer you can talk to someone in @LOCATION2, and evrywhere else. Its like a pen pal but you don't waste money buying envelopes and stamps to send a letter. computers cost a lot of many but it is worth it. You can do almost evrything on the computer. Lastly, if you get a computer it makes your life so much easier. Instead of going to the library and getting a cook book, you can type in dinner recipies for chicken. Your computer will come up with hundreds of different ways to make a @CAPS1 chicken for dinner. You can tell a friend that you cant it to there party. Also, teaches you homework that you did. if you buy a computer your life would be more relaxing. In conclusion, you should buy a computer. If you do you will learn so many things. Its like having a book with everything you will every need or want to know. This is why computers are good to have and be on for a reasonable amount of time. 5 4 9
312 1 Dear, @LOCATION1 @CAPS1 I think the use of computers are good, here are some reasons why? My first reason is you can find stuff online. My second reason is you can have fun. My last reason is you can make @LOCATION1 friends. I will write @NUM1 paragrahs explaining my reasons. Going back to my introduction my first reason was you can find stuff online. If you can't find a job you can go online and find some. If you want to go to college but you have no time you can take classes online. Those are my details to support my reason. My second reason was the computers are so fun. To me they are fun because when you are bored you can play games. If you are not a game person you can play servays. Or you can find out facts. That how I can back up my second reason. My third reason was you can meet @LOCATION1 people. You can meet @LOCATION1 people be search them up if you are trying to find a old friend. Or there is social networking such as myspace, facebooks, twitter etc which you can meet @LOCATION1 people. Mostly everyone would like to meet @LOCATION1 people. To end this story my @NUM2 reason was yo can find stuff online, my second reason was you can have fun. My last reason was you can meet @LOCATION1 people. 3 4 7
316 1 "To whom it @MONTH1 concern, Computers are beneficial to society. They promote learning, coordination, and even general welfare. It is true that computers @MONTH1 be detrimental to a person's health, affecting the amount of exercise and interaction a person gets, but the positive effects of computers more than make up for this. People learn much of what they know from the computer. Among an infinite number of things a person can learn from them are definitions new words, scientific theories, algebraic equations, history, law, any number of languages, and much more. Computers, when used for learning, can teach people things they @MONTH1 learn in school, but on their own time, computers exercise the brain, and teach it to think beyond the bounddries of ""@NUM1."" They also teach the brain how to better direct the body to face i'ts needs. Coordination can be very hand for some people, and this can be a problem. Without coordination, people wouldn't be able to catch a ball, avoid certain dangers, or even stand. To help improve this people need practice. They can get this practice from exercise catching ball, threading a needle, or using a computer. Using the mouse on a computer can help with hand-eye coordination in that it forces the brain to direct the mouse to a certain place on the screen, in order to accomplish what is needed to be done. At first, this process @MONTH1 be excrutiatingly slow, but over time, as the brain gets practice at this coordination improves and the process speeds up @CAPS1, the person will be able to use the computer faster and more efficiently. This will help them play games, learn, or even help people when they are in need. Helping people is very important in this day an age. That's why it is important for people to find out news quickly so that they can help. Computers allow this. For example, on the day of the deadly earthquake in @LOCATION1, most of the world found out within the hour from computers. News sites broadcast its social networking sites such as @CAPS2 talked about it, and people talked to each other online about it. This rapid spread of the news saved many lives in @LOCATION1 as people immediately dropped what they were doing and rushed to help. Computers affect people in that they help to send out news and stories causing them to want to help people. Many websites also are adept at donating money while playing a game. For example, www.freenke.org is a site that donates @NUM2 grains of rice for every question answered correctly, and they have donated over @NUM3 @CAPS3 grains of rice. Obviously, computers and sites like these have to have a positive effect on the world. Overall, one would think that computers have a mostly positive effect on the world. Despite limiting exercise, they encourage learning, and the exercise of the brain. Computers also help people with their coordination, which is very important. Finally, computers promote a world where people want to help each other, and a world where people keep up with current events, whether they like it or not. Thank you, editor, for considering my side on the positive effects computers have on the world." 4 5 9
317 1 Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 do people benefit from the use of computers. Some say that using computers rather than exercising and being outside is a bad thing. I personally believe that the use of computer technology is a good thing. Computers teach hand-eye cordination, help people learn, and allow people to communicate with others. The use of computers teach hand-eye cordination and reaction time. Some say that being outside and exercising is better than using a computer but many computer games help hand-eye cordination. Alter playing computer games more and more the time it takes for you to react to the game you are playing and hit the mouse button is very important. These skills could help you in the activities you take part in and every - day life, personally, I play a lot of @CAPS3 @NUM1, a computer gaming system. @CAPS3 has helped ny hand-eye cordination greatly and it has shown in the four sports that I play. Clearly, Computers can be very helpful and can help your hand - eye cordination. Computers can also help people learn in many ways. There is a lot of content on the internet that simply can't be in school. The ability to learn about foreign countries is a big part in learning as a student. I use the internet nearily every night to type my papers and find the information that I need. It has helped one as a student. Also, typing papers on computers is becoming the new @CAPS4 of hand writting. Teachers are beginning to require that school work is typed on a computer and printed. Documents can be saved do that they cannot be lost inlike a hard copy written by hand. Although many believe that using a computer is a waste of time, it can also help you stay organized. Many people have calenders in their computers that send you reminders on your schedule. Your computer is also where your data like music and pictures can be saved. Computers are also very useful for learning and organizational purposes. We can communicate with others using computers. People use computer technology to communicate everyday through @CAPS5, @CAPS6, and I-chat. If I need to know what our homework is or when practic is I use my computer to ask someone for the answer. Before I began communicating with my computer talking to others was much harder to do. Although many disagree with using computer technology, computers are often the way we communicate with foreign countries. When something happens overseas the first way we found out about it is a computer. It is essential for us to use computers to communicate with other nations. Clearly computers are importan for communication purposes, we must continue to use computers for multiple reasons. Although many disagree with the use of computers, there hand - eye, communications, and learning purposes are very important. Without computer technology we would function much differently. It is up to you to continue using computers. 5 5 10
323 1 Dear @CAPS1, I feel as though computers have good effects on people. Throughout these next paragraphs I will be giving you all of my reasons on the things that computers help people do. I will be talking about how computers give people good typing skills, how they give information to people, and how they allow us to socialize. Over ninety four percent of people today own a computer ad feel as though they have learned many things from it. I bet you didn't know that! First off I will be telling you about how computers help people type. The @CAPS2 on a computer doesn't go alphabetically. This means that you have to practice more to get better in typing. I remember the first time I tried to use the @CAPS2 it difficult but as I tried more I got better. Once I got better I realize where the keys were and soon I don't even have to look up the computer and all of it's parts help people by teaching them skills that they @MONTH1 used in the. These skills @MONTH1 be needed in their job field. Computers are helpful device. The next thing I will be telling you about is how computers have information that is useful to and its where a child is working know a lot about the. It holds information and has website when the internet they. The computer. My final reason why computers have good effect. If you need to talk to a friend but dont feel like calling them you can just go on to a website and chat with them. There are so many that you just can't choose! Did you know what they are over one million of these kinds of websites? There is @CAPS3 @CAPS4 just to name a few. This also gives people the chance to socialize with people from all over the world. This in return causes people to have better social skills. Maybe they will become ore friendly and become more outgoing. This is all because of one little thing and that little things is the computer! So as you can see computers have many wonderful effects on people. They help people get better at typing give lots of information that people want to know and get better social skill cant you just learning and I dont know about not I can get a pretty clear image of that in my mind. Thanks for reading this and taking I say information. 5 5 10
325 1 Dear @CAPS1, In many ways computers are helpful but, I don't support the use of them. The advance in technology has really taken away from peoples lives all over the world, some examples of this are lack of exercise, too much time inside, and not enough time spent with family and friends. Continue reading for more on as towny computers do'nt benefit society. As you know, when you use a computer you usually sit in a chair to do so, correct? Well, this activity is doing only one thing, not keeping you healthy or inshape. I'm sure that you want to be healthy, and to be healthy you must get some sort of exercise through out your day, and sitting on thje computer is not helping you one bit. So as you can clearly see, so far using computers is not beneficial to our society, continue for more cons of using computers as much as they are used. Believe it or not, using a computers is unhealthy, and not beneficial, in more than one way. The reason for this is because, not only oo you not get enough exercise, you won't go outside as much. you @MONTH1 be wondering as to why not outside is unhealthy, but it is because you dont recieve the needed amount of fresh air that you need to not be sick. Could you imagine the amount of people that would be sick if everyone used the computer for the majority at their day? Well, lets just it wouldn't be fun to count them all. Now that you know two ways that computers are not beneficial to society.Keep reading for one rest way. As you probably knows, it is a hard task to keep a big family close to each other, and using computers is'nt going to anything to help you. So, why use them? Trust me, spending quality time with your family and friends can be just as much, or even more fun than playing your favorite computer games, and in my opinion your family should be the most valuable thing in your life, so don't lose them for a computer. Now that you have finished reading. i would like to thank you for your time reading this letter concerning, lack of exercise, too much time inside, and not enough time with family, is not beneficial to society. 5 4 9
327 1 Dear @CAPS1, Computers can have a positive effect or a negative effect on people. It all depends on how you look at it and what type of person you are. You can say computers have a very positive effect on people or say computers have a very negative effect on people. My opinion is that computers have a positive effect on people but you can't say that I am just a kid and she plays on it all the time. Well that is true however, it can teach you hand-eye coordination. For @CAPS2 what I am doing right now is learning to type faster and faster. Another @CAPS2 is some people are faster at typing than writing but some people write faster than type. Me personally am faster at than writing. My final reason is after a hard day at school or work you can come home, play some music and relax. It is a good idea to learn how to type fast so if you are let's say writing a story for school. You just started the story and it is due tomorrow. What are you going to do well if you stared to type when you were younger by the time you are in the middle school you could type really fast. That way you could finish your story in time. This means you should learn haw to type faster. Some people prefer to write than type but other people prefer to type than write. I personally prefer to type than write but that is just me. Let's say a friend of mine like to write more than type that is ok. We will not be not friends after that we will just like the same thing that is all. This means some people prefer to write than type. This probably happens after a hard day at school or work you can come home use the computer to play some music and relax. You can play all the music you want. As well as do other things as well as the same time. For @CAPS2, I play music and talk to my friends at the same time. I @CAPS3 use it to do homework. In conclusion, it is a good idea to keep computers to use. People can still enjoy nature as well as computers at the same time. Over all computers have a positive effect on people. 3 3 6
337 1 Dear Local newspaper, @CAPS1 well @CAPS1 many others, i believe computers are not only good, but beneficial. Computers are advanced our world little by little every day. We all use them for communication, entertainment, and knowledge. Computers are like people with fun to do and things to learn. Computers are beneficial to everyone worldwide. Computers gradually advance communication more and more everyday. It used to be old letters by mail, then it became e-mails, twitter, and facebook. These websites upgrage communication today. Long distance friends can view photos, information, videos, and chat from far away. Some site like @ORGANIZATION2 allow you to instant message your friends. Lastly, video chatting is a new improved way to see a live video of the other person. According to @ORGANIZATION1 @NUM1 more user signed up for web-cams since the beggining of @DATE1. Communication is positively affected by computers. I know you @MONTH1 have fun with sports or nature, but sometimes it is great to get great entertainment for yourself instantly. Computer games only cost about @MONEY1 and are instant access. Also, surfing the web for news or funny videos is fun sometimes. Almost everyone who has a @CAPS2 gets a blast surfing the internet. Do you ever wonder how to hear the song you like when it's not on the radio? Itunes stores, organize, and plays music in a virtual library for permanent access. What also happens is youtube allows you to watch music videos or hear songs for free. Now thats why computers are straight entertainment. Finally, computers provide you with so much knowledge and is great for education. Certain websites let you access tons of knowledge. Wikipedia and diccionary.com are great for learning. 5 5 10
353 1 To the computers people technology is a good thing to have. If we do not have technology then we can not call no one. We wiil not have computers to go online. We can not talk to my family or friends. People us technology for they jobs like people that work for cars they need computers to see if the cars if old. That is why will need technology. People need technology for a lot of thin have technology to us. Computers is the big thing because we need to look up a lot of things online we need computers to test on. We call people with technology you us computers to go online on google.com that is why we need technology. so we can call people. 3 2 5
356 1 "Dear Newspaper, @CAPS1, I am on the computer alot. But I think it is one of the most addicting, time consuming inventions in todays society. Yes, computers have benefits such as talking to friends and family you don't see that often, doing school work, and gathering information. But in my oponion I the people should reduce their usage of computers. Sure, computers let you interact with friends in family via e-mail, or @CAPS2 messaging, or social networking websites such as @CAPS3 or @CAPS4. Guess what? You can easily communicate the old fashioned way with cell phones, or even writing a letter. See? There are alternitives for communication. Exercise is so important now a days, and people do not get enough of it. Did you know that obesity, has gone up @PERCENT1 since last year? Thats a fairly big percentage, and we don't want it to get any bigger. If people are wasting away, staring at their computer screen and not getting any sort or exercise in, the number will get bigger. Also, computers can cause all kinds of medical problems. For example, about a month ago my back was really bothering me. I went to the doctors and he told me one of the likley causes was leaning foward togo on my laptop. ""Computers can also cause vision problems and haedaches."" says specialist @CAPS5. Oz. We can prevent these issues if we take a stand against computers! We can limit our use to two or three times a week, and only use it for important reasons. I hope this really is an eye-opener to the negative effects computers have on us." 4 4 8
362 1 "Newspaper, I feel that the use of computers is no big deal. it is a convienient way to communicate, it teaches young adults and adults social and life skills, and is no different than other addictions. These three reasons are why I feel the @ORGANIZATION1 is under-appreciated. My firsty reason why I feel that the @ORGANIZATION1 is under-appreciated is that some people think that less time is spend with family, but I talk to family, and friends everytime on the @ORGANIZATION1. It is a conveinient, fast, and for the most part safe way of communicating. When I need help with something, I sit at the @ORGANIZATION1 and fb chat someone, or if their not on, I e-mail them. I get my answer within a day. Also you can look up the answer online, the internet is a beautifully smart device. Also if you call someone versus chating on the @ORGANIZATION1 you @MONTH1 have no idea who they are, it is also much easier to trace a call then trace a @ORGANIZATION1 to a certain location. Communication is faster, safer, and more conveinient over the @ORGANIZATION1. My second reason for being @NUM1 is that it can help teach said and life skills. For example, did you know that on average, an adult will make @MONEY1 more if they know how to type good, and fast? The @ORGANIZATION1 serves many functions. Facebook, for example, is a social network, amny young adults can learn basic social skills by having a facebook. Social skills play a very important role when you are finding a job for the first time. If you have good social skills, your boss @MONTH1 like, and apreciate you more. Which can only lead to a promotion! Computers are very nifly to have around! my third, and final reason, for believing, with all respect, that @NUM2 people are blinded, is that people don't easily get addicted to the @ORGANIZATION1. It is very hard to become addicted to the @ORGANIZATION1. Only about @PERCENT3 of facebook users are addicted. Compared to an alcohol addiction, about @PERCENT1, or drug addiction, @PERCENT2, @ORGANIZATION1 addiction is microscopic, and not to mention, not deadly. The only similarity between the @ORGANIZATION1, and other deadlier addictions is that they are addicted, and @MONTH1 become grumpy if asked to stop. ""@ORGANIZATION1 addiction can be cured with a speedy recovery, and as long as you are on for an hour or less a day, there is nothing to worry about"" says @PERSON1, at the @NUM3.) @CAPS1 there you have it, computers use is not a major problem. It is a conveinent communication device, an effective way to learn social, and life skills, and is no huge major source of addiction. @CAPS1 there is nothing to worry about. Sit back and look it up on the internet if you don't believe me." 5 5 10
386 1 Dear Newspaper, I believe that computers have a positive effect on people. I believe this because we can talk to people in different countries in a quarter of a second, we can send e-mails to other people, and finally we can go to @LOCATION1, ask @CAPS1 question and get an instant reply. First, we can talk to people in different countries. Did you ever have a relative go on vacation in a foreigh country and have no way of calling them to see if everything is okay? Lets say for instance that they brought their laptops but for at their cellphones. Then, the only way we can contact them is by e-mail. Even if your just happens in you can keep in touch through email. You can even a computer so you can video chat, and not have to wait to get your reply. Next, we can send e-mails to other people. Have you ever set somebody a letter by mail and had to wait two to three days for a reply? Sometimes, your letter is even lost, and these is no way of finding out. Well with e-mail, the wait time of your reply depends on how fast the person whom you are talking to types and most people I know can type a reply in @NUM1 to @NUM2 seconds. I believe that is a from two to three cars. With e-mail those is an eghty three percent chance that your email will not be lost. If for some reason it is lost, there will be a message sent to you telling you that your message was lost and that you need to sent a new message. But most likely chances are that your message wil reach its destination. can go to @LOCATION1, ask @CAPS1 question and get an instant reply. Were you ever wondering about something and the answer was on the tip of your tongue but you just cant think of it? If so you probably would be smart to go to @LOCATION1. You can ask @CAPS1 question and get an instant reply. And I mean @CAPS1 question you can ask questions from wat the price of is in @LOCATION2, to what an is. If you wanted to you could ask math questions as well, such as what is the square root of pi, and what is @NUM3. From @LOCATION1 to myspace the internet is full of information that can have a positive effect on people. This is why I think that the has a positive effect on people, we can talk to people different countries we can send e-mails, and we can ask all sorts of questions. 5 5 10
389 1 Dear newspaper, I've read your article about peoples opinion on the affects of computers. I believe that having computers are a very good thing. With them we can talk to others from far away, and fast. You can learn a lot too. It also teaches hand-eye coordination. My first reason why they are good is because you ran talk to others. Without computers it would be almost impossible to meet people from far away and talk to them so easily. They even have webcams so you can see each other. You can use @CAPS1, @CAPS2, webcams, or even a simple comment on facebook or myspace. @CAPS2 or webcams are the quichest and maybe even coolest way. Secondly you can learn Computers have so many websites that give out alot of information and resent too. It's muchn easier to get on the internet and type something in then look threw a bunch of books.The internet has dictionaries, news stations, weather, history and where you can find things. With all that you dont even need books. They even have maps and you can print out directions. My final reason is because it teaches hand-eye coordination. When you first start using computers your normally pretty young, and sometimes you don't always type the fastest. Computers have become so advanced that there are even touch-screen and wireless mases. So when you first start you normaly look down to see what your writing, later, adults want you to look at the screen when that becames easy you know that your hand-eye coordination has grown alot better then when you stated. In conclusion I think that computers are a good part of everyday life and that there not bad. They are an easy communication between people, help you learn, and teach good and fast hand-eye coordination in kids. 4 4 8
393 1 @ORGANIZATION1, Are technology is advancing greately and more inventions are coming out; but aren't you worried that people spent to much time on the technology? I know @CAPS1 worried. For example computers. Computers have to technology to go online and chat with various people all around the world. Thas when I get worried. In this essay I will explain why it is bad to spent too much time on computers. it is bad because people don't execisi enjoy mothers nature, and interact with family and friends. Firstly, people are for geting how important it is to excaise. It is very important because it keeps you fit and healthy. With the computers in use people become less fit and healthy. They start getting fat theire carasaprel get high and they stress more. Secondly they don't enjoy mothersnature. When people start going on the computers they stop doing a lot of things. Like stop going outside and getting fresh air. They get c losed in a small bubble and all they case about is the computers. They don't go out to camp, play outside; they don't do nothing. Every day they are on the computer. Finaly, one big main problem is: they stop inter acting with family and friends. When mothers and fathers are oh it they don't pay attention to these young ones and they are always on it. When teenagers are on the computers they don't talk to these parents, they ignore there friends and the people that care about them most. They wont care for everybody, but them selfes @CAPS2 there you have it; that is why I think we should cut down on the computer usage. For these following reasons: People stop exercising and being fit. They stop enjoiying mother nature, and they stop @NUM1 with family and friends. @CAPS2 what do yoo think? 4 4 8
398 1 "Dear Newspaper @CAPS1, @CAPS2 look at advances in technology over the years and can tell what an influence it has had on current day and people. The question is, are these advances for the better? Or will they take a turn for the worst? Today i will be talking to you about technology, and why i think its benefitting society poorly. With people spending less time excercising and enjoying nature, leaving ther social life behind by constanly being on the computer, they dont realize how much they're hurting themselves. The number of obese people especially in children, increases each day. This is caused by lack of excersize because some people are too busy responding to texts, talking on the phone and playing unneeded video games. Not only are they physically harming themselves, but they are definitley missing out on the wonderful aspects of mother nature! Why not get out for a little, escape the technology prison cell you've all been reeled into. The @ORGANIZATION1 is one of the most beautifuly countries in the world, take advantage that! Now, without proper excersize, your putting you heart at serious risks. Even doing smaller things, like jumping jacks or cuntups, can help make you and you heart healthy! Your parents, and even your parents parents, are who brought you into this world, faught for you in times of need, and would do anything to protect you. What would you say if i told you technology was pushing them away? Texting at the dinner table while they are trying to make conversation, never leaving you room because you playing ""fun"" games, hiding behind he face of technology all the things a vast number of people do instead of socializaing with the people who matter most: family and friends. Although your friends @MONTH1 be more easy going they still came that your too busy hanging out with you computer to come meet up with them @CAPS3 single person can live without a friend and that friend needs you! Make some time for the people who have a special place in you heart before they disapper. To sum it up, techology is corrupting the minds of human beings... and it need to stop! like i said be healthy and happy and spend enough time with the people you are about who knows, maybe they an make you happier than your electric companion. So, fellow citizens, leap off that desk chair, shut off your electronic devices, and jump back into the real world." 5 5 10
402 1 Dear local Newspaper, I think that computers have a exellent benefit for people. First family friends can communicate from a far distance. Secondly typing on the computer gives people good hand and eye cordnation. Thirdly they give people the ability to learn about faraway places. Lastly it gives student a chance to research a topic they are learning about. Well @CAPS1 do you think? Researcher @PERSON1 said that almost @PERCENT1 of family's live faraway from eachother. computers give the ability for familys to communicate wether its aim or a webcam chat. Also out of the @PERCENT1 of familys that live faraway from each other @PERCENT2 use the computer to comunicate. Hand and eye cordination, some people type without looking and some people are really slow. Typing on a computer give the great hand and eye cordination. Good hand and eye cordination could be used for many things. For example, playing sports or even a simple task like throwing something in the trash. Lastly, have you ever wanted to learn about a place faraway from you live or have you ever researched a topic for school? Well I have. Computer give people the ability to learn about places faraway. For example in the third grade I had to research hammer head sharks. Don't teacher always ask their student to look up a word or a topic on the computer? As I have said before I think computers have a benifit on people. I hope that my three reasons of contacting family and friend and hand and eye cordnation and lastly researching has made you think it a good thing too. Thank you for taking time to read @CAPS1 I had to say and I hope you take it into concideration. 4 4 8
404 1 "Dear Local Newspaper, The effects computers have on people as posotive I say that it is posotive because what if your in a rush, and you don't know if you need your rain boots or not? Check the computer! I say that it is posotive because without the computer how would most offices run their buisness? It's too much of a pain to keep everything on files. Especially in schools because the teachers don't keep their grades for students in a filing cabinet! They keep them on the computer, @CAPS1 they'd need a huge filing cabinet. I could understand why some peole think computers have a bad effect on people. They might think that it takes away time from nature, friends and family. But so many people take their laptops to the local park to sit under a tree on warm days and go on the computer there. Especially students do this, they do their homework under the leaves to help them relax. Also, people whose family or friends live in other states, they @MONTH1 not have the house number, or they don't have time for a long conversation, they can e-mail them, or use social networking like facebook, or myspace to look on their profile pages and say a quck, ""@CAPS2, how are you doing?"" Local shop owner @PERSON1 says, ""I barely have time for myself! So when I want to say @CAPS2 to my sister in @LOCATION1, I usually say hello on facebook because I know how she loves to talk my ear off!"" I remember one morning, when I was rushing before school, I had no idea what type of outfit to wear. I checked the local news casting website for the weather forecast and thank god I did! I would have gotten stock in downpour without an umbrella! Computers are also good for if you want to catch up on any news, or just relax and play some games you can. So, if your wondering about the weather to see if today will be a good day to sit under the trees in the park & catch up on typing that report with your partner, then go ahead. But don't forget to e-mail her and ask her first, since you lost her phone number." 4 4 8
407 1 I believe computers have a positive effect on people. They teach hand-eye coordination, give people the ability to learn about faraway places and people, and even allow people to talk online with other people. All these things are good so why not use computers, we need computers. Do you think computers are a positive effect or a negative effect? After you hear this you might want agree with computers have a positive effect. Computers have a positive effect in so many ways for example: school, work, talk to other, and just get information. From different websites. If we did not have computers or use them we would probably use books. We would get information from the books but not as much as we would get from the computer. We probably would not know that much if it wasn't ofr computers. The reason why computers have a positive effect is because you work your eyes and while you are typing you are exercising your hands. That proves hand-eye coordination. We learn about places we don't live in like that? Had a earthquake we went on websites for that. You get to learn how it is in a certain place you want to go on vacation for. You get to learn about famous people you do not know about so all you have to do is go on the computer and look up your celebrity. Computer is something people use to talk to people and keep in contact. Now we have @CAPS1, @CAPS2, @CAPS3 and others. We use that to talk to our friend and family. Some of our family or friends live in far away places so we use the computer to talk. If you have a e-mail teachers and people at work might have to e-mail each other to handle business. You can even get work for students at school so that way the can learn more and do different activities. You can even play games on the computer. You can explore nature on the computer. I think computer is a great way to learn and talk with others. Do you want your child to learn? Do you want your child to have fun? So tell me what you think! Computers have a positive effect. 4 4 8
411 1 Dear @CAPS1 of my local newspaper, More and more people use computers, but not everyone agrees that this benefits society. These boxes can be harmful to their users' eyes. In addition, they lead to less interaction with real people. Finally, they lead to a very unhealthy lifestyle. Computers are harmful to our society. For starters, computers are harmful because they are very bad for our eyes. Between the @DATE1 @DATE2 and @DATE3, doctors saw nearly a @PERCENT1 increase in eye problems that resulted in either surgery, glasses, or contacts. This can be directly associated with the overuse of personal computers. Also, studies have shown that common citizens who use these cootraptions for over four hours each day end up with an extremely deteriorated vision by the age of @NUM1. Finally, @CAPS2 @CAPS3 stated that overuse of computers have led to a very negative affect on the eyesight of their workers. It can be seen, how work gets done faster, however the cost of medical treatments actually surpasses the little extra profit gained by modernizing. Secondly, computers are harmful because they lead to less time being with real people. To begin with, studies have shown that people simply dont learn as much about their peers by talking to them through a box. Also, a study by the @ORGANIZATION1 has shown that there are roughly @PERCENT2 fewer conversations at social gatherings than just @DATE1. This is alarming because at that rate people @MONTH1 never get to know each other and the world @MONTH1 become an electronically based workspace. Finally @PERSON1, social relations professional, stated that people end up with a lack of understanding when they cant feel the emotion a person has when he/she is speaking. Sure, you can video chat, but that still does not convey the real feeling behind a persons words. Finally, computers are harmful because they lead to a very unhealthy lifestyle. To begin with, the lack of fresh air obtained by sitting indoors all day is very bad for lungs and can lead to premature breathing problems. Also, average people get @PERCENT3 fewer workouts, according to @CAPS4s @CAPS5, which was not likely directly influenced by overuse of computers. Finally the obesity rate has risen from next to nothing to over @NUM2 in the past ten @DATE1. Research showed that the majority of the obese patients spent excessive time on their little boxes of ten. While you might feel that this is not completely due to computers, it has been proven time and time again that these machines are the main reason behind the worlds currently unhealthy lifestyle. Personal computers have a very negative effect toward the society of today. This technology has resulted in very poor eyesight in the general public. In addition, they lead to a much lower amount of social interaction. Finally, they end up forcing people into an unhealthy lifestyle. So, let the word out that computers are bad for society, and try to make the world a better place to live. 6 6 12
412 1 "Dear @CAPS1, I beleive that using computers is a good thing. They can help you learn about subjects of places you think are interesting you don't know about. They can help save the environment. These are the reasons why I think using computers is a good thing. First, they can help you learn about new subjects. Say you are doing a report for school on the @ORGANIZATION1 @ORGANIZATION1 of the @CAPS2, but you didn't know any thing about them. You could just go sit at your computer, enter ""@ORGANIZATION1 @ORGANIZATION1 of the @CAPS2"" in a google search, and press enter. There you here hundreds even thousands of entries about the @ORGANIZATION1. You could sit forever and learn all about these magnificent creations. You can learn about any subject on a computer, at anytime. You could even learn about a computer and all of its history! Seond, they can help save the environment. People are always using paper and paper comes from trees. When we cut down trees we are harming our environment. We are depleeting our oxygen supply and destroying habitats of animals and insects. If everybody used computers, we would be using less paper. We could use to send documents and papers, we could bring to tax appointments and pair suits. Computers could even be used for school work. The teacher could asign the homework email it to the student the student could fill it out and email it back. Sure we would still have to use paper for somethings, but we would be using in way less. People could also use less fossil. We could talk via the internet and things like skype to communicate witness waring to and burn. Thirdly, computers could help us advance into the. Computers can help find ways to do many things such as better medical treatments, more efficient travel and even every day life. We could find better ways to treat serious medical conditions with the help of computers. We could find ways to treat cancers and maybe even the common cold. Computers could also hep us find more efficient way. They could help find a mroe efficient feel, efficient of it could help make a teleportation device. It could also help us explore deeper into space and find more planets and galaxies. Computers could also help us with our every day life. When you get up in the @TIME1, imagein being able to screen and being able to have a hot shower, your breakfast and your work equipment all ready within five minutes. That really would be the future of computers. Those are all of any reasons for having computers from school reasearch to space and beyond." 6 4 10
417 1 Dear @ORGANIZATION1 @ORGANIZATION1 @ORGANIZATION1, I am writing this letter to state my opinion on the effects computers have on people. I think that the effect is good because every place needs them they store thing neatly that way you will know that when you go back it will be neat and saved. Every place uses computers they are a big thing. Hotels use them to save who's in each room and to actuvate the room keys, restarunts use them to help make the bill, hospilas use them to store flies so they can be printed heat so the doctor can go to look at them and understand. And schools use them they need them to store grades neatly, or for an student to to type up a paper neatly and hand it in they could leave it for the day and go back to it tomorrow. The computer can also be you job, like you workinh on them like fixing them or installing a @ORGANIZATION1 programor app. You can also do your work on it like working on a website or once agin just writing a boper. The biggest company @MONTH1 need an computer even the @ORGANIZATION1 need them they are big in you company. So even people don't get outside enought the computer help you to make money or be sucsseful in life and once yo got that money thek you will go out side in speed it. So computers have a big effect on schools, communy, stores and many other pplaeces and peoples life. 4 4 8
425 1 "To whom this @MONTH1 concern Computers are a great source of technology, but many people spend to much time on them. People don't get to see the out-side world because they are to ""busy"" on their computers, and use them to find things or play games that they can do just outside in the fresh air. Computers are and people spend to much time on them instead of having an outdoor experience, exercising, and talk and bonding with their family and friends. First of all, people don't enjoy nature as much as they enjoy their computers. When you're stuck in side school or work, you don't get to go outside and see the natural beauty of nature, so when you get out take @NUM1 minutes or so to go and enjoy the wilderness. You don't have to go outside every day, but once in a while it feels good to get out and explore the world. Expecially when you had a little break and what to be alone, in nature, you can get away and lose your stress. Some @MONTH1 say you can enjoy nature and explore new places online, and yes you wouldn't you want to do it first-hand? You don't get the real experience by just looking at pictures. You have to be their and explore it by yourself. In nature there is always some thing new. Secondly, when you are on your computer, you didn't doing anything your body, you need to go exercise. Fresh air is good for you, you. Spending most of your time on your computer, you don't spend time with your family and friends. Family is the most important thing in your life, and as you get older, the time you have with your family get less and less. You also @MONTH1 see you friends in school or at work everyday but you don't really get to sit and ""catch up"" with each other. Online their are programs where you can chat with friends and family, but wouldn't you want to see them personaly, especially if you don't see them everyweek. It's a better experience and you made many more moments. Just going out far which or even going on a run can give you time with your loved ones. In conclusion, people spend to much time on their computers. They don't get to experience the outside world and the wonders of nature. The more on their computers, the less exercise they get and less fresh air. Family and friends some of the greatest things in your life, dont get to bond with you,. Computers are good for using spread sheets and typing essays, but they aren't good for you to spend all your time on, mailing it, and missing out on the adventures your life will venture through" 5 5 10
428 1 "Dear local Newspaper, People spending time on the @CAPS1 is a good way for people to connect with one each other. But it can also be a way for people to get in trouble with things online like looking at things they shouldn't be looking at strangers they shouldn't be talking or typing to or even predators that could be online. @PERCENT1 @ORGANIZATION1 kids and adults go on the computer either when their getting out @ORGANIZATION1 school for the day or if they are getting off @ORGANIZATION1 work for the day or if they are getting off @ORGANIZATION1 work for the night, they are just there on the computer to check upon things and for the kids either for their entertainment, for like chatting with friends on some king @ORGANIZATION1 program, or @ORGANIZATION1 their even playing a game online. Three fourths @ORGANIZATION1 kids under age @NUM1 go online more than adults age @NUM2 because @ORGANIZATION1 the interest in what is on it. People sometimes say, ""oh, I only go on the computer to check up on things. It only takes me a few minutes"", But they are lying. Most people dont just go on for a couple @ORGANIZATION1 minutes, their on for more like a few hours, and that effect their relationship or connection to ones family and or friends. @PERSON1 at the @ORGANIZATION1 says, ""people spend hours on the computer looking at what ever they want and most people do that and it has to stop for the sake @ORGANIZATION1 the persons family and friends,"" @PERSON1 also said,"" @CAPS2 like an addiction"". Do you really want to have an addiction? I didn't think so, so instead @ORGANIZATION1 just sitting there storing into a screen for hours aday go outside and have fun with your friends or family, go to the @CAPS3, the beach, even just take a walk in the park. Nothing can beat the feeling @ORGANIZATION1 being with friends or family and just having fun." 4 4 8
429 1 @ORGANIZATION1, Computers are great tools and a great piece of modern technology. Almost every family has them. About @PERCENT1 of my class has computers. So many people have them because their helpful and another current learning resource. Also it's a great way to keep in touch with friends. Although they can be time consuming they make up for it in the long run. First, they are helpful because it's quick an easy to get from page to page. It's especially helpful for work because instead of calling a bunch of clients. You can send them all emails in under a few minutes. They also help with school or planning a vacation. You can find great low prices on travel agencies on the computer. This is great because our country is having a bad acession and we need to be saving every penny. These are some of the few reasons why this modern technology is so helpful. Next is that it's a great current learning resource. You can find articles on anything happening right at that moment or a couple days before. Sometimes the articles in books are old and. Those out dated articles don't have accurate more researched information But, computers do so you can compare your information. Also there are online schoold that are affordable. So if you want to get more of an education but, you have to work too. This helps a great deal. A computer can be used for many things like learning. Computers are definetly the best way to keep in touch with friends and family that you aren't able to see very often. I know what your probably thinking, is that well isn't that what phones are for. No because what if that family member or friend doesn't have a phone. Well then they can use their computer to stay in touch. They can use email, facebook, aim, and so many more. A computer helps me stay in touch with people I haven't seen in awhile. Okay, now that I've stated all my reasons why computers are a great resource. I just want to remind you that their helpful a great learning resource, and a great way to stay in touch. Computers are now an important piece of Society. Computers are a whole new track and it should stay that way. 5 4 9
430 1 Dear Local Newspaper, Computers and other technology are the best thing that ever happened to the world! I hear that computers effect people, well I dont agree with that statement. Here are my @NUM1 reasons why. Computers and other technology make the way easier. Talking to family and friends without spending money. If you control the amount of time you use on a computer then you will be fine. Please keep reading to hear my great ideas. To start off, computers and other technology make life easier. Think about it we have access to our bank accounts, stores, reasearch, school, etc. See instead of having to go at shoppingfor food you could just order it online with no trouble. We can now shop @CAPS4 cloths and other household items. It'so easy just to look at a list and pick what you want instead of waiting in a long line. @CAPS4 example, I went to @CAPS1 to pick up a few items @CAPS4 a party. There a long line, so I just got online picked what i wanted and had it shipped to me unless then @NUM2 hours! Its cool to not have to even got up to get what you want. I know you sometimes have your since you don't wanna get up? But you have to go shopping. Doesn't computers make life so easy. Secondly, talk to family and friends without having to spend money. This is awesome because you can text, video chat, email @CAPS4 free. Computers have so many websites to talk to your family and friends like, @CAPS2, @CAPS3, myspace, yahoo, and even ohvoo. Mostly, all those you can video chat and voice chat @CAPS4 free. All of those sites you can text @CAPS4 free and touch those with your @CAPS4 example, one day I didn't want spend my to talk to my friend. So I just video chatted with them. And it was @NUM3 times better and free and better. Even @CAPS4 people long distanceis way to much money in call them. So why not just video chat I know you wouldn't wanna spend hundreds of dollars @CAPS4 a phone call bill! Please keep reading. Thirdly, if you count he amount of time you use on he computer of other technology devices then you will be fine. If you limit and set a time on the use of your computer everything will be wonderful. You can tell your body to get off the pc and get a work out or talk to friends. There's no way you could be addicted to something if you have a limited @CAPS4 it. If your the type of person that is a at something. Then @MONTH1 be you shouldn't get a computer. Like my mom gives me a limited @CAPS4 the computer @NUM4 my laptop has to be off on a school night. An @NUM3:00pm my laptop has to be off on the weekends. There's alway ways to not to be addicted. You just have to know when enough is enough. Its not the computers fault. Just have to control yourself. To wrap this up I would just like to say thank you @CAPS4 having the time to read my letter. My reasons are, computers make life easier, talk to family and friends @CAPS4 free, and if you control the amount of time you use on a computer than you will be fine. Thanks again. 4 4 8
439 1 What I am going to tell you could change the way you think about computer in general. People might say that computers are great to be on its fast and you get what you need but I think computers are not good they become addicting and make your bills every high, computers can lead to your child sending less time with you and your family, also computers can be very danerous for teens and children of all ages. I say that computers are addicting this is a fact @PERCENT1 of students spend most of there time on the computer. Why are computers so addicting well they have instant message you can talk to people around the world. Now I know it might not sound bad but this can be bad for your pocket @PERSON1 who works with electrion bills says that because children spend more time on the computer the bills in house have grown up almost @PERCENT2 and the harder it is for people to pay there bills. Computers are what they say now a days are one of the main reason children spend less time with there family. This is true in most familys like mine because pof computers me and my sisters spend more time on then computer than with each other this can cause argueing and fughting between familys. Statics show that @NUM1 people would rather spend more time on the computer talking to people or listening to music than spend time with there own children or parents. Is this what you want for your you and your children to be separated by tecongly? Computers aren't always safe for teens and children of all ages. There are many reasons why computers can sometimes not be safe for your children or teens. I say this because sometimes we are worried about are kids safty and when your child is on the computer you have no idea who they are talking to or what they are talking about. Teens are most/likely going to met other people online and there are stalkers, posers, and other people out there that are pretending to be soomeone they are not and your child can be one of those peoples who fall for it and it can lead to meeting someone they might not know and they can be kiddnapped, rapped anyting can happen. Children can be always get hurt by verbal abuse they can be threatened by others and hurt and that can cause emotional damage so be careful and monitor your child. These are just very few things that can happen. These are my reason computers aren't the really benefiting are society. 5 5 10
446 1 "Dear @LOCATION1 @CAPS1, I strongly believe that people should cut down on using the computer. Just imagine, more people outside and healthy. Less cyberspace bullying, and less burning of electricity. My first reason why people should spend less time on the computer and more outside is because @PERCENT1 of people that use the computer more than two hours a day are either at risk of being overweight or are overweight. Also, @PERSON1, from @ORGANIZATION1 says @CAPS2 people believe that using the computer gives you benefits, but they dont. They increase your chances of either being overweight or getting diseases such as diebeties. Its imperative that the community takes action to stop this from happening. In addition, my neighbor, @PERSON2 had to do a study to interview overweight adults and teenagers. @CAPS3 told me that @PERCENT2 of the @NUM1 people @CAPS3 interviewed said they dont go outside and use the computer for about @NUM2 hours a day! I implore the citizens of the @LOCATION1 area to cut down on internet time and go outside to enjoy nature. My second reason is the less people on the computer means less cyberspace bullying. @NUM3 out of @NUM4 people that use the socializing websites have experienced more than @NUM2 encounters of cyberbullying also my sisters friend, @PERSON3, overdosed on advil so @CAPS3 ran comitt suicside because of cyber bullying. Someone had said @CAPS3 was ugly, smelled and should ""go die in a hole."" @CAPS3 didn't tell anyone about this. Luckily her mother brought her to @CITY1 @ORGANIZATION1 fast enough to be put on life support for @NUM6 hours. furthermore, if people cut down on internet socializing website than less people will be in danger of cyberbullying affecting their lives. It's excruciating imperative for people to use the computer for only @NUM7 or @NUM8 hours a day. My final reason is, the less time you use your computer the less money you would be wasting on electricity bills and spending more time on family vacations. Dr. @DR1, from the peabody museum in @LOCATION2 begs people to use less electricity and power on the internet so the environment can slowly rebuild itself to be what it was before technology and electricity was invented. In addition, @PERCENT3 of power used in todays homes is used on computers. Also my grandmother is astounded by what todays technology is doing to the environment and the people behind this madness or electricity. @CAPS3 believes that the less time on the computer means more time on family vacations and with friends. Lastly, it's extremly imperative that people stop using computers as much to help their health their self estem and environment. A case take action to stop using computer @NUM9. Thank you for reading my paper." 5 5 10
449 1 Computers are good because people can find what they need and their fun ask things find places get things for a good price. 1 1 2
451 1 "Dear @ORGANIZATION1, I believe that people should be able to go on the computers and still be doing it. For a good reason such as communicating with far away relatives. Another reason is, if you need a @ORGANIZATION1 work-out or healthy eating tips, you can just print them out. And my last reason is if you're going on a far away trip but you don't know the way, you can just print out directions (@ORGANIZATION2). Say if you have a relative that lives all the way in @CAPS1 but you can't call them because you live all the way in the @LOCATION1 And if you call them, it'll cost you about @MONEY1 per minute. What you can do is you can contact them over the computer (webcam). And it's way better than just calling them because you can actually see them. Or if your on a business trip away from home, you can check upon your family. My second reason is, you can stay fit while being on the computer. You can look up @ORGANIZATION1 ""yoga"" poses. Or you can also do fitness lessons while watching them off of your computer. And if you're on a diet, you can look up @ORGANIZATION1 healthy recipes. You can also get @ORGANIZATION1 work-out equipment that'll make (or keep you), nice and slim. My last reason is that if you're going on a long journey away from home you need to now the way. But, what if you don't know the way? You can go on the internet and look up directions. And that is way better because at least you arent wasting money on a @MONEY2 @ORGANIZATION3. And it is more and quicker. And the best part is that you don't have to keep looking at the @ORGANIZATION3 and program stuff. With the maps on the computer, you can print it out and actually keep it. Those are all my reasons to why people should really go on computers. There are many things that a computer can do which is really good. You can communicate with relatives, stay fit/healthy while on the computer and getting maps. I hope that this opens up many peoples eyes. And maybe change a couple scientist's mind." 4 4 8
455 1 People are probly on the computers chating there e-mail or making a websit or they are on youtube. Maybe the person does not like to go outside and enjoy nature or spending time with there family there are probly checking out new websites and playing games or the problay on the comper to book there vactions of seeing what is on sell a welmart. They are probly looking at or buy a new truk or they are looking at the history on all the wars and how they were started. 2 2 4
463 1 Dear local newspaper, I've heard that some people think that computers do not benefit society. But I belive they do. Computers help us learn information of al types. It's a good souce of entertainment. And last but not least, computers do not drasticly change the time we use exercising, enjoying nature and interacting with family and friends. Computer are a great resource in our everyday lives so why not use what we were given. Google, yahoo, @CAPS1 and @LOCATION1. What would we do without them. They help us figure out small things like quick and easy way to get rid of a stomache ache or a funny joke to tell at the office the next day while you in the staff room drinking coffe. They also help us when we want to know what to do when your newborn has a cough and a small sneeze you know the tough stuff. These are the kinds or things you need to know and not everyone go out to the library everytime you have a question. The information on the computers is endless why not use it from learning a new language for next vacation to @LOCATION2 to finding help for that geometry homework that you just can't understand, the computer can do it all. Entertainment is everlasting on computers from the skatebording dog on. Youtube that you can't stop laughing at to the @CAPS2 @CAPS3 on addictinggames.com. There will never be a dull moment. There are millions of videos and movies on youtube. There are @CAPS4 of games on the @ORGANIZATION1 alone from pacman to scrabble there's no way we'll have nothing to do. I always go on @ORGANIZATION2 to talk to family living too far to visit. Computers are one of the best soarces of entertainment, they definetly benefit society. Computers definetly do not change the way we exercise, enjoy nature or interact with family and friends. On the computer there are videos that show us new yoga move and other ways to lose those extra pounds you gained over the days. There are sites to find where to go camping and have that family vacation you have always wanted. And we always make time to go see our family and friends. Computers dont keep us hupnitized. Without a doubt computer benifit everyone's society. They re informational. The definetly entertain us all. And then don't turn us into mindless zombies so that we can't interact with other people. Computer are one of the most helpful things we have and no one should think they arn't not after reading this essay. 4 4 8
467 1 Dear @CAPS1, Computers have many posative affects on society these days. I believe this because computers provide us with communication skills. They provide you with information and they increase your skill when it comes to technology. Read on to hear how i further explain my reasoning. First off, computers provide you with communication skills. I know that i am always finding the computer useful. It allows you access to websites that help you talk to new and dd friends. It is a fast and easy way to communicate with someone. Whether your at your house, or on the go with your laptop, you can talk to people all over the world. Secondly, computers supply you with information to write papers, newspaper articles, etc. When a teacher asks the class to with a paper about a specific topic, students can simply just go home on or type the topic in on a search . At that point they're automaticly supplied with thousands and thousands of different sources of information. I know that @PERCENT1 of the population of the @LOCATION1, prefer computer sources over book sources because computers are so much easier when it comes to finding specific information. Lastly, computers increase your skills when it comes to technology. Although some computers @MONTH1 be fairly easy to use companies are constantly trying to increase the difficulty of computers. They ar also always coming out with new software for your computer. By making computers and softwares more high tech, people the generation now is more technicly advanced than many other countries. As a whole computers have a huge impart on our countries technical skills. I believe computers have a posative affect on society. I think this because computers provide us with communication skills, they provide you with information, and they increase your skill whenit comes to technology. I hope i have made it so that we are looking at this from the same angle. 4 4 8
484 1 Although most people would say the invention of a computer is a good thing, I dissagree. There are many bad things about the invention of computers, they give access to the internet. The internet has innappriate pictures and writing, unclear identification, and games. The worst of all is that on the internet, there is always unclear indentification. Although something on a social website such as @CAPS1, or @CAPS2 might say a person is fourteen years old, @CAPS3 or @CAPS4 might be someone that had just been released from prison and is actually fourty years old. There is never a way to know if its safe to talk to other people on the internet. Games on the internet are also very bad. Games are one of the causes or obesity in america. Also, games on the internet cause kids to be drawn away from their families. Another reason of why games are bad is because you can become addicted to them, and stare at a computer screeen so long you get eye-strain. There are also innapropriate pictures and writing on the internet. There is bomb making websites and illegal music downloading websites. Overell, computers are for researching but aren't reliable in safety and cause obesity nad family aruements. 3 4 7
487 1 "Dear @CAPS1, I think some people are overreacting, its not really going to kill you. I'm not suggesting that people should stay on the computer all day. My last reason would be that nowadays everyone nos computers. Keep reading to find out about my three topics: @CAPS2 off way too many people are overreacting, I think so because people say ""you are going to miss out or you are missing out on life. Also you are still interacting with your family and friends, just not verbally (only typing). I don't know why people are so against computers, its like global warming, so many warnings and noone listens, so why will they listen to people saying that staying on a computer too long can make you fat. That was just my opinion/thoughts on that topic. Next off I am going to tell you about how a computer can't really kill you. It can't kill you because it is only a computer for one and another reason is that you can get obeast and bored because I can't stay on the computer for more than an hour because it just gives me a headache. Well that was another opinion of mine so read on to see what else I got. Now I am going to tell you how everyone has computers. The thing is computers are not the only things that cause obeisity. Every one has a computer now because I guess everyone goes on facebook, even my mom has a facebook! But theres also other websites like sexual, games and friend sites. The most used website I think is facebook. I think so because sooo many peole have it. Well this concludes my essay and now you know my opinions on how some people overreact, how its not really going to kill you and last how everyone has a computer." 4 4 8
490 1 Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 you know someone who lives faraway from you? Or have you ever used @ORGANIZATION1 @CAPS3? These are only a few of the techniches a computer has. Computers benefitted society greatly. It helps people @CAPS2 things such as allow people to talk to each other, goin skills from playing games, and it has images and it is easier. As I ,mentioned, computers allow us to communicate with other people. This way, we don't have to talk to people in person. it would get annoying if every time we wanted to talk to someone of three things would happen without computers. those would be either getting trouble at school, memorizing a phone number and the dialing it, or talking to than in person. Clearly, computers make it easier to talk to people. Next, computers allow us to talk to faraway friends or family. You could write an e-mail or talk to them in a chat. This helped me because I talk to one of my friends in @LOCATION1 and just recently sent an e-mail to my aunt. Without a doubt, computers make it easier for us to communicate with other people, no matter how far. Secondly, every computer that I have seen is able to play some sort of game, whether it be by a disk or on a website. These games can teach us many skills. The first skill we could learn is typing. just a few days ago, I was playing a game where you had @NUM1 seconds to type as many words as you can, as fast as you can. If you make a mistake one second decreases off of your time. It also gets harder as you go, getting from just three letter words to five letter words to even seven letter words and so on. Also, a class that at @CAPS4. information processing, is about computer. Once we were finished with our assignments, we could play type to learn @NUM2. That is also a typing game. As you can see, some games can teach us how to type. Another type of games where you need guide-thinking to be able to win. This teaches nto be ready for almost anything. Also, it teaches us to process what is around you and decide in a decision. In real-life situations you @MONTH1 only have a few seconds to react. Games such as these help in real-life situations. The last type of game is the tower defense. This shows us teenager to think like our lives depended on it. If we were to evr join the army and become some sort of captain, we would be able to organize our trops in the best mannor we could think of these tower defense games also teach us think and plan ahead. In these types of games, it costs money to bag upgrades buy @LOCATION1 towers. One decision is to either buy a weaker upgrade now or save for a stronger one in a little bit. Tower defense games make us make better decisions. Games @MONTH1 be fun, but they teach us skills too. Lastly, computer make things easier and have images on @ORGANIZATION2. One thing that a computer makes easier. 4 4 8
493 1 Dear @ORGANIZATION1 I belive that computers benifit society because it is a faster and easyer way to do thing such as. Communication, email helps comunicat with other people when you don't have time to talk on the phone at work or don't want to spend an hour on the phone. It is also faster than wating for them to anwer the phone and ther phone mite die. Or they wont answer and they need information fast. Another good thing about computers are looking up information like if you are going an atrip you can look up hotels find maps and plane tikets and see what the place will look like, or if you have a school project that you need to finish but you don't have time to read you go on the internet. If you have to look up a contry or a peresident or an animal or find picturs the internet has it all. Even bilding progects like plastering a wall bying a window or planting bilding a shed you can find direction and supplies you will need and the interent. Computer can even help someone at work like an arctech the can use computers to make a @NUM1 sketch of a bilding. Even for storing data like at the doctors ofice they keep you @CAPS1 in a computer. Or the goverment keeps secet @CAPS1 in computers. There ars still job like fixing computers bilding computers. This is why. I think computers are good for society becose without computers without computers same people want have a job and everything will be harder and be limited to sertan things like fast communication and work directions. 4 4 8
494 1 "Dear Newspaper, @CAPS1 generation has grown up with the complex technology called computers. I have learned over the years of using them, that they aren't as helpful as the seem. They can cause an addiction, and create numerous distractions. First of all. many doctors say that computers cause ""the new depression."" The internet is where most of this takes place though. For most teenagers, having a facebook, myspace, or formspring is not unusual. I know from personal experiences, that some people abuse these social networks and use them as another way to bully people. So therefore, not only do you get made fun of in school, but now, people can make fun of you in cyberspace.. This is the main reason that people become socially depressed. There is almost no way to escape it and all of their anxiouty really starts to get to them. Addiction to computers is also a very negative impact. Many people go on the internet and are so fascinated that, that is how they spend their free time. About @PERCENT1 of people say that they are addicted. From @CAPS1 experience with using the internet. I know that there is always something that pulls you back in. You know that you are on addict when you spend more than an hour a day on the computer. Parents always say that it is a self-control issue but many adults have the same problem. They have just started to be able to use the computers, so many times they go through a phase or addiction. Furthermore, this addiction problem would be totaly gotten rid of it we stopped using computers. Finally, computers also create many distractions to students. When students sit down to type their papers they also, many times, have another at the same time. Therefore they are getting barely any work done. Social networks only just make this even worse. Constantly chatting with someone can cause tou to loose track of time. Also, when you try to multitask with the internet. Therefore causing grades to go down or not complete home work on time. All and all, this is an issue that can be easily avoided by eliminating computers. In conclusion, computers do not help us. They cause social depression, which cause people to have anxiouty problems. They cause addiction, which end up taking over peoples lives. They create divertion that make concentrating hard. I feel that computers have negative affects and they should be gotten rid of completely!" 4 5 9
497 1 Dear local newspaper, I believe that computers are effecting the lives of many people. More and more people keep getting sucked into the amazing things that computers can do and forget all about the other more important things in life. People should be exercising, and hanging out with friends and family, computers dont even teach you that much if you really think about it. People don't even realize that computers can take away very important things in life. Fore istance, people aren't getting nearly as much exercise as they need. In this generation, more kids are overweight and obese that any other other generation. People get so caught up in what they are doing on the computer that they forget to exercise each day, or at least every other day. Computers just add to list of excuses not to do anything. People already spend way to much time watching t.v. It rots your brain and studies acually show that people are less aware and less connected to the world and the people around them. Computers are the same as t.v.'s, you say that your just going to be an for a minute and then next thing you know @NUM1 hours have already gone by. Computers @MONTH1 be exercising your brain, but they're not exercing you and that's what really counts. Even if you were on the computer doing research for a school project, the computer still wouldn't help you. Most people don't have the time to run out to the library to get the books that they need, so they just resort to the computer. That isn't the smartest idea because half of the websites that you click on or go to don't even have the correct information. You might look at it and read it, and even if it sounds good to you, that doesn't mean that it's right. Next thing you know, you have a @CAPS1 or @CAPS2 on an assignment that the thought you aced. On top of getting false information, most people don't even know where to look to get the information that they're looking for. People just type what they are looking for into the google search box and press enter. Then they just click on the first link that they see and use the information that is right on the page. Then all of these different windows are popping up and you are far from where you were. People then just give up and start goofing off on the computer because they don't feel like trying to get back to that page. If people just went to the library and did research the old fashion way, then they would stop to notice all the things in life that they are missing out on. People should be focusing on family and friends rather than playing games on the computer. Sure you can talk to people on the computer but you can't bond with them or really see what they are feeling. It's better to invite them over and have some fun playing board games or just talking in person for a change. Even if your spending time with your family or friends you're probebly thinking about the computer the whole time that they are there, so go out and do something for change, a little fresh air wouldn't kill you. You should go to an amusement park, ride some rides with your cousins, do something that will keep your mind off the computer. People don't realize it, but after spending so much time with your family, rather than your computer, you will acually notice what you have been missing out on for so long. As you can see, computers aren't helping anyone. It's either not exercing, getting false information, or not spending time with your own family! Seems to me that having computers around isn't everything that it's cracked up to be. 5 4 9
498 1 "To whom @CAPS5 @MONTH1 concern at @CAPS1 @CAPS2 @CAPS3, @CAPS4 @CAPS5's possible, imagine a world @CAPS7 computers, @CAPS1 drivers are bumping around and having difficulty watching the wheel and the road, phone bills are throughh the roof because of the whole world having no other way of communicating, and students are home worried sick that they don't have a book to study with. Computers affect all of these areas of our lives. They teach hand-eye coordination, allows us to communicate with others dozens of ways, and let students learn and stay up-dated from their very own home. Computers must stay a fundamental part of our every day. To begin, computers must remain in our community because they teach even young children hand-eye coordination. In a recent report the @ORGANIZATION2 states that in the past five years; the number of driving students who pass on their first try has almost doubled. The video games, the computer mice, and even typing the brain at a young age to work in sync with the body's arms, finger and other apend ages, ""@CAPS5's not only on the road where hand-eye counts."" says @PERSON1, head of surgery at @ORGANIZATION1 hospital. ""@CAPS6 finding that younger doctors, ones that grew up on video and computer games, can form robotics surgery with much more presision than our older atendings."" @CAPS7 the coordination we aquire from the computer many jobs @MONTH1 be out of reach, too. When saked, @NUM1 out of @NUM2 managers of local business said they would have someone who could type, over someone who couldn't. So, though you @MONTH1 think computers teach no they can coordination for the rest of a persons life. Secondly, computers should be part of homes because they allow people to communicate with others world. In a @DATE1 poll, only @PERCENT1 of @NUM3 years old had, but a recent poll says that @PERCENT2 now have e-pals. Computer have opened to communicate e-mail, @CAPS8, social networking sites, just to name a few! Parenting @CAPS9 says that parents prefer there teens to e-mail trends or @CAPS8 as aposed to talk on the phone because @CAPS5 quiets the house, the phonelines for others and keeps phone bill low. My friend once only talked online for a month and her parents encourage her because the phone decreased by a third, @CAPS5's clear that even though you @MONTH1 feel that computers take up time that could be spent with others, @CAPS5's actually a way to communicate with people everywhere. Finaly, computers can help students learn. In todays schools, students depend on homework being posted online, and getting their books over the web. Once, my brother didn't take home his book-bag for a week, and got all online. We was greatful for the strain off his back. When asked @PERCENT3 of @NUM4 graders say they use e-books at least twice a week. the internet also is a valuable research tool. @NUM5 out of @NUM2 highschoolers say they use a book for researh less than once a month. As you can see, the internet is a valuable learning tool. In conclusion, computers help as with coordination, communication and education. Computers have nothing but positive effects on people on society as a whole." 6 6 12
499 1 A lot of people use computers in present day. It allows family and friends to interact with eachother, research places and ideas, and lets you type a document to look neat. On the other hand, computer technology, prevents people from being active, exploring nature, and talking to family and friends in person. I want to explain to you how I feel about computers personally. I can honestly tell you that I love computers. I spend a lot of time on @CAPS3, because it lets me talk to friends I sometimes don't get to see. I can even see how my cousin in @LOCATION1 is doing. Computers also help me out with homework. For projects on a subject that I don't totally understand, I can just hop on my laptop, search what I need, and @CAPS1!, I have my information. Then after that I can type up my report and even pick out a couple of pictures to print out, see? Computer are bangin! But I can understand the other side of the issue. Computers can be time consuming. I can admit that I've spent hours at a time on the computer. This has become a problem. Experts say that people are starting to spend to much time on the computer and less time in the real world. A perfect example is my brother. He loves the @CAPS2. My mom will call him down for dinner and he'll be too engrossed in what he's doing that he will skip the meal. His friends will call him and he'll blow them off until he finishes his game. I agree that people should not spend so much time on computer. You have probably read this and thought to yourself. Well? How does she feel about it? I can honestly say, I was supposed to choose one. But here's the thing. I like my laptop. I'm addicted to @CAPS3, But, I still play sports, I talk to my family, and I even like to take walks through the words or on the beach. I neutral, like @CAPS4 from @CAPS5. Scientist say computers have positive effect on people. Some experts say they're concerned computers have a negative effect on people. @PERSON1 says they are both right. Computers are wonderful. They are one of the most growing technologies in our world. But we don't need to spend @CAPS6 of our time on them. I hope you understand my point on this issue. 4 5 9
501 1 "Dear, @ORGANIZATION1 you agree with what I'm trying to tell about people use the computer more than exsersise? Well first more and more people use computers but how does it benifit them. Secondly, they are spending to much time on their computer than exercising. Finally they spend less and less time with their family and being active. First more and more people use computers but how does that benifit them. Computers is just a adicting technology that makes you lazy and slow. Does using the computer @CAPS6 you with problems your having with your family...@CAPS11! Well I know this from ex perience. My mom is always on face book and I hate it I figure she loves the computer more then @CAPS7 do you want your kids to think that about you? As the days pass by her time on the computer increase and @CAPS1 sitting there needing @CAPS6 on homework and i'm thinking @CAPS2 @CAPS3 YOU @CAPS4""@CAPS5 @CAPS6 @CAPS7 @CAPS1 @CAPS9. See i was just thiking that cause @CAPS3 I said that it's a rap for @CAPS7 but @CAPS1 just trying to say this computer went benifit anyone @CAPS11 way. Second I want to inform the @CAPS12 @CAPS13 paper is that people are spending more time on the computer than exsercising. The obeast rate has been higer than it ever been. I believe by @PERCENT1! COME ON this is @CAPS14! people come home by @CAPS15.K and other fast food @NUM1 go on the computer and eat. Over time you get bigger and your apperence change. You began to look sloppy and nobody wants you. You look back and regret doing what you did. Finally you spend less and less time with you family. This causes you grow apart from your family your kids pick up bad habbits and do the opposite of what you want them to do. This tells @CAPS7 that the computer is just @CAPS11 good at all. In conclusion I informed you on why I dislike computers. They @CAPS4'@CAPS5 benift you. Makes you lazy and keeps you from you kids. So do oyou the local @CAPS13 paper agree? " 4 4 8
506 1 Dear local newspaper, I'm writing because I've heard that some people think that computers are very useful and some people think their know good because people spend to much time on them, I think that there are good to have because, its ways to keep in touch with friends, to research the things your curious without going to the library having to look for the book you need. The computers are good to have because they can online that they dont have as a place to walk into or if they do its . I think it good to have computers because when your younger and no more friends you @MONTH1 have been really to them but you with them. You can email each other or search thru up online, to try to get in contact with them. Also if your family member is far away and you really cant talk on the phone of the money, then you can im them so you can talk without having to spend money. I also think its good to because if there's any problem with one to get to the library you can scan it up online. Also the computer is available all the time. The computer is good for doing homework you cant then always . I also think its good to have a computer if you need something but you cant afford it, usually if you go online you can find it and buy it save money, also some they have online aren't really an actual . I think that its good to have computers but not be on them all the time, they're very helpful, for friends, school and for . 4 3 7
510 1 Dear, @CAPS1 Computers do have positive effects but the negative effects are much worse than the positive effects. @CAPS2 bulling happens everyday. Not only that but when there is a computer around kids aren't going to be exercising. Those machines also damage the eyesight of humans @CAPS2 bulling is the worst effect of computers. This form of bulling has happened to many and we have lost many to it. @CAPS2 bulling happens to @NUM1 out of every @NUM2 kids. @CAPS2 bulling is a disease and it has to be stopped, kids have commited suicide because of it. Not only that but the life of kids have been threatened and taken by it. Without computers this disease would be stopped. Childhood obeasity is a big problem in @LOCATION1 and part of the reason is because of computers. Kids shouldn't be on the computer, they should be outside running around with their friends. Computers are an addiction that kids can't break. computers aren't just bad for kids, their bad for adults too. Computer screens are harmful to the eyes if you stare at one for too long. Your sight is very important to living. Sight is, most of the time your most important sense. Now you see why computers don't benefit society. Online, people are harrased to the extreme. The bright computers screens are harmful to the delicate human eyes. Kids should be exercising outside not siting at home on the computer. Everyone should pull the plug on their computers for good and never turn them back on. 4 3 7
523 1 Dear @CAPS1, I - like many other people my age - love to sit in front of a computer and explore it's wonders. But that does not mean that I spend my whole life on it like others. So I can see what too much computer time can do. It has made kids my age more aggressive, have health problems, and care even less about the environment. More and more kids are falling into those traps. Too much computer time can make even the nicest person extremely aggressive. I know from past experience that when you bother people when they are on their obsession, they will snap at you, yell, or even start swearing at you, or maybe get violent. If someone stays up to late on the computer, the next day could mean that they're cranky from the lack of sleep. This aggression @MONTH1 cause others to get aggressive in response, which @MONTH1 lead to a verbal or physical fight, which (hopefully) nobody wants. Another issue too much computer time can cause, @CAPS1, are even more health issues. Staying inside all day will keep people from getting the neccessary amount of vitamin @CAPS3 they need which is a vital nutricious vitamin that comes from the sun itself. Not getting enough vitamin @CAPS3 throughout a person's childhood can result in getting an illness called @CAPS5 later in life, which never truly goes away and hinders people from doing the things they love. Too much computer time also means people aren't getting enough exercise, and with the way we eat now, those two things can add up to making a person obeie. Others who do not want to get the proper amount of exercise or eat right and at the same time do not want to become obeisce, @MONTH1 to anorexia. Neither or these weight problems are very good for you, proving my point about the health issues of too much computer time. The issue I will have you read @CAPS1, is how people will become even less caring of the environment. Some of the big technology companies side-step around environmental protection laws to find cheaper ways to make their products and the thing is, no one cares! No one cares so long as they get their newer and better piece of technology. Everyone will just keep protecting these companies to get what they want to satisfy the craving for more computers. Now, I'm not saying that having any computer time is bad. I'm just trying to prove that too much is bad for you. That with too much computer time, people can become more aggresive, have health issues, and become even less caring of the environment. Therefore I urge you @CAPS1 to write an article in the newspaper about the effects of too much computer time, to make it known to everyone in the city. It might help us make a better future. 5 5 10
524 1 @ORGANIZATION1, @DATE1, people are using computers more often. Some people do not agree that computers are good. I think computers are good though. They help you learn more, they are like @CAPS1 @CAPS2 and when you bored you can go on the internet. People nowadays are becoming smarter and smarter. One of the causes is the internet. The internet is like a big book. It holds tons of great information. There's probly information on the internet that probly no one knows, until they read it. Plus the fact that the internet is quick & easy. Also, the internet keeps you up to date on things going on in the world. Without the internet. We would be nowhere. Surveys show that @NUM1 out of @NUM2 students use the internet for information or projects for school. Also, on the internet you can buy things you can't but in stores. Going to the library is a pain. You have to pay for the gas plus you have to drag yourself out of the house to get in the car to go to the library. What if you don't have a library near you? then what will you do? you could go on the internet. Plus, with @CAPS2, people could look for a book all day, not find it and find out that someone else has it. What a pain. There are some people like collage people, Who don't have cars. So how the sapposed to get to the library? Studies show that @PERCENT1 of @CAPS3 don't have cars. When you get bored, what do you do? eat? sleep? Lay on the floor staring at the celing? No. You go on the computer. The internet has all sorts of fun games and websites. It also helps you make new friends. The internet is also a good way to stay in contact with close friend or relative. Also, if you are a photographer, then you can sell & share you photographs online you can also advertise you company or buisness. @NUM3 out @NUM4 @CAPS3 either have no backyard or have nothing better to do. I think that the internet is great. You can learn all sorts of information you don't have to go to a library and you can play games when you get bored. Isn't the internet great? 4 4 8
530 1 "Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, I have a very strong belief that children and adults are spending far away too much time the computer. Please consider the following that computers have a negative effect on people. Furthermore, @PERCENT1 of parents agree with experts that @CAPS3 spend way too much time on the computer but less time with friends. @CAPS11 I was little I rarely ever went on the computer. But now my parents have to consult me to leave the computer multiple times. Ever since teens have joined @CAPS7, myspace, and twitter, they are addicted to it and can't stop going on it to @CAPS6 what their friends are posting. Physcologist @PERSON2 states, ""@CAPS3 who are on the internet for multiple hours a day, can't concentrate in school because their minds are on what they've going to @CAPS8 on @CAPS11 they get home."" @CAPS4 up, @CAPS5, @CAPS6 @CAPS7, @CAPS8 to school, get home, @CAPS6 @CAPS7. This is the daily reutine of a teenager in the @DATE1. Secondly, going on the computer constantly can cause health problems. @NUM1 percent of teens who non-stop use the computer have to wear glasses or contacts, because of overusing the computer. @CAPS11 I use the computer without a break for multiple have I get a terrible headache because my eyes can't take any more of it. ""@CAPS11 @CAPS3 stay up laye on the computer they are, have fatigue the next morning."" @CAPS12 pediatrician @PERSON1 and middle schoolers are very much the most popular users of the interner, because they are mostly very tired and @CAPS11 at school. People who stay up very late have very black saggy lines under their eyr, so if you see a person like taht they are a overuser of the internet. Most @CAPS3 who are very pole also never get to @CAPS8 outside @CAPS11 using the internet all the time. Lastly children are missing out on the beauty of nature. @CAPS3 who don't get enough excersize, cant think clearly becasue tehre is no oxygen in their brains. Obesity is begginning to tape a toll on children who only sit inside and @CAPS5 junkfood. Children who rarely @CAPS8 outside and excersize become overweight or obese. @PERCENT2 of children instratford almost never @CAPS8 outside and excersize. As I was in elementary school, we had recess but now in middle school we never have it. The only chnace we have to @CAPS8 outside in the @DATE3 and in the @DATE2 @CAPS11 it's warm." 5 5 10
538 1 Do you think computers benifit us? I think they do. There are many way computers do and don't benifit us are a lot more use full then the way they don't. Like kids in school use an online text books. Also a lot of company's have websites so we can see what there about before we choose them for the job. We also use computers to look up directions to places we want to go so we don't get lost. School kids benifit from computers a lot because they would have to carry home tons of books but instead they just go on the computer to get the online book instead of carrying home @NUM1 really heavy books. I know I like to go on the computer better then carrying really heavy books home. Also when you look for a home decorator you just go on the computer and look up websites to see some of the work they have done. It helps out a lot becase than you don't have to figure of the hard way that the decorator is not good and end up spending a lot of money on a room you don't like. Also if you are looking for a job you can look up there website on the computer and avail them to see if you can get an interview rather then wasting your nature going there. I also use the computer to look up ways to get some where and it's a lot easier to do that then to start driving and get lost I know they have gps's now but they cost a lot more then some on a computer you can find out. I still think computers benifit us in many ways. Like using an online text book instead of carrying your huge textbooks home. Also using computers to look up websites or to search adresses, is a lot easier with computers. That is why I think computers benefit us. 4 4 8
541 1 Dear Local Newspaper, Computers are a huge thing now adays. Almost everyone has one that they use. But why do some people think that it is hurting our society. This isn't right because you need it for education, people aren't on all day, and a job. So how could those things be harmful to society. Your right they can't. Every single person has had some type of education. But how can you have an education with out a computer. If you rae working and you need to get another degree for your job. You can't go during the day so you can find a school that has online schooling, for at night. That way you don't miss work and you still get your schooling. Another reason why is that a school project or essay. You might need the computer to search up things for a project. Or cite your sorces. What if you need to type an essay what do you do then. No computers no education and you will go and works at @CAPS1 or something. Where you don't need an education. But people aren't on all day so what does that do to society. Nothing at all. Kids and adults go outside and have fun. They go on the computer to check e-mails, play games, look at facebooks/myspaces. But they have enough responcibility to go out and get fresh air. And if they sit in side then it isn't your problem because it is their life and they want to live it their way. Not the way everyone else wants them to. They can make choices for thier self and don't need others, to do it for them. So it really shouldn't effect you at all. What if at you job you need the internet. Most office people have a computer to talk to others by e-mail or to fix problems. People who work at about need the computer to access your account to get your money. People that estimate the cost of a building need it for adding something or keeping a record. The video games are a perfect example because the programers use a computer to porgram what you want to happening the game and thet takes hours to complete. So how are computers harmful to society because I still don't see it. Education, people aren't on all day and a job are really good reason that computers should becept. So everyone I strongly encourage you to reconsider what could happen without computers. 4 4 8
558 1 "Some ""experts"" are warned that people should spend too much time on their computers. Yet, look at all of the advantages to a computer. You can develop better hand-eye coordination skills, internet with friends/family who could live hundreds of miles away, and you can learn about cultures all around the world, along with the people who live in those countries, without ever leaving home. In my oponion, computers overall benefit society, helping us learn more & more every day. First off, there are many skills you can develop on the computer. For example, when playing interactive high-paced games, kids get a sense of awareness timing, and hand-eye coordination. Not to mention, with new advances in technology, people can now go to college without ever leaving home, and at a much lower price, while still getting a great education. Many people even work from home, thanks to their computers. These are still only a few of the many skills that can be learned on computers. Secondly, why buy a ticket to a far away country that's fairly expensive, trade in all your money for the money they have there, go through the hasslels of baggage, ect. When you could simply go online and look it up on the computer? You can go online, look up some of that countries recipes, language, pictures, people without the hassel of going there. Not to mention, for kids who aren't old enough to @LOCATION1, or have to do a report on it, instead of making through countless textbooks, newspapers, libraries in general, they go online, @CAPS1 their country, and they have must, if not all the info they need right there. So not only is getting the information then you would've learned in the first place, thereby, extending your knowledge. Finally, the internet helps people connect. Leading experts from the @CAPS2.S.A., or Family security agency, says that since people have started using programs like @ORGANIZATION1 and facebook, many more families, who live in different countries, have been able to re-coonect and get to know one-another. For example, if you have an uncle who lives in @LOCATION1, you could both buy cameras for your computer, install them, and within minutes, be seeing each other/talking face to face. I think this is better then simply writing letters to them, as it's quicker, and you get to connect more. Same goes if a friend or you move away, but want to stay in touch. A quick facebook account or @ORGANIZATION1, and you'll still be good friends. So all in all, yes, computers do benefit society, as they help teach people skills, learn about distant cultures/far away countries, and connect people, who might live in different countries. I don't see anything wrong with these beneficial factors to society. So yes, computers have a positive effect on people." 5 5 10
562 1 Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 @CAPS3, @CAPS4 you know @PERCENT1 of people today use the computer for necessary reasons? @CAPS5's true! @CAPS5's a fact the computer can help you with keeping in touch with friends, getting the latest news, and even gives you map access. Let me tell you some important facts about the computer. Of course, we all have friends in different cities and/or states! Instead of over charging a phone bill, many people keep in touch via email. Email is high tech, and super easY! All you need is your friends email adress and you can send them anything from a friendly hello, to @CAPS1 pictures of the family. Teens love to chat with friends and they're able to get to know each other better through the computer. Sites such as facebook are certainly popular with this generation of teens. The fun messages are what makes everything so great. Keep in mind all the avaiible ways to get in touch with friends and see why the computer is so great. Everytime I log onto the computer I'm able to see the latest news updates! I remember going on and seeing something pop up about my favorite band breaking up. Thanks to the computer I got to read all about @CAPS5 and I was extremely glad I'd seen that because if I hadn't I wouldn't of got to see their last concert. While I do understand, the computer @MONTH1 not be the healthiest activity, @CAPS5 definaltly is a great news source and everyone reads the news whether @CAPS5 be political, or about celeberties. Knowledge about what's currently happening in our country, and exercise is equally as important therefore, I'd be the first to support the computer as a possitive effect on people today. Have you ever been lost? Maybe you didn't write down the correct directions, or couldn't remember. Next time bok up directions on the computer! @CAPS5's so helpful and could really save you a hastle. There're so many websites that have maps you can print out, such as map quest. @CAPS5's a much easier, clearer way to understand where exactly you need to go. In my opinion @CAPS5 can help so much and @CAPS5 would be the right idea to go cheer @CAPS5 out today. Imagine all the places you could go just by getting a map online! Keep this in mind as one of the many great things about the computer. Now that you know some posotives about the computer, remember how they could benefit you! Being able to chat with friends is one of the best! Don't forget about hearing the latest news, and finally, never get lost again, just print out a map. There's no doubt in my mind the computer has a very possative effect on every one! The time is now to get out there and pick up a computer for yourself! 5 5 10
564 1 "The question is does computers have a positive effect on society? Yes computers definetly have a positive effect on society. Computers teach hand-eye coordiantion, give people the ability to learn about faraway people and places and allows people to talk to other people online. Computers put a positive effect of people. First, Computers teach people hand-eye coordination. I mean, computers help people learn how to use there eyes and hands t the same time. A survey conducted by @PERSON3 shows that @NUM1 out of @NUM2 people have better hand-eye coordiantion that use computers them that don't. Proffessor @PERSON1 says ""people that use a computer are much more coordinated than any othe person, it is a great discovery."" You @MONTH1 be thinking that s computer would make you less coordianted BUT, computers really help hand-eye coordination in people. In conclusion the more you get to learn hot to use a computer the better hand-eye coordinated you will be. Second, computers allow people to be able to learn about far away places and people. i mean that a computer can help you learn about a faraway @CAPS3 without paying a fortune in money to go the @CAPS3. I remember the time @CAPS4 my mom and dad was going to go to @CAPS1 to see a lot of the landmarks and my uncle came to my house with a brand new computer and my parents ended up staying home and saved themselves a large amount op money. Famous explorer @CAPS2 smome says ""before I go anywhere I always google it on my computer to learn about life, climent, etc, on the @CAPS3. I know you @MONTH1 be thinking that it would be a better experience to go to the @CAPS3 but, it is really expensive to go to very faraway countries. In conclusion, computer can help you save money and help you learn. Third, computers lets people talk to other people online. i mean people go to special websites just to talk to friends. A survey done by @ORGANIZATION1. Shows that @PERCENT1 of people talk to other people over those websites. aAmous social worker @PERSON2 says ""@CAPS4 people use these websites it helps them with their vocabulary and social abilities."" I know you @MONTH1 be thinking those websites are dangerous is at, viris software can prevent danger. In conclusion social abilities are up with computers. Lastly, computers teach people about faraway places, help social abilities and learn hand-eye coordination. Computers can help society and learning so help the growth technology today!!!" 4 4 8
573 1 Dear @CAPS1 of the @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS2 has been a debate on whether modern computer activities are good for people or bad for the people. Some people think that it benefits society because computers can teach hand eye coordination, they can help people learn about faraway places, and allow people to interact with friends. Al of this seems to prove that computers are good for society, but truely it is not. People who use their computers too much can have some harmed side effects, including obesity, red eyes, and even can get cyber bullied. People are using computers to an extent to which it is bad for their health. The number one problem of the @LOCATION1 is obesity. It seems that people are getting fatter every day. Computers are definetly taking part in the problem. People are spending too much time on their computers and are spending less time exercising, enjoying nature, and interacting with family and friends. These people are spending hours and hours in front of a computer getting heavier every day. They start to eat their feelings because of how lonely they are. This process continues until the certain person can barely yet out of their chair. Obesity is not the only problem that is damaging their health, their eyes are being damaged also. It is obvious that more & more people are having problems with @CAPS2 eyes everyday. Computers are making this happen. When a certain person is on the computer for only an hour, they are damaging their eyes tremendously. The computer screen is straining their eyes horribly & for the people who are on the computer @NUM1 - @DATE1 hours a day are pretty much sending their eyes to blindness. When I go onto the computer for only @NUM2 minutes my eyes start to water. It is a devastating outcome of using a computer too much. Computers are damaging peoples health & @CAPS2 should be something done about it. Although computers aren't only damaging people health they are also ruining peoples lives. Bullying has been a major problem in the @LOCATION1 for many years. Kids would be bullyed all day in school and always had a horrible time. But when they got to go home they could be comforted by their family and friends. Computers have recently included a system where you can video chat with friends or @ORGANIZATION2. This can be a wonderful thing unless used in the wrong way. As I pointed out before kids are bullied a by in school but when they got home they were able to leave that horrid life behind and be a normal kid. Not any more. This new @ORGANIZATION2, video chat, @CAPS4, etc. has brought the unlucky bullied students a one way ticket to getting cyber bullied. I have heard of a case where a student was cyber bullied to such an extent that she suicided on the internet to show how depressed she was. Computers made that event possible. Video chat, @CAPS3, @CAPS4, etc. gives bullies a chance to make their prey depressed into a point where they consider suicide. I can understand why you would contradict my argument but I truely hope that you will be able to understand why this is so important. Obesity, straining the eyes, & cyber bullying should be in my mind enough evidence that computers are bad to get you to write an article about these horrid machines. They are causing a variety of problems in peoples health, mind, etc. I really hope you will consider writing this article. 5 5 10
574 1 You must be insane! Computers are very important to society. My first reason is, computers can be used for research. Secondly, can be made. Lastly, you can talk and video chat. These are my three reasons why computers are important to society. If you want to know more send on. Firstly, computers can be used for research. For example, what if your boss wats to find the of products ? All you have to do is go to www.google.com, and look it up! Is is that easy. Also what if you need to do reasearch on @ORGANIZATION1 for school? Instead of reading books about him, you can type in his name, and theres your information. In @CAPS1 @NUM1 out of @NUM2 kids/adults use the computer for research. This is my first reason. Secondly, purchases can be made. What if you would like to buy a plane ticket to @LOCATION1 to help? You can go on the computer and buy a ticket at your convenience. You can order order all types of that needed to @LOCATION1. Or that a relative/friend can have a. How way simplier than going out and doing it yourself. This is my second reason. Lastly you can talk and video chat. You own a other people, and you all in diffreent country need a a video meeting. What if you have relatives that live far away that you miss alot? You can have a video family. this is my last reason. I hope you consider my reasons why computers are very important to society. 4 4 8
575 1 Dear Local Newspaper, Computers have a positive effect on people because it teaches them hand-eye coordination, the ability to learn about people and places and allows for people to entertain themselves. As I said before computers are very useful for the advances of hand-eye coordination. Hand-eye coordination is very important in our current world because in order to play sports and type effectively you must have hand-eye coordination. When I was a boy of @NUM1 years I had survey low hand-eye coordination skills and my playing suffered because of it. Now after a couple yours of playing online my baseball, lacrosse and basketball skills have improved from playing online and practicing. Also my typing has gone up from @NUM2 words-per-minute. In @NUM3 words-per-minute. Allowing me to write reports faste and allow more time for revision. But the internet also allow me to search the web to make the aspect of my report go much faster... Though out people needed to suport their opinions and. Now the internet for a person to such to find facts relating to their topic. This bad of help can male school projects easier, make students be even smaller and give opportunity to help in need. As I got ready @NUM4 while my position paper this year. I realized I needed @NUM1 usually this would be difficult but with the help of computers, research can be made a whats let easier. Secondly, I learned so much while my @CAPS1 @CAPS2, like for example don't really pick the president. The votes they gave actually elect a spesculative to go to the @CAPS2 to. Finally, as the earthquake in @LOCATION1 I was able to donate through the @CAPS3 @CAPS4 website. These examples show how important the internal to learn about people and places, maybe give a helping hand. Finally, the last great thing about the internet and computers is that you can entertain yourself through online games and movies. My mom is always telling me I should ways to myself without dragging her into playing catch with me the internet and computers allow me to play online gones by myself. Secondly, movies on computers can be a real time if you want to around. These are the reasons why I believe computers are important for improving eye-hand coordination, learning about different people and places, and the ability entertain you self. Though my opinion will only count to myself I hope you will to stress the importance of computers in your future articles. 5 5 10
576 1 "Dear Newspaper, I believe comuputer have made a great effect on people in society. I believe this because they make you smarter, they help with entertainment needs, they also give you the option to socialize with websites, and online chatting. theese are things people need in every da life and heres now. One reason why I believe computers benefitt people in society, is with the simple fact that computers teach you things. I mean sure you can pick up a book, but why? with a computer you can quickly, and easily type in what you need to know and within seconeds you have @NUM1 million sites that can tell you what you need to know. Computers can also show you places that you've always wanted to see and learn about, the computer can tell you an exact location and information about the area. I know your thinking to yourself. ""wow how cool!!"" but that nothing wait untill you hear what else i have to say! Computers can give you instructions on how to build stuff, step by step instruction to create a work of art. My seconed reason is computers can give you entertainment like playing games, watching movies, and tv shows you missed because you were at work or doing something important. My last reason why computers benefit society is with entertainment, you can make friends or chat with the ones you have, with websites like facebook, @CAPS1, @CAPS2, ect. Making friends or keeping up with the ones you have in a positive way help fight depression. If your always happy on the computer. Therefore you'll have nothing to be depressed about. Also if you have any questions at all that you have wondering in your @CAPS3 ask the computer and it will awnser your questions throughly, and leave you satisfied with an awnser. As you can see computers can do many great things, and what I said is only a few things computers are capible of just watch, computers will be apart of our lives more and more and if you can't use one you @MONTH1 have a hard time. please if you have a different opinion consider my decisons. Thank you for your time." 4 4 8
577 1 You say that computers are bad and does not help any one in these physical life but some people go on the computer to find yoga poses and diest tips and how does that not help them physicaly and mentaly. Computers they @MONTH1 get kid in a lot of trouble they chat on (@CAPS1, facebook twitter, etc...) but they also don't know whos behind the computers they spend so much time on that @CAPS1 thing. That they don't attention to life itself. Now there are good parts about the computer you can find things you need and you can check travel sites etc... so you can not say that the computer is all that bad it helps a lot of people. So you should really be consider judging the skills of the computer they really do help in life. And they do help people that have physical needs. 3 3 6
585 1 "Dear Newspaper, Computers! Computers! Computers! Computers seem to be the talk of the year. Many people believe that computers are needed for everyday life, but I would have to disagree. In my opinion we do not need computers. The effects computers have on kids and adults are astonishing. Humans today are not spending as much time in nature and excirsising for a healthy body and a healthy planet. Also, as us kids are growing up, we have too many advantages because of computers. Thirdly, so much money is being used towards computers and not whats truely important! As you can see these three reasons alone should persuade anyone to believe that computers are harmful to all areas of life. First off, as we continue to use computers our natural environment is going to waste. The effects on nature and people are horrible. Polution is being spread all over the planet! People are becoming addicted to computers. I know it will surprise you when I tell you that the average person spends about ten hours on a computer a day! This is about half the day! This is a terrifying effect on people, because now these computers are brain washing us! Instead of going on the computer all day, we should be going outside to enjoy fresh air and the sun. Their the more, computers have us sitting inside all day and not getting any excirsive, which is a health issue we need to learn about the little things and be thankful for what we already have! Consiquently, banning computers would have a positive effect. Today, many are loosing their ability to write card forgetting about the simple things life has to offer would writing an essay with a pencil and paper be so bad? This @MONTH1 be old fashioned, but there are an enormous amount of great effects for using pen and paper. Maybe, the @ORGANIZATION2 states would become smarter and contain more knowledge. By writing everything out is proven to help remember important facts easier and for a longer amount of time, writing on paper is like writing it in you brain. Therefore, students, children and adults would benefit by having better handwriting. Since most information is typed on the computer people are forgetting how to write neatly, clearly, and resonsibly. @PERSON1 is an english teacher that has been with the @ORGANIZATION1 school since before computers, she has seen the horrible effects taking place on her students right befor her eyes. @PERSON1 told me, ""@CAPS1, students are completely absorbed in computers and have no life, energy, or reativeness in them anymore! Kids have too many advantages with computers and not taking the time. Last, but most definetley not least is my third reason as to computers are effecting humans negetively. Humans are sending huge amounts of money on getting the latest computer technology. Most of people pay chedes are being used for their computers. These fancey computers are very expensive, but also very useless. In my opinion many people are just following a trend. Instead, the money can be spent on schools, and especially the wars! Do you hear the humming of the computer the clicking of the buttons? Realize that these sounds are not what you should be spending! To wrap it up, computers effect people. There are many reasons to support this, but here are three. One is that people are not spending any time in nature! Another is that people of all ages are becoming brainwashed by this electronic and not spending the time to learn things in quality. Thirdly, people are using all there money on those computers! I know some people think computers are very usefull,but I know now, after you have read this article, you know how unuseful computers really are." 5 6 11
587 1 More and more people use computers in fact about @PERCENT1 of @CAPS1.T has computers, everyone uses them. I think they are very good to have because you can use them for emailing, jobs, and schoolwork. This is why I think having a computer is a good things what do you think? As I was say computers are good for emailing, even I.ming. lets say you play baseball and you forgot what time your game is. You can just push that power button and tree to your coach asking what time you need to be at the feild. Also theres I.Ming, its wen you can talk to your friends online its a great way to comunicate and meet new people. Emailing is great, its so hi-tect you can email one of your family members who live thousand miles away from you. I once did that my aunt's lisa was in florida and i asked her to send me pictures of the water and the beaches and she did, they were eye catching. Next reason why computers are good to have is for jobs. In todays world everything is ran by computers for example each registers. A.T.M. and car are ran off of computers. So having it for a job is great. Lets your tells you to fax over a copy can do it the computer within a minute i know my dads job requires of he keeps it all to his witch on his desktop on his laptop. This is why most jobs have computers. Do you are one? Lastly, school was computers . For example my teacher on his computer atendence, homework and . If he didn't have that, he would be lost. Its also good for the kids too. Every week in social studies we have to look up the presidents and i use my laptop for that. Did you know is a program were you can look at your grades and missing assignments? It's call power school. Computers are great for school. I think every one should have one. So what do you think about them? Are they amazing or what? I think are very helpful because you can use them for emailing, working, and school work. If it wasn't for computers we would really know as much as we do now. About @PERCENT1 of @CAPS1.T have them. Computers are gonna help you through life alot, welcome to the real world. 5 4 9
595 1 Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 @MONTH1 be true that computers @MONTH1 make people exercise less, enjoy nature less, and spend time with family and friends less but computers do benefit the society in many ways. Computers help students with homework and projects and they help communicate with other people. Besides the telephone, computers do have some bad things about them, too. Students need computers to help them complete homework and class projects. They help students create good presentations and students can use the internet for research. Having computers will help raise a students grades and help them have a more successful life in the future. Parents and kids can communicate long-distance friends and/or relatives and they can talk to co-workers, bosses, teachers of their kids, and with their own children/parents, too. Having computers would create more communication with some people and help keep in touch with family members. Besides all of the good things, computers do have bad qualities, too. They can lead to children seeing inapropriate sites, and maybe even a virus that crashes your computer! Most of the programs to get rid of viruses block children and adults from seeing inapropriate sites (like gambling, pornography, etc). We need a computer that is pre-installed with the best up-to-date virus protection system, that helps protect children, teens, and adults from viruses, inapropriate sites, and cyber-bullies. Having these will make a computer almost perfect! The computers everyone needs should help students learn, keep raising communication between people and be pre-uploaded with programs to protect people from viruses, bad websites, and cyber-bullies. Computers are needed, and without them, our lives would be extremely miserable. 4 4 8
600 1 Daer People of the Newspaper I think that computers are good in some was like to look some think up adout the other side of the world. Like if you have to do a paper on the other side of the world a computer is up to date unlike a book so computer have a good effect on school kids and work so computer are good but other then that most people send all day talking to people on theme and don't go out side and get fresh air so computer have bad effects on some people and have good effects they all need for work and stoff so I think that most people use computer to much to talk to people and for gaming. But some people don't go on it for a long time and go out side and use a computer if they have to for work so the effects of computers is that to meny people use theme forever and talk to people and site and get fat from not going out side and playing and geting fresh aire so most people over use there computer on facebook and stof like that were they code go out side and site on a swing and txt and get fresh aire. 3 3 6
610 1 Dear @CAPS1 times, @CAPS2 people think that computers are good for socity but I do not. Computer's riskes out weighs the benighits. My first example is my father. My father never turned on a computer in his life and his buisness is doing fine. My father and his father has all of their records in a safe. One of my fathers friends had everything on his computer. When a virus hit it all of his files were gone and along with his records. My father handwrites all of his papers. He says if i need to type something out i'll buy a type writer. Also on things like facebook someone can see everything that another is doing. This is were alot of people pose as someone eles and thus @CAPS2 people get kidnapped or killed. A very good reason is that when people have alot of personal information when a virus hitls that person knows everything about you that you put on. For exampel i was watching a show on discovery channel when a man hacked into a myspace acount and used that persons name to people and try to create a cyder to the pentagon, that person almost got caught but never was. So you can see why my family does not like computers. My family is always at the farm or in the barn working on we have no time to be on the internet the only thing you need it for is school work. What ever happened to the old fasion way no computer, no problems. 3 4 7
611 1 Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, I have @NUM1 reasons why computers effects have on people. First, computers are not good for your eyes. Second, the reason why people get on computers a lot. Third, there are so much games and places to go like myspace, facebook and even twitter and much more. Keep on reading so I could tell you all about my three reasons. First of all, computers are not good for your eyes because computers are like @CAPS3's is the something but not really because computer as more information and @CAPS3 dont really got so much information you could browse for. My second reason is that the more people be on computers the more blind they could get just for being on the computers for a hour or more. Third, some people dont even dare if they be on ocmputer they wont they might think that just becaus ethey wear gasses they wont get blinder but they are wrong they will get more blinder. As you reading you will find out my second reason fro being to much in the computer. My second reason, is that why people get in computers alot well peopel get on computers just to their or do their taxes but that is not good because just because your doing your bills or your taxes you to alot of information that people in other countries or state could get without you knowing , second is that people or get on computers to pay their bills or do their taxes they also get on the computer to maybe order something or buy a ticket to fly to a place they want to go like a vacation place or a business trip. my third reason is that they not only buy or order things but thet get in websites that will make their lives better like meeting soembody special or something else. As you keep reading you will find out my third reason for being to much and so long in the computers. My third reason, is that their are alot of activities to do in the computer for a example myspace, facebook and twitter are the most popular website that people get in just to meet new people and talk to old friends. In conclusion, people should not be on computer too much because of their health and their privacy and also to be sure not to meet strange people. 4 5 9
615 1 Computers should be for everyone! Dont you think?, I do. And here's how @CAPS1 gonna convince you. Computers can basically be called a gateway to learning. Positive effects that computers have on peole is that, it teaches hand-eye coordination, give people the ability to learn about faraway places, and even allow people to talk online with other people. These great qualities computers have for people are fantastic. Also the fact that computers just keep upgrading as time goes by. So, by you reading this introduction, I hope you are satisfied with what I am going to in order to show you that computers are positive devices and can be helpful to everyone. Firstly, as I started in my introduction paragraph, computers help teach people hand-eye coordinates. This i believe is a good thing to know because without it, there arent many things you could do. For example fly a plane. You wouldn't be able to do that without both hand and eye coordinates because you would have to manually move the plane, and check to see if everythings in order by multi-tasking. Furthermore, this is just one given reason on why computers are positive towards everyone's benefit. Secondly, computers give people the ability tolearn about faraway places and people. This is also good for people's benefits because, theres knowledge in every bit of it. Your learning about others cultures, heritage, family history, and so forth and so on. This could also help you in the long run with any job you want to do because knowledge can get you anywere. It can get you very far in life so learn as much as you can, and I beleive computers can do so. This is another reason why computers can be positive. As for the last reason, I say that peolple can also talk to other people online on the computer.This is also beneficial because again, like I stated in my @NUM1 paragraph, you can learn many things that way and meet new people. Now dont you think computers can benefit anyone! I do and will always have the same opinion that is positive towards computers. For my conclusion, I would like to say that I hoped you enjoyed every bit of what I had to say, and you can also agree with the positive affects computers have on people. I truly beleive that computers are beneficial to all people and should continue to be around. it benefits society, and I enjoy every bit of using it. Thank you. 4 5 9
616 1 "Dear Newspaper, People always believe that technology today such as computers are making more and more people lazy and not going out into the real world such as people who don't spend time with family, become very unfit, and also @CAPS1 websites and people you talk to can put you in harms way and you can get hurt. First, who wouldn't want to spend time with family and find out things that happend to them, @CAPS1 people because they are to busy being on the computer instead of going camping with the family, going to an amusement park and also some family gatherings. People who thinks that the computers is a helping thing to use but @PERSON1 said ""@CAPS1 people learn much easier from family of friends then from a computer. Second, @CAPS1 people are becoming @CAPS2 because of computers intead of going for a walk or nice day they sit in their room and sit on the computer and seeing virtual things instead of seeing things. @CAPS1 prove who are sitting on the computer people you might should be joining a sports learns with everyday. Last, @CAPS1 @CAPS3 that go on the computer and adults are getting because of the of talking to people you have never seen or really know about. When you are on and someone and live where you live they can be lieing and you could take them seriously and meet up with them and that is how you can get killed or go missing. Also, the computer allows you to put pictures and videos online and a lot of teens and adults are posting up on the internet very inapropriate pictures of these bodies and people should't be seeing that. I hope that if you or a family is always on the computer you should say you need to spend time with your family, you can become very unfit, and you can be at risk of getting hurt by people you don't know." 4 4 8
623 1 The people who are concerned about the bad on computers are right about a couple things, but good does come out of it like what is the miltary needs recruits for the army they can post up their ad on the computers that everyone will see, and what the people who drop out of school and they want a second chance they can appily for scholl online. My last reason is what those people who have a hard finding work they always look up the best job for them over the internet. Read More to find out how the internet is good for society. First, as the army keeps losing more and more soldiers in combat and they try to recruit people they can post their ad up over the internet. Sure they can mail it out but that would take forever for people to find out about it and learn about it. For example, they can post the ad up on myspace and have thousands of people looking at it in minutes. Finally, the internet is a great way for the miltary to recuit soldiers. Next, 3 3 6
625 1 "Wouldn't you agree that spending time on the computer takes away half of your life? Going on the computer can have a negative effect on you! Personally I think not going on the computer benefits you, @CAPS1's more time for your family, going outside, and staying healthy! Certainly going on the computer will mean less time for exercising. For example, lets say you went on the computer for an hour, that hour could have been used to go outside and stay fit! think about the choices here; you could either sit on a chair and play on the computer or take a nice run and burn a ton of calleries! Statistics show that @PERCENT1 of people that go on the computer instead of getting exercise, are in risk for health problems including obesity. As you can cleary see going on the computer really isnt the healthyiest choice to go. Most definatly going on a walk or enjoying nature is better than going on a computer. A girl named @PERSON1, from @LOCATION1 ""I love to enjoy the beuty of the outdoors that god gave to me I wish I knew that years ago while I was a lazy woman on the. If you just even look out your window to see this beautiful god created for us you would want to go out there and enjoy @CAPS1! Everyone wants to live like there dying or in other words live life to the fullest! in order to do that you have to see life and go out there and experance @CAPS1, not sit on a computer! Without a doubt this world is gorgeous and @CAPS1 is worth while to see the nature! Everyone knows that family comes before everything! For example, you might love the computer but that love should not over power your time you spent with your family! One day on a @DATE1 night @PERSON2 was on the computer and her mother called saying, ""@PERSON2 @CAPS1's time for dinner"", @PERSON2 ignored her mom and chose to go on the computer! Now you really cannot give up time with your friends and family since they are so important! I know with my heart and saw that my family means the world to me and everyone shown more time for each family member, not the computer! Its now or never to decide if computers benefit society or not! With no computers you could have so much free time for your friends and family if you could only imagine! Most importantly @CAPS1 will not only benefit you but @CAPS1 will mean a lot to your family so what are you waiting for? Get off the computer and spend some qulity time with your family!" 5 6 11
626 1 Does computers have an effect on people? Do they have a good effect or bad effect. Dear Local Newspaper, I agree they have a good effect on people because you can learn from them, you can can look at maps if your leaving out the state there good to talk to people online, you can shop online. I don'@CAPS1 think adults spend too much time on computers than exercising I think kids mostly on the computer playing games and other activities, some people use computers for homework, writing papers, or searching for people. Computers are good ways to learn about people and words, there not just for playing games and listening to music, there for good use, you can look up restaurants and look at there prices, @LOCATION1 shows site you can look at episodes of @CAPS1.V. shows online. I think computers are better than books and dictionary because you can do all that stuff on a computer. Some people think computers are good things to have cause its fast and easy. Some people thnk computers are a waste of time on them. Computers are good because if you need to write a paper you can type it and print it instead of having messy hand writing, computers are good for if your in a rush to search something its fast. Computers are useful for anything like books, writing paper, websites, chatting with friends web maps, music, games and etc, they do have a good effect on people and kids. 3 4 7
628 1 Dear @LOCATION1, @CAPS1 you imagine where the world would be without computers? Our daily lives would be dull and boring without new technology. Computers help society do various activities that would be impossible if we didn't have computers. They give us the ability to learn at home, connect with other people, and give a source of entertainment. From these reasons our lives because easy and convenient, which is what @CAPS2 people strive to accomplish. The ability for an average person to learn has greatly increased. It has gone from just being able to go to school to the @CAPS2 various ways to increase your intelligence on the computer. Programs such as @ORGANIZATION1, which teaches people how to speak a language, are available on the computer. These programs are like going to school, but more accesible to the public. To further help the public, there are ways to gain college degrees online. that how . Even if you go to school a computer @CAPS1 still help you excel in you work @CAPS2 sources of research are available on the computer and you like to the web a computer is a great place for fun. However, people still think computers are good. They claim to gaining on the other hand, the computer gives people website to help lose weight.They also say people aren't enjoying nature, even though there are @CAPS2 ways to appreciate on the computer. Lastly, it is stated that you dont . To conclude, computers greatly benefit us and are good. New technology is good thing and should keep expanding because of gaining the ability to , conncet with people and having fun, a computer helps the general public. Please, think of what i have said and buy a computer! 6 5 11
632 1 People using computers is a good way for them to talk with distant relatives or friends, learn keyboarding skills, and research about far-away places. First, the wonder ful technology that computers have is amazing. They can surf the web in milli-seconds. This benefits people because if you were doing a research paper on china, many search engines let you surf the web at blazing fast speed, and in a little time, you could have all the information you needed. Scientists say that @PERCENT1 of computer-users have fast internet, and they reccommend it to other, first-time buyers. The computer that I use is a unique computer that was customizable to my liking. I like playing games and editing videos, so I got an outstanding graphics car that has outstanding speeds for rendering videos. This let me play games and edit videos, and my @NUM1 gb hard drive is capable of storing all my programs and projects, for future use. Doing many things on the computer can really help your hand-eye coordination. In fact, about @PERCENT2 of computer say that over a using a computer. they were to type @PERCENT3 quicker that they could before. Thats a very good number, but the average person woh types could write in @NUM2 in I have. I can type a that big in about @NUM3 minutes because it have been typing in other @NUM3. Computers are a big part of my life and I still have time to do other things with my family, and friends. The last thing that computers help us people with chatting with friends on websites, like facebook, myspace, and @ORGANIZATION1. They all let you share with all of your friends, and of you needed to, you could chat with far away friends or relatives. This helps because if you haven't talked to your cousin in a while, you can check up with him and talk about things. I have a causing who graduated college and is now teaching in @LOCATION1, and when our gets together, we webchat with him on @ORGANIZATION1 and it is helpful because we haven't seen him in @NUM5 years, and we all wanted to see what he was up to. He was also able to send us pictures, which helped because we all missed his face. So, blazing fast speed to chatting with distant relatives. These are key factors that show us that you can have fun on computers and still have time for family and friends. 5 5 10
635 1 "Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 of late there has been controversy of how Computers affect people's lives. I believe that the effects on people negative. My main reasons of this argument are. The persons health their the users well being. Did you know that over @PERCENT1 of kids and teens are obese @NUM1 computers can contribute to this statistic. If a person is eating unhealthy but sizing. They can still be fit but if they go on the computer instead of working off all the. They become fat. This can be a serious problem. Becoming overweight has many health risks liked heart other. It also could prevent a person from excersicing. If they are overweight their legs could ache and a simple set of stairs could become a huge challenge. Do you want in obesity rates? I would think not. If you watch tv you could picture perfect families. We all know that no family is like that. Introducing computers could mess up that fact even more. For example, my cousin used to be an outgoing friend person. Now because of computers he is a @LOCATION1 who does nothing else but play on the computer. He gets up eats breakfast. (The of about ), then plays on the computer untill lunch. He eats a small lunch and right back to playing. After along @NUM2 to @NUM3 more hows of playing. He off the computer, hopps into goes on his laptop all night. This greatly affects his family. They try to get him off but all he does is online. He cant interact with his family and this has a huge infact on it. Even though he could get off and talk one of the only ways of talking to him are through facebook. Now because of this family is. We can easily avoid this by telling every body these known facts. My final argument for you is the users well being teen many of us have a facebook of @CAPS3 I have homework I to use the internet for facts and stories. @CAPS3 I do so to go on facebook. If anyone dows the effect our grades. If we chat on facebook we doing our. If arent doing our homework we wont get a good grade. If we could less to other serious problems. Another thing is that you could actually need your computer to stay. It could be addicting and you might rely on it ""once a to kill himself because he dident have his computer"". So @CAPS2 you can see there many negative effects on a user of a computer. It could many problems inthe future like health. the family happiness. So spread the word for the sake of thousands of people." 5 5 10
643 1 "Today more than @PERCENT1 of our population spends expensive amounts of time each day on the computer. I agree that having a computer in your home is benficial at time, but to me the disadvantages outway the advantages of spending to much time on a computer. Disadvantages such as cyber bullying, illegal websites, the criminals that use the internet to target days, and the interference that spending to much time on the computer has with your grades and other school work. I think that largest number of people affected by spending to much time on the computer are kids. Mostly kids right name from school, drop there backpack, and instead of sitting at the kitchen table or study area to do homework, they sit right down in front of the computer. Then what happens to that homework? It usually doesnt get done. That absence of homework could make an enourmous decline on a students average. However, homework is not the only school work effected by the computer. Even in school kids use internet on their cell phones. This provides a huge distraction for kids and usually ends up with the result of kids not completing the task asigned to them. Not getting work done is not the problem. Computer presents to kids through. It also helps with bullying; cyber bullying. Alot of kids are bullied and picked on the school but then that bullying carries itself to the childs home threw the computer. Once at home a kid can get hurtful emails or instant messages. These hurtful messages @MONTH1 do a lot more than just hurt someone feelings, it can hurt their self asteem and how they feel about themselves. Then as if cyber bullying and not doing homework werent bad enough. there are also criminals on the computer. These criminals prey on kids. They can find passwords to accounts. They can find out personal information about yoo because of how much time on the computer each day. Once they find out enough about you they use to it gain your trust and the problem only escalades from there. Although many kids are affected by the amount of time they spend on the computer each day, there not the only ones. Adults are affected just as much and just as easily. One thing that lvers adults in to spending all their time on the computer is all the ""great deals"" they can find on the computer. But many of these great deals come from fake or illegal websites. Websites that are selling stolen merchandise. Then show you all the benefits from buying from them and then once you believe them and buy what they are selling, they have all of your personal information. From their you can end up with an empty bank account or even identity theft. Does that realy sound a ""great deal?"" @CAPS1 to me the disadvantages of having a computer definetly out way the advantages of having a computer. I think that people need to step away from the computer desk, get good grades, avoid bullying and criminals. Keep there bank acounts full and there identity safe. Instead they should spend time outdoors, with family: or enjoying life!" 5 5 10
652 1 Dear Local newspaper, I agree that computers have an effect on people. It helps people learn hand-eye coordination, give people the ability to learn a far places and you can talk online with other people. Computers teach hand-eye coordination. As @CAPS1 grow up, they learn about letters of the alphabet and spelling. There are many online programs that teach @CAPS1 how to type. Once the @CAPS1 get in learning how to type, they end up typing fast. Computers help @CAPS1 of future learn & with all these learning websites, @CAPS1 will be able ti teach them solves new things. Isn't it a blessing to be able to meet people from a far? You'll get ot learn there cultures. Would you want to know something about? They make daily go around, there you'll you? Well its so learning a new culture is a faster way of making friends. Have you connect. Oneday i will people who dont just want to be friends, maybe more than that. Be positive about online chatting, or online dating services. As you can see for my reasons above, the computer has an effect on people. The computer teaches you hand-eye coordination, it also gives you the ability to learn afar places & people, and it allows you to chat with other online people. Make sure you stay positive & be safe on the computers. 5 4 9
653 1 @ORGANIZATION1, The computer to me is very beneficial. I say that because if wasn't @CAPS4 the computers we wouldn't have as much knowledge about other contries like we do now. Also because it's another source of communication. Another reason is, the computer helps kids get their work done faster. Hopefully after reading this you will think the same I do about computers. First the computer helps people know about what happen with people in other islands. @CAPS4 example you heard about the @CAPS1 that happen in @LOCATION1 by t.v. But what if you wanted to get more information about it. All you had to do is type it in and it gives you a lot of information. Also it shows how the in the other places are and how people have in deal with all of that. Another example is communication. The computer has allowed people to have a conversation without a phone or being in person. That helps people a lot because not everyone likes to be on the phone all day (me) so that their of communication. Also you can go on website @CAPS2, @CAPS3 or other places to talk to your friends. Some people prefer to have penpals. A penpal is a way you can communicate with someone you never and from another contry, more you have @NUM1 reasons on how you can communicate from your computers. My theird reason why computers are beneficial is the get done with their ways @CAPS4 example lets just say you had to find so definitions, instead of looking the word in the dictionary you can just type in the definition. Also if you have to do in history you can go on the computer and find on him/her. So I hope you take this in consideration that computer are great @CAPS4 society. 4 4 8
658 1 @ORGANIZATION1, The delema over computers needs to be noticed. People need to relize computers are one of the greatest inventions we have in our time, but in my opinion people take that as an advantage and misuse them for purposes that they should not be used. Computers are not meant to be for playing games, or constently instent messaging. They are meant for learning purposes and for work or school. Why do people use computars for things that they dont need? People use computers for fun! They instant message, listen to music, go on @CAPS1, @CAPS2, or @CAPS3. People also use @CAPS4 and play games on unknown websites. Computers are not ment to be for that, they are for school and work. @ORGANIZATION2, word, @ORGANIZATION2, and powerpoint, if computers were used for those purposes people wouldnt be the way they are today. In the @LOCATION1 the computer is very popular people aboulutly love it! But these people are the people who are unfriendly, mean and sad. They also are incredibly out of shape. I know so many people who use computers instead of doing homework and getting fresh air. They are so independent they do when they go home from school is eat and play on the computer. I have a hard time understanding why they do that but I guess they feel they have nothing else better to do. I also know people who use the computer the right way and they are very happy people. They also have so much knowledge and there is never a dull conversationthem. Those people use the computer everyday but they use it correctly only for and they are just well are very smart and get good grades in school! Basically, what I am trying to say is that people who use the computer suceed in anything they do because they know how to use and understand the computer, but people who use it in the wrong ways will just be miserable because they dont know to much, they had average grades and they are unhealthey. 4 4 8
665 1 "I tink that a computer is a good idea because when people are online they like to talk to there family and see them by the video cam. When you dont want to go out or your just go online and pay us . Like would you like to be no because when you watching a movie that you like your be like oh "" go clean your room"" and you go like ""oh wait this movie is good."" The computer are the best system for go online every body use computer. Witout computer how you going to cheak your yahoo @CAPS1. My moom love to be on @CAPS2. How you going to check your message if u dont know have a computer. If they lake computers out of sle every body is going to try to make one. and the people from walmart is going to be like they making more money than me llike the people from but buy they got good computers. no one is to make people to get people offline. Apple store have when people go over and buy some computers. When they be spending all the time on the is because they like to be online. If i like onlie you are not going to take the computers and say u searching mor in the computer. But is all bout computers when your mom is all ways at your house boring do go bu a computer whne you get money." 3 4 7
666 1 Dear @CAPS1 @ORGANIZATION2, I believe that computers have a positive affect on people who use them. Because they teach hand eye coordination, give us the ability to learn about far away people and places and allow us to chat online with people. @CAPS3 first reason of why I think computers have a positive affect on people is that they teach hand eye coordination. For example, we need to use our hand-eye coordination skills when we type to @CAPS2 the letters. This helps us increase our Hand eye coordination because it helps us think about what letters we are typing, @CAPS2 the letters on the keyboard, and push them. Also when we type long passages it increase our hand eye coordination becaue we get used to wrighting the long paragraphs and we become more familiar with where the letters are on the keyboard and our speed increases,which means we can get more work done in a shorter time. Believe it or not @PERSON1 free of the @ORGANIZATION1 hospital took a survey that showed @NUM1 people who type essays instead of wrighting them by hand, have a greater hand eye coordination skill. Computers also allow us to learn about far away people and places. For example computers make it easier to reaserch far away people and places. Useing a computer can help us understand and learn about people and places withought a trip to the library. Also computers allow us to @CAPS2 us to @CAPS2 more info about recent events that have just around the world. Also computers make it faster to reserch topics because looking for a book in those big libraries can be stressfull, not to mention dificult. Also informat on a computer can never be checked out or not availible like library books. Lastly you have information right at our fingerries so you will never have to leave youre house, @CAPS3 last reason is that computers allwo us to chat online with other people. This can help us because it allows us to talk to friends and family from around the world. Also it helps us talk to our parents if theyre away or if you're on a camping trip. Chating on a computer is a great way to make friends with people you dont know and block people you dont want talking to you. So in a sence you can be in controll of your friendships and who youre friends with. Computers are the greatist advance in technology sence the wheel and they have helped so many people. 4 4 8
672 1 "Dear whomever it @MONTH1 concern, @CAPS1 name is @CAPS2 @CAPS3 and I think that the effects that computers have on people is not good. I think this for a few different reasons. Those reasons are that because of them noboby goes out, people; especially students loose penmanship skills, and people loose their desire to do normal everyday things. They make us lazy!! Because of computers people don't go out. They don't go for walks because their doing something on the computer. There is now no reason for anybody to ever visit a store of any kind because you can order everything online and have it delivered right to your front door. Also, for a lot of people, they don't even have to go to work. They can work for whatever company right from their home computer. People can even finish highschool and college on their computers, by taking online courses! That brings me to @CAPS1 next reason for computers haveing a bad effect on people. Students, can now type out all assignments, some schools even give laptops to students to use throughout the year. Being able to type out everything would mean that students would barely ever have to pick up a pen or pencil, makeing their handwriting worse from lack of practice. Another way computers have a bad effect on students is because of the internet. You can find any and everything on the internet, from math books to dictionarys and other resource books. Because of this some students don't even know how to look up a word in the dictionary, let alone find needed information in a book. I think this gives students a wrong idea and sence of reality. When they go to work, not everything will be done on a computer, but this is all they are being taught to use. Lastly, people are losing their desire to do everyday things. Why go out with friends when you can talk to them online? Why go out to dinner when you can order it online? People are starting to see no point in going out and doing things because there are ""more important things"" to do on the computer. I personally think they are brain-washing us and pretty soon the world is going to be one giant computer. Based on everything I just said I don't think computers have a very good effect on effect on people. They are makeing the world a very uptight and controlled place to be and based on that selected information, I'm sure you can see why." 4 5 9
674 1 Dear @CAPS1 of @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS2 you think our excersizing and being in nature is becoming less and less? I don't think so in my opinion. I think computers is a positive effect because it can help you connect with other people from different parts of the world. Learn different stuff or how to's to make life easier. Be in-touch with far-away relatives. First of all, I believe computers is a positive effect because you can connect with people from different parts of the world. You can talk about thier culture. About how the, whats thier tradition of marriage or etc. The schools, and ask them questions. Secondly, I believe computers is a positive effect because you can learn stuff from it and how to's to make life easier. Because you can learn it easier with different under standing it better so you. Study from the to's to get school. Thirdly, I believe computer is a positive effects far away relative. If you talk to them in a long time wondering how there doing what they life. When we meet up catch. In conclusion, technology will basically help you in the future well. The marvolous computer will help you be in-touch with really good familys and friends. Now its time to @CAPS3! because the fancy technology will be here till years too come! 4 4 8
677 1 "Dear @LOCATION1 press, I believe that computers have a terrible impact on society, the reason I believe this is true is that kids can go ""braindead"" as some people call it. Also kids can get obese witch is already a greatly growing process. The last reason is that kids get bad eye sight from it. The first reason I believe that computers have a bad impact on our society is that all kids do is sit there and eat while they are on the computer and they get an addiction to it so they just keep getting fatter because they arn't getting any exercise. This problem with children getting fat is already a very brought up topic and with something like this out it's not going to get any better any time soon. Studies show that @PERCENT1 of kids who are on the computer more than a hour and a half a day are actually going braindead. This means that if this becomes the new trend for all kids that our next generation will not be smart and won't be able to keep up with other countries and fall behind, so we have to do something about this trend setting issue if you want our country to stay in one piece. The last but not least reason is kids are forming a bad eye sight. This can also bad for future generations. If you let this catch on the generation will all need glasses its almost like a domino effect. These are all the reasons that computers have a bad impact on the society. kids get obese, they go braindead, and they develop bad eye sight from it." 4 4 8
678 1 Dear local newspaper, I think people are spending to much time on the compture an these are my reasons, Less time exercising, an enjoying nature and interacting with friends an family. My reason is less time exercising people are to busy on the computer playing games an talking to other ones. Dont you think you should be outside doing some exercising like running around or playing sports instead of being in your house on the comptuer doing nothing. People should at lest get @NUM1 of exercising. You could be on the comptuer for a little while but not on it @NUM2. Take a break from the comptuer an go outside for a little bit injoy the weather an being outside. People just cant take @NUM1 away from there comptuer time I find that really hard to belive that people cant. Its like the comptuer took over there brains an all they want to do is be on it an never get off. My second reason is enjoying the nature go outside for a little bit an see whats going on there go take a walk outside in the woods an look for the animals or look for animal tracks. There are a lot of fun things you can do outside like climb a tree or going fruit picking. You dont have to be inside all day an stare at the computer playing games an talking to friends. You could be outside injoying the nice weather you are getting. Peopl need to learn that there is better things to do with there time. My third reason is that interacting with friends an family. It inportant you spend time with them an see how they been an what they been up to. But instead people are always to busy to talk to there family members becuse they are always on the comptuer doing stuff they dont need to being doing. There are a lot more inportant things in life an people need to understand that. Family is way more inportant then being on the computer but people these days they put family second because they never want to talk to them or see them because they are always so busy waisting there time on the comptuer. Like checking there email is fine but waisting your time on these chat things like @CAPS1 or @CAPS2 or @CAPS3 its just a waist of your time people can hang out an do things they dont have to be on the computer asking there friends that they should just call them an ask. Dont get me wrong I have a @CAPS2 to an it takes away from your hanging with family an things but I make time for I can hang out with friends an family an enjoy the natuer an I do exercis. So I dont see why its so hard for people to do that. So in conclusion I think that people do waist there time on the comptuer to much like I said there are more inportants things in life an things you can be doing like exercising, Enjoying natuer an hanging with friends an family. So I hope you take my ideas an consider them an thank you for listening to what I think. I hope people can get it through there head that they dont have to be on the comptuer @NUM4. 4 4 8
681 1 Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 I am going to inform you that more and more people are using computers then spending time with their family. I agree with the effects computer haves on people, because one it allows us to access information, two it allows us to interact with people. And three because it helps us updated on what is happening in sports or everything. My first reason why we should use computers is because it gives us information, like the weather reports, school openings, delays, and closings. It also tell's us how @LOCATION1 has been after the earthquake. It tells us alot of stuff. It allow's to go to other websites to find information to. And it allow's us to have fun and play games on the internet. It can help us on our homework. And it can help us find things like job and other stuff. My second reason why we should use computers is because we can ineract with people. We can talk to people weve never ever met before. We can find information about them and tell us how is their life litte. it can help police find info about their criminals and track them down so they can them. It is better and faster than using the phone to talk to them. And it can make people have fun which will make them stay on the computer for a long period of time. My third reason why we should use computers is because it would keep us updated on and for these who love to watch it would tell us the most recent on teams and players. And if you a sports fanatic you can be able to watch live games on the computer. And we can be able to post games and have a chance to see the players talk to their fans. In conclusion this why we should use computers because it can give us information all over the world, two it can allow us to interact with people weve never met before. And three it will keep us updated on sports we like to catch especially if your a sports fanatic. 4 4 8
682 1 With more and more people using computers. I think that this does not benifit society. I think this because mere cases of suicide are from online bullying, people get @CAPS2 addicted that they dont exercize and become obeast, and because it is bad for the environment. Now more than ever before people are bulling. But not just showing kids around like they use to. Now the bullies found a new way, by starting web pages, emailing the person, or making threats online. With the internent people say things that they would'nt be able to say in person because you dont have to see face to face all the time. Did you know that @PERCENT1 of all teenage suicides are from being bullied online. The bullies get into that person head and cause them to hurt themselves because they let people get to them. If we didnt have as many people going online then the youth would be more protected from online predilors. As you sit on the computer and play games or to friends, you are most likely caling. Well when you eat and stay on the computer you arnt exercising. Well, more than @PERCENT2 of obeast people say they don't exercise because they are either to tired or dont have enough time. Of course you are going to be tired if you sit for a couple hours staring at a computer screen. When they say they don't have time but yet they spend an hour a day on the computer. That dosnt make much to me. Obeasity has becomea big concern it is the main cause of head problems. @CAPS2 get active The enviorment is a big concern these days. With toxic, the @CAPS1 layer and skin cancer on the rise. But how does the computer? Well computers use energy and let toxix for environment. Killing the @CAPS1 layer @CAPS2 the are much more powerful, hurting people. Yes and plant do help the @CAPS1 layer but when you print you @CAPS2 you @CAPS2 very hard to keep up with the demand of and the demand of the @CAPS3 have to eat, but with out trees, plants they eat? By the time our children's childrens are here, there @MONTH1 be @CAPS3 to no wildlife left, barely any wilderness and without the @CAPS1 layer many people will die of skin cancer. All because we are @CAPS2 addicted to using the computers. People lives, health, and the environment are all big issues that computers help to distore. How would you feel walking into your childs bedroom seeing them on the floor dead from being bullied on the computer. Or see a loved one suffer from heart problems due to obeasity becasue they couldn't get off the computer. Or in about @NUM1 years the @CAPS1 layeris completly distroyed due to the computers, with @CAPS3 to no wildlife left. Using computers does not benifit society. Sure its a quick look up. But @CAPS2 are books. The computer has every thing a local libeary has. @CAPS2 stop being lazy and get out. Put a stop to suicides, obeasity, and hurting the environment. 5 6 11
686 1 "Dear local newspaper, I would like to speak upon the topic of the effects that computers have on people. My opion on this topic is that computers do have an effect on people. Most people while surfing the internet don't keep track of time. What I mean when I say most people lose track of time is that, they try to keep track of the time but while on the web something @MONTH1 pop that catches their intrest and at that same time there focus is on something else. Some of the other effects computers can have on people is keeping them in the house. When many people are on the web they tend not to excersise as much. When in the house on the web most people that excersise stop excersising. The reason why this occurs is because while people are on the computer chair you feel so relaxed and calm that you don't want to get up. This leads into eating unhealthy foods. Some such as chips, donuts, twinkies and etc. Some @CAPS1 do not believe that is an opinion. The reason I say this is because while watching television the other day I saw a commercial that said quote ""@CAPS2 that are more active are healthier than @CAPS2 that stay on the computer all day. Most @CAPS1 do gain weight on the computer because they are not physically active. Not being physically active can lead to A) obesity @CAPS4) cloged arteries or @CAPS5) lazyness. It can lead to all three because those are the effects of being on a computer every of the day. Most @CAPS1 should be enjoying nature instead of staying on the computer. There is a lot more to life than being on the web. Some such as playing sports. Not only is playing sports fun but at the same tim it is also healthy. Would you rather live to @NUM1 or live to @NUM2. And so local newspaper that is why I am writing you this letter today. I mean would you rather have friends @CAPS2 or be lonely. There are weight surgerys but those can rack up to thousands of dollars. And yes weight loss surgery does have effects such as death. So come on @LOCATION1 its your decison and remember the most important part of this letter which is between liveing healthy and young or dieing unhealthy and suffer. Its your choice @LOCATION1 decide." 5 4 9
691 1 My opinion on the effects computer have on people. A good effect that computer have on people that it teaches them how to have good hand-eye coordination @CAPS1 if they work as a doctor on anything that needs it that would help them do better in their jobs. Another reason why computers have good effects on people it let them chat with their famile memebers case if your family went to a whole new countries for a trip then you beable to see how there doing and it's like there. Another one would be that you could learn about another states and countries around the world. It tell you how many people like there and what type of culture they have when it found probably now when I want to learn about texas I look up information on it and tell me when it was found the capital and how many people live there. Another good thing that you could play games with your friends like all types shooting games racing sport arcade all type. 3 3 6
696 1 Dear editor of The @CAPS1, I believe that computers are good ideas for our community. If the library's closed and a students needs information, you can look it upon the internet. Also, you can talk with your friends if your phones not working. Computers can help people learn about the latest news if the television is getting pixecl. First of all, computers can help with research alot. Let's say it's ranning healthy, your car? out of gas and you need to go to the library before it closes. Just be easier to go on the computer and find a research site about your topic; no gas wasted, no sopping wet doing just you in a robe sipping hot choclate on the computer. Next, you can talk to friends all the way in another country without having to pay extra for a long distance call. And if yo udon't have unlimited minutes and you went to talk with someone for a long time, you'd be wasting valuable minutes and money! This is where computers come in. You can just open a chat window and talk away, just like that. Finally, you can look up the latest news and information on a search program, like @ORGANIZATION1. If your television broke and it'd take a week to fix, what if something happened that you needed to know about you could just go on the internet and look it up. Thank you for reading my ideas, editor. I hope you'll choose my article to post in your newspaper when the time comes. 4 4 8
703 1 "Dear local Newspaper I believe that computers are a great help to society I will explain my thoughts and ideas to you. I hope you agree with me after reading this. For starters, I would like to say that my first subject is communication, computers allow us to talk to everyday folks or folks that are around the world! There are many ways to talk, text, speech, and webcam, and it is not like you cannot talk to them there are hundreds of communication cients, servers online @NUM1 usually, so you will always be able to someone! Secondly, I would like to say computers have a great way of creation. On a computer you can program @CAPS3, design presentations, documents, drawings, maps, graphs, almost anything you put you mind to can be virtually made. You can gather information from servers websites, @CAPS1, @CAPS2 @CAPS3 you can create and learn a lot on your everyday computer. I am not fisned! There are @CAPS4, @CAPS5, @CAPS6, reading, book sites all on the web! This gives the opprotunity of the ""web searcher"" to have a vast ammount of information! and allow he or she to learn alot more in every day life. Finaly, I would like to say that computers has a wide range of entertennent! There are many to choose from like videos, movies, @CAPS18, @CAPS1, games anything that is suitable for the user or users of the computer. On a game a user @MONTH1 talk to friends, while @CAPS14 a game such as a (@CAPS8 @CAPS9) for example @CAPS10 @CAPS11 @CAPS12 online, @CAPS13 @CAPS14 game. These kinds of games skyrocket entertennent lovers for the vast ammount of enjoyment they can endure while @CAPS14 a @CAPS8 @CAPS9. Another type of entertennent is videos people can watch videos and movies on a video and more website which has a database of not thousands but millions of videos and movies. Whatever the user wants is a text and a click away! The last type of entertennent is @CAPS1 and @CAPS18, these allow the user to daily life or take to friends, family or relatives. To sum this all up I would like to tell you Local news paper that you should agree that computers are a good thing for the society! Please reread and pick the right @CAPS2!" 4 4 8
706 1 Computers have a positive effect on people. Computers can help people learn about news in the world, places and people. Computers can also help people communicate with each other. Computers can also teach hand-eye cordination. People who support advances in technology, believe computers have a positive effect on people. Without computers people could not learn new things. On a computer you can learn about new places. People could see where something is, locate it, or learn about the place. I remember when I was working on a project about @LOCATION2. I had no clue what to do on the topic, so I whent on the computer and looked up @LOCATION2. It told me @LOCATION2 was located in @LOCATION1. Then it showed me a picture of @LOCATION2, and the history of the country. Without the computer I would not have been able to learn about this fasinating country. On a computer you can also learn about historic and famous people. On computers you can read biographies of them, or watch videos of whay they did to become famous. People used to read news out of a newspaper, on computers you can too without paying the cost of buying a newspaper. Computers can also give you a live feed of what is happening in the world. Without computers people could not learn. On computers you can also communicate with people that are very far away. Scientist did a study on how people communicate. @PERCENT1 of @CAPS1 said they used a computer to comunicate with other people. People can use a webcam, aim, or email to communicate with other people. To communicate with my family in @LOCATION2 I use a webcam. To communicate with my friends I use email or aim. Writing letters is to slow, on computer the other person your talking to can reply immediately. On a computer communication is made easier. A computer can also teach you hand-eye cordination. On a computer you see something on the monitor and you can click it without looking down at the mouse to click. This can help you in sports and give you fast reflexes. In many sports you need hand-eye cordination. For example, in basketball you need to look up while you dribbling or you while fall. Computer can give people fast reflexes and helps people in sports. Computer should be part of societys everyday life. Computer have a positive effect of people and they can help people learn new things, like, places, people, and news in the world. Computers are very benefital to society. 5 5 10
708 1 Dear @CAPS1, Computers are an amazing advantage to use in this modern day and age. They are easy to learn how to use, you can connect with old friends, and even learn by going to an online school or college they offer. Computers are amazing advancement and this is why you should use one. Who doesn't like computers? They are easy to learn how to use and are in a variety of forms. Almost every college student has a computer or laptop. They could have never used one before, but then they learned how easy it was. Most computers come already installed with the necessary programs including: @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS2 @CAPS3, or some form of @CAPS2, a virus protection software, and other simple software. Moving is very hard, you leave a place where you have so many friends to a place that is so new to you. Computers make this so much easier by letting you connect with them without having to wait for the mail by writing letters. There is email, facebook, and myspace that let you chat with old friends, new friends, or even parents. Some people say that these things are dangerous, that is only if you start talking to people you don't know. People keep coming up with even more ways to stay connected so don't miss out on the opportunity. These people are so smart, they figured out a way to have school online. This is very helpful to somebody who is injured or is trying to get another degree to get a better job. People get assignments to do and each class only takes about one or two months. People get to do their job or enjoy nature still because their day is open and not busy. Sure people don't get to enjoy the campus, but with the price of gasoline these days, it's worth it. So don't be the person sitting around doing nothing, buy a computer and stay in touch with technology. Remember computers are easy to use, you can stay connected to friends and you can go to school on them. This technology can help you more than it can hurt you. 4 5 9
710 1 "Dear local newspaper, Are computers a bad thing? Certainyly not! They can be distracting but in a enlighting way. How? Computers give you extra knowledge, you can connect with people and if you think they take away exercise, they do not, they can actually help exercise! My first reason that computers are a positive device to have is they can give you extra knowledge. That is great for the brain! When you are sitting at home with a ton of, think again, the computer is there for you. Ask or search anything and you should have a @PERCENT1 guarentee your answer will be found! If you feel like you do not know many interesting subjects like a culture of some sort or something that you heard your computer can tell you. Just one computer can enlighten you with so much. Now when you go back to school you can brag and say ""@CAPS1 you know,?"" People will be amazed. Lately experts have been concerned that the computer device is a distracting item and it will keep you from exercising and enjoying nature, @CAPS2, no need to worry you can learn just nabcur anything on nature when you surf the web! You @MONTH1 find out more of what is in your maryard then you already knew. Exercise! Are you worried you do not get enough exercise? @CAPS2 then, go onto youtube.com, type in exercise and work out. You will come up with millions of exercise routines you can do right infront of your computer. Another thing you can do it get online for how to stay healthy and exercise! Lastly the experts is have been that we people are not having a sccial life and interacting with our family and pals. I would say we spend more time interacting with our buddies and close ones online then we do in public. With sites like facebook, @CAPS3, @CAPS4, @CAPS5, and more we are talking to those people instantly! We are setting up our weekend plans online and a lot of our social life is there. Sometimes we have family that lives long distance, no one wants to pay for a call so we have the internet to connect! In a nut shell, knowledge, exercise, and connecting with buddies are all positives in the computer. You can multi-tase so simply with just one electronic device and that is the computer! Experts, you do not need to worry." 6 5 11
716 1 Dear @CAPS1, Everyone love computers right? Those computers can help us with anything. They also give people facts about faraway places. And not only that but if you have someone that live's away, you can chat with them online! What would this world be with no computers. First of all, I would like to talk about how computer can help us with anything. Computers can give us picture of places, you can watch videos, and even see movies for free! Also you can check the weather, and if going to an airport you can check the flight time or if it has been canceled or not. There is just so many things that the computer can help us with! Now, it can also give you facts opinions, pictures, videos, and movies about faraway places. Like one time I was going to @LOCATION1 to visit but there was a terrible storm over there so the flight was canceled and I went on the computer and checked and it told me that it was canceled. Also if you somewhere faraway you can watch videos about that place. They also have maps to guide you through the way. And not only that but you can also check the highway for traffic so you wouldn't be stuck there. Wow imagine living without a computer! Third of all, if you can chat online with your friends or family! If you miss someone or you just want to talk there is websites that let you do that. Like @CAPS2, @CAPS3, and @CAPS4! And you also see the person if you attach a camera to you computer, it's called video-chatting. And you can do this anyone, anywhere, at any time! In conclusion, all of this can only be done with a computer. Helping you with anything. Giving people facts about faraway places. And, you can talk online. There's many more but for you to know that you'll need to go to the store and get yourself a computer! 5 4 9
721 1 "Dear local newspaper, it has came to @CAPS2 attention that many people do not agree if computers have a beneficial or bad affect on those who use them. In @CAPS2 oppinion they are not beneficial. First when on the computer people have less time to exercise. Also, computers don't always have approprate sites. Finally, people have less time to interact with family and friends. I believe for these reasons that computers have bad affects on people. Without a doubt people who spend hours on the computer everyday have less time to excersice @NUM1 in every @NUM2 young adults are obiese. This is because most teens sit inside watching @CAPS1 or going on the internet instead of being active. Some students are so addicted to computers they never go outside! I understand that computers can be helpful to do school work but, kids who never get off can have life threatening weight problems in the future. As you know many web sites that are not appropriate for teenagers are accesible to them on the computer. Parents have to constantly worry what their child/children are doing just to make sure it is not bad. If less teens used computers as often as they do they would be lifting a nof their parents shoulders. I remember reading a newspaper article about a girl named @PERSON1 on a website chatting with a ""@NUM3 year old guy who later came and found her and turned out to be @NUM4. If kids were not so addicted to the computer than they wouldnt get into these websites. many teens spend there whole day on the computer leaving no time for their family and friends. For example when a friend calls and asks @CAPS2 brother to go skateboarding he says he is busy when he is just on facebook, @CAPS2 friend once said to me ""sorry I can't go to the pool today I am going to play rollercoaster tycoon."" With this attitude toward outdoor activities I am not surprised that students wasting time on computers do not have time for family or friends. As you can see computers effect many people in a negative way. They prevent people from ecersising, expose kids to in approplate websites, and take away from valuable time with family and friends. I hope everyone agrees thet computer aren't beneficial to people." 5 4 9
723 1 Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, I would like to notify your business that computers benefit society. Computers allow people to talk to friends and family, they are important resources for many jobs as well as school work, and they allow people to learn and store information. Computers are one of the biggest advances we have in technology. First and foremost, computers allow people to talk to friends and family. I like to go on the computer, mostly because I'm able to speak with my friends. Computers are a good way to talk to friends that you @MONTH1 not see often or just to talk at the appropriate time. I have a facebook and I always talk to my friends about events happining in school or school work. For instance, last month I sprained my ankle and I stayed home from school for one day. So I went on facebook at around @TIME1, when everyone was home from school and my friend told me what was for homework that night. So, now because of our computers I could catch up on the work that I missed that day of school. Also, if you have family that lives far away or someone in college you can send them an email to keep in touch. My cousin is in college right now and I always talk to him on the computer to see how he is doing. For example, we always talk about sports we are involved with during that time of year. As you can see, computers are a great way to keep in touch with family and talk to friends. Secondly, computers are a big part of many peoples lives because many jobs involve computers; as well as school. Computers are a very useful piece of technology because people use computers for paying bills, jobs and more. For example, my dad tests computer programs as a job. The programs are constructed, then corrected and revised, then finally sent out all over the world. If people weren't allowed to use computers then many people would lose their jobs and many families would be in huge debt. Also, children do a lot of school work on the computer. For example, I take spanish and I earn culture points for my class by answering a question on the computer. Studies show that over @PERCENT1 of children use computers for some sort of school work. Computers are a big part of the working society today. Finally, computers allow people to learn about different places around the world. The computer holds a lot of valuble information. There is facts and fasinating pictures about different countries. It also shows people around the world the culture, style, language and many more facts about places around the world. For instance, my uncle was on the computer one day and he was looking at places in @LOCATION1 and after a long hard thinking process him and his family moved there and they still live there to this day. Computers inspire people to learn and see different places and @MONTH1 lead them to something important one day. In conclusion, I feel very strongly about how positive computers are to society today. I know that you will feel the same way because computers have so much to offer. 5 5 10
728 1 Dear local newspaper did you know that the average person spends @NUM1 hours and @NUM2 minutes a day on the computer? This is why I think that people are spending ton much time on computers. If people spent less time on computers they would exersice more, be outdoors more and spend more time with their family and freind. If people were to spend less time out computers than they would exersize more. With the growingproblem of obesity in @ORGANIZATION2 less time on computers would help this. Tests show that the less time spent on computers the more time spent exersizing. And with @PERCENT1 of @LOCATION1 obese this world help that problem alot. I once had a freind who would allways be outside exersie and playing. Then he got a @CAPS1 acount and he started to be home on the computer all day and would never be exersizing. Less time on computers would also time outdoors. Result from a I took at my school say tahat @PERCENT2 people would go outside if they couldn't use their computer. And it more people are outside will notice how nature is and @PERSON1 says that use of the electricity in a house. So if everyone of it have a effect on if to turn off their computers they would spent more time with friend and family. that there are to freinds and family on programs like @CAPS2, @CAPS1 and it is talking face to. And you could also do like to the and you see people. use @ORGANIZATION1 but you would need and it. I would be alot easyer and less it you would get of the computer and talk to them face to face. This is why I think that people are spending to much time on their computer and it is having a effect on their life. If they were off the computer they would spend more time exersizing, more time helping the environment and more time socializing with their family and friends. So please @LOCATION1 stop using the computer all the time. 4 4 8
733 1 Honestly, I totally and absolutely believe that child internet use should be cut down in the @LOCATION2, because of many reasons. And here are just a few of them. First of all, the internet can make people very obese, for example, if your friend was going to a walk to your house, but then decided to @CAPS1 you instead, he is probably not getting a lot of exercise. As a matter of fact, the leading @CAPS2 in @LOCATION1 is no longer cigarettes. It's obesity. Actually @NUM1 @CAPS3 are obese, with that number still rising. Another reason why internet use should be cut down because bullies, hacker, and terrorists. Because. And the some I believe that child in the @LOCATION2 4 4 8
736 1 "Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 I understand your one trying to decide whether or not computers are bad for people. I for one thing that computers are turning our society anti-social, we are becoming obese, and there is alot of cyber bullying that happens via computers. You can learn about all this and more if read on. @CAPS2 a stated earlier computers many problems in @LOCATION1's social lives. You see @CAPS2 much @CAPS2 @PERCENT1 of our population spends at least @NUM1 hours a ween on the computer. When doing this they are typically . watching videos or tweeting a friends. This @MONTH1 all swim like a activity but it is really pulling us away from our social lives. There are many sites that allow you to chat with your friends and leave messages on their ""wall"" but is that really communicating? In a way it is but it is taking away social skills that we will need later on. You can't get a job by instant messaging a person, you have to talk face to face. But how will we be able to do that if we only email and @CAPS3? Plus while so much you will be prone to using in , thus you with, nothing but a bad grade. Now we to problem that we see occuring all over . You the work on the computer. This activity what , they monitor, lets you at , everyday, since he comes home and plays on the computer and more time exercising. Finally we come to my last issue, cyber bullying. Over @PERCENT2 of @CAPS4 teens will be faced with some sort of cyber bullying in their life. When teens sion up for facebook and twitter they are signing up for depression. When a teen starts to get bullied they usually become sad which then leads them grades to go lower due to lack of concentration and that leads them to be more depressed and that could make them either commit suicide or join gangs and/or start making bad . But we can prevent this if we the of time people out @NUM2 spend on computers. And I think benifit that. In conclusion I believe that is we are bad for society. I think them is we the amount of time could be lives. I think that if you look deep down into what it to say how you will understand why we need to do healthier @LOCATION1? " 5 5 10
740 1 Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, I think that children are spending to much time on the computer for the wrong reasons. I say this because all young children and teenagers want to do is get on to @CAPS3 and @CAPS4 all day instead of reaserching and things like that. I have three reason's why I think going on the computer for the wrong reasons instead of exercising, enjoying nature and interacting with family and friend is a @CAPS5 first reason is because it is very dangerous and there are sometimes kidnappers on the chat room. @CAPS5 second reason is because their taking time away from trying to learn stuff off the internet. @CAPS5 final reason is because the interact influences violence. There are @CAPS5 three reason, on to here more. @CAPS5 reason number one why I say people are spending to much time on the internet is because it is dangerous. Young teenagers and children all enter a chat room online. Most of the time that is bad because kidnappers lie about their information so that you can meet up with them and then they take you away. So instead of being on the chat room you could be on the computer looking on the daily news or searching like that. This is why I say that the internet is not alway good to be on all the time if you aren't or learning about the nation. @CAPS5 second reason why I that speding too much time on the computer all the great sometimes is its taking away from your come in the and go to the computer instead of doing their homework on reading. @CAPS6 like computer sometimes more than they like is learned and thats not good because not knowing I could if they got up their is on the computer for educational games but they dont. reason why I am concerned that people using the computer a lot. @CAPS5 final reason why I am concerned about people using the computer to much is because the internet on the computer can influence @CAPS6 to be violent in @CAPS5 ways all games and going on yo all the that affects the world if they keep seeing violence and things in that nature frequently. I say this because in this generation when they see violence it gives an image in more need and then @MONTH1 think its cool to do it because it @CAPS6 like @CAPS3 more than a book on the computer more than a look. When young teens see violence on the computer @MONTH1 think it's cool. This is @CAPS5 final reason why I was concerned that people are spending too much time on the computer. So these one some of the main reasons why I say that the computer is not always a good because people spend a much time on them. 4 4 8
745 1 Dear @STATE1's newspaper editors I have recently read an atical that was talking about how experts are concerned that people are spending way too much time on their computers. Well I agree with them. I strongly belive that computers are tacking time away from you exercising enjoying nature and even interacting with family and friends. Well if you look at teen's this day and how more and more are becauming over weight like back in the days when their wasn't computer or internet not as much people were over weight or even obiste because they had time to go out and exercis or play sports with othes. Exercising is importent because espeshaly when as a teen you are over weight or even obiste well theis problems just don't go away this will cost you in the futer because not only do you have to chance of getting deobetice but you also have to pay for all the medications and treatments that comes with it. Experts also belives that by spending time on the computer will tack time away from enjoing the things that nature has to offer. When other might argue to it is a good thing for people to learn about the different types of place's in the world. Well I delive why do you have to just read about the places online and look of the picture why can't you be the one tacking the pictures for other to see. And why can't you be the one experincing it insted of just reading about it. Experts also believe that by spending time on the computer it is tacking away time from you being able to interacting with family members and friends. Well as a teen myself I have learned that by intercating with family and friends are vary important to our health. I am not the only person that agrees with that because study shows that kid that can talk to their perents and have good convercations with their parent have the ability to do well in school and have more respect towed others verces the the kid or teen that can't really have conversation or talk to their parents. For example if you are the type of person that talk to your family You will have good grades such as A's and @CAPS1's and will learn to have respect for other and the person that can't talk to their parents have troble concentrating or even macking troble fro themselfs and getting @CAPS2's and @CAPS3's. Well I know that as a @STATE1 newpapper editer you are a vary busy person and have lot of diffent things to do but I hope you take this in to concideration and remmember the importants of exercisin, enjoying rotune and interacting with familys and friends. 5 4 9
751 1 I would like to state on my behalf that I do not agree that computers are good for society. There are three reasons why I do not agree. Many people will not enjoy the outdoors, @CAPS1 people will spend @CAPS1 there time on the computer, and a lot of people will gain wheight to inactivity. When you sit on a computer you dont get off of for a while, why, because you are haveing fun. when you are haveing fun you will not stop wat you are doing, @CAPS2 dont pay attention. Eventually you will get hooked and play on the computer rather than go outside and have fun with your friends. @CAPS4 will just take up all of your time. @CAPS2 when you are bored you find anything that you can possibly do, rather than be bored. Many people are thinking this is a good time to go on the computer but @CAPS3 you bored you will stay on the computer until you have something to do. My mother always tells me when im bored not stay home because @CAPS4 will get worse. There is always something you can do that dosn't you just have to look harder. My last reason is that when you sit at a computer and you are fingers, you gain your wheight you I read @NUM1 children in every years will be obese, not because @CAPS4 runs in the family but because of inactivity. Inacitivity means not active activity. @CAPS3 you calories you will gain weight @CAPS6 wheight is unhealthy and you can stop the problem by just finding something spend your whole life on the computer. In conclusion you @MONTH1 have mixed thaught's @CAPS3 you ever want to go on the computer all the time. @CAPS4 doesnt matter @CAPS3 you go on just dont all the time. But remember my reasons why not to spend too much time. You will not enjoy the outdoors, find something else to do when you are and you will gain wheight @CAPS3 you spend all your time on the computer. 4 4 8
753 1 Dear, local newspaper I agree with @CAPS1 that computers are not good because of different reasons such as putting a person's health in danger for not excersicing much or making people spend more time on a computer than interact with family & friends and sadly also it causes people to change there attitudes and ways of being. But if you wanna hear more than you will just have to read on. There are plenty consequences that people have for spending too much time on the computer, such as people getting addicted to watching certain things or addicted to watching certain things or simply get addicted to the computer itself. Plenty of people now a days, have to wear glasses and probably most of them have to wear them because of too much computer, and it must be really bad having to wear glasses the rest of your life. Also too much computer is bad for a person's health because they're giving more time to a computer than spending that time excercising. I believe people should spend more time interacting with family & friends because it can also make you lose your friends and/or family because your not giving them the time they need & friends and family are one of the most important things in a person's life. And last but not least. too much computer can change a person such as changing their manners, the way they speak, and there attitides. Well I've giving you reasons why I think computers are not good such as, putting health in danger, changing a person's life, and causin them to lose family & friends now is up to you the rest. 4 4 8
766 1 Dear @CAPS1, Have you ever used a computer to do anything besides buisness? Well if not then when you are not busy you should try it. The effects computers have on people is that it's a lot of fun to go on and play, helpful with mostly anything, and you can find just about anything from websites on clothing to maps to the store location. There are three reasons why you should agree with me and these reasons are people have the right to choose what they want to, in this weather it's a little bit to cold to go out and enjoy nature, lastly they can interact with friends and familys online on a website. People have the right to choose what they do because the goverment can't choose for you since they're busy with other more important stuff. Also in the constitution it states that the goverment can't choose for us while we have the power to think. In this weather it's cold to go out, plus nature is so much better in the @DATE1 and the @DATE2 where it's not to hot to cold and thats when the sun is good thats when people should enjoy nature. With all the technology in todays world it's better to take advantage of the technology in this world, also the technology we have is helping people like generators because in old times people didn't have generators. So I hope this letter has changed your opinion and thank you for reading it. 4 4 8
767 1 Dear Newspaper @CAPS1, @CAPS2 opion in thig is that, computer are used all the time. People use them to talk to friends and family online. People also use computers for home work online. And the last rason I say computer are used is just for fun stuff game you can play. I use the computer to look how @CAPS2 teams are doing. Now on to more about why. Computers are good for society, because people use computers to talk to friends and family on @CAPS3, @CAPS4 and @CAPS5. This is a good reson becuase we all have family. So I think that this is a good way to talk to them. An for friends this is a good way because if they move you can talk to them on this. The reson it a bad thing is because people like older men can use the computer for child pornarapy and talk to younger girls about sex and thats not right. Now on to more about using computer for homework. The reson computers are good to us is because people can use there computers for homework. This is good because if you need to do something on our history then that what thats good for this is good because everything you need is on a computer. Now on to more about how computer are good to society. @CAPS2 @CAPS8 reson is because computer are good for fun stuff. Computer can have every game you want they have kid games, @CAPS2 @NUM1 year old sister goes on to the games that you can match. Teenagers can play games on the computer. The compter for me is cool because I can see how @CAPS2 football team is doing. Ho @CAPS2 @CAPS7 are doing. This is why the computer are good. These are @CAPS2 opion on this is that compter are used all the time peopl use them to talk to frend and family online. Peope also use computer for homework. Finally last and @CAPS8 reson is because you can use it for fun games for kids. An I can check how @CAPS2 teams are doing. 4 4 8
770 1 Dear Readers, I understand some people are concerned that people spend too much time on the computer and that it is bad. I disagree, computers can help keep family members that live far away in touch. You can also see pictures of things that you cant see everyday. Finally, it helps your school work. I know a family that has a son fighting in the @LOCATION1. He brought his laptop with him so he was ask to video chat with his family. It seemed as though he never left. Without it, his family would wonder how he was and be worried. You don't have to have a family member at war to talk to them on the computer. Have you ever wanted to see what @LOCATION2 looks like? You don't have to travel there to find out. All you have to do is search it on your computer! If you live in a city with not a lot of nature in it, you can see what its like outside it with the computer. Seeing those sights @MONTH1 make you to travel, travelling with your family brings you closer. A study shows @PERCENT1 of families that go on vacations have strong relationships. Having a computer is mandatory for school. It is the best thing to research with. @PERCENT2 of students that are failing don't use a computer for homework. There are also websites that you can use for studying. There is a student in my school that failed most of his classes. He never used a computer. His friend suggested using one at home if he was having trouble, which he tries. He used a computer to help study for a test he had the next day. He ended up getting a @PERCENT1 on the test because he used a computer. It doesn't matter you using a computer for homework, talking with friends and familym or it is one of the most important inventions ever made. 4 4 8
774 1 Did you know that computers are the number @NUM1 selling electronic device in the world? I think that computers are only making our soceity a smarter and more inteligent place. Also computers help old time friends and family keep in touch. Finnaly I think they are helping are society because computers teach great hand-eye coordination. Studies have shown that @PERCENT1 of the people growing up with computers at home have a high paying job! Computers are very intelligent pieces of equipment and if you know how to use a computer you will most likley hae a high paying carreer. Also mostly every job from doctor to police officer to casheer at a store all involve computers and to go those jobs you must know how to work a computer. This is only one of the many reasons I think computers will benifit our soceity. Secondly, I think that this price of technology benifits soceity because it keep family, friends and workers in touch. Have you ever had a time where you think back and wish you could see your old high school friends or even family living. Far away, @CAPS1 computers are one of the most popular ways to do so with all the new websites like @CAPS2, twitter or even your old email website people are keeping in touch all over the world. Another way computers help old time friends keep touch with the new video camera in the computer, family, friends and workers can actually see each other from different parts of the world. A simple message though one of these websites will make someones day and could even make yours. Finnaly I think that computers benifit our soceity because they teach hand eye coordination other life skills. How do you think people can shoot a gun so and so quickly or how do you think a baseball player can swing at such a perfect time. All these things revolve around hand-eye coordination which is best learned by computers. Also people can save lives by just a type about a hurricane, tornado anything but if they do not know how to work a computer many people can get injured or die. These are only three of the many reasons I think computers benifit our soceity. So think twice about the negative comments people say about computers. 4 4 8
777 1 Dear @LOCATION1, Computers are a neccessity to life. They benefit not only the community but the whole world! They provide education for anyone who has access to the internet. Secondly, it's a form of communication. Also, computers can be fun and entertaining. As you know, education is one of the most important things in anyone's life. Where would we be without a computer to help? Think about how many times you've used @ORGANIZATION2 or @CAPS1 to search something you didn't know the answer to. It's a lot, right? I do research everytime I get a random question jammed in my head. Imagine how tough it would be without a computer to rely on when you have no idea how to answer something. Another thing is there are online courses now for students. Some college students have to look up their assignments and how to do them on their professors web page. Also, how world students know what their homework is if they can't check the @PERSON1 homepage? I check it almost everyday when I come home from school. It's great that the teachers care enough to post the homework. Without computers, we'd have a higher percentage of students not doing their homework. @NUM1 out of every @NUM2 people in @LOCATION2 has some form of online communication program. Whether it's @ORGANIZATION3 @CAPS2 or @CAPS3, maybe even youtube, or just a simple e-mail, practically everyone has one. How else are yousupposed to talk to your friends after school? What do you expect us to do call them? Then wwwe would be on the phone for hours! Anybody with a teen at home knows that. Also, computers help deaf people talk. They just type in what they want to say and out it comes.I remember when a lady came to our school who was blind and deaf and she demonstrated how to use that special program. Another reason is teachers and parents use e-mail to talk about academics and their children. Clearly communication is a must have. Therefore, computers are a benefit to society. There is no way that anybody over the age of @NUM3 has never played a computer game sometime in their life. Except, of course, if they don't have internet access. I know I used to play computer games, but they started to slow down my computer so my dad told me I had to stop or I can't use the computer anymore. Woops! Still, you can use the computer to look up cheats on video games. Oh come on like you haven't done that! Or at least your children have. Also, you can use specific programs like @ORGANIZATION1 @CAPS4 or @CAPS5 @CAPS6 to create a cover page for a project or a presentation for your corporal business. In other words, computers are pleasurable. As you can see, computers are extremely educational. They provide search engines to figure out anything you're ever wanted to know about. Like, foreign places or movies. Anything. Also, we wouldn't have as much communication with people. How would we e-mail friends in @LOCATION3 without computers? Finally, you can find pleasure in computers. They are beneficial. 5 5 10
781 1 "Dear @PERSON1 the editor of the @LOCATION1 citizen, @CAPS1 has been brought to my attention from some people around @LOCATION1 that computers and technology are bad for us. I have also heard that people believe in the tecnology. So, the reason why I'm writing today is about this issue is to put my beliefs out there. I believe that this new technology is effecting our daily exercising, playing outside to enjoy nature and interacting with friends and family. Now that are new technology with computers and such, people are distracted and do not want to exercise. This will effect our youth because we will be fat, unhealthy and sluggish all the time. @PERSON1 we don't want this to happen to our youth because we are the future and if this keeps up the state and country will suffer. Another reason is that its good to exercise and not be on the computer or watching @CAPS2 all the time is because @CAPS1 has been proven you have more energy and will feel happier most of the time. Computers do not do that for us at all. A poll even says that @PERCENT1 of people get headaches and feel tired after being on the computer. Exercise won't do that at all. Sence all of our new technology with @CAPS2 and other gagits people really don't go outside play around and enjoy nature anymore. I was asking my mother about this topic and she said, ""@CAPS4 these days just don't go outside anymore. I remember when I was your age and my mother would kick me outside at @NUM1 am and I wouldn't be back home until around @NUM2 pm."" I believe that this should still happen. Maybe parents should still do this with their @CAPS4 and have them run around the neigborhood with other @CAPS4. If we did this more offtine maybe @CAPS4 and adults too. will just do this naturally and will not have to relie on computers or @CAPS5 for entertainment. Don't you think this is a good idea @PERSON1? My last topic is with computers and cellphone and how we really don't interact with friends and family anymore. Now a days Friends aim, video chat or text each other instead of going and doing something with them. This isn't really healthy for us because we might not know how to talk to people in real life. Also is someone aims or texts you, you really don't know how their tone is because you are not talking to them face to face. Lastly I know familys that get hurt by technology because that is all they do. They don't put down their get off their emails and they feel like they don't see each other. This is also not a health relationship with family members. @PERSON1 I really hope I have persuade to you that technology is only ok to use sometime and not very day. Remember technology is bad because we don't exerce, play outside and enjoy nature and really don't interact with friends and family members. Thank you for your time." 5 5 10
782 1 Dear I think computers greatly benefit society, and advance technology. They provide knowledge in a click, and entertainment after a long day out work or school. Not only that, but people have found long-lasting careers because of the invention of the computer. So obviously, computers are a great influence on society. Do you want to find out when major legue baseball first came to be? Or maybe you have a history report due the next day, and your parents can'@CAPS3 drive you to the library? This isn'@CAPS3 a problem anymore. Computers have evolved a long way since they were invented in the @NUM1's. You can check up on your local news, by having @NUM2's of electronic newspapers right at your fingertips. Or maybe you want to venture outside your neighborhood, and check out what's happening in @LOCATION2 or @LOCATION1. News isn'@CAPS3 the only thing the internet is useful for though. You can also go onto one of the @DATE1's of websites for school help, or check how the stock market is doing. Or, you can just use the handy calculator found right on your desktop. What could be better? Of course not all users have a computer for information. Many have it for entertainment purposes. In fact @PERCENT1 of people use the computer for entertainment everyday. What, with all the fun stuff you can do, who can blame them? Social networking is placed at the top of the list. A whopping @PERCENT2 of internet users use sites like @CAPS1 or @CAPS2. These sites are useful for catching up with friends you might not have seen in years or continue a conversation from @NUM3 minutes ago. You can also use computers to watch live-streaming @CAPS3.V, or that new @CAPS4 you got yesterday. That's right, @CAPS3.V's might not be needed soon! And what would a compter be without games? There are @NUM2's of @DATE1's of them scattered all across the web. How great is that? And finally, many people have found their careers through the internet. Did you know that @PERSON1, @NUM5, was found through you tube when his mom posted videos for the family to see when they couldn'@CAPS3 attend proformances? Of couse, you tube isn'@CAPS3 the only way to make money. Tons of jobs are listed by employers only for the curious person to find. No more wondering city streets, now you can just submit on aplication or have an interview without ever leaving your. Artists have also discovered talents, by playing around with @CAPS6 or @CAPS7. Not to mention the career paths involving computers directly, such as repairing or movie special effects. So no matter what you use a computer for have it be job hunting, entertainment, or information, they are a good idea to have them in your home. There's a erason that @PERCENT3 of @CAPS8 use them, and it's not just an excuse to sit around all stay. 6 5 11
792 1 Computers are good for school uses, skills, and just for fun. Computers are a good source to have, now that is just my opinion. But, I think computers are mostly for pre-teens and teenagers. Adults mostly use them for business. The fun uses that the computer provides are @CAPS1, @CAPS2, @CAPS3, etc. @CAPS1 is one of the most popular chat groups on the internet, @CAPS2 is another popular chat group. They both have some of the same characteristics like chatting to your friends, updating your status every now and then uploading pictures, songs, etc. There are websites that could be used for free time like music websites where you are allowed to watch music videos or downlosd music onto your ipod. @CAPS3 is a website teenagers of kids go on to watch some of their favorite music videos. Itunes is the program where you can download any song, music video, tv show, or movie onto and ipod. Computers also provide microsoft @CAPS5, publicher, powerpoint, etc. All these can be used for school purposs. @CAPS5 allows you to type up anything you want for school. You can type up a @NUM1 page essay if you wish. You can cut and paste pictures for a project you might have due. You can change the colors, font size, and font style on @CAPS5. That use could be for a design on the front of a cover page for an essay or project. Publisher can be used for projects as well. In school of you need to make a newspaper, flyers, business cards, etc. publisher alloews you to make them. Powerpoint is a program where you can make different slides in anything. Computers can be put to good use for many different things. If people don't agree with that then they don't understand that computers help children and adults with everyday things. Some kids who have special needs @MONTH1 need the computer to comunicate with others. Computer, I think, are a big help in the world. 4 4 8
793 1 Dear @CAPS1, I believe that computers have a very positive effect on people. Now as technology keeps advancing there are many educational options online, you can now interact with people without physically being with them and you can play games that will enrich your lives. Firstly, I believe that computers offer a wide variety of educational options. On the internet alone you can view your school textbook. You can also have extra practice with the many resources that come with the online textbook. Without physically bringing your textbook home you can view the book online. There are tons of extra practice, and practice quizes in the online textbook that are perfect for studying. Also, when you see on the internet you can get real time updates of major events in the world. For example, the other day I logged onto the internet and saw an article about the earthquake in @LOCATION1. I saw nothing of this in the newspaper, but the internet was so up to date that you can stay informed about something that happened only a few minutes ago. But if you choose not to utilize the internet, there are many programs that are very helpful for learning. That are direclly cetered to developing your children's math and reading skills. These programs can give anyone a jumpstart in education. Another opportunity that could be helpful on a computer is the ability to interact with other people. Video chatting, @CAPS2, and using social @CAPS3 sites are very good ways to interact with people. When you video chat you can have a conversation with some on class on video! Even most they are not physically with you talk to. Instan messaging is a less direct, but still useful who talk to someone far away. You can share the news or just have a conversation with anyone you know. Lastly, social @CAPS3 sites such as facebook, and twitter are a valuable way to communicate with people. You can past messages, play games or simply talk to someone on these websites. They certainly take the best parts of online interaction and put them together. Finally, there are many online games that are very useful. If you ever wanted to go bowling but you never had the time you could play a game online. Or if you have ever wanted to drive a stock car you could play a game online. These online games are good ways to sire you the opportunity to do something you wont normally do. Also many games help sharpen your reflexes and your quick thinking skills. These could possibly cary over into the situations where you need good reflexes and quick thinking. Games could possibly be very useful when you need to prepare yourself something. Also online games are for and enjoying also. Overall I believe the computer is a valuable resource in advertion, interacting with other people and playing useful games. After all who could pass up the opportunity to better prepare yourself for life? 5 6 11
796 1 Isn't it great getting a refreshing when your outside? Wouldn't you experiences the rush of jumping into the crashing waves of the @LOCATION1 instead of sitting inside, gazing at pictures of the @LOCATION1? You might think that computers are helping society today, but you are wrong. The human race has survived over hundreds of years without computers and we can survive hundreds more. Computers are helping society become more and more lazy. We can get just as much information out of books if we try our best. Hand-eye coordination is important, and we can get it though activities, such as football, and tennis. We can also get it from activities! Drawing, reading, and even playing an instrument can all improve hand-eye coordination while letting you explore your creative side. Some people believe that computers teach hand-eye coordination, and it can but there are better ways to get it. It would take longer to get it from a computer than an activity. Many people like to travel in all different places of the world, but going to a foreign area with no knowledge don't smart at all. So what do you do? Go the most convinient source, internet. But what if I told you that any person could put anything on the internet? You could be getting info on @LOCATION3 when you think you're getting info on @LOCATION2. The most reliable source would be from a book. Reading is very powerful, especially if you're reading from a good source. Kids lately have been making lives on the internet. The only way they communicate is through online chat. Chatting online can/should never replace time in person with friends. Relationships with others online is never real. We're using our knowledge of how to communicate with others. The internet isn't worth it. So as you can see computers are no good. Thank you. 4 4 8
802 1 Dear local newspaper, The question that everyone is asking is do computers benefit to society. I used to think they didn't benefit to society but now I think they do. I think this because, one good place to get information, two we live in a technological advanced society, and three you can keep in touch with people that are at the other side of the world. so do computers really benefit to our society? Computers are a valuable resorce for me when I need to get information. For example, in my recent project in social studies class I need to go on the computer to get information on the subject. Also if you need facts on something and you can't go to the libary the computer has the same information. Also the computer is helpful when trying to find maps to a certain place or a phone number to a store. The computer is and always will be a great source of information. In the @DATE1 technology is a huge part of society. For example the first computer that came out was this huge block that when you did something on it you would put in cardboard card. Now we havethin and small portable computers. So knowing how to use a computer is vital to keep up with the @DATE1. So are you going to let technology pass you by? Computers are one of the best ways to keep in touch. For example if you call someone across the world your phone bill will sky rocket. But if you go on a website like facebook you can talk for free. Also another way to chat with people is by A.I.M. Another free way to talk to people. What same person wouldnt want to talk to their friends and family acroosthe worl, for free? The reasons I have given you are valid reasons with deatails. Technology is like a train are you going to live it. 4 4 8
811 1 Dear, @CAPS1 @CAPS2 @CAPS3 computers are useful they have a negative affect on people. Due to the advance in computers many people do not go outside as much anymore. People are so busy with computers that they dont even spend quality time with their friends and family anymore. Obesity is also a big issue. Computers are ruining peoples expierence with the great outdoors. Many peope, mostly kids stay inside all day playing video games on computers. Outside there is great things to do like go to the park or play sports. Computers are just taking away from kids and now they dont get to expierence the fresh outside fun and are now a days kids in the @DATE1 stay inside all day, instead of going to fun outside camps. Families now a days are being broken up due to computers. The parents or even kids are not spending lots of time with each other due to the computers. As a result the family starts to lose the bond between each other familys can also develop these ways, youth most likely get attracted to computers, so its either the son or daughter who are not emotionally or physically contacting with the family which is a problem. Health is a big issue when it comes to computers. Whats happening is teenagers or even adults are sitting at the computer playing these games or surfin the web then eating dinner then continueing to surf the web or play the games. After time the starts to become worse and worse and the kids gain weight and keep gaining wait then become obese and unhealthy. This is a problem all over america, that is technology keeps advancing and advancing the youth will become very unhealthy. In conclusion, computers have a very negative affect on people. People are not going outside as much anymore. Families relationships are being ruined and peoples health is at steak! If this does not change americas future will be at risk. 4 4 8
815 1 "Dear Newspaper, Computers today have a negative effect on people. The valuable time of getting daily exercise is reduced, you will not see your family enough and some of the costs are outrageous! Owning a computer is surely not a good idea. is sitting around all day your idea of a workout? Having a computer would be very bad for your physical lifestyle. Clicking a mouse & typing away are only moving your hands, not your whole body. An individual who doesn't use the computer daily, or f or large amounts of time would be healthier than someone who always uses the computer. I remember seeing a commercial about @NUM1 children & how their lives eneded up later on in life just by their computer usage as a ""tween."" Not only will you be unhealthy but anti-socialism is probable too. Many kids, or even adults, spend precious family time playing the sims @NUM2 creating their own ideal family. This however, is not acceptable. Spending time with your family is something precious. When asked about computer usage, @PERSON1 said, ""you could easily became addicted with just @NUM2 turns!"" @CAPS1 you are addicted, both your family & you suffer. They will stop inviting you places. You wouldn't want to loose the people who are going to be ther for you, on another what. ""@CAPS2!"" shouts your computer. You have another virus. uh oh, it's deleting your hardware: all your scholastic essays, important book-marked websites & sentimental photographs. Do you have any idea how much it would cost to even try to retrieve this data? Well, it'd be alot. I know youre probably thinking, ""This couldn't happen to me,"" but in reality; yes it can storing things on a computer is much riskier than having a hard copy. It will also save you more money. Furthermore, appliances use electricity @CAPS1 they're even plugged into an outlet! So when you get your electric bill, don't be surprised, computers can be very costly which, is why it's not worth it to have one. Computers are just another unnecessary thing in life. It will take away from your over-all health, reduce family time, & cost you same big bucks. It is a fact that you can survive without a computer. But without hjealth? Well, you'd be dead. I you to consider my ideas." 5 5 10
818 1 Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 you think computers are bad for society. It came to my attention that many people are concerned that computers are not very good in my opinion I think computers are They help typeing skills. Computers are also very helpful with and crofing pictures, and they make it to find information. First of all, computer are very helpful with typing skills. Other people doesn't use computers takes six years to @CAPS3 younger people like young skills use very quickly. Actuly @PERCENT1 of teens can type in a minutes Who takes @NUM1 minutes. Computers have a great effect on many people with their typeing skills. Computers makes it so copier with so many pictures editing and many more, editing pictures from a expensive digital @CAPS2 it for free on your computer? A computers makes it and it through a lack of information to just computer and find it faster. The computer you can look for information make faster. For example you have to @CAPS2 a project on @CAPS4. Instead of going to the library and spending more on a book about @CAPS4 you can go on google.com and type in @CAPS4. So much information and so much faster. Get with the program computers are in. In conclusion, I think computers is a great invention. They make it easier to find information and typing skills. Also they make it so much easier to crop and edit photos, please take my suggestions sereusly. 4 4 8
819 1 Some experts are concerned that people are spending too much time on their computers and less time exercising, enjoying nature, and interacting with family and friends. I think oposite though. I think this way because you @MONTH1 have to look up something on the computer one day. Some jobs you have to apply by computer. Another thing is a computer allows you to talk online with other people. The first reason why I think using a computer is good for people is because you @MONTH1 have to look up something on the computer one day. What I mean by this is you might have to look up a job, you might want to get away so you look up vactions that you can take or you might have to pay a bill one day. The second reason why I think using a computer is good is because some jobs you have to apply by computer. Such as stop and shop, price right, and save-alot. To add on to that this is good for are society because if we use paper thats killing more trees. The third reason why I think using a computer is a good because this allows you to talk online with other people. Therefore you @MONTH1 need to contact a family member or even an old friend, meet new people or you might not like to talk on the fone, so you rather talk by computer. Now I told you all the reasons why I think using a computer is good. @MONTH1 have to look up something on the computer, some jobs you have to apply by computer, lastly allows you to talk online with other people. These are some good pros. So I hope you take my opinion in consideration. 4 4 8
823 1 Some experts are concerned about people using computers and not enjoying nature and going outside. In my opinion people should use the computers but not a lot. It's @CAPS1 to use the computer to chat with freinds, search some stuff you never seen. I say this because some people get addicted to computer games, or talking to your freinds the whole day. Next reason is to go outside, you can enjoy more stuff like sports, tag, and other activities. Instead of talking to a freind on the computer go to the park and talk or invite them over to you house. Another reason why I the exports are right about people and computers is to learn about nature and learn how to do things. I hope you have found my interduction good and reading on. My first reason is people getting addicted to computer games and other computer fetures. The reason I say this is because some people do get addicted on computer, it's @CAPS1 to go on it some time's but not to much. It is better to go outside you got fresh air its nice and cold. If you have a dog you should take for a walk or walk with your freinds. My next reason is going outside playing sports or running alround playing tag. Instead of using you could go to the park to play basketball or baseball. There are so many fun thing's you can do outside. You should go to your school and tryout for any sport that your good at. That way when you get bored there is always something to do, instead of being home all day. The last reason why I perfer nature over computers is learning on how to do something. It's better to learn stuff in real life than in computer's. Your dad can teach you how stick bricks together to make a chimny, or on how to use a lawn mower to cut other peoples yard's to make money. 4 4 8
827 1 I think computers have a postitive affect on people. Computers are very important to society. You can still interact with Your Family and friends either in @CAPS1 chat or @CAPS2. Computer are also helpful for applying for @CAPS3 like you can look for @CAPS3 you like. You can do @CAPS5 exciseses and useful for @CAPS5 essays. If you have a laptop you can bring it anywhere you want you don't have connect anything it take wireless and you can connect to the @CAPS6. You can look up stuff on the @CAPS6 for your homework and other stuff. Buy things without having to go to the store. These are reasons why computers have a postitive affect on people. 3 3 6
828 1 "Dear @CAPS1, Computers have been an incredible help to many people as they advance in knowlege. But, many people do not think about the negative affects of computers. Computers make research easier to find, and they organize data well and quickly. Computers make comunication easy, but there are many negative affects as well as positive. Chat rooms on computers are a great way to communicate quickly, but they can also be dangerous. More and more kids are spending time on computers, rather than outside excersising and communicating with friends and family. Chat rooms are commonly used by kids as well as adults. Kids use them to talk with friends, make plans, and catch up relatives. But kids aren't the only people that use chat rooms. Adults use them too. Some for good, others for bad. Adults sometimes have chats for their work to talk with their fellow workers. They can communicate easily what has been done and what needs to be done at the office such as what bills have been paid. This is a good way for workers to know whats going on outside of the office. There, are many other useful advantages of computers. Some other advantages of computers are the computers functions. Computers are good for finding information quickly. Computers are useful to find information for school projects. Computers can also take that information, and organize it on graphs, and computer programs such as microsoft powerpoint. Other pluses about computers, are that they can teach hand-eye coordination. Typing can help majority with this. Typing is also another advantage. If people don't have great pendmanship, they can use a computer to type essays, homework, and school projects. This makes reading the assignment easier for the student as well as the teacher. There are many advantages to computer, but there are also disadvantages. More and more kids are spending is their free time on the computer, instead of ouside exercising. This is causing kids to become less active. Being in a chat room all day is also a disadvantage. Kids today are using a new language in chat rooms as well as texting. They are using abrevations for words and phrases, such as ""idk"" for ""i dont know"". This language is damaging how kids read and write. Although chat rooms on computer can be useful, they can do also be dangerous. Kids as well as adults go into chatrooms and talk to other people, saying invalid information about themselves. Such as age. Some adults go into chat rooms and pretend to be a teenager. They talk to kids until they find out something like an address, phone number, school, and district. Once they got information like that, they can find out many other things about kids. this is extremely dangerous and unfortunately, it does, and has happened. As you can see there are many advantages as well as disadvantages. I believe, if people can find a balance between them, people will agree more about computers. In my opinion computers are handy, but dangerous. If kids are more careful online, and spend more time outside than on the computer, there would be less controversy. Parents would be less concerned about their childs safety and health if kids only used computers for homework, and were safe about who they talk to online. Also, what kids say in profiles. If all of this happened, there would be a balance, and I think people would be less drasticly over a period of time, and people would be more comfortable." 4 5 9
830 1 Dear @ORGANIZATION1, Computers have a positive impact on people. Although people aren't outside being active, computers still benefit in a good way. Computers teach hand-eye coordination they're convient and you can interact online with diffrent types of people. Surely, computers teach hand-eye coordination. There are many website on the internet that teach kids to type. Typing helps kids learn the alphabet, learn what the letters look like and shows them where the keys are. Also, there are other sites where the computer interacts with you. Last, there are many kids even adults who have disiexing and get their letters jumbled, but there are softwares where when you type it will say what letter you have typed. Therefore computer teach hand-eye coordination. Have you ever been one of those students who write their papers, but get bad grades because their handwriting was messy? Using a computer is more convient and will make your due assignment as neat as ever. First, computer are convient because you have the answer to any question just at the click of button. Next, theres no need to spend money and go buy a book to look up research just research online for free. Finally, it is convinient for teachers and your employees, because if you need to send in a paper do it via-email. Getting a paper by email is much easier than getting it in pen with samples. Computer are convient in many ways. Computers allow people @NUM1 video chat and talk online. First, there are many families who have at least one member who lives in a different place. Computer allow families to see each other online. Without ever leaving their state. Next, there are other families who have a mom, dad, husband or wife in the army and haven't seen each other in person in years, but see each other on line. Lastly, there are many students and teachers who teach and learn online. This is easy for most people who have busy lives. Therefore you can interact online. As you can see computers have a positive effect. They teach hand eye coordination. They supply online chat, and are very convient. So next time you go to the library to research a book, stay at home do the same online. 5 5 10
831 1 I belive having computers in a household is a good idea. They can play games, learn, talk and many more. Here are my three reasons having a computer is a good thing. Having a computer is great to play games! There are so many varieties to choose from. There are card games, board games, even @NUM1 games! You can play solo, but it might be more fun and easyier to bring some friends along for the ride. As you can see having a computer can be fun, but its not the only thing to do on a computer. Useing a computer to learn is wonderful too. The computer can take you to places you have never seen, heard, or been to before, or maybe a place you couldn't afford to go. You @MONTH1 learn that in on place it's sunny all the time and in other places it's not. Another thing the computer can teach you is about animals. Animals have been here way be for us. There is still much we dont know about them. Many scientists have spent their lives studying animal and have put it on the iternet for you to better educate yourself. The computer can also teach you hand-eye. Hand-eye is great to have if your trying out for a sport like football, baseball, and basketball. Also you never know when you'll need to catch somthing. My final reason is also very helpful. Being able to talk on the computer is good to using voice chat or instint messenger is your choice. While talking on the computer you might make some new friends that share the same intrests and hobbies you do. And you can chat with them as long as there online. Also while your talking you can express your ideas and feelings. Somtimes you might just need to blow off some steam. Or maybe post an idea that can one day be famous. As you can see games, learning and talking are easier to do on the computer. This is why I think. 4 4 8
837 1 Dear, @ORGANIZATION1 the big rectangular shaped black or white box with lights and beeps, the compter was a smart idea,! But why do you ask,? i'll show you. This device can teach you a new language, skype can let you talk to @CAPS1 on the web or on phone!, (but you still have to pay @MONEY1.) you can surf the web or have a laugh on youtube, who needs to go out and buy stuff when on ebay or amazon just order and your done, (but you still have to wait.) why go to blockbuster to rent movies when you can go on netflix and order a movie and keep it for as long as you like, no late fees, no driving all the way to the movie store, no more of that please!. Next lets go back to the web, @CAPS2 you own a @CAPS3 or a built in camera on your laptop or netbook, you can video chat with @CAPS1 and family across the globe!, @CAPS2 you'r the kind of person that like video games then boy you will love this!, @CAPS5 ~~@CAPS6's can download games such as sim's, spore, etc. then you will love the @CAPS6. MACs also share good stuff such as the finder, safari, dashboard, etc, so thats all i have to say about @CAPS8. And now you are probably asking which computer should i get?, @CAPS9 @CAPS12 friend's at @ORGANIZATION1 @ORGANIZATION1 you have the abillty to choose either @CAPS8 or @CAPS6, but it's not @CAPS12 disision to pick out your computer, it's yours so go out and create an investment for a computer today!. but im not finished yet you can also pick a laptop, a desktop, or a netbook I can tell about all of them and I will, a laptop is good @CAPS2 your on the go a lot and @CAPS2 your in the office or you have a lot of business trips its a good idea th have a laptop at hand,. a desktop is good @CAPS2 your home a lot and work is oniline on the web or just llike the comfort of home than a desktop is right for you!, and last but not least, the netbook, it's good @CAPS2 your on the go a lot especialy when yory on vacation, and it fits nicely on your lap or on a table or @CAPS2 you dont want to get up to use the computer just grab your netbook and your ready to go, I almost forgot all netbooks come with a built in @CAPS3 so @CAPS2 your on vacation and you dont have a phone or computer just go on your netbook and there you go. well thats all I have to say thanks for reading 4 4 8
842 1 "@CAPS1. The computer is a wonderful thing! However the effects it has on people can be bad. Think of it this way, it has magnetic forces that pull people to it and keep them @CAPS3 for hours. These magnetic forces keep people from exercising, stops them from spending time with family and friends and most importantly if they aren't being careful they can get into some cyber danger. I spoke with the @CAPS2 of @PERSON2 and he said @CAPS3 are so many people on their computers, people aren't getting enough exercise!"" @CAPS4 people dont get enough exercise their bodies expand and become obese. This happens a lot to average people. The @CAPS2 and I thought up some great ideas while I was @CAPS3 and we think for one week in @DATE1 we are going to live without any electricity! Computers are very use-full, they help spread important information around fast and make it easy to talk to friends and family. Even though you are talking to them you are not learning any new social skills. Typing on the computer is a lot different from talking in person. Usually you would type ""u"" instead of ""you"" or ""r"" instead of ""are"". Talking over the computer is great!"" says @PERSON1, ""But actually seeing my family and talking talking to them is way better."" @CAPS6, @CAPS7, @CAPS8, and way more sights websites can put you in cyber danger! Cyber danger is @CAPS4 you get in trouble on the computer. This can happen @CAPS4 you put up bad pictures of yourself or other people, @CAPS4 you talk to someone you have never met before, or you say something really mean to that girl you don't like. Those situations can all put you in a really tough place. Even if you have a webpage and you put it on private @CAPS3 is always a way to get in. @CAPS3 is also something called cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is @CAPS4 you get bullyed or are bullying another person over the computer. Don't think that no one will know @CAPS3 are ways to track down coversations between people. I really hope you all take this into account @CAPS4 you think about sitting at your computer! Go outside, spend time with your family and friends, and be careful from cyber danger! ""@NUM1"" bye!""" 4 4 8
843 1 Alot of people would disagree that computers are benefiting people. But I think that computers are exremely helpful because they are a good way to learn, they are fun to use, and it's also a goodway to talk to old friends. I know there are some people who are on computers alot more than they should but still computers are very helpful. Computers are a very good way to learn because on a computer you could easily find out whi the @CAPS1 of @LOCATION1 is. But if you didn't use a computer and you went to a library it could take hours to find the right and find were in the book it is. You could also learn about news faster without writing for it to come on the news channel. Computers are a lot beter than having to drive to a library because with just a couple as clicks you could find what you want and be done. Computers are also fun because you can play little games on the internet that could easily take up on extra @NUM1 minutes that yu might have on a work break or before school. And even some games exercise your mind like solitare its fun but hard. But there are some games that people tend to over do because they go addicted. But most people haven't ever prayed a game like that or only play once in a while. Lastly computers are a good way to stay in touch with old friends because there are a lot of ways to talk to people online like say if when you were in high school your best friends moved away you sould still talk to people on a chat room were you can text. or a video chat were you actualy see them face to face. In conclusion I think computers are helpful because you can learn, play and talk to people. Computers are best all around helpful. 4 4 8
849 1 Dear, Local @ORGANIZATION1 paper I do think that computers benefit society, because if a student needs to write a report europe their going to weell. A computer to give the quier accesible information is do there project at home. Computers are great ways to meet people online so that you stay social and not. They also teach hand-eye-cordination. So you eyes are beter their seeing nothing. I also think computer benifits society because it could get student motivated in passing there test or passing the school year and getting the to use it. Computers are also a great of knowledge and can get kids to be better on a subject like history, or science, you should agree with me because local @ORGANIZATION1 papers got there information off the internet sometimes and with our computers @ORGANIZATION1 would be slow and. Computers also have positive effects on people because it teaches them the dangers of things and they could be more and, and computers give finger strongly gripto be a lot faster, and computers are the fastes way to know about the @ORGANIZATION1 or about the wether, like if there wits going to be a snow storm you could check if you got school. 3 4 7
857 1 Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 Newspaper, Have you ever wanted to see your @CAPS3 that lives across the country? Well computers can do that. Ther re positive in effecting people in more ways, such as letteing people communicate with family or friends from across the world or letting everything be easy to find what they @CAPS4 many people are people isolate and keeping them from talking to family / friends I is helping them by being to chat or type to them. People can now talk to reltives in the comfort of thre home without having to about how they look. Computer also phone bills because of call your mom in @LOCATION1 just go on I chat and chat with her, it's just @CAPS5 you can see the computers Some people also think computers give people to much access to but ther it give people the of know what they This is good for school to for look for In my fall @NUM1. or people @CAPS6 you can see computers let you find the information you the time has that @CAPS7 computers without or keeping people away from family 4 4 8
861 1 Dear Newspaper, I know the debate on wether computers benifit soscity is greatly debated but to me the answer is odvious. The internet is an extreamly useful invention, used in all schools and is only inconvient when misused. I'm not saying that its @PERCENT1 nessary for every house to contain one, but that its a luxay most people have. The computer and internet combination is probally one of the most genis ideas ever thought up. It is basically any information in a click. Websights such as myspace and facebook allow you to connect and reconnect with friends old and new. Also the ability to create your own web page is greatly useful when trying to promote a bisnuess or company. Not only that but the internet also makes it possible to purchace clothes online without having to go to the store. I know thats useful for those parents, like many that hate driving to the mall. Second, I can garentuee you that almost every school in the country has a working computer with accessable internet. The computer was just one huge leap forward for eduication. These are many websights with a eduicationly purpose only. These are websights like this for children and adults of any age. Many teachers now adays are assinging homework where the internet is nessary. Also tests such as the blue ribbon test are taken online. I can tell you right now that mant teachers would be torn apart without the compluter. Lastly, one of the most important issues. The downsides of the internet. Even though myspace and facebook are ment for good they also have a dark side. 4 4 8
862 1 Dear @PERSON1 editor, I think that the computers have both positive and negative effects, but more positive. For example, when people get home from work or school, they immedlatly go on the computer, to check email, do work, or to play games. I think that it's good to connect with friends and learn about the far away nature and people that we cant see, but too much of it will be bad. I know it will be bad because it can cause a lack of exercise and the computer can cut you off from your family and friends if you're on it too much, I think it's good to go on the computer for a limited amount of time each day, but also spend time outside with family and friends. The computer is good because of all the extrodinary things it offers and the things you can learn. I myself like to play video games on it like bubble spinner but at the same time I'll be on facebook, facebook lets me connect with friends and family while bubble spinner helps with hand-eye coordination, when projects came along I usually do all my research there, picking up information on each site. I also do all the writing on it too so it wont look messy but instead, clean and neat. The computer also offers video of pretty much anything on t.v. and otherwise, like youtube or google videos. The computer lets me see nature, talk to friends and family, and lets me see things, like videos, that twill never ever see in books. These show that the computer has a bigger positive impact than negative and we should take advantage of the new technology that we have and not let it go to waste. The computer is a nice outlit to come home and let yourself unwind to. People say that you don't get enough exercise but we have gym and recess at school and we become exhausted at work, which is enough exercise for the day. Computers are a nice device to have and are by far, used daily by almost everyone. So it can't be all that bad by depriving you from nature and family because it lets you see it anyway. The effects it has on people are good because of the knowledge and communication it brings. I hope you see my point of view. 4 4 8
864 1 "Dear Readers, @CAPS1 has come to my attention that there is a debate on whether or not computers benefit society. This issue is debatable but really I think that computers are not helping the big picture. I don't think that they benefit our health or social actions because computers keep us inside when we could be out. Everyday when I come home from school, I find myself going straight inside and to the computer from there, I log into @CAPS2 and @CAPS3. And my exersize in the next @NUM1 hours or so is only in my fingers. My point is that there is a whole world outside of we only got off our computers and played outside. Statisctis show that @NUM2 kids spend more time inside year-round than out these days. ""@CAPS1 is ridiculous how much things have changed in just @NUM3 years."" says @PERSON1 a pediatrician in @LOCATION1, ""they all need thier exersize."" @CAPS1 is cutrogeous how much people are on computers now, @CAPS1 starts to affect thier attitude, and control thier lives. Sometimes checking notifications on @CAPS3 can be more important to someone than spending time with thier family or friends. A mom of @NUM4 teens says ""They all go to thier rooms, shut thier doors and go on @CAPS3 and @CAPS6 untill dinner and after, they go right back."" In this case, they just plug into thier computers and forget about everyone else. I think @CAPS1 has gotten out of hand how much people and teens especially are addicted to computers. 1/@NUM4 mom says she sees her kid growing apart from the family because of a computer. You @MONTH1 say that when on your computer there is a person you are talking to, and while pen-pals are great, you should really go out and do something! You are talking your friends, but its not the same as being with them. On my recent trip to @LOCATION2 to go skiing, I found that some of my friends jokes funnier when you're with her and not just sitting on a computer. We had a blast! Now I regret not getting together with her to hang out. Also @NUM6 arguments now, have something to do with a missunderstanding through the computer, people @MONTH1 get the wrong message when you send something to them or they take @CAPS1 the wrong way. The truth is, computers are starting to take negative effect on our society and even ruin relationships. If we just get off our computers and get out, we can turn that around." 5 5 10
866 1 Dear, Local Newspaper, In my opinion computers are everything, They provide with so many things for you to do like chess, listening to music, and even downloading you favorite movies. First of all, computers are a great source of communication because if you have a long distance relative that lives in @LOCATION1 then you can talk to them online. You can do this through via email. Instant message, and @CAPS1. Secondly, Computers let you search the web. So if you need to findout some directions to your destination or want to get informaion on some far awat places like @LOCATION3, @LOCATION2, @LOCATION4, or my favorite @CAPS2 @CAPS3 you can because the web lets you do that. Thirdly, they are a great source of entertainment. Well because you can watch episodes of your favorite @CAPS4.V. show or you can watch music videos. Also you @MONTH1 enjoy listening to music from your computer as you personal entertainment. I think that computers are great. I use them myself as an example I love to download music into my ipod from my computer. Then I get to enjoy the music from my ipod. Last, but not least, @CAPS5 computers have a great effect on a majority of people. I believe that if we didn'@CAPS4 have computers then our world wouldn'@CAPS4 be the same. So I say keep computers here to stay. They complete us all. 3 4 7
884 1 Dear local newspaper, I've heard that you were taking a survey to see if people believe in computers or not. Well I'm someone who does because they can talk to there family and friends on sites like facebook, myspace, & aim. They can also exercise on the internet because if they go to youtube, then they can find different types of positions that they can do. Today, over @NUM1 people use computers and it is like @PERCENT1 adults anfd @PERCENT2 children use computers which means that more kids today are doing athletic sports. The adults use computers for there work ability and in schools. At newspaper places, they need to have a computer just to type the daily papers and if there's no compers, then how ill the type there work. As people get home from wherever, and they didn't get the daily paper, the you can go online and look at it. For students, computers are so important to us because we get to talk to our friends and when we need to look up something, we just go to the internet. In some schools, they have really big books for different classes that they need to bring home. And that's bad for your back, so then schools came out with the books online. For those people who love sports, you can look up you favorite team and see if they won that weeks game. There is also vertual sport games that you can play for that is on the computer. When you first move somewhere oout of town, you can go to google and see where is a good town to live in and a good school system that you would want your child to go to. But there is so man things that you can do online and on computers. So thanks for letting me help you with your decision. 4 4 8
890 1 I think that computers have positive effects on peole. People can find out important news online, and you can connect with people you don't see often. Also, you can order anything in the world online. These are three reasons why I believe computers have a positive effect on people. Computers inform people about important news. If there is a blizzard people can find out ahead of time and stock up on food. If there is a burglar going around, people can find out, and lock all doors and windows. And by knowing all this information, it helps helps people plan events, like birthday parites. Finding out important news is very helpful, and conveniant. And @PERCENT1 of people, are less to inconveniances, if they know the news. Another way computers have a positive effect on people is by allowing them to connect with people they don't see often. This provides an easy way to share events tha have taken place, and just have some time to talk face to face. With video chat, you can show off new , or newborn baby. You can share you want with people you barely see. Experts say that freindships last longer if you talk to each ohter often. and with computers, this is possible. A third way computers help out is allowing you to order anything in the world online. If you need a japanese doing for someone in ohio, you can order it online. If you're are old, and can't go to the grocery store anymore, you can order then online. I have seen that people who can order everything online, don't have to do a lot of driving, and this saves time, money, and gas. This is also very convendent and is less stressful then waithing in lines to purchase on item. These are just three ways htat computers have had a positive effect on people. the are that you can find out important news, you connect with people you don't see ofte, and you can order anything in the world that's why I believe comptuers have a positive effect on people. 4 4 8
891 1 Dear Local Newspaper, Computers have a humongous positive effect on people. I support advances in technology. It's @DATE1; we shouldn't be finsing information in books or writing everything by hand anymore. Life has gotten easier for everyone. Everyone can use the computer for communication with friends or family. We are able to learn things quicker by using computers. Working citizens use computers to help them with important jobs! Everything is done on computers! Computers serve as a great source of communication. Having a @CAPS1, @CAPS2, or @CAPS3 account allows you to chat with people all over the world. It's much easier to talk to someone online for long periods of time because you won't have to pay for phane minutes! Even @CAPS4 chats are avaibale for computer users. Having a @ORGANIZATION1 or @CAPS5 allows you to do a video chat with someone. It makes you feel like thay are actually there in the room with you. If you have a close friend who moved across the country, then these ways to communicate would be very helpful to you! You cant have these accounts without a computer; therefore, we need computers! Computers have made our generation very intelligent. We can easily look up facts about anything on the computer. Now, if there's something we're curious about, we can just look it up on google. In the past, we wouldn't feel like looking in a book so we waid forget about it. Kids could get help with homework online if they are too shy to ask another person. At this point in time, we could even take online college courses! Being able to go to college at home can really come in handy in some people. Computers help us with our education. Adults who go to work everyday really need to use computers! people working in the medicine field, use computers to keep track of all their patients. Now @CAPS6 use computers to organize lesson plans and print out reminders for their students. Scientists use computers to do research on things for their ecperiments. Engineers use programs on the computers to help design what they are going to build. Computers wvwn allow you ti advertise your small business or company to the whole entire world. Computers have a really positive effect on jobs in our society, which is a good thing for our economy! Computers benifit us physically, mentally, and socially. Certain computer games can improve our hand eye cordination. We can learn about many things from computers! They really make us more intelligent! Computers give us a way to communicate with long distance friends and family. Websites like @CAPS7-@CAPS8 even give adulsts a chance to find their soulmate online! The positive effects of computers on people are infinite, but we need to learn not to take them for granted. 5 4 9
895 1 "To whom it @MONTH1 concern, I believe that computers benefit society. Computers are a wonderful household object to have that make life easier in many ways. Computers allow the everyday family to see new places, through photos online, and people, through the internet. Computers also provide a social networking throught a community, state, or even a country! Lastly, a computer is another resort to go to when trying to accomplish something, because there is always something on the internet that will help you. There's a famous quote that goes, ""the largest room in the world, is the room for improvement."" In my opinion, the computers could make that room a little smaller. While experts say that computers are making people spend too much time indoors, and not too much time seeing the wonders of nature outside, the computer can prove them wrong. The internet is a wide ocean of pictures, wordes, and sounds. The computer is the item that organizes it, for your entertainment. There is a picture of just about anything imaginaeable on the internet; from the palm shaped islands of @LOCATION1, to the frozen @CAPS1 tundra in the @LOCATION3. You are able to see penguins in the southern ice cap and the ricefields of @LOCATION2 a bird's eye view all by simply moving your fingers. It's also possible not just to see places but to see people from how for the distance is! Today, people are sending pictures to and from each other via emails. People are actually sharing their memories with each other, all thanks for the computer. I hope what I have just explained now helps me make my. Computers are only here to make our lives. Imagine talking to your friends, not having an with his ever leaving your room. This would or even an impossibility fifty or seventy @DATE1, but this is People's social relationship have greatly progressed the half and it only goes has allowed people to their up on the their up on the their with their family and friends. I'll always a positive thing, using this right way. Having your house to tell, individually, your friend about your time to disney world is such a hastle. If you just put the pictures on a social networking system, like facebook, or twitter, memories will be stored through, litterally, the clicks of aborton. Memories are shared thanks to the social networking ability of the computer. Planing a vacation is a trough job to do, but what if that job could all take place in our sport? An entire vacation can be planned, confirmed and paid for thanks to the computer. Jobs that would normally take hours of researching and calling can be done in @DATE1 minuets for less using the computer. This allows people more time to go have fun with their lives and not have to worry about plannings. Computers allow people to compress hours of work into a matter of minutes. Experts say that computers are taking away people's lives"" I would disagree, because; people are new places or people, social networking is more advanced, and time that could have been spent planning is now living." 6 4 10
902 1 I think that computers help people in there everyday lives. They just make things so much easier. Computers help us to find information @CAPS2 we needed. Book hotels and airliners, they even allow us to interact with our friends. Yes it might take away times to do other things like exercising, but we can find out away to do both. Everyday I would go on the computer a little bit and then go outside for an hour to play basket ball. People just need to find a way to it out. Computers are good for if you need to find information about anything. All you need to do is type in what you want, and within seconds you have hundreds of different links for your desire. For example if you are in @CAPS1 school and you are deciding what college that you should go try the a great place that you can go to get information. People all over the world do that just about everyday. It is also a great place if you need information if you are doing a project in school and you need more info on your subject @CAPS2 I say it make things a lot easier there is no better example a reservation for a hotel or buying a plane ticket. Both of those things do on a computer because otherwise odds are you with of then. If we didn't have computers you would need to go to the hotel and get a room, and if there were no room you out of luck. On a computer it will say if they have any or not you would need to @CAPS3 tickets would have the exact same thing. Computer say @CAPS2 there are available flights to your destination and how much. So @CAPS2 you go to the airport you are not surprised. Another good reason why computer are good for people is that it helps your interact with your friends and family @CAPS2 you can't see them. There so many different ways you can do it to. On @CAPS4, @CAPS5, myspace. All the websites like that help you stay in touch with all of your friends. Even now they have somethings where you can actually see the person you are talking to over the computer. So if you have no chance of seeing each other anytime soon you can talk to them then. I even do that with my brother, he is in college and I dont see him that much so I just start chatting with him on the computer. Now those are some reasons on why I feel that computers are a great part of our lives. Thing like finding information and booking hotels, airplanes, ect. All help make our lives a lot easier at times. And talking with other people just makes us happy. Now I hope you see why computers are a good part of all of our lives. 5 5 10
903 1 Dear Local Newspaper, I believe that people should stay with computers. I have three reasons for this issue and they are @CAPS1, @CAPS2 and @CAPS3. I think these reasons woul'd be a good for this issue because every human being can do these three this on a computer. One of the reasons why I think people should stay to computers is because they can learn. People can learn by using computers because if a child is in something like animals. They can go on the internet and look up what they need to find children can also learn on the computer by putting their jump stat first grade give in the drive. children can learn like this. My second reason why people should use stay to computers us @CAPS2. I think @CAPS2 because you can talk to your friends about. They can also talk about if they want to go some fun. For example same good exercise. Another reason why I think @CAPS2 is if your friend is explaining something to you, that your. I also think @CAPS2 can be had for other to a and. The last reason why I believe people should stick to computer is because people can discover different things on there these things can be had and some can be good. For example a good thing that I can discover is that if there is something wrong with my computer and I figure out how to fix this that would be good. And I will know about computers and man what to do. A bad thing about @CAPS3 the computer I can do is bringing up a virus. That know matter what I do I can't make it go away and the computer ends up being broken. Conclusion, Local newspaper this is why I believe that we should keep our computers. Because many people even young children can learn and they will end up remembering the things that they learn. 4 4 8
915 1 "Do computers really benifit society? This has been a tricky question for years. Some people say computers are a huge help and it allows us to see the world through a different perspective; we learn more from computers and this vast increase in tecknology. Though others say computers are addicting, it is the @CAPS2 unsafe and unsecure machine to be using especially when it is left a lot of personal files on it while hooked up to the internet. Plus people spend more time on a computer than ever, missing out on thier families and friends, not being able to enjoy nature and the other simple things in life. Besides, if you want my honest opinion, computers should only be used as tools. ""The fact is many people look to computers as personal diaries or something to save files on or even something to play games on,"" says @PERSON2. ""They ignore the biggest fact that computers are only used to make life easier."" This is really what computers are made to do, help us. It could be as simple as a @CAPS1 (@ORGANIZATION1) or as complexed as a super computer but it still only serves the main purpose of making life easier. Even if you tried to upgrade a computer it would still serve the same purpose, yet people still look on it as if it were still the next big thing in entertainment. Many people might not even know it yet but computer can turn on you and really ruin your life. Ever since @PERSON1 made @ORGANIZATION2 the @CAPS2 popular disk @ORGANIZATION1 @ORGANIZATION1 around, people have been using computers alot. Its not because he created the fastest computer ever. It is because @ORGANIZATION2 is selling world wide; for buisnesses, small companies, schools, even in entertainment. A few years ago they made something called the xbox @NUM1. It revolutionized both gaming and the way people look at gaming. But whats the problem here? The problem is that because of @ORGANIZATION2 people are now more addicted to entertainment. When this happens people will start becoming dependent on a computer. Its not that @ORGANIZATION2 did anything bad but the fact that since @CAPS2 computers have internet, those people who depend on computers are going to find it hard to avoid being hacked or worse getting all their information stolen. There is this one thing about computers that remains constant. Family and friends will find it hard to talk to there loved one when they spend all there time on computers. This makes comunication hard, and like I said before its very addicting. ""@CAPS2 of the people who don't have real friends will chat with people online not knowing who they really are."" says @CAPS3 @PERSON3. Making friends online is the @CAPS2 unsafe thing to do on a computer. Over @PERCENT1 of the people online are not who they say they are and people will often break away from thier real friends just to find this new ""friend"" they've made. So remember, even though computers are" 5 5 10
916 1 "Dear @LOCATION2, @CAPS1's the dillemant @CAPS2 that people are supporting computer technology and others are not. I firmly believe that having computers generally has a positive effect. This is because many jobs are using them everyday and it is very efficiant for them. Also, having computers allows people to connect with other people, edit things that other technology cannot, and play fun games, @CAPS3 effect that computers have is educational websites; games, and articals. This helps many kids find a good education and adults find a comfortable and happy job. Primarily. computers have a positive effect on people because jobs are using them frequently. Jobs such as @ORGANIZATION1 and any type of police work provide sarely for people all around the united states and other parts of the world. My father always told me, ""Computers save people everyday"". Even schools use computers! They provide educational information about the students in schools, and my school, @LOCATION1 school, uses them quite often. For example, I see my teacherm. Mr, @CAPS4 his computer every single movning in homeroom. Nearly @PERCENT1 of all jobs involve a computer by storing information or any other purposed fealuired. Would you want all those people to lose ther job because of their skills and techniques towards computer technology? I know I wouldn't, @CAPS5 keep in mind computers provide a safe and healthy life for many people. In addition, computers have a positive effect on people because they can do many things that nothing else can do. This is things like staying in town with someone far away, or editing photos. Even playing a game on the computer could ne relaxing to almost anyone. @CAPS6 is an example of keeping in town with someone else. For me, @CAPS6 is a life-saver. It allowed me to talk to my brother white he was at his chaotic college. In fact, nearly @PERCENT2 of people have an account on a computer of a public website live @CAPS7, @CAPS6, or @CAPS9. Computers keep photos saved that can be edited and even just saved to be admired. I don't want my pictures and my @CAPS6 deleted because nothing else competes with the mighty computer since it me have an enjoyable time and entertains me well. Thirdly, computers have a positive effect on people because they give aduts and kids tree access to education. I remenber my old elementery school used to play many amusing math games. These were @CAPS5 my education grew greatly dae to this game. Games as these are used frecquently thoughout the world. In addition jobs have been lost from this had economy. However, jobs we hering found more and more everyday from adults trying to find a decent job online. Computer saved people from losing their house because of the money they made with the help of computers, computers are a good idea To conclude. I imploor you that computer technology has a strong positive effect on people. Computers are like a pencil to a student. for they are very important. Jobs use them everyday, connections are made by people, and education grows because of them. That's why the technology or computers effects people in a good way." 6 5 11
921 1 I believe that computers benefit society and help people understand things more clearly. Computers help people study, learn, and even talk to other people. Here are some good reasons on why computers help people out with problems. First of all, computers give you information on things that you cannot find in books. People can look up places for vacations, what their child's grade in school is, and find healthy food recipies. Without the computers people would be lost not knowing what to do. Next, computers let you talk to friends. You can discuss things like weather, ideas you have, you can even plan exercise days. What if something important happens? The person does not have his or hers phone. What could they do? They could go on the computer and tell their friend. It would be a lot easier than driving over to the persons house then driving driving all the way back. Finally, computers can give you a good sense of hand eye cordination. Computers can teach you how to type without even looking at the keyboard. This skill could be used to pursue a good career in the carpentry field. Computers can also help you study for a new job and what the requirements are. In conclusion, I believe that computers make peoples a little bit easier knowing that they have vital information right at the tips of their fingers. It can also help them in anything they want to do. Like talk to friends, look up info and teach skills. 4 4 8
922 1 To whom it @MONTH1 concern, @CAPS1 more people are getting involved with using the computer while I think that is great other don't. I believe that using a computer is a good thing because technology is going to progress and computers will be the base, also computers are safer now because or privacy options and virus block. Finally, computers help you gather knowledge that no one book could tell you. Although technology is progressing computers are only the basics. Sooner or later everything will be based on computers like, jobs, school, and ever the medical field. Jobs will have more computers and touch screen devises because they are easier and more technologicly advanced. As for school @CAPS1 students have to take computer classes to learn how to write brouchures and make websites. The medical field is now using more advanced ultrasounds that take the image and make it there dementional. So, if everything is changing around you why do you want to be stick in the past? Although, some people are worried about internet saftey and viruses, there are ways that those can be limited. As for social networking sites don't set it up for the whole world to see. Set it up for only your friends to see. Also, make sure you know who your friends are. As for viruses, don't go on websites that cause viruses. Also, you can get a virus blocker that helps eliminate them. The computer also helps to give you and get you knowledge. You can learn about cocrent civilizations. Or modern day without taking a step out of your house. Also the internet has vertual simulations so you can experence what it was like in other coultures, in other time pericals. Computers give you knowledge that help you through your life especially if you don't have a library. Even though some people disagree computers are the base of technology, safe, and full of knowledge I do. Yes, they do have some flaws but they are a great learning tool. 4 4 8
924 1 Dear Newspaper, Some people are asking others about the effects computers have on other people. Some experts are concerned that people are spending too much time on their computer and less time exercising, enjoying nature, and interacting with family and friends. But my opinion is that the comuter is great and it does not keep people away from other activitys. First, the computer does not keep people away from other activitys because, there are @NUM1 hours in a day, and it's that persons folt if they don't get off the computer, and go do other activitys. Even though the computer has lots of things, and it is very interesting. people. Should still have the common since to get off nad go do other things, so I think it's there fult if they don't get off the computer. Also there are a lot of reasns that people don't get out and do other activitys, so why just stop computers. Secondly, the computer does not keep people away from other activitys, because there are lots of destration that keep people away from other activitys, so why blame computers. For example the television keeps people from doing other activitys, but their not talking about stop that. Also the computer teaches you about a lot of thngs, an can so you a lot of things that you don't know about and is trying to find out. For example your family's history, you could go look that up on the computer. Lastly, the computer does not keep people away from other activitys, because if people were really worried about there other activitys then they would get off the computer and go do what they had to do. For example if they had to go to the gym then they should get off the computer, and go to the gym because the computer does not make you fat, you make yourself fat, so the should be resonable enough to go to the gym, and not be on the computer all day. Also if you were going to spend time with your family the how could the computer stop you from doing that, you should already know what you need to do and I don't think the computer would make you forget things like that. So it would be the person's fult if they forget not the computers. To rap this up, computers does not keep people away from other activitys, because it's there responablity to remeber what they need to do not the computers and there are lots more destrations then computers, but it's still not computer's falty it your's. 4 4 8
925 1 To whom it @MONTH1 concern, I was sitting at home when I have realized this has to come to an end! The computer bissness has taken my mother and my stepfather away from me, I mean when they are on facebook they are in a whole nother galaxcey. The family spends no time together what so ever. Also, they argue, dont sleep and again, we don't spend anytime together! Not spending time with family isn't a good thing. Social activity is good for everyone. Even if the time spending is not with family, socializum is a very important rollplay in use. On the other hand arguing isn't. Arguing just decreases the social time spent. Arguing in my family causes friction to the point where we become unsocial and turn to a computer. Now if were arguing about the computer then we have a huge problem. The arguing will never end! Not sleeping is my biggest concern though, when they are up all nite on that stupid thing, oh gosh don't get me started. I believe they don't have good days during the day when in school. Actually I know they don't because they are day. Computers cause my parents to use up family time, fight, and not sleep, they spend more time on the personal computer than I'm a! @CITY1 @PERSON1, I think we have a problem. A very big one! 4 3 7
930 1 Dear @CAPS1, I think computers have a positive effect on people because it will help you with interacting, learning and coordination. By interacting with people like far away friends or unknown frieds. If they are far its a nice way to send photos back and forth to see how the person/people are doing. Family is a very important factor in computers because if you havent seen the person you can tell how they are progressing in life. If thats not the case you can meet new people. By meeting new people you have more connections in your life and more people to trust. Learning! Learning is a good thing for adults an children. Computers can teach children by showing them new words, colors shapes and sizes. For an adult it can show them meanings of words or new words. Words, colors and sizes can all be round on a computer all by learning. A computer can not only do mental things to affect you also physical like coordination. You can improve your coordination by making you stronger when you type. Your hands are a big thing in like and they are helpful in a lot of ways. By sitting up straight in your computer chair all day can improve your posture. Your back can get straigher from all time you are sitting. Your mind can be foucused and in one pot fucusing on thing is good for you such as the computer screen. Now, people can think that computers are good for you too. But there could be negative ideas for people who think the opposite way. 4 4 8
932 1 "Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 and kids of any age at this society, are way to focused on the latest technology. One piece of equptment that is affecting peoples lives, is the computer. We need to get rid of this habbit and learn to do different activites! People are spending way to much time on computers and less time enjoying nature excersing, and need to interact with friends and family more take the time to agree with me as I confront you on how the computer is taking over our lives! Is time flying you by? Are you overwhelmed, at how life passes you so quickley? Well, if you answered yes, stop the computer madness and head on outside! Your no enjoying nature! Nature is as beautiful as a gorgeous scene of @CAPS3 @CAPS4 love oceans with pink sand. Who would want to miss this? @PERCENT1 of @CAPS2 complain that they rarely enjoy what life has to take on the outside of your house. Just think you won't be able to see the stupendous, the seasons changing, withought going outdoors. ""I want my @CAPS6, to experience the wide variety of nature as she grows old."" @CAPS5 of her daughter. Well, @MONTH1 I add, little @CAPS6 is not going to get much nature out of her, if she does not get her eyes unglued to the comuter screen! Yes, comuters, are very brilliant, and have lots to do, but if you want to be missing out on the new trees being discovered every day, be my guest! @PERCENT2 of all the population in the @LOCATION2 is overweight due to technology brought into our world. The greatest impart is the computer! high-paid physicians try and teach their parents at a young age, to go out and play sports - while excersing at the same time and nor to stay home and play videogames. Now you tell me, would you rather get a good healthy excersise, and have all the energy you need or would you like to slowy add on to your and gain issues as you the internet? I remember @DATE1, I grabred my nike hightops, and my pink ipod I started jogging at a slow while listening to my favorite song. Naturally by I felt amazing when my was complete going each day is as healthy as eating a bannana, @NUM1 apples, and cheese eery morning their healthy! ""@CAPS7 since technology has been a part of my life, my two daughters have not visited their grand parents in over @NUM1 years! This needs to step!"" @CAPS8 @PERSON1 to the press. Yes, comuters have ""online-talking"" devices such as @CAPS9, but if you are never going to spend quality time with family, this is a bad habbit. On @DATE3, @DATE2, my brother and I, were too busy on the computer, we missed a birthday party the family we are addicted to this device, and need to spend time with our loved ones. @PERCENT3 of all therapy computers have @CAPS2 into depresion and have been with their plains, due to the high amount of to do on this device and less time bonding with members of your Who would rather play on a old, gray, computer when you can have fun talking about you day and the game life with your family? @CAPS10's now a never! What will you choose? Do you agree that computers take over lives? If you try and prove me wrong just remember, nature is a big and many people are missing out on the advantage technology is taking over peoples excersing habbits, and many families are less bonding @CAPS10's up to you keep the population of @LOCATION1 in good hands!" 6 6 12
934 1 "Dear @CAPS1, I strongly believe computers have positive effects on people and the society. My reasons are you can learn and find new information on anything, you are able to talk to people faraway and computers teach skills to use in the future. I will now like to elaborate my reasons further. First of all, going on the internet and search sites help you learn and find information on anything you want. On the internet you can even ask questions, and they will probably be answered. You my even use information on the computer for a report statistics show @PERCENT1 of people who do reports, find their facts on the internet. Google, yahoo, and other search sites have helped children become more intrested in learning. Also, using a computer ables you to talk to other people from faraway places or friends you have not seen in a while. You can even webcam with people. I remember a few weeks ago, my best friend moved to florida, and now we webchat everyday! Talking online will even lower your telephone bills. Chatting online doesn't lost anything, where as the telephone charges for out of country calls cost . Computers will let you talk with your best buddy and save money. Last but not least, computers teach skills that can be applied later in life. Today many jobs in due using a computer, and technology is getting mom advanced. Before you know it will have to know how to work a computer. Also, you probably will need a computer in college. Proffesor @CAPS2 even stated, ""every single kid in my courses have some sort of computer."" In college you will take notes and do assignments. Using computers will help you do this and make your life easier. As you can see i believe computers help people and society greatly. My reasons are you can learn and find information on anything, you are able to talk to other people who are faraway, and computer skills will help you in life. Technology is advancing and were going to have to use a computer sooner or later." 4 4 8
938 1 Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, I am a child of the tech generation, or the generation in which technology has taken on a new meaning. That meaning is life. Our life revolves around technology in general as the @LOCATION3 revolves around the sun. The chief technological preference, computers, is greatly beneficial, arent as bad as many people speculate, and help us live and prosper in this struggling world. Look, if you want to roast computers then by all means, roast away. But if you do so without first regarding all the angles of them, then you, my friend, have absolutely no standing on the situation. You could say that they are a neucence but could never have used aho. You could argue that they can be used to detonate bombs, but, lets be practical, how many normal people actually wake upwake up and point out the drearyness of life and then type in a command to detonate a bomb? A serious benefit you have obviously choes t o overlook is the invaluable information it aptly places in front of you on a @NUM1 inch screen. You can read book reviews, read books, bag things, and get the cutting-edge news you want, to name just a meager amount of possible strengths. Further more, not everything that you speculate as bad has to be bad just because you say it so. When you think of @CAPS3. Do you always think about vulgar, inappropriate pictures, and illegal images? Thats funny, because @CAPS3 keeps family in touch, gives people things to do, and keeps friends in different states on the same server. Youtube is not all swearing and bad videos. My family casts actors for shows, and one way they know what an actor is capable of is by going to their channel and looking at the videos that they have created. My mother actually contacts actors in videos to see if they want to become professionals. That is the business, finding talent where it is seldom found. Lastly, did you even think about the fact that computers are used to start companys and saves lives? You probably didnt even know that, from a computer, astrologists monitor images of the universe captured by the hubble space carrier meteorologists track cloud formations from satellites using a computer. Maybe you didnt choose to say that surgeons can dictate operations from their office in @LOCATION1 on a patient in @LOCATION2? You didnt even say that seismologist use computers to traet the shifting of the tectonic plates to see where the epicenter of a major earthquake is? You just didnt know. So, lets face it, computers are important. You probably used to do what little research you did them. In fact, pardon me. You probably didnt do the research in the first place, instead pointing fingers at the innocent. Smooth move, buddy. 6 5 11
945 1 Dear Newspaper, In my opinon I think computers do have a positive affect on people. They can learn about far away places. They let people talk online. It can even help you find a job. This is why I think computers are very positive. Certainly, people can learn about far away places on the computer. Say, someone wanted to take a trip to @LOCATION1 they can look it up, learn the launage. They can by tickets. They could also find interesting things to see in that country. These reasons are why I think a computer is a positive technology. My next reason I think a computer is positive toward people is that people can comuicate online. This can help keep families in touch. It can help you find and talk to old friends (facebook). You can even make new friends to talk to. These are other examples why I think computers are positive. My last reason I think computer have a positive affect on people is that it can help you with jobs. It can help you find a job. It can also help you with your job. Lastly, it can have you have a higher position at your job. These are my reasons I think computers are important and positive to people. For all the reasons above are reasons I think computers are an awesome =) and positive technology, I mean just look at all the reasons. They let people talk online. They can also teach you about far away places. And even help you with your job. This is why I think computers have a positive affect on people. 4 4 8
955 1 I walked outside to get the mail and newspaper. I saw the front page talking about computer. An article said, too much computer using. I though there wasn't going to sell more computer but, it said that people are using computers and are not exercising much. I think that people are not going to have a hard time quitting to use their computer. I had a friend that didn't know how to use the computer. He past his hour playing outside. In the @DATE1 he tries out for @CAPS1 baseball. He is a very good athlete. He does grate in school too. Others people without a gob are not looking for something 'to do they are at the computer everyday. When they should be doing work around and inside the house. Peoples with computers shouldn't be all day like these friend my friend haves is using his computer everytime he comes from school. He don't do his homework on time. Every time he doesn't want to go out and exercise his mind or get a little bit of sun he sometimes don't eat so he should give his brain a rest and do physical things that will help them. Other person such as the computer workers should write a note to people with computer saying how computer can be addicted to people and maybe realize how much often they should use their computer and was using it to go to get information and to collage. She started to use the computer to chat with people and ended up using the computer a lot and not going to collage. I believe that computers are an major impact on people. People should be going about to have fun get sunlight not staying at the computer all the time. Many adults don't use the computer is most the teens and kids. People should go to the gym and build strong muscles. They should stay away from computer for a time. Agains computer would be the right thing to do. 4 4 8
956 1 Dear Newspaper @CAPS1, @CAPS2 opinion on computers is that they have a positive affect on people. I think this because I know some people that excersise and go on the computer mainly, I don't think computers are a bad thing. Some people learn on computers. They learn how to exercise. Sure some people just chat and learn about that far away place they could go there and explore the buety and nature. I think computers are great effects on people, They help out a lot. I know @CAPS2 uncle that came from @LOCATION1 he learned how to speak english of the computer. He learned a lot and we were all proud. Some effects that computers have on people are a lot. People have classes online they go to @CAPS3 mothers that are single that have kids for example, they get their diplomas and degrees of the computer online. And theirs other @CAPS3 @CAPS2 aunts and uncles they go to english classes online and work. A lot of people have classes online. @CAPS3 i go on @PERSON1 all the time all the time. @CAPS4 teaches me how to type. @CAPS4's fun, but also educated. I think that all computer have positive effects on people. All of them should their should'nt be one computer with negative effects on people. But that's only by @CAPS2 opinion. Computers are @CAPS3 robots they do lots for us. We type reports, learn, read online. And then theres also were we play games online, and educated games. I believe that their are lots of resources. You could search up a lot of stuff. For example you could search up: mistery, animals, natures and places. You wouldn't beleive how many results the computer has. So who would have negative effects of the computer. All @CAPS4's trying to do is help us and out education @CAPS4 helps me with @CAPS2 spanish sometimes. So why would people think that computers arn't good ideas? Computers are great for everything. I could go on and see what the weather is for tommorrow. Also I could see what the news are, and i could contact @CAPS2 teachers through the computer. I think a computer would always have a positive affect on people. 5 4 9
965 1 "Dear newspaper, @CAPS1 you want to learn good hand-eye coordination? @CAPS1 you want to have the ability to learn about far away places? And @CAPS1 you want to talk online with other people? If you said @CAPS3 to all of these questions then using a computer is the way to go! While using a computer you can @CAPS1 many things. You can look up a good healty recipe for your family or find a good relaxing place to @CAPS1 your daliy yoga. Although some people say that using a computer cuts down your time for exercising and enjoying nature, but it really doesn't. A recent poll was talking at the planet fitness in newington @CAPS2 and it showed that @PERCENT1 of the exercising people discovered planet fitness by the internet. @PERSON1 nature of the department of health and wellness said ""@PERCENT2 of my customers take online corses of exercising at home so that they don't have to be in public."" @CAPS3 i know it seems lazy to not go to a gym but, some people are terrified about what others think at them, so its I mean who doesn't want to exerise in the warning conforts of your own home and not have to go to a sweaty old gym? All right-minded people would stay at home and exersie from thier computer and not have to go to a sweaty and smelly gym. So its never. @CAPS1 you go to a sweaty old gym, or @CAPS1 you stay at your beautiful clean have with the inernet? Image, as soon as you get up in the well rested, instead of going to a yuchy gym you can stay home and enjoy a relaxing walk out in the comfort of your own home. Certently you care about your nose and want to be able to smell a nice warn apple one. But if you dont thats fine too. So don't go to a gym, stay at home and enjoy your day with your internet!!! I say stay at name and love your internet!!!" 4 3 7
969 1 "Dear @CAPS1, I am writing this letter to inform you about my opinion on the effects computers have on people. I don't agree I think the experts are correct that people are spending too much time on their computer. My following reasons will explain why I don't agree. I think there is also an issue with computers. Please read on to understand my reasons. First of all, my reason on not agreeing with those who support technology is because their is no saftey! I think chatting online is great but dangerous. For example, most kids are followed by and its usually online. This is because the information all to unknown people. Also, kids get into dangerous for example they get kidnapped for this informal and the people they talk to. Secondly, I don't agree because it also caused addiction to the computers. Most people get addicted for the certain things they do online. These life of can also become dangerous. For example, people play some video games wich people killing and commiting crime. We cant not do in the ""real' world. These kind of game also bring people to dangerous. Another example is we've had students bringing because violence is the answer when it ! The addiction to computer is so bad that people do have a look of and interacting with things. Lastly, I dont agree because its also. Most people who are and again. These of into an life because you do enjoying at all. For example, people die of. This letter will effect others so thanks for reading. Hopefully, people understand why I dont agree." 4 4 8
972 1 Dear @CAPS1 Newspaper I'm writing a letter to you about how I feel about the effects that computers have on people. One of my reasons is that people that spend to much time on the computers they are litting their lifes pass by them. But the people that work on computers all day is a different thing. My second reason is that people could be on the computers and still interact with their family because they live with each other. My last reason is why do people want to be on computers all day. I'm not talking about the people that work on computer. My last reason is that the people that is spending all their time on the computer they are letting their lifes pass by there. The reason I say this is because if you are on the computer @NUM1 your life is passing by you. Because you are not doing nothing, just sitting in a chair in the computer getting fat. Also if you are going to be on the computer at least they to find a job on the computer. But I'm not talking about the people that work in computer all day long, because they have to do it. Its their job to. Thats one of my reasons. My second reason is that the people this me in the computer they still interact with their family. The reasons I say this is because you could be on the computer and will interact with my family because you live it the same huge as them, two when you are not in the computer you could be with your family and spend time with them. That's why i said that you still could interact with your family even you see on the computer. The last and final reason is do people to spend most of their lifes on the computer. The person I like this because type of person would spend most of their life on the computer and don't go find a job go enjoy their life. Also if you got kids you have fun with your children and make them believe that they parents that was to them, that, they had fun with them, and that they had somebody that they could look up too. So don't spend your life time on the computer geting fat, not spending time with their children and make something yourselfs. But I'm not talking about the people that workon computers. I'm talking about the people that don't work on computers. Thats why I said don't let youre life pass by you. i hope you liked the prompt and that you wont spend a lot of your life in the computer doing nothing just getting fat and letting your life pass you. I'll report myself again I'm not talking about the people that have to work in the computer. I'm talking about the people that don't work in computers. 4 4 8
979 1 "To whom it @MONTH1 concern, Computers can be a great asset to our society, but they are an even, bigger hindrance. People are wasting their days away on the computer. Hardly anyone goes out in exercise, or to enjoy nature. Perhaps the sea west effect is that hardly anyone interacts with their friends and family anymore. @CAPS2 you with their friends and family anymore. @CAPS2 you don't want to surromb to the computers. put down the mouse and go outside! Obesity in @LOCATION1 is at an all time high. Experts agree, that computers and other types of technology are to blame. People who spend a lot of time on the computer hardly ever exercise and that effects them negatively. These people have a shorter lifespan! They might not be around in twenty years to see their grand children grown up. Also, they have many medical problems. @PERSON1, an obesity expert, says, ""I have seen a positive correlation with the obesity rate and that of @CAPS1."" @CAPS1 can kill you! Obesity can also cause heart attacks and infertility! @CAPS2 you can avoid these diseases and health risks by getting off the computer, why wouldn't you? Using the computer is not a good price to pay for you health! Do you have fond childhood memories that involve nature? I know I do. Most people who spend too much time on the computer don't get the chance to make memories like that. Theyre too preoccupied with the computer to care. Many people won't ever see any of our national parks! Drew @PERSON2, a park ranger, says. ""In the past few years. we have had less visitors than ever before."" @CAPS2 people can't tear themselves away from the computer for even a minute to see the splendor of our national, there is obviously something wrong. Get off you computers and go outside! I share everything with my friends and family and try to spend as much time with them as possible. Almost all people who use the computer often say @PERCENT1 of the time, they use it as an excuse not to see friends and family. In reality, they don't want to leave it. As a society, we are becoming too dependent on technology supervisor says. ""I have seen as definite decline in family enrollment. We hardly ever see kids with friends and family hanging around"". She is right. Now is the time to stop using computers! Computers @MONTH1 not be totally to blame for the problems stated above. Maybe it's the people a though computers do contribute to the problem. @CAPS2 we didn't have computers, there would be more people out exercising, and enjoying nature. Memories would be when we hung around with friends and family. Now is the time to turn of the computer, and go outside. Call up a friend and take a stroll, @CAPS3 you do, know you can have fun withour computers." 5 5 10
985 1 "Dear @CAPS1, "" Computers are great! They do so much for my family and me, i can't live without a computer."" @CAPS2 my many local in the town of @LOCATION1. For me, computers are a place to have fun with all the different applications. But they can also be used for researching anything you can imagine. I also think tha computer is important because it is where businessmen do their job. My favorite part about the computer are applications like @CAPS3, @CAPS4, @CAPS5, and so many more. These apps. are great because on @CAPS5, you can talk to your friends if you don't have a cellphone, or talk to friends that live in another state, @CAPS3. Easily my most favorite application, because I get to talk to my friends, look at pictures of them, see who they are dating, and so many other endless possibilities, You can also play and download games onto your computer. It's always very fun to do things on the computer that you enjoy, and not have to research all the time. The second thing on the computer, is research. Researching can be fun and boring, however you look at it, But researching is educational, and I asked a mother with a @NUM1 year old, a @NUM2 year-old, and a @NUM3 yearl-old and she said ""The most important thing to me on the computer is researching. Its's fun, enjoyable, and most importantly, educational!"" The best thing about researching is that, there are endless amounts of websitees that have information for us to look at, and enjoy. People that work and have jobs, are mostly the ones on the computer, and a lot of them ar researching while working. People that work, are th ones that are basically on the computer @NUM4. Businessmen, designers, etc.... The computers are mostly used by workers for e-mail. My father is always on the computer, checking e-mails, typing something for this boss; and even talking on a video conference. There are endless possibilities for workers because foe some of them, computers are their jobs. Computers, in my opinion, they'are one of the best things created. They are the best because they ahve amazing apps. for me to have fun on. But they also provide an educational opportunity through research. And they are great for people with jobs. I don't think there is any person that can live without one of these technological beauties." 4 5 9
987 1 "Dear @CAPS1, I am writing you this letter to give you my opinion on computer use. In my opinion, I think that some people use and rely on computers too much. Wether it be for a research project, talking to friends, and even answers for homework. Everyday millions of people are on the computer for hours straight. Moving your fingers doesnt count as exercise and it wastes energy. Many people I know would die if they didn't have a computer because friends are on or made because they need if for homework. These type of people need to be taught how to get things done withou technology because are day it might fail. Some students rely on there technology to work orthey will fail. These children need to be taught that there is other ways to do things. Like hanging out with friends, reading a book, and even doing their homework. Since students rely on their computers so much then always on them. Every day people I know go home and jump on @CAPS2 for the rest of the day. They never can do anything like going outside and doing sports. Many kids do not do any type of athletic sport. Obessity is a huge problem in the @LOCATION1 are the numbers keep increasing drasticlly. Everyone thinks that it is beging caused by bad eating habbits, thats only half of it. People overusing their computer is also a big problem. Children around the @LOCATION1 are stuck on their computers all day checking message, and seting up pictures. While these children are on the comptuer they dont even think they just chow down on ""@CAPS3"". This comptuer usage problem is beging to become at bigdeal with the obessity and hold much people rely on it for basically everything. So we need to be the first people to stop this befor it forms bad. This could be a huge problem in the future. So lets start to cut our usage time down now." 4 4 8
990 1 Dear Local Newspaper, I believe the computer does have positive perks, but it also has negative perks. Reason one you loose interaction with people. Reason two you then forget to excersize. Reason three, your health is in jeopardy. Firstly, you loose interaction with family and friends. Because you would spend so much time on the computers. It ruins your marriage if you are married. If you have kids you risk your relationship with them. I am not saying to stop using computers. Because I use them myself. I am saying don't make your life the computer. It's not good for you! Secondly, you need excersize. Stastics show @PERCENT1 of the people who live on their computers gain weight faster would know because as @NUM1 yr old I have gained a little weight because of computers. Most people when on the computer tend to eat more @CAPS1 are all well-known facts. That have been proven. Since, you can't walk with a computer in hand, you stop moving. Meaning you stop excersizing. You have to limit your time and then there is where I believe they (computers) benfit you. Lastly, your health is very much at stake. If you are at the computer for @NUM2 hours at a time your eye-site will pay. My eyes stink when I am on the computer for half an hour. Doesn't your head hurt when you are the computer for so long? Yes, the computer is fun and it gives you things to do, I am the first one to admit that But, it also hurts your heath. For being on the computer for so long you are at risk for carpal tunal syndrome. Which is very painful. Computers are so much fun and make life easier. But, they have disadvantages. Reason one you loose interaction with people. Reason two you stop excersizing. Reason three your health is at risk. If you limit time, everythig will be alright! 4 4 8
993 1 "Have you ever wondered what life would be like without computers? Some experts are concerned that people are using too much time on the computers. I believe we should still use computers. Without a doubt using a computer helps us learn. The computer helps us learn about other places in the world. @PERCENT1 of people say they would love to look at beautiful places in the world. Computers also can teach you how to speak a language. @PERSON1 of @ORGANIZATION1 says that ""taking spanish online helped im a lot on her class. Computers now offer online study groups that can help us get into a college. Many people would agree that using a computer helps us learn new things. Its a fact that you instead other people on computers. You meet new people when you are in the computer. Most people live meeting other people online. You also learn social on the computer. @PERCENT2 of people say they learn social on the computer. People also can learn to have a personality because they in use. @PERSON2 says that ""because I got on the computer I didn't have the personality but I feel like a whole person. As you interact with people on the computers. Did you know that a computer teacher in life say if you need to use a computer in your will one already. @PERSON3 says that using a computer helped you type. Using a computer helped hand eye coordination. You type a lot of essays in college too os that can help you as well. So now you know that a computer helps you in the future. Without a doubt people should still use computers are helpful in many ways. So what are you waiting for go out and go your computer today!" 4 5 9
994 1 "Dear local newspaper, Have you even been on a computer too long & haven't spent time excersising, or haven't spent any time with your family? Well, that's a big problem here in the @LOCATION1. In my opinion, to make this problem better, people should only be allowed on the computer for a certain amount @ORGANIZATION1 time & after they enjoy themselves with a nice workout, time outside & most importantly with their families. I think this will make the problem better, because you can enjoy yourself a little bit more rather than getting home from school & shooting right to wherever your computer is & being on it for the rest @ORGANIZATION1 the night. I also think this will help the problem because it will also allow you to get better grades. If your on computer all the time & don't have any time to excersise, go outside, and bond with your family then that most likely means you have no time to do homework. By not doing homework, your grades could go lower & you most likely won't understand what you are learning in that class. This one problem ran also affect you so many other ways. The problem with computers & why people, mostly kids are so attached with them is because @ORGANIZATION1 websites such as twitter, facebook, youtube, etc. & kids are @CAPS1 to them. This is part @ORGANIZATION1 the problem because kids can't get off @ORGANIZATION1 them, they like it so much. This problem leads to the main problem because if parents say ""Time to get off... go get some fresh air."" the kid always goes ""one minute"" & the parents let them get away with that, but then that ""one minute"" turns into an hour at most. This is bad because by the time the kid gets off the computer, its dark out and they can't go run around outside. I think this is important because think that facebook & twitter should be limited amount @ORGANIZATION1 time and should log you off after @NUM1 minutes. In conclusion, this problem is a national issue & in my opinion should be a new law, that kids have to play outside, and spend time with their families before going onto any computer. As you can see having all these great websites leads into a problem with kids. Thanks for your time on reading why I think computers are a big problem here in the @ORGANIZATION1." 4 5 9
996 1 Dear @CAPS1 I heard a lot of people are spending to much time in the computers and less time exercising, enjoying the nature, and interacting with family and friends. In my opinion I think you should know the compouter because it helps for school homework or projects, talking to family far away and finding new friends. My first reason why we should keep computers is because it @MONTH1 help on school homework or projects. This is my top reason because its really helpful and its useful when you need it also if your computer its not working you can go to your friends house and use computers, when your done you can save on hardrive and print it in your school's computers. My segond reason why you should keeps computer is talking to family. Without the computer you can't communicate with family. In my opinion computers are very helpful to cummnicate with family. If your phone is not working you can also use the computer to communicate with your family. My third reason is communicating and find new friends without the who are you going to meet and communicate with you can communicate with your family throught the computer, or even if your running late you can send them a message through the computer. In my opinion I think the computer its a really good way to communicate with your family. I know that people say they spend to much time in the computers and its addicting, but its good for school work like projects and assignments, also people said its just to what on the but in my opinion we should keep computers because its no to see whats on the other person. Its to do school work and talk to family. I know people spend to much time in computers but to other people its not. In my opinion, we should not get rid off computers because it good for doing school work and talking with family. I think what you should do its not get rid off computers. 3 4 7
998 1 "Imagine your life without the benifits @ORGANIZATION2 the computer. Do you think it would make life a little harder? Computers have positive effects on people for educational reasons and for a new way to develope @CAPS3 skills. @ORGANIZATION2 is very important to our sociotey. Computers can help with our educational needs. When a school project is going on more than @PERCENT1 @ORGANIZATION2 students use a computer to acces the information they need. I agree that students depend too much on a computer and not on books, but the computer has more information to offer than the average book. The computer @CAPS1 lets us, as students, to broaden our horizon. The @ORGANIZATION2 stated that ""a near @PERCENT2 @ORGANIZATION2 students learn something new from a computer that they did not already know."" @CAPS1, in @CAPS2 and @CAPS3 @CAPS4 a student could find more information on a specific country than they could with a book. I predict that as a result @ORGANIZATION2 the informational acces the computer gives us, that soon grades will boost at least @NUM1 to @PERCENT3. In a servey that was done by the @ORGANIZATION1, found that @PERCENT4 @ORGANIZATION2 students found more information, that was relavent, on a selected topic than in the whole school library. Next, the computer can help with hand-eye coordination for young kids. In school students are observed to see how well or if there coordination is being developed. With @PERCENT3 @ORGANIZATION2 students having very little coordination, computer games lowered the @PERCENT3 to @PERCENT5. The computer does help with the educational needs @ORGANIZATION2 students in @LOCATION1. The computer is a great way to socialize with friends. It is a new and inventive way to communicate. I know that some @MONTH1 say that there is less time spent humanly interacting, but on the computer it is still interacting. With a phone you can only chat with each other, but a computer has a webcam. This device allows you to talk to people with some human interaction. Around @NUM2 to @NUM3 million @CAPS5 have this device to use. It @CAPS1 is preinstalled into many @ORGANIZATION3 and @ORGANIZATION4 laptops, giving us portable acces to talk. CEO at @ORGANIZATION3 said that ""@CAPS6 the laptops have come with c built in web cam, one out @ORGANIZATION2 every two that have it installed use it to chat socially and for buisness."" The computer can help with our communications for @CAPS3 or buisness needs. The computer is a good way to start and develope with @CAPS3 skills. More than @PERCENT6 @ORGANIZATION2 children use a computer to start with the begenings @ORGANIZATION2 their @CAPS3 skills. Computer allow many people to become @CAPS3 with each other in new and effective ways. In conclusion, the average computer can benafit our lives in positive ways. From our educational needs and to our @CAPS3 needs, the computer positivley effets us in these two very important ways." 5 4 9
999 1 Dear Newspaper, @CAPS1 your life without computers. Writing articles on a typewriter or by hand would surely be a hassle. The question of whether or not computers are beneficial to society has risen in the media, where they argue that people spend less time exercising interacting with nature, and less time with their family. However, computers are a great step forward in modern science and are beneficial to communities. Computers have drastically helped out educationally at school, not to mention the easier way of connecting with friends and family. Also computers have so many different forms of entertainment. Computers are great step forward and are completely beneficial to our society. Firstly, computers have helped academically in our schools and at home. I can't even @CAPS1 the hassle of coming home with thee assignment or writing two essays, only to have to write it by hand! Wanting to get it over with would only cause me to rush, resulting in a bad grade. Also, think of the handwriting factor. Most kids in my school don't have good handwriting, and I am assuming that teachers have a hard time grading something they can't read. With programs such as @ORGANIZATION1 @CAPS2, you are given the option of different fonts, colors, bolding, pictures, symbols, and so on. Another way computers have helped academically is in schools. More and more teachers are using computers to help us learn. Tests are taken on computers, websites to help us research are visited, and other @ORGANIZATION1 program such as powerpoint can be used for a project. Computers help a lot in school, while helping us learn so much more. Computers also help with keeping in touch with friends and family. The days of short letters are replaced with long emails with pictures attached, sent in a matter of seconds whizzing through the internet only to arrive on your friend's screen. People can save money by not having pictures developed but instead having them stored on their computer, ready to print onto boand paper. There adveances in communication through computers that have been made. Things such as cideo chat (vchat) where you can literally see and talk to the other person, or just audio chat where you can talk to the person, have been made. Such easy ways of communication motivate people to speak to family and friends and stay in touch. Computers have made a positive impact on community by havinf simple ways to talk to your loved ones. Computers can alos provide a fun source of entertainment on the web. Websites have been created where you can play games, find people from your past, or maybe just look out funny videos. Anything you type into your toolbar instantly transforms into a page of links websites where you con find details on your topic, or relative things one fun website is that of 'youtube'. This website lets people upload videos. The possibility are endless on the web. Another fun website is '@CAPS3'. This website is where you can 'friend' people you know from the past and interact with them. You can post viedos, write messages and such. As you can see, entertainment is everywhere on the web. The time is now to understand the full benefits of computers. Computers are a benefit to modern day society because they help academically, encourage you to stay in touch with family and friend, and provide entertainment. We should all understand that computers are a huge advance in science, and they are a great help, and also fun! 6 6 12
1006 1 "I strolled into my bedroom, I noticed the computer sitting on a wonder desk. I thought that computers are very helpful. There are many controversies on whether computes benefit or do not benefit society. My opinion on this topic is that computers are useful and I support this technology. Computers are excellent tools that could help students with work in school. For instance, this year I had a sciences project about how my hobbies interests are related to science. One of my interests in reading, @CAPS1 I had to research about how reading a simple back can be related to science. I went on the internet, typed in my question about reading, and two seconds later thousands of results up. I had even gotten some pictures too. A couple of days later after I had handed in my project, I recieved it back. I had gotten a @NUM1 on this project! @CAPS1 being able to use a computer really boosted my grade in science. Without the internet, I probably wouldn't have been able to get on A on this. As you can see, computers can help students with projects, etc. in school. Using this technology can help you reconnect with friends and family members. In elementary school, my friend @PERSON1 had moved away to @LOCATION1 @CAPS2. I had no way of communicating with her until I found a program on the internet that lets you chat with people. Both of us had been using this and we've been able to talk for on end. I don't see @PERSON1 as often as I had used to, but with my computer wide open in my bedroom I can chat online with her almost everyday. Computers can help re-establish old relationships with friends and family. @CAPS1 communicating on these are also another benefit. Using computers can help enrich peoples minds. For example, in school we use a program called, ""@CAPS3 @CAPS4."" @CAPS3 @CAPS4 involves you playing games that help you @CAPS3, and tests when you are ready to take them. @CAPS3 @CAPS4 has been helping us practice for the @ORGANIZATION1's. After taking multiple tests in subjects such as science, math, and language arts, I now feel confident about taking the @ORGANIZATION1's and I believe I am going to do well on these tests. As you can tell, the tool of @CAPS3 @CAPS4 on the computer can benefit your school grades. The effect computers have an people are that they help and benefit the society. I think that more citizens should own computers because they can expand your knowledge. I am clearly in favor of owning and using computers." 4 4 8
1011 1 Dear Local Newspaper, @CAPS1 you have a computer at home? Right now, more than @PERCENT1 of the people have at least one or more computers at home. Computers are common by now, but people argue rather they are really needed on our society. Computers give negative effects on people, for example, lose eye sight, interacting with strangers online and lack of outdoor exercise. One out of five people wear glasses or contacts, these days. the rate of people wearing glasses are increasing rapidly as well. Children and adults are spending too much time on the computer, which causes to lose eye sight. When people use too much computers, their eyes start to hurt and lead to a headaches as well. These are sign of spending too much time, but people tend to ignore it because they want to get work done, or simply addicted to the online video games. this shows that computers give terrible effects on society. When a person is on the internet, there is no limitation to him or her. Once a person is online, there are endless amounts of site to access on that are not always trusted. Online, where anyone can go on, there are millions of people that are not connected or related. In other words, strangers, interacting with people they don't know is very dangerous. They can have devastating influence, no supremacy, what so ever unless they are a teacher of same sort. Unfortunatly, people can not trust anyone online because they don't know who it exactly is. For example facebook. People think they are private, but everything that is uploaded or posted is public. Also others will be able to view your profile even they are not friends with that person. this is not safe in any way. The rate of people getting addicted on the internet is increasing as well. These people tend to not go outside at all and stay home. These people get not enough exercises, which are very unhealthy they tend to get their meals done at fast foods which are unhealthy as well. For the reason, people on the computers get fat from the unbalanced meal and never interact with people outside and nature outside. In conclusion, computers have negative effects on society because, they increase the number of people wearing glasses and losing eye sight. Second, they are creating a unsafe environment. last it makes people have unbalanced meals and lose track of their diet. 4 4 8
1012 1 Dear local newspaper writer, I'm writting to talk to you about the use of computers. I think computers benifit our comunties a lot. I feel this way because it can warn us about a natural disaster. It teaches us about everything & everything. Last we get to talk to people online In these next paragraphs ill share my thoughts about this topic to you. My first reason is natural disasters. Computers always warn us about them. For example when hurricane katrina hit computers were able to see that on their. Many people was able to flee the city before that happened. States shows @PERCENT1 of the natural disasters computer classified them. Computers saves people live eaach & every. Another example is with the earthquakes that recently happened in @LOCATION1. Computers informed many people about them. Those were my reasons how computers warn us about natural disasters. My second reason why I say computers benifit us is because it teaches us about everything & anything we learn about faraway places, new word & things that is happening in our own country. For example I had to research a person my project & all I dis was type in his name & pages full of information popped. You will be amazal how much information the computer has. Comuter has everything you need on as person & so much more. this is my second reason why computers are helpful. My last reason we get to talk online. Now the has its pros & cons. Talking online is very fun. I mean you in many website, myspace, facebook, twitter. Its never ending. People can talk to old friends, family anybody really. But many people have to be careful cause their creeps out ther. Like say you can't meet up with you friend you can @ORGANIZATION1 or ooVoo (webcame) them. The computer is you friend. So you might as well make good use with it. This is my last reason now the computer can benifit you. In conclusion I think the computer makes the world that much easier. My reason why you ask. It warns us about, natural disaster. It teaches us everything & anything. Last up can talk online. 5 4 9
1014 1 "Dear @ORGANIZATION1, Have you ever thought about people's veiws on certain technolgy? While some people say that others spend too much time on their computers, and are waisting their time, I think computers can help us with many different things. They can help with homework, interacting with people, and even help us with exercising. You'll find that in the end, computers end up as benefits for everyone. For many students, they need computers to help them understand their subjects. There are certain websights that give online lessons. Along with that, they have online books, so if they forget their real ones, they can still do their homework. My math teacher, @PERSON2, is always saying,""@CAPS1 into the online sight."" I've found that it really helps me when I'm struggling with my work. We can also ask our friends with help if we still @CAPS4't understand. That's not all we can do. There are certain sights like @CAPS2 and @CAPS3 where we can interact with other people. You can talk to them when they're out of town and have no cell-phone. You can also tak when the phone is being used and you have something importain to tell them, such as helping them with their homework. When there's no telephone reception between each other, they can still talk over one million people in the @LOCATION1 use these sights. People are wrong when they say it takes their time away from exercising. Many websights give good tips on how to lose weight. The show many dieting plans such as @PERSON3 or @PERSON1. Not only that, but they also have exercise plans. It's not the computer's fault, it's the people who @CAPS4't ""stick"" with exercising. Also, the computer reccomends many great gyms you can join, like @LOCATION2 fitness. @CAPS4't you think that's a good ""deal?"" @CAPS4't listen to those other people stick with my opinion that computers are benefits for everyone. They can help us with many things, above and beyond. I can't imagine life without them. Most everyone uses computers! Thank you for reading." 4 4 8
1029 1 Dear Newspaper editor, @CAPS1 you have a computer at home? @CAPS1 you use facebook, @CAPS2, or any other type of social networking site? Well if you are like the majority of the respectable, caring @CAPS3 in this country you probably answered yes to both of these questions; and you most likely also believe that the computer is a great tool to teach hand-eye coordination, as well as an awesome way to talk with other people online. Not only that but you should notice the great potential the computer has for showing us distant, faraway lands and cultures. What would we be able to @CAPS1 without hand eye cooridination? Nothing that is what we could @CAPS1. Without the hand eye cooridination that computers and video games help you develop, you wouldn't even be able to go outside and enjoy a peaceful game of tennis, baseball, or even basketball all because without hand eye coordination you are clumbsy and your depth perception is off. If it weren't for hand-eye cordination you wouldn't even be able to pick things up because your hands wouldn't go where you eyes were looking. Even though the computer isn't the only way to learn hand eye coordination, it is still an important stragedy that takes no effort to perform. If you are a social butterfly and love to converse with other people then you simply must own a computer! Computers, cell phones, pda's they are all the same, and that's because they are all same form of a computer. When you think about it, our country would be no where without these spectacular devices. These computers helped to industrialize and grow our great superpower of a country. Can you imagine having to drive to people's houses just to talk to them. These machines get our messages and vices to people who can be all the way across the world in just a few seconds. They are a great inovation in technolegy. Imagine having a paper for college or an assignment at work due tommorrow, and you have messy handwriting. There is no way you will get it done in time and have it be legible; and worse is that you'll be fired or expelled if it's not done. But your savior has arrived! The computer improves peoples hand writing, speed, and research all at the click of a few buttons. With computers theirs no more need for long tedious hours of handwriting or seaching through books at the library. What would happen to us with out this wonderful invention? The time has come for you to decide for yourself, @CAPS1 you like this time saving, teaching invention that you can socialize on, or would you rather go back to the stone age? 5 5 10
1030 1 Dear Newspaper @CAPS1, Computers are a great invention that we have created. Some people are concerned that people are spending too much time on their computers and hanging with your friends and family. Wait I also agree but spending time on your computer can actually be a good thing. It can be a good thing because you can learn something new every minute, you can also interact with your friends on it, lastly you can do things at the same time hang with your friends and getting exercise. Every minute you are on the computer you can learn something new! For example, let's say that you are on a gaming sights playing a game and suddenly an advertisement appears. It will most likely give you knowledges about the advertisement you are watching. Also study shows that everytime you are on a computer for atleast @NUM1 minutes you can learn something new you spend your . Even way for them to communicate is via internet/computer. This way you can make arrangements. I know that spending too much time on a computer is not all that great, but these are just of the benefits from it so please consider this. 4 4 8
1040 1 Dear @PERSON1, @CAPS1 name is @PERSON2 and I am here to give you @CAPS1 opinions about computers. Computers are fun and educational. They have lots of websites for games. Such as portaportal, @NUM1.com, they have safe fun games for kids under @NUM2. They also have educational websites that help you with your work. Such as google. Ask your question.com these websites have all the info on things you need help with. They also have @CAPS2, facebook. Yes I know there has been rumors about people threatening over chats. But other than that your able to chat with your friends instead of waiting for your mom to get off the phone. @CAPS2 lets you meet new people without having to tell them who you are. @CAPS1 opinion is that computers are safe in different occassions but are also very fun & educational. 3 3 6
1044 1 "Do you really think @CAPS1 need computers to live? I agree on spending less time on the computers and spending more time exercising, enjoying nature, and interacting with friends. I this because @CAPS1 and family. And @CAPS1 don't need computer @CAPS1 don't need computers @CAPS2 @CAPS1 are lost on and don't know where @CAPS1 are @CAPS1 get @CAPS3, not @CAPS2 @CAPS1 need to look for something @CAPS1 use ipods. If some people like to chat with each other they use cell phones. Lets say you have a project in class libraies are available. @PERCENT1 of kids like to read. A is great way to bring your reading up. If you don't get that right ideas @CAPS2 you read then you can ask your teachers, @CAPS2 it is appropriate time. Like afternoons or during lunch time. One day @CAPS2 I went to class there was a project due and kid said ""I copy all of the words for the computers."" And that is call pradizing. So some parents don't see there children pladerize. Sometimes internet is not good for children. Sometimes you need take a break and slow down. You can take a trip and see your family. You can also look out to nature. Exercise, hike, swim and bike. Computers are not family there are not going to make you exercise there going to make you lazy. Now that you've heard about why you should stop going to the computers because you have electronics, libraies and family. You stop and make a change right now. There nothing to loose. " 3 4 7
1050 1 "Dear @PERSON2 ""@CAPS1, @CAPS1"" I'm sure you all have heard the sound of a mouse or people typing if you have walk into an office, our local library, a doctor's office, or even our districts schools. The reality is that computers and the world-wide-web is seem and used everywhere. Without a computer, how would @CAPS3 be able to access our emails, interact with family memmber across the ocean and finish that research paper out teacher has assigned us? In my opinion, computers hace a phenomenal affect on people and their lives. The computer helps develope hand-eye coordination, learn about specifil subjects and interact with people on the computer. Therefore, with such positive affects, @CAPS3 should keep using this wonderful technology and get our jobs done. Have you ever walked into your schools lab or walked into a office building and all you could hear was the clicking of mouses or the buttons being pressed down on the keyboard? Well, not only is a job being completed, but you are also exercising I remember last month when my class was assigned a five page essay. After the second page, my hands hurt very badly, @CAPS4, not only was i completing my essay, I was also exercising my hands. Not only does computers allow you to exercise, it also helps develops hand-eye coordination. Have you ever played a game where you had to cath fist, or playes a fast-pasle game of pinball? Well, those games require one key thing i hand-eye coordination. Computers are very helpful in todays world. The computer and the world-wide-web is useful in several other ways too. The internet also allows you to learn about certain subject or events you might not have a book for. My bestfriend, @PERSON1, called me one day from the train. On the phone, she was frantic because she was giving a speech and she did not know what the statistic was for type @CAPS5 diabetes. What do you do when you have no book for a specific subject? @PERSON3 went on her laptop and found all the information she she dit not know. this is just another way the quick acces to a computer benefits people. ""You've got mail"" I'm sure you have all heard this before. Besides communicating through letters or on the telephone, the internet has also given us more ways for fast communication. when you need to confirm a meeting place or ask your classmate what problems were assigned homework, what could be a fast mean of communication? Sending a instant message, or e-mail are two ways of course. Not only does computers allow you to communicate quickly but also privately. Both your e-mail account and you instant message account have passwords so that only you can access them. Every four out of five households have a computer avalable for completing assignments, checking, e-mails and learning about the, that happend in @LOCATION1 last week. The computer has put a positive affect on numerous people and their everyday need. In my opinion, the computer has been one of the best technologies in history. This amazing technology has helped students, teachers, doctors, police officers and even you bank aggents serve our community and make it a better one. Thank-you." 6 5 11
1054 1 I think computers are very benefical. There are so many uses! From learning, to games, to videos, and to a tool that is very useful. Without computers we would be like the @CAPS1 (@CAPS2 offense any @CAPS1 people). We would have to wait for a news paper or the news to come on @CAPS4.V. to see becalling news. Let me explain my reasoning in the next few paragraphs. First and foremost, there are lots of things to do. You can play online games, off-line games, surf the web, chat, match videos, and so on and so forth. Without the internet I probably would have lost my interest in @ORGANIZATION1. I now am a member of the online community called www.MOCpages.com I post my creations, look at others creations, and comment, and chat. I use the internet to reasearch for school projects. Right now, I am reasearching @CAPS5 @CAPS6 during the @CAPS7 @CAPS8. Normally I would have to slave over books to find something. Now it is much easier, because keywords are matched. Finally, it is a good fool. Did you know the millitary needs computers to store info, attack, keep record, and to pilot certain planes? I need to use a computer to type up home work, because as you can see, my hand writing isn'@CAPS4 the neatest. Also, I stay in touch with my dad, who works in @ORGANIZATION2. I hope I persuaded you on my position. Remember computers, do lots of things, help us learn, and they are a fantastic tool. Thanks for reading, bye! 4 4 8
1056 1 Many people say that computer is help them in their every day life. A few examples are you could learn about places you didn't know about by searching on google. You get facts reviews about the place. You are exercising your fingers. It helps with communicating with other people. It can help you find long lost family. It reunites lots of family & friends you might have been looking for. Also with hand & eye coordination. And that means you can write/type without having to look at other features that cames through with a computer is going online. You can look & browse at things available in a store. Without driving all the way to the store & wasting gas & polluting the air. I.Ms a way of finding what's happening world wide & breaking news. You can still interact with family & friends & can meet new people. There's e-mail, instant messaging & much more. So you can always interact with & if they dont have a account signing up is. If you just go into nature you don't know what's there. You could look it up and find out what the park has to offer. And that concludes my opinion on how computers are helpful & lots of diverse ways. 3 3 6
1061 1 "Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 @CAPS3, @CAPS4 you think that computers have a bad effect on people? I @CAPS4. People spend to much time on the @CAPS5. When they need to be working on their @CAPS5 they get distracted and start to go and @CAPS4 their own thing. Other people sit at their @CAPS5 and get mad or angry at @CAPS6. When people dont know what to @CAPS4 they just go on their @CAPS5. When working on the @CAPS5 you get distracted. I am sight, People get distracted because they see that little intenet button cont of the corner of their eye. then they just click the internet symble. Then their on the internet out doing their job. The internet is not the only distraction on a @CAPS5. The games are @CAPS10 distraction, @PERSON1, @PERSON1, and hearts are all game that came on the @CAPS5 People get mad or angry at their @CAPS5 because @CAPS6 does not enough @CAPS6 delets a they need, or @CAPS6 simply wont turn on because its dead. They blame all of this on the @CAPS5: @CAPS6 @CAPS6 does not load fast enough the person might say, ""@CAPS7 on why use you being so slow I need to get my paper for work!"" @CAPS6 the @CAPS5 delets the paper the person @MONTH1 go, ""@CAPS9 is the paper I saved @CAPS6! are you play a game on me?"" But if the poor @CAPS5 is dead and wont turn on then the person @MONTH1 go, ""why are you turning on you stupid computed"" @CAPS10, people all of their time on the @CAPS5. They are and con't find same thing to @CAPS4 they for the @CAPS5. Not the best idea I say, People in the @ORGANIZATION1 have actsets to a @CAPS5. At home, evern on their phone. the @CAPS5 in the @LOCATION1 is becoming a problem in my eyes spending to much time on the @CAPS5 can lead to be over weight because you are going on the @CAPS5 in stead of going out and hangin with your Friends. in @CAPS11 I belive that @CAPS5 have bad effect on people, They get distracted on them at work. They blame them for thing the forget to @CAPS4. They use them to much these for people can stop going to gyms and get over weight. So @CAPS4 @CAPS5 have a bad on people? yes they @CAPS4." 4 4 8
1069 1 "@ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 of people use computers @CAPS2 for many different types of things. Computers are very beneficial to society. Even though people @MONTH1 use their computers too much, the tasks they complete help our world run smoothly. Also, computers allow us to keep in touch with friends and family that we don't see anymore, and they teach us valuable information very quickly. Without computers, society would not run as smoothly as it does now. One way that computers benefits our society, is that they complete tasks such as writing a paper, researching information,..etc, much quicker. For example, if you, the @ORGANIZATION1, needed to quickly print an article in the paper on the devastating earthquake in @LOCATION1, computers would greatly benefit you because they would allow you to type the article much quicker than having to handwrite it. Computers are very beneficial to society because they allow us to complete things very quickly and efficiently. Another reason why computers are very beneficial to society is because they allow us to maintain relationships with people from long distance and allow us to always keep in touch with old friends and family. Moving to from about @DATE1, computers have greatly helped and I stay halfway country. In a recent survey by @PERCENT1 of college graduate a computer stay in town friends from stay in but allow you to actually see the are our society is beneficial by computers because they world. reason society is because they alloe people very quickly. Search engines such as @ORGANIZATION3, @ORGANIZATION4, @CAPS3, and more allows us to research anything we want to know at just the click of the button. This ability to know anything very quickly has agreat effect on people, without of this knowledge people becomemore intellectual and intelligent and with that intelligence, they make great things happen. According to @PERSON1, a computer scientist at @ORGANIZATION2, The knowledge people get from computer search engines allows them to better do @CAPS2 things and achive more in thier lives"". Computers benefit society and have great effect on people when they are balanced our with other important things such as exercise and socializing. They teach us new information quickly, perform tasks, quickly and effeciently and allow us to keep in touch with people across the world. If it weren't for computers things would take longer to get done and society would become worse. We need computers to do @CAPS2 things and do tasks needed to live life.""" 5 5 10
1074 1 Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 have been complates about computer in are society. They say they are keeping children inside doing nothing, but really they are helping us so much! The internet is where you can resurch anything and tones of helpful ideas come up. @CAPS3, @CAPS5 helps us with hand-eye cordination. Lastly, computers alowe us to stay in touch with people who are far away. Like last year my friend went to poland and we were able to talk threw are computers! So lastly join me and help the world know that computers are good! First off I would like to say the computer is a good source of information. How would you like @CAPS5 if you still had to read scrolls from grene when you could look at on online? Not to manchin not any you need to know some thing really fast like now your stalk is befor a big meeting. Then all you have to do is simple type in what you want to know then bam! Just like that you know, and off to you meeting. Secondly, using the mouse and keys on a computer can incless your hand-eye cordination. Like my parents aways say when i'm typeing on esay, @NUM1 words per minute is a good minute. @CAPS3, out of @NUM2 kids get better hand-eye cordination after geting good on the computer. Alot of times kids have a ten of cordination, but I have a that if kids on the thing will change. Most importantly the computers and faraway like I menchind befor I stayed intouch with my polish buddy @CAPS3, a lot of people don't have cell phones so they have an @CAPS4, gmail, facebook, my space, or a twitter. All of this alows us to stay in touch and keep us up in are friends lives. This is very important because if we are social the we will get out with are friends and do stuff, wich is very important for are. In conclusion, @CAPS5 is good for are society to have computers in are lives. @CAPS5 will help us in the future, we will get good grades on project because of are sources. We will be heathy with hand eye cordination, from the mouse and keybord. Lastly we will have many friends. thes are all very important in. So keep computers! 4 4 8
1089 1 Dear @CAPS1, I have same questions for you and I was hoping you could answer them. I was wandering. Do you have any computers in your house, if so how many? Also, do you like using the computer? I am trying to figure out how many people don't use computers because. I want to ask them how do they survive without one!? Computers are essential to our present day lives. Everything in the world is in one computer. You can talk, email, even see people through a computer because now adays everyone has a videcam hooked onto their computer. I want to tell you all of the great things computers do not make our lives so much easier. People are always looking for a way to get in touch with someone like if your phone is dead, how are you going to tell your friend what time your going to meet at that place? You can easily just text her from the computer. You can either use your screen-name to text someone or just go on verizon, at&t, sprine... etc.com and text people from there. It would save you from standing your friend up and feeling guilty about it. Has there ever been a time where you needed number, but you couldn't find your telephone book? It sure has happened to me, but you know what I do? I go on the computer and go on yellow pages.com and just look up the restraunt/place on the website. It's as simple as that. You can look up almost anything on the computer, prices, places, facts, anything! Most of the time the true facts will always be there. Computers help you a lot if you need help on histicoral, scientific, and @CAPS2 facts. Computers help us everyday. People need them for communication, telephone numbers, or facts about anything. Most of someones life can be saved to the computer. If you have bad handwriting, then you could just type up your paper and hand it in all nice and neat. Like I said before computers are esstential to our present day lives @CAPS3 reading this, I bet you'll agree. 4 4 8
1101 1 Dear, @CAPS1 I am writting this article on computers to inferm you my oppinun on computers positive and negotive efects. The reason why computers are so succsesful is beacuse of some of the great imformation they. Such as directions to a place until you are going to or home imformation on a subject or a pearson. Althoug these all sound good any one can post imformation on the internet so some imformation misnt not all be accrate. Some reasons why the computer is bud is beacuse of signs wich are not safe and can give your pearsonal imformation to a and comeing back to bud you in the future. Also webite or pop up icon are not suttebul for younger kids and exposeing them to to mature for them. Lastly talking on the computer is apart of our everyday lives such as emails almost every american whita computer here. A email, this is a great to relie or. Also the new sorse of web witch giving you the ability to see peaple and into the computers wich is raipidly growing in the @LOCATION1 @CAPS2 all in this article this you my point of veiw on computers. 4 4 8
1107 1 Computer are good and bad because computers are good because that is a way we can comunicate with other people in different states. Another reason computers are good because they can keep you out of trouble and can keep you entertained. Computers are bad because they can become a computer. Freak and become highper when it comes to computers. Computers are good because it can do alot of things that other objects cannot do. 2 2 4
1108 1 Dear local newspaper, @CAPS1 you can see, about @PERCENT1 of our population over use the computer. They should be out getting fresh air and spending time with their family and friends. On the other hand, the computer can come with much use. For many people. Family lives quite a distance away, @CAPS1 well @CAPS1 some friends and getting out of touch is a possibility. You can also learn about far away places, like @LOCATION1. The computer is often used for projects essays which is important. You can learn quite a bit with a computer. The computer can be used in many ways. One way is to keep in contact. Sure you can just go to the park and spend time there but not everybody live that close. For people who have relatives or even good friends who live quite a distance, a computer is what you @CAPS2. It is a great way to keep in contact. You can keep everyday updated at all times. For example, my cousin recently went out of the country for college she will be there for a few months so she has her own blog on the computer to keep everybody update and stay in contact. The phone is not always an option. To learn about far away places is great. Online you can learn about the history of specific places. You can see the towns and so much more. You can even see pictures. Maybe one day you will even get to see those specific places in person. How cool would that be? School is a big thing now-a-days. Students have project after project assay after essay and its a lot of work. @CAPS1 you grow older it becomes more work and with a computer, you will have less weight on your shoulders. With essays you can type them, and fix your mistakes without it looking sloppy. Projects are easy to fix to: so messing up isn't a big deal. On the other hand, more americans now than ever before are over weight. The computer has a lot to do with that. Most people will come home and sit on the computer for the rest of the evening. They don't realize what a big effect a computer can make on a person. More people should be out exercising. Spending time with family. Computers can be negative thing or positive. It can be more helpful than you could imagine. But, yet it can make a huge negative effect on people. It can help keep contact with people to learn about far away places, or even school work. Let it be benificial, use it when you @CAPS2 it. 5 4 9
1111 1 Being a teen myself, my computer is something I don't think I would be able to live without. But is it holding me back from more important things? I think so. I feel that not having computers will in a way educate people more so than now. For example with school research papers we imediatly go to the computers in order to find information when we could be using books and magazeens. With having the use of computers many people don't properly know how to use and find information in books. Also being around computers and using them so much is pulling families further apart and stopping humans from being more interactive with nature and the environment. For many people using a computer is a life style, it's something we tend to use more than religiously and that @MONTH1 not be the best thing. Children, teens and even adults get extremly addicted to computers. Teens and children use laptops and @CAPS1's everyday in order to do their school work, and to talk with friends. As well as parents/adults, they use it to get their work done and use it as a easy communication with co-workers. To this very day people have become very addicted to computers. I know for certain that in my family, my mother, nor my father, nor my brother, nor I could go through a day without using a computer. As I mentioned before computers are also pulling families further apart. There is less family time and comunication between family members these days, due to computers. Insead of spending time with the family, teens prefer spending time on the computer chatting with their friends. I bet if there was a poll was taken on how much family time has been taken away in households because of computers I almost garentee it would be quite a large amount. I know the only true family time some families have without computers is dinner and that isn't much. Lastly many humans are not as connected to nature and as involved as they used to be. Using computer keeps people inside and not exposed to nature. Though there many advertisements and pop ups on the computer that inform us about how to take care of the earth properly, we so easily ignore them and remain playing on the computer than going outside and doing something to help make the world a better, clearer place. Not only is it just taking care of our earth, but it is also the fact that not many people these days go out and get the fresh air they need as much as they really should. Most likely not all of that is due to the use of computers, but I bet a great deal of it is. Like I said before it is super hard to imagine a day without a computer, I mean how would we communicate or do our work? But there are trulthfully other ways to do them that we just aren't very used to because of the fact that we are so attatched to them. I never really noticed till now that it is possible to live without a computer, and that so many people are missing increadable things such as family and nature because we are so addicted to the computers. 6 5 11
1112 1 Dear local Newspaper, In my opinion I belive that computers have helped our society a lot over the past decade or so. This is because when you on the computer you get better hand-eye coordination. Also you learn how to type and do other things with a computer that you will need to no how to do if you want to get a decinte job that pays well. Also now on the computer you can go on facebook and other website were you can make friend and chat with other people. So its not only helping your social skills and hand-eye coordination but also you are most likly to get a good job if you no how to type and use a computer. First off, having a computer teaches you to have better hand-eye coordination. This is because when you get a computer having better hand-eye coordination will teach you how to type better and more quick. Secondly, having a computer will teach you better social skills. This is because now alot of people go on facebook and you can make friends and chat with your new ones. Also when its a cold and rainy day you can occupy youself by playing different games and also you can check the news and forecast for tommorrows weather. Lastly, when you learn how to type you have a good shot at getting a good job because you no hot to type and work a computer. This is because when you are looking for a job that pays good you will most likly have to me how to type and operate a computer. @CAPS1 in @CAPS1, in my opinion I think computers have helped our society over the years, but other people @MONTH1 think differently. So now lets see what you think. 4 4 8
1117 1 "Statistics show that more and more people every year are not geting their exercice and are on the computer talking to their frend on face book or my space or something like that. Will people go out side more or will they sit and type? Here is the @CAPS1 more and more people use computers, but not every one agrees that this benifits society. Those who suport advasas in tecnollogy belive that computers have a positive afect on peoples life. Well I @CAPS2 belive that it does not have a positive ofect on people. My reasons are that people who youse computers more dont get their exercise and get fater, and if you put Your name and adress on the computer their is a slite @CAPS3 that you will be kidnaped or murderd, my final reson is that you dont spend as much time with the familiy that you should. Obiseity in the @LOCATION1 has gone up at least @PERCENT1 because people arent geting thir exercise and are spending to much time on the computer @CAPS4. nothinka says that: ""Their are to meany People who dont get the exercise They need."" The @ORGANIZATION1 says ""@CAPS5 people like the internet but what people dont know is that thir are @CAPS5 bad people out their who whould like to get thir hands on your info."" @CAPS6 as you can see I @CAPS2 belive that it whould be a wise idea if you wrot a articol on tecnology. Because @ORGANIZATION1 obesity in america and @CAPS8 safty it is now or never that You wriet this articol it will probobly mack you hunders @ORGANIZATION1 dollers @CAPS6 get out @ORGANIZATION1 your @CAPS9 pick up your pencil and write. @CAPS5 people thik that Computers are fun yes but You are not reolisinig what Your doing. You chould be @NUM1 lbs one day and then be @NUM2 lbs the next. @CAPS6 remember that it whould not be abad thig if you wrote a articol on this." 3 4 7
1122 1 I believe that computers have a strong negative effect on society but a stronger positive one. Computers these days are very advanced and allow you to talk to your friends, allow you to acess information more efficiently, and have increased our man power in scientific research. Almost every teen has a screen name that allows you to chat online with your friends. This function keeps kids in touch and active. Eventhough instant messaging can distract kids from their daily life it can also be amazingly helpful. Just last week a friend of mine had forgotten to write down their homework and easly contacted online. I was able to let them know @NUM1 a matter of seconds. Like wise, with this online communication you can also talk and and video chat as if you right there with your friends not everyday do you get to go hang out with your friends so this is an easy alternative. Not only is quick and easy it's free. Computers keep kids off their phones and from jucking up the bill and causing those loud annoying phone bill conversations how to limit your texting. The most important effect computers have on society is the gathering of information. The internet allows people to acess millions of websites and light speed. Every second of the day their is someone on the internet searching for date that they would have to go to the library to get. Computers are a key part in society and we depend on them without them we would all be lost. They provide an easier way to life that us lazy @CAPS1 need to survive. The internet keeps us updated and informed on whats going on all around the world without even going there. We need the internet and we couldn't acess it without computers. One of the largest aspects of life computers have helped us with is research. Computers have multiplied our man power giving us more organized way to store date. Recently I was watching a show where they had a computer testing items for @CAPS2 a process that would take a human weeks. They also help us be different and more creative people. With the computer came smaller more compact computers till they were able to fit in the palm of our hand. They have lead us to think we can do greater things in life and keep our earth safe and to stop damaging it as much. They're lead us to research the unknown areas of the world where @NUM2 years ago a scientist with a pad of paper didn't have dare to even think about. Computers have linked the world through communication and information and have exelled us to greater heights in understanding how we came to be. Overall society needs computers and they have and overwhelming positive affect on society. 5 5 10
1127 1 "The use of computers has been increasing since personal computers were invented. Although there are some upsides to computers like doing research and interacting with people, there are @CAPS1 more bad aspects then good ones when it comes to computers. Computers negatively affect the way people live outside the ""virtual world."" @CAPS1 people end up overweight or obeise from spending too much time in a computer chair and not enough time outside exercising. People also tend to interact with people on the computer that they don't talk to out in the world, or that they don't know at all. People also give out personal information to people they don't know, which leads me to my second point. Thefts happen everyday across the globe, whether it's robbing a bank, a store, or even someone's identity. Using a computer can lead to @CAPS1 thefts. There are people that hack into people's banking account, which has all your personal information on it, and withdraw any sum of money tha they like. Millions of people have all of their information online, for anyone to see, and this is very dangerous. That is another downside to computers. My final point that is to be made is all the costs that come with computers. @CAPS1 people have to spend a lot of money on glasses because they looked at a computer nearly all the time. Some people even must pay for rehab. There are people out there who are actually addicted to the internet, so they have to pay thousands of dollars to get back to health. As you can see, there are @CAPS1 more cons than pros when it comes to computers. Any of these things could happen to you so I advise you not to use a computer." 4 4 8
1130 1 Dear Newspaper I disagree with the hole computer thing I think it's just a wast of money and it's a wast of time for kids. That will be the kids will get fat and kids will never want to go out side they will want to play video games, eat junk food. If you stay on the computer for to long, it can make your eyes week and it sometimes can give you canser and you can die from canser or you can get really sick and not die and you will hike @NUM1 sick year of pain. Mostly kids stay on the computer for mores playing stupid games and they will never go out side and they will stay in side for days and never go out side and play with there friends. When they get sick of there games they will want to try and hang out with there friends but they wont be able to they will be to fat and slow. My aunt died from useing a computer to much she had brain cancer and she died she lived for @NUM2 year with the cacer. I felt so bad for my cousin he had to watch his mother die all because she used a computer everyday cause that has her job. Therefor I state that computers should not be used for more than @NUM2 houre a day 3 3 6
1132 1 Dear Newspaper, I disagree that computers are important to people because they have research, online colleges, and online stores. Those are my top @NUM1 reasons and I'm going to give more details. My first main idea is that computers help students find important information help students find important information on a project. You can do on the wikepedia to help find information about the battle of @LOCATION1 and other important history. one example is I went to american history.com to find good information about @CAPS1 alley @CAPS2 and what happened there. People also look up a lot of stuff that involves school. You can get research about the earth and what happens to it. My second main idea is that computers are good for people is when you finish high school, you can go to college. Some colleges can be found on the internet and you can go to college at home on your computer. One example is my cousin. She goes to college on the internet because she has to take care of her two children. Whenever you watch television you see a commercial about online colleges because they are trying to tell you to go to school online. My third and final reason why computers are good for you people is that some stores have an online store where you can look at what they have in the store. Children like to go shopping alot but they can't go to the mall or the stores because you don't want to go. You can let them see what they want and buy it online than going to the stores. It can be shipped to your door without going anywhere. My mom sometimes orders from @CAPS3.C @CAPS4 so she doesn't have to go there. It gets shipped to our house in less than a week. There was my @NUM1 main reasons why people should have a computer. They can find research, online schools, and online shopping stores. This can help people understand computers. 4 4 8
1136 1 Dear Local Newspaper, @CAPS1 you know that more than half the students in the world use the computer to study. I think that people don't spend a lot of time on the computer. And even if they are it's for studying learning of catching up with old friends. Here are some reasons why I think that computers have good effects on people. Most kids use computers to learn about things they are doing in class. And they also use the computer to study about a country or a person they are doing a report on. Also there are games on the computer that can help you with math. Now onto my secod reason. You can also use the computer to send emails to friends that live faraway, and also you could use things like facebook to find friends that had moved away. And you could also use a video camera to video chat with a friend or if you are a business man or woman you could videochat with clients all across the country. Now onto my third and final reason. Computers also have applications like microsoft word which lets you type things such as essays or term papers instead of having to write them out by hand. Also there is an application that lets you make a powerpoint if you need to make one for a project. And there is an application that lets you paint pictures or draw pictures. Those are some reasons why I think that computers have good effects on people. If we didn't have computers the world would be very different like kids wouldn't be able to search things for projects or type essays. And you wouldn't be able to keep contact with someone who moved away. Also you wouldn't be able to make power points for projects. And that is why I think computers have a good effect on people. 4 4 8
1148 1 Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 you probably have seen there is a lot of controversy over wether computers are helpful or harmful. I for one agree computers are helpful because, they help you learn about new things, talk to people around the world, and try new things. For instance have you ever wondered what the capital of @LOCATION6 is? Well with the you could find that answer in the blink of an eye, that's because the internet gives you unparraellel information that no book has. The internet seally lets you see what is happening in or world because there are various news sources, and blogs on the internet, @PERSON1 do you remember the earthquake in @LOCATION4 well I sure do, because I found it out on the internet. You can also find directions to places, sports stats and about different places. Well whats a better way to find out a bout those than talking with people who live there? I don't think anything is, seriously is it better reading about @LOCATION5 or talking to someone in @LOCATION5? Thats the beauty of the internet is it bonds the world together into a tighter realationship, I remember chatting with people from @LOCATION3 while the gold medal game @PERSON3. Sure some people would say that you could meet someone in person from a different country, well how would you meet someone from @LOCATION2 in @LOCATION1, because I never have. People could say go to the place to talk to the person and, with the internet, it's very possible. Have you @PERSON1 wanted to go to @PERSON4? Well with the internet all you need is your credit card and you could be there tomorrow because the internet allows you to try new things. Have you ever wanted to try pingpong, it so you could or does a set offline and have it shipped to you in a couple of days, I always wanted to go to a zoo but, I didn't know of any, so I used the internet and see school for zoos near @LOCATION1, @LOCATION1 and before I could move the results for @PERSON2 zoo were right infront of me. That is why the internet is very helpful. To sum it all up the internet is very helpful to people who use it correctly, but I agree that the internet can be inappropriate. With blackson the not needed sites the internet can do almost anything. 5 4 9
1151 1 Dear Local Newspaper, @CAPS1 is my belief that people are spending too much time on computers. Now a days you can do anything on a computer. Such as, talk to friends, play games, even turn off your lights! But, what are they taking away from us? There taking away communication skills and is same uses creating cyber bullying. They also don't let us enjoy the beauty of nature and exercising. One out of every @NUM1 teens spends more time telling people on the computer then face to face. This way of communication prevents children from learning valuable social skills which come with conversing face to face. This makes @CAPS1 more difficult for children to make friends, or even to do well is work intencies. Studies say by each upcoming generation the communication skills are decreasing by @PERCENT2. Eventually, if @CAPS1 continues to drop at this the will have a world that went. This style of communication has ever a new type of bullying. What have we do to people? You waste over @NUM2 days a year sitting in front of your computer. in this wasted time you could be out going for a jog or walking the day. in fact, the percentage of people that have computer is much greeter than the percentage of people that do not only you exercising for yourself. The computer cant do @CAPS1 for you. Sitting in front of a computer does nothing for your body. You physicaly have to get up and move. Its good for your health, got fresh air. Coming to a point about fresh air @PERCENT1 of people who use computers at home are more likely telecom sick than people who doesnt leave you set seem for sometimes. Seeing nature like never before, I dont think. Yes you can look us the green spotted tree from on the internet, but its nothing like in nature and @CAPS1 is real life. Discoveries cannot be made about new species on the computer, a computer cant find @CAPS1 for your find @CAPS1. People are and less about the environment does to computer. They are seeing a picture not the healthy. After writing this I can te the that I was about myself and personal, which scared me the most I realizes I am becoming more and more dependent on computer each day. I dont seeing friends as. I dont go outside as much, and I don't as much. This true for must people whether you realize @CAPS1 or not I personaly ongoing today and out on time computing you will te. Computer are to much lets for from there hold and deo something more with there lives. This well improve our. So this brings to my final that computers are a bad influence on human and we should use less of them and for ourselves by doing not seeing. Thank you for your time. 5 5 10
1169 1 To middlebury paper, @CAPS1 the article on wether or not computers benefit society, my opinion is that they have lots @MONEY1 pros to make them a worthwhile thing to have in our towns schools, homes and businesses. They can help more than they hurt, and can you honestly see your life without checking e-mails and keeping up to date with our society? Computers in schools help to increase the amount @MONEY1 learning our children. @CAPS1 example, @PERSON1 can study their math facts online @CAPS1 math or learn about the skeletal system @CAPS1 health classes. It also is an advantage is conserving money because instead @MONEY1 having to pay @CAPS1 your son or daughter to fly to @LOCATION1 to learn about the collisreum, you can let them learn about it on the internet first, to see if the trip is actually worthwhile. Also an essential thing needed to life is hand eye coordination, and a way to practice that is playing exercise practice games on a computer. Thats help install the coordination your towns children will use @CAPS1 the rest @MONEY1 their ! Educational benefits will only increase as technology, so cutting children from it now is a big mistake! With computers, communication is a . Students can get homework through their e-mail. Saving time so they have more time coming up. The cost effectiveness computers because instead @MONEY1 paying @CAPS1 phone bills and tutors @CAPS1 your children and cellphone bills, you can just talk through e-mail and potentially save @MONEY1! Keeping in touch with families is simplified also because in just one e-mail you can catch with all your family members! Speeding up communication with computers clearly has benefits no one wants to miss out on. So why would you make that mistake. @CAPS1 addressing you can't place the blame on computers @CAPS1 why people don't exercise people as much. People choose how community they exercise, on the computers. Computers don't control wether you family or not. If anything they help together! Spending time in nature is that particular persons. Choice no one elses. All these cons can't be blamed on computers, because its the people that decide how much they're used, not the computer. All in all, I think keeping our use @MONEY1 computers where it is now is the best idea, because without it communication and education will decrease and with that, who says exercising will increase?! Overall the choice is the computers user, not the computer, so when used in discretion, computos contribute greatly to society. 5 5 10
1170 1 "Dear @ORGANIZATION3, @CAPS1 has come to @CAPS2 attention that certain members of our society believe that computers are not beneficial. This position comes from lack judgement and a closed mind. Computers are lifelines to buisness workers who use them to complete all of their work, these tools also enable news of disaster or weather to spread efficiently and effectively. These technological devices also create and sustain communication between family members and friends. In todays society computers are vital and getting rid of them would be like stopping oxygen from making its way to the body, being accompanied by multiple severe consequences. First and foremost, about @PERCENT1 of all modern companies require their employees to work on computers. These works of art aren't just handy-dandy toys , rather @CAPS5 essential to the working class @CAPS5 a # @NUM1 pencil to a student taking a cut. @PERSON3, an owner of a small buisness, agrees. ""@CAPS2 company designs software and uses computers @NUM2. Many of @CAPS2 employees work from home and have to own computers."" The growth of computers is not something to be frowned upon, rather an achievement in technology enhancing the lives of others. By ripping our computers from lives of workers chaos would be created with many unappealing consequences. Adults aren't the only ones whose jobs consists of computers. Nowadays students' homework is mostly online, computers decrease the amout of time needed to write an essay and are glare to students of all ages, @PERSON4, an eighth grades at @ORGANIZATION1, is an example of this dilema. Every night she has at least three hours of homework and usually one hour be @CAPS1 requires a computer, however, this isn't a problem because @CAPS1 cuts back the time @CAPS1 takes for @PERSON4 to do her homework. She can quickly type up an @CAPS3 essay or research a science topic instead of doing @CAPS1 painstakingly slow using an old fashion method. Moreover, computers are doors into the real world, especially for residents of @LOCATION1. Whether some people like to believe @CAPS1 or not, @LOCATION1 is a bit of a sicludded area where people aren't aware of what is going on outside of their closed off town. Computers cause news to spread like electricity and open @LOCATION1 residents eyes to national and global problems @PERSON2, another student at @ORGANIZATION5, states, "" @CAPS4 the earthquake took place in @LOCATION3 @CAPS2 friends and I were all at lunch, @CAPS5 we came back to class @CAPS2 teacher was projecting the news via her computer onto the white board"" @CAPS6 computers were taken away a stream of knowledge would be cut off from adults and children. Most importantly, computers create communication between friends and family calling up to talk to someone isn't always an option, so computers are the better choice. Families can connect with each other no matter @CAPS6 they have cell phone reception or what area of the world they are in, @PERSON1 is a senior at @LOCATION1 @CAPS7 @ORGANIZATION1 who agrees. ""@CAPS4 I go to college next year I am going all the way to @LOCATION2 and want to be able to talk to @CAPS2 family, via email and instant message I can contact them even @CAPS6 its inconvenient because they don't have to respond right away."" @PERSON1 brings up a good point computers serve the luxury of communication, which is vital to keep @PERCENT2 of healthy relationships, @CAPS5 shows a study at @ORGANIZATION4. In conclusion, computers are an incredible piece of equipment that should be valued and not taken away. The are vital to workers and students and bring news to residents of any corner of the world. Computers also are how friends and family are able to stay connected and communicate. Therefore, I urge you, readers of the @ORGANIZATION2, to raise your voice about the benefits of computers, so they aren't taken away from our society." 6 6 12
1171 1 "@ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1? Are you there?"" ""@CAPS2 you hear me?"" You never have that issue with computers. It has come to my understanding that there is a dispute about the benefits of computers - should we have them and advance them, or not? Well, I believe that computers are a necesity to an average person. Computers help everyone, and make life easier! Sure, there are cellphones and other helpful electronics, but @CAPS2 they always prove trustworthy? Computers are alwasy reliable - whether it's for homework or another reason! Computers provide easy interaction without breakups, they make it easier to learn, and if you are smart then they are safe. Without computers, who knows where our society would be? To begin, computers allow people to have conversations with others...that are halfway across the world! There are a variety of applications that you @CAPS2 choose from, and they are all easy to use. My personaly preffered option is @ORGANIZATION2 email. I myself have family in @LOCATION1, which is a whole continent away! Sure, I could call them, but my phone bill would be through the roof! How else am I supposed to keep intact with my loved ones? Do you know how many others face the same problem? Through a recent study, @NUM1 out of @NUM2 families in @LOCATION2 say they have relatives that are far away. That is @PERCENT1 of @LOCATION2's population! Imagine there was no computer for them to use. Phone companies would be in money and regular families would be living on the streets. Or worse - they would lose any relationship with their famly. Do you want that? Computers are easy to access, and you @CAPS2 interact with loved ones, friends, or new people. It doesn't get any better than that! So, which would you choose - losing your family relations or keeping in touch via email and computer applications? If that isn't enough, computers make it easy to learn new things and accomplish tasks. I know that as a student of @PERSON1, other students and I need to type our homework at least three times a week! Just yesterday I had to type up a response, a free writing choice, and an entry for a history project. Imagine if we had to go back to using typewriters. Either homework wouldn't be done or everyone would have a major lack of sleep. Both options are unacceptable. Plus, computers are great for research. If you have to look up a new country, look at far away colleges or find out about the world, why not visit your handy computer? You could learn which college is right for you without leaving your house. You could visit a new country without leaving town! Sure, you could read a newspaper, but answer me this where does the paper come from? Yup, trees are killed for them. Computers are the easy, environment friendly alternative for you. If those two reasons didn't convince you, maybe this one will. Most people think computers are unsafe, and that @MONTH1 be partly true. But if you are smart or listen in school like me, you will know that isn't always the case. In our school, we are taught about the risks of computers, and how to prevent any possible @CAPS3. I'm sure most schools do. In fact, nine out of ten students say that when it comes to safety, computers are rated an A+. Everyone knows about hackers, and so we avoid them. My parents even say that for over thirty years they have never had a single issue or risk of safety when using a computer, and neither have I. ""@CAPS3 are only powerful if you let them be, and let them take control,"" says @CAPS4, an expert on the subject. So, if it's safety you are worried about, then don't. The kids of today, and tomorrow, know what is out there, and how to stop the minor @CAPS3. So, why don't we recap what we learned today. Are computers helpful and the best way to go for communication? Yes, they are. What is the best way to learn now things easily? I believe the correct answer is computers. What are safe even if some don't agree. It wasn't phones... no, not television... oh yes computers! I see why you might think no, they should be outside, well let me tell you, cellphones and t.v. will keep them from that anyway. At least computers don't rot your brain. Well, I have done my part. I support computers, and their advancement. But it isn't up to me, is it? No, it's not. So please do your part by spreading the word. It's the right thing to do. You know that you want to!""" 6 6 12
1181 1 One girl sits by her computer doing homework. Another girl with her computer, talks to her friends. Those girls are doing activitys that make our world more productive. I think that computers have a positive effect on people. Computers help people with hand-eye cordination, learn about faraway places, and talk with others online. This is what computers can do to help our socity become better. Firstly, the computer can teach us hand-eye cordination. By playing games , we can use what we learn in real life. A boy can play football on line, then take what he learned and use that in a real football game. Hand-eye cordination on the computer can help us to learn new things about our society. We could use what we learned to discover new things and help us to make the community, as a whole, . These skills can also help us do more things at once. Multitasking is a difficult task to and with hand-eye cordination and computers it becomes easier. A second productive task can help us with is learning . Some people dont know going on in The computer can direct us to news The computer is literally like one huge look of use . Another positive effect that computers have on people is communication. Many people have a twitter, facebook , myspce, etc. and all those websites can help . Products like skpe, video chat , aim and email allow people to have a conversation online. Email is something that there are so many new ides. You cannot only talk you can do business, send pictures, invitations, and announcements. Schools, offices, and companys all over the world use these products and it doesn't only make society better it makes the world better. In conclusion, computers do have a positive effect on people around the world. They can help with hand eye cordination, help you learn about far away places, and they help people communicate. That one girl doing her homeowrk get an A and the girl talking on her signs off to be with her family. 5 5 10
1182 1 Dear Newspaper @CAPS1, I believe computers and excelling technology benefits society because it can help with hand eye coordination, it will be an easy way to learn about faraway places and cultures, and your able to save and use your time more wisely. First of all every person needs hand-eye coordination, if you didn't you would either thore a ball in the comlplete other direction or you'll get hit in the face with it. Computers benefit childrens education too, they can help you discover and learn about far away places. For example if a student is studying @PERSON3 @LOCATION1 in their @CAPS2 @CAPS3 class, @PERSON1 in @CAPS4 class or maybe @PERSON2 in music class, instead of pulling out the old, dustty biography book it would be easier to look them up on a search engine. Lastly the computer benefits everyday working or stay at home parents because if you have to get in contact with a cetain person or business quickly you don't have to take the chance of having to go look in the phone book and the person or business isn't in it, just go to to @NUM1.com type in a last name or business name, so your all set. Also if your child is being a nuisance screaming and running around the house you can just set them up with an educational game so you can get your house-hold chores finished. Those are three of the most important reasons why I think computers benefit society. They are hand-eye coordination, learning techniques and saving everyday people time. 4 3 7
1183 1 Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, I think Computers have a bad effect on people for three reasons. One they can really hurt your eyes, two it is not safe if you have little kids in your house. Finaully three you will never see your family or friends if your on the computer. The first reason was computers have a bad effect on people is it can really hurt your eyes. If your always stareing at a computer screen all the time you can go blind. And with you having bad eyes you can get serious head injures just from hurting your eyes. The second reason why computers have a bad affects on people it is not safe if you have little kids in your home. Like you can be watching adult movie that little kids are'nt aged enough to see if can have a bad effect And it has a bad effect on people because you will have no and if you have a little kid in your house he will always be in and he will probaly hear something really, really kid like music, @CAPS3 if you have a kid house The reason was computers have bad effects on people is that if your always on a computer you will never see your family and @CAPS3 if you are always on the computers you will miss out on the And will never you never see and don't @CAPS3 a rent on on the computers. @CAPS3 what you look And keep the little kid with you in the house. And last get off the computer and go see your family and friends. 4 4 8
1185 1 "Dear @CAPS1, People like computers, @CAPS2 a known fact. They are very much like a dry, addicting and irrestable. Despite what people believe though computers are very good for our daily lives. You can communicate play @ORGANIZATION1, listen to music watch movies, even learn a language on the computers. So in all ways, the computer is anything but bad. @ORGANIZATION1 are fun. They help us relax. In todays age, @ORGANIZATION1 just don't give people the joy they experienced when younger. Computer @ORGANIZATION1, they are the replacement. Imagine playing baseball with a friend who lives miles away from you, while still being a kid in @LOCATION1, or set in your exercise adventure. Computer @ORGANIZATION1 broke the border giving you a higher level or ""You got mail"". Many people hear that sentence more than once everyday. By many, I mean millions. @CAPS2 a alert saying that someone sent you a email. @CAPS4 are messages. Sent over the @CAPS7, faster than any service. Instead of waiting @NUM1 days for a letter, In a matter of minutes you can have a message sent to your friends. Microsoft @CAPS3 @CAPS4, and other electronic messaging systems are a superior form of communication, these let us speak to the world! Although it sounds silly, @CAPS5 you wanted by you could send a message to anyone with a message box. Lets say you went to watch a certain movie, but you don't own it. With a computer with a dose drive, you can watch any @CAPS6. Better yet, you can download the movies media are available @CAPS7, with you able to watch them with the click of the mouse. Computers are filled to the top with gadgets & accesories that make our life easier. @ORGANIZATION1, movies, @CAPS4 anything you is not likely on a computer. They are the perfect tolls in modern society." 4 4 8
1189 1 Proven by @PERSON2 the best @CAPS1 major over @PERCENT1 of children either have desktops, laptops, or some type of internet access. What so you think about this? Well I the computers are takeing up people time (like children) and not letting them get their work done. Also, computer are not only letting people talk to their friend, but its causing @CAPS5 bullying. Finally, @CAPS1 are also just maken parents more stressed out because the have to pay another bill for internet. Children now and days come home change and log right into the computer and start talking to friends and lisening to music all this sounds good intell their report cards come back and they see they are failing half there classes. I remember when my friend @CAPS3 would go home change eat and log right inside the computer. As days went around the end or the year was she noticed she had two problems. She was getting over weight and she was failing all her classes. She noticed that getting on the computer was not neccesary so for the next mouth and a half she cut down on her time on the @CAPS1 did her homework and started this pushed me to beleave that children have @CAPS1. Proven by @PERSON3 the syber bully that over @PERCENT2 of children have bin syber bullyed or @CAPS5 bulllied someone. All this happen when children are not being watched or get bored and to pick on someone. What should we do people ask @PERSON1 and she says well take away the @CAPS1. I remember when I read about the year old girl on new channels.com and it was about @CAPS5 bullied but never. This shows that children all over the world can be getting syber bullied of any moment. 4 5 9
1200 1 Dear local newspaper, @CAPS1 it has been brought to my attention that why on a nice sunny day like this somebody would want to be inside. The sad truth is that too many people are wasting their time inside on their computers, rather than enjoying the day. Computers are negatively affecting the @LOCATION1 @LOCATION1 population. We are getting to a point where our whole world might be absolutley crazy if nothing is done about this. For one the @LOCATION1 has the most obese children in the world. Generally children should be running around burning off their calories; even some people in their teen years should. Instead kids are sitting in front of computer screens on their virtual games and emails and such. Even doing chores around the house could bring down the obesity rate a lot more then sitting on your butt staring at a screen all day. The whole screen thing brings me to my next point. Staring at those bright flashy lights for too long is not good for your brain, what computers cause @NUM1 out of @NUM2 child ceizures a year. The radioactivity in a computer could also mess you up a lot by giving you cancer, with no cure for any cancer yet you have to figure that everytime you are on that computer for too long you are putting your life at risk. The longer youre on the more and more and more radiation is going to youre brain. Do you really want to cut your life short knowing you are the one that did it to yourself, it could almost be called suicide because if youre reading this than you've been warned. So we've basically covered the effects that computers have on your body physically. The computer can also effect you mentally and socially. When @DATE1 comes along you will have all the time in the world to be on the computer but did you know over vacation you lose @PERCENT1 of everything you learned in school. Its been proven that computers cause memory loss. So what if you get back to school and you can't keep up with what's going on, frustrating isn't it? If you would've just read a book during the time you were on the computer maybe you could've gained knowledge rather than using it. Computers can affect you socially because not everybody wants to sit inside on the computer so while people are out having fun, you will be all alone, by yourself with nobody to talk to but a computer, would you like a computer to be your only friend? The debate about this topic could rage on and on for days and still have no winner but in all honesty when you go to turn on that computer think to yourself, is it really worth it? Think of everything you would lose, everything you could never get back, or would you rather do something that you would gain from in the future. Its your choice but be responsible enough to make the one that would benefit you. 5 4 9
1205 1 "Dear Newspaper editor, Have you ever been working on a paper, or reading something and theres that word you've never heard before? And you just cant figure it at? There where a computer can help you. Yes, some people do waste all their time, online but they have issues. Computers help us with all of our school projects and get research. You can @CAPS3 reconnect woth old friends that you havent sen in years, learned many good things with the internet and computers. First off we would not be able to do some of the things we do without computers. @CAPS1 us school projects, I use @ORGANIZATION1 word and powerpoint all the time. Our teachers prefer us to do that instead of handwriting evert thing. Getting information on the computer is so much faster and easier I mean the time it would take, you to look up the word ""elephants"" the encyclopedia is probably @NUM1 times more that it takes to it in can google. Plus there about @NUM2 1/@NUM2 seconds google call all up millions of websites just what ""elephants"". Another reason way computers are very beneficial is you can reconnect the old friends you havent seen or talked for a years. You can @CAPS3 meet new @CAPS1 us dating and facebook especially is three things and theres websites like twitter where you can follow celebrities and @CAPS2, computers are internet gives great information people. Some kids take online @CAPS3 @CAPS4 that does recieves around computers to do really have a choice. So in conclusion, computers can be very beneficial to lets of people I know its not a good thing to sit there all day and play cmputer games, but we lets of things accomplished, like school projects, or any project really. Its @CAPS3 nice to meet up with someone you havent talked to in a while sometimes. We have learned many great things from the internet. I hopre you consider my opinion." 4 4 8
1207 1 Dear editor, Have you ever used a computer? Odds are you have, which means you know how convienient and positive computers are. Did you know @PERCENT1 of all @CAPS1 use computers regularly? These technological marvels provide many ways to communicate and learn, showing computers have an extremely positive effect on people. Who hasn't ever played a game on a computer? Computers provide many forms of entertianment, such as games, music, and videos. I once has to drive @NUM1 hours to see my grandma in @LOCATION1. The only thing that kept me away from the grasp of boredom during the trip was my portable computer, that I played games and watched movies on. Critics of computers argue that people who use computers do not ever participate in physical activities. Of course, try exercising when you are crammed in a car traveling @NUM2 @CAPS2, which is computers positively affect me. It was @NUM3 on a @DATE1 @TIME1, and my mother was just about to have a baby. Unfortunately, none of my relatives were there to witness this baby coming into the world because the all live on the other side of the @LOCATION2 @CAPS3, this minor set back did not prevent them from seeing the @LOCATION1 baby, and thanks to computers, they didn't even have to leave their homes. This is because computers offer many ways to be social, such as social networking sites. Within @NUM4 hours after the baby was born. there were many pictures and videos up on these social networking sites that let everyone enjoy my @LOCATION1 baby sister. Computers make life convienient for all. Last but not least, computers are not only a fine tool for school, but are necessary to succeed with your education. One snows day in @DATE2, I was assigned a research paper on @PERSON1. Too bad I didn't know one thing about @PERSON1, so I asked my mom to drive me to the library to take out some books for my report but due to the snow, the library's power went out and therefore they were closed. This was not an issue, though, beacuse I only had to spend @NUM5 minutes on a computer searching for information, instead of spending hours browsing through countless pages in a book. Thanks to computers, I received an A on my report. Overall, computers serve many helpful purposes for people. These marvelous machines can provide entertainment, socialize with people around the world, and even provide information on any topic you would like. @ORGANIZATION1 readers, now you understand why computers are positive for your lives and everyone elses. I encourage all of you to spread this message to everyone, so they know all the benefits to using computers. 4 4 8
1212 1 Dear Local Newspaper, @CAPS1 home computers is a good thing for many reasons. One reason is because people can use computers to learn about other countries and people. People can also use computers to type and save paper. Also, people can use computers to talk to people living close or far away from you. Finally, computers can save paper by replacing books. One @MONEY1 the most important reasons why people need computers is because computers can help you learn about and research other things going on in the world. If a student needs to research a country and write a paper about it for school, it is much easier and faster to use a computer than to look through a textbook.Computers are also better and faster than a textbook if you want to know more about a person or a culture. Using computers to type are also faster than writing a paper. Using a computer can save time and money when it comes to typing a paper. When you are typing a paper, you don't have to worry about @CAPS1 handwriting or breaking your pencil. You also don't have to worry abut spelling something wrong because computers can check you spelling and grammar. What you are writting a paper you have in about all @MONEY1 these problems and more. You also have to spend money on pencils and other writting suppplies. Computers also saved people @MONEY1 becase they didn't need to buy paper to make textbooks. Computers also evolved how people can communicate with each other. Before computers were invented, you couldn't talk to people in other countries unless you paid to use a phone or sent them mail. Now, you can send instant mail which saves days @MONEY1 time and paper. You can also use webcams to talk to family members and people you don't know. That can save you a lot @MONEY1 money because you don't have to pay money for postage stamps, phone calls, or plane rides to visit them. Those are some @MONEY1 the best reasons why @CAPS1 a home computer is better than not @CAPS1 one. A home computer can save you time when you want to research a country, person, or culture. They can save you money because you don't have to buy postage stamps, pay for phone calls, or pay for plane rides to visit someone from a different state or country. Computers also help save paper because you no longer need to make large textbooks or use a different price @MONEY1 paper when you make a writting mistake. 5 4 9
1215 1 "Do you know that square box with a screen on @CAPS11? Or that rectangular snaped objected with letters on @CAPS11? Or that other rectangular box where you put a disk, a usb, and you turn @CAPS11 on at. All that is a computer. Yes! @CAPS11 is fun, you @CAPS3 play games, go on internet, watch videos, and check your mail. If you had a computer everything would be easy but @CAPS2 nor. @NUM1 reasons why is if you have kids and they go on your computer you have at home @CAPS11 @CAPS3 cause them addiction, @CAPS11 @CAPS3 be inaproprite, and @CAPS11 could be exspensive. Pleases near my reasons and give me a fighting chance. The first reason why computers are bad because @CAPS11 @CAPS3 cause addition to your child. @CAPS12 a problem because your child bother you and say, ""@CAPS1 or @CAPS7 @CAPS3 I go on the computer pleace"". And you say yes and when you let thom on they will be happy when you say. ""@CAPS2 time to act off the computers"" they will say ""@CAPS3 I stay on just for a little longer or I dont wanna act off @CAPS4 in a middle of a game."" @CAPS5 when they finnally act of and thir nexted day they will ask you again ""@CAPS6 or @CAPS7 @CAPS3 I go on the computer"" and if you say ""@CAPS8"" they will cry and throw a temper And the more you let them on the they will wanna stay @CAPS9 if you say, ""@CAPS8"" you will get a The second reason why @CAPS2 a bad thing to have a computer is because @CAPS11 @CAPS3 inaproprite, @CAPS11 @CAPS3 be inaproprite because you child is growing up he or she will go ento the internet and lat a things like nude pictures or videos about a or a that world to lead your child having sexual intercorse. There you will but at the age of @NUM2 to @NUM3 years old and you they of inaproprate a computer @CAPS3 do. @CAPS9 last but not least the last reasons why a computer is bad because they are computers cost about @MONEY1 more a days and you @CAPS3 broth your computer and @CAPS11 will cost you a lot get @CAPS11 fixed or to get a new one and they will be on @CAPS11 even more or they @CAPS3 press @CAPS11 up trust me I know. @CAPS5 @CAPS12 why a computer isnt always a good thing. Now that you hav heard my reasons I hope you take this info consederations and think about @CAPS11 you really want a computer or not they are good and easy but they also have some bad side effects. All the facts are true ans I say about @NUM4 people in the world go threw computers every year @CAPS5 think hard. Do you" 4 4 8
1220 1 To whom it @MONTH1 concern: I will agree that computers have caused many people to spend less time outside. However, it has kept kids inside instead @ORGANIZATION2 on the streets causing trouble. Computers have become a part @ORGANIZATION2 our everyday life. Some use it to stay connected with family or to reconnect with old friends. Experts say it's bad but the @ORGANIZATION2 gives us a computer class in @ORGANIZATION1? We learn keyboarding skills. @ORGANIZATION3 techniques and how to research any topic. @ORGANIZATION1, itself has influenced computer use. If we could travel back in time, we would most likely see kids hanging around the streets. Now-a-days, kids spend a lot @ORGANIZATION2 time inside, on the computers. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. I bet you, or your parents, or maybe even your grandparents used to hear @ORGANIZATION2 gangs or fights going on in the streets. Now that computers have become an important item in many people's lives you don't hear those types @ORGANIZATION2 things as much. I'm not saying they don't happen but you don't hear your child come home and talk about gangs and fights. Therefore, being on the computer isn't that bad. In history you probably learned about immigrants coming over to @LOCATION1 to get away from their ruler. Well, not everyone was able to come. Some people have family in another country. Due to time difference, it is hard to stay in touch. My mother came over here when she was @NUM1. The rest @ORGANIZATION2 her family still lives in @LOCATION2. To stay in touch they email or @CAPS1 chat. The five hour time difference makes it difficult to know when to call. The invention @ORGANIZATION2 computers has made it easier to catch up with family! Most importantly, the use @ORGANIZATION2 computers is influenced in schools. My @ORGANIZATION1, @ORGANIZATION1, has a computer class, where we learn how to skillfully type. We are also taught how to correctly cite and research work. This is helpful because if we don't know this information we could plagiarize and plagiarism is illegal. Frequently, teachers give us projects that ask for computer use.. Either we have to look something up for specific, accurate information or we have to type a @ORGANIZATION3 document. As well as using the the online @CAPS2 book instead @ORGANIZATION2 taking it home. After reading all the facts, I'm sure you will agree that computers can benefit society. Students stay off the streets and only cause trouble with siblings at home. People won't feel like they've left or lost their family. Schools influence computer use to help us learn. Certainly you cannot disagree with me! 5 5 10
1223 1 @ORGANIZATION1, In my opinion computers are good for people. I believe this because many people get to see things that on their daily basis wouldnt. I think that computers have a positive effect on people. I think that many people now a days work alot so they might not have time to remember little things such as going to buy newspaper or they might not even have time to watch the news on tv, but because of computers they can read or see the same things but in less time. Some people have a job that includes computers so they could also read the newspaper on their computer while also working. This benefits sociaty its own way. I believe computers are very useful to everyone. C omputers can help people get in touch. They can keep in touch by using webcam and etc. It could also let them communicate. Computers allow people to see each other from different places in the world. It gives people a chanve to see the people you couldnt see from afar. In my opinion people can also learn from computers. Computers have many positive effects that are very important. They give people a chance to learn things. This can benefit sociaty because the more knowledge people have the better it is. It gives people who didnt get a chance to learn what they wanted to actually do so and learn it. Computers do benefit sociaty lets take @PERSON1 for example he says that @PERCENT1 of kids believe that computers have helped them in their own way. Many people can be bored at times but because of computers and the fun things it has such as games, videos... etc.. People get to actually spend some time doing something like @PERSON1 stated kids believe computers are helpful because by playing those games it can give them hand eye coordination and help them in different ways at the sametime. (takes away boredom and lets them get good hand eye coordination) Computers also benefit sociaty by letting people has such technology. Many time technology is needed in everyones life. Technology has helped many people and still continues to. Computers is one of the technology that helps people. Technology can teach people things that they do not even know they could do. In conclusion I believe computers have many great positive effects on people, and it also doesnt only benifit people that use this technology it benifits others in a way too. It gives everyone a chance to learn about things, and do them so I believe computers are a great thing to have. 5 4 9
1238 1 Dear our local newspaper, Computers have a huge effect on people in a negative way. It could change does lifestyle dramatically. For example, people who sit there all day on the computers spend less of their time exercising, enjoying nature socializing with friends and families. Therefor, computers affect us greatly. One of the reasons why computer once horrible, is because people spend too much time on their computer and don't exercise. It's always important to stay fit and healthy. This could be @PERCENT1 of people who live in the @CAPS1.S is obese. This could a leading of obesity. I can connect to this because i had a relative, who admitted that he gained at least five pounds. for being on the computer @CAPS2, not exercising could. Is it really worth sitting in front of the computer all day eating? There are better entertainment active and will keep us healthy and exercising. Another reason, is that. it seems they're far more in technology you greatly, This will not improve your social abilities. You could lose self confidence in yourself and not be as open as outgoind. None like to be a loner. The feeling could be devastating. @CAPS2. this would make it very difficult to interact and make new friends. It's always a pleasure to know that you have so many lovind people around you. You could lose them with snap of you fingers by spending more time focused no the computer, rather than your friends and family. Lastly, it could be bad to get though life without your friends and family. In conclusion, people who spend too much time on their computer spend less of their time exercising, enjoying nature and interacting with friends and families. The computers are like by matter the most in life, to being more focused on them. Computer affect us in a negative way that can change the course of our life. 5 5 10
1239 1 "Dear editor of @LOCATION2 @CAPS1, @LOCATION3's society is being ruined, ruined by computers of course. They are so time consuming that I am afraid they are causing more people to be obease in @LOCATION3. People are afraid that they are limiting themselves from interacting @CAPS2 to @CAPS2, and spending time enjoying nature. I feel the exact same way and someone should put a stop to this! An average american goes on a computer for about @NUM1 hours a day. With going to work or school, and sleeping, that way leaves a litle @NUM2 to go out and explore nature. Our national parks @NUM3's have been decreasing in their numbers of customers at a fast rate. I visited yellow stone last week to find out if as many people have been goind. The man who works at the entrance was saying that ""since the start of @DATE1 alone about @PERCENT1 less people have been to @LOCATION1,"" I believe that the reason for that is because of computers. They limit people from goind to parks or to zoo's, by consuming the public time with all of the ""new fashion"" or the newest game on miniclip.com. Also, I believe that the public is spending so much time on computers that they are not able to go out and exersize. With the newest ""sims game,"" how are kick supposed to stay fit and healthy? I did a study on how many hour kids spend on thier computer and out of the people who said more than @NUM4 minutes. @PERCENT2 of them could legally considered obease. Is that now we want our next gerneration to be out next president and lawyers, and doctors? @CAPS8, we want them to live life to the @CAPS4 by taking care of themselves by exersizing. Computers are getting kids so consumed that is not ok. Lastly, with computers, families and friends don't really talk to each another @CAPS2 to @CAPS2, or interact with each other at all i mean sure, parents come home to thier child on the computer and give them a kiss on the head. But is that enough? I do not believe it is. I asked a friend of mine's child about how much he interacts with his family and friends? @CAPS2 to @CAPS2 he said that well since he got his new ""@CAPS5 @CAPS6 with a @NUM5 gig hardrive"", he hadn't been talking to them a whole @CAPS2 to @CAPS2. However, everyday we went on ""chat"" ""for a good @NUM6 hours"", to talk to his friends. And only occasionally would he get an @CAPS7-mail or two from his asking how his days was. I do not believe that that is good in order to have good friends and a strong family life. That is what @LOCATION3 has come down to computers. They limit you from interacting to friends and family, give you less time to exersize and limit you from going out and exploring nature. Who knows, maybe at this time in @NUM7 years, @LOCATION3 will be run by computer. Do we want that, @CAPS8! so lets put a stop to it now. Thank you very much!" 6 5 11
1251 1 There are all kinds of computers, but they all do the same thing. Computers help people with anything they need. Such as, you can go online and chat with people, you can buy and sell things, you can go to college, you can learn anything, and it helps you type up your homework neatly. I personally think that computers are very helpful and we are lucky to have them. Going online can give you so many opportunities for anything. From going to college online when you don't have the time to go in person to just talking to your friends. You can learn just about anything on the computer and it's just so much fun. The computer to most people I know is the greatest invention besides the obvious ones. Going to college online is so easy. There isn't alot to it. Alot of people in the country online for college. For instance, parents that want to go back but can't go in person or someone who has alot of work but cant fit in the time to actually go to college. But they can go online and take classes on their free time. Also, talking to friends online is fun too. When you arent at a friends house you can chat with them online. Maybe you can go on @CAPS1 or @CAPS2 or @CAPS3 or even your email. There are many ways to do it on tha fabulous computer. The computer is also jam-packed with loads of information that is helpful to anyone in the world. You can learn about different countries, people, or even the recipe of apple pic. Who knows what you can learn. The computer has things for every person in the world. Since we are all different. Some of us like to buy or sell things on the computer or do our homework. Maybe even just a fun computer game is nice. Every person in the world is different, but we have one thing in common. The world knows we need computers and computers are the smartest thing since the calculator. Buying and selling things on the computer is easier than it looks. All you have to do is put what you want to sell online or look online what you want to buy. Then you buy it or sell it. There is more to the process like the @ORGANIZATION1 people bring or take it to or away from you. But that just the basics. You can also do your homework neatly on the computer if you have a messy handwriting. Therefore, the computer has so many things that can benefit you and the world with everything it has to offer. 4 4 8
1264 1 Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, Computers do not have a positive effect on people. Thanks to computers people arnt being active as much, enjoying nature, or interacting with family and friends. One reason this is true is because people are not exercising, they're too busy playing on the computers. People are gaining weight, which is already a problem in the @LOCATION1 because of unnecissary technology. There are plenty of sports that could be done, such as soccer, baseball, football, and so many more. People seemed to manage fine without computers and were a lot more active before them. Another reason computers don't have a positive effect on people is because they don't go out and enjoy nature. People spend too much time looking up beautiful place and animals when they could easily go explore around outside! Take a walk by the forest or in a local park, even by the beach and you'll see loads of animals. Not to mention, the immense amount of different plants and flowers they have never noticed right behind their very own home! No computers and people could quickly start enjoying nature more often. Thirdly, a reason why computers arn't positive on people is because they're not interacting with other people. Some people are too busy on facebook or myspace, e-mailing or @CAPS3-ing each other. Sometimes they arn't even talking to who they believed they were, it not only dangerous but unhealthy also. Whats wrong with giving someone far away a call? You can actually hear their voice and know its them on the other line! Its rediculous how people will e-mail a friend thats down the street. It would be much simpler and healthier to just walk over to their house. The two of you can chat and take a walk, or play a game, not just sit infront of a screen the whole day. Computers make interacting with other people, in person, a lot more difficult. With computers people are not active enough, don't enjoy nature often, or interact with others as much. They simply are not a positive effect on people. You should also agree and let computers stay to perfessionals. 4 5 9
1273 1 "Dear newspaper, @CAPS1 the fresh air that cools your skin and the wind blowing through your hair while you are running side by side next to your best friend. And you think about the millions of people who spend their time chating on the computer. You also wonder about the amount of exercise those people would have, and would they be able to interact with friends and family members. Just think about your current lifestyle is it occupied with computers or is it free and wild? When you think about chatting to people do you think communicating in person or communicating by aim? I have surveyed friends and resulted with five out of ten go home and chat to friends online. This upset me because this half mainly had kids that did not play sports but yet they were very talkative, so in aim a problem I still have yet to find out. I asked question like ""what do you do at home?"", ""are you a computer geek?"". (@CAPS2 questions were only used to support my survey) The next time you are asked to chat online please decline before you to become obsessed with the computer. The amount of exercise a person gets depends on who it is. There are some who live on their computers like the @CAPS3 @CAPS4 (a comcast commercial) and some who don't know what a computer is (not commenting). I am here to teach about the benifits of exercising and not the un natural ways of a computer. Did you know people can loose weight by exercising? If you just pick up that old curling weight one curl is ten times as better then a click of a computer mouse dont believe me try it. Interacting with people is a big part of our life its how we get , give orders and its a lot faster type of communication then sending a email. Without interacting with one another we can suffer from depression. Depression can make people sick for example, my father, when @CAPS5 was divorsed the depression effected his body and mind. At the age of @NUM1 @CAPS5 got a rip in his small intestine that grew infecte and could have ended his life. I believe this was from lacks of communication and this happens everyday to everyone just open your eyes and relise what a computer can do to a man or woman. (@CAPS5 was remaried to bonnie and now carrys a scars on his belly). This is a movement that should change the opinion of many, do people spend to much time on computers? Just get outside and talk to your neibor see what they think. I relly hope you consider my argument." 5 5 10
1275 1 Dear @ORGANIZATION1, I understand that experts are saying people are spending to much time on computers didn't agree. Im writing to you today to tell you my opinion on the effects computers have on people with their time usage, what they are doing , and computer dead. If you will please continue on I would like to share with you my thoughts. Computers today are consuming our world. People are spending way to much time on the computer. I believe they should set a timer on how long they are on the computer. Lets say they set a @NUM1 hour limit then once its up they have to get off. I think this would help because if were spending to much time inside were not gonna be able to get enough exercise, which isn't good for our health. Please continue on to learn about how we should use the computer. Parents have to set a good example for kids. If parents use the computer @NUM2 then their child will think it's ok to do so. If the child then starts spending all their time on the computer then they won't be spending anytime with their friends. Kids today need to spend more time outside then playing games on the computer. Also the parents and child need to spend time together, if they are both on the computer they cant spend time together. Please read on about how we will go computer dead. Computer dead is a term I call when all we want to do is use the computer. We need to be healthy about our computer usage. If we aren't then we could start to get withdrawls from the computer and then will spend more time on the computer. If you go computer dead then it will slowly start to take over our lives. I think if this does happen it will be hard to get over an stop using the computer. Please read on to finish reading my letter. Thank for reading about how we need to mange our time issues, how we use the computer and computer dead. I hope you will consider my thoughts. Thank you again for your time spent reading this. 3 4 7
1284 1 "I think that the advances of technology to the computer are great and more beneficial than bad. Say you struggle at school and need serious help, you can turn to a computer for help, say you have a dear friends that a week ago moved to florida, you can use the computer to contact them. And finally if you want to learn about the world, great! Google search places to learn about. These are just a few reasons why the computer is helpful as opposed to bad! School one of many students least favorite activities, yet you can use the internet to help you out, @CAPS1! say you are in geometry and it is kicking you're butt, got to @PERSON1 academy for informational videos. Maybe you are a third grade teacher and the little kids are driving you nuts, go to @LOCATION1, and educational and fun website. Maybe you just want to relax and learn, plug in earphones and listen to math help. These are merely a few ways that the internet helps with schooling. What if it is a really rainy rainy day and you are tired and want to learn about faraway places in a logical person's head, the internet pops into their head. Think of the computer as a big easy to acess library, type something into a search engine and it pops up. What if you are in germany and you are hungry, oh no! Everything is in @CAPS2! open your laptop for easy translation. All of these things support that the internet makes learning about foreign places easy. And finally, communication is really easy, with the internet because, there use emails, skypes, chatrooms etc. internet's middle name is communication. What if your phone is gone and there is an emergency, you can get the email! What if a burgalor cuts the phone lines and sneaking your house e-mail @NUM1. And finally internet can be used to call @PERSON2 and tell him, ""don't forget the red bull"" as he leaves. Those are some of the reasons the internet is good for communication. Go let's recap on this paper. Internet is great for communication. Also help with learning about far away places. And finally help with schooling. These are the reasons I think internet is valuable in this day in age. " 4 4 8
1290 1 "Personally I think computers have a good influence on people. There one of the greatest inventions.With computers you can listen to music or watch @CAPS1, research things for your projects, or just have a good time. Computers help people create, listen to, watch and make music and @CAPS1. When you have a computer you can get influenced by other musicians to create music. And where does eating that music need to go? Into a computer to add beats and different vocals. You can also watch @CAPS1 on there! Not exactly @CAPS1 but whatever show you'd like to see. Some people even create movies on special programs. Thats not all though. Alot of questions can be answered on the computer by doing research. Cures for different disease like cancer can be found. Even small research projects like ""Who founded @CAPS2"" can easily be found with one quick google search. Yeah we might be getting lazy but it makes peoples lives simpler. For instance intead of reading through dozens of books you could just search it on the internet for the answers. You can even take classes online not impressed? Another great effect of people on computers is socializing and having fun. Socializing over computers @MONTH1 not be as effective as socializing in person but it gives the quieter people. like me , a chance to say whats on their mind. Plus there wont be any of those akward silence moments like there usually seems to be on the phone. Oh, did I mention facebook. On how I love facebook. I get to keep in touch with my family and friends I no longer see. I used to have a very close friends, but after we switched schools I never heard from her. Until I found her on facebook. Same with many other people. And for the younger ones they'll be bored with the billions of games online. How could you go wrong? Sounds to me like computers have a positive effect on people. But what do you guys think. Can one big negative out weigh a ton of positve? I think not." 4 4 8
1302 1 Dear Newspaper, I believe that computers have both possitive and @CAPS12 effects on people. However, I believe that there are more positive effects than @CAPS12. Some of these positive effects would be that they are essential for education, a very usful place to communicate, and they can be fun. My first reason for supporting computers would be that they are very eduactional. For example, you can research almost anything. If you are doing your homework and you forgot an answer. An other reason why @CAPS1 is educational is because you can type your paper on @CAPS1 so your teacher can actually read your handwriting. If @CAPS1 is messy. On the subject, you can work from home if you are sick or on vacation. But how do you get @CAPS1 to your boss? Email of course! wich brings me to my next subject; @CAPS2. Another resoursful thing about computers is @CAPS2. There are so many different ways to communicate; @CAPS1's unbeleivable. Take I @CAPS4 for an example. You can @CAPS5 to peoples cellphones. You can @CAPS5 to other people that are @CAPS7 or you can just @CAPS5 on some websites such as @CAPS9, @CAPS10, and tons more. You can also vidio chat with people on things like and @ORGANIZATION1. Those are just a few ways of communicating on the computer. Finally, I would like to tell you about the fun things you can do on computers. First, you can buy games from a store and download them onto your computer. Personally, The sim are my favorite. I understand that computer games can be a negitive thing because they are addictiing, but if you don't go on for hours and hours, then I don't see what the problem is. Also, they have educational games so learning can be both fun and educational. Another thing you could do is play free games or download the game from the internet do your computer so they are both fast and easy. To @CAPS11, Computers can be both @CAPS12 and positive but I chose to look at things through a positive eye and I think you should too. After all, computers can be educational, a social networks and fun. Son @CAPS13 my positive eye... You wont be sorry. 5 5 10
1303 1 "Dear Local Newspaper On the subject of computers; Their pros and cons, I would have to say that both sides provide veru important reasons why you should and shouldn't use computers, I think that computers are very important to many students just like me. First of all computers help me and my fellow classmates with many asisgnmenrs. Some of us simply don't have the time to go to a library and look for a book that might nit even posses the information needed. On the internet you can find the same amount of valuable information or more! It also helps to develop your hand-eye coordination some peopel say ""you can learn hand-eye coordiantion outside too? Although that is true, typing is very fats and neat. As you can see my hand wriitng is not the best but I type very fast and make little mistakes so I do not need the neatest hand writing ever.The way I see it computers are the fastert way of doing alot of things. So if you spend time writign neatly you might nit even be able to go outside and see nature. my dad is a environmentalist and he uses computers. Sometime the easy way isn;'t always the best way thats why we must have balance. Do not infrom people to stop using computers but to balance thier time with them. Everything is good if it's balanced. for example, coffiene, In large amounts it is rather unhealthy but when you need a small you turn to caffiene and it helpd, same with computers. Besides, computers are now made everwhere, trying to get rid of them is simply unreasonable. We are already in a recession we dont need more trouble. I prefer to talk with my friends eye to eye however if you cannot do that a computer is a perfect alternative. So you see comuters are evry helpful to some balance is the answer!" 3 4 7
1309 1 Dear newspaper editor, @CAPS1 you have a computer? @CAPS1 your kids spend all of their time on it talking in people or going on facebook or myspace? Well thats fun and all for a few hours but some people spend a lot of time on there. They don't go out and get exercise or interact with their family and friends. Also they @MONTH1 end up getting in trouble in school or at home. If you spend all of your time on the computer doing whatever your doing you won't have time to go out and exercise. Not only will it be in appeling but it could be dangerous for your health after a while. All your time gets sucked into the computer and when your on it you feel like your not on for a long time and it ends up being like a few hours. It even happens to adults, my mom was on the computer for about an hour and she felt like it was only a few mins. When your on your computer for several hours you tend to got sucked in and not interact with anyone. I know this from experience. A few months ago I spent about a whole month just coming home from school and being on the computer for several hours. This effected my life a lot, I stopped going out on weekends with my friends, I always wanted to stay home when my family wont out. Then my mom confronted me about it and I realized all of my time on the computer wasn't good. I was missing out on a lot of things. Kids @MONTH1 also get at home or at school if they are on the computer for a long time they @MONTH1 not @CAPS1 their homework and end up failing a class and then stay back. Statistics show that @PERCENT1 of the kids that stay on the computer for a long time end up either failing a class or staying rack. They @MONTH1 also get in trouble at home because they dont @CAPS1 their chores because their busy on the computer and neither the child or the children like getting in fights with one another. Now I know in a way it's good to have computers and be able to use them so we can look up information and its nice to sometimes talk to people on the computer for a little while but being on the computer for a little while but being on the computer for to long of an amount ran really mess you and your social life up. So all im trying to prove is that computers are an amazing invention but we should just use them a little less and get out and excersise, and have fun with our family and friend and @CAPS1 good in school and at home so we @CAPS1 get to spend some time on the computer. I hope you see it my way now. 4 4 8
1315 1 "Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 this ever happend to you? ""@PERSON3, did you do your research?"" ""@CAPS3, my computer crashed."" ""@PERSON1 did you practice typing @TIME1."" "" @CAPS3, my computer crashed."" "" @CAPS5, why weren't you online @TIME1? I really needed that sales report!"" ""I'm sorry @PERSON2, my computer crashed."" @CAPS6 it @CAPS2, you have realized that computers do benefit people. Whether its doing a class project, practicing for a computers class or exchanging buisness ideas, computers are a big help to society. First of all computers are a big help when it comes to a computer class at your school. There might be a certain speed that a person types and to pass the class, and the teacher could assign practice on your own home computer. It is a fact that @PERCENT1 of kids that have some kind of personal ocmputer at home get @CAPS7 A's in their computer class. I can back that up as well. In my computers class. our teacher stresses the importance of practicing at home to get your typing speed a little higher. Every @TIME1 I would practice but one @TIME1 my computer crashed, and I could not practice for the whole work with my luch the final exam @CAPS2 on @DATE1 instead of getting a @CAPS8 or A, I got a @CAPS9+. I blame that grade on not having a computer at home. Secondly, computer can be used for learning @MONTH1 different things as well. Maybe on a class report you needed to write something about the traditons of @LOCATION2, @LOCATION1. Instead of running over to the library and wasting your time with a book. You could just open up your laptop and look it up on the internet. Not only does it make for less time, but @CAPS6 you look it up on the internet, you will get way more search results than @CAPS6 you search on a library derectory. In addition, by using computers, you can look up the cutomers of a foreign country, or look up programs than could help you learn a new language on computers, you can not only learn about your own country but you can learn about foreign ones. Thirdly, computers can enchance many skills that are needed in the modern buisness word, such as socialization skills communication skills, and even learning about the younger generation. @CAPS6 someone had not gone on an instant messaging program or a video chatting program. They would not make it in the world of today. The people need to learn to intract with each others, and solve problems. @CAPS6 someone is not used intracting with people, they @MONTH1 not make a good buisness man or woman. People must be able to communicate as well @CAPS6 people do not communicate with each other. We will all end up dies in the headlights. We will al be lost and will be able to run buisnesses, or hold meetings, for example I needed to plan at adore for my project group to work on a project, and so I went on my computer hoping they were online basically they never showed and so I could not work with my partners at all. I ended up doing all their work. In conclusion I hope you have absolutely coundered my opinion about the computers have on people like I said, computers can be helpful @CAPS6 comes to computer classes, researching foreigh affairs, and even communicating with others thanks again for even reading this letter." 4 5 9
1333 1 Do you think computers are handy? I do believe they are very handy. Computers offer many things like Online shopping, @CAPS1 and even @CAPS2.V. Online shopping can be very helpful. Say you don@CAPS2 have a car. Well you can go online and buy whatever you need at the store. People is a function that @CAPS3 and @CAPS4 does where you order your @CAPS5 online and they drop it off. Say you need clothes or shoes or maybe even games. You can go online find what you want click buy and chose your shipping. That is why I think computers are helpful. Chatting on the computer is great. Now facebook, @CAPS6 and @CAPS7 are the social networking sites that rate the @CAPS15. On @CAPS6 you can follow famous people like @PERSON1 the @CAPS9 @CAPS10 @CAPS11 receicer. Facebook has fan pages for famous people. @CAPS7 might actually have famous people accounts. Chatting become something that almost @PERCENT1 of the @CAPS13 uses. you @MONTH1 believe its pointless but almost the whole @CAPS13 uses it. You can also use webcam @CAPS1 where you can actually see the person talking to you and they own see you. @CAPS1 also is good if your always on the go and you cant talk on the phone then you send messages in @CAPS1. this is why I find @CAPS1 as such a neccessity. @CAPS17 is a new thing that has recently hit the @CAPS13 @CAPS11 @CAPS15. there are sites such as @LOCATION1 can or @CAPS16 @CAPS17. Also you can buy @ORGANIZATION1 league @CAPS18 or @ORGANIZATION2. @CAPS17 and you can watch live sports games from your computer. This is also easier when maybe your in the car for a long road trip then you turn on your laptop and watch any show you @MONTH1 went @CAPS17 on the go is technology at its higher point. Thats why computers are so convienient. So now you have read how helpful, how its a neccessity, and the computer is convienient. Now one day if you need one of these things remember this and check out the hottest sites on the @CAPS15. 4 4 8
1335 1 Dear Local news paper @CAPS1 name is @PERSON1, I'am part of the middle community. I read or the local newspaper that lots of people use computers and that not everyone agrees that this benefits society. In @CAPS1 opinion this benefits society in many ways because you get to work anywere you want, you could connect with family, and because it gives you the ability to learn about other places and people. You can get to work anywere because now in this days a cellphone, and ipod's come's with internet and with many things that you need to work that you have in a computer. We also have the laptop's that are to take anywere. You also got many programs on a computer to connect with family on others states or city's as in @LOCATION2, @LOCATION3, @CAPS2 @CAPS3 and @LOCATION1. Last, it also gives you the abiity of learning about other places, and people by photos, information, and websites. Like when it says the trategies that had happened in other states like the one that happened in @LOCATION4. This is @CAPS1 opinion why computers are benefit for society. Thanks for reading them and have a nice day. 3 4 7
1338 1 "Dear @LOCATION1 Newspaper: I am writing to you about my opinion on the effects computers have on people. Computers have a positive affect on people because they help students as well as many others study, they allow you to access stores by shopping online and computers allow people to communicate. After reading this letter, I assure you that you will agree with me. The first reason why computers have a positive affect on people is because they help students as well as many other people study. If you have a test or quiz in @CAPS1, you can go on your computer and print out @CAPS1 practice sheets. Or if you have a vocabulary exam you can find the definitions fast and easy on the computer. In the times @ORGANIZATION1, a statistic shows that @PERCENT2 of students in the @ORGANIZATION2 find computers there best studying tool. They find it affective and fast to use. Last night, I had a test on the @CAPS3 @CAPS4 and I went online, typed in ""The @CAPS3 @CAPS4"", and found @MONTH1 helpful cites on it. It was useful and did not waste my time. Using a computer for studying is a very good reason why it positively affects people and makes them happier but their is on even greater one. Secondly, computers have a positive affect on people because it saves people time by shopping online. So many stores now allow you to purchase stock on me. it is easy .with a click of a button and saves you time driving to the stores. In @ORGANIZATION1, it showez that @PERCENT1 of @ORGANIZATION1 across the @ORGANIZATION2 said shopping online improved their lives by making it less hectic from driving from store to store. Shopping online creates a positive, less hectic life for many people around the world. Online shopping having a positive affect on people by making their lives less busy is a great reason but there is one last even greater one. The last most important reason why computers have a positive impact on people is because it allows people to communicate with each other. Communication through computers are extremely powiar. With instant messaging or email of even blackboard, a new teacher-student communication site, computers are often being used for communication. i surveyed @NUM1 kids and @NUM2 said that computers are there main source of communication. Communication through computers it has a positive affect on people in many ways like to communicate easier for work, to talk to your best friend on e-mail who just moved to @LOCATION2, or to simply send out invitations for a party to all your friends. Computers have made life easier for many through communication, making a positive effect on them. This is why communication having a positive affect on people is the most important reason. To conclude, computers have a positive effect on people because it allows them to study easier, saves people time by shopping online, and allows people to communicate. With all the ways computers help us there is no reason why they would negatively affect us. I know that you will take this into cons ideration. Computers are making our lives easier day by day and who knows what they will be able to do in the future." 4 5 9
1353 1 Dear @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 our nain forest growing back, service that takes only a few second, and being able to find practically any answer to any question. What could cause this phenominon. The answer is computers. These electronic wonder help us and our planet in some many ways. because they are ecofriendly, efficient, and loaded with information. You @MONTH1 be asking yourself how computers are ecofriendly. Well, for starters they help slow the waste of paper. Did you know that the @LOCATION1 kills aproximately @NUM1 million trees a year for book. Computers help prevent this in several way. For example instead of sending a short letter to the police cheif asking about what the new driving law is. You could send an email and save the paper. Also if you wanted the newspaper staff to interview the people that survived the power plant explotion you could send them all an e-mail with instructions to the surviers house insted of giving out maps individually. So now you see how ecofriendly computers are. My next reason was the eficentcy. My dell laptop @CAPS2 home takes about @NUM1 min to iload, @NUM3 sec to get on the internet, and @NUM4 sec to get to another webpage. So say that I want to know how many legs a centiped has (parents don't know either) without a computer it would take @NUM5 min to get to the library, @NUM6 min to find a parking spot, and @NUM4 min to find a book about cenipeeds. In total thats a least @NUM8 mins but my computer would only take @NUM1 min @NUM10 sec about. Also if you wanted to ask a friend what she is doing on @DATE1. I would only take a few seconds to send an email and she would answer quickly back, because she most likely on the computer a. My third reason was because computer are loaded with information, @CAPS2 @CAPS3 library I might find @NUM4 book on a sudject but on a computer I @MONTH1 find thousand. Once I was doing a report on monarch butterflys. @CAPS2 the @CAPS3 library I found @NUM12 books about them, On the internet I found @NUM13 wedsites on them! Also books have general information like just @CAPS5 life, but the internet has specific information the @CAPS5 part in the enviorment. As you now know computers help not only humans but the eviorments this is because they are ecofriendly, efficient, and loaded with information. 5 5 10
1356 1 Dear Local Newspaper, Computers are a vey unique and advanced device. They give entetainment, pleasure, and knowledge for some people. I do not agree with the fact that computers are a good part of society. Although you do need computers. There are some reasons to which I am saying this. Typing s faster than hand writing and its neater. With all the different websites, you can advertise and buy important thing bat the internet and talk to people froma round the world. With all of these good reasons there should be an instant choice of it they're good or bad. But there is a main reason. It's areason that tells it is bad. Computers are for people. People had can't get off their write a hand written report or drive to the store to buy something. Not it. If computers never exiled, the world would no doubt be better all around place. There a lot of reason in which computers are bad. They hold information which can be hacked and by somebody thay you don't want to know something. Cyber bullying is a bad thing about computer. Another big is those stupid online games. People get addicted then they become lazy and eventually obese. So as I said before, part of society and should be. This would be of good importance to me if you took my letter into. Remember that computers can take advantage of your life and make you into you're not. make that descision I hope that you live a full life and enjoy reading my letter. P.S. Try not to get involved with any online games being in a nationwide disease. 4 4 8
1368 1 Dear local newspaper, @CAPS1 percentage of people all over the world do you think have a computer and think that it has a positive effect on them? Well about @PERCENT1 of the world says that computers are a great way to communicate with friends, family, and different people around the world. They also mentioned now its a good hands on-eye coordination on adults and students. A wonderful educational source to use in schools, jobs, etc. First off the reason why I say that its a great way to communicate is because of the programs that computers have memoried into them that are little numbers all around universe to connect with your friends, family, and people around earth. For example like yahoo, facebook, twitter,, myspace, etc these are all types of ways to communicate with people and bring more social which is a healthy way in life. More than half the world have these communication source because one it easier and you get more of your mind. Another reason why they @MONTH1 have these connections its probably because its a better way to see one another if you live in different parts of earth. The reason why I said that its another way of seeing people around the world is because right now I'm living in @LOCATION1 and in order to see the ones I love and care about is by my myspace and facebook to be able to see my family and friends that lice that live in different locations from me like @LOCATION2, @LOCATION4, @LOCATION3, etc. Another reason is because its a good hands on eye coordination on adults and students. 3 4 7
1369 1 When you use or computer, you have the ability to do virtualy anything. The internet has millions of users and makes life a lot easier. You have acess to talk with people who are all the way across the world! You can search any topic and learn more about it. The internet even encourages you to get outside and see things for yourself. In the @DATE1 it just a seasy to contact someone in @LOCATION1 as it is to contact someone at the other side of town. As long as oyu have a internet connection you can stay in touch with a friend thats moved aparent on a buisness trip, anyone! Some @MONTH1 say that you should just use a phone but you could use video chat on the internet. You can see someone who's thousands of miles away, as if they were right infront of you. These days its harder to not stay in touch than it to stay in touch. @NUM1 or @NUM2 years ago any information you neede came from a book. You would have to go all the way to the library, find the right book, and read it. If you were lucky you could find a bit of what you were looking for. These days you simply type it in to a search browser and you instantly get thousands of webistes on that topic. The internet allows you to learn about any subject you'd like. You can spend @CAPS1 experts or give that some poeple spend too much time on thier computers. Seeing all those great places and beautiful pictures encourages @CAPS1 poeple to get outside and see it for themselves. On a recent poll @PERCENT1 of peopel went on a hike after seeing a youtube video about how great it is to get outside. The internet has a massive effect on us. It can also bring families together. For example at dinner, you can get a great recipe off the internet. In fact, you can get millions of great recipes. The internet was an amazing idea. @CAPS1 would argue that it was the greatest invention ever. Yes, it can be dangerous, but with proper education on it the internet is a good source of information and an @CAPS2 pass-tie, if not abused. Being able to see and talk others so far away was seeminly impossible a few decades ago. Getting information has never been so easy. We are lucky to live in an age where the intenet is right at our fingertips. 5 4 9
1370 1 Dear @CAPS1 post, I know that people are spending way to much time on computers instead of being out side. People are becoming adictied to computers. People are spending way to much time on computers because there addicted to them, over weight, and not getting any exercise. I am telling you we need to address this matter. People have become addicted to computers. @PERSON1 says that in @DATE1 there were @NUM1 people useing computers, and it @DATE2 there are nearly @NUM2 million people using computers, thats a big increase in the last copple of years. People are becoming more addicted because of facebook, twitter, and much more computer sites. Yale says that in @DATE3 the number of people on facebook was only @NUM3 thousand in @DATE4 there is over @NUM4 million people using facebook, I dont know about yoe but that seems like an addiction to computers to me. People are getting tramensly over weight. One cause of this is addiction to computers, people just sit infront of there computers and eat and eat and eat until there over weight and unhealthy. Dr. @PERSON2 says that in the last @NUM5 years the average weight of a person has gone up @NUM3 pounds due to them sitting in front of their computers and eating. Doctors say thay cant do any thing about peoples weight unless they turn off all of there computers witch they dont think is possible. People are just getting to fat from sitting and doing nothing all day. Exercise is a key part of staying healthy. And by sitting infront of a computer eating, you'r not getting your exercise that is needed so people are getting fat. Dr. @PERSON3 says that people need to be aware of this problem. Dr. @PERSON3 also says that in the last @NUM7 years the amount of exercise people are getting has decreased @PERCENT1 thats why people are getting fat. He also says that its due to sitting infront of the computer and eating. People are getting no exercise due to computers. Im telling you this is a huge problem that we need to address. People are becoming addicted to computers, there getting over weight, and getting no exersise. Pleas @CAPS1 post listen, its a problem, but it is your dessision. 4 5 9
1376 1 Dear @PERSON1, I am writing a letter to discuss the fact that computers have a negitive effect on the average american, here are my reasons people are not spending much time outside, lack of exersize, do not interact with their family as much. Not spending much time can have a big effect on mother nature. Such as they will begin to care less about our wonderful earth and not care to pollute because if they took the time to go outside instead of running the air conditioner they can save the money and go be with their friends. Lack of exersize can be very bad for your health. Sitting down all day on the computer is not exersize its lazyness. When you exersize you feel good about yourself, your adreniline starts going, you can stay fit and you wan't have to worry about being unhealthy if you take yourself away from the computer. When you do not interact with your family and instead of eating dinner together one persons on the computer and the others are waching @CAPS1. You might argue with your family a lot and don't you want to have a healthy relationship. So why don't you encourage your family to sit down at the table and discuss how your day went. I stated my reasons why I think computers have a negative effect on people. I hope that you agree with my reasons so we can find a way to get everyone their computers and get active. 4 4 8
1381 1 Dear Local Newspaper, I think computers have a negative effect on people. One reason I think this is because people need exercis. They shouldn't be sitting at a desk all day playing games on the computer. Especially kids should be outside playing and exercising. More and more people will become obess if all they do is sit at a computer all day and eat junk food. If more people execis more people will start eating the right food and many people will be much healthier and live healthier and happier lives. My second reason on why I think computers are negative is some kids @MONTH1 get cyberbullied. This is when someone gets bullied online. Kids do this so they don't have to say it in person and they could say anything they want and the other person @MONTH1 not even know who it is. Another thing is kids @MONTH1 meet someone they don't know and think is nice but you don't know who he really is. He could make you, by tricking you, do stuff that normally you wouldn't do cause you think he's your age or he likes you. Many girls have gotten taken because of this. My last reason is people could miss out on fun activities, with family or friends like going swimming in the @DATE1 or sleding in the winter. If your home at the computer you can't do fun activities outside and exercis while doing it. Theses are my reasons I think computers have a negative effect on people. 4 4 8
1388 1 Computers have a positive effect on peoples lives. They are big helpers. They teach you skills you need in life. The technology abilities help us with tasks every day. Finally they help people to keep in touch and meet knew people. I think that computers have a very positive effect on our lives. Computers teach us many things. First of all just learning how to use the computer is a skill you need in life. At most jobs you have to know how to work a computer. Today computers are essential part of most work enviornment. Hand-eye coordination is another skill the computer teaches you. Computers actually help you with sports in a way. To catch a ball you need hand-eye coordination. The technology the computer gives us helps us alot in life. If you need directions you can look it up on the computer. If you couldn't you would have to call the resturant for directions. Without the computers help we would all have to write all of our papers out. For students it would be a nightmare to have to do reports without a computer. We would have to read so many books to get the information. The world would be a much different place without computers. Sometimes people who we love have to move far away from us. It's hard to keep in touch on the phone when that happens. The computer through keep you in touch. With programs like facebook, twitter, and @ORGANIZATION1, its possible. You can chat with them pictures of how there doing. You could even keep in touch with them from @LOCATION1. Computers almost anything possible. In conclusion computers are great machines. They teach us life long lessons. They help us when we need something or have to do a report. Computers even keep people in touch so their relationships don't fall apart. I don't know about you, but I think computers keep the world up and running. 4 4 8
1389 1 "Dear Local Newspaper, @CAPS1 are so many people that addicted to computers. They think that computer can help them but yes to others it helps them to their work and education. Most children are addicted to computer games. @CAPS1 are @PERCENT1 of children who are addicted to computers. For some reason, computers had a lot of effects on people. It might affect children's education or it might be the cause why your bills of electricity went higher. The worst of having computer at home, it can be a reason for millions of teenagers that got killed for always talking online with people they don't know. Computers are sometimes dangerous for people. Do people still need computer? Having computer at home is not good specially to children. This is because computers can affect their education. Parents don't want that to happen to their children. A lots of uneducated children that stay home or do drugs in the street. Yes computer can help them for their studies or computer can help them for their studies or projects but other children in the computer because they just want to play games. That's why a lot of them didn't learn anything at school but they learn a lot in the computer games. They should stop the computer games. Also, having computers at home can be the cause of people's electricity bills that went higher than they had @DATE1 when they didn't have computers. Other people think that computers can't give you any problem but computers works with electricity and pay for the electricity bills. If you have @MONEY1 for your electricity bill @DATE1 year when you didn't have computer, it might go high to @MONEY2 for your bill that now you have the computer. It's a big problem for you. Nevertheless, computers are dangerous. Computers can be good or bad. Without a doubt, @PERCENT2 of teenagers have been killed because of talking online with strangers people. Most website like @CAPS2 is now in danger. @DATE1 @DATE1 months, husband and wife got killed because of @CAPS2. The husband killed his wife because of being ""single"" in her relationship status on her @CAPS2. She got shot by her husband. However, her husband killed himself. They're both got shot! Talking online and meeting up with strangers people you don't know can be a reason of your lost. Parents should not have computers at home unless they will use it but it needs to be at their room where children can't use it. Now is the time to agree! Do we need computers at home? Can we live without the computer? We don't need computers at home and yes we can live without the computer. We can do any activities with our family, exercise for our health, go picnic with friends or we have fun go on vacation with the whole family. Local newspaper, I want you to tell the people to stop the computer and tell them to go out with their family and have fun doing activities or go on vacation." 4 4 8
1394 1 Dear Local Newspaper, In my opinion they take time away from exercising. Also, no one has time to enjoy nature. Of course, when it comes to family and friends, The time is stified by the computer. If more people get of @CAPS1 and @CAPS2, I'm positive all would be resolved. I'm sure that the computer is affecting everyone negatively. Obesity is a huge problem in @LOCATION1. One in five children are obese. I feel the computers is contributing to the problem. I remember times when I wanted to go outside and exercise, but the computer dragged me away wih all the fun games and videos the internet sure, the computers fine in moderation, but many people abuse their privellages. Obesity leads to many such as dogged arteries or strokes. No parents wants to see their go through young. But if from of to fix it? taking away for many. Everybody these dayrace people have so much effort making. I's sure I would have had across time if went people have probably done. Good times. Family to take time from away from us. In conclusion, I feel the computer is an addiction. Millions who on the computer gain weight. Also, it takes time enjoy nature but the computer blocking the way. Another thing the comuter puts family and friends on hold. Memories are being stolen by the awful device that computer. So else how bad the computer is. 3 3 6
1399 1 Do you feel that computers effect you in a possitive way? well i don't. I feel that computers have a neggative effect on people. I feel this way because you wan't be getting enough excersize in your life, you'll have a high light bill, and it'll begin to interfear in your everyday life. Now that i've shown my reasons, all defind them in detailed sentences. To start my essay, i feel that people want begetting enough excersize. I feel this because if your on the computer all day, and you don't go outside to talk, as side your bike then you went be burning any calarise. You'll be come a couch potatoe which down the line can become fatal to your health. As you get oldes you can possibly became with a list of items that can be wrong with you such as diebites, high cholesteal, and heart problems. Also i feel that if you are constantly sitting in front of a computer @NUM1, then you can possibly injure your back, which can add on to the list of problems with your health do to not enough exersice. Next, i feel that if your constantly on the computer, then your parents will have an extremely high light bill. Your parents will be with you, can possibly be in to the light company. If your always on the computer non stop, before you knew it the bill will be so high be able to pay it, you'll hour a high light bill, and can possibly be without light in your house. My personal opinion is that i dont feel computers are worth a family being in without light. Finally, i feel that computers will day life. I feel way if your always on the computers, and your never outside, then your friends will like you want to be bothered. They'll feel like your ignoring them, and you'll begin to lose friends that been there for you, and helped you when you needed it most. Also computers can effect your everyday life by ruining your social life. You'll always be inside, while your missing opportunities to meet new people, and build your social skillz. To conclude this essay, live brought to you my ideas, and opinions about computers. I've explained to you my reasons wich are you want be getting enough excersize, you'll have a high light bill, and it'll interfear with in your every day life. I've provided you with facts, and details about the consequences about computers, now you decide whether computers have a possitive or negative efect on people. 4 4 8
1402 1 Dear Local Newspaper, I think that computers are both a good and a bad thing. Computers allow use to play games, and learn about almost anything. But computers cannot simulate fresh air and exercise. Computers allow people to play a wide variety of games. People can play chess, solatire, and a great deal other games like that. Computers also allow us to play a very wide variaty of online games. I can think of at least three different sites that have online games. Each site having at least @NUM1 different games! Hundreds of thousands of people play online games everyday! What would they do if we didn't have the computer to play those games? We can also search any topic from a computer anywhere. This is a amazing thing to be able to do. Imagine if nobody had a computer how would we research so much of our knowledge? Yes there are but using a computer is so much more faster. Plus you can print thing out on a computer with a book you have to copy important down. But you can highlight the important. How much could ? No matter how much computer do they @MONTH1 be but it is kids getting bigger and bigger all because they long. Computers are amazing and society benefits from them by a lot. But just like everything computers have their downside. So please inform adults and kids about the goodness of computers, but also warn them about the bad things that could happen if you spend to much time on the computer and outside. 4 5 9
1405 1 "Dear Local Newspaper, I have herd that some people do not agree that computer benefit our society. Well in this letter I am going to give you three reasons how computers do benefit our society. Those reasons are @NUM1) People have friends and family in other states @NUM2) some people use them to stay organized And @NUM3) Computers help you learn more. I hope that by the end of this letter you will see that computers do benefit our society. First of all, I think that computers benefit our society because @CAPS7 lets people @CAPS3 in contract with family and friends in other states. This is true that you could use the phone and call them out you have to pay for long distance. You don't have to pay anything to email somebody. I know from experience because, I have friends and family in a lot of states in the @LOCATION1 ""@CAPS1 computers help me stay in contact with my family all over"" @PERSON3 ( @ORGANIZATION1 ) @CAPS2 many people use the computer the contact with loved ones everyday. Some people even on them to stay in touch with family or at war. Next I believe that computers benefit society because @CAPS7 keeps people organized. I know this many not seem like a big deal but a lot of people or computers to @CAPS3 things organized @CAPS2 they know how everything is would happen if didn't have computers to @CAPS3 all of the appointment in? Well I will tell you what would happen to @CAPS3 all would end appointment would @CAPS3 giving you things you already got. ""I @CAPS3 @CAPS4 on my computers - @PERSON1 And @CAPS5, I strongly belive that computers benefit our society because they help people learn more. Yes @CAPS7 is right that not everybody goes on the computers to learn but that doesn't mean they don't learn. Here's a cuple examples is @NUM1) @CAPS6 - @CAPS7 lets you learn song lyrics, dance moves and more (@NUM2) @CAPS8 - @CAPS7 lets you learn what other people like, don't like and @CAPS2 on. Then there is face book, @CAPS7 lets you see what people are doing that day. ""People learn everything to the computer"" @CAPS9 @PERSON2. Now I hope you see that computers don't benefit our society than that is your opinion. I hope you see what I see now." 5 4 9
1408 1 "Dear @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 is a lot of technology including the biggest hit, the computer. I say that computers have a more positive effect on people. Some reasons include that computers teach hand-eye coordination, give people the ability to learn about far away places, and even give you the ability to talk online with other people. Where would we be without computers? First of all, is that computers teach hand-eye coordination. People that type slower usually have poorer hand-eye coordination. Of course with faster typers, they have better hand-eye coordination. @PERCENT1 of people including teachers agree with this. Is this why @CAPS1 is typing ""lessons"" in computer classes in elementary school? The answer is most likely going to be a yes. Second of all, is that computers give people the ability to learn about far away places. Computers give you more resources than a book. Using the computer to go on multiple websites, is actually easier. Using these websites, people can have a higher education. One teacher said, ""using websites is so much easier for everyone. Using them for homework and having the students take notes is a lot less difficult."" And to that I agree entirely. Finally, computers give people the ability to talk to other people online. Using things like @ORGANIZATION2, @CAPS2, @CAPS3-mail, and video chat. All of these, and more give you the opportunity to chat with friends living far away. That way friendships are never really lost. People never want to lose relationships. Losing one can be very sad. I know this from personal experience. In conclusion, this is why I think that computers are a positive effect on people. From learning to chatting, computers are a great way to chat with friends and even do homework. Hand-eye coordination included. All of these are positive effects don't you think? I think so and this is why I believe that computers are a more positive effect than a negative effect on people." 4 4 8
1412 1 "Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 Readers, Some of you might think people exercise computers. They don't act outside enough or interact with family or pets. You also @MONTH1 think that they are not getting enough exercise.Well you are right but I am going to explain way your wrong. You can do things like learn, socialize, and actually become healthy. The first thing you could do is learn. While you are on the internet you can go to learning websites. Some of thoes websites can teach you about faraway places like @LOCATION1, @ORGANIZATION1, @LOCATION2 and many more. You can also learn about people and their cultures. Take @CAPS3 @CAPS4 for example, you could learn their culture and the @CAPS5 they celebrate and why. Another thing you could do is take online classes if you are having trouble in school. Another thing you could do so the computer is socialize. You might think or say that when you are on the computer you cant socialize with family and friends. Well you can. There are websites like @CAPS6 and facebook where all you do is talk to family and friends. Now you can webcam people. When you webcam you can see the person whom you are talking to you can hear them and they could hear you through a microphone on the webcam. Lastly you could go into chatrooms like @CAPS7 ( aol instant message ) and talk to people while you are on that sight. The last thing you can do is become more healthy. Is it not surprising? yes, you can go onto websites that teach you day by day how to eat right and exercise. Websites like @PERSON1 esang.com car give you a might eating schedual right for your . After that website you could go out and get the you will need. Another thing that the computer offers is hand-eye coordination. While you are looking at the screen your had is controling the "" mouse"" while the, mouse controls where you go on the worldwide web. Lastly you will eventually want to go outside after visiting websites that show you moments and gardens of this world. So now hopefully you agree with me that computers do acctually benift some things in life. I have showed you what you can learn about, talk to people and socialize and lastly help you with your health. " 5 5 10
1433 1 Dear local newspaper I think that the effects that computers have on people are that some people become very adictive to them, because some people spend lot of time in the computer doing noting because they just spend their money buying things that they don't need. I also think that computers affect people in the way that they don't spend lot of time with their family. The effects that computers have on people is that some people can't stop using them even if they want. People become very adictive to computers because they spend almost all their time in there. People don't exercise no more because they spend all their time on the computer, shoping things that they don't need they just buy them because they like them. The effects that computers have on people are that some people just to be talking to their friend on myspace. His facebook and other websites that are not good for them. I think that the effects that computers have on people are that they take away people's time because some people spend lot of time on the computers, living their family's alone without spending time with them. Computers take away peoples time because they don't spend time exercising or playing out side with friends or brothers or go to a park to spend same time with their family or have a contact with family and invite some friends to come over to have some good time instead of being in the computer all day without doing nothing. Computer's take away time or love for your family and they make you spend the time that you don't have. The effect's that computers have on people are bad because people can't stop using them even if the wanted to because they are all ready adictive to them. People can't stop using them because in the computers you could do lot's of things like shoping talk to friends and visit websites that have very interesting things from other countries that are very beutiful but some people can't stop using them because they go to play games or because they are down loding music from websites that they don't have to. In conclusion i think that the effects that computers have on people are very bad because some people spend lot of time on them and they even spend the time that they don't have and the time they need. I also think that computers affect people because they don't spend time with their family sharing good things. The effects that computers also have are that people can't step using them because they are adictive to them. 4 4 8
1434 1 Did you know that @PERCENT1 @LOCATION1 people use their computers extremely often? Not many people don't have a computer these days and sometimes it's hard to get away from it. I think most people can control themselves, though I believe that computers are very important and also have a positive effect on people. I use the computer to talk with friends and family, to help with my homework, and I am still active. I spend quite a bit @LOCATION1 time on the computer, yet I am still a very active person. I take dance lessons twice a week and when I can. I ride my bike, play outside, or run on the treedmill. I would say that I am a very healthy person. It @MONTH1 seem like I am on a lot, but really I have something. Also, all my friends are on the computer and some @LOCATION1 them are more active then me. Most people spend lots @LOCATION1 time on the computer and are still healthy and busy with other activities. I would definetly say that I interact with my family quite a bit. In a family @LOCATION1 it is kind @LOCATION1 hard not to. Also, I hang out with my friends every chance I get. I interact a lot but the computer lets me talk to them when there not around. Most @LOCATION1 my extended family lives in @LOCATION1. The computer lets me communicate with them and even exchange digital pictures. Sometimes your friends. This has happened to before and I were too busy to get together or it was snowing and my parents couldn't drive. We still got to talk and have a nice conversation. Some people have to be on the computer all day. my mom keeps the books and managers many things for a company. She spends a lot @LOCATION1 time on the computer whether she likes it or not. This really cannot be helped. Sometimes it is just necessary. Also, teachers use it to help them teach classes and prepare materials for it. As s result, I use it for homework. I @MONTH1 need to check my homework, research a topic, or use it for help. I think the computer is absolutely necessary and is a very irresplaceable piece @LOCATION1 technology. I'm sure you will now agree that computers are helpful, not harmful. As long as you get equal amounts @LOCATION1 fresh air and family interaction, they have a very positive on people's lives. 5 4 9
1443 1 Computers have been one of technoligy's greatest advances, and yet one of society's downfall. Originally thought to spread ideas and faraway places, computers have been proven to do quick the contrary. Computers are dangerous devices, and are targeting young, wholesome kids. It is the main reason why society is today, predicting that this future generation is wobbling on an unsteady and weak foundation. These devices, the source of this mayhem, must immediately be removes from society because they take away the true benefits of life, have harmful effects on our health, and support some of the country's deadliest predators. Firstly, computers are linked with the crime of stealing the pleasures of childhood. Since @DATE1, the amount of adolescent users has shot up @PERCENT1. Amazing ly enough, @PERCENT2 of parents polled admitted that their children spend at least @NUM1 hours on the computer everyday. This takes away the pleasures or reading, exercising, spending time outside and hnging with friends and fmaily. These negative effects have an unhealthy toll on society, especially teenagers, the most frequent users. As a result diet and exercise are curtailed, raising the obesity number by @PERCENT3, and lock of ourdoor or family activities have promoted anti-social @CAPS1 this alarming rate out fufture generation @MONTH1 indeed be balancing on a cracked foundation. In addition to limiting diet and exercise, computers are also the source of yet another act. As long as the computers are plugged, they emit invisible wares of electromagnetic radiation. These waves are linked to diseases and cancers. Use of computers have to cause brain-tumors and leukemia, asw ell as brain disorder and cancers. Leukemia, when caused at a young age, is difficult to cuse and stants the child's development. Children exposed to at least @NUM2 hours a day to @ORGANIZATION1 compared to the few who spend their time outdoors are @NUM3 times as likely to develop such possibilities. The ultimate prevention to such risjs is to to the rest of such causes, computers and it completely. Lastly, computers are harmful because they also a deadly we open. As an adolescent unthinkingly says the web and chtrooms, they are at risk of atteck by thousands of children predators prowling the web. Computers contain extremely valuable and secret information, such as names, birthdates, genders and even social security numbers. With one click, acfepting a strongers inivte, the online predators hack into the child's computer and obation such valuable information. Or the predators @MONTH1 be less postive and attack directly-asking questions to the child themselves. In fact, a familiar story tells the unfortunate fare of one local @CAPS2 girl, who unknowingly chatted with an online stranger. This online predator smoothly invited her to the mall, where they moved. A couple devastating, weeks later, the girl's reamin in were found, burned, as the last deadly act the predator performed on the teen. Three for, computers are simply too dangerous, a predator's thumbbook as they search for their next victim. by removing the computer, you eliminate the threats online predators pose for your child and you as well. It is amazing to learn that technology's greates advanvcement, the computer, can unleash such harmful effects. Lack of engaging activities such as exercising and reading are stunded by the ever distracting computer its electromagnetic radiation attacks our health and lastly, it supports the acts of the thousands of cruel, sneaky online predators awaiting your child on the web. By removing the source of all these troubles, those acts can be prevented and society @MONTH1 begin to the pain for reform. 6 6 12
1445 1 Introduction @CAPS1 cingle computer in the world should have internet. Internet helps people in meany ways. Ancybody can do there homework on a computer. You can even talk to your friends on a computer send emails to anybody around the world or just play coms. Teacher use computers because its the easyest to find information that they might need. Students can use a computer to do a research paper for lets say history. You can find anything about anybody or anything on a computer that has internet on it. Theres also a cool thing that is found on some computers its called microsoft word. It lets you right anything you want and if you mess up a word you can fix it if you wanted to. Some school-s actuly suply there students with there one partiple computer. They can do there homework when evertime want and just send an emal to there teacher that homework on it. Computer have @MONTH1 mark information then any book in the world. Because computers have way more storage for more information. Also the cool thing about a computer is that there are websites that let you talk to your friends that live near you. But you dont have to actuly co to there houses you can put pictures or you on facebook or myspace or any other site. You also can play games on facebook, myspace or any thing els. Schools should use computers because its the best way to get the information that you need to do something. Like science, math, or history homework. Or even just for fun or to learn something new that you never knew before. You should agree with me because everything I rote down was true and almost the best wat to get pictures or any information. That you need to do something. Or even just to talk to a friend that you havent seen in awile. 4 4 8
1451 1 Dear local newspaper, I think that computers have a positive effect on people because it helps them learn about foreign places, it allows them to connect with family and friends that live far away, and it helps them with their jobs. Computers help people learn about foreign places. Before my uncle went to @LOCATION4, he wanted to learn about their culture. He went on the computer and researched @CAPS1 culture, so that he can be prepared. How would you feel if you went another country and knew nothing about it? What if you were to go to that country and do something that was disrespectful to their culture, but you didn't know because you didn't do research on it? I know I would feel bad. Now some people might say that you can read a book on that country, but not everyone has time to sit and read a book. Computers make the world a little smaller and helps us learn about each other. I think that's pretty positive. Don't you? People connect with each other through the computer. More than @PERCENT1 of people who move away from their family and friends reconnect with them through computers. Nowadays there are social networking sites, like @CAPS2, @CAPS3, and @CAPS4, that gives people the chance to contact a family or friend that lives far away. When I moved to @LOCATION1 from @LOCATION2, I thought that I was never going to see my best friend again. But then, I got a @CAPS3 and found her on there. I was very estatic. We swapped numbers and addresses. Now everyday I talk to her on the computer. Also, the only way I talk to my aunty, who lives in @LOCATION3, is by the computer. I can't talk to her on the phone because that would run my phone bill up. Another reason that computers are positive is that is helps people find their biological parents or siblings. It brings them together and helps them reconnect with each other. Computers help people with their job. Anybody who is a @CAPS6 of a company has a laptop. It helps them store data, files, and important information. Computers are essential to these people. Also, it helps them keep track of their company if they go on a vacation. How would you feel if you owned a company and went on a vacation, but you couldn't keep track of it because you didn't have a computer. Computers have a positive effect on people because it helps learn about places, talk to their family, and keep track of their job. 5 4 9
1457 1 Dear Local @CAPS1, I think that computers do not effect people bacause I believe that they actually benefit people and the way people live computers do more than have games, In some cases help you gain knowledge computers can be used for entertainment, jobs, research, projects and more. Not just for games. Computers help peopel do their job. For example, if you work as a lawyer, you @MONTH1 need a computer to type your documents up. If you have bad pemanship and have a joblike a lawyer. You @MONTH1 need to refer to something in your document and can't read it, that's a problem. So in that case, that;s where the role of the comuter steps in. I also think that computers do not have effect on people because through garde schoo, sometimes kids need the internet. Some people don't have the option of a library of ther isn't one near them. By using the computer for inofrmation on a project or homework, I think it benefits, not effects. I have one more reason why I think computers benefit, not effect. I believe that if you have a @CAPS2, or @CAPS3, you have a chance to meet people from all over the world. Just by that, you could learn something you could learn their lifestyle and things about thier culture.Thank you for reading my letter, hopefully you will rethink your decision. 4 3 7
1465 1 Dear @PERSON1, I am on the side of computers. You @MONTH1 think I'm only saying that because I'm @NUM1 years old and it is basically what I do for fun. Computers do benefit society because they are fun, a source of communication, good for schooling and education, and for work. Computers are not just the @CAPS1 but also @CAPS6 procesor and @ORGANIZATION1 and everything like that. Computers provide games for everyone from ages @NUM2 to @NUM3. When it is raining outside your parents are at work and you are by yourself and have nothing to do, turn on the computer. Play a game. There are many fun websites made for everyone. Computers also provide an exellent source of communication. There are all different kinds of @CAPS2-mail. @CAPS5, @ORGANIZATION4, @CAPS3, @CAPS4, and many other sites are exellent for talking to friends. Not everyone has a cell phone so when you talk to them via @CAPS5 or any of the others it is nice to chat. Computers provide an exellent source of education. If you are doing a history project and you need more information and pictures, log onto a computer and @ORGANIZATION3 it. At our school we have edline which tells us all of our homework assignments. It is extremly handy. Now they also have schooling tutors online. It is great. Computers are great for work. @ORGANIZATION3, @CAPS6, @ORGANIZATION1, @ORGANIZATION5, and other @ORGANIZATION2 wear or other compnies. You can find your information and make something out of it. It is very, very useful for buisness workers. As you can see, computers have a lot of great uses. I think computers effect people in a positive way by helping them in positive ways. Computers allow fun, communication, educational purposes, and work uses. Computers are a good thing to have around, @CAPS7't you think? 4 4 8
1466 1 Dear @LOCATION1, minute man, people are complaining. They are complaining about how computers interfer with their family and life. But it teaches adults and kids new things. Being on the computer is an exeperince. You can almost search anything on the computer. You can learn history or about the present time. Like one time I was searching (@CAPS1.com) on how to fix a playstation @NUM1 controller. I found out how to do it and it worked. While you are on the computer you can interact with friends, find out about the weather, and find out if you have any homework. The computer also teaches you how to do different stuff. Like this one time I learned to do a hardflip. Also computer's can help you with your homework. Like if you have science homework and you're trying to figure a word out you can search it. Or if you're looking for a book for @LOCATION2 you can search websites for good books or ask a friend. The computer helps many different people in many different ways. And you know how people say computers are bad. If you have a t.v. for game system its like having a computer, right? But don't go kill your self looking for a cheap one. But I do suggest that everyone should have a computer, they are helpful and fun. 4 4 8
1467 1 "Almost everyone in the @LOCATION1 uses a computers at one point in their life. Computers are a way to teach hand eye coordination through programs, games and typing. The internet can be used for researching different far away cultures, as well as someone's own lifestyle. This compact well made piece of technology has been belaming more and more intricate. Realizing how much help computers have in everyday life, people will be the down fall or support for computer technology moving forward. One very basic but evident result from using a computer is hand-eye coordination. Since the time children are in grade school, they learn typing on a keyboard. Special programs help kids learn the necesary skill while enjoying the practice. When I was small, a mere fight years old, I remember typing. I was always excited when my mom and I went to barnes and noble to pick up a new typing program. I especially enjoyed ""type to learn"" and @CAPS1 typing lessons as well as teaching children to type is general, teaches hand-eye coordination in high school, college, and the job world. Young adults and adults are expected to type papers, resemes, and applications. In this day in age the technology era has begin and typing is a necessity. Another way to teach hand-eye coordination is through computer games. A simple challenge like solitaire, bejewled or car racing teach the skill and much more advanced games for example, world of war craft need perfect coordination can be through typing and games, both on the computer. Though some experts are conserned ""people are spending too much time on the computer and less time..enjoying nature,"" you are able to learn about geography, travel, and nature. One amazing on a computer is the world wide web. This consists of millions of websites, pages, search engines, and information arte you in an upcoming geography uses? Are you planning a trip the for you do you need to find a definition for the word ""cognitive""? of @CAPS1 pertain to you, a legitamite website house your and all you need to do is search. Instead of having to travel to learn about special wonders, for travel prices are expensive and you can simply, click and type to and amazing at your searching on a computer, you can learn about long ago cultures and rituals. Information you would find at museum @NUM1 years ago. @CAPS1 complex simple to use technological a world of pictures simple, art and history right at your fingertips." 5 5 10
1470 1 Dear local newspaper, @CAPS1 you like a place where you can control what you @CAPS1 and where you go? I know I @CAPS1. Well, if you afree with me then the computer is your cup of tea I think that computers have a positive effect on society. I think this for @NUM1 main reasons @CAPS2 with others, getting constant updates on whats going on, and a learning tool make up only some of the fasinating aspects the computer has. So read on I know you will think the same way as me about computers given my knowledge below. The computer captures over @NUM2 million humans attention with online social networks facebook, myspace, and @CAPS3 are the main attractions. In all of these websites you can keep up with whats going on with your friends and whats new around the world. These online social networks connect you and the people in your life to a crazy online adventure. All these websites provide the information that people want and keep nthem logging back on everyday. I think these websites are great and can only improve society. This is my first benefit of a computer. Another way aspect that the computer provides is world news and big events and drama that is happening in our society. Many news channels have their own websites and update what happened on their show. They provide pictures, stories, and actual videos of whats happening right now. The computer helps us americans know what is happening in @LOCATION1 and lets @LOCATION1 know whats happening in the @LOCATION1 and the @CAPS4.S arn't the only ones trough The computers provides international news and gossip for everyone. Here is another reason why the computer is great for society. There are many things that us kids don't know and if we need some deep information we search it on the computer. The computer provides websites giving information on every time you could think of. For example, if I were to be stuck on some science homework I could probably type in my question on ask.com and get a great answer. Parents and teachers want their kids to suceed and the computer defenitly helps. In conclusion, I have given you @NUM1 great, well thought out reasons why the computer benefits society. @CAPS2 with others, updates worldwide and information on school all are in a great piece of technology called the computer. I hope you will trust me that the computer has a positive effect on society. 5 5 10
1473 1 Dear local news paper, This paper is going to be about the reason computers are bad. Frist, computers are bad cause people wouldn't have time to enjoy the nature when its nice and warm out. Second reason is cause they won't spend time with there familys at all or there friends and the only time they would get off the computer is to pay the bill and buy a game for the computer. The third reason is that how are going to get a job cause they wouldn't want to get up to look for a job cause there having to much fun intill they cut off the light then he would do dum things to pay is bell se he can start to play again and thats going to make hin do it over and over again. That's why it's bad to have a computer. But now where is people going go in life cause some people love to play games on the computer and some don't that's why some computers are bad for some people. And this is just my opinion there's alot more people might think so to. And thank you for having time to read this. 3 3 6
1475 1 It is my opinion that computers are not completly bad for people, computers can also be good for people. For example computer allow people to communicate in seconds. From around the well, and computers open up new information to anyone. But a major advantage is that people spent so much time on the computer, that they don't get any exercise. Firstly, computers are good thing because they allow news and infirmation to get to the whole world in seconds. Very recently during the war in the @LOCATION1, news reporters were not allowed into towns and cities where a user uses being fought. Every day social messaging sites like @CAPS1 and @CAPS2 brought news to the world through cell phone videos and pictures that wouldn't have been seen by the world had it not been for computers and the internet. Secondly, computers allow people to gain knowledge in a matter of minutes on topic the sun. For example if you need information on the country in the you can finf it with a computer. If you need a recepie for an @CAPS3 desert look it up with a computer. If you would like to know what the weather will be like, you can look it up with a computer. With a computer the knowledge of the world can be found by anyone. Lastly, the leading argument against is the people don't get enough exercise because they are always on the computer. The people computers say that people will because a thier computer that will the lives these arguments can be the overwhelming of heavy computer users do get enough exercise A recent status that among the internet average grade of A or better, who also do at least With this information the argument In conclusion, computers are not completly good or completly bad for society. Their strong points are communication and the ability to gain knowledge quickly. The main downside is that a minority of computer user don't get enough exercise. It is my opinion that computers are good for and the pres definitily outway the care. 4 4 8
1478 1 "Dear local newspaper, have computers ever hurt anyone? I believe the effects of computers on people are positive ones. For one, computers let people talk and socialize, even if they are on different sides of the planet. Another effect they have is letting people work faster in businesses and other jobs that require mathmatics. Lastly, computers allow people to see far away places and learn about almost anything with a click of a button. Because of the internet, people across the globe can talk to each other as if they were neighbors. Lets say a friend or family had to move to another country or state. They could be apart for months or even years. They would miss each other contantly. But with computers, they can talk to each other like they were still neighbors. Computers also have some more ""practical"" uses. They make it easier to see their stocks, their income, and even see sale trends. Lets say you needed to make a change to the price of your goods but your car broke down and the incorrect price was miles away. You would halfway have to wait for a mechanic or run for miles to get to a phone. But with a computer, you wouldn't need to do any of that. Just log on and change the price from the luxury of your own home. There are also educational purposes for computers. Computers let you travel the world without taking a step. You could take a trip through the safari or go on an adventure in the raln forest. You could take in the beauty of the great plains or watch the ever changing sands of the sahara desert. You could learn about the greeks, archemedes, ancien egypt, or pacman, with a computer, the world is your oyster. That is why I see computers as a positively amazing thing. Because they let us do things our minds usually can't because they allow people to traverse the world in seconds, and because they allow people oceans away to talk together. So think, are computers really harmful?" 5 4 9
1479 1 My oponion is computers should be used for many different purpuses. One reason is chating online with friends and family. Another reason is that if you are going far away and you know someone that can give you directions to where you are going then you can chat with them as they give you directions to where them as they give you directions to where your heading. Another reason is if you have family that does not live with you and you can't go an see them then you can chat with them. Another rwson is that of your going somewhere and you don't know the weather for the next day then you can go online and find out what's the weather for that day. Also if people really want to exercise then they can go on there computer and go to youtube and od exercise from there computer. Also if you want to see the @CAPS1 then you can search it on your computer to see what's going on. Lastly if you don't think it's rite for people to have computers then you should try to get one to see how much stuff you can do with it. You will be amazed. This is my reason why people should have computers to enjoy while chating, watching @CAPS1 and many other stuff that you can't probably imagine. Also, maybe kids should not have computers but they can get one when they get older. Also, if kids need to search from school then they can also do that there are many reasons why people should get computers. That my my opinion about why people should have computers. 3 4 7
1485 1 Dear local newspaper, did you know that just about @PERCENT1 of the people in the @LOCATION1 have computers and use them daily. I am one of those people and I don't get how people ar saying that computers are destroying our country, yeah I know that we spend a little less time with family and friends but computers help as help monitor weather and natrual disasters like torndos and hurricans, they give us a chance to see far away places and learn more about the world and we can talk with other people. Computers are way important in our world because we can monitor natrual @CAPS1 such as tornados, hurricancs, and earthquakes without this technology over @PERCENT2 more people will die from these @CAPS1 without computers because the will less or no warning about the situation. Over @PERCENT3 of kids in the @CAPS2.S go to school and with computers the kids get a better chance to learn absent the world and society. Kids should know what is going on in the world, or you could be a adult just browsing the web loking for information. My point is tons of people all around the world computers to learn. My last reason is to teach kids to type and to have hand eye cordination when kids get older and when we get @CAPS3 they are gonna need to learn how to type. So odds are if you don't know how to type you won't get very far but there in the real world. To conclude my statement im gonna go over my three reasons why we need computers first to track natrual disasters. Second to leern about far away places, and our society. Third to teach childeren hand eye cordination and to to type so they can get @CAPS3. This is why the @CAPS2.S realy needs computers. 5 4 9
1493 1 "Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, I believe that computers do benefit society in a positive way. Without computers we would not be able to be as social. We also would not have the ability to do reseach for school online and running a business would be even more difficult. Without computers our society would not be so far advanced. Being social is an important quality in life. the main way of being social these days, other than texting, is to chat online with friends. Facebook, @CAPS3, @CAPS4, and skype all give their users the ability to make new friends, find long lost friends, and chat with friends. I personally have a skype and facabook, and I am able to access them everyday. Without them, I wouldn't be able to chat with friends out of school except for sports and texting. Everyday I workout and lift weights and go on facebook, that is why that whole statement, ""spending less time exercising, and more time on the computer"" is false. Facebook and skype are a past of my everyday life and without them I know I would not be as social. Computers are also a part of my everyday life, because I have to use it to do research for school or typing up an @CAPS5 paper. As you have now seen, my handwriting is not so great, so I end up typing a lot of my homework because of it. Without computers my teachers would not be able to read my work. Computers also help with making graphs and data tables for science lab reports. Without a computer the graphs would have to be handmade, which is not as presentable. Overall computers are used everyday in school to either do research or to type up some homework. Education plays a key role in society and if we did not use computers out education that we would receive would not be the same as it is now. My last reason why i believe that computers play a positive role in society is that computers are what keeps businesses running. Without computers some businesses would be unable to function, and those could function, would be awful slow. Since our society is so far advanced our businesses need computers in order to complete the jobs. Expenses and income are saved to businesses computers, if that was all done an paper they could be lost or ruined. Computers also simplify work for businesses, they speed up the tasks that would takes a long time to be hand done and they complete the tasks that could not be acheived without a computer. Computers play a large part in the @CAPS6 of the world." 5 6 11
1501 1 Do you think that computer's are good? Well, I do. There are many reasons why I and you should think, this. For example, it has possitive effect on people, it teaches hand-eye coordination, and it allows people to talk to online with other people. One reason why you should think that computers are good is it has a positive effect on people!! Don't you want to be happy. well then, computers is your online fun source!! And your an learn a lot from computer!! Another reason is that the computers teaches hand-eye coordinbation. Hand-eye coordination is excellent skill that you need in life. For example, lets say that you want to play baseball, and you have no hand-eye coordination and you trip and @DATE1 and you brake something. that isn't good for you, is it. No, it is not good. But, if you had better hand-eye coordination then you probably wouldn't have fallen! The @NUM1 reason is that, you can interact with others online. You can @CAPS1, you can go on chat rooms. Or you can go on gaming sources, and interact with other people!! And, you can go online dating! The computer is a greet way to meet new people that share the same characteristics as you!! If you already have a computer then your fine. But, if you don't then you need to get one. And I am right!! People that don't have a computer have no jb. because people with jobs most of the time have use or have computer. In conclusion, you need to get a computer!! Why? well, that because you can alot of stuff on a computer. For example, you can teach hand eye coordition, and you can chat with online friends. Also, it gives you a possitive effect. 4 4 8
1517 1 Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, @CAPS3 a computer is a benefit. They help us in so many ways. It is very helpful, it could make someone's life easier to handle. You could keep in touch with old friends or family. It would be easier for work, and when you're bored, you could play some fun games. It's very hard to have family you can't see and keep in touch with! With a computer you could send messages and photo's to interact with them. You wouldn't have to worry about ever losing communication with them. You could also meet new people. Get new friends from anywhere in the world! Have friends from all different race and culture. Computer's are a great way to interact with others, whether its family or friends. It's always had to do work when you have no clue what it's about! if your ever @CAPS3 trouble on something you could always look up information about it. You could learn how to do things or learn more information about a certain item. When you have homework and don't know the meaning of a word, you could always look up the definition of it. They also hold your information. For example, instead of @CAPS3 a ton of papers you could simple just save it in your computer. Then you could print it out whenever you need it. Computers make work easier and help you organise better. Computer's also amuse you as well. When you have nothing to do, you could play alot of fun game's. You could also watch music video's or funny videos to get you laughing. They have practicly anything you want to play. You would hardly ever get bored! As you see, computer's are a benefit to people. It's always helpful when you could keep in touch with anyone, have help with your work, or simply keep yourself entertained. Without computers life would be harder and boring! 4 4 8
1527 1 "Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 @CAPS3, @CAPS4 many people think comptuers are bad there are many reasons as to why they are good. Computers are very environmental friendly and so are @PERCENT1 @DATE1 people today. They also allow us to type assignments and other important papers. People also don't know that they are not the worst @ORGANIZATION1 on the market today. Computers @MONTH1 take away time from people that they should be spending on excersice, but computers arent the only thing that do that more people spend time watching @CAPS5 then they do on any other activity, @PERSON2 head @DATE1 @ORGANIZATION1 conducted a survey in @DATE1. His survey showed that out @DATE1 the @NUM1 people questioned @PERCENT2 spent @NUM2 hours a day watching @CAPS5, @PERCENT3 spent @NUM3 hours on the computer, @PERCENT4 spent @NUM4 hours reading and @PERCENT5 spent @NUM4 hours excersising. So clearly computers are not our biggest problem. Many people today are ""@CAPS7"" or ""@CAPS8-environment"". So instead @DATE1 buying newspapers or magazines most people go online to research current events. @PERSON1, @CAPS9 @DATE1 the @ORGANIZATION2. Says if we use comptuers instead @DATE1 newspapers @PERCENT6 @DATE1 the trees we cut down each year will be save. So obviously computers are environment friendly. Todays youth is messier than it ever was. @CAPS10 are having a hard time grading papers and tests because @DATE1 kids hand writting. So instead @DATE1 handwritting papers, kids make it easier on @CAPS10 by typing their work. Rescent studies show that @PERCENT7 @DATE1 @CAPS10 find it easier + better for kids to type papers. This shows kids are better off typing papers, and assignments. I hope you now understand my position on computers. The help us in many other ways too. In conclusion, they are not as time-consuming as every one @MONTH1 think. They also help us with research, are enviromental-friendly, and help the youth @DATE1 our world become neater one click at a time." 5 5 10
1530 1 To: @ORGANIZATION1 goes so fast, and the most they make more new invations. They had invented a computer which it helps people in the work they have to do, however there is a big problem, is that people are spending too much in the computer specialy teenagers. I suggest that is a horrible idea, because they are less time being active, also less time intracting with friends and family and @CAPS1 it is dangerous for teenagers. However many people @MONTH1 not ogrea with me. There is so many teenagers and adults that are just wasting time in the computer, instead of playing outside enjoying the nature, doing exercise and just having fun. Don't you think is a great idea. Well a friend of mine used to go outside everyday went outside to play. I think . Which I really miss her. You know when you go spent time with your family. But guess what they are in the computer, wasting time instead of spending time with your family. Do you think thats good? Well is not because thats how the family gather and stop coming to visit you. That's just so sad had family seperate. That's not all because do you think that people will be in dangerous problems, well they are. Do you know how you get a myspace and you meat a boy that says that is the name age as you and tells you if he could meet you and you say yes and lets say you were @NUM1 year old girl, he is like @NUM2 years old. He will abuse of you or kill you. You thought he was @NUM1 years old but he was not. I think is dangerous for kids. I think is a horrible idea of having computers, because you will be less time spending nature, also less time spending with your family and getting into dangerous things. However people @MONTH1 not agree with me, but what if your child was in dangerous. How would you feel? People should really think about having computers. 4 4 8
1531 1 "Who in the world would say a computer is useless. No one, computer are one of the most useful device ever made. I think that computers are perfect and can help you build skills. I have @NUM1 reason it build skills, fast information and fun. Now lets get started with skill. Skills are things you need to have if you want to pursue a career. You can learn skill from book, tv and computers. For example i learned how to type rapidly on a keyboard from a computer on a game called type to learn. After a week of this game. I was typing like a pro. The computer also has chess to help build stragety. Just ask my super smart english teacher @PERSON1 ""she say that chess build's character and strength your mind. Moving along, i want to talk about how you can get information in a instant with computers. Experts say that it the number one way to get iinfo badly. I know i argeed with that, after study for a test on @LOCATION1 carver in my book, but one of my pages was missing so. I used my computer not only did i get my information quickly. I had gotten more information than the book. The next day i passed my test. @NUM2 percent . You how useful a computer can do. Finally, i want to talk to you about good old faishon fun. As you know are perfect for building skill and get information, but you can away alway use a computer for fun. Do you know anyone in the world that can say the computer is not fun. No you can't because everyone in the world use the computer for fun stuff like online game, video and talk to people. Thanks for my reason about computer building skill, having info and fun." 4 4 8
1536 1 "Some people dont like computers because of instant reason, and other people like computers little too much. I like computers but @CAPS1 not obsess with computers give good efforts on people, even me you can learn things off the computer and you start to get good hand eye coordination one of the things I like about the is that you can 'talk"" to other people. Lots of people uses the computer a little too much that they dont exercise, or watch nature as much some normal (other) people should, and they dont spend them with their familys. I rather spend time on the computer for only (#@NUM1) three hours so then I can do other things with my time and you or anybody should do the same." 2 2 4
1541 1 Dear NewsPaper, people are spending too much time on computers. You could be outside enjoying nature, playing sports, or traveling. Some people say that you can learn about animals and plants on a computer, but there is nothing like really being outside with them. People who hike and really enjoy being outside are @PERCENT1 smarter than people who don't. I like being outside more than inside and I have straight A's. Sports are also a good way to get outside. My favorite sport is baseball and I am pretty good. Some places say that computers can help with your hand-eye-coordination, but how can a computer help you with that? Sports are what help you with hand-eye coordination. Playing sports can also help you get stronger. Baseball is why I can bench press @NUM1 pounds. @PERCENT2 of kids who play a sports are not over weight, but @PERCENT3 of kids who don't are. Traveling is also a good way to get outside. I love traveling. I am fluent in english french, and spanish. My favorite place to go is northern @CAPS1 in @LOCATION1. Computers can show you pictures of a place, but when you are actually there, it is really fascinating. A picture on a computer cannot even compare to what it is really like. You also cannot walk on a computer, or drink the water from a stream, or climb up a clift. There is really no comparison. Computers are alot worse and alot worse for real nature. Compared to real life and nature, there really is no comparison. Computers aren't as good as real life. You can enjoy nature playsports, an travel the world, all by just being outside. Thank you for your time. 4 4 8
1542 1 Do you remember school projects sitting down bored and watching your @CAPS1 stations or sitting in the doctors office waiting bored out of your mind? Well no more! Since the computer was invented there have been many many advancements and all of those things are gone. There was once a time when the only way to do a project on a country was to look in the paper untill you found something now with computer advancements you can enter a country's came into google, a search site, and up comes @NUM1 things on that country. In fact @PERSON1 a expert on computers and inventor of one of the most advanced computers on earth says that searching for information is now @PERCENT1 to @PERCENT2 eisier depending on the topic. Also you no longer have to work a redundunt type write that always makes mistakes that you have to retype. You can just use @ORGANIZATION1 and you type your essay. Anything speelled wrong is underlined in red so you only rarely have a spelling mistake. As a result of this increase in knolage, from a learning stand point computers are extremly good for mankind. My second reason that computers are extremely good for us is that they are entertaining. On your new laptop you can go on miniclip or addicting games, both gaming websites and play games. These game while not only are fun improve handeye coordination which helps with sports, driving, writirs and many other things. More advanced gaming computers called consoles such as the @CAPS2-box @NUM2, by @ORGANIZATION1, the @NUM3, the @CAPS3 by the @CAPS4 provide exteme gaming experience. One of the more recent games for these consoles is called @CAPS5 of @CAPS6! Modern @CAPS7 @NUM4. This game has an online system where you can talk to and play against people all around the world. Not only that but advanced games such as @CAPS5 of @CAPS6 improve eyesight. Studies show that playing a high action game @NUM4 hrs a day will improve eyesight more than eating @NUM6 serving carrots a day. My final reason that computers are good for you is that they take boring waits. If you've everyone to @CAPS10 you know that the lime can be @NUM4 hrs long. People used to wait that just standing there. Now people can pull out their @CAPS11 or @NUM8 player and listen to music. The @CAPS11 can take videos and pictures as well as play music, videos and games. If you are lucky enough to have an I touch you can check email, stocks, weather and news right on your @CAPS13 as well as buy songs which can be @NUM9 cheaper than @CAPS14. In conclusion all of this advantage in technology benifits us greatly. We can now learn about new exiting things have fun while improving eyesight and we don't have to wait. 5 5 10
1544 1 I People spend too much time on the computer. A lot of people are on the computer for about the whole day. They should be spending time with family and friends. People never have enough time for activities. Also computer should mostly be used for talking with family and friends, homework,research, games @CAPS1 bored, and work. To begin with, people need to spend more time with family and friends rather than on the computer. For example @CAPS1 your mother or father asked you @CAPS1 you wanted to go out to dinner and you said no, I'm on the computer, that would just mean your obsessed with going on the computer. A lot of families are bing broken apart because people spend too much time on the computer @CAPS1 you have a friend over and they say I am bored and all you are doing is play games on the computer than that is just being rude because your friend is bored. So you need to get off the computer and spend time with your loved ones. Previously I stated how people spend time with loved ones, well people need to spend more time doing activities as well. A lot of humans sit on the computer and eat so over the time they eventually get fat. @CAPS1 you are gaining weight because your on the computer than you need to go do some activite to off that fat. @CAPS1 you are a teen and you are given the idea to play a sport and you it because computer is more important then is some serious obesession with the computer. As a result, the computer should be used wisely. The computer should be used to talk to family and friends, homework, research, work, and @CAPS1 you bored play some games little games on the computer. Those are probably the most important things that should most likely used for the computer. A lot of these things that I have listed are important because @CAPS1 you go on the computer just to be on and watch people talk then what's the point of wasting your time on the computer when you could be doing much more different things on the computer. For example, @CAPS1 you have homework such as vocabulary and you need definitions you can go to www.dictionary.com to find them, or @CAPS1 you just need to define a simple word. In conclusion, people spend too much time on the computer. They need to be spending more time with family and friends. Also people need to be doing more activities in their lives. Lastly, you should use the computer for useful things like homework or even very important research. So, as you can see humans spend too much time on the computer rather than doing much more important things. 5 5 10
1546 1 Dear @CAPS1, People use computer all over the world, for one reason or another, but they are very necessary in our world. That is why computers have a good effect on people today. They help us contact distant family members. Kids rely on them for studying or homework. Adults need them for their jobs, like sending emails or typing a proposal. Thats why computers have a good effect on us. Like me, many kids have family across the ocean or just across the country, either way, contacting them is tough. Calling them @MONTH1 be expensive in most cases and sending letters certantly take to much time to reach them. With email, the message will be sent quickly and free. You can also have conversations through email with no problem. Another very effective way to contact family is through skype or a web cam. This way you can see your family from miles away in the comfort of your own home. Computers help kids too. Kids like me always have homework on the computer. It could be typing up a final draft of a paper or taking notes on a historical figure, either way they both require a computer. Sure, there are books to take notes on people, but do books type up papers? Kids and teenagers can also use them for studying. I constantly use the computer to practice spanish buy using a website with worksheets a flash card to help me. Computers nbot only help kids, they help adults too. MAny adults in @LOCATION1 and othe countries are business men and woman. They are constantly sending emails, typing proposals and all those things. And without a computer all that would be very challenging. Business men are not the only ones doing that though. My father, an electrition, has to sned out emails and documents about his latest project several times a week. Aside from work, we use them in our everyday lives. For example, ordering clothes and toys, but most popular is doing your taxes online. It is quicker easier and that is why @PERCENT1 of @CAPS2 finish their taxes online. Computers have a good effect for people of this age. Not only i sthat my opinion, it is also more of a fact. They help us stay connected with distant relatives, help our children stay on top in school and help our parents and other adults in their jobs in everyday lives. Not only are they helpful, but they are necessary and I hope your agree with me. 6 4 10
1551 1 "Dear local newspaper- I understand that computers are becoming more of a ""must have"" in peoples everyday life. I believe this is a great thing! If you're on the computer you type which helps improve peoples hand-eye coordination. Also, you can learn more about people, places, cultures and much more. Lastly, you can communicate online with other friends or even meet new people. To begin, I think having computers is a good idea because it helps people improve on their handeye coordination. My cousin @PERSON3, who is a big time baseball player, used to have trouble catching the when he was younger. He kept trying over and over again and never gave up. Then, for his birthday his parents bought him a computer! He was so excited, but when it came to typing papers, he wasn't the best. Not only did he practice baseball but also typing. His family realized that buying him that computer was of the best ideas. It improved his baseball career (by throwing and catching the ball) and increased his grades in school. However, @PERSON3 is not the only one that has gained hand eye coordination from computers. A recent study from yale college shows that @PERCENT1 of people that use the computer for atleast a month gains some sort of hand eye coordination. @PERSON1, a teacher of the computer class at high school states, ""@CAPS1 freshman that I get in my class tells me that computers have made their sports careers easier because they now have better hand eye coordination."" Computers have two things in one, you learn to type and help your hand eye coordination. Do you want you @CAPS3 to be lacking that positive ability in life? In addition, computers help you learn more about people, places and cultures. I heard a couple nights ago that @ORGANIZATION2 had an earthquake. I also learned about the powerplant explosion in @LOCATION2, @LOCATION1. How do I know all of this you ask? The front page on @CAPS2.com! But, i'm not the only one who has gained this knowledge from the internet, so many more have too. @ORGANIZATION1 took a poll about how many @CAPS3 use the computer to do research and @PERCENT2 answered that they did. Does the society really want to take away @CAPS3 knowledge of whats going on around us and our history? In conclusion, people can communicate with friends and relatives. This is great if you haven't seen them recently, or if you want to just stay in touch. For example, @PERSON4, mycousin, just found me on facebook. I haven't seen her for eight years abut now I talk to her all the time. We talk about visiting each other and how our family's are doing. But, you can also talk to your friends too. Studies show that @PERCENT3 of @CAPS3 between the ages of eleven and eighteen talk to their friends over facebook on a daily basis. Dr. @PERSON2, a teen psychiatrist, says ""I think this is a great idea for @CAPS3 to communicate with other @CAPS3 through the computer. It gives them the chance to interact in a different way."" @CAPS3 have such a good lifestyle for them, do you want to feel guilty for ruining that? Finally, people have perfect opportunities right in front of them. Computers help improve hand eye coordination and helps you learn. It also lets people interact with others in a different way. Do you think that these golden ideas are bad for our society?" 4 5 9
1555 1 Computer can be used for anyting but sometimes people use it for illeagle things like music some music site are a illeagle and sometimes thing off the internet. People meet over the internet can be sometimes dangerous because some people lye about there age or put fake pictures of them. 1 1 2
1557 1 "Dear Local Newspaper, @CAPS1 tired, lazy people sitting on their computer and wasting their life bacause of it. The issue to with is do you think that people are spending to much time on the computer or not. I strongly believe that people are spending to much time on the computer. And, here are @CAPS2 reasons why, people are spending less time exercising, people not enjoying nature, and less time interacting with family and friends. Without a doubt you probably know that exercising is at least somewhat helpful to life, @CAPS4 if people are sitting home @NUM1 on the computer with no exercise, it is going to cause people to gain an excess amount of wait. Because the more they just sit around. And do nothing except the computer. The more they're going to be and the more lazy they're going to be. So they're not going to want to do anything and really it's just a waist of life. And, in some cases it can cause depression. Just ask a local resident who says "" @CAPS2 mom used to be on the computer all the time and did nothing with her life,"" and @CAPS3 she became depressed. And, soon after, killed herself."" @CAPS3 more and more people are going to become like. I know that a lot of people like to be outside when its a nice sunny day. @CAPS4 @CAPS1 somebody on that day in a room, with their eyes to the computer screen. Because they cant think of anything else to do with their lives. @CAPS4 @CAPS1 if that was someone you loved. Doing that with their life. I'm pretty sure you would try to do something to help them get off that path. Just ask another local resident @PERSON1 who says, ""I remember coming home everyday, and there was @CAPS2 mom, no shades up, pitch block, it was like a dark cave, and she would sit there for hours on the computer wasting her life, and I remember asking her how long has it been since you've gone outside, she answered, its been almost two months."" @CAPS4 I know from @CAPS2 family that there was a family member of mine who was a ""computer junkie"" And, I remember at a family get together @CAPS2 aunt was the only one who could never come. Because she was to busy on the computer. And, she" 4 4 8
1564 1 I disagree what people say about computers. Likewise of corse they teach hand eye coordination. But they are not good enough for people. Lets find out what I have to say to these people who think that computers have a positive effect on people. People are so fat! Wounder why. Because they spend to much time on computers and less time exercising. Anyways @PERCENT1 of @LOCATION1 is obese. Concluding that some people die each year of being over weight. Think of it this way baseball players and so on can get about @NUM1 to @MONEY1 a year, isn't that what you want to be millionaires? Isn't nature so great when you exsperiance it? Well I think so because people don't think before choping down trees. Think about the animals don't you think they get enough torrocher evey year. Computers are such a bad influiance to people agian because people need to experiance life an not sit behind a desk or a home being lazy. Myspace, facebook and all the other crazy site s on the web are not good. There are sexturall preteters all over the world that like to rape kids and teenagers like us at batchelder. You should not interacted with friends on the internet for that reason. You should get some exersise at the park with your firends and family. Aslo its better to talk to new friends in person because you can get to now them better as you grow up. There are many reasons why computers are bad and sometimes even worse. Don't use computers for stupid reasons. Or might get yourself killed. It makes you so felt that you won't be able to walk. Just keep that in mind people. 4 4 8
1568 1 Dear Local Newspaper, I think that computers are giving bad effects on peoples lives. Instead of using your time wisely and getting active outdoors, your'e inside your house on the computer playing games or chatting with your friends. If you're those people who easily get overweight or in any diabetic medication right now, I't easily recommend you to do workout or go and invite a friend over for a walk at the park. That way you are enjoying nature, talking with your buddy instead of doing it online, and you'd also be getting exercise. If you didn't notice, you are also doing your friend a favor too. Not only are you getting good benefits on the outdoors but so is your partner. Getting more active @MONTH1 even bring your friendship or family bond even more closer. You might also improve your self-esteem because you'll look in the mirror and feel great about your new, healthy looking body. Also, if you're one of those people always depressed, feeling lonely, or just in a bad mood, this advice could be the key to your solution. The workouts and activities helps you have more energy you never thought you'd have before. if I were you, I'd stop being lazy and actually enjoy your life and not waste time doing lazy then go. 4 3 7
1587 1 Dear editor, I think that people are spending too much time on the computer. Because of this, people are getting less exersice, they are not spending enough time outdoors and the dont spend as much time with their family and friends. Exersicing is an important part of one's daily schedued. I have a friend who exersices everyday. She is the healthiest person I know and rarely spends anytime on the computer. But, she knows someone who is almost her compleate oposite. He hardly ever exersices and spends @NUM1 hours on the computer each day. He has also been diagnosed with diabeties and is obese. These are the type of health problems that are faced because of lack of exersice and too much computer time. Experts say that people should get at least @NUM2 minutes of exersice every day. But, because more and more people are spending time on computers, this is almost impossible. Studies done at @ORGANIZATION1 show that @PERCENT1 of kids under the age of @NUM3 are obese or at the risk of becaming obese because they are not getting enough exersice. You don't want that number to increase do you? There are other problems that people face because of too much time on the computer. People are spending less time outdoors and more time inside at a desk. My friend @PERSON1 spends way too much time on her computer and not enough outside. She failed a science poject because she was on her computer, rathern than outside comparing the leaves from different trees. Doctor @PERSON2 is a child phycologist and when he asked kids if they would rather play outside or be on a computer, @PERCENT2 of them said computer. This shows that people on computers are not only young, but they want to be on the computer more than be outside. This is a number that, in my opinion, is too high. Lastly, there is the problem of people not spending enough time with their family and friends. By this I mean face to face time, not just video chatting with your friends on facebook. This has caused tension in relationships. My friend @PERSON3 didn't go to her family reunion but stayed at home on the computer and at the next family get together, she was ostrisized because she didn't go to the reunion. High @ORGANIZATION1 guidance counselor @PERSON4 says that @NUM4 out of @NUM5 friendships are ruined because kids dont spend enough face to face time with their friends but are on the computer. These are all god reasons why less time on the computer and more time exersicing, outside, and with family and friends will make your life happier and healthier. 5 5 10
1611 1 Dear Local Newspaper, Computers are very important to some people. Everyone uses them or has used them before. It isn't bad to own a computer because you can still excersise and be able to do the things you do everyday. Lets say that you need to look something up, the thing you always go to for information is a computer. People in schools, industries, and in homes use it all the time. Teenagers will usually go on the computer to talk to friends or maybe play games, I know I do. It's so they don't waste their time being bored all day. Excersising and being active is indeed very good for teenagers to really look into, but even though they do that, they don't push away the computer. It will always be there when they don't have anymore homework or when they finish running around the neighborhood with their friends. I can't imagine what my life would be like coming home from soccer practice and done with my homework and the computer or @CAPS1 is one of the first places I run to so I can just sit back and relax. Computers should be known as our friends. They won't hurt us. They just give us what we need and want. Reaserch is a good example because everyone uses the computer to find whatever it is that people are looking for on it. And if they're done with reaserching they can have a little fun by games and friends. But I believe that the main purpose for computers is information. Whenever I get home from school, I finish my homework and stretch a little for cheerleading then whatch @CAPS1 or go on the computer so i'm not bored. It's not that i'm not active because I'm not working out or excersising. It's because I have nothing to do, so why not make my time occupied? Everyone does it so I'm not the only one. Yes, computers are just this square box with a keyboard, but if you don't push it away from peoples common lives than you can see that they aren't what you say they are and they won't rot peoples brain or anything. The reason they are in an office or living room or bedroom is because people like them and uses them for their needs. 4 4 8
1618 1 Dear local newspaper I've come across this letter I saw about the technology of computers and how it's affecting people lives. I think the computer is a great of learning. Its a new way to study and do other things to learn in a fun way. My opinion is when you have to for a test, quiz or anything if can become boring. I like to study in a fun way that will to my head and I want it when is the computer to have I learn alot from the computer when im at home. my mam & dad think i spend alot @CAPS1 I do sometimes but half the time im studing test. Now i would like to the time to talk about is mentally when you go to learn. Physicly preasure or everything to You can learn different as well just log on to this has to choose them. Lastly family and friends. Family and friends are important websites like @CAPS2, facebook, aim and @CAPS3't that cool. Thats the beauty of computers and technology letting you do alot of things with only using on device. Thank you for giving me the oportunity to say my opion and what I think. I hope you take my letter and into consideration. 4 4 8
1623 1 Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, @CAPS3 people these days rely too much on technology. Everywhere you go you usually see somebody on a phone, texting, on a computer or plugged into an ipod. These people are not necisarily bad, but they are under the control of technology. Computers for example, are in the eyes of most people, fast, easy and fun, but they also pose as a problem. Even though it seems like everybody has a computer, not everybody does. Also people become way to dependent on such matchines that they can become addicted to them. Computers @MONTH1 also seem like they work @PERCENT1 of the time, but they can also be very unrelyable. Just off the top of your head, how @CAPS3 people do you know that use @CAPS4 or @CAPS5? A lot I'm sure. Now multiply that number by itself for all the people they know and multiply it again and so forth. That number shows that, @CAPS6, over @NUM1 million people use these. Now what are the chances that if you sent a friend a message one of these programs (with the @NUM1 million + people on is) that the server will be @PERCENT1 relaible and your pal recieves the information he needs? My point is that, what if somthing important came up that required your friends help, and you could not reach him because of a fault in the system? What would happen You could be at a hospital for a ride home for an hour longer than it should have taken. Another problem is what if you needed a computer, and you specially needed him/her? If they did have one then You have you did it in @NUM3 minutes but how else could you contact them? You could try to call, but what if they are outside and are playing with his/her dog? Also these days if you are really grateful for somthing you go on google and type in virtual thank you cards. If the person gets it then they will be happy, but probly much more so if in the mail they got a handmade real thank you card. My final reason that computers hurt us more than they help is addiction. Like I said in my first paragraph, everywhere you go you see somebody wired into an electronic device. People no longer go outside and play cowboys and @CAPS7 because now all they have to do is hit paly. I will admit I too use my computer quite a bit but at least I budget my time so I can also go outside and play a while. Obeisity also branches from overuse of electronics along with @CAPS3 other products. 4 5 9
1626 1 Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 have come very far with technology. Computers and other gadgets have helped us go farther. But the computer is one gadget that does not benefit society. My reasons for this are when you are on a computer you could be cyber bullied. My next reason is that when you stay on too long you miss out on stuff like being with family. The last reason why computers do not benefit society is when you type on a computer the spell check on @CAPS3 checks spelling and puncuation and grammar so you don't learn from your mistakes. These reasons support me in saying computers haven't really benefited society. Firstly, my first reason for saying that computers have not benefited society is you can get cyberbullied. For instance somebody goes home and checks their email. They get threatening emails. They are scared what do they do. Cyber bulling, being induced by computers, is the easiest way to bully somebody. You can make them feel bad without doing anything besides typing a message. All you really have to do is find out somebodys email. Also cyber bulling could be anybody. Some one you knkow or someone you don't. computers haven't helped in society by inducing more crimes. Next my reason is if you stay on too long you miss out on life. Between checking email accounts and updating @CAPS4 the average person spends @PERCENT1 of their day on the computer. People who spend that much time on the computer miss things. My sister always come, out asking questions in the middle of the conversation because she's following and updating on @CAPS4 while @CAPS2 are having a conversation. People miss things while on the computer. Lastly, when you are typeing an essay or something you don't learn anything about grammar or spelling because spellcheck checks it for you. Most teenagers in @LOCATION1 when texting don't use proper grammar or spelling. So they can write an essay in text language and when typing it over students choose what they mean from spellcheck and move on. This is unacceptable because students must learn proper grammar and spelling. This is reducing students thinking levels just above read and click the awnser. If computers did everything for us @CAPS2 would be mindless slugs quick. In conclusion I think computers have not benefited society. Computers inducieng cyberbulling. When you type spellcheck corrects your mistakes so you don't learn and people miss stuff when on the computer. Computers have not helped society for all of these reasons and more. Computers should be used less. 4 4 8
1629 1 Dear Newspaper, I am writing this better to explain to you how more people in our society would benefit from using computer you can do work in less time it would take to do it manualy. You can interact and make more friends by talking or web chating. Not to forget that it is more entertaning. That is what computers were made for. To help us with tasks or for our personal use. How do computers though help us with work? Lets say that you are having a buisness meeting and you have to write a five page report with pictures and a graphs. It would take you twice the time to do that by hand then with a computer. With a computer, you can type you work which makes it much neater and looks more proffesional, You can copy and paste your images that you can @CAPS1 on the internet. With graph making software, you can easily plug in the data you have collected and the computer will do the rest. If you had to do this by hand, you would have to write extremly neat, @CAPS1 pictures in a newspaper or mabe, even draw them. Then you would have to make the graph by hand making sure not to mess up. It makes it twice as hard, to do a simple task with a computer. What if you want to talk to a friend? With a computer you can easily talk to a friend as to having to write a letter or talk on the phone with a computer you can either chat with a person with writing or even being able to see them on you computer screen. Instead of just hearing voice or waiting two or three days to talk to them. If you have a laptop you can talk to them were every they go or you go. Being able to see the person at your convinience to talk without having to leave you house is a very good thing to have. The benifit are major and it doesn't cost anything to chat. If you have a friend or relative that lives very far away, you can easily go at talk and have a video conference. What about entertainment? The computer is a very valuable too! but we can fun, we can play games or watch videos at as convinience. They don't cost a lot to download at all, they can be played with friends on a web chat or by yourself. Videos you can watch all the time with no ads to interupt you can pause the video too. This is more efficie, they care I very convinient for the average person. Playing games were ever you go is good and again don't art to play or. In conclusion I think that people would be more from using computers this is because it is easier to work with. We can interact with each other. Use it for entertainment. Technology was made to make things easier do we should take advantage of it. 6 4 10
1636 1 It has come to my attention that there is an argument about whetehe or not computers have a positive effect on people. I think that computers do have a positive effect on people because with computers people can get needed information that could be used to help them, it lets poeple talk to friends and family around the world and also computers tecah people new things. Therefore, computers have a positive efefct on people. students whether it be at college oer elementary schoools almost always go to a computer when they have to fo projects for thier classe without computers students wouldn't be able to get the information that they need and could cayse them to get a bad grade on the project which could result in grades geting worse and worse. Adults use computers often for work and planning, so if there weren't any computers then it would mean thousands of people would lose their jobs and could forget sceduled plans that could be important and could result in causing families to lose money, not enough money to pay bills and could result in losing their homes causing them to live on the streets. Evry person has at least two or more friends or relatives that live in a different place in the wrold that is not easy to stay in contact with so it could result in having to use long distance calling which could waste alot of money. However, with computers people can talk to freinds and realtives from around the world without having to psend any extra money on phone calls to their friends and fmaily members from around the world. Also if something happens to a family member of somewhere around where a realtive lives we could use the internet to check in with them to see if everything is ok. Many parents are using computers to help teach their kids at a nearly age so they are ready for when they go to school for the first time. Also computers are used at schools mainly to teach the students about things that they need to know for the future, as a result computers become very usefull to people when they are trying to learn how to do something wheather its for school. college or a job computers are of tun used daily for important things that we need to learn for our lives in the future sow e won't need any extra help tyring to learn how to do something. Also we would be bale to help people when they neede help if we already knew what to do. As you cna see computers do have a positive effecton peopel because people can use computers to help them gain the information they need for school or work, it lets you check in with friends and family from aorund the world and finally computers help teach us very important life lessons. In conclusion, computers have a positive effect on people and it could save a person from losing things that are.important to themselves or others. 5 5 10
1637 1 To @CAPS1 @CAPS2 @ORGANIZATION1, Computers are a benefit to our society. These computers are an advantage to our learning and knowledge. By using computers students can get there work done quicker and more efisent. While typing your report on the computer you might spell a word wrong well every computers has spell check. Also you @ORGANIZATION1 need to look up a word because you don't know the deffinition all you have to do si go to @LOCATION1 and type in the word and automatically you have the deffinition. You @ORGANIZATION1 have been given a book report so you can go online and copy and paste @CAPS2 do @CAPS2 no @CAPS2 want let you but @CAPS2 you had a piece of paper and your pen you could write @CAPS2 down. A computer has made the life of a school student so much easier. You @ORGANIZATION1 need a job but cant stand, walk, talk well you could get a job working on a computer. Computers allowed more jobs to be made and replaced. Without a computer how would teachers get mail sent to them without wasting paper. Sure a computer uses electrisity but paper wastes trees. Anyway you think about @CAPS2 the computer is a good thing to invest in. Going to college not everyone has enough time in a day to drive to school, well with your computer you can go to school right online. So if you don't have money to by a back pack you don't need one your mates stay right where you left them. So a computer is a good invention. @CAPS2 has made life quicker, eco friendly and even has saved trees. On the brightside @CAPS2 has even produced many jobs. Last minute things can even be online. Each computer bought has given someone else a new expense. 4 4 8
1639 1 Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 you know, more and more people are starting to use computers. In my opinion, I think the computer does benefit society in many ways. One positive effect it has on people is that they can communicate. Through the computer, people are able to send messages to each other. If someone doesn't have a phone or car, they can simply go online, write a message, and click the send button. This is an easy way to communicate with someone who lives half way around the world @CAPS2 well. If you have family members who live far away, you can also send them pictures of yourself, friends/family, and places you've been to. They can receive them and also send pictures back. Another positive effect computers have on people is that they can learn new things. The internet allows you search different topics and basically has everything and anything you could ever think of. If you go on @ORGANIZATION1 and type in a word like 'dog,' you'll see a bunch of websites that will take you to other websites that are just about dogs. You can find a list naming types of dogs, how old a dog can live up to, where most dogs are found, how to care for them well, etc. The internet lets you explore new things and help find ideas. You name it; they got it. The computer also cames in handy when you have nothing to do. If you're bored and can't play outside because the weather is bad or you broke your leg, you can play computer games, listen to music online, or write your own story on a word document. Playing computer games can teach you techniques to help play a game better, @CAPS2 well @CAPS2 keep you busy. If you want to listen to music to keep yourself entertained, you can go on @CAPS3 or other sites and find any song you want to hear. It's better than listening to the radio because sometimes you don't like the song that's giving. If you're also in the mood to write a story, you can open a word document or if you just want to type whats on your mind. @CAPS2 you can see, I think the computer is a facinating tool to use. You can communicate, learn new things, and keep yourself entertained if you're not able to do something active. Just remember, whenever you can, go out and play or hang out with friends and family. 5 5 10
1642 1 Dear local newspaper, Technology is an important part of everyday living even some people's lifestyle without technology, more specifically, computers, mankind would be lost. We wouldn't be able to learn about faraway places and people research things with a wider range of information available or for some people, talk to friends and family. Technology i needed in everyone's life they realize this or not. There is an endless amount of things you can do on the computer and as far as advances in technology this is only the beginning. The internet allows people to learn-and more than just what you would get from a book at the library. You can learn about the culture of @LOCATION1, the food they eat in @LOCATION2, or even the way people dress in @LOCATION3. You can find pictures and of faraway places and find out the currency or of a country. The possibilities @CAPS1 computer allow you to do is research. When maybe they through them giving a presentation much easier! Furthermore the computer enables people to comunicate with others. For some, this is their only way of communication. If you have a penpal in @CAPS1 state, or maybe even @CAPS1 country, e-mail is a great way to talk to them it's quick, easy, and enjoyable tool others, however, prefer instant messaging - the message you type pops up almost instantly on the others computer. Then they type a response and it comes back to you! Either method is a great way of communication! So you see, without technology we would not be able to learn everything we'd like to, research for, say on for language arts class. We not even be able to communicate with some others. And this is only the beginning of what our lives would like without the computer. 4 4 8
1653 1 "Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, Have you ever spent more than an hour at once on the computer? Computers have a negative affect on people! You could be damaging your sight, time should be spent playing outside, and it'll make it harder to talk to people in person. Do your eyes tend to hurt when your finally off the computer? Whether or not you playing games or typing articles your eyes @MONTH1 strain to keep up with a small font on a website. I remember the time when I read an online novel and my whole body was ready to go and play. Except for my eyes. Instead of playing sports games on the computer you should get up and play one outside! When your on a computer, your most-likely indoors. Did you knew a person should be be outside for at least @NUM1 minutes to get there vitamin @CAPS3. Your net sustaining the right amount of vitamins you need daily, at a computer screen. Do you ever find it easier to talk to someone on the computer, than it is in person? Your not the only person that thinks that way. If you get off of the computer and talk to one face to face you can improve your social skills. At first it wont be easy but its worth it in the long run. By now you know that computers aren't really giving off a positive effect. There hurting your vision, limiting your outdoor activity time and making it harder to talk to people in person. So come on put down the mouse down and find something ""hands on"" to do!" 4 4 8
1654 1 Computers do not benefit society today. Computers have made technology a necessity, many people don't spend enough time doing other activities, and they do not benefit your health. Do you want a world full @ORGANIZATION1 people who have their eyes glued to a computer screen? Computers are very helpful to all people but they are adicting. Computers were made to get your tasks done quicker and easier. For example you can shop online and google things. We live in a generation where computers have become a necessity instead @ORGANIZATION1 pleasure. According to @PERSON1, a psychologist at the @ORGANIZATION1, more than @PERCENT1 @ORGANIZATION1 people, now-a-days, are inside on their computers. Furthermore, computers are making people lazier. Instead @ORGANIZATION1 going to the store to buy things or walking to your friends house to talk, you would typically use the computer to do so. Therefore, people don't spend enough time doing other things. For example, on a sunny and beautiful day you would think that most kids would be outside having fun, but this isn't thet case anymore. For children who are old enough to use / work a computer, they'@CAPS1 be inside on that nice day. There are many nice things to do on a computer, like chatting with friends, checking your e-mails, and facebook. Even though these things are pleasurable, you should limit your time on the computer. Most @ORGANIZATION1 the time that you spend on the computer could be spent outside or at the movies. Not being on the computer could help small buisnesses too. If you pay money to do an activity, or buy something, watch something it would make a difference in the small buisness's profits. On the other hand, computers don't benefit your health. Mac. magazine says that there are health risks when you use your computer all the time. @PERCENT2 @ORGANIZATION1 people become obese and have vitamind @CAPS1 deficiancy from using their computers so much. When using your computer you could be working out or exercising, and this causes obesity. Also, if you are inside all the time, you wont get the healthy amount @ORGANIZATION1 sunlight that you need, thus you have a vitamin @CAPS1 deficiancy. Another health risk is having bad eyes. If you spend hours a day on a computer your eyes can get permanently damaged. Do you want your child / children to be put at risk for using a computer too much? In conclusion, it is safe to say, that computers do not benefit society today. Many people have an addiction to technology, you could be using your time more wisely, and computers put your health at risk. Although computers do allow us to have an easier time accomplishing tasks, abusing the privlage will have consiquenses on everyone. 5 4 9
1660 1 Hello everyone, I have heard how many people are basicly saying that computers are bad. That people are speanding to much time on computers and not enough time outside and being with family. But I'm writing you today to tell you about how great computers really are. First off, computers help technology so much. People can now do things that we could never do before. Things like chating to people across the sea without having to pay for @CAPS1 or even be there. Looking up ways to burn fat fast and diet programs. Uploading photos to share with other family and friends. And much, much more. Computers have helped so many people do so many things! Mostly good things by the way. Secondly, computers have helped us acomplish things that otherwise we couldn't have gotten done. Like go to the moon! Have cellphones! And some diseses were helped cured by using computers. Computers can be a little danguras to some people, who probley don't know how to use them right, but in a few more years all that can be fixed! We are getting more and more advantsed in so many ways, @CAPS1'@CAPS3 kinda crazy! I could go on and on, on so many more things that computers do for us, but there are not enough pages. Lastly, @CAPS1 is more easyer to do reasearch with computers. -And quiker to- @CAPS2 in my school we use our computers for learning purposes, and they help us very much. I've personly, learned a lot from computers. I even use them to get better at math for the @ORGANIZATION1'@CAPS3! We need them! (@CAPS4... I do at least) I'm even starting to learn another language -@CAPS5- with them. @CAPS1'@CAPS3 not to assume that every one who uses them are fat, lazy, and don't spend enough time with family and/or friends. Furthermore, please stop all of this nonsense, I really don't thing that spending to much time on computers is the thing that you should be worrying about right now. That is all I have to say. Bye. 4 4 8
1673 1 Everyone will agree that using computers is also a good choice because you do meet people you don't know. Also you learn more stuff you don't know. Not only that but, u can also learn more about technology. Most people would say that, meeting people is good because you can have fun talking and getting to know people. Also, people would want to learn about other people cultures. Some people would want to know some personal, buiseness about peopl. Even people want to know where are some people from. People like to kno 2 3 5
1675 1 "One evening, @CAPS1 I got home from school, I didn't know what I had for homework. I decided to call my friends cell phone, but instead I got her voicemail. I left her a voicemail and called her house phone instead, the same thing bad happened. Luckily, I had my other friends numbers I could use. The next day, I asked her why she didn't pick her cell and house phone. She told me ""I'm sorry, I guess I was to busy on the computer e-mailing other people."" @CAPS1 I think of people being on the computer too much, I think they don't get enought exercise, don't enjoy nature, and spend less time with family and friends. First @CAPS1 people spend too much time on the computer, they spend less time excersising. About @PERCENT1 of people do this and it's not healthy. @CAPS2 people do this too often, then they will not get enough excercise and without excersise then they won't be healthy @CAPS1 they get older. @CAPS3 @PERSON1 said ""@CAPS2 adults spend too much time on the computer, maybe @NUM1 hours a day or more while eating junk food like chips and soda, they are not setting a good example for their kids. @CAPS2 adults get into this bad habit, so will their kids and it's to early for kids to be unhealthy."" I also agree with @CAPS3 @PERSON1, she is right about how people spend too much time on the computer. Second, @CAPS1 people are on their computer, its like their face is glued to the screen and they don't care about nature, @CAPS1 people do this, I can't stand it. Its like they don't care about anything else. What I don't get is why can't they go outside and do something for at least a half hour, then go back to the computer and waste their time then? Going outside and enjoying nature is peaceful on a nice sunny clay. You could have a picnic, take a hike, or even hang out with friends instead of playing on the computer. I understand @CAPS2 its a bad day like @CAPS2 its snowing or a thunderstorm and you can't do anything outside, then you go on the computer. I think that at least @PERCENT2 of people would try this. Third, @CAPS2 people are too busy on the computer then they won't be able to hung out with friends or family. @CAPS2 your friends want to hang out with you and they want to go to the mall. But you can't because your on the computer, she would be furious at you. You picked the computer over your friends to go to the mall. There's probably a @PERCENT1 chance she won't ever talk to ou again. and I don't blame her. People who spend to much time on the computer, would barely understand whats going on. @CAPS2 someone tells you something, it goes in one ear and out the other. @CAPS1 people do this, its really dissappointing because you dont hang out as much as with your friends and family. As you can see, people are spending too much time on the computer than excersing, enjoying nature, and spending time with family and friends. @CAPS2 you ask me, I don't play on the computer as much which is a good thing." 5 6 11
1679 1 Dear society, @CAPS1't you all have some kind of computer at home? Work? What if we took you computer away? How would you work? These are all esential questions. The computers of our time help us with what we do everyday. First of all they teach hand-eye coordination. Secondly they give us the ability to learn and communicate with the far away places. Lastly, They allow people to communicate quickly by an email or an @CAPS2. If those experts took our computers, @CAPS6 about what would happen. @PERCENT1 of americans have a computer or a cellphone with internet. These people have hane-eye coordination, therefore they use technology alot. People who use computers at work can multi-task. Secondly the modern computer lis a huge necessity. Thirdly, The people who are still in school have to write papers, do reports, but with-out computers. How will they accomplish that? @CAPS6 about what society would be like. Picture it. Facebook, @CAPS3, @CAPS4. These are all websites that have chats where people can communicate. Take it away. See what happens. We only have the telephone what if we @CAPS1't know some ones cellphone number? can't go on a computer that isn't there. Take all of that into consideration. Maybe the computer prevents us from face-to-face communication, but it's a common necessity. We need to be able to ask someone a quick question. Cellphones and calling aren't as quick as on @CAPS2. Do you really want to be the one to take it away? @CAPS6, @CAPS6 about what your to do. Take this letter into consideration. what are you to do? These computers, help with everyday life. From school to work to just fun. Computers help teach hand-eye coordination, give people the ability to learn about people and far away places. thirdly they allow people to communicate, so go ahead, take it away, but see what happens when you do. 4 4 8
1683 1 "Dear local newspaper, @CAPS1... scroll... @CAPS1. ""@CAPS2 you know that only the male coqui is the only coqui that sings?"" Some facts are easily found on the interneat? The computers make researching easier just imagine not having to drag home those gigantic books home or having to constantly find information in them. First, the computer teach as hand-eye coordination. Second, we can learn about faraway places. Finally, we can make friends from all over the world. When, the ball goes right out of the parts! the plastic object with a screen(computers) teach us hand-eye coordination. It teachs us this by making our eyes stay on the screen, twhile our hand are on the hard, smooth keyboard. Children need hand-eye coordination for ball-playing sports like baseball, basketball, soccer and more. When your in high school and play sports well, you @MONTH1 get scholar-ships to go to college. College is important because it has a big role in our life so we @MONTH1 earn great jobs. Learning about faraway place like @LOCATION1, @LOCATION2 and so on is very intersting. Unless, your learning about it throught looks, which are dull and borring. The interneat has taken over our and it is resentlessly and without hesitation. The internet takes less time than going to the libary and getting back. Also, skimming throught paragraph after paragraph on the computer is much simple." 3 4 7
1689 1 Dear, The @CAPS1 @CAPS2 people use the internet. Too @CAPS2 which leads to lack or exercise. Others play games online. Some people fear oline chat rooms online. They'nt safe some people get really injured or murdured. Exercise is important @CAPS2 people let that bobby. That is very dangerous because your cholesterol will rise. You will gain wait and that can, lower your self-asteem. Other people comitt suicide because the way they appear and no one wants that. That is sad for everyone plus it's not worth it. Video games oline are very amusing. But people would kill for these games. games are a let alone online . Online chat rooms are very dangerous you never know who your writing to. Millions of people died for saying the wrong stuff. Other been raped or melested by these strangers. Thousands of kid's give out there address and have been robbed. There are wierd, crazy or suicide people in the world. So don't make yourself a traget. I personally I don't agree with computer use of all. So @CAPS2 thing can happen if you do the wrong stuff. So I hope you understand and agree with my reasons. 4 3 7
1691 1 Dear @LOCATION2, @CAPS1 your workers wake up in the @TIME1, they stretch their right muscles and put on their puzzy slippers. They wonder down the hailway and open their @CAPS2 book air to check the weather for today. They go on @ORGANIZATION1, @NUM1, and etc. to view their e-mails sent from work friends, and family. They check the time on the bootom of the laptop screen and lag onto to play some they are getting ready. Society today relies heavily on computers and the net work their keeps us all connected... the incorect with technological advances happening today, people are now using computers to help with their work. But is that a some @MONTH1 say that it is due to the fact the amount of spent on the computer is the much and that it stop from with friends but it does computers help with the skill of typing, help with fast end easy and helps friends and @NUM2. of through @NUM2 @CAPS3, @CAPS4, etc I believe that computers have a possitive affect on people and once a great addition to society. to begin, computers help to reach @CAPS6, children, and even adults the skill of typing. Statistics show that more and more jobs on computers and hire people with a higher words per minute ability with almost @PERCENT1 of adopting new computer and using computers to store information to their company, computers are necesity and so is the knowledge of understanding computers and being able to type. Moreover, @CAPS6 these days are depending on computers for research to order to do projects and information I can personally connect to this because being a student on @LOCATION1 school, I am assigned project what involve typed words and or information. how hand it would I had to hand writs all of my work and on the for information. @CAPS1 multiple @CAPS6 are assigned the same project, the does not millon @CAPS6 to check looks out @CAPS5 there was no computer to use, what would I do? for @CAPS6, computers and a great thing. Furthermore, @CAPS6 and even adults enjoy social time, but @CAPS1 friends are family line faraway or you are not able to visit three, the computer connect in handy computer help to keep friends and family connected through @CAPS3, @CAPS8, @ORGANIZATION1 / or @NUM1, I.M / @PERSON1, and webcam video chats. All of those computer related things would not there for @CAPS5 there were no computer. Would you want no be disconected from family and being social is a key part of being You why shouldnt we keep them and why with all of these possitive things about computer would ever make you doubt them? In computers are wonderful things. They he is to build skill of typing, help and it easy, and also help keep and family connected. Computers affect people only good ways and help everday life be easy. so, believe that computers are a great thing and that without them, even just talking to family could be jeaporadized. Lets keep computers 6 5 11
1698 1 Computers, Computers, Computers! Thats the first thing a teenager does right when they get home from school. Teenagers just can't wait to chat with their friends on facebook and instant message. There are a lot of positive and negative things about computers. In these paragraphs below I am going to give you my opinion, tell you how people can manage there time better and the effects it can have. My @CAPS1 experience with computers is that they have @CAPS3 much information but sometimes it can be too much. Today, a lot of children and teenagers are getting bullied. People can send horrible messages to someone. They rather do it on the computer because they don't have to say it to there faces. that is one thing that I don't live about computers is that people can get harrased. Other then that I think the computer is a great resource for learning about things and also connecting with people from your past. Not a lot of @CAPS2 want to see there child coming straight home from school and go right to the computer @CAPS2 have to be strict with there child when it comes to computers. They need to manage there time @CAPS3 they can alson do there homework, after school activities etc.... Studies have shown that children who go on the computer every single day for more than two hours are most timely to see their grades drop. That's why if you mange your time it wouldn't be a problem. You want your child to have a balance in there life, @CAPS3 manage the time where they are not all day long. There are positive things about the computer and as well as negative things. The computer is a great way to research people you are learning about in school and find people from your past for example, facebook is a great way to stay connected to your old buddies. Google is also a great tool because you can type in anything and it wil give you a hundred websites to chose from a negative effect about it is that people are likely to say things on it to other people that they wouldn't dare to beg to there face. It also prevents you from doing other things because you get @CAPS3 consumed about the computer you forget your main priorietees. In these paragraphs I gave you my opion on computers and how there are posotive and negative things about them. I also explainted how it can taking up your time with your main priorities in life and how to manage your time wisely. The computer is a great tool but don't get take to much advantage of it because it is not a priority. 4 4 8
1700 1 "What is technology? Technology is defined as anything that helps enhance our way of living. Technology is all around us. Our beds, houses, televisions and even chairs are all forms of technology. There is one form of technology however, in my opinion, has revolutionized modern day living as we know it. This form of technology is called the computer. My outlook on the effect the computer has had on our society is quite positive. Just think of all of the things we rely on this device to do. There is one thing, however that really sticks out in my mind; @CAPS1. The computer is perhaps the greatest form of @CAPS1 the world has ever seen. E-mail is basically sending a letter to a friend without the hassle of mailing it out where it might get lost or stolen. E-mailing is two simple steps: @CAPS2 and @CAPS3. Not only does it lower the risk of the letter not getting there, but it is also much quicker. You hit the ""sen"" button and before you know it, a new letter is sitting in you friends inbox. Another method of computerized @CAPS1 is my personal favorite, instant messaging. Instant messaging allows you to have a conversation with someone that could be miles away. And it's okay if you decide to go get a soda while you are instant messaing because unlike a real conversation, that isn't rude. These are just two methods of @CAPS1 that the computer enables us to have. Tehre is a variety of other that, much like these two, enhance our way of life. I believe that the main reason the computer has enhanced our life so much is because of one giant thing: the internet. The internet makes everything we do on the computer possible. If i want to gon on the computer and do research on a topic, the internet takes me where i want to go. With millions of different websites, the internet has endless possibilities. If I'm interested in arcade games, I can go on the internet and play them. If i have to write a science report, then i can go on the internet and collect research. If i want to listen to music, tehn i can go on the computer, look up a song, and listen to it. And guess what? If i'm looking for a funny video just for a good laugh, then the internet can find me one! The internet is perhaps one of the greatest things ever invented. It's just another reason to love the computer." 4 5 9
1704 1 Dear local newspaper, I support the advances in technology, and believe that computers have a positive effect on people. I think this for @NUM1 simple reasons, @CAPS1, you gain computer skills, which can help in other situations. Second: Computers give people the chance to learn about faraway people and places.Lastly when you have a computer you can chat and talk to other people. When I think of a computer, I think of typing or a keyboard. After a few times of using a computer you get @CAPS2 and better it. You gain, typing skills, hand eye coordination and mouse skills. After jusst a few uses, your computer skills build up and you soon get good at it. When you do get @CAPS2 though, you get better quicker and more so it all works out very well. When you are on the computer, the internet allows you to search anything and everything. Weather it be a different culture or even schoolwork, a computer is helpful. When I am doing my homework, and I don't know how to another a question, I go on the internet. The computer allows me to get help with any homework I need help in, its great.I can even look up something on a different culture and compare it to ours. The computer allows me to do everything I need. Have you ever felt alone, but theres no one to talk to? Well that problem can be solved very simply, get on a computer. You can chat with people even if there is no one around. You can chat with someone half way around the world. Its amazing you can be anywhere, talking to anyone you want. A computers chat you to reconnect with old friends, and make new ones. Computers are great. When your on a computer, there is so much to do, so much you can get out of it. They are helpful and fun you never run out of options with a computer at your side. In my opinion, there is so much to gain and learn from a computer. 4 4 8
1718 1 Losing @CAPS1 to @ORGANIZATION1 are a huge part of daily life these days, which is good for businesses, and schools but for people just looking to pass time, computers are a dangerous choice. Yes, computers are a way of communication, and are helpful if a student forgets their homework or an assignment, but when it comes to boredome computers are bad. Social networking is scary in reality and too many young people are exposing themselves in making @CAPS2 or a @CAPS3 page. Also excersise is a big issue now and you aren't getting any by at a computer. On the other hand though, computers open up new worlds to people. You can type in any question or place into a search engine and instantly get results. Computers like anything else, are fine in moderation, but too much of one thing just isn't healthy. Websites like @CAPS2, or @CAPS3, or @CAPS6, are scary when it comes to privacy. There is very little privacy offered and your page can just be put out in the public. Also these w ebsites are addicting. You @MONTH1 just want to log on to check your notifications but you can end up on the computer for @NUM1 to @NUM2 hours without even realizing it. Other pass time could be running on a tredmill or jogging there dont have benefits. All you can get from an hour on the computer is blurred vision. It would be okay to be on the computer for 1/@NUM1 hour a day but not using to the internet. Websites can be a way to find computer time. Edline is homework or an assignment. Google is helpful for research or vocab work. When websites like these are the focus on computer time, it is much more productive. Overall, I believe that computers have a negative effect on people if as many people that use computers balanced that time with time to excersise, they would all be better off. 5 4 9
1719 1 "Dear Local Newspaper, @CAPS1 about what the world would be like without computers. Scary thought? I had the same reaction. A world without computers is a world of non-communicating people and no where to gather information independently. The benefits of having computers are that they are a way of communicating with friends and family that don't live in your area or that you just haven't talked to in a while. They also teach hand-eye coordination which is good for almost anything. Lastly, they give people the ability to learn about other things in the world. In conclusion, computers have outstanding effects on people. First of all, in my perspective, having a computer, allows me to communicate to people I've met on past vacations. I can email, them and talk to them on social networks such as facebook. This is benefical to anyone that has lost touch with friends or even family. Being able to talk to friends I haven't spoken to in a white, gives me and others the opportunity to catch up and reconnect. In conclusion, being able to communicate with others on a computer, is only I, of the many benefits a computer has! Second of all, not only does having a computer allow you to talk to others but it can teach you hand-eye coordination as well. Dereck was a channel @NUM1 news reporter, ""I can hit some far balls that take the cake for some of our games. I truely @CAPS1 it's because my mother teached me now to use a computer! ""@CAPS2 especially benefit from computers because they teach them hand-eye coordination which is great for those homeruns, or even touchdowns! Third of all computers allow students and many others to learn and look up things they don't know. @PERCENT1 of schools around the country benefit from having school computers for research. On the other hand, businessman, parents, and even teachers use the internet to learn about things around the world and to gather information to teach their classes. Overall, computers have many benefits such as they allow you to communicate with others, they teach you hand-eye coordination, and even allow you to learn about things and places around the world. As a whole, this intelligent invention of the computer is an incredible machine that seems to have all the answers and a success for realiable information!" 4 4 8
1734 1 Dear conneticut @CAPS1, you like to catch up on your favorite television showscar shop for the latest trends? Or maybe even planning out a get together with some of your old friends? Well with todays great technology you can do that on the computer! I can see that the experts are trying to decide whether or not computers are the healthiest thing that benefits our society but in my opinion I think they are great! As you @MONTH1 not know I am @NUM1 years old and have a @NUM2 year old brother; we spend alot of time on the computer not just for homework. I like to shop online for discounts and sales where I know thing are cheaper than in stores. I know my brother likes to go to concerts and buy himself the latest video games. My grandparents are older and don't watch alot of tv and read the Newspaper so the computer is great for catching up on your favorite tv shows and or the news. With these great pieces of machinery you can chat up a storm with old friends on facebook, @CAPS2, and @ORGANIZATION3. @PERCENT1 of teens @CAPS5 are shopping by brand names, like: @CAPS3, @ORGANIZATION1, @ORGANIZATION2, @CAPS4. All of these clothes and designer stuff is everything we want, but half of us don't have the money. If you go on the computer you can get all of these names and items for less than @MONEY1 compared to %@NUM3. Computers lower the price of things we want and need. I, @CAPS5 a days grandparents try to have a decents conversation with their kids or grandchildren but they go right vack to when they were little. As a grandchild to my @PERSON1 all she used to talk about was her days going through the great deppresion, but with computers she got to catch up on the news and @CAPS5 I can sit down with her and have a great conversation. You can also catch up on the shows you are missing when everyone is talking about them in school. The kids won't be missing out! When I was in @NUM4 grade I got my first facebook, I thought I was so could! That @DATE1 I went to camp and met all these new kids and found out that they all have facebooks. @CAPS5 I keep in touch with them, with out lossing my friendships. You see, I know the scientists or experts are probably smarter than a @NUM1 year old girl but I know that most teenaters and parents have facebook and say its great because we connect with people around the world. So I know these experts are going to make the best dicision on whether or not computers benefit our society but please take my ideas into consideration. 5 4 9
1735 1 Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, The issue before us is that people are addicted to computer. S I think we are not. In addition to all this some people can task and many things like hang out with there family and friend but most importantly enjoy life. In a way computer privliges can be as like your enjoying life. Say if you an your friend has the same computer which includes webcam, video messaging and more. That's life well what im trying to say is that yall can talk see each other, have private conversations. Computer's dont alway take you away from the important people or things in life. Some computers can help you, you can take school, learn how to write essays, learn how to read, and much more. Computers can be a success to some people. Only thing that can take you away from having fun with your family and friends is yourself you cant blame it on a computer. Imagine life without a computer what would you do? How can you survive? For example if you were giving some homework that you had to do on the computer and theres was no way for you to do that project in school. How would you do it? Some people need computers. I think if they thought and knew we was going to get so excited about how cool our computers' are they shouldnt so much new technologies in our life. Now you can probably see why I think we need computer and how it can sometime benefit our society. 4 3 7
1738 1 Dear readers, People around the world are starting to use computers now more, often, but theirs also people that dont agree that it benefits society, @CAPS1 not one of those people. I agree that this benefits society. One reason why I agree is because sometimes theirs teens and even adults that can chat online with their friends if they cant contact them in any other way. Another reason is because in all school teacher give their students project to do over vacation or weekends, for the projects they can look for information in the computer. The last reason is because computers can give ability to learn more about things they didnt know before. In my opinion I agree with computers benefiting society. Teens, kids and even adults would like to talk with their friends so they can get on the computer and chat with them if theirs no other way to contact them, @CAPS2 easy. You only have to @NUM1) get in the computer, @NUM2) get into a site were you know your friend might be @NUM3) log in or register in if you never been into that site @NUM4) last but not least look @NUM4 your friend to chat will teachers always give their students work for example like projects. Kids also do projects on weekends or vacation and so you dont have to go to a library to check out a book you could always get on the computer and look for the information you need their. Computers give you abilitys to learn information you didnt know before for example if your bored and you dont got nothing to do get in the computer and look up information about things like nature, books your looking for etc. I agree with computers benefiting society but not everyone, @NUM3 reason why I agree is kids can chat online with their friends, look up information for projects and find information they never knew about, what do you think @CAPS1 I right or wrong. 4 3 7
1740 1 I think computers have a good effect on people. They teach hand-eye coordiantion, give people the ability to learn about faraway places and allow them to talk online with other people. Computers teach hand-eye coordination. This will be used through out people lives. WIthout hand-eye coordination people will be clumsey. Hand-eye coordination is used from day to day everyday. Using a computer you have to look at the screen and type at the same time. For people who do not have good hand-eye coordiantion this will be a big help. They will be able to do more thing without messing up. Like hitting a baseball! For kids who want to play sports this could acually help. They will learn to use there eyes, arms, and hands to there advantage. Computers give people the ability to learn about faraway places. If we did not have this ability we will not be able to know what is going on around the world. Also if you have family in a faraway place you will be able to look online and see what is happening there. If something bad has happened you will know this and will be able to help them. Also to be able to learn about faraway places will help in school. If you have a report to do on of faraway place instead of looking through you can look on the internet for information. Computers also allow people to talk online with other people. This gives more comunication. You will be able to make more friends and better friends. To have the opportuniy to talk to people online is great. You can learn about someone and become friends and hang out a lot. Also you will become a lot more interactive with people. If you are a shy person this can help you. You will get used to talking to people and when you get comfortable you will talk to them in real life. This will make you a lot more friends. This will help you come out of your shell and become a lot more interactive around people. These are three reasons why I think computers are a good thing. They help hand-eye coordination give the ability to learn about faraway places and allow you to talk online with other people. 4 4 8
1741 1 Dear, local newspaper, @CAPS1 you like computers? I @CAPS1, computers help you learn about all kinds of things. Plus computers let you chat to people on there computer even if you can't call them. Another reason why I love computer are because when I have to write a project I can just type it!!! Computers make eveything easier. So, @CAPS2 consider liking computers. Initially, imagine you have a project due in two days. Your mom can't drive you to the library and you have no information on the subject. But hey, don't you have a computer. You can use the computer to lock up your subject and a @CAPS3 different websites will come speed quick to your screen. Most of then will help you learn about the subject and then you have time to finish it and hang out with your friends. Secondly, @CAPS4 @CAPS5!!! you frogot what page of the book your suspose to read. Also you lost all your friends contacts. Not to fear super duper computer is here. You can email or chat to your friends online and see what pages to read and get there phone numbers back. Did you know @PERCENT1 out of @NUM1 People said that the chat & email programs are @CAPS6 because they can contact friends, family, and co-workers. Finally, you can type your essay on the computer. Writing a @NUM2 paragraph essay takes to long, so use your computer to help you out. Go to microsoft office and type your essay. Computers make writing an essay really easy. @PERCENT2 out of @NUM3 people said they like typing on the computer more then writing it on @CAPS7. in conclusion, Computers are @CAPS6 tecnollogy when you have to chat to someone. Also when you learn about something. Another reason why computers are @CAPS6 is because you can type essays & papers, @CAPS8, @CAPS2 change you @CAPS10 of computers are bad to computers make us @CAPS11! 4 4 8
1742 1 To whom it @MONTH1 concern; I am writing this to let you know how I feel about the effects computers have on people. My opinion on this topic is; I think that both statements are true, yes they give people the ability to learn about faraway places & people & also allow people to talk on line with others. If we did not have computers I would not have finfished many of my school process and homeworks. But the experts who are spending too much time on thier computers & less time exercising enjoying nature & interacting with family and friends. I know this is true because I know some peopel who have gotten addicted to online video games & wouldn't leave the computer for hours & I know I myself have found new website & want to learn all about it so I'll be on the computer instead of exercising. But even with both statement being true; I do not think computers efefcet on people. Because without computers alot more students would be failing classes & getting zeros// @CAPS1's on projects; class asignments & homework. Becayse they dont have a quick way to look up all their information. Also most families or friends will lose contact because they lost a fun way to communicate. i think computers have a positive effect. Don't you? 3 3 6
1754 1 "Dear Local Newspaper, @CAPS1 the men and women who write everyday for a living, I would like @CAPS2 you were to write rection on computers. They teach @LOCATION3 faraway places, help build hand-eye coordination, and let @LOCATION3 talk online. Computers are part of everyday life and needs to be told about. First, computer let @LOCATION3 learn about faraway places without leaving the rooms. One of my mom's friends, They decide to move to @LOCATION2 she didn't like computer so didn't look at @LOCATION2's laws saying, I'll find out when I got there. ""@CAPS2 did find out the laws she didn't find enough cause cause she was arrested multiple times in her first few years. A few monthes after her last arrest she came back to the @LOCATION3 where she could deal with the laws. @LOCATION2 is a buetifull country and all of arrests were accidents because she didn't know the laws. Ten minutes on computer searching the laws in @LOCATION2 could have kept her in @LOCATION1. Next, comptures improve hand-eye coordination. From a survey @PERCENT1 of children that spend more time on computers are better at tennis, and at baseball then others. @PERSON3, a gym teacher at the @ORGANIZATION2 says, ""@CAPS3 of these kids that spend time on the compture are weak and need to get some exercise.Dear local newpaper: @CAPS1 you being the local newspaper, you have the power to say how you feel about the effects computers give to people. I believe that computers give great effects to people because it teaches hand-eye coordination, gives people the ability to learn about far away places, and it allows you to talk to people. In all, @PERCENT2 of people agree with my idea about computers. Firstly, using computers teaches people about hand-eye coordination. For example, my grandmother told me that she knows how to use her hands and eyes well because of using the computer. This is because she types and researches information all day long. In all, computers are designed to help your eyes and hands to focus more. Secondly, computers have a lot of interesting information on faraway places. @PERSON2 from @ORGANIZATION1 quotes, ""I always use computers for my work because it helps me learn about many new things. @CAPS5, it lets my wife and I search details about a trip we want to go on."" @CAPS5, the people agree with what @PERSON2 stated. However, people @MONTH1 say that computers give the wrong information many times, but @CAPS2 you find a wonderful website, it will never lie to you. Thirly, @CAPS2 you use computers it will let you talk online or video chat with friends or family all over the world. How this benefits you is because @CAPS2 you have not seen your relatives in ages and you cannot buy a ticket to visit them, then video chat. It has gotten people so much closer and you see the world in a whole different way. @CAPS5, instead of wasting all your cell phone minutes, go buy a laptop or computer with a camera on it so you can video chat. Lastly, taking to people and being active in other peoples life is important. In conclusion, you will have great eye coordination, you will be able to research faraway places, and you will always be allowed to video chat or talk to family online. @CAPS5, I want you to tell the whole world that computers are useful and people use them everyday without a problem. Lastly, you will have the best feeling ever @CAPS2 you make everyone smile by knowing you believe that spending time on the computer can teach you a lot! From so many students having greater hand-eye cooridination they will enjoy what their good at like tennis. @PERSON1, a professor of the human body at @ORGANIZATION1 states ""Technology helps hand-eye. Many who use computers more than others to be greater at @CAPS6 @CAPS7 and games along those lines."" This shows how hand-eye and exercise is linked to computer. Furthermore, computers help @LOCATION3 talk with other people. When a child goes to college they will still be able to email their famlies and talk to them. Talking with others by computers makes the world go round. World business need computers to contact eachother to decuss plans on how to move toward economicly. Lastly, computers are useful and should be useful more. They teach @LOCATION3 of faraway places, improve hand-eye coordnation, and let @LOCATION3 talk to other people. @CAPS2 an article is made to show the pros or computers, more people will experience the wonders of them." 5 5 10
1767 1 Guaranteed, @NUM1 years from now we will still be using computers they are probably talking to friends, doing research on something or are typing up something for @ORGANIZATION1. Computers are wonderful and let us do so many things that we can't do by ourselves. Without computers life as we know it would probably be way different. Firstly, computers let us talk to our friends and family. Allowing us to communicate to one another without us leaving the safety of our homes. See, just recently a girl in @CAPS1 went over her friends' home to do their homework together. When they were done the girl tried to walk home, and she was never seen again. With computers we can do homework with our friends without leaving our homes. Clearly, without computers life as we know it would be way different. Secondly, computers let us do research about stuff we don't know about. Allowing us to do projects without having to look in old books that maybe not have the info. you're looking for if it was to search @ORGANIZATION1 it would give me a map pointing out it's location and the schools website where I can find out my homework for that night. As you can see the computer allows ud to do things that would take us far more longer to do regularly. Without a doubt, without computers life as we know it would probably be way different @CAPS2, Computers allow us to do homework on it wether it's research or just typing something up, it lets us do more capable things. Most of our daily homework is on the computer. Just @DATE1 we had to type a prompt up on vending machines in our @ORGANIZATION1. So far in @NUM2 grade almost every night our homework is on the @CAPS3 if we were to forget to write down our homework we would have another to get this information. Obviously, without computers life as we know it would be way different. Furthermore, computers are on advancement in technology that this uses constantly. Computers let us look up valuable info. on things around the world. They let us talk to friends and family around the world. They @CAPS3 help us achieve great things in @ORGANIZATION1, wether it be homework or classwork. Without them it would take double to triple the amount of time to do something without them. Finally, I believe that people who are against them just haven't used them in the correct manner. 4 5 9
1775 1 "Dear newspaper, In my opinion computers do benefit society because a computer is like a big electronics dictionary and they help our soldiers stay out of the line of fire. Computers benefit our society because they are like an electronic encyclopedia. Instead of leasing through a dictionary page by page trying to find a word, all that you would have to do is go on the internet type in @LOCATION1 and in the search box type in the word and every thing pops up. When i have to write a paper on someone I usually use the internet. The other day I had to write a paper on @PERSON1, so I went on the internet, found a website, took notes, put them into my own words and made a works called page. I thought that was easier then finding time to you do a and then find out there only childrens books on that person. And you can also look up places like @CAPS1 @LOCATION2, or if you need to find out where a place is use @ORGANIZATION1. Computers also benefit our society because they are like big cellphones with a huge keyboard. My big sister is always on the computer using @CAPS2 talking to her friends. This helped her learn to type. Also there are new things like @CAPS3 where you can play games with your friend and talk to them while youre playing. Lastly computers benefit our society because they help keep our soldiers out of the line of fire. When I watch futureweapons I see unnamed helicopters that can be controled from hundreds of miles away. Also there is a robot used that digs out mines which saves many lives. When I interviewed @CAPS4 @CAPS5 from the military he said, ""@CAPS6 use those helicopters all the time. @CAPS6 also love how noone has to be in the helicopters so @CAPS6 don't have to worry."" In conclusion computers benefit our society because they are like big electronic encyclopedias, they also are like big cellphones with huge keyboards, and lastly they help keep our soldiers out of the line of fire. In school @CAPS6 use computers all of the time for writing papers and researching different things." 4 5 9
1776 1 "Technology, such as computers are very big. I belive computers have a good effect on people. People that use computers mostly use it to connet with family do research, or to be neat and not write it on paper. I belive that people who dont think computer make a good effect on people shouldn't bother wasting their time using one. @PERCENT1 of people only use computer to connect with family. Usually your family either lives far away or in another state and you dont get to see them very often. Thats why I think video chating on the computer is a good thing. Also is a family come up you could @CAPS1-mail @CAPS2 your family members instead of calling them because they would talk to you forever. Lastley if you use myspace, facebook or twitter you could connect with old friends and not just family members. ""@CAPS2 my teachers enjoy it when I use the computer to do my work, they said its alot neater"" said @CAPS3 romano from strong middle school. Teachers perfer it when you use the computers to do your work. When you are writing a book report or you are writing a story, you would want to use,icrosoft word of something to write out your paper so it is easer for teachers to read. Also if your in science class and you need to make the chart you would want to use exal to make the chart or graph look more professional. Lastly is you wanted to do a presintation on bloody @DATE1 or little @CAPS4 nine you would want to use a power point instaed of just reading from note cards. If people didn't have google or yahoo they wouldn't know what to do, computers are very good for research. If a student to do a presentation on something they would want to know more about it and look,the topic up. Also if your family was having a discusion at dinner and you had no idea what they were talking about you would look it up online, lastly if you just wanted to find lyrics to a song because you and a friend disagreed on something. Once again I belive that computers make a good effect on people, good for connecting with friends and family. Good for being neat and lastly good for reaserching anything!" 4 5 9
1781 1 Mom!!! Did you know that the human body has only one liver!!!, @CAPS1 I didn't where did you find out, on the computer. I recently heard that some experts are concerned that people are spending too much time on their computers and less time exercising, and enjoying nature. I dont think that they should be concerned because the computer leave's people with an open mind and teach people new thing. So the computer does a lot for people, give's them the chance to learn new thing, a chance to chat with friends far away, and also expand your mind of travel. Computers can do a lot for a person's life of know'lleage. Just yesterday I found out that the human body can not survive without its liver. The computer also helped me with my strugle's in math, even though that's what the teacher is for she is not always their, like when I am home or away on vacation and I just want to remember so thing's in math. Its also help's people who want to know new launage's such as @CAPS2, @CAPS3, and @CAPS4. So you see a computer has a big affect on a person's life. Two days ago I did a video chat with my grandparents back in @LOCATION2 it was great. After six year's not seeing my grandparents they really changed, and I was starting to forget what they looked like. I never knew that a computer could do a video chat from so far away I was surprised. I dont know why you experts are so concerned about computer taking away people's live's look what it has done for my family. I know that if one of you experts family member went away for a long time you would miss them and want to talk. Some people's love to video chat like people in the army because they get the chance to see their love one's. A two-way ticket to @LOCATION3, To see all those beautiful sight's and taste their wonderful food's look at that waterfall where is that, In @LOCATION4, @LOCATION1 now I have to go their. The computer has shone me places that I have neve sene before. The computer is a wonderful thing. So dont be concerned about us and what we do on the computer. In conclusion dont listen to the experts they dont know what their talking about, for all we know they use the computer more than we do. The compute can touch you new thing, give you the chance to chat with family and friends far away, and open your mind on travel. The computer is not a bad thing all it's doing is making life a little better step by step. 5 5 10
1785 1 My opinion is that people should have computers in their homes. Computers should be for important things like searching for jobs and other things. People can do their work in the computer. To teach your childrens how to use a computer or let their children go on the internet to they can search kids stuff. People shouldn't all their time on the computers and spend less time with their families and friends. I think people should spend more time with their families and their friends then spending it on the computer. But a lot of people use computers almost everyday. But a lot of people use computers almost everyday. Probably your family are worried about people spending their time everyday in the computer. They their friends how to type in the computer and teach them some stuff about the history. Do you think that people should alot more time with their families and be happy about it the they are spending time with their families. I think people shouldn't use the computer when they have a vistor over their house they don't their vistor think you are attracted to the computer. They should give people the ability to learn about faraway places and to learn things about the internet. But not everyone agree that people shouldn't use computers because people can get attracted to it and people don't want that. To happen. And families are concerned about that a lot of people use this can of stuff. Other people think that this is a great idea to use a lot of computer and spend more on it then their families. So do you think that people should spend more time on their families and friends then picking atention to the computers. 4 4 8
5984 3 The cyclist was riding through a tower when he stopped for directions. These old men told him to take a short cut and he did and got lost. He was in a ghost town in the desert. In conclusion the desert is hot. 1 1 1
5990 3 "There was many features that affected the cyclist such as heat and lack of water. The cyclist was drinking a lot of water throughout the story and ends up only having little water left. I eased past, trying to keep my balance in my dehydrated state. That shows he wasnt prepared with enough water for his trip to Yosemite. Without water he/she would die from the heat. Wide rings of dried sweat circled my shirt, and the growing realization that I could drop from heat stroke"" This states that he @CAPS1 the danger of not having enough water in his system. Features such as water and heat affected him/her throughout the story. Not having enough water could make him/her lose more sweat and the heat is making him lose even more sweat which can cause extreme heatstroke." 3 2 3
5994 3 Many different characteristics in a setting and determine the outcome of an event there. Im the story, Rough Road Ahead Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit, the cyclists journey was affected my a few weather relouded things. The heat was an extreme thing that showed him down and in most cases detened him from reading his maximum level of ability. Also the time of your in which this labes place, greatly affects the cyclist. Lastly, the type of road and amount of ground that he has to cover after affects his performance. Overall, setting can be a determining factor in a journey as they life 2 2 2
6005 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist in two way. This ways are pysical and mental. The pysical ways that features affect cyclist is the terrain. If the roads are long and wiredy, this could wear the cyclist out. They could also become physically tired if the incline of the hill is to steep. When its you against gravity, it can be egausting. The temperature can also be a crusal factor in a cyclist pysical ability. Nobody want to feel like their in a sauna when they are bike riding. The cyclist and also be attracted mentally. If the terrain looks deserted or anything like a desert the byciclist instintaniously thinks dehydration and death. If some people see dead animals or bones they would think they could die. If they see vulture circling them they would get afraid and think death, but the worse thing of all is that knowing all of these things are in the same place at the same time. This is how setting affects cyclists 3 2 3
6014 3 "The terrain during the cyclists journey greatly affects him. For example, the first terrain that he experienced was not very hilly, but rather flat and soothing. The author stated, I rode into the morning with strong legs and a smile on my face. This shows that he was energized and happy. However, the reader can predict that the journey will not remain this joyful, because the cyclist is basically in the desert during the summer, in which it is extremely hot. Then, the cyclist experiences hilly terrain that sucked the life from his body, especially because he had no water left. The cyclist said, sometimes life can feel so cruel"", emphasizing that the cyclist mood had changed from enthusiastic to tired and forlorn. This change of mood from the terrain can be connected to real life, as obstacles are include, in which the person must persevere and be strong to overcome, in which the cyclist finally did. " 3 2 3
6020 3 The setting in the story discouraged the biker very much. As he follows the advice of the elderly men and starts off his journey he notices that there is, no one in sight, not a building, car, or structure of any kind. He uses tone words to describe how had things are when he says, The water bottle contained only a few tantalizing sips. He describes in exhaust how hard his journey is getting. He describes the intense heat inthe desert of California, pedaling up, one long, crippling hill. The terrain did not make his rideeasy at all. The factor of weather, rolling hills, and the shortage of water take a tall on him. If he were on flat terrain on a cool day then he would have been first fine. 2 2 2
6024 3 In the story of rough road ahead :do not exceed posted limit the setting affected the cyclist. In the middle of the desert during the summer the cyclist was low on water. The old men gave him the wrong directions, so mainly it is the old guys thought he dies. The cyclist survives but the heat and the season he was riding hell probably bring another water botlle nextime 1 1 1
6035 3 "In the story Do not exceed posted speed limit"" the author Joe Kurmaskie tells you that there many things you have to go through before you get there. The example is when ""he stops and asks for directions to Yosemite state park"". Because he did what to get lost. When he had to and other towns. The next example is when he came to a rock in the road: And had to get water form a old rusted pump because he had really no water left in his water bottle" 1 1 1
6041 3 The feature of setting affects the cyclist because the roads are too rough. If he gos too pot he could spin out of commission and the water was trouble. He sad when I tried a deep or two it had the flavor of a battery acid. 2 1 2
6052 3 How the setting of the place effects the cyclist is for one its to dry a cyclist would be ridy for haurst shouldnt be in a place thats dry.Like in the story it says I was travelling through the high parts of California in June meaning it was really hot and dry.Second would be the animals there dangerous.A cyclist should be riding in a place with diamond back snakes it says in the text I toiled on.At some point,tumbleweeds crossed my path t a ridiculously larger skilt it really did look like adiamond back which if it really has one would be really dangerous & cyclist should not be riding in that type of dangerous places no matter what type there are.That is how the settings of the surrandings effect the cyclist & how can its a bad place for them to ride. 2 2 2
6055 3 In this story the cyclist is going through a desert of California. This is a reason why he is very limited on water supply. It is really hot which would cause him to drink a lot more water. He had started his journey in the morning so that the sun wasnt as hot as it would be in the middle of the day. Then it started to get a lot more sonny. So with the sun comes more heat. The rider says The sun was beginning to beat down. This would help the readers realize what time a day it was and how hot it was. This was in the morning so he didnt realize it but as it got into the afternoon he realized it and started to get dehydrated. 2 2 2
6057 3 "The cyclist is traveling through a rough part of California during the hot month of June. The author describes part of part of his journey; ""I was traveling through the high deserts of california in june."" The heat of the sun and not much water around is causing the cyclist to worry about his health. A little further into his journey realizes how bad he could get if he doesn't find water soon. The author write, ""the growing realization that I could drop from heatstroke. ""As the cyclist has run out of water & there is no sign of life around, he begins to feel that he @MONTH1 never make it through the desert to yosemite National Park.The author describes this ""I was going to die and the birds would pick me clean. ""The setting of the cyclist""s journey greatly affected how he percieved his journey." 3 3 3
6062 3 The bike rider in the short story Do not exceed posted speed limit by @PERSON1, is greatly affected by the condition of land around him. He is riding through the extremely dry desert and is running, low on water. However since it is such a dry place he cant find any. Also since it is out in the middle of no where, there is no one he can ask for some. If this story was set somewhere else he wouldnt have has either problems. 1 1 1
6066 3 The setting in the features of the cyclist is that if it is too hot or too cold, it could affect how the cyclist is riding . If its to hot the cyclist would get exhausted a lot faster . And if its to cold then the cyclist would @MONTH1 be get sick . Also if its too windy then he would go a lot slower if he is going in the winds direction. 1 1 1
6067 3 The features that affected the cyclist was plenty of things. One thing would be lack of water. In the text he said the pump gave water that taste like battery acid. Another one would be all the surroundings changed from what the old men sald and he got lost. When he was lost he had to have determination to find someone say that he could survive. 1 1 1
6069 3 The features of the setting affect the the cyclist by giving him obstacles to overcome when he had to go down the winding hills, he would have to slow down so he could manuver the hills and not lose control of the bike. The heat he was facing would cause tiredness and dehydration. If exposed to the sun and heat long enough you can get a sunburn or suffer a heat stroke. A heat stroke can be fatal to anyone, especially those with heart problems. Dehydration also can be fatal. If the cyclist does not see any buildings, he would not be able to tell where he is and he might get lost because of it. Getting lost will also lead to dehydration, tiredness, and heat stroke. 1 2 2
6078 3 The setting in the story affected the cyclist by him going through obstacles to get to town. The setting was in a desert in California in June. The cyclist also had a lack of water and when he found a pump he said it was black and tasted like battery acid. And then he stopped for directions and the men gave him the oldest set of directions. So the cyclist said he would stick to his trusty map. 2 2 2
6089 3 In the eassy DO NOT Exceed posted speed limit, It is a clear cut for survival as it seems that this man is fighting to stay alive. As l know cyclists pedal for hours at a time and sometimes for hundreds of miles of he was biking where green grass and cool mountains collide the tone and mood of the essay would of beam completely different.He uses sentences such as of two hundred degrees, deteriorating brain, birds would pick me up clean and drop from heatstroke. @CAPS1 all make me want to read further in the essay to see lf he will be ok by thes end of his journey? I know what the feeling is when you are low of fluids because l have chronic dehydrated. I couldnt imagine biking and only seeing desert hiss and passing tumble weed. It sounds like an awful experience. If he were somewhere cooler and colorful his experience wouldnt of been so horrific. 3 3 3
6099 3 The features that set the affect of the cyclist is very clear in case of this essay which resene when it @CAPS1 the signs that said Rough @CAPS2 ahead: Do not Exceed posted Speed Limit. That had to slow down his bike. Then he said that their were no building or cars nowhere 1 1 1
6110 3 'Do Not Exceed the Posted Speed Limit by Joe Kurmaskie demonstrated that the features of the setting affected the cyclist a great deal. First off, the cyclist was in the desert on a bicycle. This affected her because if they had been in a car, or on a bus alot less energy would have been used up. Secondly, the cyclist started running out of water. This setting didnt help because they were on a bike so that kept them hydrated. Another setting that affected the plot was the deserted towns. If they hadnt been deserted everything would have been better. These features affected the cyclist a great deal. 1 2 2
6112 3 The setting of the story affects the cyclist in most of the story. The heat made him hot & thirsty while the travel gave him a lack of energy and even of a need for water. In paragraph @NUM1 the writer says one of the hills was long and a The hill was wearing him out & draining what was left of his energy. The setting of the story was the biggest party if the road was flat and bumpy while the tempeture was 1 1 1
6114 3 The different settings that the cyclist had to ??? were mountains or hills winding roads and California desert in June. As well as he was running out of water. 1 1 1
6121 3 The features of the setting greatly effected the cyclist. He was riding along on a route he had little confidence would end up anywhere. That being the first time ever being on that rode and having only not of date knowledge about it made the cyclist rework. The temperature was very hot, where was little shade, the sun was beating down on him. The route was very discouraging .all the cyclist wanted wanted was water and the route kept touenting him with false hope. At the first town he noticed a water pump, but all he could get of it was sludge and water that tasted like battery acid. Next he came to a deserted old building that approved to be an old bottling factory for Welchs grape juice. The cyclist would appear to be closing in on something to drink, but be left with nothing. 3 2 3
6125 3 The feature of the setting affect the cyclist by one, the conditions of the road were awful. Two, the cyclist said there was a huge snake blocking his path as well as the occasional tumble weed. The biggest affect on the cyclist was the lack of water with unbearable heat and he was tired. Those are the affects the features of the setting had on the cyclist. 2 2 2
6127 3 The features of the setting in the story affected the cyclist a lot. In the morning when he began his trip, he was eager and determined to get to his destination. Although it took him forty miles to get the first town, he didnt seem to mind. The cool pires and rushing rivers of Yosemite had my name written all over them, is what crossed his mind once the sun began to beat down. Meaning that he didnt mind or wasnt troubled by it at the time. But the farther his trip went, the hotter, and less water supply he had left. Once he passed a couple of troubling sights, because they were abandoned and no one was around, he began to worry. The cyclist got to the point that he stated to suck on pebbtes, in order to circulate the last spit he had in his mouth. In his desperation he finally saw a sign for hope that gave him strength in order to continue on. When he arrived at GARY AND @CAPS1S FISH CAMP, his emotions, and mind changed from begin lugubvious, to becoming thankful. 3 3 3
6133 3 The features of the setting affected the cyclist mainly because he was in a desert. There were no stores, no rivers or lakes, it was very hot, the roads were long and there were even snakes on the road. It made it harder for him because he didnt have much water to drink. 1 1 1
6138 3 In Rough Road ahead: Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit the cyclists was effected by the features of the setting. She was first effected by the old men which told her a shortcut to her ride to Yosemite National Park. Then she was effected by a ghost towns which had no water to give her. Then she was almost dehydrated when she came to a rickety road which had a few tumbleweed and a huge snake which was quite difficult to get by. Then at the end she came upon Gary and Wilbers fish camp where she decided to make decisions herself. All of these things in the setting affected the cyclist in a negative way except Gary and Wilbers fish camp which saved her from dehydration. 2 2 2
6142 3 Many different things affected on his way to Yosemite National Park, but the environment he was in played the biggest role in his journey. The cyclist was in a dry, desert area where tumble weeds were more common than people. When the cyclist came across the old men and asked them for directions, they led him to a ghost town there was no water for the dehydrated cyclist who had been baking in the extremely dry, hot weather. This caused a problem where the cyclist thought that he would die in the desert because of the weather, directions he was given, and lack of water. When the cyclist come across the bait shop he know he was saved. He became rehydrated and declined directions from an old man because these features of the setting are what caused his problems in the first place: old men, dry weather, and water. 2 2 2
6165 3 "In Rough Road Ahead: Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit"" by Joe Kurmaskie, he describes his trying biking trip through California. In the essay, he describes the weather with I was traveling through the high deserts of California in June. While this @MONTH1 not directly characterice the weather, the reader can confin a clear image of the sweltering heat of a desert in the summer. When the author comes across the ghost town followed by the dilapidated shack, and finally the sign that read Rough Road Ahead, his hope of finding Yosemite Park was gone. The hopelessness of the situation made the author want to give up, thinking that he was going to die out in the desert from dehydration and exhaustion. This can be related to anyone that has been lost in unfavorable conditions, and the feeling of helplessness and fear that goes along with it. It feels like everything is against you, with nothing working in your favor, and this is what the author experiences in his description of his trip in Rough Road Ahead: Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit." 3 3 3
6167 3 To begin with a feature that affect the cyclist was a lack of water this is shown when the speaker says when I tried a drop or two, it had the flavor of battery acid-thats was one of the biggest factors he had risked. 3 2 3
6168 3 As the reader listened and followed the directions of the old-timers he faced many issues and also learned a leason. As he began to ride into the day break of morning he had strong legs and even a smile on his face. As time went on he soon became close out of water and a loss of energy. The @CAPS1 summer day made him sweat and began to think that he birds would pluk at his body as if he would die on his ride to Yosemite. When he finally got to a town he soon refreashed and learned that he would and start to began to follow his own way: of getting to places 2 2 2
6171 3 "The features of the setting strongly affected the cyclist. The rolling hills were the cyclists most challenging problem because they were long and cripppling. Maneuvering down the hill would take a lot of energy and determination from the cyclist. Considering the cyclist was already tired and sweating from riding on rough roads and passing a large snake, riding on rolling hills would be extremely difficult. The features of the setting were not helping the cyclist stay healthy because their difficulty was causing the cyclist to become dehydrated and possibly drop from heatsroke. However, the cyclist kept a possitive attitude and did not give up. His determination saved him as he felt relief when he finally came across the ""Gary and wilbells fish camp. In conclusion, the features of the setting affected the cyclist because they forced him to work extra hard and put forth more effort. But with determination,you can accomplish anything! " 3 3 3
6174 3 The setting had a huge affect on the cyclist. One affect was the lack of water in the area he was in, which was a dessert. Also, the lack of people in the area didnt help the cyclist out at all. The hills on the road made it more tougher on the cyclist because it drashed what little energy he had left. Also, the sun beating down on him made his body more warm and making it harder for him to focus on what he was trying to do. 1 2 2
6177 3 In the story the cyclist faced many problems, one of the biggest problems was the terrian that he had to maneuver them. The terrain was hilly, having to go up a hill on a bike is tireing and wears you out faster than flat land would, and making him use more energy. The heat was also unbearable making it harder for him to focus, the cyclist did everything he could to keep consiese while manuvering threu the terrain and deserted landscape being a huge desert of rolling mountains he pushed forwad, finding no civilization anywhere to get a refill of water. For example, if the terrain wasnt as hilled then it would of made it easier for him using less energy and less strain on his legs, the heat of the desert beating down on him probably slowed his progress also. Heat will make you move slower and a cyclist moving down a barnest road with no shade will make the journey seem longer, and imposible. In the end his will and determination got with threw the landscape, so he could get the water he needed to finish his trip 2 2 2
6179 3 The setting of where you are riding has alot to do with the cyclist. In my own opinion I think the setting is the most important part. 2 2 2
6184 3 In the story Rough road ahead the setting affects the cyclist. The cyclist is affected by lack of water, the distance he has to travel, and the hilly terrain. The water bottles contain only a few tantalizing sips. wide rings of dried sweat circled my shirt, this statement shows how he was out of water and was tired and hot. The setting affected the cyclist a lot in the story. 1 1 1
6190 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist, because there are no cars, building, water, or people in sight. It goes from flat road to rolling hills. Even though he had no water he was determined to keep pedeling. Rough road Ahead, do not exceed posted speed limit At this point he had no water left and he was pretty much in the middle of nowhere. If I was in his situation I would feel hopeless. There was no sign of hope. He just saw endless rolling hills and that was all. Then when he saw the building over the hills he thought he was home free. So he pedeled up to the building, and that with all the others was abandoned. The cyclist thought he was going to die. In conclusion the features of the setting greatly affected the cyclist because seeing nothing gives him no hope. If he had cars and buildings on both sides of him that probably would have give him some confidence but that was not the case. He is in the middle of nowhere. He finally came to bend and say Then, as easily as randing a bend my troubles, thirst, and fear were all behind me. 2 2 2
6194 3 The setting affects the biker in many ways. For one, he is riding through the high deserts of California during the month of June. It is naturally hot in the summer, but in the desert, it is twice as hot. This means he will dehydrate quicker, and will need more water. The only water the biker can find is from an old pump, but he couldnt drink it since it was so hot; nasty tasting. When I tried a drop it had the flavor of battery acid (Kurmaskie @NUM1). His route was deserted, so nobody could help him. Also, the terrain was bad. The hills caused him to use more of his energy, which he needed to stay alive. the growing realization that I could drop from heatstroke caused me to laugh, (@NUM1). He also encountered dangerous animals like the diamond black rattles back. The setting also affected him mentally because he was silently yelling at himself since he took directions from the old men. He knew he should have taken the right way, instead of trying a short cut that he now realizes is abandoned and dangerous. The biker is being affected in many ways, both mentally and physically. 3 3 3
6195 3 The setting causes major problems for the cyclist in the essay, Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit. The cyclist was faced with a desert, traveling in extreme humid temperatures and no water. He encounters poisonous snakes and areas of no buildings or civilization all together. The effect on him was the main conflict of the essay. He had no water during some of the trip and lost all hope. He told himself that it was no use. In the story it says, It didnt really matter. I was going to die. The extreme measures of the setting caused the cyclist to lose control, putting stones in the mouth to stop thinking of his thirst. Over all, the setting caused the cyclist major problems, physically, and mentally. 3 3 3
6206 3 The setting in this story is important because if you dont have a setting then this will not make sence, setting is something everyone can do. It can be anywhere or anything. The setting helps puts the whole story back together. The setting in this story is @LOCATION1 spending time with his family. Setting is a very important part in a morvie/video. 0 0 0
6207 3 the way I would set my affected cyclist is by him riding throught. Something u would never thing he can set thought then over coming his intention. 0 0 0
6218 3 There was a number of things that affected the cyclists during his travel. First off, at the old town there wasnt any real water he could drink. So he was out of water and was going to be thirsty. Also, its the middle of June in California, its very hot and size and the is going to wear him out pretty quickly. Another thing that affected the cyclist is the steep hills he has to go up and down. For example, he says Over one long, crippling hill, hes saying the hills are very hard for him. Those are the features that affected the cyclist in the story. 2 1 2
6221 3 The setting in the story greatly affected the cyclist. The main setting was that he was riding his bike in the desert. The desert is really hot so he needed more water than he would have if he were riding in the woods or if there was snow. Also there was hills on his travel that he had to ride his bike up which takes more energy so again he would have needed more water than if the road was flat, finally, because of the terrain he was riding on the animals he ran into, a snake, could have hurt him. Because the setting of the story was in the desert the cyclist was affected more then he had thought he would be. 2 2 2
6229 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist because the authour was not and augsosted and as she was ridding her bike there was no place for her to stop and fill up her water bottle. 1 1 1
6230 3 The rode was deserted there wasnt a builing, car, or house in sight. He was stuck andhes in the middle of nowhere without any water or food, poisonous snakes and the heat could made him collapse. 1 1 1
6241 3 This story was a great motivation for older man that can still be healthy and feel like an teenager again. It showed how much effort he put to his goal and how he survive. Forty miles he peddled for forty miles to drink same water the cyclist was and interesting story not ginaupup 1 1 1
6259 3 When cycling or doing any outdoor sport, the setting matters greatly. If its cold you need a jacket. Hot you need water. Depending on how secure it could be life or death. It could be realy hilly and you might get tired, and if you have no water you could die. Also it depends if its in a city burbed, small town, desert, highway all these factors play a huge roll in cycling 3 2 3
6265 3 "He setting made the cyclist feel lonely. The cyclist lost hope quickly because she was never saw any people or water on the way. The cyclist said they saw a ghost town. Before he got to the fish camp the cyclist saw no one and was becoming dehydrated. This caused him to lose hope and at some points he thought he was going to die. For example, he says, ""I was going to die and the birds would pick me clean. It is clear that the setting affected the cyclist in a very negative way." 2 2 2
6268 3 As the cyclist begins his journey, he is confident & exited to have been offered new directions from some old wise men which promise a shortcut. This water supply is mediocre & attitude willed against the flat and hilly terrain, untill he realizes the directions are way off target. The cyclist was making his way to Yosemite when he came to the first town but it wasn't a town but more of a ghost dwelling. As he continued hoping the shortcut offered by the old codgens would actually materialize, he realized he was utterly alone in the hot desert wt a depleting water supply & dwindling spirit. He was disturbed that he had chosen to follow the advice from the older men and through his his pain & dispair, encouraged himself by deciding he would never listen to their type again. The cyclist felt skrewed over, yet through his will & determination, by rationing water & mentally choosing to cycle for each hill one at a time, he endured his physicall, emotional & mental trials and lived to learn the valuable lesson of never consulting old codgers on mapping issues, because their information would most likely be out datted. 3 3 3
6277 3 The features that affect the cyclist is the lack of water he slows. Another is the directions from the old men that probably arent up to date nowadays. 1 1 1
6278 3 The setting explains an early summer evening with some eccentric men. The mood that he would be in would probably be lively. Like a foolish youth, the next morning I followed their advice (Kurmaskie) says that if you were very lively, I would take that as a way of being drunk without being drunk, and doing whatever someone thinks you should do without knowing you are being persuaded to do it. 1 1 1
6289 3 The conditions and features affect everything about the cyclist. The conditions were that, he had to save as much water as possible and keep himself hydrated at the same time so that he wouldnt dehydrate himself.The features of the desert like land were fierce. It was dry and bumpy, not to mention that there were creatures such as snakes on the prowl out there. You can never predict what theyll do. 2 1 2
6290 3 The features of the setting in the story affect the cyclist in many ways. For example when he arrived to the first town the water had tasted like battery acid which made the rider concerve water another is with the harsh conditions such as the temperature. The ride would listen to the old people to try to get to the place he was going faster. 1 1 1
6293 3 "In Joe Kurmaskies, Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit, the features of the setting affect the cyclist in a bad way. First of all, the cyclist is dehydrated from the heat and lack of water. I eased past, trying to keep my balance in my dehydrated state. ""This sentence from the text stores he is dehydrated, because of this it creates an obstacle he must face. Also, another bad affect from the features of the setting the cyclist is facing is, the rough road ahead he had to face. ROUGH ROAD AHEAD: DO NOT EXcEED POSTED SPEED LIMIT. If I were the cyclist gazing at the sign I would die just knowing there was trouble up ahead. Luckily the cyclist made his way through and managed his obstacles well." 2 1 2
6294 3 There are many features in the setting that will affect the cyclists. One feature is the climate. When you are cycling and it is really hot you can dehydrate very fast. If it is really cold it is harder to breath and catch your breath. Another feature in the setting that can affect a cyclist is the terrain. If there are too many hills that are really steep than you will get very tired quickly and when it is rocky you have a posablity to fall off the bike and hurt yourself. Last feature in the setting that will affect a cyclist is how isolated the road is. If a cyclist runs out of water and there are no places to stop on the road, this could be almost deadly to a cyclist. Also if the road is so isolated and you get hurt who would find you. This is another deadly situation. These are the main features in the setting that can affect the cyclist. 1 1 1
6300 3 In Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit by Joe Kurmaskie, the features of the setting affect the cyclist by gradually wearing him out and pushing his limits of hope and survival skills. At first, the cyclist enters a deserted town but he remains calm and amused by this in the sentence, I chuckled, check my water supply, and moved @NUM1). Soon after, the cyclist is troubled by a ramshackle shed, several rusty pumps, through the high deserts of California in June (@NUM2). He is agitated by this, makes a significant dent in his water supply, and unfortunately continues. At the point where he is still isolated and lost beyond repair, the cyclist tries to stay hopeful but soon breaksdown. He reflects, Telling myself that of I could make it that far, Id be @NUM3). The features of the setting become more and more disappointed at each leg of the journey for the cyclist. 3 3 3
6302 3 The feature of the setting affect the cyclist in many ways. When in the essay it states, The sun was beginning to beat down This shows that this affects how he feels when he is cycling through the road and this can affect his ability to keep cycling while the sun ??? him hard. Also when he states I was doing a water-depleting 12 mph, this shows he was also dehydrated once goin, very slow because of the ammount of heat and lack of water that affected his ability to keep cycling in the area. 2 2 2
6304 3 The setting affected the cyclist in a big way during his journey. The temperature being so hot tired the cyclist and made him thirsty. Also the hills being so high to ride up made it hard to continue. Since he was in the desert there were not many towns to go to. All these factors affected the cyclist on his journey. 1 1 1
6310 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist in many ways because its almost like the background and theme of the cyclist The features used in this story are mostly about the background in which he is going and the sites of where he is. Hes showing the reader of how much he needs somewhere to go and also now much hes indespair at the time. When he says It was sad, hopeless laugh, mind you, but atleast I still had the energy to feel sorry for myself. In this quote he is saying that he @MONTH1 be tired and physically not be in his best shape but atleast he knows hes not in a good shape and he knows hes in trouble, but he can still laugh it off and aware but he keeps trying anyways. This text in my opinion is showing many different ideas such as hope, awareness, and ability and courage to realize you need help but go on anyways to prove to yourself you can finish what you wanted and planned to do. 2 3 3
6314 3 The features of the setting affect cyclist because if you are going down hil and then hit a rough road you not going to do so good. Like for example he had been going on flat land then it changed to hills lastly into rough road. These conditions could seriously hurt someone. 1 1 1
6328 3 The features of the setting in the essay entitled Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit affect the cyclist in an tagonizing manner. He is dehydrated and exhausted due to the conditions of the environment he was in. the cyclist became dehydrated because of not only a lack of water, but also the scorching heat of the desert. He sweat to much to the point that he lost an enormous amount of bodily fluids. The cyclist also was traveling on unpaved road which required more energy than traveling on one that is paved. Therefore the cyclist became so exausted that he almost died. These are the ways the environment the cyclist was in affected him. 2 2 2
6329 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist in ways of feeling doubtful, confidence, determination and relief. For example he feels doubtful when he has hardly any water and has no clue where he is or where he is going to end up. He first felt confident when the old people on the porch told him how to go and then at the end when he says he will listen to his map next time. He was also was determined because he wanted to get to the next town which he does, that also makes him relived, and wants to get to Yosemite National Park. That is how the setting affects the cyclist. 2 2 2
6332 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist in many ways. It made him tired thirsty and he was near exaustion. 3 2 3
6338 3 "In the essay, ""Rough Road Ahead: Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit,"" the cyclist encountered several problems. The main conflict of the cyclist in this text is the lack of water. Cycling is a vigorous exercise and can take much strength out of a rider. Water is neccesary to make sure the cyclist stays hydrated. In the text, the old men had the cyclist take a detour through desert areas and hilly terains. Because of the hot weather and rough roads the cyclist became dehydrated faster than normal. For example, the text says, ""The water bottles contained only a few tentalizing sips, wide rings of dried sweat circled my shirt, and the growing realization that i could drop from heatsroke on a gorgeouse day in June."" @CAPS1, by usings vocubulary such as ""tentalizing"" expresses the cyclist need for water. Furthermore, later in the sentence the narrator make a reference to the old men, giving the blame entirely to them for them suggesting the path. Readers can also can conclude that the harsh setting of the essay greatly affected the cyclist" 2 2 2
6362 3 I think that the features of the setting really do affect the way someone rides a bike because certain places have certain terrain. Some types are not always good for a bike rider because if its bumpy then someone could fall off the bike. Also, if it is dark you @MONTH1 not even be able to see where you are going then you could hurt your-self very seriously. Thats why riding a bike is dangerous. Also, if your in the type of enviroment where every thing is smooth then you @MONTH1 be able to have a nice bike ride. 1 1 1
6369 3 The setting is hot like desert, no one around, and very dry. Being hot outside affects the cyclist because he is sweaty and needs water. The heat wears him down. Having no one around causes him to not get water which he needs for his journey. These things make him week and makes it harder for him to find a place to get water. 1 1 1
6374 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist because he thought he packed enough water so he began on his way he drank most of his water less than half way to his destination. He didnt realize how hot it was until he got down to his last couple of sips of water. He started to become dehydrated he rembered the old men said that the next town was abait eighteen miles away so he kept on going when he reached the town there was nothing to drink just an old run down factory. He took same rocks and sucked on them, he went over a bump had swallowed it. He said to him self next time he would just go by what the map said everything he had gone past on the way had been run down and abandoned. Finaly he reached a bait shop and when inside the bathroom and got some water. 2 2 2
6378 3 The features of the setting did affect the cyclist in this small story. In this story the setting is a hot dry terrain which can be better explained by the name California. This heat of the desert climate seems to start have an effect on him about after he reaches the first town. I know this by his statement.This place might have been a thriving little spot at time say, before the last war-but on that morning it fit the traditional definition of a ghost town. I chucked, checked my water supply and moved on. The the sun was beginning to beat down. The summer heat is thriving how during this @DATE1 and he is drinking lots of water.So this setting does affect him greatly it causes him to use his water supply and it causes him to begin the process of dehydration. I know how the summer heat can affect you during @DATE1 activity s. At times it feelslike you are going to die but that building is always around the bend just for the cyclist. 3 2 3
6380 3 There are many ways the setting affected the cyclist in this story like the weather, supply of food and water, wrong estimation for old people and the road. First off the weather was was very dry and it was two hundred degrees, so it made you sweat and hard to breath. The supply of water was harsh not much around at all and when he tryed to get water the pumps would pump out not water. The weather and water supply were two maijor affects on the cyclist. 1 1 1
6383 3 There are features such as blazing heat coming off the sun, short, rolling hills, and no water. There was also the fact that the rider thought he was in the middle of nowhere. This has a great effect on the cyclist, both physical and emotional. The heat, lack of water and constant up hill riding can take a lot of energy out of someone and make it extremely hard to ride. Not to mention there isnt much hope left so that eliminates the whole mind over matter thing. All the features of the setting put together can lead to major trouble. 2 2 2
6387 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist in many ways. For example he feels dehydrated and tired because he is riding through the desert and has a lack of water. I often feel this way when jogging for extended periods of time. The men in the story who havent left the confines of their porches since Carter was in office also add to the story. Due to their role, the cyclist takes an unmarked shortcut that turns out to be horrible. The Welchs factory affects the cyclist because it increases his thirst and causes him to once more think about it. The sign showing grape juice looks irrisistable to him and drives him to keep forward in search of anything to drink. The terrain charge also affects the cyclist because it causes him to have to work ever harder to get up hills now rather than just ride flat terrain. 3 3 3
6388 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist in many ways. For example, in paragraph @NUM1 it says, I was traveling through the high deserts of California in June. @CAPS1 the heat the cyclist experienced, since he was in a desert in June, made him dehydrate faster. The heat made him drink more so he ran out of water more quickly. Then he would try and conserve water by not drinking and this would cause him to dehydrate more because he was losing body fluid in sweat secondly, in paragraph @NUM2 it says, Flat road was replaced by short, rolling hills, These hills affect the cyclist because he would need to use more energy to cycle up the hills. This would cause him to become exhausted more quickly than he would on flat land. If the setting had been different, such as not being in a hilly desert, the cyclist would not have become as dehydrated and tired as he did. In conclusion, the features of the setting affect the cyclist in many ways. 3 2 3
6398 3 "In the story the cyclist is affect by many features of the desert. The main feature is the heat. I was traveling through the high deserts of California in June."" Hes also running low on water,The water bottles only contained & few tantalizing sips. Hes faced by extrem heat and lack of water. Hes tired and has a long way to go. So far, all of the towns have been deserted. Finally he reaches a bait shop and his water and refills his water and promised to stick to the map in the future." 2 2 2
6400 3 The terrain described in this essay add affect to the strugles of the cyclist. For example when the author says their were no cars nor buildings in sight that adds to the affect that he is really out in the middle of nowhere. Also it adds a lot of affect when he comes upon an abandond juice factory and he is so thirsty he puts stones in his mouth to gather saliva. Also when he finally finds water an oldtimer asks if he knows the best way to go. 2 2 2
6401 3 In the essay the cyclist is riding in the desert. It is extremely hot out because its June and that causes alot of problems for him. He said that since it was so hot he was afaid of getting dihydrated. Also he explains that the roads were getting hilly, which would have caused him to work harder, meaning he was lossing my water. 2 2 2
6404 3 In the essay Rough Road Ahead : Do Not @CAPS1 Posted Speed Limit, by Joe Kurmaskie the features of the setting affects the cyclist. Dehydration caused by heat could not enough water caused the cyclist to sweat and to feel nautious. wide rings of dried sweat circled my shirt, and the growing realization that I could drop from a heatstroke, caused me to laugh. In this quote he is thinking about all the bad and horrible things that could happen to him because he is already in an bad state. In conclusion, this is how the features of the setting affects the cyclist. 2 0 1
6405 3 "The features affect the cyclist in a big way. For one the ""heat beating down on him made him sweaty, hot and tired. The heat had also made him thirst which led him to drink a lot of water in a little amount of time so he ran out of water before the next town. Also the fact he was in the desert there were no trees to give time off shade that he could rest in. There were also no people around to help him or give him water. So in the ride he struggled more than he thought he could." 2 3 3
6406 3 Some of the things that affect the cyclist was the lack of water. The water, bottles contained only a few tantalizing sips, water is a big importance. To stort men. Your body need water to work right. The @CAPS1 humid, dry weather of California was a affect To. The high deserts of California in June. l could drop from a heatstroke. The sun is unbearable, expessary without shade and water, @CAPS2 affect on the cyclist up. The have of animals There was No- one in sight. It would have been a lot easier for the cyclist if store or people would have been around, @CAPS2 exact is the animals. A @CAPS3 large snake crossed my path. diamondback- blocked the majoritly of the pavement. It would have been to worry about those things these are all things that affect the cyclist. 2 2 2
6415 3 The features of the setting affected the cyclist by causing him to be hit with his water bottle regularly, the high deserts of California affected him. Also, Not the miles into the next section of the ride, he noticed a terrain change. For example flat roads was replaced by short, rolling hills. Then after over coming that, A large highway sign jumped out at him saying or reading, Rough Road Ahead: Do Not exceed Posted Speed Limit. And that was 55. Last the author says, Sometimes life can feelso cruel. In conclusion there were many things that affected the cyclist. 2 1 2
6418 3 The dusty, dry setting has a serious effect on the cycling author. It got so long and hot that, @CAPS1 blues tune summer time rattled around inmy deteriorating brain. The author has spent so long cycling through heat, his brains starting to shut down. Its also because there is very little water left for him. Another problem is that every building/town except the last building is deserted. So without any chance of being refueled and restocked, its the author v.s nature. Plus, as the author states, the directions came from old people who, havent left their porches since Carter was in office. The word has greatly changed. Towns have become deserted, buildings rundown but the roads are kept in shape. The towns the old people mentions are now ghost towns, and are no help to the author. 2 2 2
6421 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist because it just looks like he is on the highway as in the desert riding his motorcycle or bike and it does look like hes coming or going on a vacation and because of the way hes riding it it seems hes going real fast as about to fall. 1 1 1
6422 3 The cyclist is out in the desert there for was tired & also running out of water so hes getting dehydrated. 1 1 1
6425 3 The setting very much affects the cyclist. I maneuvered down the hill. This statement shows him going down the hill. If the hill wasnt there then it would hawe been a whole lot easier for him to get to where he was going, also he would have had more energy. If there werent anyhills to get in his way. 2 1 2
6431 3 The setting in the story affect the cyclist alot. It is June in the California desert. The sun is heating down on him. Another problem that he faces is that there is a very rough terrain. All of this together makes him drink up his water even faster. The setting is making him feel very disprate when is even worse. 1 1 1
6432 3 Each person has a really good ability that stands out. Someone can be good looking, smart or confident. Someone @MONTH1 never give up and do what he wishes to do. The cyclist in the story is or man with a strong will. He wants to be alive. He saw too many difficult in his way to get the place he wanted to be. He listened to some old guys and he lost his way. The sun was beginning to beat down. He was out of water but he continued riding to reach his goal. He was losing his strength. The weather was @[email protected] water tasted like acid battery. He believed himself that he can be alive. He got stronger by believing in himself eventhough he was losing strength. Every place that he passed by was a new experienced for life. They were like a game that he came successful. He never give up. He did everything he could do to not losing his mind. He didnt want lose the battle in his mind. 2 3 3
6439 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist by that he or she should behave act or talk according to the settings. It means that where ever they are existing and whatever it looks like, they need to fit them self in. They also need to fit the mood according to where they are located. The cyclist is feeling comfortable according to the story and he dosent need any change in setting or location. For conclusion the features of the setting affects the cyclist by that he needs to make improvment and changes according to where he or she is located. 1 1 1
6441 3 "In the story Do not Exceed Posted Speed Limit,"" the features of the setting affect the cyclist, it say this because the cyclist enables us of what is going around him and he feels about it. It says, one ramshack shed, several rusty pumps and a coral that couldnt hold the lamest mule greated me. The author goes on to say that it troubled him. Actually that made the author scared that maybe he was all alone in the desert with ghost town. The unplanned that the roads were rusty where the speed limit was 55 mph since he barely had any water he was going 12 mph. This tells me, hes troubled and confused about the surrounding ways, because it all desert seem light it became the author is slowly loosing hope on the travels further and further. I think its the same week people that as soon as trouble comes; or looks like its among they start losing hope and their better judgment, and life seems a lot harder." 3 2 3
6443 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist in many ways. For instance, If you were cycling in a very cold climate you wouldnt sweat as much and wouldnt need to drink as much water, but in the story the cyclist is in a very hot climate and he runs out of water, The water bottles contained only a few tantalizing sps,wide cings of sweat circled my shirt and the growing realizating that I could drop from heat stroke on a gorgeous day in June This quote explains that the setting of the cycling plays a huge role in the cyclist. Also, the terrain can affect biker. If one was to ride on a flat terrain is gonna put much wearand tear on the cyclists body therefore the flat terrain would be easier. All of those reasons explains that the settings affect the cyclist in many ways. 2 2 2
6460 3 "In the @CAPS1 ""Do not Exceed Posted Speed limit"" many ways affect the cyclist. Three of those things are heat, lack of water, mud its anything town. The heat affects him because he gets extremely hot and tired. For example the text states."" I could die form a heatstroke on a gergeous day in June."" this shows that it was extremly hot. The cyclist had a lack of water and was very thirsty. For example it states in the text."" I eased past, trying to keep my balance in my dehydrated state."" This shows that he was very thirsty from lack of water. The last way the setting affects the cyclist is when he goes into a town and tieds it empty. The text states,"" on that morning it fit the traditional detinition at a ghost town."" This show that he expected it to be there so he could rest but it wasn't like it was appare to be things all show how the setting affected th cyclist." 2 2 2
6463 3 Many things on the cyclist journey affected him. It was in the middle of summer in California. The heat is unbeleivable and rediculously hot. I could drop from heatstroke he was so bad overheated and dyhdrated that he could of died any minute. He could have also been killed by a giant snake. look like a diamondback- blocked the majority of the pavement It could have easily killed him, if he wasnt careful. But with his determination and spite he pulled threw and made it to a fresh supply of water. If he would have gaven up his life would have been over. 3 3 3
6466 3 The cyclist in Rough road Ahead was riding his bike in the middle of June, and in California. Both are very bad if you are lost and on a bike. This is because in June it usually hot, and I know in @CAPS1 its usually always hot, The cyclist is on a bike this means he has to pedde everywhere he goes. This is not along going to use up all his energy but also make him hot, And when your this hot you need to keep hydrated. But your lost so if you use all your water before you find safty then your in major trouble. Also In California theres like Hills, and mountains and stoff and peddling up a mountain isnt an easy trick. 1 2 2
6469 3 In the story the cyclist is afected by setting because in the @NUM1 paragraph it talks about him seeing the old water pump and how he was trying to get water out. At the end of the story he gets angry when he sees the old welches juice factory because he relizes that the old men didnt know what they were talking about. Also at the end he is realived when he finds Gary and @ORGANIZATION1 because there is water there. 1 1 1
6470 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist in Rough Road Ahead by Joe Kurmaskie in a very profound way. While he is riding, he sees surrounding him no one in sight, not a building, car, or structure of any kind. When he realizes his solitude when he is in a state of almost dehydration, he despairs. As a result of the seclution of the setting, having only seen One ramshackle shed in many miles, the cyclist almost looses hope. However, hope is renewed when he thinks of the cool pines and rushing rivers of @CAPS1. That is how the cyclist is affected by his setting, and despair is turned to hope. 2 2 2
6473 3 There are many features in the setting that affect the cycleist, one of which is that he is in the middle of California riding his bike in the sun with a limited ammount of water. It affects the cyclist because he almost collapses from heatstroke and lack of water. That is how the features of the setting affect the cyclist. 2 2 2
6474 3 The features of the setting in this essay affected the cyclist in many ways. One ramshackle shed, several rusty pumps, and a corral that couldnt hold in the lamest mule greeted me. (Kurmaskie @NUM1). The cyclist was expecting a small town with people in it and some type of good water supply. However he instead found a deserted ghost town with only a rusty pump that didnt even supply water. It made the cyclist feel depressed because he was running low on water and could easily dehydrate without it. The speed limit was @NUM2. I was doing a water-depleting @NUM3. sometimes life can feel so cruel. (Kurmaskie @NUM4). The cyclist is possibly being passed by cars on the highway going @NUM2 while he is only going @NUM3.This probably makes him feel as if he is getting no where at all. It would be all the more reason for him to give up. But he keeps trying to reach his destination. The feeling of being passed by the cars makes him determined to continue and finish his journey. 2 2 2
6475 3 The cyclist had very little water. It was very hot. He had a long way to go. The road was very bumpy so he couldnt go to fast or hes tires might bust. There were know cars in site so if he did break down it would have taken even longer. 1 1 1
6477 3 On the cyclist way to Yosemite National Park, he is given directions from a group of old men, but their direction arent so good. The desserted place affected him because there was no where for him to stop and eat or refill his water bottle There was no one in sight, not a building, car, or structure of any kind. There were rusted water pumps, with hot water, but nothing to cool him down. His surroundings led him to the state of dehydration. 2 2 2
6481 3 It affected him by dehydrating him and wearing him down to the point where he was about to give up. But he never gave up. As the end sartisfaction came out of it all. 1 1 1
6482 3 The trees were in the landscape and it was making the colors red and the volcanoes and the tall pine trees covered were in the landscape and milker years ago it make the swampland became the desert 1 1 1
6491 3 The towns, the terrain, the Welchs Grape Juice factory- all are parts of the setting that affect the cyclist. This place might have been a thriving little spot at one time- say, before the last world war, describes the cyclist, but on that morning it fit the traditional definition of a ghost town. The town intensifies the cyclist feeling of doubt, in that it is increasing. At this part, he is really regretting taking the old guy's advice in taking the shortcut. Not two miles into the next section of the ride, I noticed the terrain changing, reveals the cyclist. The cyclist is already very worried and very doubtful, and the terrain is making it worse it mirrors the town in which the cyclist had stopped at earlier to, again make his feeling of doubt increase. The cyclist exclaims, By the looks of it- had been a Welchs Grape Juice Factory. The cyclist gets very excited when he sees this, and gets a great feeling of hope. So throughout the whole story, the setting of where the cyclist is at affects his mood by giving him doubt, but by also giving him hope. 3 3 3
6495 3 The second photograph better communicates ideas similar to the ideas expressed in the essay A sea worry , because the story is about a boy who surfs as a job & in the second picture a boy is surfing. The author says my son body-surfs. He says its his job. That quote was explaining that hes a body-surfer & its his occupation. This is the reason I chose the secod photograph. 1 2 2
6499 3 The features that effect the cyclist are that he is riding his bike in the desert and doesnt have any water. That effects his journey because he is dehydrated so he needs to find water fast so it is making him get to Yosemite slower because he needs to find water. That is a feature that affects the cyclist 1 1 1
6504 3 The features of the setting affected the authors story a lot. It affected it by making the trip seem more difficult to the reader. This was made possible by telling how hot it was and explaining how the road was full of bumps or hills. The story says over one long, crippling hill. This makes the reader think the trip is very hard since he has to ride up so many hills. But if the road wasnt as hilly then the trip would seem less difficult. This would also make it as if that the old guys gave good directions. But the whole point. 1 1 1
6507 3 The features of the setting affect the authors dispotion as well as his ability to complete the journey, thus creating an obstacle the author must overcome. At the end of the paragraph five the author writes that I was traveling through the high deserts of California. This setting is important because it adds a sense of urgency to his trip when he starts to run low on water. This is similair to when I was backpacking and a bear got most of our food. Our normal backpacking trip had become more of a game of survival. So, the water issue was clearly the main point of of conflict that the author presented in the setting. He also writes that Not two miles into this next section of the ride, I noticed the terrain changing. Flat road was replaced by short, rolling hills. This aspect of the setting also affects the cyclist because it makes it much harder for him to progress than if it was a downhill road. In short, the setting of the story presents the main points of conflict to the author and thus was essential to the essay. 3 3 3
6515 3 Setting affects the cyclist. The cyclist has to worry about the road condition. If the road condition is bad then the cyclist must reduce his/her speed. The cyclist also has to worry about if it is day or night. If it is night, they must be careful due to cars not being able to see them. In the text, the cyclist was in extremely hot weather. This is dangerous to cyclist if they are not prepared with things such as water. 1 1 1
6516 3 "The setting affects the cyclist because the cyclist believes that he has a nice, short, flat distance to travel to get to Yosemite but instead it is a long, hilly(rough), hot journey. He only prepared himself for a quick ride, bringing only enough water for that ride, and wasnt prepared for the reality of his ride. First of all he is riding in the middle of the day (the hottest part) in the high deserts of colifornia in June I know when I go to camp here in @LOCATION1 during the summer I drink I drink six to seven liters, but the author only mentions a ""few bottles of water"" which aren't going to help him in that heat. Secondly, the cyclist believed that the old men had given him a safe path to follow but instead he came across a ridiculously large snake. It really looked like a diamond back That is a poisonous snake and the cyclist has barely able to ease post it because, of his lack of water. Lastly, the cyclist expected the old men to give him an easy path on a flat terrain when in fact it was replaced by short, rolling hills which means you have to put more effort (using more water) to climb the hills. The setting definetely affects the cyclist because it makes it more difficult for him to reach his destination but without a few bumps in the road, how is he to learn a life lesson?" 3 3 3
6517 3 The cyclist is affected by the features of the setting a lot. For example the dry hot place makes him thirsty. Then the ghost towns make it hard to get supplies. Also the bad road slowed him down. The bad roads even would probably hurt him and his bike the roads also would make him work harder. 1 1 1
6534 3 The settings to this story has an encouraging impact on this story, because he is an alike ride. The terrain in the story sounds rough where he seen a sign marked, Rough road ahead do note exceed posted speed limit. He already has to go up and down hills with rocks and no water. Such a setting an a really athletic ride can be devastating. 1 1 1
6538 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist because when you have hills to climb and little water, you will get dehydrated. Also the heat from the desert is so hot that it also can make you dehydrated. If you dont pace yourself and dont drink too much water you will be able to reach your goal. Your rest is a big thing for if you dont have energy, you will not get far. 0 0 0
6542 3 In Joe Kurmaskies Rough Road Ahead: Do Not Exceed the Speed Limit the features of the setting affects the cyclist a great deal. Each feature causing the cyclist to act. For example, in reaching the ramshackle shed the cyclist finds the water inusuable; which causes to conserve water and try to head for the next town. That action leads him deeper into the high deserts of California during June. Also as the terrain changes from flat road to short, rolling hills the cyclist must change his speed to better survive and continue in his dehydrated state. The scarcity of buildings in this dry desert terrain causes the cyclist to try every shack or building he comes across for water. In this story the features of the setting dictates the actions of the cyclist in his quest to survive in the desert a lot. 2 2 2
6549 3 There were several features of the setting that held an affect on the cyclist in this story. For one, the cyclist was riding in a hot desert. This condition normally prevents one from obtaining water. Seeing as how water was a necessity for the cyclist, the lack there at due to the desert created the conflict of dehydration. Additionally, the town that was abandoned triggered a spark of doubt in the cyclists mind. The cyclist now had to ride with his brain in doubt and his body in desperate hope. By the time he/she reaches the old factory, the cyclist is extremely dehydrated. Now his head is screaming with annoyance and his body is screaming with lack of water. This abandoned juice factory almost completely wiped out the cyclist hope. A man is little to nothing without hope. Therefore, this abandoned factory had a negative affect on him. Now, the only reason he continues is out of his/her desperation of survival, an instinct in all of us. In conclusion, the desert removed water and the abandoned homes and factory removed hope and all three created a negative affect. The cyclist is lucky to have survived. 1 1 1
6551 3 In the short story Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit by Joe Kurmaskie, he shows features of the setting played that affects the cyclist in many different ways. A setting the cyclist faces is that its so hot he keeps taking (drinking) water, and worrying that he is going to run out. Kurmaskie writes, I had been hitting my water bottles pretty regularly, and I was traveling through the high deserts of California in @NUM1). This is what the cyclist gets affected by throuout the whole story as he releizes he could die of heatstroke if he dosent watch how much water hes drinking. Also, this is what a lot of people normally face which is a challenge cause of dehydration. 2 2 2
6552 3 With age comes wisdom and all that, but the world is a fluid place things change No a better piece of advice for the solo cyclist. Never travel advice home old-timers who haventh confines of use porches.Flat road was replaced by short rolling hills. Rough Road ahead Do not exceed posted speed limit. 1 1 1
6553 3 "Many things about the setting in Rough Road Ahead: Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit affect the cyclist. The terrain in this story is hilly and filled with deserts. This contributes to the cyclist nagging sensation for a drink of water. The ride on the hills and through the desert, also tire him out dramatically. Not to mention while he is severely dehydrated, and when he finds the water it is tarlike and ""in the neighborhood of two hundred degrees. The cyclist in this story really must want to get Yosemite National park if he is willing to go all through all this trouble. The old men he asked in Lodi, California hadnt left the town in decades and gave the cyclist faulty directions that could of killed him. So he asked for directions and was given inadequet information, which made life very difficult for the cyclist." 2 2 2
6554 3 The setting of Rough Road Ahead: Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit, affect the cyclist so many ways. First of all, the cyclist is riding in a desert, in mid- June, with the heat beginning to beat down on him. This feature of the setting causes the cyclist to drink more water, but when his supply of water was running low, he was unable to drink much water to hydrate himself. The cyclist began to realize that he could trap from heatstroke on a gorgeous day in June. @CAPS1, the long distance and changes in the terrain that the cyclist was travelling, affected him. The distance on which to cyclist was travelling to Yosemite National Park, consisted of hours and miles of riding. Over vast changes of terrain. The flat road was replaced by short, rolling hills, which affected the cyclist speed and energy to finish his trip. 3 2 3
6556 3 The features of the setting will affect the cyclist because the roads are hilly and he is old so it will be hard for him to ride up them. It was very hot and he had a scares supply of water. He was seeing things that wasnt there. When he did try to get some water, the weather was so hot that the water from the pump came out hot. 1 1 1
6572 3 Many features of the setting affected the cyclist. First, the heat was the main part of nature that threw him off. It caused him to go dehiderated because lack of water and he went kind of dilerious. He thought he was seeing things and his vision was distorted. Next, the water he had to come across in the pump was un drinkable because of the tarlike substance coming out of it and the degree of water he said it was, which was @NUM1 degree. Lastly, the Welchs factory that he came across was teasing him in in the way that he couldnt have the liquids he needed and the little boy advertised on the building was drinking his refreshed Welchs juice. Not only did the cyclist get off track because the directions, the setting made his bike adventure to Yosemite even more unbearable. 3 2 3
6577 3 "The features of the setting have a large affect on the cyclist. If a cyclist would happen to be cycling in the snow, he or she could eat snow do keep from dehydration. If the cyclist in,Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit"", was cycling in winter time, he would of been so thirsty all of the time. Also if the whole ride was down hill, he would be so tired," 1 1 1
6579 3 The features of the setting that affect the cyclist are the terrain, the lack of provisions and the power of self- determination. The terrain affected the cyclist by having he/she ride through rough paths inorder to reach their destination.For example, if you walk on sharp rocks, you are based to reach some rough spots where it seems you cant walk. But that is where selfdetermination kicks in. The power to keep yourself moving even though there @MONTH1 be obstacles in your way; you know there will be a better path or a reward at the end another example of a feature is a lack of provision on your trip, when you dont have the right provision to keep you self energised you can t get over your obstacles or even push yourself to do anything.This is why the features of the setting affect the cyclist. 2 2 2
6587 3 In the story Rough Road Ahead Do Not Exceed Posted Limit by Joe Kurmaskie there were many settings that affect the cyclist. One example would be when he came up to a water pump and he tried to get water out but water didnt come out. working the handle of the rusted water pump with all my strength. A tar like substance oozed out. (Kurmaskie). Another example is when he came across rolling hills, and the scaring heat, he also came across a snake that took up most of the pavement. 1 1 1
6588 3 The feautures of the settings affect the cyclist if it is just between buildings and cars the cyclist won't be able to break free and bicycle freely. So it can affect him. 0 0 0
6600 3 In this story, the cyclist was trying to make it to Yosemite, California. In the begining, the cyclist was sure of himself he decided to ask some old men that looked like they haven't been off their porch since Carter was in office for directions. The old men ended up leading him into the middle of the desert. In the desert, the sun was beating down on him and he had a limited supply of water. There was no sign of civilization what so ever. These hot conditions made the cyclist very hot, tired, and very thirsty. But that didn't stop him, he kept going and eventually he came apon a little town where he could drink cool water and take a well needed rest. 2 3 3
6603 3 The setting affected the cyclist in many ways, for example, the heat was unberable beating down on him during this long ride. The fact that he had no where around him to fill up his water bottle. So he was deing of thirst and he didnt know where he was going or how far he had to go. The setting was crushal in this story. 1 1 1
6609 3 Blazing tempitures, lack of water, dwinding hope-all are the parts of the setting that affect the cyclist. Blazing tempitures, because the hotter the water was the more perspiration and lack of hydration was appointment you cant put anything back in your skin and your body cant function without water finally dwinding . Hope, the cyclist didnt think he was going to live through this. He tried hard and pushed himself and success was made. He lived. 2 2 2
6611 3 The features of the cyclist is rough because of the hills, snakes, heat, amount of water. The hills give you a breeze going down but going up give you a hard time. The snakes can hurt you by bitting. The heat could make you sick. The amount of water can really hurt you by being dehydrated. 1 1 1
6615 3 The cyclist and his journey in Rough Road Ahead: Do Not Exceed Posted Speed limit were impacted by the setting. The deserts of California in June caused him to be weary very easily. The terrain change from the flat road to hills made him feel less confident because he felt the road sign was taunting him by saying DO NOT Exceed 55 mph. He could only go @NUM1. Finally, the large snake created an obstacle for him by blocking the majority of pavement in front of the cyclist. All of these features affected the cyclist in some way. 3 2 3
6618 3 There are many setting that affect the cyclist. One feature would be the terrain around him. Also, the obstacles faced by the cyclist. Another feature would be the types of wild animals & scarceness of water around . Also, the old man who gave him unimportant & non-updated information. All of these would affect the cyclist because it would wear & fear on his physical & mental strengths. 2 1 2
6634 3 Well the features of the setting affects the cyclist is a lot of ways. Well when his water was is hot to drink He got some pebbles and stuck them, in his mouth. He had heard somewhere that if you do that it will dilute your spit. The terrain of the story was very rocky and hilly. Those are the features of the terrain. 1 1 1
6639 3 The features of the setting that affect cyclist depends where they are located. In this story the feeling on nothing and the desert around him and the heat gave him no hope. It all depends on where you are cycling. It didnt really matter I was going to die. This quote states his feelings on what was going on through his head while he was dieing of thirst. He felt nothing he was sure he was going to die until he found a sign of civilization that was near and he became better and his hope was raised. 2 2 2
6640 3 I think the features of the setting affect the cyclist in many ways. It being a long, hot, lonely ride there, had an effect on him. It scared him which made him go longer. He had nothing to drink and thought he was going to die it made him weak. The snake in the way caused him longer and every stop that had once there effected him to. 1 1 1
6641 3 I would think even riding a bike for so long can be bad for the behind. But also good exercising especially for the legs all the strength you get from the muscle. To know where you going could take forever. But I do know what they would have to face all types of weather, but as long as you have gear on no harm could come to you. 1 1 1
6649 3 Lots of features in the setting play an affect on cyclist. Some that @MONTH1 play an affect are the heat, flat road thats had to ride on, or how there 1 1 1
6651 3 The features of the setting greatly affect the cyclist. First of all he is travelling through a desert in California in June so the weather is extremely hot and the cyclist needs water, however as he is running out of the water he brought along with himself, he cannot find any other water himself so he is thirsty and almost dehydrated. Also, if frustrates him that when he finds water, not only is it hot it tastes like battery acid @CAPS1, when the cyclist decides to conserve some of his water and go to the next town to get more water, but there is another setback. The condition of the road is so poor, that the cyclist cannot go more that 12 mph. Thus, if he ever reaches the next town. he still will have to wait longer for the much needed water, travelling at 12 mph. The snake is also another setback that the cyclist was fortunately able to escape. Thus his major concern is the lack of water. 3 3 3
6654 3 In the essay Rough road ahead do not exceed posted speed limit, the cyclist is affect both positivly and negativly by the setting. Setting is the sounding in which the story tacks place. In the story a cyclist loses his way and band is put in to dangous because of it. The setting of the story can be dicrided as mountainous with many rolling hills. The author discride the setting by say @CAPS1 two miles in to the next section of the ride, I noticed the terrain changing. The change in terrain made it more difical for the cyclist. However he also used the land to give him hope that he was almost their. He told him self that hed make it if he make it over the next hill. The setting of the story gave the cyclist hope and problems in his journy to sarive. 1 1 1
6655 3 The cyclist was affected by the fact that he took advice from some old men whos information was not accurate. Then he cycled along the desert which was very hot. He had a limited supply of water and that also affected him in a very bad way. He almost had a heat stroke a few times. He was probably angry that he took these mens advice and got himself into this. Then when he found the fish camp, he was overjoyed with relief. But at the same time, if he had asked someone else for directions, he would not have been in this situation in the first place. So its really confusing because he probably felt relived and mad at the same time. And then the other old man asked him did he know the best way there. He was right to say yes because if he didnt, the old man would have gave him some more messed up direction and he would have been out there again, about to have another heat stroke. 3 2 3
6665 3 In the story Rough Road Ahead: Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit, the cyclist is affected by the setting in many different ways. He was biking in the middle of the summer in a very hot state of California. This affects him because he is sweating and he is running out of water and he could possibly become dehydrated. The roads are very hilly so, he has to use alot more energy to get up the hills. Thats why I think the cyclist is extremely affected by the setting in the story Rough Road Ahead: Do Not Exceed Posted Speed. 2 1 2
6668 3 The cyclist had alot of problems with his setting. It was very hot and he started getting low on water. This caused him to become dehydrated. There was hardly any civilization so no one could come to his aid. Also, the path he decided to take was long and vigorous. 1 1 1
6677 3 In the essay, Rough Road Ahead: Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit, the setting had a major impact on the character. The cyclist was trying to get to Yosemite National Park, but on the way, he had some troubles, the fact that there was not much civilization affected the cyclist because he was not able to refill his water bottles, so he grew very thirsty. Also, the many hills and the fact that it is summer impacted him greatly because he became tired out more easily and could not pedal as fast. When it says, A tar like substance oozed out Wouldnt cool down, it showed how he wasnt able to drink. Also, when he passed the grape juice factory, it must have been torture to him since he was so thirsty. If he hadnt taken the advice of the men in the first place he would have had a much shorter ride and would not have been so exhausted. The setting affected the cyclist a lot in this essay. 3 3 3
6683 3 Dry, thirsty, tedious-all are features of setting that affect the cyclist. First, everything is dry. The cyclist isnt any where near a town that could help him. He has been pedaling in the heat, outside for a long time. Secondly, He is very thirsty. The way he is travelling is a good sign he is in need of water. He went fourty miles before he reached the first town to stop at. He also is on a bike, So that doesnt leave him much room to carry water along. Lastly, the trip is tedious. He has been going for forty miles, and the speed limit is 55. He hasnt acceded 12 mph. All to gether, the cyclists trip seems to be adventure that takes a lot of heart. 1 1 1
6685 3 The setting affected the cyclist because it was very hot and he didnt have any more water also, there arent any towns that had good water in them, until he eventually arrived at this fishing comp. Due to his lack of water, he became dehydrated and really weak. With what I believed was my last burst of energy, I maneuvered down the hill, this quote shows that he was beginning to become dehydrated and losing his energy. 1 2 2
6687 3 The setting from the story left the cyclist in a mental way because most of the time the sun was on his mind due to the fact that he was pedaling hard in a hot summer day in June. The cyclist had very little water and with him biking under a beating sun wasnt exactly helping him. He had to like disasterous events like, peddling slopes than the normal speed, a snake blocking the path, old men telling to take a different route then be infected, and the fact that his water supply was low made him think he was going to pass out under the burning sun. However his determination was strong as he continued on pedaling through and he eventually found himself in another town but this time with people, fish and water. 2 2 2
6691 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist because if its raining or snowing it affects the cyclist because pavement can be wet and icy. Which causes the cyclist to slip and @DATE1 and the cyclist can really get injured. Also the cyclist has to wear a helmet if its very hot outside you wouldnt see the cyclist in winter clothes. This would make the cyclist unfocus and the cyclist wouldnt be able to finish any race. 1 1 1
6699 3 "The setting affect is used to a great extent in the short story Do Not @CAPS1 Posted Speed Limit The cycleist had beed going for a very long time when he came to the first town and there was no water At this point you can tell that he has lost confidence the old timers"" directions. From this quote; a ton-like substance oozed out. This quote shows how after @NUM1 miles of pedaling when he was supposed to have come to two towns by that point his one chance of water had been depleated. The next time the setting affect is used is when he comes for a building that was rusted out. He said, I hung my head this shows how he almost completely lost all hope and that he was sure that he is going to die." 3 3 3
6703 3 The features of the setting affected the cyclist by making the journey more dangerous and difficult. For example, in the reading it states that rediculously large, poisonous diamond back snakes. Blocked majority of the pavement. So, the cyclist had to keep his/her balance to ease past them. The terrian also changed into short, rolling hills, making it even more difficult. 1 1 1
6705 3 The features of the setting in Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit affect the cyclist. For example, the tough terrain made it very difficult for the cyclist to reach his destination, Yosemite. He was already very fatigued but had to overcome hills. In the essay, he states, I noticed the terrain changing. Flat road was replaced by short, rolling hills. The setting features also affected the cyclist when he encountered the snake. He was dehydrated and could barely navigate around the dangerous snake. The cyclist explains, At some point, tumbleweeds crossed my path and a riduculously large snake, it really did look like a diamondback-blocked the majority of the pavement in front of me. I eased fast, trying to keep my balance in my dehydrated state. The setting also affected the cyclist because there was no one around him to help. The cyclist describes, There was no one in sight, not a building, car, or structure of any kind. The cyclist was all alone and had to rely on himself to make it to Yosemite. In conclusion, the features of the setting in Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit affect the cyclist. He had to overcome ruggid terrain without energy, avoid a diamondback snake, and make it all the way to Yosemite because there was no one around. As you can see, the features of the setting affect the cyclist. 3 3 3
6706 3 The features of the land around the cyclist caused him to confront nature. when he began his trip with advice from old coggers he rode out with strong legs and a smile. As he came to the first town, he describes it as a ghost town having no water and no human contact for some time. This should have been his cue to stop and turn around in hopes of another route to Yosemite. But with strong determination, he rods on. Through the miles he incountered a ramshackie shed, rusty pumps, snakes,and the wicked terrain. The short rolling hills tested his inner spirit and caused his dehydration to further. The land around the cyclist not only victimized his heath but also caused a poor way to spend a vacation. 2 2 2
6713 3 In this pasage the cyclist was affected by the setting because if it had been any were else he would not have suffered or learned at all. Because the seting had botha lack of civillesation and water that he needed that caused him to almost faint of thirst. This is an example of the setting affecting the cyclist, With what I believed was my last burst of energy, I maneuvered down the hill. This showes that had all the setting been paridice he would never learned anything. 2 1 2
6717 3 "The features of the setting affect the cyclist because it gives him the feeling of hopelessness. When the cyclist got directions to Yosemite from these two ??? old people, he thought he was getting a good shortcut. In reality, he was just led on a road that seemed to head nowhere where he saw many things that added to his feeling of hopelessness, for example, the author writes, I toiled on. At some points, tumbleweeds crossed my path and an adversely large snake. It really did move like a diamondback blocked the majority of the pavement in front of me."" This shows that the cyclist is getting tired and seeing tumbleweeds, which usually represents a phase being completely deserted and deadly snakes that get in his way. This answers the question because it shows how the setting leads to his feeling of hopelessness." 2 2 2
6722 3 In the story Rough Road Ahead: Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit The man was riding a bike through rough lands. His adventure wouldnt of been an adventure if he was just riding his bike an flat smooth element. The fact that the hills were steep, rocky and many hills is what made his bike ride what it was. 1 1 1
6726 3 The cyclist depicted in the essay is greatly effected by his surroundings. First, he described a beating sun and pines and rushing rivers. All these items are very animated things. The river is even described as rushing instead of, maybe violent. The setting is active just like the cyclist. Next, a ramshackle shed is acknowledged, as well as rusty pumps and a bad souding corral. When these old, forsaken things one mentioned, it can be noticed that the cyclist starts being a little in despair. And to tap that off, he drinks water that tastes like battery acid. Battery eats at skin just like the setting is eating at the cyclist. 3 2 3
6739 3 "The setting will either effect the cyclist in a good way or a bad way. In the story Rough Road Ahead by Joe Kurmaskie it affects the cyclist in a bad way and a good way. In the story, it continues to talk about lack of water. When I tried a drop or two it had the flavor of battery @NUM1). This shows that the heat made the water warm, so it did not cool him down. But a good way it affect them is pebbles. ""I read once that sucking on stones helps take your mind off thirst by allowing what spit you have left to @NUM2). This shows that even though he has no water the pebbles can make him less thirsty. This is how the setting affects the cyclist. In good way and a bad way." 1 1 1
6741 3 Early in the morning, the cyclist is eager and ready to face the adventurous path that had been mapped out by the older travelers. He hardly noticed the sun was beginning to beat down. He was calm and was looking forward to the cool pines and rushing rivers of Yosemite. Never once did he imagine what he had gotten himself into. As he began to approach the desert, he noticed he was running low on water. The strenuous activity of biking combine d with the scorching heat of the desert began to take effect. The cyclist was so desperate for water that he had to put pebbles into his mouth. He had once read, that sucking on stones helps take your mind off thirst by allowing what spit you have left to circulate. The cyclist was hoping for a way out of the misery he had come across. Dehydration took its toll, and he felt hallucinations. He was beginning to lose hope. The heat and the hills and the lack of water had the greatest affect on the cyclist. Had he not been riding through a hilly desert one afternoon in June, he would have been fine. 3 2 3
6743 3 The setting affects the cyclist in alot of ways. The first way is that he was riding in the middle of a desert in June. If he was riding in @LOCATION1, it woudn't be painfully hot. Also, the rolling hills probablly didnt help If it was mostly down hill, he would have been fine. Riding a bike up a hill when your tired is near impossible. 1 1 1
6744 3 In the story Do not exceed posted speed limit by Joe Kurmaskie the features of the path to @ORGANIZATION2 greatlly affected the cyclist. One the way to the park the cyclist came across a big snake that covered the road which greatly frightened the biker. Also the roads were long and very bumpy and windy. The road werent the most comfortable to be riding on. In the story Do not exceed posted speed limit by Joe Kurmaskie the features of the path to Yosemite National Park greatlly affected the cyclist. One the way to the park the cyclist came across a big snake that covered the road which greatly frightened the biker. Also the roads were long and very bumpy and windy. The road werent the most comfortable to be riding on. There was nothing insight for the cyclist to see. The cyclist did not have much energy because he had no hope for him. The author states, gaining elevation while loosing hope. Last the weather was hot and dry which tired the cyclist out. He had no water with him and with the weather he had no energy or hope to help him through the journey to Yosemite National Park. 2 2 2
6747 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist because the features are what cause the climax of the story. An example of this would be the line, I had been hitting my water bottles pretty regularly, and I was traveling through the high deserts of California. This line shows that the author was in a very hot place, being in a desert, but also that he has a low water supply. These two conditions are what cause the climax, which is the possibility that he could collapse at minute from heat exaustion. This is why the features of the setting affect the cyclist. 2 2 2
6751 3 The features of the setting in Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit by Joe Kurmaskie affects the cyclist in many ways. For example it states This place might have been a thriving little spot before the last world war it fit the tradition definition of a ghost town. This statement is talking about town he arrived at when he was trying to get to Yosemite. This would affect the cyclist because he was riding in confidence in the beginning but then the first town he arrives in looks like a ghost town, which would bring his confidence a little bit lower than before. Just like when people travel when they know where they are going they feel good, but once they come to a place they know then they wont feel so confident. Another example is when he has to ride on rolling hills, and then comes across a Rough Road Ahead: Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit sign. This would affect the cyclist because then he would be frustrated and stressed out because he rode all that way and not he cant go any further, and that is not the place he wanted to be at. Therefore the features of the setting in Do not Exceed Posted Speed Limit by Joe Kurmaskie affects the cyclist. 2 3 3
6758 3 "In Rough Road Ahead: Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit, the features of he setting affect how the author feels. In the beginning of the essay, the author is confident and happy, and the setting is, a reservoir camp ground outside at Lodi, California (Kurmaskie @NUM1). This sounds like a good place to be refreshed and to feel confident. Later into the bike ride, the author is affected negatively by the barren area he comes to when he says, This sight was troubling"" (Kurmaskie @NUM1). Finally when he reaches a modern store, he is relieved due to the modern facility when he states, Then, as easily as rounding a bend, my troubles, thirst, and fear were all behind me (Kurmaskie @NUM3). The area the author goes through has an effect" 2 3 3
6759 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist because they dont ride as much anymore and dont know the best routes to take. So they just take their old routes, thinking they are still the better way, but when they use them they realize how tiring and bad they are. 1 1 1
6769 3 In the essay Rough Road Ahead: Do not Exceed Posted Speed Limit by Joe Kurmaskie, the features of the setting affect the cyclist. At first the cyclist thought that the journey he was about to go on was going to be a good one, but that soon changes. For example, Never accept travel advice from a collection of old-timers who havent left the confines of their porched since Carter was in office. This quote tells how at first the cyclist thought his journey was going to be a good one, but getting information from two old men soon changed that. The features of the setting affect the cyclist in the essay Rough Road ahead: Do not Exceed Posted Speed Limit. 1 1 1
6770 3 The features of setting affect the cyclist in that a desert-like temperature and the terrain on which he must bike make him more prone to thirst and exhausting. The heat @MONTH1 cause the cyclist to dehydrate faster than normal. This is especially true in this case because of his lack of water. The cyclist might pass out or suffer a heat stroke. The terrain of rolling hills will tire out the cyclist quicker than if he were still on the flat road. His muscle will start to ocha and his body will need water and rest. The story would totaly change if the setting were different. If the cyclist were biking in the @DATE1 on a cold day in the mid @NUM1 he would not have a chance of suffering a heatstroke. There would be a significantly less chance of him becoming dehydrated. The setting is very important in every story and can change everything. 2 2 2
6779 3 The setting in Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit adds drama into the story by how it affects the cyclist. He was tacking through the high desert of California in June. June is a hot part of the year and since he was in the hottest desert part the hot was multiplied. The terrain changing into short rolling hills didnt help the cyclist. The hills would make any riding more difficult. Anyone who ride a bicycle knows it takes more effort to go up a hill than on a flat pavement. With the person lack of water anyone would be struggling to keep riding on. Most people didnt have that hints to keep moving. He didnt set a very goal he just went to the next Horizon. Shouldnt he just wanted to keep going. Another problem with the physical environment was the road conditions. When the Rough Road Affect sign appeared the travel then become more difficult. A bike tire take more effort to go over uneven pavement is why the cyclist had so much trouble. 3 3 3
6784 3 The cyclist choose the worst time to ride his it was an early summer evening in California. At this time the sun is hot and with little water and also lost, it was hot the best choice that he made. A cyclist before do a trip he or she should be prepared for whether conditions and also check a map of the place before going anywhere. 1 1 1
6788 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist because he first didnt know where he was going and took directions from people that he wasnt really sure about. It was hot he was running out of water he had no idea where he was there were snakes. His water was running out. there were no sings he kept thinking that he would never take directions from an old guys and that he would stick to the future. 1 1 1
6790 3 In the story Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit, the setting seemed to affect the main character (the cyclist) very much during his pedal, for example, whole the dry desert setting made him think that he could survive with out water, he became dehydrated. The first town, with @NUM1 degree watter could not satisfy his standards. The old velches June factory, was all run down, and is no longer in business, much like the desert, just old barren unuseland. While yes the cycalist survived the pedal, the desert setting opposed a great challenge for him. 2 2 2
6792 3 The setting affect the cyclist because it creates that deserted atmosphere and helps set the mood of the essay. The mood of the essay I think is a sort of dry summer day, the sort of oh my gosh, its really hot, type thing. The setting is a dry summer day in June, with a deserted town, tumble weeds and more to contribut to the hopeless feeling. Although he was secured, and didnt die, it seemed like he would surely not make it judging by the lack of water, scorching hot sun, and distance, with enduring these conditions. So the setting affects the cyclist in a way that could have killed him. 2 2 2
6799 3 Snake, heat, hills-all are what the biker had to deal with because of certain settings. He had to deal with a diamond back. He was going through the desert so it was like @NUM1 degrees. While he was biking he had to go up crippling hills. He had a redicuiou 3 2 3
6803 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist by making it more difficult to ride. Flat road was replaced by short, rolling hills. I could drop from heatstroke on a gorgeous day in June. a large highway sign jumped out atm. Rough Road Ahead: Do Not Exceed Posted Speed limit. sometimes life can feel so cruel. The fact the it was such a hot day made the ride seem longer. When out of water you feel exostied. You will do just about anything to try to with stand the heat. 2 1 2
6805 3 The features of a setting could be a number of different things. It could be snowing and cold, raining and of course wet, hot and dry, breezy and humid. The features could be a busy tough or a solitere country road, there could be rough terrain or straight aways. The setting of a place puts pressure of the reality of what will happen on a cyclist. In the essay a young cyclist takes advice from some elderly man and ends up riding through hot sun and ghost towns not knowing if he would survive. The heat had him feeling as though death were coming on him and the thirst had him becoming more determined to get to the next town so he could survive. If the features of the setting had been different, say he was riding on a flat road in a busy town with a breeze and places to stop for water everywhere he would not have feared for his life. The features of the setting affect how the cyclist feels and thinks. He can feel angry, happy, sad or scared and he can start to think about his own death. These have been what I believe some of the effects settings have on cyclist. 2 3 3
6806 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist in many ways. For example when the author says flat roads were replace by short rolling hills, that made the author have to ride safer. Also, when he says, the ridiculously large snake blocked the majority of the pavement. The author had to slow down on his bike and find a safe way around it so he could get past. Finally when the author says no one in sight, no building, car, or structure, he is affected because he cant ask questions since hes lost and hes thirsty. The setting makes it hard for the author to maneuver and get to where he wants to go. 1 2 2
6807 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist because the person who rode the bike was very tired his legs and body needed a rest after riding on his bike for @NUM1 miles into the pedal. Also it effected the cyclist because of all the riding he had to do struggleing to get where he was trying to get but he was a strong man and he was willing to finish his forty miles of pedaling. He was also restless but he did it. 1 1 1
6813 3 The feature of the setting affect the biker a lot because the rough terrain is described which implies that the biker probably had a hard time half way through the story he said, Flat road was replaced by shor, rolling hills. He said this to describe the difficulty in this race. It also makes it seem exciting because it changes things around. It wouldnt be exciting if they said that flat roads turned into even flatter roads, or if they didnt show the terrain change at all. 1 1 1
6814 3 Rough Road Ahead: Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit. an essay written by Joe Kurmaskie, is about a solo cyclist going on a journey to Yosemite National Park. So he listens to a group of old guys and ends up lost on rough road with no water, or relylittic supply of flat road was replaced by short rolling hills large highways lon jumped out at me. It read: ROUGH ROAD AHEAD: DO NOT EXCEED POSTED SPEED LIMIT. The rough road made have to work harder want more water and just made things tougher more than what they already were. 2 2 2
6825 3 Joe Kurmaskies Rough Road ahead: Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit tells how a cyclist takes directions from older men who dont tell him correctly the way to get to Yosemite, so the cyclist ends up lost with hardly any water. Features of the setting such as the terrain and the sun affect the cyclist in the story. The sun was very hot on a summers day and without water makes it even difficult to keep moving because he was so hot and thirsty. @PERSON2, The sun was beginning to beat down I was traveling through the high deserts of California in June (Kurmaskie @NUM1). The terrain was also bumpy and rough to travel on. The sun and the terrain can affect the cyclist very much when out on a hot day in the summer. 3 1 3
6826 3 The features of the setting taunt the cyclist with cruel irony. As the cyclist continues down his path he pasts through a ghost town, then twenty mile up the road he sees a ramshackle shed & some rusty water pumps. He attempts to get water out because he was runing out but all he could get was muck, then what he described as water feeling two-hundred degrees, it had the flavor of battery acid. Further down the road was a sign that said rough road ahead, adhere to the posted speed limit of 55, he was going 12 mph. Even worse he found an abandoned juice factory on the way, at that point he was out of water. 2 2 2
6832 3 In the short story, Do Not exceed Posted Speed Limit the setting effects the cyclist in the story. For example, the dry hot air begins to slowly dehidrate him, causing the cyclist to lose all sense of reason, the heat also played tricks on his mind. Also, the rolling hills exhausted him from working to cycle up them. This, also with the heat factor, caused him to use up his much needed water supply. The setting in this story deeply effects the cyclist. 2 2 2
6838 3 There are many ways that the features of the setting affect the cyclist. For example the cyclist was in a very hot and dry place. Meaning there was no water any where to be seen in miles. Also towns were nowhere to be seen for it would be hard to substain life out there. This quote supports there werent many towns, ''About forty miles into the pedal I arrived at the first town.''This shows there aren't many towns in these parts, @CAPS1 so hot and thirsty as the text claims, ''I read once that sucking on stones helps take your mind off thirst ''this clearly shows the man wa very thirsty. Also shows the man was very thirsty. Also @CAPS1 so hot out there the man could see visions as the text states, ''As the looks ofter had been a grape juice factory and bottling plant.'' why would there be a grape juice factory in the middle of no where. Therefore these statements above show how settings can affect ones mind and physical conditions to the cyclist. 2 2 2
6839 3 The setting that affect the cyclist is the condition of the road because the road turns all different ways and the road goes up hill so it makes it harder to go up the road the cyclist has @NUM1 miles befor he gets to a town he could run out of water. If he run out of water befor he gets there, he might have to make stops so he doesnt make hisself sick. When he gets to the town he can get more water. 1 1 1
6841 3 The features of the setting include There are no one in sights, not a building, car, or structure of any kind which describes the trail the cyclist was taking. These features of the setting describe how the cyclist is affected because it elaborates on his doubting whetther he will survive or not. 1 1 1
6843 3 The many features of the setting greatly affect the cyclist & his performance. For example, the cyclist is riding through a very hot area of California. This is said at the end of paragraph @NUM1: ,and I was traveling through the high deserts of California in June. The high deserts of California are windy, sandy, dry, and hot. Not something that someone should be cycling on, had the setting, told of the mountianous regions of California, the wither would hot be hot, or tired because the mountians are a cool, although dry place. Had I had been cycling, I would rather have cycled in a different setting, such as mountians, than an arid desert. that way I would not have to endure the discomfort a cyclist expearenced. 1 1 1
6850 3 Hot, terrain, middle of nowhere- all are features of the setting that affected the cyclist. First, the hot weather in California made the cyclist thirsty and almost dehydrated. There was no place to stop for water and if there was, the water was bad and warm. Second, the different types of terrain made the cyclist really thirsty also and tired. Lastly, the cyclist was in the middle of nowhere. He couldnt get water to hydrate himself or to sit down and rest. 2 1 2
6852 3 The cyclist in Do Not Exceed Posted Speed @CAPS1 was riding through the California dessert in June. This dry, bare setting made it impossible to find any source of water. The only time that this cyclist found water was when it @NUM1 and tasting of battery acid. There was nowhere for him to find water for miles. This lack of water and scorching heat made him travel slow and wearily. He even says that he could only go 12 mph in a 55 mph zone. By taking the advise of the old men and taking a short cut, the cyclist past through ghost towns with no water. This short cut prolonged his trip, most likely by hours If he had gone through populated area despite the fact that it is a longer path, there would have been more water to drink, which would allow him to go faster. The dry, hot setting of the old mens short cut made this cyclists trip last much longer than nessiarry. 3 2 3
6861 3 In the story it explained the beauty of the night, also about the outdoors and how it is effecting his trip. The features of the setting effects the cyclist, because the setting was mild, sounded warm and calm. Also it showed how it contains to us. The setting was similar to the cyclist. Thats how the features of the setting effects the cyclist. 1 1 1
6867 3 The setting affects the cyclists because he can not take the heat. His water supply is running how and he is dehydrated. It says this when the characters says. The water bottles contained only a few tantalizing sips. Wide wings of sweat circled my shirt and the growing realization that I could drop from head strok This is saying he is afraid he might pass out and die before he finds more water. 2 1 2
6868 3 The setting affected the cyclist in several ways. The first place he arrived at was a ghost town Then he reach a water pump about twenty miles up the road. The water was very hot and tasted very nasty. The text states, water feeting somewhere in the neighborhood of two hundred degreeswhen I tried a drop or two, it had the flavor of battery acid. Then he had to travel without water and became dehydrated. Travelling up and down hills he thought he began to imaginate a building that could possibly provide he with water. The building was there but it was abandoned. He decide he was going to such on a couple of pebbles. The text says, Id read once that sucking on stones helps take your mind off thrist 2 2 2
6870 3 Hot, alone, no water all are reasons why the features of the setting affect the cyclist. It is very hot as the cyclist is riding. This makes the cyclist feel worried about getting dehydrated. The cyclist is alone and there is nothing in sight. If anything happened to him there is no one to help. The cyclist had very little water and had to conserve it in order too stay active and have energy. With very little water it is hard to stay hydrated. Hot, alone, no water- all are reasons why the features of the setting affect the cyclist. 2 2 2
6871 3 The terrain that a cyclist is riding on has a big affect on them. The first example of this is in they are riding on hills, it makes it much harder for them. For example when the rider in the story saw that he was going to have to ride on hills he was, olcasly disappointed. Another thing that affects cyclist is the smothness of the road they are riding on. In the story Rough Road Ahead: Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit the main character came to rough spot in the road and was disappointed and didnt want to ride it. Another aspect that can affect cyclists is the heat. Several times in the story, the cyclists says that he is tired and dehydrated, at one point he thinks he is going to die of heatstroke. Those are the effects of the riders setting have on him/her. 2 2 2
6878 3 In the story Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit by Joe Kurmaskie the setting affected the cyclist. It was a hot June day and the water supplies he had was running out. He got the wrong directions homThese old men so he would had to ride his bike longer than he had to and he would need water from pedaling all that way for nothing. Since he was going in the wrong direction there were no buildings for him to get water, there were no people so he couldnt communicate and there would be no one to call for help incase he was over heated from the heat. 2 2 2
6882 3 The @CAPS1 is affected in many ways. The major thing that effects him is the lack of water. Throughout the story he mentions the lack of water. He also continues to say to himself he should not have took that route. For example, I could drop from a heatstroke on a gorgeous day in june because I listened to some gentlemen who hadnt been off thire porch in decades, caused me to laugh. The @CAPS1 says things about the older gentle man throughout the story. 2 2 2
6884 3 The features in the setting of the essay affected the author greatly. The Hills, on a hot day, with no water, or nearby town is really rough, expecially if youve been riding for more than @NUM1 miles. The environment of the hot June weather near a dessert area can cause serious problems, for example heat stroke and since he had no water to drink dehydration caused a lot of fear in the author. The setting of the essay and the conditions the author were under were extreamly dangerous and hes lucky he made it out alive. 2 2 2
6899 3 The features of the setting affected the cyclist in a larger way, almost resulting in a very sevior situation. The cyclist was in a desert. Like terria, which was not dinsely populated on his trail, there was a lack of fresh water supplys, and the tempatures is more extreme. The cyclist could easily have faintid from heatstroke, due to the lack of water and excessive heat and work that his was doing peatling. Had the area been more populated, he would have had more chances to stock up on water greatly indecriasing his risk of heat stroke. There was also the snakes which presentid danger for him, has he been bitting then he would be at least @NUM1 miles from the closet help which could proven fetal. Had the setting been, say a city park, on a populated country side, them thi setting would had provided exponeutaly loss prodioms and dangers for the cyclist. 3 2 3
6902 3 In the essay the setting had every thing to do with the cyclist cause he is ridding through the desert with batey tay water. He is pedaling through the dry heat thats tough even you had water pluse there were hills deadly snakes.Its dangerous enough with out that stuff being there. So I would listen to the cyclist & never ever listen to old men. 1 1 1
6905 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist a lot. It does because the road is not in good condition and he has to travel a long distance with the bad weather. This affects him because he might get dehydrated. In conclusion there are many things in the setting that affected the cyclist. 1 1 1
6907 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist because if they werent hills and rough roads, he would of been able to get to yosemite park faster and he wouldnt of ran out of water. 1 1 1
6908 3 The setting was the main affect on the cyclist. He said it was hot and that he was lost. The cyclist had no clue were he was going and it was hot out side. He seemed very strest and that only made it worse for him. He was thirsty from all riding and the heat so he trys to get water from a water pump. The water that was in it was horable. He called it a substance it had a flavor of battery acid. If he were not lost and if it were cool outside he would have water and he would not be so upset. The setting of a hot and lost place had a huge impact on the cyclist. 2 2 2
6916 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist in that it made him use up his water supply and tested his determination. Sometimes life can be so cruel implies that he was having a horrible time coping with the setting he was in. To himself he thought be was gonna die at any moment. 1 1 1
6917 3 In the essay Rough road ahead: do not exeed posted speed limit, the author is continually depressed, by the features of the landscape he passes. At first he passes a ghost town, but because he has enough water, this sight doesnt bothe him. But the next thing he sees is a rundown old shed and a rusted water pump, and this troubles him because he is running out of water. Then he sees a huge snake which does not help his mood, because the snake is blocking his path then he passes an abandoned Welchs Grape Juice factory and despairs that he will never find water. The setting its features serve to dissappoint depress the cyclist in his quest to find water. 3 2 3
6922 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist. I say this because the setting is in the hot deserts of @LOCATION1. The cyclist is sweaty and tired and has almost no water left. This lack of water makes the cyclist desperate for food and water. The setting has a lot to do with how the cyclist reacts to what happens. 1 1 1
6923 3 The features of the setting affected the cyclist in many ways. First, because there was no one in sight he couldnt ask for any help or direction. Also, because of all the road conditions it was hard to ride a bike through all the rocky roads and he was very tired and dehydrated so that didnt help him it just tired him more. Another reason is because of the poisonous snakes if he disturbed them they could harm him. Also, if he would had fallen off his bike a snake could have biten him and then he wouldnt be able to make it anywhere because of the bite. Those are the features of the setting that affected the cyclist. 3 3 3
6924 3 "The features of the setting in the story affect the cyclist both physically and mentally. It affects him physically because of the rolling hills he has to trudge over and the lack of water he has. The rolling hills make him tired and weak along with the rough terrain. The lack of water doesnt help any when hes thirsty because of the hills. The features affect him mentally because the farther he goes the more dalerious he gets. Each more mile he keeps telling himself, if I can just get there Ill be fine. He also blames himself for listening to the old men. And with this also came doubt. He was doubting that he could make it alive. In the story it says, it didnt really matter: I was going to die and the birds would pick me clean"". mentally he couldnt make it." 2 2 2
6940 3 The features of the setting in Rough Road:Do Not Exceed the Posted Speed Limitby Joe kurmaskie affects the cyclist in a very negative way.It begins slowly with the ghost town.The narrorator chuckled, checked my water supply and moved on, he wasnt especially worried,but the fact he checked his water suggests that hell need to ration it for a while.The decline continues when he reaches the fock and the ramshackle shed.@CAPS1 the description of the place shows you he did not like it,and he confirms that with the words,this sight was troubling.He wouldnt be replenishing his water here.Any more of this hed be dead,either from dehydration or from pessimism.Eventually he reached the road sign which declared that going over 55 mph was a bad idea.This is ironics,he only going 12 mph to put it in his own words,sometimes life can be so cruel.He quite obviously hates the setting,and its all the fault of the setting. 3 2 3
6942 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist in many ways. For one, his body heat raised a good bit. They dont come out and say it, but they do say, The sun was beginning to beat down. We all know that it your out side when its hot, you get hot too. It also probably added to his dehydryeon. As a long distance running, I know what the sun will do to you during a hot day. That is how the setting affect the cyclist. 1 2 2
6951 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist because It give it more life. More meaning and make I fun to read. 0 0 0
6953 3 The setting in the story Rough Road Ahead Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit really goes against the cycilist and his journey. This is because in the places he goes there is no water and if there is it is really hot or bad water. For example, on page @NUM1 it says, a tarlike substance oozed out, but the water wouldnt cool down, This explains how bad the water was when the cycilist was there. 1 1 1
6960 3 I think that the features of the setting affect the cyclist greatly. First, I think the weather conditions affect him. I think this because in the passage it says, I could drop from heatstroke. Meaning, its really hot! Also, l think the fact that he has no water left is affecting him because it says in the passage, l eased past, trying to keep my balance in my dehydrated state. This has a big affect on him, because hes very thirsty. Also, l think the fact that there is nothing around him is affecting him. I think this because in the passage it says there were no cars. I think all these things affect him. 2 2 2
6964 3 The features and the setting affect the cyclist a lot. One reason was that he was in the desert. Like in the quote through high deserts of California. This means that it was hot and he could pass out from a heat stroke. Then he couldnt even get any water. Like on the quote of the rusted water pump. it was describing how old it was then the cyclist got some out but it tasted like old battery acid. Therefore the features and setting afected The cyclist. 2 1 2
6965 3 The features of the setting intensely effect the cyclist over period of time. Destined to reach yosemite national park from Lodi, California, a determined cyclist rode strongly through the gentle evening strongly. When the setting changed, so did the effect it had on the cyclist. When the man reached the first town, which was deserted, energy began depleting because the sun began to come into the picture. next, he came to a shed desperate for water only to find rusty pumps with tainted, unsafe water. When the flat terrain turned to rolling hills, the man was entirely exhausted. With what I believed to be my last burst of enery, I manevuered down the hill. That quote directly describes what the man was feeling and how the hills effected him. When the man stumbled across a fish camp with water, he became reloaded and replerilshed with confidence he had before when he rode into the morning with strong legs and a smile 3 2 3
6975 3 "The way the features of the setting affect the cyclist is by either making the ride easy for him or tough for him. In the essay it said ""No Town"" but without a town theres no water and water @MONTH1 lead to dehydration. It also says something about flat roads turning into ""short, rolling hills."" This means that the way he had to go was tough and making it hard for the cyclist to stay focused. Those are some examples of the setting affecting the cyclist. " 2 2 2
6990 3 The setting of the story has a huge affect because it was such a empty terran that made him rely on only himself because of the lack of others to help. For example, if he was riding through a city for hours he could stop and take a break in a store or get water from about any where. But being in the desert it really tested his inner strenght to go on and get to safty. 1 1 1
6992 3 In Joe Kurmaskies, Rough Road Ahead Do not Exceed Posted Speed Limit there are several features that effect the cyclist. ..and I was travelling through the high deserts of California in June (Kurmaskie) Deserts in June are extremely hot and dry and caused the cylist to become dehydrated quickly. Flat road was replaced by short, rolling hills. The change from flat lands to hills made the ride more strenuous on the cyclist. These conditions directly affect the cyclist. 2 2 2
7008 3 The features of the setting affects the cyclist in many ways. The cyclist was in the middle of almost nowhere dehydrating. There were no signs for resting areas where you can find water fountans around. The cyclist put pebbles in there mouth to try forget about being thirsty. Her surroundings were bumpy so she swallowed one. She just kept going and her words were I was going to die. First the cyclist was in danger of dehydrating, and end her satisfaction. The cyclist made it alive as she saw Gary and Wilbers Fish camp. Her setting was very clear until then. The cyclist was then relieved and made it alive. 1 1 1
7009 3 Because he is dehydrated, the setting makes him worse. Hes biking, in California, in @LOCATION2. Its not and the sun is probably scorching. The heat plus all the biking hes doing, is making him even more thirsty and tired. 1 1 1
7016 3 "The setting in the story Do not exceed posted speed limit"" affects the cyclist because its a dry area in California in June. The cyclist really needs water which is the main thing affecting him besides the fact that hes lost in a ghost town. Therefore, the lack of water and misleading directions are the main features displayed." 1 1 1
7021 3 In the short story Rough road ahead .Do not exceed posted speed limit , The cyclist faced many difficulties .These difficulties were the result of the setting .The story takes place in the high deserts of California in June .Because the month June is very warm , and the climate of California is usually hot and dry ,the cyclist ran into problems .Not only did this affect the cyclist , but he travelling through the desert .The setting also included several abandoned towns along the way , which contributed to the problem .The cyclistsoon ran out of water , and discovered the towns that lay before him were unoccupied .He had no choice but to continue with his the journey . 2 3 3
7022 3 The features of the setting effect the cyclist is many different ways. One way is the hilly terrain makes him work harder and wears him out. Since the cyclist is getting worn out he needs to drink more and more water. Now that hes drinking more water his running out of it faster and wanting more and more of it. Then when he starts to use less water to conserve it until he gets to the next town he starts to become dehydrated and more tired and he starts to feel weak. Also because the terrain is hilly his legs are working harder to go up the hills and his legs become tired. It also starts to get hotter and he gets thirsty more often. That is how the setting affects the cyclist. 2 2 2
7029 3 At the beginning of the ride, the cyclist is feeling good and strong and the day as well as the journey, is just beginning. The sun begins to beat down on the cyclist but he remains upbeat, still feeling good and barely noticing the heat. When he arrives at an old rusty water pump, he feels disappointed and tastes a liquid that resembles battery acid. The terrain begins to feel like more of a hill, which makes the struggle even worse. The cyclist is drinking water more now, and is becoming tired. He comesto a rough road and says, sometimes life can feel so cruel, which lets the reader know he is feeling the negative affects of what he presumed to be a nice bike ride, a snake blocks his path and he becomes dehydrated. The cyclist feels refreshment and relief at a sign for a fish camp, and his thirst is replenished when he takes a satisfying gulp of water in the restroom. The water is a feature @NUM1 the setting that refreshes the cyclist, while the hot sun, rough terrain, and unknown area are features that make the cyclist feel lost and tired. 2 2 2
7038 3 There was no one in sight, not a building, car, or structure of any kind. This adaodoness makes it hard for the cycleist to frot hope and threes as where to get water. I could drop from a heat strote in a gorgeous day in June, hes in the desert in @LOCATION1 in June with little water around no one this make's him very desperate since hes adaodoned. 1 2 2
7040 3 The features of the setting in the essay, Rough Road Ahead: Do Not Exceed Posted speed limit affect the cyclist. As the cyclist rides to his destination, he encounters obstacles and views his surroundings. The author gives the starting setting in the second paragraph as a reservoir campground outside of lodi, California an early. Summer evening. The reader is informed that the temperatures are not in summers in California. This gives the cyclist his main conflict, the lack of water. With temperatures being high, it is easier to become quickly dehydrated. The author stated, The sun was beginning to beat down and I was traveling through the high deserts of California in June. Also, to cyclist encounters a ridiculously large snake in the middle of the rode. The reader is aware that there are many conflicts which one can encounter while cycling. There are finally many features of the setting that let the cyclist know where he currently is, and the place where he wants to be most, the cool pines and rushing rivers of Yosemite. @CAPS1 the essay, the cyclist is determined to reach Yosemite, and although he faces troubles, he doesnt give up and is relieved when he finally receives water. 3 3 3
7046 3 The features of the setting in this story gives the cyclist determination. Since the desert 1 1 1
7055 3 There are many ways that the features affect the cyclist. One is that he is already scared to go up this really big hill. Another is that he is going up this big hill its hot, there snakes, hes scared and tired. Almost all of his energy is gone. He just wants to stop he is determined to go up this hill. He also knows that it cant be that bad because he can just relax al the way back down. 1 1 1
7061 3 The features of setting affect the cyclist. The harsh turane proved a challenge when his water supply was low and all towns had been abandoned leaving him no refill. The heat was also a factor quickly creating him weary and tired. On the bike ride he had a glimmer of hope at an old water pump but quickly disappointed when the hot liquid tasted of battery acid. The setting set the conflict and helped achive the tone the author was looking for to affect the cyclist. 2 2 2
7064 3 The desert area of California was makeing him dehydrated. The trip was long but he had enough water to get him there only if he took the maps way. The old men thot havent left the confines of their porches since carter was in office told him a shortcut that he followed and ended up almost killing him due to heat stroke and dehydration. If the cyclist would have followed the map he could have stoped off at a store for more water if the setting was that bad. 1 1 1
7066 3 The features of the setting affected the cyclist because first he realized that getting advise from people that no longer drive or even leave of the porch would be unuseful. When the author say old timers who havent lest the confined of them porches since carter was in office that what he is explaining. He then say I rode into the morning with strong legs and a smile on my face he was refering back to how hes on the rode alone riding the bike and theres not a car insight any where around. The curbs of the turns where so sharp that only a bicycle could make them as safe as he did He whipped the sweat from his eyes to make sure it wasnt mirage and tried not get to excited @CAPS1 in this situation would have made many people excited about the long lonely cicle by his self. 2 2 2
7071 3 The hot wheather is dehydrating the cyclist, who cant find more water. The hills are rough terrain is draining the energy he has. The heat is so rough he has to break the road down it to polants he wants to get to. He get drained physically and emotionally. He has a hard journey. 1 1 1
7074 3 The setting where the cyclist is at is in a desert, and it can affect him because, he could get a heatstroke. The text states that he is lacking water and if you get too dehygrated it's not healthy and you die from it. However, when the wind is against his face, it can cool him down,along with the sweat. As long as he has some lijid left, it should be ohang. 1 1 1
7078 3 The setting has a great impact on the condition of the cyclist. First, it is a very hot dry in June. The cyclist is maneuvering his way through high deserts in @LOCATION1 where he comes across many hills that he must climb over and maneuver his way down. With all of these obstacles and the heat slowing him down he will need water but is already low. 1 1 1
7081 3 The feature of the setting affected the cyclist because at first he had to watch out for the snakes that usually crossed the roads, then the streets were crooked and bumpy, so the road structure throw him off a bit, and he was riding his bike in June and it was very hot, and he had lack of water so he thought he was going to have a heatstroke. These things affected how the cyclist performed on his bike. 2 1 2
7086 3 The features of the setting affected the cyclist greatly. For example when he was riding on the road he would pick a destination and ride to it. Then he would take a break. If this destination was a building he would be strong willed and determined. If it looked like their was nothing ahead but hills, he would just ride and wait to fall over dead without a care in the world. 1 1 1
7089 3 "People who travel will almost always encounter difficulties. For the main character in this story, thus a very true. His first mistake was when he took directions from the old-timers by doing that, he travelled extremely far out of his way. In the story he talked to the old men on the porch. He said, what I shouldnt have done was to let them see my map"". Another problem he faced was when he began to run out of water. This caused a problem to him because of dehydration. In the story he said, The water bottle contained any a few tantalizing sips. @CAPS1, another problem he encountered was the desert area that he was riding through. This caused problem for him because there wasnt anybody around to help him if he needed it. In the story he says, There was no one in sight, not a building, cars, or structure of any kind. By reading this story, weve realized that people encounter problems everywhere, however any problem, no matter what size, can be overcomed" 1 1 1
7090 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist because on page @NUM1 it talk about how the cyclist had to go down a hill then find a factory for juice. Like if the cyclist dont find any building he would of kept the hill and wasted the little bit of energy for actaire. 1 1 1
7093 3 In the story the Features of the setting affects the cyclist is that when he is riding he has very little water. Also he takes advise from old men and he meets up with an @CAPS1 Snake and he goes down an dirt Road he has no water at the time there. The conclusion is that he comes of the dirt Road and @CAPS2 the main Road that he travels. Also he promised to stick to it in the @CAPS3. That is how you should stick things at in the future. 1 1 1
7097 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist by making him dehydrated and hot. He was in deserts on a bicycle with his water support running low and rough road with plenty of hills to make it hard for a bike to out come. he kept going though the heat was outrageous and dehydration beginning to overcome him. 2 1 2
7104 3 The features of the setting affects the cyclist because when all the cyclist is worried about is finding a place with water all hes doing is getting scared and panicing. In other words, when hes looking around, the setting he sees is like desert and no buildings. The story says, I was traveling through the high deserts of California in June when he sees that he panics and thinks hes not gonna make it which affects him mentally. 1 1 1
7106 3 "He was affected by lack of water, the hills, snake in the way and the condition of the road. The water bottles contained only a few tantalizing sips. This quote explains how the lack of water was a problem. The hills affected him by they were crippling"". The snake it was long ways on the road and he didnt know how to get passed it . Finally the roads were rough and you should go over the speed limit of 55 mph. So he was affect in a lot of different ways not just one." 2 1 2
7108 3 The cyclist is affected by the heat, the hills, and the lack of people. For example, the cyclist was growing short on water and had wide rings of dried sweat on his on shirt, and he could drop from heatstroke. The hills must have forced him to use more energy, and lasely the land of people. If the towns still had people the cyclist wouldnt have been as affected by the setting. 1 1 1
7110 3 The features of the setting make the ride for the cyclist very hard. It has a lot of hills, which would make him use more energy. Also, it is a desert, so it is very hot and dry. This makes the author need more water than he normally would. The author said I was traveling through the high deserts of California in June. The author knew that it was very dangerous to travel there without water, he said I could drop from heatstroke If the setting had been cooler there would not be so much danger. 2 2 2
7112 3 The setting affects the cyclist because there were lots of hills and very little water. 1 1 1
7119 3 A cyclist always has to face many problems such as the weather, the condition of the road, etc. 1 1 1
7122 3 "The setting of the story ""Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit,"" is very important to the events that occured in the story. For example the story was set on a highway set at @NUM1 which the cyclist was only able to do @NUM2. This is signifigant to the events of the story because since he was doing @NUM2, which by the away is a lot for a cyclist and it led to almost dehydration. Plus it was hilly. This led to the excution of the cyclist, so one could see that setting is very important to the outcome of the story." 2 2 2
7138 3 The setting affected the cyclist because the condition of his surrounding it was hot so he got dehydrated more and needed more water. There were a lot of hills so he had to pedal harder and use more energy to get up the hills. There were no cars, building, smog, just nature. It was peaceful and relaxful ride on the bike thats the setting affects the cyclist. 1 1 1
7143 3 The setting affects the cyclist because one he should have stack to his own map. He should have packed an extra bottle of water. @NUM1 not take any advice from people that havent left the porch in years. 2 1 2
7148 3 The features of the setting really affect the cyclist. He is led into false pretenses by the immediate surroundings. Little does he know that it would bring him into danger? When he comes to a rock in the road and finds that the water pumps are not good he is in serious danger. In the reading it says The sun was beginning to heat down, but it hardly noticed. The cool pines and rushing rivers of Yosemite had my name written all over them. The setting let the cyclists mind wonder so much that he didnt even realize the heat. 1 1 1
7151 3 The setting in the story was the high deserts of California in June. At first the cyclist had seemed really confident and excited about his journey. It was during it that had changed his mind. The cyclist was running low on his water supply's so he stops and pumps water from this water pump but all he gets is this acid taste. So he is on his way to the nearest town which is @NUM1 miles away and he thinks he can make it. So he is heading towards the nearest town when the terrain starts changing. It changes from flat road to short rolling hills. During this time the cyclist starts loosing hope. He thinks that he is going to die of dehydration and the birds are going to pick him apart. Then when he thought he couldnt make it he saw a sign that said Gary and @CAPS1 fish camp He ran into the shop and took long drinks from the sink in the bathroom and when he went out of the store an older gentle men asked him if he needed help and he said no I have a really good map. The thot temperature and rolling hills have a negative effect on the cyclist. I mean he goes from being confident to thinking he is seeing mirages and dieing. It states in the story I wiped the sweat from my eyes to make sure it wasnt a mirage and I was going to die and the birds would pick me clean So this brought self doubting behavior. 3 3 3
7159 3 In the story Do not exceed Posted Speed Limit by Joe Kurmaskie, the setting affected the cyclist a lot. At first, when the cyclist set off in the morning, the conditions were great. It was breezy with shade from trees and rivers. Then, after a few hours, the cyclist was in the desert with bumpy hills. In the story, the speaker states, Not two miles into this next section of the ride, I noticed the terrain changing. Flat road was replaced by short, rolling hills. The condition of the roads and not having water really affected the cyclist. It took more energy to get up and down the hills without any shade which ment that he needed more water which he didnt have any. The condition of the setting really affect the cyclist and if it was easier to bike, they might have not be so dehydrated. 3 3 3
7166 3 The features of the setting inhance the cyclists desparate spirit. Throughout the whole journey the cyclist is by himself and there are no people, cars, or buildings around. This made him much more desparate because if he would fall of dehydration there would be no one to help him and he would just die. Also, he came upon things such as Welchs Grape Juice factory and bottling plant which got his hopes up, but would soon crush his spirits. These events made him much more desparate because he had no support from anywhere and nothing to fall back on in a life or death situation. 2 2 2
7177 3 The features in the story tell me that it was in a very dry, not populated area. It says that there were rolling hills, in a desert of California, and that it was dry. I think those things affected the cyclist by dehydrating him. Going up and down hills can be very tiring, especially when you dont have a lot of water left, and need to save some. The quote I had been hitting my water bottles pretty regularly, and I was traveling through the high deserts of California in June, tells me a lot about the story. In a desert in California in June during the summer is a very brave and stupid thing to do. It s twice as hot during the summer. 3 0 2
7185 3 "The features of the setting affect the cyclist in several ways. First the rolling hills make it hard to pedal over the land. ""Flat road was replaced by short, rolling hills,"" shows that the terrain was changing into a more difficult course. One long crippling hill,"" also shows how the hills had an effect on the cyclist. Another feature of the setting was the desert and the high temperatures. This caused the cyclist to become dehydrated. ""Trying to keep balance in my dehydrated state"" and ""I could drop from heatstroke"" show me how hot the cyclist was. One final feature that has on effect on the cyclist was the old abandoned factory. The sight of the boy with a refreshing glass of juice makes the cyclist lose hope and he doubts he will survive. ""I hung my head"" and ""abandoned factory of juices and dreams"" tell how the cyclist lost all hope at the sight of the building. All of these features of the setting have negative affects on the cyclist." 3 3 3
7186 3 The setting of the area where the cyclist was biking effects him because it makes him weaker. Since the cyclist takes the long route, He is in the desert for a longer period of time. Being in extreme heat can cause a person to suffer from major dehydration. We know this was the case for the cyclist because he says, but not before I gathered up a few pebbles and stuck them in my mouth. Id read once that sucking on stones helps take your mind off thirst This @CAPS1 is saying that the cyclist put stones in his mouth to get his mind off of how thirsty he was. I think this @CAPS1 is explaining exactly how dehydrated the cyclist actually was. If he was willing to put filthy stones in his mouth to help him get through his dehydration, he was pretty thirsty. Another thing that effected how thirsty the cyclist got was how hard he worked which was also a feature of the setting since during the end of his trip, he met rough terrain, he exerted more energy which made him sweat even more than he was. This made him @NUM1 more dehydrated. This story is explaining how the features of your environment can either make or break you. 2 2 2
7189 3 The fatures of the setting affects the cyclist because in the story the character makes it seem like horrible weather for example when he said wide rings of dried sweat circled my shirt this is one way the setting affects the cyclist because it almost like your in the story and you can imagton what the character Is going through because everything is written in details. 1 1 1
7190 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist because it makes it hard for him to get to @CAPS1 National Park. He took advice from some old men to take a shortcut to get him where he wanted to be. On his ride there, he stopped at a town, which was, to him, considered a ghost town. Then he got to a Welchs Grape Juice Factory, but it was abandoned years earlier and he was becoming weak and dehydrated. He thought he would drop from a heatstroke. At the end of his ride, he reached a fish camp where he found water to drink. A man asked him where he was going and the cyclist told him. Then the man asked him, Know the best way to get there? The man was much older than the other old men that gave the cyclist advice. So the cyclist told the man yes, sir: I own a very good map. The man realized throughout the setting on his journey, that he would never accept advice from old-timers again. 1 1 1
7197 3 There are several features of the setting that greatly affect the cyclist. One feature is the desert he is biking through. The heat of a desert in June can easily dehydrate someone. When exposed for a long time, exercising, and running out of water, the effect is even greater. In addition, the change in terrain and road surface would have an effect on the cyclist. Traveling on a flat road requires much less effort then climbing hills. If the road is also rough, the biker has to work even harder to push the up the hill. There is also the mental effort of not tipping the bike on the uneven surface. Finally, there are not any buildings in sight. When someone is dehydrated but has no water, they are desperate to find some. However, if there is nothing they know of nearby, they will start to lose hope. Once they lose hope they wont try as hard to keep going and they will lose some of their strength. Considering all of the things negatively affecting the cyclist, it is amazing that he managed to push through and reach a source of water. 2 3 3
7201 3 The setting effected the cyclist severly. Biking in the desert following outdated directions nearly got him killed. He also came across several broken down factories and towns causing more dismay. However he came across a last stop that saved his life. 1 1 1
7202 3 In the essay Rough Road Ahead: Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit, the cyclistis affected by his surrounding. At first the man starts out at a reservoir camp ground. His confidence is high, and he is ready to continue his adventure. As the day went on and all he could find was abondoned buildings he began to worry a bit water running low he come upon one ram shackled shed, several rusty pumps no sign of life. He realiced that his trip was going to be rough. The environment and risk of death gave him the determination he needed to push forward. Although he was fearful of death from dehydration, he knew travelling through the high deserts of California in June his only chances of survival was to keep going. The mans surroundings were what had pushed him to keep biking until he found the fish camp. If he had not been so aware of his surroundings he might have given up, but not making it out of the desert to the cool pines and rushing rivers of Yosemite would be to devastating 1 2 2
7208 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist because he rode through the heat scorching desert of California, he rode over @NUM1 miles on bike to get to Yosemite, and he almost ran out of water on the journey. What kept him going on was the cool pines and rushing rivers of Yosemite. 1 1 1
7212 3 "The arid, bare, and rough terrain of the desert affected the cyclist during his journey to Yosemite in the story Rough road ahead: Do not exceed posted speed limit. The cyclists expedition was hindered due to many obstacles. The dryness was a huge problem during his journey. .I was traveling through the high deserts of California in June"" (Kurmaskie @NUM1). This exert explain the hot, arid climate of where he was cycling. This climate decreased the rate of travel the cyclist intended to exert. Since the cyclist was riding in the desert, there wasnt many towns present. When the cyclist did approach a town, it was abandoned. One ramshackle shed, several rusty pumps, and a corral that couldnt hold in the lamest mule greeted me (@NUM2). After riding through the desert, the cyclist would have wanted a nice rest stop, but all of them were ghost towns. Flat road was replaced by short, rolling hills (@NUM1). Cycling for hours in a hot desert with limited water wasnt enough of a challenge; the flat land was replaced with hills. The cyclist is exhausted from all the other obstacles that the desert confronted him with; the rough terrain affected his journey since his rate was reduced. In conclusion, many factors negativly affected the cyclist expedition to Yosemite. The dry, bland, and hilly terrain of the desert hindered his journey" 3 2 3
7232 3 The feature of a setting can affect a cyclist energy. In the setting turns irds hills, it can every this Cyclist out. 1 1 1
7237 3 The features of the setting do affect the cyclist. If the road is rough you have to have the right bike. Then if you get a flat tire you have to know to look out for dangerous and posionous things. If you were in a real bad accident youd have to be prepared just in case they dont find you in time. You would have to know what nights were like. For example, if it got real cold at night you need to keep youself warm. 1 1 1
7240 3 How the features of the setting affected the cyclist in the story, Do Not Exceed Posted Limit, were very dangerous to his life. The cyclist was traveling to the Yosemite National Park on a hot @DATE1. The cyclist traveled miles after miles on his bike only to past by deserted towns, This place might have been thriving little spot...a ghost town. The terrain was threatening because after twenty two miles or so, the cyclist had to overcome, short rolling hills, which would use more energy and make his thirst for water even stronger. The cyclist was out of water and the hot day was not helping. After a grueling journey, the cyclist used all the strength he had to go to a local bait shop and drank from the sink after the trechorous environment he was exposed to. The features of the setting in the story, Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit were life threatening and almost killed the cyclist, due to lack of water and the terrain he overcome. 1 1 1
7246 3 "The features of the setting affect the cyclist since it is affecting her condition. She needs water to survive, and the next town is very far away. So she could possibly pass out without brake, and the hot temperatures. When I tried a draper I was, it had the flavor of battery acid (Kurmaskie @NUM1). If she doesnt find water soon, it will affect herb condition. Also, the features of the setting affects her determination. When she knows that she needs to find a town. she works harder. ""i would conserve my water go inward for an hour or so atleast or my inner spirit""(@NUM1). She would try her hardest to make smart moves, and make it to a town, as fast as possible. She works harder since she knows without water, her life is in danger. Now, things could get even rougher." 3 2 3
7250 3 The features of the surrounding setting affect the cyclist from hi/her performance for example, In the essay Rough Road Ahead. Do Not Exceed Posted SPeed Limit the setting is full of hills, twisting, rising and desending. All of these things are working against the energy that the cyclist has. Also, the lack of the people in towns give the cyclist a hard and depriving time on finding a water supply so he/she does not dehydrate. Third the weather in the essay has a great deal of being affected on the cyclist it is hot in the desert of California and the cyclist has to be very hydrated to continue on his bike ride. 2 2 2
7254 3 I think features affect the cyclist because when you write a bycles you need to con 1 1 1
7255 3 "In the story Rough Road Ahead: Do not Exceed Posted Speed Limit, by Joe Kurmaskie, the cyclist has a very long journey that its affected by a variety of things, and problems. The cyclist is confident with himself at the beginning but after a few moments he feels really bad, and learns a really good lesson. I eased past trying to keep my balance in my dehydrated state."" the cyclist shows that it is really hard for him to move without water. This quote shows that he is not only thirsty but dehydrated which is several for a human being. The cyclist also had a really bad time, because he had to taste stones in order to make his thirst go away, one example of that is when" 2 2 2
7258 3 In the story the features of the setting affect the cyclist. The setting is described as a rough terrain, which makes it harder for the cyclist to travel. Also its hot, and there are no buildings or people around. This also makes it hard for the cyclist because he runs out of water. throught the story the cyclist keeps going and ends up sarving 1 1 1
7261 3 The setting affect the cyclist in many gruding and harsh was. First, the lack of civilization contributes to an uneasy feeling and an inability to refill his water bottle. Second, the heat and uphill bottles are taking their tollon both aplists physical and mental strength. Third, his water bottle is emptying at an alarming late due to his third and relentless heat. In paragraph four die exospodent cyclist reaches the first ''town.'' This place @MONTH1 have been a striving spell but on that morning it fit the traditional definition of ghost down. @CAPS1 he came to house with a rusty water pump, which sped out brackish, near boiling water, which did not support the porched cyclist, physically, on mentally. 2 2 2
7263 3 "The setting of the story affects the cyclist in a negative way. He intrusted that these men he had asked directions from knew what they were talking about. With the directions in mind he traveled on his way to his destination. Only to find deserted towns, disowned factorys, and hills. With all this being the high deserts of California in June. With all these aspects the cycalrst was worn out and dehydrated saying Id read once that sucking on stones helps take your mind off thirst"" shaving his deep name of thirst. After finding a place to get a drink he stated I had an overwhelming and buy some bait showing his deep gratitude and relief of finding water." 2 2 2
7267 3 Well some features might have more than others and the cyclist might have more than others. Also the author faced alot of problems like the lack of water, the poisonous snakes and the condition of the road. So there were many thing that affected the author and the cyclist, when they were on there journey. 2 2 2
7307 3 The setting of a situation can affect a person both mentally and physically. This is evident in @PERSON1 Do not Exceed Posted speed Limit. The cyclist is unaffected, for the most part until the directions he was given by a collection of old timers who havent left the confines of their porches since Carter was in office. takes him over terrain not suitable for biking. Prior to following the mens directions, the setting was enjoyable a made for an easy ride a reader knows this because the cyclist is confident. For example, he says The sun was beginning to beat down, but I barely noticed it. The cool pines and rushing rivers of yosemite had my name written all over them. This confidence begins to depleat as the cycling gets harder. For example, the cyclist says sometimes life can feel so cruel. after he hits rolling hills and a sign warning of rough road and not exceeding the speed limit. The cyclist became disappointed and wanted to give up because he couldnt even reach that limit. However, hes determined and pushes through to reach a shop. This gives a sense of satisfaction and confidence. So in conclusion setting can have a powerful affect on mood or motivation. 3 2 3
7317 3 In the essay Rough Road Ahead: Do not exceed posted speed limit the cyclist is on a journey to Yosemite National Park and stops for advice on a quicker route. When he asks the old men he says, Never accept travel advice from a collection of old-timers who havent left the confines of their porches since carter was in office. Along with using their advice he faces abandoned ghost towns that they said were thriving spots. The cyclist overcomes the rolling hills of terrain and mirages and the heat of a day in June in the California in deserts. Finally he sees bait and tack shop and when he sees that the men who own the place are older than the other guys he just stares at them in all. Based on the quote you can infer that the cyclist will ignore their advice about having the best map. 2 2 2
7320 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist in the story Rough Road Ahead by Joe Kurmaskie. The downhill land format helped him in a way because he wouldnt have to use strength and pedal as hard without having as much water in his body. When he came to a pump, it was rusty with tar oozing out followed by hot brackish water flavored like battery acid. The dryness of the dessert had a bad affect on the cyclist because he wasnt able to get to the Yosemite water until the end. The breeze of the wind had a positive affect because it helped to cool him down. The features of the setting in the story Rough Road Ahead by Joe Kurmaskie affect the cyclist. 2 2 2
7337 3 The terrain the cyclist faces dont help very mach considering he is almost out of water, he came across hills that ticed himout a lot & made him even more thirsty. Also, when we came across the juice factory he used a lot of energy to get there because he was excited and that made him even more thirsty. Therefore if he didnt have any energy left after all of that he wouldnt have been able to get to the baits shop. 2 2 2
7341 3 The feature in the setting affeted the cyclist alot. It was a hot summer day and he was running out of water. With oll the heat he could have had a heat stroke. Another problem was the hills. He didn't have alot of energy, ?? the sun were tiding it from him. 1 1 1
7350 3 Some feature on the setting that @MONTH1 have affected the cyclist was the fact that he was running out of water and when he pumped water he said he pumped with all his strenght at first a tar like substance oozed out follwed by brackish water he said the water tasted of battery acid. Also in this setting the cyclist notices a terrain change flat road then turned short hills , follwed by a snake that looked od a diamond back. 1 1 1
7353 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist in this story greatly. The cyclist is cycling in a desert, ...I was travelling through the high deserts of California in June. @CAPS1 it was hot and the sun is beating down on the cyclist, the sun was beginning to beatdown... @CAPS1 it is remote and there is no one to offer help or assistance, ...it fit the traditional definition of ghost town. There are no natural water sources for the cyclist to refill his bottles of water. He might have died from dehydration. I got down on my hands and knees and worked the handle of the rusted water pump with all my strength, but only a tarlike substance oozed out. There @CAPS1 was a poisonous snake on the road which could have bit the cyclist. @CAPS1, there were hills that required more energy to get up. Since the cyclist had to use more energy to get up the hills he got more tired and thirsty. 2 2 2
7356 3 The setting in the reading affected the cyclist because it was hot, dry, and nothing around. Being hot was one part of the setting that affected him because he had to drink water a lot. It was dry every where around him so he couldnt stop anywhere and cool off. Also when things got hard there was nothing around but ghost towns and abandoned buildings. This is how the setting affected him. 1 2 2
7361 3 The cyclist see his journey affect by a succesion of events that will make his journey trave?? every time more difficul and difficult. One of the first errors his makes is take advice from people that have no clue of where there are at. @CAPS1 (I shouldn't have done was let them have a peek at my map.) The temperature of the desert also influenced him (I was travelling through high desert of California). The cyclist also finds his' self with a combination of emotions at times he thinks he is going to past away and at times he believes he will be fine. (@CAPS1 @NUM1) As i stumbled into a rather modern bathroom and drunk deeply from the sink, I thought i had a over whelming wigs to seek Gary. 2 3 3
7364 3 In the story the cyclist is on a bike ride to @LOCATION1. He has a new map is doing very well, until he asks these old men the best way to get there taking less time and by getting these faster a.k.a a short at. He takes there directions and feels good abut it. But soon things change, he experiences new terrain and it becomes much harder. The type of setting that he faces are steep hills, speed limits that he cant exceed, dry hot temperature, and he has no water. All these features combine together to make the situation worse. While he is experiencing these things he feels like he is going to die and feels like giving up. But eventually he finds someone and doesnt ask for directions. So the lession is dont take directions from a stranger unless your willing to face the unexpected. 3 2 3
7365 3 The features affected the cyclist because of the rough roads. This affected him because it slowed him down, I know this because in the story it said Rough Road Ahead Do not Exceed Posted speed Limit. which this means slow down or you will have an accident. Another feature has it was hot which means he was losing water because it either evaporated or he was drinking it. I know this because it said The water bottles contained water a few tantalizing sips which means it was few left. 2 1 2
7377 3 The cyclist in this short story was greatly affected by the setting. He was riding in a desert which is very hot, with little civilization to help him. Also the rode that was driving on was not very smooth which gave him troubles. The wildlife also had an impact on him. He once went by a big snake that he cautiously had to ride around. Also he thought he was going to die and that the birds were going to pick him off. The desert itself was what really got to hm. Deserts dont have much water which is what he needed and he couldnt find a town to stop at, at least one with some people any way. So the setting in which the main character was riding had a huge effect on him. 2 2 2
7380 3 Being a cyclist is not as easy as it sounds. Sure riding a bike might be easy, but being a cyclist is so much more difficult. Cyclist have many obsticles to over come while riding. One obstacle would be a rough terrain. Cyclist are used to riding on smooth, paved roads. Going off road or riding on a dirt road might be a challenge. In the short story Do Exceed posted Speed Limit, by Joe Kurmaskie also has another example for an obsticle cyclist have to be careful of, and that is running out of water, I eased past, trying to keep by balance in my dehydrated state (@CAPS1 @NUM1). The cyclist went on in telling how he needed to try to keep his balance but it was hard because he was dehydrated, and balancing is important when riding a bike. In conclusion when it comes to as easy as riding a bike, you need to take precaution in what might lie ahead. 2 2 2
7391 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist greatly because there was tough terrain. The heat had affected him greatly as well. He seemed that every where he would go, he couldnt find anything, no buildings or people until he got that one town. In the story, Rough Road Ahead;Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit, the cyclist qoutes.At same point, tumbleweeds crossed my path and a ridiculously large snake. @CAPS1 your bike on the middle of the desert, not knowing which way to go and only seeing harsher conditions can only give you no hope .He soon almost ran out of water only made things worst.The sun beating down on him and his mind playing tricks on him also, so with the cyclist , settings had alot to do with his journey. 3 3 3
7401 3 Setting in Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit really determines how the story turns out. The setting was in deserted areas, the desert, and even roadways. In the desert, there is no water making the cyclist become dehydrated. without water, he thought he was going to die. In the road areas, the speed limits was extremly high fifty-five miles per hour. This would not be good since he is doing a water-depleting @NUM1. When he finds areas that are abandoned, these are water pumps, but the liquid that comes out @MONTH1 be water, but it tastes like battery acid. Setting can affect alot in the story. Without this setting, the story would be alot different than it is now. 3 2 3
7402 3 In the story Rough Road Ahead: Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit by Joe Kurmaskie, the cyclist had a couple of problems turning his journey little, amount of water, tough roads, including there were no cars on the road either. It all caused a lot of difficulty for the cyclist like on page @NUM1 paragraph one the first sentence It didnt really matter. In was going to die and the birds would pick me down The elements were so tough on the cyclist that he or she was going to going to give hope. But luckly in the end the cyclist found a place to stop and get water with directions. 1 2 2
7414 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist because he is in a hot of dry place and has no water. He is pedaling up hills and that makes him even more tired. The dude is probably dehydrated and his conditions are getting worse! 1 1 1
7415 3 The features of the settings affects the cyclist a lot in the passage called Rough Road Ahead: Do not Exceed Posted Speed Limit. Cyclist are in very good physical shape. They can cycle for along time; however, weather can affect the cyclist. This happened in the passage. The cyclist was determined and confident he could make this journey. I would conserve my water and go inward for an hour or so- a test of my inner spirit. Even though he had confidence the features of the setting affected the cyclist. Tumbleweeds crossed my path and a ridiculously large snake.. The water bottles contained only a few tantalizing sips. The cyclist was tired and exhausted. The weather and terrain had worn him down. The weather can change my level of ability sometimes. I love to play basketball outside. When it is hot and humid out I cant play as long. The features of a setting can clearly affect people. 3 2 3
7418 3 The setting which is a desert in the summer affects the cyclist. For example, she caldnt go as fast, The speed limit was 55 mph. I was doing a water-depleting 12 mph, so that affected his ability to find water. The setting was also really hot, so the cyclist had a hard time getting the water he needed to keep going. For example, I pumped that handle for several minutes, but the water wouldnt cool down. @CAPS1 how the setting has got on to him, and he needs water badly. The desert setting also affects the cyclist mind. He believed he was seeing mirages and he was afraid he was going to swallow a stone because he might hit a bump. The desert setting affects the cyclist ability to function. 2 2 2
7423 3 The cyclist listen to the geogers. after a while he starts to get tired. After the seenery desert change he starts to get mad. He criticizes himself for accepting advice from old-timers who havent left the 2 2 2
7436 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist in many ways. One way is that the cyclist is traveling through the high deserts of California in June. Another affect said in the story was that the cyclist made it to a town where the water pump was all rusted and with all his strength, he worked the handle and got a tarlike substance followed by brackish water which he couldnt drink. Also , the cyclist had been hitting his water bottles regularly. Lastly, the old-timers said the towns would be close when really they were far apart. 2 2 2
7445 3 "Well since the cyclist is in a desert and out of mother he is probably not going to be happy. The ""ghost towns"" aren't really a boost of confidence either. The rugged hills made him angry too. The heat affected him the most." 1 1 1
7449 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist in a few ways. Early in the essay, the syclist states he enjoyed the serenity of an early-summer evening and some lively conversation with these old codgers. The cyclist was enjoying himself and the atmosphere, but then the mood changed quickly to doubt when he didn't listen to the collection of old-timers who havent left the confines of their porches since Carter was in office and his depleting water source quickly became a cause for concern. Doubt was soon followed by @CAPS1 when he saw the sign for Gary and Wilbers Fish camp and was able to get a drink from the bathroom foucets @CAPS1 was then followed by satisfaction when he promised himself right then that he'd always stick to [the very good map] in the future. 2 3 3
7456 3 "The features of the setting that most affected the cyclist were the water pump, the Welchs Factory, and the fish camp. The pump affected him because he was very thirsty, and at first he thought he would have a chance to get water, he was excited and he pumped the water out, as he wrote, with all my strength. @CAPS1 he had to go on thirsty, (a very risky thing to do while cycling) because it had the flavor of battery acid. Next, the Welchs Factory affected him by killing his spirits. He was already feeling bad from the lack of water, but seeing the mocking, ironic image of a sandblasted picture of a young boy pouring a refreshing glass of juice, made him feel worse. It reflected his own desperate situation, all refreshments in the past, there was nothing left. I had a similar experience once. I am alergic to peanuts. One time, on a long car trip, I had slept through lunch, so I was starving, and we were on a long stretch of highway with no buildings to be seen. After two hours, we finally saw a sign for a nearby restaurant: @CAPS2s peanut shade. I nearly cried. The last thing that affected the cyclist was the fish camp. It saved his life. He arrived and ""drank deeply from the sinle. He was so happy that he wanted to kiss the owners of the camp. This also relates to the car trip I mentioned, because after hours of hunger, we found a very good sush : bar, and sush: is my favorite food." 3 3 3
7458 3 In the setting they are in lodi, California. That is a part of the desert. The desert effects the cyclist real bad. For one it is really hot. Two the heat is making him thirsty and is running out of his water. Then last he is near no towns so he cant get anymore water, so the setting does effect the cyclist. 2 1 2
7460 3 The conditions that the cyclist was in was very horid as he continued on his ride he got hotter and hotter hoping to find water after he finished of his last bit. Taking advices from an old man was and his last decision he made. 1 1 1
7470 3 "The features of the setting affect the cyclist because he runs out of water because he is trying to traverse the terrain. In the setting there is a desert in California that he is riding through on a bike, ""I was travelling through the high deserts of California The word ""high"" means that there were hills which would make the journey even more difficult. The hills appeared later in the story as the cyclist said flat road was replaced by short, rolling hills. When the speaker says replaced he is trying to show a change of terrain. another feature of the setting is the tumbleweed that he crosses other hills, tumbleweeds crossed in path. The tumbleweeds made him remember he was in the desert because tumbleweeds are associated with the desert which brought up the thought & dying and being picked apart by birds." 2 2 2
7471 3 Well if the setting relates to the theme then the story will make sence, like if its a sad story and its a ugly rainy day then it will match verry nice. Thats how the setting makes it better. 1 1 1
7474 3 "In the story the cyclist was affected. The cyclist was affected by the directions of the old man. It sas that they gave it to him to help him out. That it was a shortcut. I think the cyclsit thinks the directions are out of date. The reason think this is that in the second sentence of the story it says, ""never accept travel advice from a collection of old-timers who haven't left the continues of their porches since carter was in office."" The feature of the setting also affected him because he had to ride upand down through what he though of as it, rough terrain. That is what I think affected the cyclist." 2 2 2
7477 3 In the story Rough road ahead do not exceed posted speed limits, The setting is a long road with no one in sight not a building, car or structure of any kind he cyclist could be affected by the rough road that he have to ride down. 1 1 1
7480 3 The story begins as the author, a cyclist, has taken directions from several very old men to reach his bike-ridden destination of Yosemite National park. He starts out confident enough and then reaches the first town the gentleman described. It is a ghost town and amuses the author still believing hes perfectly fine he sets out again this time arriving at a place with One ramshackle shed, several rusty pumps and a corral that couldnt hold in the lamest mule It is at this point that the author starts to worry as his water supply is low. He preceeds past rolling hills, snakes, tumbleweeds and different land-marks. Each one rips his confidence and exciterent to shreds. Especially the juice factory as the author is currently very dehydrated and losing all hope. Finally, he arrives at the water he seeks in the form of Gary wilbers fish camp, and refreshes himself and his dried-out hope. Each time the author passed a land-mark his confidence took a beating, and even though he was in dire physical health not having any hope for his sunny breezy vacation can drain a person even more from the inside out. 3 3 3
7481 3 The features of the setting affected the cyclist negitvly because he was in the desert in the summer with little water and no stones too get a drink at, For example he says There was no one in sight not a building, car, or structure of any kind's. This explains how his setting affected him because he had no where to go or get a drink. That is my reason why the cyclist settings where negitve. 1 1 1
7482 3 The features of the setting affected the cyclist in bad ways. The rocky road and steep hills made him peddle harder. The old people made him go through the rocky way. The temperature from the desert made him thirsty so he ran out of water fast, He said When I tried a drop or two, it had the flavor of battery acid. The heat could have killed him anytime. For example Wide rings of dried sweat circled my shirt, and the growing realization that I could drop from the heatstroke on a gorgeous day in June. This ride this man took to Yosemite was a very dangerous ride. 2 2 2
7487 3 Pride, determination, relief all are things that the cyclist felt during his long bike ride. First the cyclist started of rideing on fresh legs and good directions, but after a while down the road he started to dought the old men, a diary with my last entry in place of old men, their wisdom, and their been a sense of direction, I made a mental move to change it. After feeling that the direction might be rough, he rode out of pride to get to his destination. Next the rider had great determination to get to his destination and did many things, I gathered a few pebbles and stock them in my mouth to take my mind off of thirst. This quote shows that he would do almost anything to keep going. Finally the cyclist was fatigue when he arrived at the @CAPS1 shop because he then knew the old men were right and would reach his destination, As I stumbled into rather modern bathroom and drank deeply from the sink this quote shows he was polite naturally to get water but to know the men were right. 2 3 3
7491 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist in many ways. For one, a lot of the settings discoured the cyclist. This place might have been a thriving little spot at one time- say, before the last world war- but on that morning it fit the traditional definition of a ghost town. As soon as the cyclist hits this town he realizes that the old mens advice might not have been so great. The dry desert affects the cyclist the most. This hot climate makes the cyclist extremely thirst, hot, and and sweaty. Wide rings of dried sweat circled my shirt, and the growing realization that I could drop from a heatstroke... The cyclist's tune here is sarcastic but he is still concerned about his health because of the heat and lack of water. The fact that there is nothing living around the cyclist also affects him. Since hes talked to the old men for directions he hasnt seen a glimpse of life, or buildings or anything. So this definetly discourages the cyclist and makes him lose his will to continue his journey. In conclusion, the features of the setting affect the cyclist in many ways. 3 3 3
7495 3 The main affect is the lack of water. It is in June, while riding his bike in California. Therefore its going to be very hot and hell need a lot of water t stay hydrated. When he sees that Welchs Grape Juice factory, it just makes him think of his thirst even more. Also the terrain he is riding is not the easiest. He starts out riding on flat ground but then is riding on hills and not so flat terrain. This doesnt help his dehydration. Thats why you should always carry a lot of water with you if youre riding a bike during the summer 2 2 2
7514 3 "The features in the setting of ""Rough Road Ahead, Do not Exceed Posted Speed Limit"" affect the cyclist because the determine how easy or hard he ride is for the cyclist. For example. The land being hot, would enable him to die or heat struck without water, the land being dry means he doesnt have a place to refill his water supply and the land being barren means to the man that if he didnt be of heat stroke there is a chance he wouldnt be found and wouldnt survive. Another example of how the features of the setting offer the cyclist is in the story when the road gets rough and he sees the speed time sign his though are about here he is going a water depleating 12 mph. This shows that he features of the setting, namely the contour of the land and the roughness or he road make the journey a lot harder on the cyclist. The features of a setting could possibley be the biggest arrest on a cyclist, and whether they have a long hard journey in which they have to push themselves to the limit like in this story or a nice lersury ride." 3 2 3
7518 3 When your doing any sport or any thing were you sweat your setting is everything. If your sweating in a setting you can easily get sick. The setting from the story Rough road ahead the cyclist had no water and the setting was very hot. Thats why the cyclist was tired and sick because he was sweating and had no water. Thats how the setting affect the cyclist. 1 1 1
7520 3 With no one around and rough road ahead not to mention dehydration the cyclist begin to feel he was going to die. Because of this he began to dout himself but each time he saw something he tried to get there. 1 1 1
7522 3 Excitement, desperation, and self-pitty are all feelings the cyclist had because of the setting. He was really excited to get to Yosemite park because of it peacefulness. He said, the cool pines and rushing rivers of Yosemite are calling my name. He wanted to get their because it was so hot. He started getting desperate for water, so he drank out of this hot water hole. I tried a drop or two, tasted like battery acid. He was running out of water so he got desperate for some. He started to have self-pitty on his self, sometimes life can be so cruel, he was feeling pitty on himself because he had such a long way to go still. These are all feeling the cyclist had because of the setting. 2 2 2
7526 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist by when the story says Twenty miles up the road. I came to a fork of sorts, This statement from the story affected the cyclist because he didnt know which way to go. Another feature that affected the setting is when the story says I got on my hand and knees, Working the handle of the rusted water pump with all my strength. That statement shows that the cyclist was dieing for water and he didnt think any was going to come out. Last feature that affected the cyclist was when the story says Rough road ahead: Do not exceed posted speed limit. This shows that the rider had to go under a speed limit but he was earlier tired and he was going way under it and that he could make it up the rough road. 2 3 3
7527 3 The dry, deserted area the cyclist is in, has many caations and 2 2 2
7534 3 The features of the setting cause the cyclist two main problems: doubt and dehydration. From the essay, you can infer that the cyclist doubts he will ever make it to Yosemite because of the constant features in the essay that cause him to lose his hope and confidence. For example, near the end of the essay the cyclist is already exhausted and hopeless but then sees a building over a hill. He hurries to the building only to find out that it is an abandoned, rundown @ORGANIZATION1 factory. After getting his hopes up, he is forced to get back on his bike and carry on. This features of the setting causes further disappointment to the cyclist and installs more doubt into his mind. Despite losing his confidence and hopes to make it to Yosemite, the features of the setting also cause him a serious, literal problem: dehydration. The weather is not and he has to carry on over hills and on rough roads. He is running low on water and at the one town he finds the water from the pump is undrinkable. The features of the setting are causing him these problems and are the reason hid health is at risk. 3 3 3
7535 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist in many ways. @NUM1 way is the condition of roads. Another is the heat. Another is snakes. Another is no town insight. The final one is lack of info. @MONTH1 be the guy made it. @MONTH1 be he got hurt on the ride. Maybe a snake bit him. Either way, the setting affected the cyclist in many ways. 1 1 1
7548 3 The features in the setting, such as the ghost town desert, and the Juice factory, give the cyclist a sense of hopelessness. He is running out of water when he comes to the ghost town, which he thought was @CAPS1 because the next town was only a short ways down the road. However when he came to the next town and attempted to use the water pump, a rather hot, foul liquid came up instead of water. He was beginning to lose hope when he came to the Welchs factory, abandoned. All hope from him at that point was lost, claiming the birds will pick me clean, To the cyclist also was best, then he was saved by a bait shop. These features in the setting gradually emptied his hope little by little, until he came to the Bait shop after which his hope, but certainly not his fait in old men, was returned. 2 3 3
7553 3 The setting affected the cycist because it made his ride harder. For example, the weather was extremly hot. The sun was beginning to beat down. He says it didnt affect him, yet he was very thirsty and dehydrated so internally it affected him. Also, the weeds and snakes frightened him. tumbleweeds crossed my path and a ridiculously large snake. This could not of made his ride easier. Next the hills and roads, over one long, crippling hill. This proves how intense his ride was. Thats how the setting affected the cyclist in Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit by Joe Kurmaskie. 1 2 2
7561 3 "The setting in the story had a big effect on the cyclist. The hot deserted surroundings made the cyclist become tired or discoveraged. For example the cyclist observes, ""one ramshacure shed, several rusty pumps, and a comes that couldn't hold in the lamest mule greeted me. This sight was trouble."" This quote shows the old, beat down environment worried him. Also the author says, ""there was no one in sight, not a building, car, or structure of any kind."" In this quote, the cyclist realizes his isolation, and begins to become more determined to reach his destination. Realize, ever been lost, then youknow that it can be discouraging if there's no sign of life around you. All you want to do is keep going and hope you can find your way. This feeling is shown through the cyclistand now the setting around him affects his journey." 2 3 3
7562 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist in many ways. One of them is that it was in the daylight and the sun bothers the cyclist. Another one is that because there was nothing around him, he felt frustrated. There was no one in sight, not a building, car, or structure of any kind. If something were there, he wouldnt feel frustrated and at least he would have more hope to find something. 1 2 2
7563 3 "In the narrative ""Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit"" by Joe Kurmaskie, the cyclist was affected in a deadly negative way by the setting. The cyclist is travelling through The high deserts of California in June. It was hot, so hot the infact, that the author realized he could drop from heatstroke at anytime. This unbearable heat, coupled with the crippling hilly terrain was enough to reduce the cyclist to a stale of severe dehydration. Obviously not exactig a positive effect. The swelting heat and merciless hills of the setting would not be quite so awful if there had been locations to stop, rest and replenish the eyeishes diverting water supply. However, There was no one in sight, not a building, or a structure of any kind The cyclist was incomplete isolation for over @NUM1 miles of arid desert, the sweating sun heating down upon him as he toiled up steep unyielding hills clearly the setting was affecting the cyclist in horribly negative way." 3 3 3
7566 3 On the way to @CAPS1 the cyclist was riding through dry, hot weather in rough terrain. This was making him tired and dehydrated. Half way throgh his journey he couldn't see anything for miles. That must of been discouraging. All the way there he was dehydrated and when he found water it was @NUM1 degrees @CAPS2 because of the heat. 1 1 1
7577 3 There are many different features such as the weather, road condition, and how the person is feeling. The weather can effect if it is rain or weather the road are messed up he could get a flat. The way that the person is feeling is a big part on weather they try hard or they do not worry about it too much. 3 2 3
7588 3 The cyclist was eager to get to Yosemite park he listened to the old timers who havent left the confines of thier porches since Carter was in office. He went the way the old men told him to take. He went down a hill in to town which was empty into a hard road & snakes in his way then up a hill then went down the hill saw a abanded Welchs Grape Juice Factory. Then he saw a sign say Gary And Wilbers FISH CAMP-IF YOU WANT BAIT FOR THE BIG ONES, WERE YOUR BEST BET!. So then he runs into the bathroom & drinks from the sink. Before he got there he was getting thirsty & tired & when he saw the abanded building he saw a young boy drinking a juice he wiped his eyes to see if he wasnt seen a mirage. So then he sticks a few pebbles into his mouth. It read that sucking on stones help take your mind off thirst by allowing what spit you have left to circulate. Then he left then a stone went his throat. His troubles, thirst, & fear were all behind him when he saw that sign. 2 2 2
7596 3 The setting in the story affected the cyclist physically and mentally. They affected him physically because of the rough terrain and the heat because he was in a desert and in the mountains. Also because he didnt follow his plan on the map he had no cloe where he was and so I think the anxiety of the whole thing took a toll on his physical well being. It affected him mentally because every town he passed through, or every building he passed was deserted and he had no idea where any people were so that had to stress him out. This mentally messed him and he thought he was going to die, thats not good for anyone. I really think he should just do what he thinks is right and not listen to crazy old men anymore. Maps dont go crazy and they dont really get outdated, and maps dont lie to you so he obviously learned his lesson. 2 2 2
7598 3 "The features of the setting in the essay Rough Road Ahead. affected the speaker by presenting challenges such as dehydration, dangerous animals and rough terrain in order to teach him a lesson about following travelling advice from old men. In the essay, he starts out confidently, on his journey after following their advice, reasoning that the men sounded no sense of themselves when pointing out landmarks and spouting off town."" The setting changes from cool to dry and barren with then mention of tumble weeds, and even changed to dangerous with the appearance of a diamondback snake that blocked his path in the end the setting changes back to comfortable, allowing him to learn his lesson through the hardship of the features of the setting, and follow his own map from then on." 2 2 2
7602 3 The setting affected the cyclist mood in the story. The cyclist was riding rough terrain and rolling hills. This made the cyclist feel like his journey was hopeless. When the cyclist arrived at the abandoned @CAPS1 Grape Factory he felt on twist of many. He was extremely thirsty and there used to be a @ORGANIZATION1 build there when the cyclist was a the fock in the road, he thought he could get some water. When this failed the cyclist was even less determined. He felt like the world was against him. 2 2 2
7605 3 The features of the setting like the dessert the sun and abondered towns affect the cyclist alot. The dry dessert makes him feel as if he were riding forever. And probably makes him wonder if he is ever going to make it to a town. The sun makes hime even hoter not he already is makes him sweat more and makes him even more thirsty.The abandoned towns make him lose hope in finding water or even if he is ever doing to make to yosomite. The mood of this story goes from content to sad to happy. He is content after riding to the first town but then the rest of time towns are abandoned too and start to ran out of water an he thinks he is going to die which makes it sad. Then he becomes happy when he finds the bait shop an finds water. 2 3 3
7608 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist in a very harmful way. The hot temperature and boiling sun made the author hot and took his energy away quicker. The emptiness of the setting can make a person lose hope of finding any civilization. The narrator said, It was a sad, hopeless laugh, mind you...(Kurmaskie @NUM1). That is not the last of the harmful setting, the dry desert air has the biggest impact on his llife. The dry air makes him more thirsty for water he doesnt have making him dehydrate faster. The narrator saids, I was traveling through the high deserts of California in June (Kurmaskie @NUM1). The lonely and dreadful features of the setting the cyclist was part of made it so much worse that he had no water. 1 1 1
7612 3 The setting or environment the cyclist was in made him feel isolated from the rest of the world. He knew the was no turning back once he started his adventure. No one was their to help him. The environment made him to realize the many risk involved in this adventure. The knowledge that there is no help was his motive to continue on his long journey. 1 1 1
7614 3 In the essay Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit the features of the setting affects the cyclist because he has to cross different types of land marks. First, he got information from the old people. For example, when he showed the map to the old people their only going to know the old short cuts not the new ones. Second, when he ran out of water. For instance, when the cyclist ran out of water he had to climb hills and that tired him out. Plus when he tried to get water from that one thing only hot water come out last, when he finally got to a story the old guy had a map. For example, when he asked the old guy about the place he was going to he said I have my own map. So therefore he knew he was in trouble. In conclusion, this is how the features of the setting affects the cyclist. 2 2 2
7620 3 In the story the setting affected the cyclist all through the story till he arrived at body and wilbers fish camp. As the man rides his bike for a while he is of but as he road into the first town it seemed to be a ghost town. As he pedal on The sun was beginning to beat down but I barely noticed it. At that time the wheater is affecting him a lot but he keeps Yosemite cool pines and rushing rivers in his head He also only had only a few tantalizing sips left in his water bottle while going up a big hill. 2 1 3
7622 3 The features in the setting greatly affect the cyclist, the setting was hot and rough terrain and he was tired and thirsty. The cyclist said, over one long, crippling hill, a building came into view. He this means that he needed water so much and the hill was so big that he needed water. Also he says, Summertime rattled around in the dry honey combs of my deteriorating brain. It is summer time where he is riding and to keep his mind off of his thirst, he hums the song summertime He wants to show that the heat cannot overtake his body. Also he says, At some point, tumble weeds crossed my path and a ridiculously large snake. He is saying that the terrain is deadly because of the snake that passed by him. He needed to show with all objections, he could overcome anything. As you can see the setting greatly affected the cyclist. 2 2 2
7633 3 If its a good day the cyclist will want to rid. If it is a bad day then they will not want to but probably will. 3 3 3
7634 3 In the essay, Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit by Joe Kurmaskie, features of setting affect the cyclist because there is old people that been around for along time and you cant ask for advice because theyre to old old to give information and wouldnt know what their talking about. A better piece of advice for the solo cyclist would be, Never accept travel advice from a collection of old-timers who havent left the confines of their porches sine Carter was in office. That is the features of the setting and examples from the essay. 1 1 1
7639 3 The features of the setting affects the cyclist by him dehydrating and running out of time and energy. I eased past trying to keep my balance in my dehydrated state This quote proves the dehydration of the rider. The glowing realization that I could die from a heat stroke, this quote proves the time and energy of the rider is running out. These ideas and quotes show the features of the setting of the cyclist. 2 1 2
7640 3 In the story Rough Road Ahead the author takes a trail he had previously heard about. After the ride didnt turn out to be what he expected it to be, the setting began to set in. The aridity of the climate would cause the author to have to struggle against himself and the conditions around him. Also his lack of water was a problem to begin with. Also his lack of water was a problem to begin with but the scorching sun would make him become dangerously dehydrated. 1 2 2
7644 3 The cyclist was begging to feel that death was coming his way as he continued withought a building in sight. This made him grow histerical over the situation, and still have enough energy to feel sorry for himself. Then when he finally did see a building he thought it was a mirage. 1 1 1
7661 3 The setting of the desert is a hard setting to be in with no water or help. If the author would have been on a population trait with water fountain and shade, he would have been fine. But, he was in the desert no one around, hot, dry, no water, and no shade. tumbleweeds crossed my path (@CAPS1 @NUM1). This dicride his loneleness because no one was in the desert to help him. The setting could have killed him if it was not for the fish camp. The setting had a huge affected on the author. 2 2 2
7670 3 A response that explains how the feature of the setting affected the cyclist. Would be that in the setting in the setting affected cyclist because for one the features of setting was based on something else. So that would be a reason how it would be affected. Because they're is differences in the stories. 0 0 0
7672 3 "The features of the setting affect the cyclist mentally, physically, positively and negatively. For instance, had been do @CAPS1's Grape Juice Factory and bottling plant. A sandblasted picture of a young boy by pouring a refreshing glass of juice into his mouth could still been seen."" This affected the author mentally, making him remember he had no water. Which inturn affected him physically by becoming dehydrated as moments passed. So overall that setting features had a negative direction affect on the cyclist. Another example, ""One ramshacked shed, several rusty pumps, and a coral that couldn't hold in the lamest mule greeted me. This sight was troubling."" This affected the cyclist mentally by making him think he was never going to see civilization again. It also affected him physically because the water tasted like ""battery acid"" which put him deeper into his dehydration state. This setting features had a negative affect on the cyclist. The setting features and had they affected the cyclist is like an environment a person is adised in and how it makes them who they are." 3 2 3
7673 3 He is going on a journey on his bike. He has to go down hills and deal with the factt that has has no water. Thats basically what the setting is about. 3 2 3
7675 3 "The features of the setting exhuberate the cyclist. The June weather added to the water depletion, being the beginning of summer, when the cyclist arrived at the first town"" it was deserted, and the water had disgusting water. The author uses verbal irony when calling it a town town having it not really be a town anymore. The large snake presented an air of danger and another abandoned Grape Juice Factory added to the hopeless lost tone. " 2 2 2
7680 3 "Every body experiences physical and emotional pain, but most probably wouldn't have survived what the cyclist in this story went through. The man started a bike ride Yosemite National park, but when some eldrerly men told him a short cut, his adventure had just because. First at all, every ""town""and ""building"" the men told him he would come to, would come to, wound up being completely desserted. At first this wasn't a big deal to the cyclist. In the fourth paragraph when he came to his first desserted town he, ""chuckled, checked [his] water town supply, and moved."" @CAPS1, as his journey progressed, his water decreased.He was then in desperation for a town.On topof thatin the story he wrote, ''the tast roadwas replaced short, rolling hills. ""This made his biking harder and he was then becoming denyarated. He finally found a town with water, but learned his lesson from taking advice from strangers and old men. " 3 3 3
7685 3 The cyclist is alone traveling on a flat land at first following the direction in which the old men told him to get to Yosemite National Park in @LOCATION1. During his travels he becomes dehydrated cycling over hills and deserts with othe sun beating down on him in such hot weather of June, he realizes he could get a heart stroke without water. His travels are desolate and lonely and when he finally sees building which are realy ghost towns he recovers and finds some determination to speed up. The cyclist luckily found a camp site to save him from passing out in a desert where he could rest, get water, then carry on his journey using his own map. 3 2 3
7688 3 Do not exceed posted speed limit, is a short story about a man who is bicycling through Yosemite and he asks some elderly men for direction and they lead him in this old shortcut that takes him through tough terrain and extreme famine. The features of the setting affect the cyclist in many ways throughout the story for example when the bicyclist came to a deserted area he said there was no one in sight, not a building, car, or structure of any kind. By this time he was malnourished & in need of water this extreme thrist also reselted in him passing an abandoned Welchs grape juice factory with an advertisement with a young boy pouring a fresh glass of juice in his mouth. He says In an ironic twist that should please all sadists reading this, the building,, then he goes into detail about the building, this mood & feeling by this time was tired and worn out and the advertisement didnt help the situation at all. The authors mood did change with the setting and before it got better it was worse. 3 2 3
7691 3 Weather, places, the will to continue all are reason that explain how the features of the setting affected the cyclist. First the weather will affect the cyclist because in hot weather you lose a lot of water and you sweat a lot making it hard to pedal. The sunny hot weather will affect his will to ride. I mean come on who wants to ride when its burning hot outside the places the cyclist went through like towns and rough roads would affect him because its pretty tough. 1 2 2
7692 3 The story Rough road ahead: do not exceed posted, speed limit tells of a biking trip gone wrong. But the story would not be as terrifying if it had happend in a different place. The setting plays a large role in the story. The story begins on a present summer evening but as the man bikes he arrives at ghost town devold of evil life, later feeling of double sets In when he arrives at one ramshockle shed, severall rusty pumps and a corrol that couldnt hold these lamest mule. later we fear panic set in as these terrain becomes hilly and tumbleweeds and snakes cross the path. Like an cold wesstern. Finally all hope is lost when he reaches these grapes Juice factory and fInd, a sand blasted picture of a Young boy, The setting is a power full tool which greatly influences the cyclist. 2 2 2
7693 3 "In the story, Rough Road Ahead: Do not exceed posted speed limit,"" by Joe Kurmaskie, the features of the setting affected they cyclists physical abilities. The features affected is abilities, because the climate and dangerous environment was hot and rough to handle. These features were hot and rough 'Since he was in the California deserts in June. The passage that supports this is,. Tumbleweeds crossed my path and a ridiculously large snake- it really did look like a diamondback- blocked the majority of the pavement in front of me. I eased past, trying to keep my balance in my dehydrated state. Also, the features of the setting give him determination. They give him determination, because each horizon he sees gives him hope. They give him hope since he knows he is that much @NUM1 to Yosemite National Park. The passage that supports this is when he drops,"".distances I could see on the horizon, telling myself that @CAPS1 could move it that far, Id be fine. In the story,"" Rough road ahead, Do not exceed posted speed limit, by Joe Kurmaskie, the features of his settings affect both they cyclists physical and mental abilities" 2 3 3
7694 3 "The features of the setting have a huge effect on the cyclist. There was a point in the story where he ran out of water ad he remembered that the old guys had sworn the next town was only eighteen miles down the rode. He was tired ad dehydrated but he thought he could make it along the road. So he started off and the two miles later the terrain changed and so did his outlook on this entire journey. Flat road was replaced by short, rolling hills. ""Sometimes life can be so cruel. @CAPS1 hills took a lot out of him and he was now on a highway. Before this terrain change the rider is very positive and thinks he can do this easily. I could make that! But after the terrain change he looses hope and almost dont make it. It didnt really matter. I was going to die and the birds would pick me clean. It is obvious as you read that when the terrain becomes tough it has a huge negative effect on the cycilists." 3 2 3
7695 3 The features of the setting effect the cyclist in a few ways. The roads were nice and smooth then turned to hills. It was a hot day in June and he had a sparse water supply with him. He was peddling through the deserts of California. The last thing that effected him was that there wasnt very many places to stop for water. 1 1 1
7696 3 In the essay Rough Road Ahead: Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit by Joe Kurmaskie, a cyclist is on his way trying to find his way to Yosemite National Park, but runs into a little trouble when getting directions from a couple of older men. The one lesson the cyclist learned was to never to listen to short-cuts given to you by old men who are extremly out of date and havent left their pourch since Carter was in office. The cyclist learned this the hard way when he ends up lost and almost died of thirst. The setting takes place in the desert of California or in deserted ghost towns. One his journey the cyclist says I was traveling through the high deserts of California in June. This feature effects the cyclist because of the extremely dry heat beating down on him makes him dehydrated. Also along his journey the cyclist encounters hills. The feature of the setting effects the cyclist by tiring him out and making him believe there isnt any hope of him getting out alive. Features of the setting like hills and deserts dehydrates a 2 2 2