- Added option -a/--append-datetime for appending an ISO 8601 timestamp to the filename.
- Only prompt to exit if plotting enabled
- Added marker at peak of channel 1 trace
- Added batch file to simplify execution.
- Added batch file to simplify installation.
- Fixed parsing of segments from ini file.
- Segmented sweep display window has linear frequency scale.
- Fixed incorrect reporting of acquisition time.
- Report acquisition time in ms rather than s.
- Install creates README.html from README.md.
- Added MATLAB function for plotting impedance data.
- Added install and execution scripts for OSX.
- Fixed poor performance and timeout over TCP/IP.
- Added build of executable using PyInstaller.
- Upgraded dependencies and pinned install requirements.
- Upgrade to Python 3.9
- Added build of executables using GitHub Actions.
- Added script for creating a release.
- Change to single-dir rather than single-file package to avoid slow extraction time from file.
- Implictly clear quarantine attribute on macOS.
- Upgrade to Python 3.9.7
- Check for brew dependencies in install script and error if missing, rather than implicitly installing.
- Upgrade dependencies to the latest versions.
- Upgrade to Python 3.9.9