Before you continue to read this page it is recommended that you have read about the Storage Manager before.
The following text is going to describe two ways to store a file. Which of both you choose depends at the end on your use case but it is recommended to use the events because they automate the whole process much more.
The basic idea of this plugin is that files are always handled as separate entities and are associated to other models. The reason for that is simple. A file has multiple properties like size, mime type and other entities in the system can have more than one file for example. It is considered as bad practice to store lots of file paths as reference in a table together with other data.
This plugin resolves that issue by handling each file as a completely separate entity in the application. There is just one table file_storage
that will keep the reference to all your files, no matter where they're stored.
This section is going to show how to store a file using the Storage Manager directly.
For example you have a Report model and want to save a pdf to it, you would then create an association like:
public function initialize(array $config)
$this->hasOne('PdfFiles', [
'className' => 'FileStorage.PdfFiles',
'foreignKey' => 'foreign_key'
In your add.ctp or edit.ctp views you would add something like:
echo $this->Form->input('Report.title');
echo $this->Form->input('PdfFile.file');
echo $this->Form->input('Report.description');
Now comes the crucial point of the whole implementation
Because of to many different requirements and personal preferences out there the plugin is not automatically storing the file. You'll have to customize it a little but its just a matter for a few lines.
Lets go by this scenario inside the report model, assuming there is an add() method:
$entity = $this->newEntity($data);
$saved = $this->save($entity);
if ($saved) {
$key = 'your-file-name';
if (StorageManager::adapter('Local')->write($key, file_get_contents($this->data['PdfFile']['file']['tmp_name']))) {
$this->data['PdfFile']['foreign_key'] = $saved->id;
$this->data['PdfFile']['model'] = 'Report';
$this->data['PdfFile']['path'] = $key;
$this->data['PdfFile']['adapter'] = 'Local';
Later, when you want to delete the file, for example in the beforeDelete() or afterDelete() callback of your Report model, you'll know the adapter you have used to store the attached PdfFile and can get an instance of this adapter configuration using the StorageManager. By having the path or key available you can then simply call:
Insted of doing all of this in the model that has the files associated to it you can also simply extend the FileStorage model from the plugin and add your storage logic there and use that model for your association.
The FileStorage plugin comes with a class that acts just as a listener to some of the events in this plugin. Take a look at LocalImageProcessingLister.php.
This class will listen to all the ImageStorage model events and save the uploaded image and then create the versions for that image and storage adapter.
It is important to understand that each storage adapter requires a different handling. You can not treat a local file the same as a file you store in a cloud service. The interface that this plugin and Gaufrette provide is the same but not the internals.
So if you want to store a file using Amazon S3 you would have to store it, create all the versions of that image locally and then upload each of them and then delete the local temp files.
When you create a new listener it is important that you check the model field and the event subject object if it matches what you expect. Using the event system you could create any kind of storage and upload behavior without inheriting or touching the model code. Just write a listener class and attach it to the global CakeEventManager.
Events triggered in the ImageStorage model:
- ImageVersion.createVersion
- ImageVersion.removeVersion
- ImageStorage.beforeSave
- ImageStorage.afterSave
- ImageStorage.beforeDelete
- ImageStorage.afterDelete
Events triggered in the FileStorage model:
- FileStorage.beforeSave
- FileStorage.afterSave
- FileStorage.afterDelete
See this page for the event listeners that are included in the plugin.
Every developer might want to store the file at a different point or apply other operations on the file before or after it is store. Based on different circumstances you might want to save an associated file even before you created the record its going to get attached to, in other scenarios like in this documentation you might want to do it after.
The $key
is also a key aspect of it: Different adapters might expect a different key. A key for the Local adapter of Gaufrette is usually a path and a file name under which the data gets stored. That's also the reason why you use file_get_contents()
instead of simply passing the tmp path as it is.
It is up to you how you want to generate the key and build your path. You can customize the way paths and file names are build by writing a custom event listener for that.
It is highly recommended to read the Gaufrette documentation for the read() and write() methods of the adapters.