Gaufrette does not come with a lot detail about what exactly some adapters expect so here is a list to help you with that.
But you should not blindly copy and paste that code, get an understanding of the storage service you want to use before!
By default the StorageManager already comes with a pre-configured adapter instance for the local file system adapter.
The first array element of the adapterOptions
config key is TMP
because the tmp folder and the logs folder should be the only writeable place in a proper configured application. The reason for that is simply to make it work out of the box without issues. You definitely want to change that path for your application.
StorageManager::config('Local', [
'adapterOptions' => [TMP, true],
'adapterClass' => '\Gaufrette\Adapter\Local',
'class' => '\Gaufrette\Filesystem'
You should create another folder outside your src
folder and symlink it if you need it to be present somewhere in webroot. For example use this as the base path for your local files. The following code is an example:
'adapterOptions' => [ROOT . 'file_storage', true],
Symlink Linux Example:
ln -s /home/myuser/projects/my-app/webroot/img/uploads /home/myuser/projects/my-app/file_storage
Symlink Windows Example:
mklink /D "C:\webstack\htdocs\my-app\webroot\img\uploads" "C:\webstack\htdocs\my-app\file_storage"
Get the SDK from here or get it via composer aws/aws-sdk-php
. If you're not using composer you'll have to add it to your own autoloader or load it manually.
use Aws\S3;
$S3Client = \Aws\S3\S3Client::factory(array(
'key' => 'YOUR-KEY',
'secret' => 'YOUR-SECRET'
StorageManager::config('S3Image', array(
'adapterOptions' => array(
'adapterClass' => '\Gaufrette\Adapter\AwsS3',
'class' => '\Gaufrette\Filesystem')
This adapter is legacy code, you should use the AwsS3 adapter instead!
Get the SDK from here and load the sdk.class.php file from where ever you cloned the SDK. Or get it via composer amazonwebservices/aws-sdk-for-php
require_once(APP . 'Vendor' . DS . 'AwsSdk' . DS . 'sdk.class.php');
'production' => array(
'certificate_authority' => true,
'key' => 'YOUR-KEY',
'secret' => 'YOUR-SECRET'
$s3 = new AmazonS3();
StorageManager::config('S3', array(
'adapterOptions' => array(
'adapterClass' => '\Gaufrette\Adapter\AmazonS3',
'class' => '\Gaufrette\Filesystem')
Get the SDK from here and add it to your class autoloader
$connection = new \OpenCloud\Rackspace(
'', // Rackspace Auth URL
'username' => 'YOUR-USERNAME',
'apiKey' => 'YOUR-API-KEY'
// LON (London) or DFW (Dallas)
$objstore = $connection->ObjectStore('cloudFiles', 'LON');
StorageManager::config('OpenCloudTest', array(
'adapterOptions' => array(
'adapterClass' => '\Gaufrette\Adapter\OpenCloud',
'class' => '\Gaufrette\Filesystem')