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Dependencies required to run Orga Server

  • Python 3.7
  • Postgres
  • OpenSSL

Get a copy of source code

  • Clone the Open Event Server repository (from the development branch) and cd into the directory.
git clone -b development
cd open-event-server
  • If you want to contribute, first fork the original repository to your GitHub profile and clone that fork into your local machine, followed by cd into the directory
git clone -b development
cd open-event-server
  • Tip:

    • Setup SSH key in your profile, and use SSH method to clone the source code, so that you don't have to type password repeatly. It case of SSH, the command above will be:
    git clone -b development [email protected]:USERNAME/open-event-server.git
    • To let your personal fork up-to-date with the original FOSSASIA repo, add original repo to "remote" list and regularly fetch its new content.
    git remote add upstream
    git pull -r upstream development

Install system dependencies

These are softwares on which our Open Event server depends, and C-based libraries on which our Python packages depend.

For Mac OS

brew install postgresql
brew install python@3
brew install libmagic
brew install redis

Note: For Mac OS Sierra users, if you get an error that 'openssl/aes.h' could not be found when installing requirements.txt using pip, try the steps shown here - OSX openssl header error

For Debian/Ubuntu

The dependencies are listed in deb-packages.txt file. You can install them all with one command:

xargs -a deb-packages.txt sudo apt install

In case you use Ubuntu 20.04+, where Python 3.7 is not provided in official repo, you can use pyenv to install Python 3.7 (Open Event Server is not compatible with Python 3.8+ yet).

Create a Python virtual environment

Use Python built-in tool:

python3 -m venv .venv

Install Python packages

  • Activate the Python virtual environment you created for this project.

    source .venv/bin/activate
  • Enter the project folder and run:

    pip3 install -r requirements.txt

After installing dependencies in your virtual environment, you need to configure pre-commit hooks by running the command

pre-commit install

Create database

For Linux users

The default database name used by Open Event server is oevent and opev_test for test cases. To ease development, we should connect to PostgreSQL with the same username as Linux user, without creating password.

# Make yourself superuser in PostgeSQL
sudo -u postgres createuser -s $USER
# You are already a superuser, you can freely create new database
createdb oevent -O $USER
createdb opev_test -O $USER

This method is called "peer" method, where the connection is established via "Unix domain socket", which is a file, instead of a pair of IP:port. This method is safe because:

  • No password to protect.
  • Only available to same-machine clients, meaning no worries about attack from outside.

For MAC users

psql -d postgres

Inside psql's shell:

CREATE USER open_event_user WITH PASSWORD 'opev_pass';
CREATE DATABASE oevent WITH OWNER open_event_user;
CREATE DATABASE opev_test WITH OWNER open_event_user;

Once the databases are created, exit the psql shell with \q followed by ENTER.

Generate configuration

cp .env.example .env

Add SECRET_KEY={{something random}} in .env file for cryptographic usage. Note that server will not run in production mode if you don't supply a secret. To get a good secret value, run python -c 'import secrets;print(secrets.token_hex())' in a terminal and replace {{something random}} with its output in the line above and paste it in .env file.

If you created a dedicated PostgreSQL user and password, you should update the .env file content.

Create database tables

Please run these inside Python virtual environment

# enter email and password
python3 db stamp head

Note 1: In case you made your own username and password in Step 2 are now getting FATAL: password authentication failed for user "john" , probable cause is non updation of .env file. To resolve it, open the .env file and update DATABASE_URL=postgresql://USERNAME:[email protected]:5432/oevent and you are good to go.

Note2: In case you are using Anaconda distribution for python, you may get an import error regarding celery.signals module. Please use the default python version while executing these steps in that case.

Start application

# For macOS
brew services start redis

# Run Celery
# socketio has problems with celery "blocking" tasks
# also socketio is not used in a celery task so no problem to turn it off
INTEGRATE_SOCKETIO=false celery -A app.instance.celery worker -B -l INFO -c 2

# run app
python3 runserver
  • Rejoice. Go to localhost:5000 in your web browser to see the application live.

Flask-SocketIO development

Flask-SocketIO has been used in the project for displaying real-time notifications to the user. Although it's switched off by default. To integrate SocketIO you must set the INTEGRATE_SOCKETIO variable to true at bash.


The development server is the one that Flask ships with. It's based on Werkzeug and does not support WebSockets. If you try to run it, you'll get a RunTime error, something like: You need to use the eventlet server. . To test real-time notifications, you must use the Gunicorn web server with eventlet worker class.

If you've installed development requirements, you should have both gunicorn and eventlet installed. To run application on port 5000, execute the following instead of python3 runserver:

gunicorn app.instance:app --worker-class eventlet -w 1 --bind --reload

-w specifies the number of worker classes to be used. --reload is used for development environments, so the server is restarted if any of the application python files change.

Now you should be able to access the website at localhost:5000.


Gunicorn shouldn't be serving static files, it's supposed to run just the Flask application. You can use Nginx to serve static files and bypass other requests to the Gunicorn server, using it as a reverse proxy server. Proper configuration to enable proxying of WebSocket requests can be found in the Flask-SocketIO documentation: (search for Nginx).

For Vagrant Machine

Doing the same for Vagrant machine requires some more configuration. If you're using the Vagrantfile provided in the repo, then you can check that the port forwarding is done as: 8001 -> 5000. So accessing the 8001 port in host machine will access the port 5000 in the guest (vagrant) machine. So in the guest machine, you need to run Nginx at port 5000 and gunicorn at some other port (let's assume port 5001).

map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {
    default upgrade;
    ''      close;

server {
    listen       5000;

    sendfile off;

    location /static {
        alias /vagrant/app/static;
    autoindex on;

    location / {


    proxy_http_version 1.1;
    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
    proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;


You can directly use this configuration and put it inside sites-available (/etc/nginx/sites-available/nginx.conf) and create a symlink for it in sites-enabled (/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/nginx.conf).

Test the Nginx configuration and restart the Nginx server. Then run the Gunicorn server.

sudo service nginx testconfig # Should respond with "test is successful"
sudo service nginx restart
gunicorn app.instance:app --worker-class eventlet -w 1 --bind --reload