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What is (open-source) statistical software and how can it be validated, tested, and reviewed?

A repo of ideas and explorations for rOpenSci’s project on peer-reviewed statistical software. The current form of this document summarises results from attempts to empirically define the concepts that follow, in the belief that initial attempts at definition should be as empirical reproducible and defensible as possible, to allow a maximally neutral initial assessment prior to posterior, subjective modification. The document presents four primary aspects, and sub-aspects within each, in a linear sequential order, and treats each as an independent unit. There will of course be many inter-dependencies between these units.

1. Peer Review

Important Questions:

  • What is Peer Review?
  • How can a system of peer review best be constructed ab initio?
  • How can a system of peer review be cultivated and maintained? (That component directly connects to the final Community component considered below)
  • At what points does peer review start and end? (That component directly relates to the issue of software life cycles considered below)
  • Related to the previous question: Is peer-review a one-off phenomenon, or should there be some degree of ongoing engagement?
  • To the extent that ongoing engagement may be considered desirable, how can we best ensure the ongoing independence of peer review from the development itself? Is that even possible? (Some of the only role models for such appear to be external peer-review of code, for which independent auditing bodies are widely available, the functions of which are generally not transferable to the current context of peer-reviews of open-source code.)

2. Statistical Software

2.1 Summary

The project requires a degree of consensus on the scope of “Statistical Software”. One of the primary, coherent bodies of reference for statistical software is the eponymous academic journal. The following summarises detailed explorations in a sub-directory of this repository, involving code to extract and analyse the abstracts of all articles published by the Journal of Statistical Software. Textual descriptions of statistical software are very generic and homogeneous, and have become more so over time, most notably from around 2008 onwards. It is therefore difficult to apply standard “text mining” algorithms to discern topics, clusters, or other textual phenomena which might help to distinguish categories of statistical software. The following nevertheless provides a brief list of nouns which define potentially distinct topics within the broader realm of statistical software:

2.2 Terms Defining Statistical Software (from JSS Abstracts)

2.2a Applications

  1. paleo, ecosystems, sediment, fossil, pollution, water, diatom, acidifation
  2. genealogy, varieties, branches, cultivars,
  3. ordination, migrants, pioneering, kendall, infections, dyads, disorders, lifestyle, susceptibility, nucleotide, polymorphisms, chromosome, cofactors, proteins, organism, liquid chromatography, compensation, bioreactors, substrates, carbon, lymph

2.2b General Statistics

  1. model(s), data, user(s), program, analysis, code, regression, linear, error, cluster(ing), likelihood, matrix, estimates, effects, multivariate, distributions, language, survival, time, distribution, simulation, optimal, density, information, classification, test, response, estimation, parameter, risk,, effect, comparison, sample, markov chain, monte carlo, optimization, population, imputation
  2. quality, processes, ratio, web, computer, poisson, disease, graph, area densities, gamma, dirichlet, factor, bayes, interval, length, simulations, estimator, groups, wavelet, individual, dimension reduction, plot, inverse, principal, table, value, decomposition, species, group, curve, covariate, accuracy, dose, pattern, feature, threshold, anova, hazard map, subjects, panel, field, odds
  3. concentration, observation, step, failure, cause, patient, origin, variate, region, loss, run, gibbs, combinations, contrast, behavior, complexity, coefficient, priors, stage, splines, phase, batch, shape, tail, element, decision, cost, resolution, log, rank, iterative, trait, haplotype, location, gradient, domain, array, reduce, skew, trajectories, variation, intervention, voxels, maximization, expectation, escalation, cytometry, randomization, genotype
  4. nonstationarity, implemenation, kaufman, calibrate, likelikhood, loading, candidates, travel, consumers, manipulations, hyper, coordination, majorization, covariation, tract, norms, microstructure, imbalances, registers, optimizes, proof, supervisor, dendrograms, organisation, saturation, convexity, geophysics
  5. bounds, script, pearson, deviance, generator, macros, term, lattice, researcher, fourier, product, mode, similarity, consistency, box, spline, education, intensity, situation, goal, partition, surface, path, attribute, entries, combine, tails
  6. install, year, separation, folds, censoring, scoring, symmetry, mantel, forward, occurrence, passing, zeros, width, art, score, author, voting, pca, indicator, parent, rule, pair, turn, products, correction, circular, physical, orders, magnitude, sunspot, autoregression, inflation, fisher, impute, split, marker, equality, membership, derivative, moment, chromatograms, cloud, spread, ridges, identity

2.2c Special Issues

  1. ihaka, gentleman, redesign, reimplementation, respond, stimuli, visibility, obstruction, probabilites, rcppeigen, eigen, eddelbuettel, mosaicplots, spineplots, ceiling, shadings, palettes, pngs, overlay, hotspot, oscillation, teleconnections, microsimulation, businesses, microdatasets, inequalities, celebrates, anniversary, festschrift, chair, accomplishments, guest, editors, reproduction, cohorts, hosts, retrieval, completing

2.2d Miscellaneous terms beyond the above clusters

  1. multifactor, hyperparameter, concentrates, gauss, tukey, congruential, modulus, fibonacci, cryptography, infer, geography, obstacle, bayesians, nuances, jackknifed, respondent, cheminformatics, microscopy, nanosecond, spectrochromatograms, elution, analytes, imperfections, observatory, terabyte, inverses, wildlife, policies, underestimation, accelerations, biodiversity, dispense, salesman, vehicle, presenceabsence, percent, reactions, neuropsychology, implemantation, transversal, discordance, benefit, refinement, metaheuristics, district, irregularities, saddlepoints, discontinuities, hygiene, agents, vocabulary, critics, weaknesses, demographers, actuaries, photovoltaics, incident, feathers, flight, insurances, portfolios, decomposes, ultimatum game, chunks, queries, pressure, materials, subclasses, longitudes, latitudes, outbreaks, runtimes, origins, biometrics, overlaps, career, monograph, expectancy, pyramids, ergonomics, clothing, workstation, ontologies, plasma, clearance, humans, generalisation, violates, myocardial infarction, aesthetics, heritability, declaration, parameterizations, tensors, wraps, differentiates, archives, geology, continuum, ingredient

2.3 Approaches to Defining Statistical Software

While the preceding terms might help somewhat to attempt a definition of “Statistical Software”, there is clearly going to be a need to subjectively define what the scope of such might be. The Journal of Statistical Software simply defines its own scope as,

statistical computing in all areas of empirical research,

presumably leaving the task of defining the boundaries of scope to ad hoc decisions. We note only that conventional (sociological) attempts at defining culturally shared concepts are generally approached via surveys along the lines of lists of potential topics which participants are asked to allocate to within or beyond definition or scope. Scope is then readily defined through (probabilistically) demarcating all items adjudged as “beyond scope”.

2.4 Difficulties in Defining/Delieating Statistical Software

While this document will not (currently) attempt to provide any definitions of “statistical software”, it is nevertheless instructive to consider a few “edge cases” which illustrate the potential difficulties faced in attempting such definition. The following brief digressions are made with reference to the “fitness” of statistical software for some particular purpose, by which is meant any and all potential definitions of applicability, validity, accuracy, or similar concepts.

2.4a Artificial Intelligence Algorithms

Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms have become deeply embedded within many areas of modern computational science, and certainly can not be excluded from an (increasingly?) active role in statistical software. Yet AI algorithms present an immediate challenge to two of the surest measures of the “fitness” of statistical software: (i) They are very generally unable to generate reproducible results; and (ii) they almost always suffer from some form of bias, particularly as generated by a necessarily incomplete set of training data. At the risk of over-simplification, it may be simply stated that AI algorithms may generally not be presumed to generate either reproducible or unbiased results (absent some kind of explicit and external demonstration of such absence). Yet such inability can not exclude such software from consideration as a valid form of “statistical software,” rather these issues illustrate the need to adapt any specifications or definitions to particular cases.

2.4b Genetic Algorithms

Similar to AI algorithms, genetic algorithms can not be excluded from the domain of “statistical software”, yet their results may also generally not be precisely predictable for any given input, and so they may not be considered to generate truly reproducible results.

2.4c Clustering Algorithms and their Relations

Clustering Algorithms are included here as a synecdoche for the general class of techniques which can not fail to generate an intelligible output, entirely regardless of the validity or otherwise of that output. Clustering algorithms must generate a result, yet that result may be entirely devoid of meaning or significance. Yet clustering algorithms are also an integral part of contemporary statistics, and can not be excluded from consideration. This suggests in turn that statistical software must consider implementations which are potentially unable to generate meaningful output.

2.4d Summary

The following table summarises these three brief classes of statistical software, and the potential problems they encapsulate, where “No” is to be interpreted to imply “Not necessarily”, and “Yes” merely some sufficient degree of surety.

Algorithm Reproducible? Unbiased? Meaningful?
AI No No Yes
GA No Yes Yes
Clustering Yes Yes No

These cases suffice to demonstrate that statistical software can not be defined or assessed in terms of any notions of absolute reproducibility; of being unbiased; or of being able to generate meaningful results. The question is how such issues might best be approached in defining and assessing statistical software? Perhaps the simplest approach would be to have these as notionally defined categories of statistical software, with due and encompassing acknowledgement that software within any of these categories may suffer or manifest the nominated shortcomings. The latter case of clustering algorithms nevertheless illustrates the difficulties such a categorisation may face. As mentioned, the term “clustering algorithms” was intended only as a synecdoche for a general, encompassing category of software potentially incapable of generating statistically meaningful results. Many other algorithms, implementations, and pieces of software could also fit within this general category, many of which may also fit within the other two categories considered here.

An AI algorithm capable of categorising some set of input objects to an accuracy determined by some selected set of human assessors can only be deemed to yield meaningful output to the extent that the judgements of the selected set of assessors may be adjudged meaningful by some general, and generally representative, portion of (some) society. An element of subjectivity may be accordingly unavoidable in assessing statistical software, suggesting perhaps a need to have developers attempt to explicate potential areas or causes of subjectivity.

A tentative suggestion at this early point of development would be to reach a binary decision of whether to categorise software along the lines of the row names in the above table, and associate a list of potential problems or shortcomings with each of the given categories; or to categorise software directly according to the column names of potential problems or shortcomings, regardless of the explicit category to which it may be judged to belong. These potential problems are given further, explicit consideration within the following sections.

3. Software Reviews, Testing and Validation

There is a wealth of literature on software reviews, software verification and validation, and software testing, either as independent topics, of considered as aspects of a unified whole. Of particular use in developing the following have been the reference works of Mili (2015) and Ammann and Offutt (2017). All of the following topics and concepts are inextricably entwined, as can be seen in the associated network diagram presented here. The following sub-sections roughly correspond to the individual groups within that diagram.

3.1 Verification and Validation

The topics of Software Verification and Validation have been granted very extensive consideration. One work of particular note is the comprehensive reference of Vogel (2011). The concepts of verification and validation may often have only peripheral validity of open source software in general, and to much of the software curated by rOpenSci, yet these concepts are nevertheless of direct relevance within particular fields, very notably software for pharmacological research. Within these field, these concepts are being concurrently investigated by the “R Validation Hub”, which is,

a cross-industry initiative whose mission is to enable the use of R by the bio-pharmaceutical industry in a regulatory setting, where the output may be used in submissions to regulatory agencies.

One regulatory agency of particular focus in that context is the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), who publish their own “General Principles of Software Validation” (2002) (for Devices and adiological Health 2019). Much validation and verification work has also been directed towards the R language itself, resulting in the R Foundation’s document on “Regulatory Compliance and Validation Issues” (The R Foundation for Statistical Computing 2018). Such work is considered beyond the scope of rOpenSci’s Statistical Software project, which will retain a focus on R packages rather than the language as a whole. Some of the procedures and protocols developed for such endeavours may nevertheless be of relevance and interest for this project. Of more direct relevance is the current primary output of the R Validation Hub, in the form of a White Paper, the content of which overlaps many of the concepts presented and discussed here.

Of critical importance in the present context is the fact that almost all work on software verification and validation has been focussed on closed-source commercial software, with one of the only works of note to date on verification and validation of open-source software being a conference paper from 2012 (Stokes 2012). That paper is nevertheless largely discursive in nature, and largely rests on unproven assumptions that open-source software may pose greater probabilities of risk due to such factors as novelty, poor software quality, poor documentation, difficulties in controlling the production environment, and compatibility issues with unverified infrastructure, and a decreased risk detectability. All of this issues may equally plague closed-source software. The merit of that work appears to lie in its consideration of the importance of community for open-source software, and the importance for the purposes of verification and validation of assessing such community. They consider the following questions:

  • Is there a formal community supporting the software or is it just a loose collection of individuals?
  • Does the community have any formal rules or charter that provide a degree of assurance with respect to support for the software?
  • How mature is the software? How likely is it that the open source community will remain interested in the development of the software once the immediate development activities are complete?
  • What level of documentation is available within the community? How up-to-date is the documentation compared to the software?
  • How does the community respond to identified software bugs? Are these fixed in a timely manner and are the fixes reliable?
  • What level of testing is undertaken by the community? Is this documented and can it be relied upon in lieu of testing by the regulated company?
  • What level of involvement are we willing to play in the community? Will we only leverage the software outputs, or actively support the development?

3.2 Software Review

The primary emphasis of almost all prior work on software review is the need for review to be external and independent in order to ensure objectivity and impartiality. While is may be tritely assumed that rOpenSci’s system goes a great way to ensuring such externality and independence, it is important to note that current review practices only partially overlap conventional or traditional domains of “software review”. In particular, software review is traditionally very directly focussed on explicit review of code, and less so on broader or more general aspects of functionality and usage. All of these aspects are so intimately entwined (click here to view interactive network diagram), that such entwinement should rightly be interpreted to reflect a need to clearly clarify the scope and design of review itself.

It should also be noted in relation to the interactive network diagram that the centrality of review within that network likely reflects a pervasive difficulty within the extant literature in defining the scope of review. This difficulty in definition translates into the concept of review being tentatively related to many other, more diverse yet readily defined aspects (such as testing). Whether or not the centrality of review is an artefact, the following two important aspects emerge as subsets, and direct repeats, of the more general questions considered under the general topic of “Review” at the outset:

  1. At what point(s) during the development of software should review start and end?
  2. Should review be a one-off phenomenon, or should there be ongoing engagement?

3.3 Software Metrics

There are uncountably many software metrics, many of which are equally applicable to both closed- and open-source software. These can be broadly categorised into the following three sub-classes.

3.3a Formal Computer Science Metrics

There are many formal computer science software metrics, for which one particularly useful reference is Myers, Badgett, and Sandler (2012). This book provides a solid semi-theoretical basis for graph-based metrics of software performance, testing, and evaluation. One particularly useful insight they provide is a formula defining a required number of users to achieve an expected rate of fault discovery. This could be very usefully and directly translated into formal procedures for verification and validation of open-source software.

The book discusses many other formal computer science metrics such as cyclomatic complexity and code volume. Importantly, almost all formal computer science metrics for code quality are graph based, yet there is no current software within R capable of providing such analyses. (Current metrics of cyclomatic complexity are based on sub-graphs within single functions only, and are not based on analyses of entire package graphs.) While graph-based metrics may be criticised, the inability of any current system to provide a comprehensive graph-based insight into package structure and functionality can not be ignored.

Of particular use in devising graph-based analyses of R packages is almost certainly the pkgapi package, which relies on the relatively recently re-designed R::utils function getParseData.

3.3b Documentation Metrics

Documentation metrics are generally very straightforward to assess, and may consist of one of more of the following aspects:

  1. Total numbers of line of documentation
  2. Proportion of documentation to code lines
  3. Proportion of exported functions that are documented
  4. Extended documentation in the form of vignettes
  5. Documented examples for exported functions

3.3c Meta Metrics

Meta metrics include aspects such as development histories of packages, usage statistics, and empirical reputation metrics of software developers. The riskmetric package developed as part of the PharmaR initiative is currently primarily focussed on meta metrics, including the following (in arbitrary order)

  1. Size of code base
  2. Release rate
  3. Website availability
  4. Version control availability
  5. Metrics of response to bug tracker issues
  6. Presence of a package maintainer
  7. Numbers of active contributors
  8. Suitability of software license
  9. Number of package downloads, and download history
  10. Metric of “community enthusiasm”
  11. Time for develop(s) to respond to bug reports
  12. Time for develop(s) to respond to pull requests
  13. Metric of community engagement in issues
  14. Availability of a public code repository
  15. Code coverage
  16. Code coverage assessed by function examples only
  17. Availability of examples
  18. Documentation

3.4 Testing

Current R testing is arguably very focussed on “unit testing”, largely in ignorance of the maxim that (Vogel 2011),

A validation program that depends on testing alone for a defect-free device is depending on perfection in testing.

There are entire taxonomies of, and systematic approaches to, testing, for which Mili (2015) provides a notably comprehensive overview.

3.4a Types of Tests

It ought to be particularly emphasised that unit testing is very generally considered an activity conducted by developers and relevant to developers (only). It seems regrettably necessary to note that this practice gained its nomenclature to indicate nothing more than testing software at the smallest possible scale of “fundamental” units, regardless of any inter-dependence between those units. The testing of such inter-dependence between units is accordingly referred to as “integration testing”, while testing of explicit functions within a piece of code is referred to “functional testing.” These categories can of course not generally be clearly defined, but the distinction between lowest level “unit testing” and any form of higher level (functional or integration) testing is nevertheless useful. The structure of R packages makes for a particularly clear distinction between these two:

  1. Unit Testing tests all functions and functionality internal to a package
  2. Integration Testing tests all exported functions of a package—and only those functions.

(Along with a potential corollary that “functional testing” is, or is agreed to be, largely meaningless for R packages.) Those consideration alone highlight the importance of explicitly determining whether tests of and within an R package should best focus on testing exported functions (only), or whether they should focus on testing internal (non-exported) functions?

There are many other taxonomies and types of tests, with most texts on the subject emphasising the importance of explicitly developing a schema to guide the entire process of testing, including considerations of:

  1. The test environment
  2. The test data
  3. The test reporter
  4. Test termination conditions
  5. The test driver
  6. The test execution
  7. Analysis of test outcomes

It is worthwhile annotating and repeating these components within the context of current practice for R packages:

  1. The test environment — generally, and justifiably, not considered relevant
  2. The test data — entirely ad hoc, and left to developer
  3. The test reporter — commonly testthat output parsed by R CMD check
  4. Test termination conditions — generally not considered relevant?
  5. The test driver — very generally testthat
  6. The test execution — always R CMD check, but other options ought to be considered
  7. Analysis of test outcomes

Testing can also have different goals, such as:

  1. Finding and removing faults
  2. Proving absence of faults
  3. Estimating frequencies of failure
  4. Ensuring infrequency of failure
  5. Estimating fault densities

There is arguably no current practice within the development of R packages that considers testing to have any particular defined goal, let alone consideration of the consequences of potential differences between these goals. The entire domain of testing within R packages only very cursorily reflects current approaches to, practices and theories of, testing within modern computer science texts.

3.4b Content of Tests

Tests should be designed to explicitly measure one of more of the above aspects of software faults and failures (generally presence/absence or frequencies). The structure of R CMD check has arguably enforced on the R community a practice of testing as confirming the absence of faults. This is of course never possible, and is emphasised in most texts as extremely undesirable, because it does little more than confirm the limitation of implemented tests.

Contents of tests depend directly on the intended types of tests. In particular, Mili (2015) distinguish “concrete”, “symbolic”, and “stochastic” tests. The former of these arguably describes all current R practices: testing concrete inputs against concretely-specified expected outputs. In contrast, symbolic tests are exceedingly difficult, and examine and test the “impact of execution on symbolic data”, while “stochastic” testing aims to statistically summarise the expected output of full symbolic tests, obviating the necessity of implementing full symbolic tests, as explored further in the following sub-section.

3.4c Property-Based Testing

Parallel to works on formal taxonomies of testing are systems for specifying and testing expectations of software inputs and outputs. There appears to be no current consensus on vocabulary for such, but domains in which expectations have been considered include property testing, fuzzing, and particularly the above-mentioned domain of stochastic testing. Fuzzing encapsulates the underlying concept of examining software outputs in response to stochastically generated inputs. Fuzzing was, and continues to be, developed in a largely independent domain of software security, where it has proven to be particularly useful in detecting software vulnerabilities. Although this domain of application may not be directly relevant to much of R package development, the underlying tools and methodologies may nevertheless be relevant. In particular, many of the most widely used fuzzing tools employ what are referred to as “coverage-based fuzzing” as a form of effectively black-box testing. A program is compiled with symbolic links to code entities, and the “fuzzer” modifies its input to attempt to maximise the exploration space traced between input and output.

As explained, fuzzing has been largely confined to its own domain of software security and vulnerability, yet there are strong and direct parallels to incipient domains of “property-based testing” (credit for that term to David MacIver, lead developer of the python hypothesis software for doing exactly that). Property-based testing replaces standard concrete testing—what might be term “instantiation testing” because what is tested are concrete instantiations of particular inputs and outputs—with generic properties. The canonical example is replacing an instantiation test with a univariate input such as,

output <- my_function(input = 31)
expect(output == <expected_single_output>)

with a property-based equivalent,

output <- my_function(input = rnorm(1, mean = 0, sd = 1))
expect(output == <expected_distributional_output>)

or more powerfully,

output <- my_function(input = norm_dist)
expect(output == <expected_distributional_output>)

where norm_dist is ascribed some set of defined properties, as are the instances of <expected_distributional_output>. These properties then form the basis of the “property-based testing” of my_function, and may include, for example, the extent to which one or both of input and output might deviate from stated or expected distributional forms. There have been previous attempts to devise such systems for R packages, perhaps most notably the fuzzr package, and the quickcheck package by RevolutionAnalytics, both of which appear to have long been abandoned. The software which appears to best encapsulate current best practices in this regard in any language appears to be the above-mentioned hypothesis software for python. This software requires explicit specifications of tests using its own internal grammar of assumptions or pre-conditions, defined by a series of @given statements, a definition of what is being tested, and a statement of expected output (generally via one or more @assert statements). This is a far more powerful framework than anything currently considered or possible within R (notwithstanding the two packages mentioned above).

3.4d Testing Grammar

As mentioned, testing is R is currently very largely defined by the testthat package, which offers its own grammar of expectations (via expect_that-type statements). These are directly equivalent to the @assert statement of hypothesis, yet absent any ability to define @given statements, and therefore entirely restricted to tests of concrete instantiations only. The actual grammar of hypothesis is arguably only slightly more extensible in permitting such @given statements of pre-conditions or assumptions, yet these render the current testing grammar of hypothesis enormously more powerful than testthat, through being able to test general properties of inputs, rather than concrete instantiations. The ultimate aim of hypothesis nevertheless appears to be to develop a far more generic, and more powerful, grammar for specifying both tests and more general behavioural expectations of software.

The current “best practices” framework for grammars of expectation appears to be the gherkin language developed for the cucumber system for “Behavior-Driven Development”. This grammar enables plain English-style statements to be made both for test expectations and for pre-conditions or assumptions. Importantly, these are embedded within statements of “Scenarios”, which means that the crucial component of gherkin-type systems for open-source software is that precisely the same grammar is shared by all of:

  1. Software tests;
  2. Software specifications;
  3. Software bug reports; and
  4. Software feature requests.

While the development of such a system may be judged to lie well beyond the scope of the current rOpenSci project, consideration of such may nevertheless be warranted, particularly if pursued in conjunction with concurrent developments in python. It ought to especially be noted that the @given statements of both hypothesis and gherkin/cucumber very frequently translate to expectation of statistical properties, and are thus likely to be of particularly direct relevance to statistical software. We now consider further arguments for serious consideration of such systems within the context of statistical software, with particular reference to the foregoing considerations of types of statistical software.

3.5e Property-Based Testing and Statistical Software

Implementing property-based testing within or for R package may be judged too ambitious within the scope of the present project, yet this sub-section presents a brief argument for serious consideration. We consider by way of example, with reference to the above categories of statistical software, considered in this context in terms of the column names of the preceding table, defining whether software generates results that are (i) Reproducible? (ii) Unbiased? and (iii) Meaningful? Consider, for example, reproducibility which, among other important aspects, should only ever be defined (in the best possible circumstances) within some degree of machine precision, and so can in this trite yet strict sense only rightly be considered a phenomenon of distribution rather than instantiation, Testing reproducibility thus requires some form of distributional–or property-based–testing. More generally, many of the problems encapsulated in the foregoing considerations of “difficult” categories of statistical software could be effectively addressed by specifying software capabilities in distributional or property-based terms.

Continuing with the above example, software that fails to generate “reproducible” results according to some “standard” definition of that concept could nevertheless be specified to transform a given distributional input into an expected distributional output, with that output encapsulating the distributional uncertainty associated with some explicitly acknowledged degree of irreproducibility. Similarly, software that (potentially) generates biased results could readily and explicitly acknowledge such via an appropriate property-based grammar of testing along such lines as,

given(my_input1 = <our_training_data>)
output1 <- my_function(input = my_input1)
expect(output1 == <expected_distributional_output1>)
given(my_input2 = <different_training_data>)
output2 <- my_function(input = my_input2)
expect(output2 == <expected_distributional_output2>)
expect(<expected_distributional_output1> != <expected_distributional_output2>)

Specification of expected distributional differences in output would then amount to an explicit specification of expected bias.

This brief sub-section hopefully suffices to illustrate how the unavoidable problems identified above in regard to classifying types of statistical software might be very effectively overcome through implementation of an appropriate grammar for property-based testing, and that doing so could go a long way towards obviating much need to delineate and categorise either different types of statistical software, or different types of expected divergence from generally expected behaviour of statistical software.

4. Software Design

Like testing, software design has been granted extensive prior consideration, and a notably useful reference is again Mili (2015), who identify the following three primary attributes, and sub-components thereof (all shown within the interactive network diagram):

  1. Functional Attributes
    • Correctness
    • Robustness
  2. Useability Attributes
    • Ease of Use
    • Ease of Learning
    • Customizability
    • Calibrability
    • Interoperability
  3. Structural Attributes
    • Design Integrity
    • Modularity
    • Testability
    • Adaptability

rOpenSci’s guide on package development, maintenance, and peer review provides arguably one of the most prominent guides on the design of R packages, primarily with its first chapter. One of the few other notable examples of guides to design principles of R packages is the tidyverse design guide. It is nevertheless notable that both of these primarily focus on what might be considered more technical aspects of package development at the expense of the more general concepts listed above, particularly those listed under “Useability Attributes”.

4.1 Software Lifecycles

A key determinant and constraint of software design arises through it being explicitly embedded within a defined “software lifecycle”. There has been a great deal written about software lifecycles, and a large variety of models proposed to describe or define “software lifecycles” (Mohammed, Munassar, and Govardhan 2010; Kumar, Mishra, and Mehta 2016). All of these models are unavoidably generic, and most of them—one might justifiably assert, “merely”—serve to enable a visual diagram that connects various components deemed to be important to consider throughout an ongoing process of software development and improvement. None of these proposed models ought be considered any more or less worth of consideration than any other, and with that no particular model ought be considered worthy of any particular, explicit consideration. What nevertheless unites all such models is their universal basis in a conceptualisation of software development as an inherently commercial activity, and as such a great deal of most such models is arguably not directly applicable to notions of software lifecycles which might be typical of open source software (although see Spencer et al. 2015 for an example). A few general comments are nevertheless instructive, including the following:

The software life cycle contains software engineering tasks and documentation necessary to support the software validation effort. In addition, the software life cycle contains specific verification and validation tasks that are appropriate for the intended use of the software (for Devices and adiological Health (2019)).

Vogel (2011) further provides the following list of components of a software lifecycle, done while importantly emphasising that one ought never presume the universal applicability of a single model of a software lifecycle:

  • Quality Planning
  • System Requirements Definition
  • Detailed Software Requirements Specification
  • Software Design Specification
  • Construction or Coding
  • Testing
  • Installation
  • Operation and Support
  • Maintenance
  • Retirement

4.2 Software Testing Lifecycles

Mili (2015) discusses the potentially important concept of a Software Testing Lifecycle, although the discussion points themselves are quite generic.

4.3 Lifecycles of Open Source Software

Important questions:

  • Is there a “lifecycle” for open source software? Or is it just a manifestion of an indefinable and dynamic aspect of a sn indefinable community?
  • Can the developmental processes of open source software be characterised to any sufficient degree of accuracy by a necessarily simplistic “model” of a development “lifecycle”?
  • In the apparent absence of any applicable or useful model for the lifecycle of open source software, would it be useful for the project to explicitly develop and specify one or more such models?

With these three questions held in mind, the following sub-sections attempt to exemplify what such a model might look like, and therewith to explore the potential utility to be gained by developing, implementing, and referring to such a model.

4.3a What might a model of an Open Source Software Lifecycle look like?

Open source software may often be initially conceived of and designed to meet or fulfil some specific goal of one or more (initial) primary developers, yet its ongoing development is frequently and strongly influenced by open and ongoing community engagement with the software. Such engagement is inherently unpredictable, and arguably must lead to developmental trajectories being less predictable than for equivalent, closed source software, and therefore less amenable to being represented in terms of simplified models. For the purposes of understanding the potential form of a model for the lifecycle of open source software, it nevertheless seems reasonable to initially distinguish between the following three primary developmental phases:

1. Initial Conception and “Internal” Development This is perhaps the single stage in the development of open source software which has sufficiently strong parallels to models of general (closed source) software development for concepts to be broadly transferable and applicable. In particular, this would be the phase defining such aspects as Planning, Specification, and Design. The end of this stage might be marked by an increase in community engagement with the ongoing development of the software beyond some minimally sufficient degree, such that the ongoing form of the software and its developmental process becomes significantly affected by influences external to the primary developer(s).

2. Ongoing, Open Development This phase can be less well described by conventional models of software lifecycles, because the ongoing engagement of a truly open community must lead to some degree of uncontrollability in the process of ongoing development. Beyond central, technical questions defining development platforms, version control systems, update and release frequencies and strategies, and platforms for community engagement and contribution, equally important “meta-questions” which must likely be confronted during this phase include:

  1. The extent to which control over the developmental trajectory of software can, will, or might best be granted to non-primary (“community”) developers;
  2. The desired extent of community engagement in development, and whether it is desired that such engagement increase over time? (And potentially: if so, how?)
  3. The extent to which development might be defined by bug reports, feature requests, and similar input which nevertheless may or will require explicit action of primary developers, versus developmemnt more determined by direct community code contributions (such as pull requests).

Many similar questions could be added to that list, but these are intended to be interpreted as illustrative of the kinds of decisions that could be, and likely often are, made and which directly determine the developmental trajectories of open source software, and yet which are likely often made only implicitly, or absent explicit awareness or reflection. The intent of the present section is to explore the extent to which an explicit model of an open source software lifecycle might be useful, for which we will return to these questions immediately below, keeping in mind that their primary function here in intended to be exemplary. In doing so, it may nevertheless be instructive to consider the possibility of two distinct (sub-)phases within this second, general phase:

  1. Active, open development with significant changes in structure and function; potentially leading to:
  2. Stability in structure and function, with subsequent development primarily responding or being directed to finding and fixing faults, increasing software stability or performance, or other periheral functional embellishments.

Those two phases may, of course, often cycle in sequence, with phases of relative stability followed by additional, subsequent phases of active development.

3. Decline to Senescence, Abandonment, Integration, and other possible end fates (where Integration is intended to imply that the software becomes integrated as a part of the ongoing development of some other, effectively independent piece of software, thereby handing over responsibility for subsequent development to a different set of developers.) This phase might broadly typify a terminal phase for both open and closed source software, yet the dynamics likely differ, because open source software can approach and traverse this phase through three categorically different processes of disengagement of (primary) developers, disengagement of users, or disengagement of non-primary developments. Closed-source software can arguably only approach and traverse this phase through intentional decisions on the part of primary developers in response to either user disengagement, or decisions otherwise not directly related to the software itself. The entrance point to this phase for open-source software might thus be distinguished between the three categories of:

  1. Disengagement of primary developers;
  2. Disengagement of non-primary developes; and/or
  3. Disengagement of users

One distinct possibility might be that primary developers disengage to some significant degree from ongoing development due to development having reached a stable developmental state as described immediately above. Thus, although such a state may be desirable from a developer perspective, it may also represent a danger in that decreased need for ongoing active engagement may translate into disengagement sufficient for software to approach a state of senescence. Whether software development approaches or enters a terminal phase through this or other processes, negotiating and planning for traversal of such a phase likely requires addressing the following kinds of questions:

  1. What might cause such disengagement?
  2. What might be the potential consequences of such disengagement?
  3. How might the primary developer(s) respond to such disengagement?

Each of these questions could potentially be anticipated during the first or second preceding phases, perhaps usefully embedded within a risk-based assessment whereby each question could be addressed in terms of likelihood and consequence, with risk “scores” quantified as the product of likelihood times consequence. The remainder of this sub-sections illustrates what a potential risk-based model of an open source software lifecycle might look like.

The risk-based framework is developed by assigning a risk to each component, in order to elucidate and emphasise different risks presented by and for different developmental phases. Each phase and sub-phase is also associated with an estimated duration, enabling an overall estimate of software lifespan.

Phase Description Duration (years) Cumulative Development Time (years)
1 Initial Conception and “Internal” Development 1 1
2a Phase of active, open development 1 2
2b Phase of initial stability and expansion in use 1 3
2c Secondary phase on active, open development and consolidation 1 4
2d Secondary phase of stability 2 6
3 Decline to Senescence, Abandonment, Integration, and other possible end fates 1 7

The following table elucidates a number of potential risks associated with each phase, and quantifies their associated likelihoods and consequences in qualitative terms of either “low”, “medium”, or “high”.

Phase Year Number Risk Factor Likelihood Consequence
1 1 Development too slow medium low
1 1 Development misdirected; software ineffective low high
1 1 Development misdirected; software inefficient high low
1 1 Insufficient developer expertise medium high
1 1 Competing software unexpectedly developed low high
2a 2 Insufficient community engagement high medium
2a 2 Unexpectedly high community engagement low low
2a 2 Community needs & desires differ from developers’ visions medium low
2a 2 Competing software unexpectedly developed low high
2b 3 Users lose interest medium low
2b 3 Developers lose interest low high
2b 3 Developers no longer able to devote time to project medium high
2b 3 Competing software unexpectedly developed medium high
2c 4 Insufficient ideas from developers / community high low
2d 6 Users lose interest high medium
2d 6 Developers lose interest high medium
2d 6 Developers no longer able to devote time to project medium medium
2d 6 Competing software unexpectedly developed high high
3 7 Users lose interest high high
3 7 Develpers lose interest high high
3 7 Developers no longer able to devote time to project medium high
3 7 Competing software unexpectedly developed high low

Many more factors could be added to this list, but that table suffices to illustrate how the construction of this software lifecycle in terms of distinct phases of defined durations has allowed quite concrete identification of risk factors associated with each phase. In particular, note that if the qualitative values of “low”, “medium”, and “high”, are translated into respective numeric values of 1, 2, and 3, then the overall risk across the anticipated lifespan of this hypothetical software can be immediately quantified and visualised, as shown in the following graph.

That graph usefully reveals the greatest risk to arise in the fifth and sixth years of development, prior to anticipated terminal phase in year seven. (This terminal phase is of course associated with a high overall risk, because it is the phase in which the software is anticipated to be abandoned.) The fifth phase of development encompassing the fifth and sixth years was projected to be the second phase of stable development—the phase during which the developers might otherwise be able to “sit back and enjoy” widespread use of and acclaim for their software with relatively little effort required on their part. This graph might therefore be considered very useful in highlighting the need to strategically anticipate and plan to mitigate the risks associated with this notionally “easy” phase.

Prior to approaching a stable state in the sixth year, the graph indicates the phase of lowest risk to be during the fourth year, and so also usefully highlights the need to ensure the comparatively elevated risks associated with the first three phases are successfully managed to ensure the greatest chance of transitioning into this fourth phase. This highly simplified demonstration of an explicit lifecycle model thus demonstrates one immediate utility in enabling the identification of distinct risks, thereby naturally enabling and empowering effective action to be taken against such risks.

This risk-based framework is intended to demonstrate how such a concrete reference for the distinct phases of a software lifecycle model might allow for effective analysis, planning, anticipation, and amelioration of potential negative effects on the success of a software project. There are of course many other possible models of a software lifecycle, as well as many other frameworks which might be considered, such as quantifying expected or desired numbers of users or active contributors, Regardless of how a lifecycle or developmental trajectory might be analysed and quantified, this model reveals the immediate utility of explicitly considering and identifying distinct phases of development, in order to examine each in terms of risk (or whatever other metrics might be deemed appropriate for a particular project), and ultimately to enable an explicit and quantitative analysis of the kind presented in the above graph.

4.3b How might a model of an Open Source Software Lifecycle help this and other projects?

We note at the outset that answering that question likely necessitates some kind of answer to the more general question of how models of software lifecycles in general have helped software development in general. We simultaneously acknowledge that it is not likely possible to answer that question. Having done so, we nevertheless attempt within the present sub-section to address the following two, related questions:

1. To what extent might a lifecycle model of open source software actually aid the development of software during any one, or indeed all, of these stages? The preceding sub-section has demonstrated the ease with which a software lifecycle model might enable the identification and assessment of risks associated with each phase of development. The identification of risk is, as always, the first necessary step required to effectively anticipate, ameliorate, and reduce risks associated with development, and thus a lifecycle model could clearly be used to reduce risks associated with and during any identified developmental phases. In such cases, the explicit identification of lifecycle phases simplifies the task of identifying associated risks, through constraining those risks to finer-scale and thus conceptual simpler developmental phases. The question then naturally arises as to what other kinds of frameworks might be usefully developed and applied?

2. To what extent might a lifecycle model of open source software aid the process of peer-review? This question is, at least superficially, relatively easy to address. A model can very likely aid the identification of effective entry and exit points for the peer review process. (Such a statement is of course itself not free of tautology: any such model which only serves such a purpose can not differ substantially from direct identification of entry and exit points; we ignore such potential tautology here under the assumption that our models also serve additional purposes.) The obviously most appropriate phase for software review would be the transition between the first and second phase, from the end of “internal” development to the second phase of open community engagement in both use and further development. This also seems to generally coincide with the majority of rOpenSci packages, particularly following the current recommendation that packages not only CRAN only be submitted following successful review and acceptance by rOpenSci.

Developers might reasonably be required to formalise a lifecycle model for their software for the purposes of review. Doing to would very likely only aid developers by providing a concrete structure within which they might express and codify visions for future package development (with associated benefit likely being greater the earlier in the development process a lifecycle model is developed). The above table and graph demonstrate the usefulness of doing so, even when such visions can only be expressed in broad, generic terms, and only ultimately considered within the single framework of risk. It would seem fair to assume that being mandated to develop such an explicit model would generally be of some finite benefit both to developers and to the software itself.

Perhaps more importantly, such a model would also aid the task of peer-review. The software lifecycle model itself, along with associated risks, could itself become subject to scrutiny by reviewers. At what might arguably be considered one level of generalisation above that, review might also serve a useful function during any of the subsequent phases. One additional level of generalisation or abstraction beyond that might then involve the identification of some “utility of review” to each phase of development, as a simple, additional column on the above risk table. This suggests the following three classes of possibilities for incorporating lifecycle models within the peer review process:

  1. Require a software lifecycle model to be included within a package, and itself to be subject to review, with review generally presumed to occur between some equivalent of the first and second of the above phases (absent explicit, alternative specification);
  2. Require a lifecycle model to also indicate perceived or anticipated utility of review for each phase, with the entire review process adapting to and extending across any and all nominated phases.

Entry points in both cases might be the same (and likely most usefully occur towards the end of the first, initial phase of “internal” development), yet the end points would then differ, with the second option extending the end point across much of the entire software lifecycle (and potentially also having several concrete or recurring exit and re-entry points).

(It must also be noted that while the latter might be of considerable benefit, using the same reviewers throughout would also progressively increase their familiarity both with the code itself, and with its developmental history, rendering them increasing less capable of offering truly “external” review. This process would itself then introduce and entail an additional risk of decreasing the required degree of “external” objectivity on the part of reviewers. It nevertheless seems very likely that any such risk would have to be ignored, as finding new reviewers for each and every review phase would place an excessively onerous burden on each of these reviewers, particularly through them having to familiarise themselves not only with unfamiliar code, but with all prior reviews and responses to such, as well as on editors responsible for finding greater numbers of reviewers for each package. For now, we merely acknowledge the likely presence and unavailability of such an effect.)

We close this section by simply noting that the current rOpenSci practice of effectively having entry and exit points for peer-review between the first and second of the above phases places that process in the middle of the relatively low risk phase of overall development of the above figure. Although that figure was only intended to be illustrative, and although the data behind it were not intended to be anything other than exemplary of the kinds of risk factors which might be associated with each hypothetical developmental phase, these phases and associated risks might nevertheless be considered sufficiently generic as to be of some general applicability. This being the case, the figure graphically illustrates that the current review process ceases prior to entering what might actually be the highest risk phase of software development. That alone may be interpreted to argue strongly for the second of the above options rather than the first: that is, for a review process which includes lifecycle models which (may) themselves identify multiple phases, or multiple entry and exit points, for review.

5. Community

This section considers aspects related to community engagement, equality, reach, fairness, and representativeness. It considers community in terms of the threee distinct aspects of:

  1. Communities of users and contributors to packages;
  2. Communities of developers; and
  3. Communities of reviewers for software submissions.

The first communities coalesce around individual packages; the second around rOpenSci itself and its general package ecosystem, and the third may be drawn from the second, yet will likely require additional, active cultivation. Prior to directly addressing these communities, we begin this section by considering the kinds of metrics which may be able to be empirically derived and used to quantify users, contributors, contributions, packages, and potential reviewers.

5.1 Metrics of Community Construction and Engagement

The project under consideration here arguably attempts to improve upon an historical, and historically documented, process leading to the construction of the current and ongoing community surround the rOpenSci peer review process. Much might accordingly be gained by examining the historical developmental dynamics of rOpenSci, both of individual packages, and of more general communities surrounding the general peer-review process and entity of rOpenSci itself. An example of the kind of analysis possible via git commit histories as uploaded to github is our analysis of contributions by non-primary authors to rOpenSci packages. Such analyses can readily be adapted and extended to a variety of other modes and measures.

5.1a Metrics of package use and contributions

The single generally used proxy for usage of R packages is the number of downloads obtained from RStudio’s CRAN mirror, and provided by the cranlogs service. Although is it possible to obtain additional numbers of downloads from github itself, the cranlogs values are likely sufficient for most analytic purposes. Many metrics of contributions could be derived along the lines of the code contained in the repository linked to above, including:

  • Numbers and/or proportions of non-primary contributors
  • Numbers and/or proportions of issues opened by non-primary contributors
  • Numbers of commits and/or lines of code by non-primary contributors
  • Numbers and/or proportions of pull requests by non-primary contributors
  • Numbers of visitors to github page and/or rOpenSci docs pages for each repository

5.1b Metrics of developer activity and/or engagement

Note that primary developers may be identified in a number of ways, potentially yielding different results. Perhaps the least ambiguous way is to identify primary develops as those listed in the DESCRIPTION file with role = "aut", and who have also actively contributed lines of code to a package. (The latter is necessary because authors of any internally bundled code should also be acknowledged as package authors, yet such authors make no active contribution.) Other statistical approaches may be also be derived and implemented as appropriate.

  • Numbers of lines of code
  • Temporal developments in numbers of lines of code (such as rates of change)
  • Proportion of lines of code in package under consideration compared with all lines of code committed by primary authors to all other repositories or packages
  • Numbers of issues (total numbers, total open issues, total closed issues, rates of issue turnover, times between opening and closing, and other measures)
  • Numbers of bug reports and metrics analgous to the above

5.1c Metrics for Potential or Actual Reviewers

The search for reviewers may well be aided by some kind of quantification. It may also be of more general utility for the project, and for rOpenSci in general, to quantify aspects of reviewer activity, reviewer networks, or some of the other attributes now listed.

  • Number of repositories and/or packages developed by a reviewer
  • Contributions by a reviewer to other repositories/packages

It must be noted, however, that such metrics will likely lead to some kind of ranking system for reviewers, and that such rankings may be considered generally undesirable, particularly as rankings may effectively exclude people new to coding, new to R, and/or new to the concept of peer reviewed code. Such people may in fact be desirable, particularly as the inclusion of ever more people can only increase the diversity of reviewers, and hopefully with that, through each reviewer connecting their own personal networks within those of rOpenSci, increase the overall diversity of participants and software in general within rOpenSci.

In lieu of potentially problematic metrics of the kind listed above, it may also be useful to derive metrics to use in directly searching for potential reviewers for a submission. Such metrics may include measures of similarity or overlap between the code contained in the submission and a reviewer’s own code. This may be achieved by, for example, extracting all functional calls within a package, and within a reviewer’s own code, and assessing similarity or overlap in functional calls. More complex and potentially—although not necessarily—comprehensive metrics could be derived by tracing networks of functional calls both within a submission and reviewers’ code, and correlating overall frequencies of functional calls. Similarity in underlying functional call networks might usefully highlight reviewers likely to be particularly capable of reviewing a given package. However such an approach might be developed and employed, it would very likely provide an effective way to overcome problems associated with the kinds of coarse-scale individual metrics described above that likely and inevitably lead to ranking (potential) reviewers.

5.2 Constructing and Maintaining a Community of Reviewers

One important question that extends directly from the preceding considerations is how to first identify reviewers who might be subject to the kinds of analyses proposed there? The most convenient way is likely to be to compile a list of all individuals who are either members of rOpenSci’s slack community; or who have contributed to or commented upon any rOpenSci repository, whether through code, or opening or commenting upon issues within github repositories. Such an approach may nevertheless be less than ideal because these communities themselves may be biased, or may not manifest some property such as diversity or global coverage otherwise desired by rOpenSci. Searches might be extended through considering all people who follow rOpenSci on twitter, or all who have liked or retweeted an rOpenSci tweet.

Perhaps the greatest problem that may arise in pursuing any of these suggestions might be the potential exclusion of people who do not habitually upload code to public sites such as github or gitlab. It is nevertheless the remit of rOpenSci to encourage and cultivate an open source community, and such people might arguably be considered as making less of a contribution to open source communities than those who do regularly upload code, therefore justifying their potential exclusion. It is likely nevertheless important to acknowledge any such sources of bias or effective exclusion in developing or implementing any system to aid searching for reviewers.

One potential way to overcome the kinds of limitations described immediately above might be to identify an initial community pool, and then contact via email or some other suitable forum all individuals within that community and ask them to nominate additional people they may know and who they might consider appropriate to review software.

Of course, for this and many other projects, there would ideally be extant comparisons between various methods of passive and active community construction and engagements, along with demonstrations of the transferrability of (aspects of) approaches employed. The intractable complexity of community dynamics renders such general comparisons either impossible or meaningless, or both. It might nevertheless be possible to consider and contrast sub-ecosystems surrounding specific (collections of) R packages, and to examine dynamics of community growth and engagement, along with potential metrics of passive or active engagement. The present document will nevertheless not propose any particular approach to doing so; it suffices here merely to note the distinct possibility, particularly in order to emphasise the general point that many assumptions or hypotheses regarding community dynamics may be amenable to empirical enquiry, and that no particular models, assumptions, or hypotheses of such ought to be necessarily accepted absent empirical (or other external) support.

6. References

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Vogel, David A. 2011. Medical Device Software Verification, Validation and Compliance. Boston: Artech House.