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jQuery Smart Cart 3

The smart interactive jQuery Shopping Cart plugin with PayPal payment support.

jQuery Smart Cart is the smart interactive jQuery Shopping Cart plugin with PayPal payment support. It can create an interactive and user friendly shopping cart with minimal code. It has built-in support for Form submit, Ajax submit and PayPal submit of the cart items. A lot of customization options and custom events makes it easy to implement your requirements. It can integrate with your existing shopping list very easily and you can use your own css.

The new version jQuery Smart Cart 3 is completely rewritten from scratch and adopted the modern patterns. It is more powerful, robust, scalable and customizable. A lot of features is added like Bootstrap support, theme support, customizable toolbars, customization options, public methods, event support and a lot more. See the list of features, demos and documentation for more details.



Smart Cart Screenshot1 Smart Cart Screenshot2


  • jQuery (supports jQuery 1.9+, jQuery 2+, jQuery 3+)

Installation and usage


bower install tete-chercheuse/smart-cart


Please see the documentation for more deatils on implementation and usage.


  • In-built PayPal, Ajax and form submit methods
  • Heavily customizable toolbar, option to add extra buttons
  • Theme support
  • Customizable css styles
  • Public methods for external function call
  • Enhanced event support
  • Compatible with latest jQuery versions (jQuery 1.9+, jQuery 2+, jQuery 3+)
  • Easy to implement, Minimal HTML required
  • Clean and compact design
  • Automatically calculates subtotal
  • Quantity is editable from the cart list
  • Product Image display
  • Customizable cart templates
  • Customizable currency formatting option
  • Pre-populate products on cart on load
  • and a lot more...


Here are all options with default values:

var defaults = {
    cart:                     [], // initial products on cart
    resultName:               'cart_list', // Submit name of the cart parameter
    theme:                    'default', // theme for the cart, related css need to include for other than default theme
    combineProducts:          true, // combine similar products on cart
    highlightEffect:          true, // highlight effect on adding/updating product in cart
    cartItemTemplate:         '<td class="sc-cart-item-name"><h4>{product_name}</h4><p>{product_desc}</p></td><td class="sc-cart-item-price">{product_price}</td><td class="sc-cart-item-quantity">{product_quantity}</td><td class="sc-cart-item-amount">{product_total}</td>',
    cartHeaderTemplate:       '<th>Name</th><th>Price</th><th>Quantity</th><th>Total</th><th></th>',
    productContainerSelector: '.sc-product-item',
    productElementSelector:   '*', // input, textarea, select, div, p
    addCartSelector:          '.sc-add-to-cart',
    transitionsDuration:      300,
    quantityOptions:          {
       min:  0,
       max:  1000,
       step: 1
    paramSettings:            { // Map the paramters
       productPrice:        'product_price',
       productTotal:        'product_total',
       productQuantity:     'product_quantity',
       productQuantityMin:  'product_quantity_min',
       productQuantityMax:  'product_quantity_max',
       productQuantityStep: 'product_quantity_step',
       productName:         'product_name',
       productId:           'product_id'
    lang:                     { // Language variables
       cartTitle:  "Shopping Cart",
       checkout:   'Checkout',
       clear:      'Clear',
       subtotal:   'Subtotal:',
       cartRemove: '×',
       cartEmpty:  'Cart is Empty'
    storageSettings:          {
        persistentCart: false, // Make cart persistent. Notice: If the given 'storageApi'-object is broken, the persistent cart is disabled.
        storageApi:     localStorage, // Storage object: localStorage, sessionStorage or custom object implementing Web Storage API.
        storageKey:     'cart_list'
    submitSettings:           {
       submitType:   'form', // form, paypal, ajax
       ajaxURL:      '', // Ajax submit URL
       ajaxSettings: {} // Ajax extra settings for submit call
    currencySettings:         {
       locales:         'en-US', // A string with a BCP 47 language tag, or an array of such strings
       currencyOptions: {
           style:           'currency',
           currency:        'USD',
           currencyDisplay: 'symbol' // extra settings for the currency formatter. Refer:
    toolbarSettings:          {
       showToolbar:         true,
       showCheckoutButton:  true,
       showClearButton:     true,
       showCartSummary:     true,
       checkoutButtonStyle: 'default', // default, paypal, image
       checkoutButtonImage: '', // image for the checkout button
       toolbarExtraButtons: [] // Extra buttons to show on toolbar, array of jQuery input/buttons elements
    debug:                    false


smart-cart 3.0.4


MIT License