The server does not perform any DB write operations, so we only need DB user with read-only access
DB user, see DB schema for details).
To be able to start the application, you need a couple of environmental variables set in .env
DATABASE_URL=postgres://siros-api:<password>@<dns-name>:5432/siros # connection string to DB
SESSION_KEY=<session-key> # key for signing session cookies
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=<google-client-id> # application id (siros-postgres)
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET=<google-client-secret> # corresponding secret
Optionally you can set the following variables to override the defaults:
LOG_LEVEL=... # defaults to "info" for production; and it is always set to "debug" for development
PORT=... # defaults to 3001; what port the API server is supposed to run
WEBSERVER_PROTO=... # defaults to http; what protocol to use when redirecting to web-server
WEBSERVER_DOMAIN=... # defaults to localhost; domain name of the web-server
WEBSERVER_PORT=... # defaults to 3000; what port the web-server is running on
$ npm i
$ npm run dev # start the development version of the API server using nodemon
$ npm start # start the production version of the API server
The following routes are implemented on the server:
/logout # request of logged in user to logout (not authenticated)
/api/v1: # all requests check for authenticated user, otherwise return 401
/api/v1/me # return profile of the user (name and email address of account)
/api/v1/hw-list # return HW list for the user
/api/v1/hw-budget # return HW budget of given user
/api/v1/market # return HW items available on marketplace
/auth: # user authentication using OAuth2 providers
/auth/google # Google OAuth2 user authentication
The server expects the web-client to handle the following routes:
/ # return path after (hopefully successfull) login attempt,
# the client should still verify on /api/v1/me if the server
# has valid credentials of the user
# return path after failed login attempt, in case the server knows
# the reason of the failure, it is encoded in reason URL parameter
# (e.g. wrong-domain user account)