⚠️ Disclaimer:
- Before using the endpoints, please check the API documentation to be informed about the latest changes or possible bugs/problems.
- Not all parameters are mandatory. Some parameters are only mandatory in specific conditions/types. Check the official documentation the type of each parameter and to know if a parameter is mandatory or optional.
- This documentation only includes methods in client.py file. Websocket methods haven't (yet) been covered.
- Wallet Endpoints
- GET /sapi/v1/system/status (Fetch system status.)
- GET /sapi/v1/capital/config/getall (HMAC SHA256) (Get information of coins (available for deposit and withdraw) for user.)
- GET /sapi/v1/accountSnapshot (HMAC SHA256) (Daily Account Snapshot (USER_DATA).)
- POST /sapi/v1/account/disableFastWithdrawSwitch (HMAC SHA256) (Disable Fast Withdraw Switch (USER_DATA).)
- POST /sapi/v1/account/enableFastWithdrawSwitch (HMAC SHA256) (Enable Fast Withdraw Switch (USER_DATA).)
- POST /sapi/v1/capital/withdraw/apply (HMAC SHA256) (Withdraw: Submit a withdraw request.)
client.withdraw(coin, withdrawOrderId, network, address, addressTag, amount, transactionFeeFlag, name, recvWindow)
- GET /sapi/v1/capital/deposit/hisrec (HMAC SHA256) (Fetch Deposit History(supporting network) (USER_DATA).)
client.get_deposit_history(coin, status, startTime, endTime, recvWindow)
- GET /sapi/v1/capital/withdraw/history (HMAC SHA256) (Fetch Withdraw History (supporting network) (USER_DATA).)
client.get_withdraw_history(coin, status, startTime, endTime, recvWindow)
- GET /sapi/v1/capital/deposit/address (HMAC SHA256) (Fetch deposit address with network.)
client.get_deposit_address(coin, status, recvWindow)
- GET /sapi/v1/account/status (Fetch account status detail.)
- GET /sapi/account/apiTradingStatus (Fetch account api trading status detail.)
- GET /sapi/v1/asset/dribblet (HMAC SHA256) (DustLog: Fetch small amounts of assets exchanged BNB records.)
- Post /sapi/v1/asset/dust (HMAC SHA256) (Dust Transfer: Convert dust assets to BNB.)
client.transfer_dust(asset, recvWindow)
- Get /sapi/v1/asset/assetDividend (HMAC SHA256) (Query asset dividend record.)
client.get_asset_dividend_history(asset, startTime, endTime, limit, recvWindow)
- GET /sapi/v1/asset/assetDetail (HMAC SHA256) (Fetch details of assets supported on Binance.)
- GET /sapi/v1/asset/tradeFee (HMAC SHA256) (Fetch trade fee, values in percentage.)
client.get_trade_fee(symbol, recvWindow)
- GET /sapi/v1/system/status (Fetch system status.)
- Market Data Endpoints
- GET /api/v3/ping (Test connectivity to the Rest API.)
- GET /api/v3/time (Test connectivity to the Rest API and get the current server time.)
- GET /api/v3/exchangeInfo (Current exchange trading rules and symbol information.)
- GET /api/v3/depth (Get the Order Book for the market.)
client.get_order_book(symbol, limit)
- GET /api/v3/trades (Get recent trades (up to last 500))
client.get_recent_trades(symbol, limit)
- GET /api/v3/historicalTrades (Get older market trades.)
client.get_historical_trades(symbol, limit, fromId)
- GET /api/v3/aggTrades (Get compressed, aggregate trades. Trades that fill at the time, from the same order, with the same price will have the quantity aggregated.)
client.get_aggregate_trades(symbol, fromId, startTime, endTime, limit) # Wrapper function: Iterate over aggregate trade data from (start_time or last_id) the end of the history so far: client.aggregate_trade_iter(symbol, start_str, last_id)
- GET /api/v3/klines (Kline/candlestick bars for a symbol. Klines are uniquely identified by their open time.)
client.get_klines(symbol, interval, startTime, endTime, limit) # Wrapper function: Iterate over klines data from client.get_klines() client.get_historical_klines(symbol, interval, start_str, end_str, limit)
- GET /api/v3/avgPrice (Current average price for a symbol.)
- GET /api/v3/ticker/24hr (24 hour rolling window price change statistics. Careful when accessing this with no symbol.)
- GET /api/v3/ticker/price (Latest price for a symbol or symbols.)
- GET /api/v3/ticker/bookTicker (Best price/qty on the order book for a symbol or symbols.)
- GET /api/v3/ping (Test connectivity to the Rest API.)
- Spot Account/Trade Endpoints
POST /api/v3/order/test (HMAC SHA256) (Test new order creation and signature/recvWindow long. Creates and validates a new order but does not send it into the matching engine.)
client.create_test_order(symbol, side, type, timeInForce, quantity, quoteOrderQty, price, newClientOrderId, stopPrice, icebergQty, newOrderRespType, recvWindow)
POST /api/v3/order (HMAC SHA256) (Send in a new order.)
client.create_order(symbol, side, type, timeInForce, quantity, quoteOrderQty, price, newClientOrderId, stopPrice, icebergQty, newOrderRespType, recvWindow) ## Wrapper functions: # Send in a new limit order. # Default parameters: timeInForce=Client.TIME_IN_FORCE_GTC, type=Client.ORDER_TYPE_LIMIT client.order_limit(symbol, side, quantity, price, newClientOrderId, stopPrice, icebergQty, newOrderRespType, recvWindow) # Send in a new limit buy order. # Default parameters: timeInForce=Client.TIME_IN_FORCE_GTC, type=Client.ORDER_TYPE_LIMIT, side=Client.SIDE_BUY client.order_limit_buy(symbol, quantity, price, newClientOrderId, stopPrice, icebergQty, newOrderRespType, recvWindow) # Send in a new limit sell order. # Default parameters: timeInForce=Client.TIME_IN_FORCE_GTC, type=Client.ORDER_TYPE_LIMIT, side= Client.SIDE_SELL client.order_limit_sell(symbol, quantity, price, newClientOrderId, stopPrice, icebergQty, newOrderRespType, recvWindow) # Send in a new market order. # Default parameters: type=Client.ORDER_TYPE_MARKET client.order_market(symbol, side, quantity, quoteOrderQty, newClientOrderId, newOrderRespType, recvWindow) # Send in a new market buy order. # Default parameters: type=Client.ORDER_TYPE_MARKET, side=Client.SIDE_BUY client.order_market_buy(symbol, quantity, quoteOrderQty, newClientOrderId, newOrderRespType, recvWindow) # Send in a new market sell order. # Default parameters: type=Client.ORDER_TYPE_MARKET, side=Client.SIDE_SELL client.order_market_sell(symbol, quantity, quoteOrderQty, newClientOrderId, newOrderRespType, recvWindow)
DELETE /api/v3/order (HMAC SHA256) (Cancel an active order.)
client.cancel_order(symbol, orderId, origClientOrderId, newClientOrderId, recvWindow)
DELETE api/v3/openOrders (Cancels all active orders on a symbol. This includes OCO orders.)
⚠️ Not yet implemented -
GET /api/v3/order (HMAC SHA256) (Check an order's status.)
client.get_order(symbol, orderId, origClientOrderId, recvWindow)
GET /api/v3/openOrders (HMAC SHA256) (Get all open orders on a symbol. Careful when accessing this with no symbol.)
client.get_open_orders(symbol, recvWindow)
GET /api/v3/allOrders (HMAC SHA256) (Get all account orders; active, canceled, or filled.)
client.get_all_orders(symbol, orderId, startTime, endTime, limit, recvWindow)
POST /api/v3/order/oco (HMAC SHA256) (Send in a new OCO order)
client.create_oco_order(symbol, listClientOrderId, side, quantity, limitClientOrderId, price, limitIcebergQty, stopClientOrderId, stopPrice, stopLimitPrice, stopIcebergQty, stopLimitTimeInForce, newOrderRespType, recvWindow) ## Wrapper Functions: # Send in a new OCO buy order. Default parameter: type=Client.SIDE_BUY client.order_oco_buy(symbol, listClientOrderId, quantity, limitClientOrderId, price, limitIcebergQty, stopClientOrderId, stopPrice, stopLimitPrice, stopIcebergQty, stopLimitTimeInForce, newOrderRespType, recvWindow) # Send in a new OCO sell order. Default parameter: type=Client.SIDE_SELL client.order_oco_sell(symbol, listClientOrderId, quantity, limitClientOrderId, price, limitIcebergQty, stopClientOrderId, stopPrice, stopLimitPrice, stopIcebergQty, stopLimitTimeInForce, newOrderRespType, recvWindow)
DELETE /api/v3/orderList (HMAC SHA256) (Cancel OCO: Cancel an entire Order List)
⚠️ Not yet implemented -
GET /api/v3/orderList (HMAC SHA256) (Query OCO: Retrieves a specific OCO based on provided optional parameters)
⚠️ Not yet implemented -
GET /api/v3/allOrderList (HMAC SHA256) (Retrieves all OCO based on provided optional parameters)
⚠️ Not yet implemented -
GET /api/v3/openOrderList (HMAC SHA256) (Query Open OCO (USER_DATA))
⚠️ Not yet implemented -
GET /api/v3/account (HMAC SHA256) (Get current account information.)
GET /api/v3/myTrades (HMAC SHA256) (Get trades for a specific account and symbol.)
client.get_my_trades(symbol, startTime, endTime, fromId, limit, recvWindow)
- Margin Account/Trade
POST /sapi/v1/margin/transfer (HMAC SHA256) (Execute transfer between margin account and spot account(MARGIN).)
client.transfer_margin_to_spot(asset, amount, recvWindow) client.transfer_spot_to_margin(asset, amount, recvWindow)
POST /sapi/v1/margin/loan (HMAC SHA256) (Apply for a loan(MARGIN).)
client.create_margin_loan(asset, isIsolated, symbol, amount, recvWindow)
POST /sapi/v1/margin/repay (HMAC SHA256) (Repay loan for margin account (MARGIN).)
client.repay_margin_loan(asset, isIsolated, symbol, amount, recvWindow)
GET /sapi/v1/margin/asset (Query Margin Asset (MARKET_DATA).)
GET /sapi/v1/margin/pair (Query Cross Margin Pair (MARKET_DATA).)
GET /sapi/v1/margin/allAssets (Get All Cross Margin Assets (MARKET_DATA).)
GET /sapi/v1/margin/allPairs (Get All Cross Margin Pairs (MARKET_DATA).)
GET /sapi/v1/margin/priceIndex (Query Margin PriceIndex (MARKET_DATA).)
POST /sapi/v1/margin/order (HMAC SHA256) (Post a new order for margin account.)
client.create_margin_order(symbol, isIsolated, side, type, quantity, price, stopPrice, newClientOrderId, icebergQty, newOrderRespType, sideEffectType, timeInForce, recvWindow)
DELETE /sapi/v1/margin/order (HMAC SHA256) (Cancel an active order for margin account.)
client.cancel_margin_order(symbol, isIsolated, orderId, origClientOrderId, newClientOrderId, recvWindow)
GET /sapi/v1/margin/transfer (HMAC SHA256) (Get Cross Margin Transfer History (USER_DATA).)
client.transfer_margin_to_spot(asset, amount, recvWindow) client.transfer_spot_to_margin(asset, amount, recvWindow)
GET /sapi/v1/margin/loan (HMAC SHA256) (Query Loan Record (USER_DATA).)
client.get_margin_loan_details(asset, isolatedSymbol, txId, startTime, endTime, current, size, recvWindow)
GET /sapi/v1/margin/repay (HMAC SHA256) (Query repay record (USER_DATA).)
client.get_margin_repay_details(asset, isolatedSymbol, txId, startTime, endTime, current, size, recvWindow)
GET /sapi/v1/margin/interestHistory (HMAC SHA256) (Get Interest History (USER_DATA).)
client.get_margin_interest_history(asset, isolatedSymbol, startTime, endTime, current, size, archived, recvWindow)
GET /sapi/v1/margin/forceLiquidationRec (HMAC SHA256) (Get Force Liquidation Record (USER_DATA).)
client.get_margin_force_liquidation_rec(isolatedSymbol, startTime, endTime, current, size, recvWindow)
GET /sapi/v1/margin/account (HMAC SHA256) (Query Cross Margin Account Details (USER_DATA).)
GET /sapi/v1/margin/order (HMAC SHA256) (Query Margin Account's Order (USER_DATA).)
client.get_margin_order(symbol, isIsolated, orderId, origClientOrderId, recvWindow)
GET /sapi/v1/margin/openOrders (HMAC SHA256) (Query Margin Account's Open Order (USER_DATA).)
client.get_open_margin_orders(symbol, isIsolated, recvWindow)
GET /sapi/v1/margin/allOrders (HMAC SHA256) (Query Margin Account's All Order (USER_DATA).)
client.get_all_margin_orders(symbol, isIsolated, orderId, startTime, endTime, limit, recvWindow)
GET /sapi/v1/margin/myTrades (HMAC SHA256) (Query Margin Account's Trade List (USER_DATA).)
client.get_margin_trades(symbol, isIsolated, startTime, endTime, fromId, limit, recvWindow)
GET /sapi/v1/margin/maxBorrowable (HMAC SHA256) (Query Max Borrow amount for an asset (USER_DATA).)
client.get_max_margin_loan(asset, isolatedSymbol, recvWindow)
GET /sapi/v1/margin/maxTransferable (HMAC SHA256) (Query Max Transfer-Out Amount (USER_DATA).)
client.get_max_margin_transfer(asset, isolatedSymbol, recvWindow)
POST /sapi/v1/margin/isolated/create (HMAC SHA256) (Create Isolated Margin Account (MARGIN).)
client.create_isolated_margin_account(base, quote, recvWindow)
POST /sapi/v1/margin/isolated/transfer (HMAC SHA256) (Isolated Margin Account Transfer (MARGIN).)
client.transfer_spot_to_isolated_margin(asset, symbol, amount, recvWindow) client.transfer_isolated_margin_to_spot(asset, symbol, amount, recvWindow)
GET /sapi/v1/margin/isolated/transfer (HMAC SHA256) (Get Isolated Margin Transfer History (USER_DATA).)
⚠️ Not yet implemented -
GET /sapi/v1/margin/isolated/account (HMAC SHA256) (Query Isolated Margin Account Info (USER_DATA).)
client.get_isolated_margin_account(symbols, recvWindow)
GET /sapi/v1/margin/isolated/pair (HMAC SHA256) (Query Isolated Margin Symbol (USER_DATA).)
client.get_isolated_margin_symbol(symbol, recvWindow)
GET /sapi/v1/margin/isolated/allPairs (HMAC SHA256) (Get All Isolated Margin Symbol (USER_DATA).)
POST /sapi/v1/margin/manual-liquidation (HMAC SHA256) (Margin manual liquidation (MARGIN).)
- User Data Streams
- POST /api/v3/userDataStream (Create a ListenKey (Spot) (USER_STREAM): Start a new user data stream.)
- PUT /api/v3/userDataStream (Ping/Keep-alive a ListenKey (Spot) (USER_STREAM).)
- DELETE /api/v3/userDataStream (Close a ListenKey (Spot) (USER_STREAM).)
- POST /sapi/v1/userDataStream (Create a ListenKey (Margin).)
- PUT /sapi/v1/userDataStream (Ping/Keep-alive a ListenKey (Margin).)
- DELETE /sapi/v1/userDataStream (Close a ListenKey (Margin).)
- POST /sapi/v1/userDataStream/isolated (Create a ListenKey (Isolated).)
- PUT /sapi/v1/userDataStream/isolated (Ping/Keep-alive a ListenKey (Isolated).)
client.isolated_margin_stream_keepalive(symbol, listenKey)
- DELETE /sapi/v1/userDataStream/isolated (Close a ListenKey (Isolated).)
client.isolated_margin_stream_close(symbol, listenKey)
- POST /api/v3/userDataStream (Create a ListenKey (Spot) (USER_STREAM): Start a new user data stream.)
- Savings Endpoints
GET /sapi/v1/lending/daily/product/list (HMAC SHA256) (Get Flexible Product List (USER_DATA).)
client.get_lending_product_list(status, featured, recvWindow)
GET /sapi/v1/lending/daily/userLeftQuota (HMAC SHA256) (Get Left Daily Purchase Quota of Flexible Product (USER_DATA).)
client.get_lending_daily_quota_left(productId, recvWindow)
POST /sapi/v1/lending/daily/purchase (HMAC SHA256) (Purchase Flexible Product (USER_DATA).)
client.purchase_lending_product(productId, amount, recvWindow)
GET /sapi/v1/lending/daily/userRedemptionQuota (HMAC SHA256) (Get Left Daily Redemption Quota of Flexible Product (USER_DATA).)
client.get_lending_daily_redemption_quota(productId, type, recvWindow)
POST /sapi/v1/lending/daily/redeem (HMAC SHA256) (Redeem Flexible Product (USER_DATA).)
client.redeem_lending_product(productId, amount, type, recvWindow)
GET /sapi/v1/lending/daily/token/position (HMAC SHA256) (Get Flexible Product Position (USER_DATA).)
client.get_lending_position(asset, recvWindow)
GET /sapi/v1/lending/project/list (HMAC SHA256) (Get Fixed and Activity Project List (USER_DATA).)
client.get_fixed_activity_project_list(asset, type, status, isSortAsc, sortBy, current, size, recvWindow)
POST /sapi/v1/lending/customizedFixed/purchase (HMAC SHA256) (Purchase Fixed/Activity Project (USER_DATA).)
⚠️ Not yet implemented -
GET /sapi/v1/lending/project/position/list (HMAC SHA256) (Get Fixed/Activity Project Position (USER_DATA).)
⚠️ Not yet implemented -
GET /sapi/v1/lending/union/account (HMAC SHA256) (Lending Account (USER_DATA).)
GET /sapi/v1/lending/union/purchaseRecord (HMAC SHA256) (Get Purchase Record (USER_DATA).)
client.get_lending_purchase_history(lendingType, asset, startTime, endTime, current, size, recvWindow)
GET /sapi/v1/lending/union/redemptionRecord (HMAC SHA256) (Get Redemption Record (USER_DATA).)
client.get_lending_redemption_history(lendingType, asset, startTime, endTime, current, size, recvWindow)
GET /sapi/v1/lending/union/interestHistory (HMAC SHA256) (Get Interest History (USER_DATA).)
client.get_lending_interest_history(lendingType, asset, startTime, endTime, current, size, recvWindow)
POST /sapi/v1/lending/positionChanged (HMAC SHA256) (Change Fixed/Activity Position to Daily Position (USER_DATA).)
client.change_fixed_activity_to_daily_position(projectId, lot, positionId, recvWindow)
- Mining Endpoints
⚠️ Not yet implemented - Sub-Account Endpoints
- GET /sapi/v1/sub-account/list (HMAC SHA256) (Query Sub-account List (For Master Account).)
client.get_sub_account_list(email, isFreeze, page, limit, recvWindow)
- GET /sapi/v1/sub-account/sub/transfer/history (HMAC SHA256) (Query Sub-account Spot Asset Transfer History (For Master Account).)
client.get_sub_account_transfer_history(fromEmail, toEmail, startTime, endTime, page, limit, recvWindow)
- GET /sapi/v1/sub-account/assets (HMAC SHA256) (Query Sub-account Assets (For Master Account).)
client.get_sub_account_assets(email, recvWindow)
⚠️ The rest of methods for Sub-Account Endpoints are not yet implemented - GET /sapi/v1/sub-account/list (HMAC SHA256) (Query Sub-account List (For Master Account).)
- BLVT Endpoints
⚠️ Not yet implemented - BSwap Endpoints
⚠️ Not yet implemented
- Market Data Endpoints
GET /fapi/v1/ping (Test connectivity to the Rest API.)
GET /fapi/v1/time (Test connectivity to the Rest API and get the current server time.)
GET /fapi/v1/exchangeInfo (Current exchange trading rules and symbol information.)
GET /fapi/v1/depth (Get the Order Book for the market.)
client.futures_order_book(symbol, limit)
GET /fapi/v1/trades (Get recent trades.)
client.futures_recent_trades(symbol, limit)
GET /fapi/v1/historicalTrades (Get older market historical trades (MARKET_DATA).)
client.futures_historical_trades(symbol, limit, fromId)
GET /fapi/v1/aggTrades (Get compressed, aggregate trades. Trades that fill at the time, from the same order, with the same price will have the quantity aggregated.)
client.futures_aggregate_trades(symbol, fromId, startTime, endTime, limit)
GET /fapi/v1/klines (Kline/candlestick bars for a symbol. Klines are uniquely identified by their open time.)
client.futures_klines(symbol, interval, startTime, endTime, limit)
GET /fapi/v1/premiumIndex (Get Mark Price and Funding Rate.)
GET /fapi/v1/fundingRate (Get Funding Rate History.)
client.futures_funding_rate(symbol, startTime, endTime, limit)
GET /fapi/v1/ticker/24hr (24 hour rolling window price change statistics. Careful when accessing this with no symbol.)
GET /fapi/v1/ticker/price (Latest price for a symbol or symbols.)
GET /fapi/v1/ticker/bookTicker (Best price/qty on the order book for a symbol or symbols.)
GET /fapi/v1/allForceOrders (Get all Liquidation Orders.)
⚠️ Probably broken, python code below is implemented on v1/ticker/allForceOrders endpoint.client.futures_liquidation_orders(symbol, startTime, endTime, limit)
GET /fapi/v1/openInterest (Get present open interest of a specific symbol.)
GET /futures/data/openInterestHist (Open Interest Statistics.)
client.futures_open_interest_hist(symbol, period, limit, startTime, endTime)
GET /futures/data/topLongShortAccountRatio (Top Trader Long/Short Ratio (Accounts) (MARKET_DATA).)
client.futures_top_longshort_account_ratio(symbol, period, limit, startTime, endTime)
GET /futures/data/topLongShortPositionRatio (Top Trader Long/Short Ratio (Positions).)
client.futures_top_longshort_position_ratio(symbol, period, limit, startTime, endTime)
GET /futures/data/globalLongShortAccountRatio (Long/Short Ratio.)
client.futures_global_longshort_ratio(symbol, period, limit, startTime, endTime)
GET /futures/data/takerlongshortRatio (Taker Buy/Sell Volume.)
client.futures_taker_longshort_ratio(symbol, period, limit, startTime, endTime)
GET /fapi/v1/lvtKlines (Historical BLVT NAV Kline/Candlestick.)
⚠️ Not yet implemented -
GET /fapi/v1/indexInfo (Composite Index Symbol Information.)
⚠️ Not yet implemented
- Account/trades Endpoints
POST /sapi/v1/futures/transfer (HMAC SHA256) (New Future Account Transfer (FUTURES): Execute transfer between spot account and futures account.)
client.futures_account_transfer(asset, amount, type, recvWindow)
GET /sapi/v1/futures/transfer (HMAC SHA256) (Get Future Account Transaction History List (USER_DATA).)
client.transfer_history(asset, startTime, endTime, current, size, recvWindow)
POST /fapi/v1/positionSide/dual (HMAC SHA256) (Change user's position mode (Hedge Mode or One-way Mode ) on EVERY symbol.)
client.futures_change_position_mode(dualSidePosition, recvWindow)
GET /fapi/v1/positionSide/dual (HMAC SHA256) (Get user's position mode (Hedge Mode or One-way Mode ) on EVERY symbol.)
POST /fapi/v1/order (HMAC SHA256) (Send in a new order (TRADE).)
client.futures_create_order(symbol, side, positionSide, type, timeInForce, quantity, reduceOnly, price, newClientOrderId, stopPrice, closePosition, activationPrice, callbackRate, workingType, priceProtect, newOrderRespType, recvWindow)
POST /fapi/v1/batchOrders (HMAC SHA256) (Place Multiple Orders (TRADE).)
⚠️ Not yet implemented -
GET /fapi/v1/order (HMAC SHA256) (Query Order (USER_DATA): Check an order's status.)
client.futures_get_order(symbol, orderId, origClientOrderId, recvWindow)
DELETE /fapi/v1/order (HMAC SHA256) (Cancel an active order (TRADE).)
client.futures_cancel_order(symbol, orderId, origClientOrderId, recvWindow)
DELETE /fapi/v1/allOpenOrders (HMAC SHA256) (Cancel All Open Orders (TRADE).)
client.futures_cancel_all_open_orders(symbol, recvWindow)
DELETE /fapi/v1/batchOrders (HMAC SHA256) (Cancel Multiple Orders (TRADE).)
client.futures_cancel_orders(symbol, orderIdList, origClientOrderIdList, recvWindow)
POST /fapi/v1/countdownCancelAll (HMAC SHA256) (Cancel all open orders of the specified symbol at the end of the specified countdown (TRADE).)
⚠️ Not yet implemented -
GET /fapi/v1/openOrder (HMAC SHA256) (Query Current Open Order (USER_DATA).)
⚠️ Not yet implemented -
GET /fapi/v1/openOrders (HMAC SHA256) (Get all open orders on a symbol. Careful when accessing this with no symbol (USER_DATA).)
client.futures_get_open_orders(symbol, recvWindow)
GET /fapi/v1/allOrders (HMAC SHA256) (Get all account orders; active, canceled, or filled (USER_DATA).)
client.futures_get_all_orders(symbol, orderId, startTime, endTime, limit, recvWindow)
GET /fapi/v2/balance (HMAC SHA256) (Futures Account Balance V2 (USER_DATA).)
⚠️ Probably broken, python code below is implemented on v1 endpoint.client.futures_account_balance(recvWindow)
GET /fapi/v2/account (HMAC SHA256) (Account Information V2: Get current account information (USER_DATA).)
⚠️ Probably broken, python code below is implemented on v1 endpoint.client.futures_account(recvWindow)
POST /fapi/v1/leverage (HMAC SHA256) (Change user's initial leverage of specific symbol market (TRADE).)
client.futures_change_leverage(symbol, leverage, recvWindow)
POST /fapi/v1/marginType (HMAC SHA256) (Change the margin type for a symbol (TRADE).)
client.futures_change_margin_type(symbol, marginType, recvWindow)
POST /fapi/v1/positionMargin (HMAC SHA256) (Modify Isolated Position Margin (TRADE).)
client.futures_change_position_margin(symbol, positionSide, amount, type, recvWindow)
GET /fapi/v1/positionMargin/history (HMAC SHA256) (Get Position Margin Change History (TRADE).)
client.futures_position_margin_history(symbol, type, startTime, endTime, limit, recvWindow)
GET /fapi/v2/positionRisk (HMAC SHA256) (Position Information V2: Get current position information (USER_DATA).)
⚠️ Probably broken, python code below is implemented on v1 endpoint.client.futures_position_information(symbol, recvWindow)
GET /fapi/v1/userTrades (HMAC SHA256) (Account Trade List: Get trades for a specific account and symbol (USER_DATA).)
client.futures_account_trades(symbol, startTime, endTime, fromId, limit, recvWindow)
GET /fapi/v1/income (HMAC SHA256) (Get Income History (USER_DATA).)
client.futures_income_history(symbol, incomeType, startTime, endTime, limit, recvWindow)
GET /fapi/v1/leverageBracket (Notional and Leverage Brackets (USER_DATA).)
⚠️ Probably broken, python code below is implemented on ticker/leverageBracket endpoint.client.futures_leverage_bracket(symbol, recvWindow)
GET /fapi/v1/adlQuantile (Position ADL Quantile Estimation (USER_DATA).)
⚠️ Not yet implemented -
GET /fapi/v1/forceOrders (User's Force Orders (USER_DATA).)
⚠️ Not yet implemented -
GET /fapi/v1/apiTradingStatus (User API Trading Quantitative Rules Indicators (USER_DATA).)
⚠️ Not yet implemented
- User Data Streams
⚠️ Not yet implemented
- Quoting interface
- GET /vapi/v1/ping (Test connectivity)
- GET /vapi/v1/time (Get server time)
- GET /vapi/v1/optionInfo (Get current trading pair info)
- GET /vapi/v1/exchangeInfo (Get current limit info and trading pair info)
- GET /vapi/v1/index (Get the spot index price)
- GET /vapi/v1/ticker (Get the latest price)
- GET /vapi/v1/mark (Get the latest mark price)
- GET /vapi/v1/depth (Depth information)
client.options_order_book(symbol, limit)
- GET /vapi/v1/klines (Candle data)
client.options_klines(symbol, interval, startTime, endTime, limit)
- GET /vapi/v1/trades (Recently completed Option trades)
client.options_recent_trades(symbol, limit)
- GET /vapi/v1/historicalTrades (Query trade history)
client.options_historical_trades(symbol, fromId, limit)
- GET /vapi/v1/ping (Test connectivity)
- Account and trading interface
- GET /vapi/v1/account (HMAC SHA256) (Account asset info (USER_DATA))
- POST /vapi/v1/transfer (HMAC SHA256) (Funds transfer (USER_DATA))
client.options_funds_transfer(currency, type, amount, recvWindow)
- GET /vapi/v1/position (HMAC SHA256) (Option holdings info (USER_DATA))
client.options_positions(symbol, recvWindow)
- POST /vapi/v1/bill (HMAC SHA256) (Account funding flow (USER_DATA))
client.options_bill(currency, recordId, startTime, endTime, limit, recvWindow)
- POST /vapi/v1/order (HMAC SHA256) (Option order (TRADE))
client.options_place_order(symbol, side, type, quantity, price, timeInForce, reduceOnly, postOnly, \ newOrderRespType, clientOrderId, recvWindow, recvWindow)
- POST /vapi/v1/batchOrders (HMAC SHA256) (Place Multiple Option orders (TRADE))
client.options_place_batch_order(orders, recvWindow)
- DELETE /vapi/v1/order (HMAC SHA256) (Cancel Option order (TRADE))
client.options_cancel_order(symbol, orderId, clientOrderId, recvWindow)
- DELETE /vapi/v1/batchOrders (HMAC SHA256) (Cancel Multiple Option orders (TRADE))
client.options_cancel_batch_order(symbol, orderIds, clientOrderIds, recvWindow)
- DELETE /vapi/v1/allOpenOrders (HMAC SHA256) (Cancel all Option orders (TRADE))
client.options_cancel_all_orders(symbol, recvWindow)
- GET /vapi/v1/order (HMAC SHA256) (Query Option order (TRADE))
client.options_query_order(symbol, orderId, clientOrderId, recvWindow)
- GET /vapi/v1/openOrders (HMAC SHA256) (Query current pending Option orders (TRADE))
client.options_query_pending_orders(symbol, orderId, startTime, endTime, limit, recvWindow)
- GET /vapi/v1/historyOrders (HMAC SHA256) (Query Option order history (TRADE))
client.options_query_order_history(symbol, orderId, startTime, endTime, limit, recvWindow)
- GET /vapi/v1/userTrades (HMAC SHA256) (Option Trade List (USER_DATA))
client.options_user_trades(symbol, fromId, startTime, endTime, limit, recvWindow)
- GET /vapi/v1/account (HMAC SHA256) (Account asset info (USER_DATA))
⚠️ Not yet implemented
⚠️ Not yet implemented
⚠️ Not yet implemented