Added custom serialization and deserialization for HomieColorValue in…
Added custom serialization and deserialization for HomieColorValue in…
tempararily switch to fork of test repo as not to block 0.6.0 release
tempararily switch to fork of test repo as not to block 0.6.0 release
bump version to 0.6.0 and upgraded dependencies
bump version to 0.6.0 and upgraded dependencies
fixed float and interger range rounding beheviour according to homie
fixed float and interger range rounding beheviour according to homie
removed FromStr impl for HomieDomain again
removed FromStr impl for HomieDomain again
addded validation for HomieValue and support to clear alerts for devices
addded validation for HomieValue and support to clear alerts for devices
improved device, node and property REF interfaces
improved device, node and property REF interfaces
Added Copy to HomieDataType, Impl Default for QoS, added new() fn for
Added Copy to HomieDataType, Impl Default for QoS, added new() fn for
Merge branch 'main' of
Merge branch 'main' of
Removed unnecessary generics on get_node, removed some warnings
Removed unnecessary generics on get_node, removed some warnings
Added some additional trait implementations to base types (e.g. like
Added some additional trait implementations to base types (e.g. like
changed device discovery function name and added unsubscribe function
changed device discovery function name and added unsubscribe function
added clone trait to Homie5ControllerProtocol
added clone trait to Homie5ControllerProtocol