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Rideshare user story example |
/examples/rideshare |
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An example ride-sharing experience from the perspective of a commuter who provides their location, and is connected to drivers in their area to successfully arrives at work on time. {: .fs-6 }
ID | Summary | Description | Epic |
RIDE-1 | Authorize my location | As a commuter, I want to authorize my location, so that I can get picked up nearby | Hail a ride |
RIDE-2 | Enter my destination address | As a commuter, I want to enter my destination, so that I can plan my ride | Hail a ride |
RIDE-3 | Confirm my estimated price | As a commuter, I want to confirm my estimated ride cost, so that I can book my ride | Hail a ride |
RIDE-4 | View my ride on a map | As a commuter, I want to view my ride on a map, so that I can follow my drivers route | Hail a ride |
RIDE-5 | View my arrival time | As a commuter, I want to view my time of arrival, so that I can ensure I'll be on time | Hail a ride |
RIDE-6 | Rate my ride | As a commuter, I want to rate my ride, so that I can provide feedback on my experience | Hail a ride |
RIDE-7 | Tip my driver | As a commuter, I want to tip my driver, so that I can thank them for my ride | Hail a ride |
RIDE-8 | Confirmation of payment | As a commuter, I want to receive confirmation of payment, so that I can assess my total cost | Hail a ride |
As a commuter, I want to authorize my location, so that I can get picked up nearby
Feature: Location
Given I have registered
* I have entered payment details
* I open the app
* I am logged in
* I am on the map screen
Scenario: Receive location prompt
Given I have not authorized my location
And it is my first login
Then I see a "Share my location" prompt
And I see a button to "Confirm"
And I see a button to "Cancel"
Scenario: Confirm location prompt
Given I see a "Share my location" prompt
When I select the button to "Confirm"
Then location sharing is authorized
And the "Share my location" prompt is closed
And I can see my current location
Scenario: Cancel location prompt
Given I see a "Share my location" prompt
When I select the button to "Cancel"
Then location sharing is not authorized
And the "Share my location" prompt is closed
And I cannot see my current location
Scenario: Trigger location prompt
Given I have not authorized my location
Then I see a "Authorize my location" link
When I click the "Authorize my location" link
Then I see the "Share my location" prompt
Story {: .ml-0 .mb-0 .label .label-green }
As a commuter, I want to enter my destination, so that I can plan my ride {: .fs-4 }
Feature: Destination
Given I have registered
* I have entered payment details
* I open the app
* I am logged in
* I am on the map screen
Scenario: Cannot enter destination address
Given I have not authorized location
Then I see a "Destination" input
And the "Destination" input is disabled
And I am unable to view my location
And I see a "Authorize my location" link
Scenario: Enter destination address
Given I have authorized location
Then I see a "Destination" input
When I enter an address into the "Destination" input
Then I see a destinations list
Scenario: Select destination
Given I have entered a destination address
When I select my destination from the destinations list
Then I see a "Confirm my destination" prompt
And I see a button to "Confirm"
And I see a button to "Cancel"
Scenario: Confirm destination
Given I see a "Confirm my destination" prompt
When I select the button to "Confirm"
Then my destination is confirmed
And the "Confirm my destination" prompt is closed
Scenario: Cancel destination
Given I see a "Confirm my destination" prompt
When I select the button to "Cancel"
Then my destination is cancelled
And the "Confirm my destination" prompt is closed
As a commuter, I want to confirm my estimated ride cost, so that I can book my ride {: .fs-4 }
Feature: Estimated price
Given I have registered
* I have entered payment details
* I have opened the app
* I am logged in
* I am on the map screen
* I have authorized my location
Scenario: View estimated cost
When I have confirmed my destination
Then I see an "Confirm estimated price" prompt
And I see an estimated cost range
And I see a button to "Confirm"
And I see a button to "Cancel"
Scenario: Confirm ride
Given I see the "Confirm estimated price" prompt
When I select the button to "Confirm"
Then my ride is confirmed
And the "Confirm estimated price" prompt is closed
Scenario: Cancel ride
Given I see the "Confirm estimated price" prompt
When I select the button to "Cancel"
Then my ride is cancelled
And the "Confirm estimated price" prompt is closed
As a commuter, I want to view my ride on a map, so that I can follow my drivers route {: .fs-4 }
Feature: Map
Given I have registered
* I have entered payment details
* I have opened the app
* I am logged in
Scenario: View map
Given I have authorized my location
When I am on the map screen
Then I can see a map
And I can see rides nearby
Scenario: View map
Given I have not authorize my location
When I am on the map screen
Then the map is disabled
Scenario: View driver on map
Given I have confirmed a ride
But I have not begun my trip
When I see the map
Then I can see my drivers location
Scenario: View route
Given I have begun my trip
When I see the map
Then I can see my location
And I can see my drivers route
As a commuter, I want to view my time of arrival, so that I can ensure I'll be on time {: .fs-4 }
Feature: Arrival time
Given I have registered
* I have entered payment details
* I have opened the app
* I am logged in
* I have authorized location
* I have entered a destination
* I have confirmed a ride
Scenario: View estimated arrival time
Given I have begun my trip
When I view the map
Then I can see my estimated arrival time
Scenario: Receive notice of arrival
When I arrive at my destination
Then I receive a "You have arrived" notification
When I view the notification
Then I see my final arrival time
As a commuter, I want to rate my ride, so that I can provide feedback on my experience {: .fs-4 }
Feature: Rate ride
Given I have registered
* I have entered payment details
* I have opened the app
* I am logged in
* I have authorized location
* I have entered a destination
* I have confirmed a ride
Scenario: View rating prompt
Given I have arrived at my destination
When I view to the "You have arrived" notification
Then I see a "Rate my ride" prompt
And I see rating options from 0 to 5 stars
And 5 stars is selected
And I see a button to "Confirm"
And I see a button to "Cancel"
Scenario: Select and confirm rating
When a rating is selected
And I select the button to "Confirm"
Then my rating is submitted
And the "Rate my ride" prompt is closed
Scenario: Cancel rating
When I select the button to "Cancel"
Then the rating prompt is dismissed
And no rating is submitted
And the "Rate my ride" prompt is closed
As a commuter, I want to tip my driver, so that I can thank them for my ride {: .fs-4 }
Feature: Tip driver
Feature: Rate ride
Given I have registered
* I have entered payment details
* I have opened the app
* I am logged in
* I have authorized location
* I have entered a destination
* I have confirmed a ride
* I have arrived
Scenario: View tip prompt
Given I have submitted a rating
When the "Rate my ride" prompt is closed
Then I see a "Tip my driver" prompt
* I see a "Tip amount" input
* I see "Tip percentage" options for "10%", "15%", and "18%"
* I see a button to "Confirm"
* The "Confirm" button is disabled
* I see a button to "Cancel"
Scenario: Submit tip percentage
Given I see a "Tip my driver" prompt
When I select a "Tip percentage" option
Then I see a "Tip amount" as the selected percentage of my total cost
Then I am able to select "Confirm"
When I select "Confirm"
Then my tip is submitted
And the "Tip my driver" input is closed
Scenario: Submit tip amount
Given I see a "Tip my driver" prompt
When I enter a number into the "Tip amount"
Then I am able to select "Confirm"
When I select "Confirm"
Then my tip is submitted
And the "Tip my driver" input is closed
Scenario: Cancel tip prompt
Given I see a "Tip my driver" prompt
When I select "Cancel"
Then no tip is submitted
And the "Tip my driver" input is closed
As a commuter, I want to receive confirmation of payment, so that I can assess my total cost {: .fs-4 }
Feature: Receive payment confirmation
Given I have registered
* I have entered payment details
* I have opened the app
* I am logged in
* I have authorized location
* I have entered a destination
* I have confirmed a ride
* I have arrived
Scenario: Receive notification of payment
When I have completed my trip
Then I receive a email receipt
When I view to email receipt
Then I see my final total
Scenario: See tip line item
Given I have submitted a tip
When I receive my email receipt
Then my final total includes a "Tip" line item
And my tip amount is added to the total