svg]:size-4 [&>svg]:shrink-0",
+ "flex h-8 shrink-0 items-center rounded-md px-2 text-xs font-medium text-sidebar-foreground/70 outline-none ring-sidebar-ring transition-[margin,opa] duration-200 ease-linear focus-visible:ring-2 [&>svg]:size-4 [&>svg]:shrink-0",
"group-data-[collapsible=icon]:-mt-8 group-data-[collapsible=icon]:opacity-0",
@@ -631,7 +631,7 @@ const SidebarMenuBadge = React.forwardRef<
- "absolute right-1 flex h-5 min-w-5 items-center justify-center rounded-md px-1 text-xs font-medium tabular-nums text-sidebar-foreground select-none pointer-events-none",
+ "pointer-events-none absolute right-1 flex h-5 min-w-5 select-none items-center justify-center rounded-md px-1 text-xs font-medium tabular-nums text-sidebar-foreground",
"peer-hover/menu-button:text-sidebar-accent-foreground peer-data-[active=true]/menu-button:text-sidebar-accent-foreground",
@@ -659,7 +659,7 @@ const SidebarMenuSkeleton = React.forwardRef<
{showIcon && (
@@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ const SidebarMenuSkeleton = React.forwardRef<
+ Getting started
+ Components
+ Documentation
+ Acme Inc
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+ Platform
+ { => (
+ {item.title}
+ {item.items?.length ? (
+ <>
+ Toggle
+ {item.items?.map((subItem) => (
+ {subItem.title}
+ ))}
+ >
+ ) : null}
+ ))}
+ Projects
+ { => (
+ {}
+ More
+ View Project
+ Share Project
+ Delete Project
+ ))}
+ More
+ { => (
+ {item.title}
+ ))}
+ CN
+ {}
+ {}
+ CN
+ {}
+ {}
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+ )
diff --git a/apps/www/registry/registry-blocks.ts b/apps/www/registry/registry-blocks.ts
index 956be895488..654ee3d57c6 100644
--- a/apps/www/registry/registry-blocks.ts
+++ b/apps/www/registry/registry-blocks.ts
@@ -477,6 +477,56 @@ export const blocks: Registry["items"] = [
categories: ["sidebar", "dashboard"],
+ {
+ name: "sidebar-16",
+ description: "A sidebar with a sticky site header.",
+ type: "registry:block",
+ registryDependencies: [
+ "sidebar",
+ "breadcrumb",
+ "separator",
+ "collapsible",
+ "dropdown-menu",
+ "avatar",
+ "button",
+ ],
+ files: [
+ {
+ path: "blocks/sidebar-16/page.tsx",
+ type: "registry:page",
+ target: "app/dashboard/page.tsx",
+ },
+ {
+ path: "blocks/sidebar-16/components/app-sidebar.tsx",
+ type: "registry:component",
+ },
+ {
+ path: "blocks/sidebar-16/components/nav-main.tsx",
+ type: "registry:component",
+ },
+ {
+ path: "blocks/sidebar-16/components/nav-projects.tsx",
+ type: "registry:component",
+ },
+ {
+ path: "blocks/sidebar-16/components/nav-secondary.tsx",
+ type: "registry:component",
+ },
+ {
+ path: "blocks/sidebar-16/components/nav-user.tsx",
+ type: "registry:component",
+ },
+ {
+ path: "blocks/sidebar-16/components/search-form.tsx",
+ type: "registry:component",
+ },
+ {
+ path: "blocks/sidebar-16/components/site-header.tsx",
+ type: "registry:component",
+ },
+ ],
+ categories: ["sidebar", "dashboard"],
+ },
name: "login-01",
description: "A simple login form.",
diff --git a/apps/www/registry/registry-colors.ts b/apps/www/registry/registry-colors.ts
index 314130e8ed9..ecb6cc9cde0 100644
--- a/apps/www/registry/registry-colors.ts
+++ b/apps/www/registry/registry-colors.ts
@@ -6,11 +6,13 @@ export const colors = {
hex: "#000000",
rgb: "rgb(0,0,0)",
hsl: "hsl(0,0%,0%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.00,0.00,0)",
white: {
hex: "#ffffff",
rgb: "rgb(255,255,255)",
hsl: "hsl(0,0%,100%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(1.00,0.00,0)",
slate: [
@@ -18,66 +20,77 @@ export const colors = {
hex: "#f8fafc",
rgb: "rgb(248,250,252)",
hsl: "hsl(210,40%,98%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.98,0.00,248)",
scale: 100,
hex: "#f1f5f9",
rgb: "rgb(241,245,249)",
hsl: "hsl(210,40%,96.1%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.97,0.01,248)",
scale: 200,
hex: "#e2e8f0",
rgb: "rgb(226,232,240)",
hsl: "hsl(214.3,31.8%,91.4%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.93,0.01,256)",
scale: 300,
hex: "#cbd5e1",
rgb: "rgb(203,213,225)",
hsl: "hsl(212.7,26.8%,83.9%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.87,0.02,253)",
scale: 400,
hex: "#94a3b8",
rgb: "rgb(148,163,184)",
hsl: "hsl(215,20.2%,65.1%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.71,0.04,257)",
scale: 500,
hex: "#64748b",
rgb: "rgb(100,116,139)",
hsl: "hsl(215.4,16.3%,46.9%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.55,0.04,257)",
scale: 600,
hex: "#475569",
rgb: "rgb(71,85,105)",
hsl: "hsl(215.3,19.3%,34.5%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.45,0.04,257)",
scale: 700,
hex: "#334155",
rgb: "rgb(51,65,85)",
hsl: "hsl(215.3,25%,26.7%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.37,0.04,257)",
scale: 800,
hex: "#1e293b",
rgb: "rgb(30,41,59)",
hsl: "hsl(217.2,32.6%,17.5%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.28,0.04,260)",
scale: 900,
hex: "#0f172a",
rgb: "rgb(15,23,42)",
hsl: "hsl(222.2,47.4%,11.2%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.21,0.04,266)",
scale: 950,
hex: "#020617",
rgb: "rgb(2,6,23)",
hsl: "hsl(222.2,84%,4.9%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.13,0.04,265)",
gray: [
@@ -86,66 +99,77 @@ export const colors = {
hex: "#f9fafb",
rgb: "rgb(249,250,251)",
hsl: "hsl(210,20%,98%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.98,0.00,248)",
scale: 100,
hex: "#f3f4f6",
rgb: "rgb(243,244,246)",
hsl: "hsl(220,14.3%,95.9%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.97,0.00,265)",
scale: 200,
hex: "#e5e7eb",
rgb: "rgb(229,231,235)",
hsl: "hsl(220,13%,91%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.93,0.01,265)",
scale: 300,
hex: "#d1d5db",
rgb: "rgb(209,213,219)",
hsl: "hsl(216,12.2%,83.9%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.87,0.01,258)",
scale: 400,
hex: "#9ca3af",
rgb: "rgb(156,163,175)",
hsl: "hsl(217.9,10.6%,64.9%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.71,0.02,261)",
scale: 500,
hex: "#6b7280",
rgb: "rgb(107,114,128)",
hsl: "hsl(220,8.9%,46.1%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.55,0.02,264)",
scale: 600,
hex: "#4b5563",
rgb: "rgb(75,85,99)",
hsl: "hsl(215,13.8%,34.1%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.45,0.03,257)",
scale: 700,
hex: "#374151",
rgb: "rgb(55,65,81)",
hsl: "hsl(216.9,19.1%,26.7%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.37,0.03,260)",
scale: 800,
hex: "#1f2937",
rgb: "rgb(31,41,55)",
hsl: "hsl(215,27.9%,16.9%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.28,0.03,257)",
scale: 900,
hex: "#111827",
rgb: "rgb(17,24,39)",
hsl: "hsl(220.9,39.3%,11%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.21,0.03,265)",
scale: 950,
hex: "#030712",
rgb: "rgb(3,7,18)",
hsl: "hsl(224,71.4%,4.1%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.13,0.03,262)",
zinc: [
@@ -154,66 +178,77 @@ export const colors = {
hex: "#fafafa",
rgb: "rgb(250,250,250)",
hsl: "hsl(0,0%,98%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.99,0.00,0)",
scale: 100,
hex: "#f4f4f5",
rgb: "rgb(244,244,245)",
hsl: "hsl(240,4.8%,95.9%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.97,0.00,286)",
scale: 200,
hex: "#e4e4e7",
rgb: "rgb(228,228,231)",
hsl: "hsl(240,5.9%,90%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.92,0.00,286)",
scale: 300,
hex: "#d4d4d8",
rgb: "rgb(212,212,216)",
hsl: "hsl(240,4.9%,83.9%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.87,0.01,286)",
scale: 400,
hex: "#a1a1aa",
rgb: "rgb(161,161,170)",
hsl: "hsl(240,5%,64.9%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.71,0.01,286)",
scale: 500,
hex: "#71717a",
rgb: "rgb(113,113,122)",
hsl: "hsl(240,3.8%,46.1%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.55,0.01,286)",
scale: 600,
hex: "#52525b",
rgb: "rgb(82,82,91)",
hsl: "hsl(240,5.2%,33.9%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.44,0.01,286)",
scale: 700,
hex: "#3f3f46",
rgb: "rgb(63,63,70)",
hsl: "hsl(240,5.3%,26.1%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.37,0.01,286)",
scale: 800,
hex: "#27272a",
rgb: "rgb(39,39,42)",
hsl: "hsl(240,3.7%,15.9%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.27,0.01,286)",
scale: 900,
hex: "#18181b",
rgb: "rgb(24,24,27)",
hsl: "hsl(240,5.9%,10%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.21,0.01,286)",
scale: 950,
hex: "#09090b",
rgb: "rgb(9,9,11)",
hsl: "hsl(240,10%,3.9%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.14,0.00,286)",
neutral: [
@@ -222,66 +257,77 @@ export const colors = {
hex: "#fafafa",
rgb: "rgb(250,250,250)",
hsl: "hsl(0,0%,98%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.99,0.00,0)",
scale: 100,
hex: "#f5f5f5",
rgb: "rgb(245,245,245)",
hsl: "hsl(0,0%,96.1%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.97,0.00,0)",
scale: 200,
hex: "#e5e5e5",
rgb: "rgb(229,229,229)",
hsl: "hsl(0,0%,89.8%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.92,0.00,0)",
scale: 300,
hex: "#d4d4d4",
rgb: "rgb(212,212,212)",
hsl: "hsl(0,0%,83.1%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.87,0.00,0)",
scale: 400,
hex: "#a3a3a3",
rgb: "rgb(163,163,163)",
hsl: "hsl(0,0%,63.9%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.72,0.00,0)",
scale: 500,
hex: "#737373",
rgb: "rgb(115,115,115)",
hsl: "hsl(0,0%,45.1%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.56,0.00,0)",
scale: 600,
hex: "#525252",
rgb: "rgb(82,82,82)",
hsl: "hsl(0,0%,32.2%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.44,0.00,0)",
scale: 700,
hex: "#404040",
rgb: "rgb(64,64,64)",
hsl: "hsl(0,0%,25.1%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.37,0.00,0)",
scale: 800,
hex: "#262626",
rgb: "rgb(38,38,38)",
hsl: "hsl(0,0%,14.9%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.27,0.00,0)",
scale: 900,
hex: "#171717",
rgb: "rgb(23,23,23)",
hsl: "hsl(0,0%,9%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.20,0.00,0)",
scale: 950,
hex: "#0a0a0a",
rgb: "rgb(10,10,10)",
hsl: "hsl(0,0%,3.9%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.14,0.00,0)",
stone: [
@@ -290,66 +336,77 @@ export const colors = {
hex: "#fafaf9",
rgb: "rgb(250,250,249)",
hsl: "hsl(60,9.1%,97.8%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.98,0.00,106)",
scale: 100,
hex: "#f5f5f4",
rgb: "rgb(245,245,244)",
hsl: "hsl(60,4.8%,95.9%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.97,0.00,106)",
scale: 200,
hex: "#e7e5e4",
rgb: "rgb(231,229,228)",
hsl: "hsl(20,5.9%,90%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.92,0.00,49)",
scale: 300,
hex: "#d6d3d1",
rgb: "rgb(214,211,209)",
hsl: "hsl(24,5.7%,82.9%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.87,0.00,56)",
scale: 400,
hex: "#a8a29e",
rgb: "rgb(168,162,158)",
hsl: "hsl(24,5.4%,63.9%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.72,0.01,56)",
scale: 500,
hex: "#78716c",
rgb: "rgb(120,113,108)",
hsl: "hsl(25,5.3%,44.7%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.55,0.01,58)",
scale: 600,
hex: "#57534e",
rgb: "rgb(87,83,78)",
hsl: "hsl(33.3,5.5%,32.4%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.44,0.01,74)",
scale: 700,
hex: "#44403c",
rgb: "rgb(68,64,60)",
hsl: "hsl(30,6.3%,25.1%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.37,0.01,68)",
scale: 800,
hex: "#292524",
rgb: "rgb(41,37,36)",
hsl: "hsl(12,6.5%,15.1%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.27,0.01,34)",
scale: 900,
hex: "#1c1917",
rgb: "rgb(28,25,23)",
hsl: "hsl(24,9.8%,10%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.22,0.01,56)",
scale: 950,
hex: "#0c0a09",
rgb: "rgb(12,10,9)",
hsl: "hsl(20,14.3%,4.1%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.15,0.00,49)",
red: [
@@ -358,66 +415,77 @@ export const colors = {
hex: "#fef2f2",
rgb: "rgb(254,242,242)",
hsl: "hsl(0,85.7%,97.3%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.97,0.01,17)",
scale: 100,
hex: "#fee2e2",
rgb: "rgb(254,226,226)",
hsl: "hsl(0,93.3%,94.1%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.94,0.03,18)",
scale: 200,
hex: "#fecaca",
rgb: "rgb(254,202,202)",
hsl: "hsl(0,96.3%,89.4%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.88,0.06,18)",
scale: 300,
hex: "#fca5a5",
rgb: "rgb(252,165,165)",
hsl: "hsl(0,93.5%,81.8%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.81,0.10,20)",
scale: 400,
hex: "#f87171",
rgb: "rgb(248,113,113)",
hsl: "hsl(0,90.6%,70.8%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.71,0.17,22)",
scale: 500,
hex: "#ef4444",
rgb: "rgb(239,68,68)",
hsl: "hsl(0,84.2%,60.2%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.64,0.21,25)",
scale: 600,
hex: "#dc2626",
rgb: "rgb(220,38,38)",
hsl: "hsl(0,72.2%,50.6%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.58,0.22,27)",
scale: 700,
hex: "#b91c1c",
rgb: "rgb(185,28,28)",
hsl: "hsl(0,73.7%,41.8%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.51,0.19,28)",
scale: 800,
hex: "#991b1b",
rgb: "rgb(153,27,27)",
hsl: "hsl(0,70%,35.3%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.44,0.16,27)",
scale: 900,
hex: "#7f1d1d",
rgb: "rgb(127,29,29)",
hsl: "hsl(0,62.8%,30.6%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.40,0.13,26)",
scale: 950,
hex: "#450a0a",
rgb: "rgb(69,10,10)",
hsl: "hsl(0,74.7%,15.5%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.26,0.09,26)",
orange: [
@@ -426,66 +494,77 @@ export const colors = {
hex: "#fff7ed",
rgb: "rgb(255,247,237)",
hsl: "hsl(33.3,100%,96.5%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.98,0.02,74)",
scale: 100,
hex: "#ffedd5",
rgb: "rgb(255,237,213)",
hsl: "hsl(34.3,100%,91.8%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.95,0.04,75)",
scale: 200,
hex: "#fed7aa",
rgb: "rgb(254,215,170)",
hsl: "hsl(32.1,97.7%,83.1%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.90,0.07,71)",
scale: 300,
hex: "#fdba74",
rgb: "rgb(253,186,116)",
hsl: "hsl(30.7,97.2%,72.4%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.84,0.12,66)",
scale: 400,
hex: "#fb923c",
rgb: "rgb(251,146,60)",
hsl: "hsl(27,96%,61%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.76,0.16,56)",
scale: 500,
hex: "#f97316",
rgb: "rgb(249,115,22)",
hsl: "hsl(24.6,95%,53.1%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.70,0.19,48)",
scale: 600,
hex: "#ea580c",
rgb: "rgb(234,88,12)",
hsl: "hsl(20.5,90.2%,48.2%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.65,0.19,41)",
scale: 700,
hex: "#c2410c",
rgb: "rgb(194,65,12)",
hsl: "hsl(17.5,88.3%,40.4%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.55,0.17,38)",
scale: 800,
hex: "#9a3412",
rgb: "rgb(154,52,18)",
hsl: "hsl(15,79.1%,33.7%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.47,0.14,37)",
scale: 900,
hex: "#7c2d12",
rgb: "rgb(124,45,18)",
hsl: "hsl(15.3,74.6%,27.8%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.41,0.12,38)",
scale: 950,
hex: "#431407",
rgb: "rgb(67,20,7)",
hsl: "hsl(13,81.1%,14.5%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.27,0.08,36)",
amber: [
@@ -494,66 +573,77 @@ export const colors = {
hex: "#fffbeb",
rgb: "rgb(255,251,235)",
hsl: "hsl(48,100%,96.1%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.99,0.02,95)",
scale: 100,
hex: "#fef3c7",
rgb: "rgb(254,243,199)",
hsl: "hsl(48,96.5%,88.8%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.96,0.06,96)",
scale: 200,
hex: "#fde68a",
rgb: "rgb(253,230,138)",
hsl: "hsl(48,96.6%,76.7%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.92,0.12,96)",
scale: 300,
hex: "#fcd34d",
rgb: "rgb(252,211,77)",
hsl: "hsl(45.9,96.7%,64.5%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.88,0.15,92)",
scale: 400,
hex: "#fbbf24",
rgb: "rgb(251,191,36)",
hsl: "hsl(43.3,96.4%,56.3%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.84,0.16,84)",
scale: 500,
hex: "#f59e0b",
rgb: "rgb(245,158,11)",
hsl: "hsl(37.7,92.1%,50.2%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.77,0.16,70)",
scale: 600,
hex: "#d97706",
rgb: "rgb(217,119,6)",
hsl: "hsl(32.1,94.6%,43.7%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.67,0.16,58)",
scale: 700,
hex: "#b45309",
rgb: "rgb(180,83,9)",
hsl: "hsl(26,90.5%,37.1%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.56,0.15,49)",
scale: 800,
hex: "#92400e",
rgb: "rgb(146,64,14)",
hsl: "hsl(22.7,82.5%,31.4%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.47,0.12,46)",
scale: 900,
hex: "#78350f",
rgb: "rgb(120,53,15)",
hsl: "hsl(21.7,77.8%,26.5%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.41,0.11,46)",
scale: 950,
hex: "#451a03",
rgb: "rgb(69,26,3)",
hsl: "hsl(20.9,91.7%,14.1%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.28,0.07,46)",
yellow: [
@@ -562,66 +652,77 @@ export const colors = {
hex: "#fefce8",
rgb: "rgb(254,252,232)",
hsl: "hsl(54.5,91.7%,95.3%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.99,0.03,102)",
scale: 100,
hex: "#fef9c3",
rgb: "rgb(254,249,195)",
hsl: "hsl(54.9,96.7%,88%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.97,0.07,103)",
scale: 200,
hex: "#fef08a",
rgb: "rgb(254,240,138)",
hsl: "hsl(52.8,98.3%,76.9%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.95,0.12,102)",
scale: 300,
hex: "#fde047",
rgb: "rgb(253,224,71)",
hsl: "hsl(50.4,97.8%,63.5%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.91,0.17,98)",
scale: 400,
hex: "#facc15",
rgb: "rgb(250,204,21)",
hsl: "hsl(47.9,95.8%,53.1%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.86,0.17,92)",
scale: 500,
hex: "#eab308",
rgb: "rgb(234,179,8)",
hsl: "hsl(45.4,93.4%,47.5%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.80,0.16,86)",
scale: 600,
hex: "#ca8a04",
rgb: "rgb(202,138,4)",
hsl: "hsl(40.6,96.1%,40.4%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.68,0.14,76)",
scale: 700,
hex: "#a16207",
rgb: "rgb(161,98,7)",
hsl: "hsl(35.5,91.7%,32.9%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.55,0.12,66)",
scale: 800,
hex: "#854d0e",
rgb: "rgb(133,77,14)",
hsl: "hsl(31.8,81%,28.8%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.48,0.10,62)",
scale: 900,
hex: "#713f12",
rgb: "rgb(113,63,18)",
hsl: "hsl(28.4,72.5%,25.7%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.42,0.09,58)",
scale: 950,
hex: "#422006",
rgb: "rgb(66,32,6)",
hsl: "hsl(26,83.3%,14.1%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.29,0.06,54)",
lime: [
@@ -630,66 +731,77 @@ export const colors = {
hex: "#f7fee7",
rgb: "rgb(247,254,231)",
hsl: "hsl(78.3,92%,95.1%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.99,0.03,121)",
scale: 100,
hex: "#ecfccb",
rgb: "rgb(236,252,203)",
hsl: "hsl(79.6,89.1%,89.2%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.97,0.07,122)",
scale: 200,
hex: "#d9f99d",
rgb: "rgb(217,249,157)",
hsl: "hsl(80.9,88.5%,79.6%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.94,0.12,124)",
scale: 300,
hex: "#bef264",
rgb: "rgb(190,242,100)",
hsl: "hsl(82,84.5%,67.1%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.90,0.18,127)",
scale: 400,
hex: "#a3e635",
rgb: "rgb(163,230,53)",
hsl: "hsl(82.7,78%,55.5%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.85,0.21,129)",
scale: 500,
hex: "#84cc16",
rgb: "rgb(132,204,22)",
hsl: "hsl(83.7,80.5%,44.3%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.77,0.20,131)",
scale: 600,
hex: "#65a30d",
rgb: "rgb(101,163,13)",
hsl: "hsl(84.8,85.2%,34.5%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.65,0.18,132)",
scale: 700,
hex: "#4d7c0f",
rgb: "rgb(77,124,15)",
hsl: "hsl(85.9,78.4%,27.3%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.53,0.14,132)",
scale: 800,
hex: "#3f6212",
rgb: "rgb(63,98,18)",
hsl: "hsl(86.3,69%,22.7%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.45,0.11,131)",
scale: 900,
hex: "#365314",
rgb: "rgb(54,83,20)",
hsl: "hsl(87.6,61.2%,20.2%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.41,0.10,131)",
scale: 950,
hex: "#1a2e05",
rgb: "rgb(26,46,5)",
hsl: "hsl(89.3,80.4%,10%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.27,0.07,132)",
green: [
@@ -698,66 +810,77 @@ export const colors = {
hex: "#f0fdf4",
rgb: "rgb(240,253,244)",
hsl: "hsl(138.5,76.5%,96.7%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.98,0.02,156)",
scale: 100,
hex: "#dcfce7",
rgb: "rgb(220,252,231)",
hsl: "hsl(140.6,84.2%,92.5%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.96,0.04,157)",
scale: 200,
hex: "#bbf7d0",
rgb: "rgb(187,247,208)",
hsl: "hsl(141,78.9%,85.1%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.93,0.08,156)",
scale: 300,
hex: "#86efac",
rgb: "rgb(134,239,172)",
hsl: "hsl(141.7,76.6%,73.1%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.87,0.14,154)",
scale: 400,
hex: "#4ade80",
rgb: "rgb(74,222,128)",
hsl: "hsl(141.9,69.2%,58%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.80,0.18,152)",
scale: 500,
hex: "#22c55e",
rgb: "rgb(34,197,94)",
hsl: "hsl(142.1,70.6%,45.3%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.72,0.19,150)",
scale: 600,
hex: "#16a34a",
rgb: "rgb(22,163,74)",
hsl: "hsl(142.1,76.2%,36.3%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.63,0.17,149)",
scale: 700,
hex: "#15803d",
rgb: "rgb(21,128,61)",
hsl: "hsl(142.4,71.8%,29.2%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.53,0.14,150)",
scale: 800,
hex: "#166534",
rgb: "rgb(22,101,52)",
hsl: "hsl(142.8,64.2%,24.1%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.45,0.11,151)",
scale: 900,
hex: "#14532d",
rgb: "rgb(20,83,45)",
hsl: "hsl(143.8,61.2%,20.2%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.39,0.09,153)",
scale: 950,
hex: "#052e16",
rgb: "rgb(5,46,22)",
hsl: "hsl(144.9,80.4%,10%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.27,0.06,153)",
emerald: [
@@ -766,66 +889,77 @@ export const colors = {
hex: "#ecfdf5",
rgb: "rgb(236,253,245)",
hsl: "hsl(151.8,81%,95.9%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.98,0.02,166)",
scale: 100,
hex: "#d1fae5",
rgb: "rgb(209,250,229)",
hsl: "hsl(149.3,80.4%,90%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.95,0.05,163)",
scale: 200,
hex: "#a7f3d0",
rgb: "rgb(167,243,208)",
hsl: "hsl(152.4,76%,80.4%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.90,0.09,164)",
scale: 300,
hex: "#6ee7b7",
rgb: "rgb(110,231,183)",
hsl: "hsl(156.2,71.6%,66.9%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.85,0.13,165)",
scale: 400,
hex: "#34d399",
rgb: "rgb(52,211,153)",
hsl: "hsl(158.1,64.4%,51.6%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.77,0.15,163)",
scale: 500,
hex: "#10b981",
rgb: "rgb(16,185,129)",
hsl: "hsl(160.1,84.1%,39.4%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.70,0.15,162)",
scale: 600,
hex: "#059669",
rgb: "rgb(5,150,105)",
hsl: "hsl(161.4,93.5%,30.4%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.60,0.13,163)",
scale: 700,
hex: "#047857",
rgb: "rgb(4,120,87)",
hsl: "hsl(162.9,93.5%,24.3%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.51,0.10,166)",
scale: 800,
hex: "#065f46",
rgb: "rgb(6,95,70)",
hsl: "hsl(163.1,88.1%,19.8%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.43,0.09,167)",
scale: 900,
hex: "#064e3b",
rgb: "rgb(6,78,59)",
hsl: "hsl(164.2,85.7%,16.5%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.38,0.07,169)",
scale: 950,
hex: "#022c22",
rgb: "rgb(2,44,34)",
hsl: "hsl(165.7,91.3%,9%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.26,0.05,173)",
teal: [
@@ -834,66 +968,77 @@ export const colors = {
hex: "#f0fdfa",
rgb: "rgb(240,253,250)",
hsl: "hsl(166.2,76.5%,96.7%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.98,0.01,181)",
scale: 100,
hex: "#ccfbf1",
rgb: "rgb(204,251,241)",
hsl: "hsl(167.2,85.5%,89.2%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.95,0.05,181)",
scale: 200,
hex: "#99f6e4",
rgb: "rgb(153,246,228)",
hsl: "hsl(168.4,83.8%,78.2%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.91,0.09,180)",
scale: 300,
hex: "#5eead4",
rgb: "rgb(94,234,212)",
hsl: "hsl(170.6,76.9%,64.3%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.85,0.13,181)",
scale: 400,
hex: "#2dd4bf",
rgb: "rgb(45,212,191)",
hsl: "hsl(172.5,66%,50.4%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.78,0.13,182)",
scale: 500,
hex: "#14b8a6",
rgb: "rgb(20,184,166)",
hsl: "hsl(173.4,80.4%,40%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.70,0.12,183)",
scale: 600,
hex: "#0d9488",
rgb: "rgb(13,148,136)",
hsl: "hsl(174.7,83.9%,31.6%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.60,0.10,185)",
scale: 700,
hex: "#0f766e",
rgb: "rgb(15,118,110)",
hsl: "hsl(175.3,77.4%,26.1%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.51,0.09,186)",
scale: 800,
hex: "#115e59",
rgb: "rgb(17,94,89)",
hsl: "hsl(176.1,69.4%,21.8%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.44,0.07,188)",
scale: 900,
hex: "#134e4a",
rgb: "rgb(19,78,74)",
hsl: "hsl(175.9,60.8%,19%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.39,0.06,188)",
scale: 950,
hex: "#042f2e",
rgb: "rgb(4,47,46)",
hsl: "hsl(178.6,84.3%,10%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.28,0.04,193)",
cyan: [
@@ -902,66 +1047,77 @@ export const colors = {
hex: "#ecfeff",
rgb: "rgb(236,254,255)",
hsl: "hsl(183.2,100%,96.3%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.98,0.02,201)",
scale: 100,
hex: "#cffafe",
rgb: "rgb(207,250,254)",
hsl: "hsl(185.1,95.9%,90.4%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.96,0.04,203)",
scale: 200,
hex: "#a5f3fc",
rgb: "rgb(165,243,252)",
hsl: "hsl(186.2,93.5%,81.8%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.92,0.08,205)",
scale: 300,
hex: "#67e8f9",
rgb: "rgb(103,232,249)",
hsl: "hsl(187,92.4%,69%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.87,0.12,207)",
scale: 400,
hex: "#22d3ee",
rgb: "rgb(34,211,238)",
hsl: "hsl(187.9,85.7%,53.3%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.80,0.13,212)",
scale: 500,
hex: "#06b6d4",
rgb: "rgb(6,182,212)",
hsl: "hsl(188.7,94.5%,42.7%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.71,0.13,215)",
scale: 600,
hex: "#0891b2",
rgb: "rgb(8,145,178)",
hsl: "hsl(191.6,91.4%,36.5%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.61,0.11,222)",
scale: 700,
hex: "#0e7490",
rgb: "rgb(14,116,144)",
hsl: "hsl(192.9,82.3%,31%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.52,0.09,223)",
scale: 800,
hex: "#155e75",
rgb: "rgb(21,94,117)",
hsl: "hsl(194.4,69.6%,27.1%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.45,0.08,224)",
scale: 900,
hex: "#164e63",
rgb: "rgb(22,78,99)",
hsl: "hsl(196.4,63.6%,23.7%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.40,0.07,227)",
scale: 950,
hex: "#083344",
rgb: "rgb(8,51,68)",
hsl: "hsl(197,78.9%,14.9%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.30,0.05,230)",
sky: [
@@ -970,66 +1126,77 @@ export const colors = {
hex: "#f0f9ff",
rgb: "rgb(240,249,255)",
hsl: "hsl(204,100%,97.1%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.98,0.01,237)",
scale: 100,
hex: "#e0f2fe",
rgb: "rgb(224,242,254)",
hsl: "hsl(204,93.8%,93.7%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.95,0.03,237)",
scale: 200,
hex: "#bae6fd",
rgb: "rgb(186,230,253)",
hsl: "hsl(200.6,94.4%,86.1%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.90,0.06,231)",
scale: 300,
hex: "#7dd3fc",
rgb: "rgb(125,211,252)",
hsl: "hsl(199.4,95.5%,73.9%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.83,0.10,230)",
scale: 400,
hex: "#38bdf8",
rgb: "rgb(56,189,248)",
hsl: "hsl(198.4,93.2%,59.6%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.75,0.14,233)",
scale: 500,
hex: "#0ea5e9",
rgb: "rgb(14,165,233)",
hsl: "hsl(198.6,88.7%,48.4%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.68,0.15,237)",
scale: 600,
hex: "#0284c7",
rgb: "rgb(2,132,199)",
hsl: "hsl(200.4,98%,39.4%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.59,0.14,242)",
scale: 700,
hex: "#0369a1",
rgb: "rgb(3,105,161)",
hsl: "hsl(201.3,96.3%,32.2%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.50,0.12,243)",
scale: 800,
hex: "#075985",
rgb: "rgb(7,89,133)",
hsl: "hsl(201,90%,27.5%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.44,0.10,241)",
scale: 900,
hex: "#0c4a6e",
rgb: "rgb(12,74,110)",
hsl: "hsl(202,80.3%,23.9%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.39,0.08,241)",
scale: 950,
hex: "#082f49",
rgb: "rgb(8,47,73)",
hsl: "hsl(204,80.2%,15.9%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.29,0.06,243)",
blue: [
@@ -1038,66 +1205,77 @@ export const colors = {
hex: "#eff6ff",
rgb: "rgb(239,246,255)",
hsl: "hsl(213.8,100%,96.9%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.97,0.01,255)",
scale: 100,
hex: "#dbeafe",
rgb: "rgb(219,234,254)",
hsl: "hsl(214.3,94.6%,92.7%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.93,0.03,256)",
scale: 200,
hex: "#bfdbfe",
rgb: "rgb(191,219,254)",
hsl: "hsl(213.3,96.9%,87.3%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.88,0.06,254)",
scale: 300,
hex: "#93c5fd",
rgb: "rgb(147,197,253)",
hsl: "hsl(211.7,96.4%,78.4%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.81,0.10,252)",
scale: 400,
hex: "#60a5fa",
rgb: "rgb(96,165,250)",
hsl: "hsl(213.1,93.9%,67.8%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.71,0.14,255)",
scale: 500,
hex: "#3b82f6",
rgb: "rgb(59,130,246)",
hsl: "hsl(217.2,91.2%,59.8%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.62,0.19,260)",
scale: 600,
hex: "#2563eb",
rgb: "rgb(37,99,235)",
hsl: "hsl(221.2,83.2%,53.3%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.55,0.22,263)",
scale: 700,
hex: "#1d4ed8",
rgb: "rgb(29,78,216)",
hsl: "hsl(224.3,76.3%,48%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.49,0.22,264)",
scale: 800,
hex: "#1e40af",
rgb: "rgb(30,64,175)",
hsl: "hsl(225.9,70.7%,40.2%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.42,0.18,266)",
scale: 900,
hex: "#1e3a8a",
rgb: "rgb(30,58,138)",
hsl: "hsl(224.4,64.3%,32.9%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.38,0.14,266)",
scale: 950,
hex: "#172554",
rgb: "rgb(23,37,84)",
hsl: "hsl(226.2,57%,21%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.28,0.09,268)",
indigo: [
@@ -1106,66 +1284,77 @@ export const colors = {
hex: "#eef2ff",
rgb: "rgb(238,242,255)",
hsl: "hsl(225.9,100%,96.7%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.96,0.02,272)",
scale: 100,
hex: "#e0e7ff",
rgb: "rgb(224,231,255)",
hsl: "hsl(226.5,100%,93.9%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.93,0.03,273)",
scale: 200,
hex: "#c7d2fe",
rgb: "rgb(199,210,254)",
hsl: "hsl(228,96.5%,88.8%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.87,0.06,274)",
scale: 300,
hex: "#a5b4fc",
rgb: "rgb(165,180,252)",
hsl: "hsl(229.7,93.5%,81.8%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.79,0.10,275)",
scale: 400,
hex: "#818cf8",
rgb: "rgb(129,140,248)",
hsl: "hsl(234.5,89.5%,73.9%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.68,0.16,277)",
scale: 500,
hex: "#6366f1",
rgb: "rgb(99,102,241)",
hsl: "hsl(238.7,83.5%,66.7%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.59,0.20,277)",
scale: 600,
hex: "#4f46e5",
rgb: "rgb(79,70,229)",
hsl: "hsl(243.4,75.4%,58.6%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.51,0.23,277)",
scale: 700,
hex: "#4338ca",
rgb: "rgb(67,56,202)",
hsl: "hsl(244.5,57.9%,50.6%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.46,0.21,277)",
scale: 800,
hex: "#3730a3",
rgb: "rgb(55,48,163)",
hsl: "hsl(243.7,54.5%,41.4%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.40,0.18,277)",
scale: 900,
hex: "#312e81",
rgb: "rgb(49,46,129)",
hsl: "hsl(242.2,47.4%,34.3%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.36,0.14,279)",
scale: 950,
hex: "#1e1b4b",
rgb: "rgb(30,27,75)",
hsl: "hsl(243.8,47.1%,20%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.26,0.09,281)",
violet: [
@@ -1174,66 +1363,77 @@ export const colors = {
hex: "#f5f3ff",
rgb: "rgb(245,243,255)",
hsl: "hsl(250,100%,97.6%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.97,0.02,294)",
scale: 100,
hex: "#ede9fe",
rgb: "rgb(237,233,254)",
hsl: "hsl(251.4,91.3%,95.5%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.94,0.03,295)",
scale: 200,
hex: "#ddd6fe",
rgb: "rgb(221,214,254)",
hsl: "hsl(250.5,95.2%,91.8%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.89,0.05,293)",
scale: 300,
hex: "#c4b5fd",
rgb: "rgb(196,181,253)",
hsl: "hsl(252.5,94.7%,85.1%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.81,0.10,294)",
scale: 400,
hex: "#a78bfa",
rgb: "rgb(167,139,250)",
hsl: "hsl(255.1,91.7%,76.3%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.71,0.16,294)",
scale: 500,
hex: "#8b5cf6",
rgb: "rgb(139,92,246)",
hsl: "hsl(258.3,89.5%,66.3%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.61,0.22,293)",
scale: 600,
hex: "#7c3aed",
rgb: "rgb(124,58,237)",
hsl: "hsl(262.1,83.3%,57.8%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.54,0.25,293)",
scale: 700,
hex: "#6d28d9",
rgb: "rgb(109,40,217)",
hsl: "hsl(263.4,70%,50.4%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.49,0.24,293)",
scale: 800,
hex: "#5b21b6",
rgb: "rgb(91,33,182)",
hsl: "hsl(263.4,69.3%,42.2%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.43,0.21,293)",
scale: 900,
hex: "#4c1d95",
rgb: "rgb(76,29,149)",
hsl: "hsl(263.5,67.4%,34.9%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.38,0.18,294)",
scale: 950,
hex: "#1e1b4b",
rgb: "rgb(46,16,101)",
hsl: "hsl(261.2,72.6%,22.9%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.28,0.14,291)",
purple: [
@@ -1242,66 +1442,77 @@ export const colors = {
hex: "#faf5ff",
rgb: "rgb(250,245,255)",
hsl: "hsl(270,100%,98%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.98,0.01,308)",
scale: 100,
hex: "#f3e8ff",
rgb: "rgb(243,232,255)",
hsl: "hsl(268.7,100%,95.5%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.95,0.03,307)",
scale: 200,
hex: "#e9d5ff",
rgb: "rgb(233,213,255)",
hsl: "hsl(268.6,100%,91.8%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.90,0.06,307)",
scale: 300,
hex: "#d8b4fe",
rgb: "rgb(216,180,254)",
hsl: "hsl(269.2,97.4%,85.1%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.83,0.11,306)",
scale: 400,
hex: "#c084fc",
rgb: "rgb(192,132,252)",
hsl: "hsl(270,95.2%,75.3%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.72,0.18,306)",
scale: 500,
hex: "#a855f7",
rgb: "rgb(168,85,247)",
hsl: "hsl(270.7,91%,65.1%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.63,0.23,304)",
scale: 600,
hex: "#9333ea",
rgb: "rgb(147,51,234)",
hsl: "hsl(271.5,81.3%,55.9%)",
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scale: 700,
hex: "#7e22ce",
rgb: "rgb(126,34,206)",
hsl: "hsl(272.1,71.7%,47.1%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.50,0.24,302)",
scale: 800,
hex: "#6b21a8",
rgb: "rgb(107,33,168)",
hsl: "hsl(272.9,67.2%,39.4%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.44,0.20,304)",
scale: 900,
hex: "#581c87",
rgb: "rgb(88,28,135)",
hsl: "hsl(273.6,65.6%,32%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.38,0.17,305)",
scale: 950,
hex: "#3b0764",
rgb: "rgb(59,7,100)",
hsl: "hsl(273.5,86.9%,21%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.29,0.14,303)",
fuchsia: [
@@ -1310,66 +1521,77 @@ export const colors = {
hex: "#fdf4ff",
rgb: "rgb(253,244,255)",
hsl: "hsl(289.1,100%,97.8%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.98,0.02,320)",
scale: 100,
hex: "#fae8ff",
rgb: "rgb(250,232,255)",
hsl: "hsl(287,100%,95.5%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.95,0.04,319)",
scale: 200,
hex: "#f5d0fe",
rgb: "rgb(245,208,254)",
hsl: "hsl(288.3,95.8%,90.6%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.90,0.07,320)",
scale: 300,
hex: "#f0abfc",
rgb: "rgb(240,171,252)",
hsl: "hsl(291.1,93.1%,82.9%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.83,0.13,321)",
scale: 400,
hex: "#e879f9",
rgb: "rgb(232,121,249)",
hsl: "hsl(292,91.4%,72.5%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.75,0.21,322)",
scale: 500,
hex: "#d946ef",
rgb: "rgb(217,70,239)",
hsl: "hsl(292.2,84.1%,60.6%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.67,0.26,322)",
scale: 600,
hex: "#c026d3",
rgb: "rgb(192,38,211)",
hsl: "hsl(293.4,69.5%,48.8%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.59,0.26,323)",
scale: 700,
hex: "#a21caf",
rgb: "rgb(162,28,175)",
hsl: "hsl(294.7,72.4%,39.8%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.52,0.23,324)",
scale: 800,
hex: "#86198f",
rgb: "rgb(134,25,143)",
hsl: "hsl(295.4,70.2%,32.9%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.45,0.19,325)",
scale: 900,
hex: "#701a75",
rgb: "rgb(112,26,117)",
hsl: "hsl(296.7,63.6%,28%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.40,0.16,326)",
scale: 950,
hex: "#4a044e",
rgb: "rgb(74,4,78)",
hsl: "hsl(296.8,90.2%,16.1%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.29,0.13,326)",
pink: [
@@ -1378,66 +1600,77 @@ export const colors = {
hex: "#fdf2f8",
rgb: "rgb(253,242,248)",
hsl: "hsl(327.3,73.3%,97.1%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.97,0.01,343)",
scale: 100,
hex: "#fce7f3",
rgb: "rgb(252,231,243)",
hsl: "hsl(325.7,77.8%,94.7%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.95,0.03,342)",
scale: 200,
hex: "#fbcfe8",
rgb: "rgb(251,207,232)",
hsl: "hsl(325.9,84.6%,89.8%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.90,0.06,343)",
scale: 300,
hex: "#f9a8d4",
rgb: "rgb(249,168,212)",
hsl: "hsl(327.4,87.1%,81.8%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.82,0.11,346)",
scale: 400,
hex: "#f472b6",
rgb: "rgb(244,114,182)",
hsl: "hsl(328.6,85.5%,70.2%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.73,0.18,350)",
scale: 500,
hex: "#ec4899",
rgb: "rgb(236,72,153)",
hsl: "hsl(330.4,81.2%,60.4%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.66,0.21,354)",
scale: 600,
hex: "#db2777",
rgb: "rgb(219,39,119)",
hsl: "hsl(333.3,71.4%,50.6%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.59,0.22,1)",
scale: 700,
hex: "#be185d",
rgb: "rgb(190,24,93)",
hsl: "hsl(335.1,77.6%,42%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.52,0.20,4)",
scale: 800,
hex: "#9d174d",
rgb: "rgb(157,23,77)",
hsl: "hsl(335.8,74.4%,35.3%)",
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scale: 900,
hex: "#831843",
rgb: "rgb(131,24,67)",
hsl: "hsl(335.9,69%,30.4%)",
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scale: 950,
hex: "#500724",
rgb: "rgb(80,7,36)",
hsl: "hsl(336.2,83.9%,17.1%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.28,0.10,4)",
rose: [
@@ -1446,66 +1679,77 @@ export const colors = {
hex: "#fff1f2",
rgb: "rgb(255,241,242)",
hsl: "hsl(355.7,100%,97.3%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.97,0.02,12)",
scale: 100,
hex: "#ffe4e6",
rgb: "rgb(255,228,230)",
hsl: "hsl(355.6,100%,94.7%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.94,0.03,13)",
scale: 200,
hex: "#fecdd3",
rgb: "rgb(254,205,211)",
hsl: "hsl(352.7,96.1%,90%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.89,0.06,10)",
scale: 300,
hex: "#fda4af",
rgb: "rgb(253,164,175)",
hsl: "hsl(352.6,95.7%,81.8%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.81,0.11,12)",
scale: 400,
hex: "#fb7185",
rgb: "rgb(251,113,133)",
hsl: "hsl(351.3,94.5%,71.4%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.72,0.17,13)",
scale: 500,
hex: "#f43f5e",
rgb: "rgb(244,63,94)",
hsl: "hsl(349.7,89.2%,60.2%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.65,0.22,16)",
scale: 600,
hex: "#e11d48",
rgb: "rgb(225,29,72)",
hsl: "hsl(346.8,77.2%,49.8%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.59,0.22,18)",
scale: 700,
hex: "#be123c",
rgb: "rgb(190,18,60)",
hsl: "hsl(345.3,82.7%,40.8%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.51,0.20,17)",
scale: 800,
hex: "#9f1239",
rgb: "rgb(159,18,57)",
hsl: "hsl(343.4,79.7%,34.7%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.45,0.17,14)",
scale: 900,
hex: "#881337",
rgb: "rgb(136,19,55)",
hsl: "hsl(341.5,75.5%,30.4%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.41,0.15,10)",
scale: 950,
hex: "#4c0519",
rgb: "rgb(76,5,25)",
hsl: "hsl(343.1,87.7%,15.9%)",
+ oklch: "oklch(0.27,0.10,12)",