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Releases: sorenlouv/backport

4.8.0 Add `--sourceBranch` option to backport from non-master branches

18 Oct 11:23
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By default the list of commits will be sourced from the repository's default branch (mostly "master"). sourceBranch can be used to list and backport commits from other branches than the default.


// Example .backportrc.json
  "sourceBranch": "7.x"

CLI: --sourceBranch 7.x

Add `--backport-created-labels` options

02 Oct 17:57
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This adds the option --backport-created-labels which makes it possible to add labels to the original PR after backport PRs have been created.

// Example .backportrc.json
  "upstream": "elastic/kibana",
  "backportCreatedLabels": ["backport-created"],
  "labels": ["backport"]


4.7.0 Add log library and `--verbose` option

12 Sep 21:01
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It's now possible to debug backport by looking at the logs in ~/.backport/backport.log. By default only high-level info will be logged. By using backport --verbose more detailed information will be available.

4.6.6 Add `--reset-author` option

03 Sep 23:05
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Adds --reset-author flag which makes it possible to change the commit author to yourself.
This is useful when the original commit was made by a bot and a CLA check needs to be bypassed.

Example usage:

backport --reset-author

4.6.5 Add `--pr` option

26 Aug 13:22
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Adds --pr option which makes it possible to backport a commit by referencing the pull request that merged it.


backport --pr 1337

Implemented in #145

4.6.4 Add `path` option

20 Aug 11:31
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The --path option makes it possible to only list commits that touches files under a specified path.

Example usage:

backport --all --path x-pack/legacy/plugins/apm

4.6.3 Adds `editor` option

15 Aug 10:52
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PR: #142

This adds editor option which allows the user to specify an editor of their choice that will be opened if a conflict occurs. Example usage:

  "username": "sqren",
  "accessToken": "very_secret_token",
  "editor": "code"

or via cli:

backport --editor code

4.6.2 Disable fork mode with `fork=false`

08 Aug 12:28
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Pull request: #141

Adds the ability to create backports in the origin repository instead of in a fork. Fork mode is still the default. To disable fork mode run backport --fork=false or add it to the project config:

  "upstream": "elastic/kibana",
  "branches": [{ "name": "7.x", "checked": true }, "7.3", "7.2"],
  "fork": false


08 Aug 12:38
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  • Show existing backports on commit list (Green is merged backports, and grey is pending backports)

Screen Shot 2019-07-18 at 10 30 50

  • Add option to choose number of commits to be listed (backport --commitsCount 20) (Closes #76)
  • Add options to filter commits by username (backport --author sqren)
  • Show link to authorize sso on access token in error message
  • do not track baseBranch when creating feature branch
  • cleanup by removing local feature branch after push
  • delete “origin” remote to avoid confusion
  • Migrate some APIs to graphql (closes #63)
  • Add integration test that run real git operations


09 May 22:06
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  • Support Github Enterprise by allowing custom Github hostname (#129)