UpdateFirewallConfigRequest Example Usage import { UpdateFirewallConfigRequest } from "@vercel/sdk/models/updatefirewallconfigop.js"; let value: UpdateFirewallConfigRequest = { projectId: "<id>", teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l", slug: "my-team-url-slug", requestBody: { action: "rules.remove", id: "<id>", }, }; Fields Field Type Required Description Example projectId string ✔️ N/A teamId string ➖ The Team identifier to perform the request on behalf of. team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l slug string ➖ The Team slug to perform the request on behalf of. my-team-url-slug requestBody models.UpdateFirewallConfigRequestBody ✔️ N/A