- humans will create device that makes food out of air (2100)
- humans will defeat death using medicine (2050)
Conclusion - it does not matter which country is the strongest, it only matters how soon we will have this device
war slows progress + putin started the war first = putin is bastard
China helps putin (trades with rissia while all other countries sanctioned russia to FORCE russian people to make a revolution) after Bucha massacre == help japanese killers after NanJing and 'Unit 731 experiments on humans'.
Hey, China, history is cyclical, You know? What You do to us (Ukrainians), will return to You! (Just kidding, history is not cyclical, this is same as telling "induction is true scientific method", but no, induction is not true, present and future is not similar to past (David Deutsch). History depends on creation of new knowledge. And no one can predict the content of new knowledge)
Therefore: Xi Jinping is an idiot.
1. watching horror movies causes harm for a psyche and warps the fabric of reality
2. I dont want to disgrace any people, I could be born in other country, but what is true - is true.
3. Its not separatism. How can proposal "lets solve problems by votings, not by wars" be separatistic? Just a peek to a more optimised universe. Yes, maybe a universe with a bigger number of small countries, maybe a universe where Donetsk decided to be part of Russia, Tibet is not part of China, Barcelona is not part of Spain, but this is a desire of people, its for good, what can you do if "this is a desire of people"? Also it will incentivize countries to look for problems inside, become even stronger, if they find out that some people dont want to be a part of that country
![]() |
Your Japan back then it's now our Russia CHINA HELPS RUSSIA = HELP JAPAN DURING NANJING RAPE Russians have tortured my friend Putin will not stop, next are Estonia, Kazakhstan (check their news ) Just like japanese people now saying and teaching in schools that Nanjing didn't happen 1 2, Russians say that Bucha didn't happen 1 More about it: 1 Just like old german woman were saying "No, this is all fake", when they saw a pile of skulls of dead jew people near the cremation furnaces
My father told me: poroshenco (president before Zelensky, was stealing ukranian money, was sending ukranian money to rissian occupants in Donetsk, somehow still not in jail) nationalized the PrivatBank, made it a property of government (expropriated without paying, took it from Kolomoysky, to make it later his own property or steal money I think), and privatbank started to become worse and worse. Of course it will be, because there is noone in charge. Then, Kolomoysky have won the international court, and now ukranian government have to pay him for illegal expropriation. Naval: individuals can admit that they are wrong, groups cannot. Government property is a cesspool where bad organisms are developed.
Knowing about "Milgram experiment" and Philip Zimbardo "The psychology of evil" is important to understand the nature of humans (this is my contrargument to "oh, come on, noone is being tortured") ![]()
Chinese people (my frientds) say to me:
Nevzorov: history is like a meat on the counter, and historian is a salesman, and you can buy whatever version of history you like, just like a meat. Because history cannot be proved by experiments. Even if you have records - there is still some probability that they are fake.
History from "GULAG archipelago" by Solzhenitsin:
He thought
So, he started killing them and making them slaves (forcing to work is not a slavery? how you will get a new Einstein when everyone are working? you may respond "well, how you will for example electrify the country or do something else equally great without people being unite? these deaths were necessary". I will respond "no it's not, the great leaps in our quality of life are done more thanks to inventors and Einsteins, not the shit like Stalin, Xi Jin Ping, putin and others. you definitely can build new houses without killing people")
He continued this new tradition of making people a slaves and stealing their money, but also started a hunt for "kulaks / middle class people / people with private property / people with business / people with arable fields" From "Jordan Peterson - Pareto Distributions" video (80% of books are written by 20% of authors, 80% of money have 20% of people):
This time is called Holodomor. People were dying by villages, mothers were eating their babies, corpses of people have been sold on the meat counters. ![]() Till this day, the bread is sacred for ukrainians. My grandmother Lyba was always telling me "don't leave bread crumbs, eat them, the bread is sacred" P.S.
Summary - Stalin went against Pareto principle of nature, this caused deaths, because he was evil or stupid. About alternatives to "benevolent dictators" https://twitter.com/srghma/status/1670178161718444033 |
Didn't Mao Zedong do the same with China? Though he had this example:
Result is Great Chinese Famine in 1959 (not even mentioning other killings) |
But now Xi JinPing repeats putin
Putin likes his country being closed and under restrictions | Xi JinPing likes ... |
Putin tells that his country is chosen by Gods, to fight agains gay people , to preserve traditions
Yes, they want a war because one 12-years old boy was twerking on gay parad in Brasil and trans-people (russian people saying "we will not allow americans to do this with our children") ![]() Come on, guys:
Gay people should have a right to marry (with all legal stuff), because "How they will grow up as people, without being able to impose additional constraints on each other? Constraints are also a ground for growing new liberties" (just like in functional programming - function that accepts everything, identify function, should not do anything with its argument) Gay people should have a right to adopt children. What do You fear? That they will spoil children? IF I was a gay and I had money THEN I dont think I would spoil an adopted child. Arestovich: all problems are because of "disciplinary societies":
I fear, if/when China economy will start to go down
I fear when this will happen, Xi, to preserve his position, will play the same card as putin:
Putin kills people
Once in Madrid I saw a old guy with a poster with photos of his son in hotel, he was saying that his son was killed by assassins from "chinese communist party". One chinese guy told me that this is a lie. |
What have happened in Ukraine
In 2014, russians said:
- we give high probability, that IF people in Krimea and Donetsk and Lugansk will vote right now for "TO WHICH COUNTRY THEY WANT TO BELONG TO" THEN (we think) they will choose russia.
- That's why, without doing this voting, but only because we have such hunch, we will go and fucking liberate ukranians.
- Liberate them from their property (stealing business from Krimea people)
- Make the Donetsk and Lugansk a battlefield, to distract ukranians from Krimea. And then, when ukranians will attack our army, while we are hiding in the buildings in Donetsk, we will say that they attack their own civilians (which is true, bad people exist in all armies AND perfect weapon doesnt exist, but who have started all this?)
Truth be said, I (srghma) give probabilities:
- in 2014: Krimea - 50 russia/50 Ukraine, Donetsk and Lugansk - 30 russia/70 Ukraine
- after a war, after Bucha, after rapes: Krimea - 5 russia/95 Ukraine, Donetsk and Lugansk - 5 russia/95 Ukraine
- russia went to "liberate" ukraninans
- Basque Country wanted to be devided from Spain (ETA terrorists attacks killed lot of people, now suppressed for good)
- China tortures Uygur and Tibet people, wants to start a war with Taiwan (not because they are bad people, but because they fear to lose territories and become vulnerable)
can be solved
create the Blockchain voting app to vote "TO WHICH COUNTRY THEY WANT TO BELONG TO"
- to make votes in China, right now
- to make votes in Ukraine, back in 2014
Question is: How to make the voting process SO TRUSTWORTHY, so that even such shitty people, like putin (people that dont want to accept results), had no other choise, except of ACCEPT IT
(I think) what stops us is:
- we should make the "information, about all people of all countries" PUBLIC/OPEN-SOURCE/INTERPLANETARY
By this I mean: every time the new human beign is being born on this planet - make information pair
<name, address>
published on blockchain and available for every human being.
- accept this voting process by big countries as a way to resolve problems
- For Ukraine, back in 2014, before russian told "we give hight probability that people will choose us", before occupation
Ukranians would tell:
ok, putin-shit, you think we will choose you? ok, we are willing to sacrifice the probability that people of Krimea and Donetsk and Lugansk will choose to live under your dictatorship.
Lets do the voting:
- Lets use the current borders of oblasts/provinces/regions of Donetsk and Lugansk and Krimea
- we can make 1 vote that will decide everything OR we can repeat the voting process untils results will not gravitate to one side with at least 65% of votes (for example)
IF people will choose Russia THEN ok, this is a desire of people, what can we do?
- We hope you will improve these territories.
- We will try to keep in mind that borders dont really matter from cosmological perspective
- We should be happy, because we just prevented the wars and tortures. (do You want solve these problems with wars OR voting?)
We should be happy, because
- ITS BETTER we (all ukranians) will be feeling the mental pain for loosing a territory (because our country, the result of all our work and sacrifices, has not been enough to convince people to stay with us)
- THAN someone, even 1 person, will be tortured
Eliezer Yudkowsky: better all humans will get the small pain of one dust speck hurting the eye, THAN one human will be tortured for 50 years.
What would I vote for? I didnt like ukranian language that time (language of village people? stupid me, beautiful language, not a language of rapists), but I would vote pro-ukraine
What would I do IF russia would win AND Donetsk (my home place) would become part of russia? I would:
- say "wow, now everything is being decided by old people, who want to return to the Soviet Union times?".
- I would go on streets, I am fine living in Ukraine.
- BUT IF this doesnt change anything AND economic situation is fine THEN I would stop.
- This doesnt mean that I want the ukranian culture to die-out.
- I do wish bad cultures to die out, e.g. aztec cultures with religious sacrifices, but Ukranian culture is not bad.
- I dont think this WOULD cause the ukranian culture to die-out.
- China
- Uygurs
- give them to vote "Do You want to create your own country?"
Maybe they will vote "yes", maybe "no".
- Does it matter?
- Arent reasons above convincing? (borders dont make sense from cosmological perspective, preventing tortures)
- I think it would be even better for chinese culture to leave only people that are united with some goal.
- Of course if these goals are:
- lets be building the open-source technologies, lets share all our technologies with everyone, because they share everything with us
- lets make all humans be greatful to us, because we were first to unite, we were first to create DEVISE THAT MAKES FOOD FROM AIR
- yes, we are united by race and history, but we are not racists, we accept everyone
- in the end we want to liberate people from the work. Leave nothing to do, except of study this universe and help each other (just like in Masyana cartoon, until recipient will say "oh, god, I am so bored with you, you are helping me too much")
- The goal should not be "lets force everyone to be under our rule" OR "lets rush with technologies and make AI self-conscious"
- Tibet
- give them to vote "Do You want to return Tibet a status of separate contry?" I think they will vote "yes". Because, based on "Seven Years in Tibet" film, native people of Tibet want their country to be separate (saying "Tibet is not a China" is bad, only native people can decide this).
- Taiwan
give them to vote "Do You want to join China (also change the political structure from democracy to communism)" I asked a Taiwan guy: what probabilities you give for people in Taiwan to join China? He replied: 30% want Taiwan to stay as it is, 20% want it to join China, 50% have not decided. But many actors and singers (people whose profession is not thinking) are pro-chinese, because of money and commerce
IF I (srghma) would live in Taiwan THEN I would not join BECAUSE I like the internet to be free.
One chinese guy have told me:
One bad chinese guy (TODO: what is his name?) was persuading young chinese students to make a revolution, so that Japan, America, Russia and other countries (all countries were there, even Spain and ukranian cossacks) could enter the China, and cause the destruction, as they once have already done. So, yes, some students have died, but it was needed
My reply (right now):
Maybe this is true. Depends on "Would other countries attack?"
I, personally, wouldnt kill students. I dont like all these post-USSR dictatorships, GULAGs, lot of laws (by the way, Arestovich said "I want to leave only the most basic laws"), army as religion.
I would allow other countries to attack. This would be their perdition. I am sure they would lose. These attacker-countires would be remembered in the history as shitty countries.
- russia. Did Ukraine attack russia? No, Ukraine have waited. Its russia attacked us under the pretext of "they would attack us first". This shit is not supported by their own people.
- USA attack on Vietnam. I dont like USA because of this. They wanted to help them build roads, but instead throw napalm on heads of ordinary people
- USA attacked Siria. That's very interesting . When I tell Chinese people that "souls don't exist because brain injuries exist AND humans are robots because the first living being in this world was a molecule-robot" - they accept it like "ok, unusual, but ok", Christian people - "my head is aching", but muslim people - they become angry, start to tell " gay people are bad. Because they like tender flash of anus of other guy, they will like the tender flash of a child too". One muslim guy told "You know why America attacked is? Because they fear, that muslim people will unite, like before". So: I don't think muslim religion is a peaceful religion. Would they unite, or would they war with each other? i don't know. Should we believe in a good inside of Muslim people, that they will not go with wars on countries, that have different religions, which some interpretations of Quran (and Bible) says to do? I don't know. But yes, now, I would prefer America leave them alone.
Other problems: Genocide of Armenian people by Turcia and Azerbaijan in 19xx. Armenia and Azerbaijan now have a war, because of Nagorny Karabakh territory (Armenian people think this is their territory, but Google shows that this territory now is part of Azerbaijan). In Peru in 2023 lot of old people were shot dead by police, controlled by 12 drug lords, because they were on rally, because 12 drug lords are ruling Peru now, and they have put a president, which was chosen by the people, to the prison. Aren't these drug lords also a reason why they killing the Amazon forest to find the gold?
Things I have seen in China, Guangzhou:
- all motorcicles are electric, cars are gasoline, but new (no black exhaust smoke from cars), air quality is better than in Bangkok
- lot of big houses
- crowds of (senior and young) people gather in parks every evening to fitness-dance (something that would be good to have in every country) - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Square_dancing_(China)
- One russian guy: Chinese people respond to Europe and America "Why You dont like that we have a dictatorship now? You too had dictatorship at time of ecomonic growth"
- One chinese guy: I hate my government. They take half of salary. Lenin preached that "kill parents is fine", in past we were abandoning our parents. Sometimes, if someone has a heart attack and falls on ground - noone will even stop to help. (and the reason for this are stupid laws of China? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=In9LpM8-fEk )
- Other chinese guy (artist) have shown me his very good anti-government text and said: Maybe China right now suffers even more than Ukraine. I dont like chinese goverment, because they dont allow us to speak freely about what happened in TianAnMen square. Also, I dont like that we have a God of Money and on holidays we congratulate each other literally saying "I wish You to have lot of money", instead of "I wish You health and happiness"
- Yuan has a picture of Mao, but he have killed more chinese people than anyone (it was not only earthquake, but also evil and stupid politics, check above)
- MOST INTERESTING! film "Born to fly" (2023) is a propaganda film
- Main character has old plane, that why he was defeated my USA pilot that uses stealth plane (dont care about name of plane - they all are weapons of killing people)
- but at the end chinese people came up with better planes, now USA pilots are defeated
Important parts:
- in movie USA pilots constantly envade China borders, tease "good" chinese pilots (which never happened in reality)
More than that - USA pilots use lethal weapons against chinese pilots, but chinese pilots are "good" - they never kill even a fly (OF COURSE, "china have never attacked any country", YEEES, except of Tibet)
Main chinese engineer that creates planes: my job is very hard, because we cannot cooperate with engeneers from USA, we should come up with everything OURSELVES
Team leader: we should prepare for future war between China and America.
Team leader: we should "restore our national pride". Before, 8 countries have attacked us, we were unprepared, I am sure they will attack again.
Question from me: Europe was fast in technological development because Europe has lot of rivers - information flow was faster. Africa - no rivers. SHOULD Africa "restore its national pride" TOO???? Start a war against Europe and America?
- very similar to russian films (Брат) that porapagandize "we are the most civilized, we protect others, this is our territory, all others are enermies" but then occupy countries without asking native people using voting "do you want to be part of our country?"
- seems like "restoring national pride" is very important for Chinese people
- people of Tibet dont want to be part of China, China is an occupant, robber
- Uyguyrs - dont want
- Taiwan - dont want (30% young people - dont want, 20% old people - want, 50% - dont care)
- Laos and Cambodia (one Thailand guy told that China want to take these countries to have more access to ocean) - dont want
Thailand, Bangkok:
- All cars and motorcicles are gasoline, black exhaust smoke
- King puts people in prison, but has 40 "wifes"
- Credit cards work only in 7-11 shops, for travellers its not possible to buy food from locals, owner of 7-11 is an oligarch, I wonder if owner and king have agreement intentionally to steal money from ordinary people or king just doesnt care.
I didnt find proofs that Chinese government is overtly insufficient, therefore - corrupt (not counting closed internet, therefore worsened science, therefore stealing future). Maybe I would find proofs if I knew chinese language better (people do talk about corruption).
Good stuff: China has big houses and in Guangzhou all motorcycles are electric (the air is more clean than in Bangkok, therefore king of Thailand is an idiot and dictator).
But maybe China could be even better, use the historical chance even better (Ray Dalio, all countries have moved their fabrics to China) IF was more open and didn't desire war with everyone.
Maybe, Xi Jinping is a bad planner because "allow YouTube => you will have access to 'biggest ideas in the universe' => better science" and "allow critique government => more problems are solved"