A small no-dependency Python package for STAC, using Rust under the hood.
Why make a new STAC Python library, when we already have PySTAC? Well, we've built some things in stac-rs (a collection of STAC Rust libraries) that we want to provide to the Python ecosystem, such as:
- Read, write, and search stac-geoparquet
If you don't need those things, stacrs probably isn't for you — use pystac and its friend, pystac-client, instead.
Install via pip:
python -m pip install stacrs
Or via conda:
conda install conda-forge::stacrs
import stacrs
# Search a STAC API
items = await stacrs.search(
intersects={"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-105.119, 40.173]},
# Write items to a stac-geoparquet file
await stacrs.write("items.parquet", items)
# Read items from a stac-geoparquet file as an item collection
item_collection = await stacrs.read("items.parquet")
# You can search geoparquet files using DuckDB
# If you want to search a file on s3, make sure to configure your AWS environment first
item_collection = await stacrs.search("s3://bucket/items.parquet", ...)
# Use `search_to` for better performance if you know you'll be writing the items
# to a file
await stacrs.search_to(
intersects={"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-105.119, 40.173]},
See the documentation for details. In particular, our example notebook demonstrates some of the more interesting features.
stacrs comes with a CLI:
$ stacrs -h
stacrs: A command-line interface for the SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC)
Usage: stacrs [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
translate Translates STAC from one format to another
search Searches a STAC API or stac-geoparquet file
serve Serves a STAC API
validate Validates a STAC value
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-i, --input-format <INPUT_FORMAT>
The input format.
--opt <OPTIONS>
Options for getting and putting files from object storage.
-o, --output-format <OUTPUT_FORMAT>
The output format.
-c, --compact-json <COMPACT_JSON>
Whether to print compact JSON output [possible values: true, false]
--parquet-compression <PARQUET_COMPRESSION>
The parquet compression to use when writing stac-geoparquet.
-h, --help
Print help (see more with '--help')
Before stacrs v0.5.4, the CLI was its own PyPI package named stacrs-cli, which is no longer needed.
This package (intentionally) has limited functionality, as it is not intended to be a replacement for existing Python STAC packages.
pystac is a mature Python library with a significantly richer API for working with STAC objects.
For querying STAC APIs, pystac-client is more feature-rich than our simplistic stacrs.search
That being said, it is hoped that stacrs will be a nice complement to the existing Python STAC ecosystem by providing a no-dependency package with unique capabilities, such as searching directly into a stac-geoparquet file.
stacrs also replicates much of the behavior in the stac-geoparquet library, and even uses some of the same Rust dependencies. We believe there are a couple of issues with stac-geoparquet that make stacrs a worthy replacement:
- The stac-geoparquet repo includes Python dependencies
- It doesn't have a nice one-shot API for reading and writing
- It includes some leftover code and logic from its genesis as a tool for the Microsoft Planetary Computer
We test to ensure compatibility between the two libraries, and we intend to consolidate to a single "stac-geoparquet" library at some point in the future.
git clone [email protected]:stac-utils/stacrs.git
cd stacrs
scripts/test # This will take a little while while the Rust dependencies build, especially DuckDB
See CONTRIBUTING.md for more information about contributing to this project.
stacrs is dual-licensed under both the MIT license and the Apache license (Version 2.0). See LICENSE-APACHE and LICENSE-MIT for details.