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Releases: statsig-io/java-server-sdk

v0.19.1 - fix build for v0.19.0

01 Nov 16:33
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Introduced several SDK internal optimizations, and a couple new options to configure rules and ids lists sync time.

Also exposed groupName in Layer and DynamicConfig classes

[Deprecated DO NOT USE] v1.18.1 - Expose override APIs to java

29 Aug 22:31
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DO NOT USE THIS VERSION, the changes below are included in version 0.19.1+.

Add the static override APIs to Statsig to be accessible from java.

See also:

[Deprecated DO NOT USE] v1.18.0 - Add StatsigOptions.localMode. Add overrideGate/Config.

26 Aug 21:25
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DO NOT USE THIS VERSION, the changes below are included in version 0.19.1+.

  • Add localMode as an configurable option to StatsigOptions. When true, localMode means no network requests will be made.
  • Add overrideGate. For a given gate name, you can specify the return value.
  • Add overrideConfig. For a given config name, you can specify the return value.

v0.17.0 - make some fields public on Layer object

22 Aug 21:27
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Merge pull request #91 from statsig-io/make-layer-fields-public

make some layer fields public

v0.16.2 - Fix bug with str_matches regex evaluation

01 Aug 16:37
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Fix issue where str_matches was not correctly evaluating regular expressions passed down from the server.

v0.16.1 - add back getLayerWithExposureLoggingDisabled function

08 Jul 21:55
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  • adding back getLayerWithExposureLoggingDisabled function so that layer can be fetched without auto exposure logging.
  • also added getLegacyExposureMetadata on Layer to retrieve legacy exposure metadata. This is only to maintain some previous behavior, do not use unless you know what you are doing

v0.15.0 - [internal] Adds error boundary and concurrency tests

15 Jun 23:16
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Internal updates:

Adds test cases for using the SDK in multiple threads

Adds error boundary to catch exceptions, log to statsig, and return default values to handle potential failures

Fixes the not_in_segment_list condition (which is currently unused, but could be used in the future)

v0.14.2 - bootstrap options and getLayer API with custom logging

09 May 23:32
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You can now bootstrap the java server SDK with a previous set of rules for you gates and configs via two new options in StatsigOptions:

bootstrapValues: String?
rulesUpdatedCallback: ((rules: String) -> Unit)?

bootstrapValues - a string that represents all rules for all feature gates, dynamic configs and experiments. It can be provided to bootstrap the Statsig server SDK at initialization in case your server runs into network issue or Statsig server is down temporarily.

rulesUpdatedCallback - a callback function that's called whenever we have an update for the rules; it's called with a logical timestamp and a JSON string (used as is for bootstrapValues mentioned above).

Also added a new API getLayerWithCustomExposureLogging to for customers to get a Layer object without automatic exposure loggings. The onExposure parameter on the function allows you to pass your own handler to handle exposure loggings.

v0.14.0 - Add support for StatsigOptions.bootstrapValues

25 Jul 22:17
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Merge pull request #72 from statsig-io/v0.14.0


v0.13.1 - temporarily expose value field on Layer object

08 Apr 07:23
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this is a temporary release only, do not depend on this field being available for future releases