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File metadata and controls

244 lines (164 loc) · 13 KB

Capacitor Gallery Plus

A Capacitor plugin for accessing and managing media files (photos & videos) on iOS and Android. This plugin provides an easy way to retrieve media from the device's gallery, including metadata such as filenames, paths, and types.


  • 📸 Retrieve photos & videos from the device gallery
  • 🏷️ Get metadata like filenames, paths, and MIME types
  • 🚀 Works with Capacitor 5, 6, and 7
  • 🔧 Simple API for easy integration


npm install capacitor-gallery-plus
npx cap sync

iOS Setup

To ensure the plugin works correctly on iOS, you need to add the following permissions to your Info.plist file.

Required Permissions

Open your ios/App/App/Info.plist file and add the following keys inside the <dict> tag:

<string>This app requires access to your photo library to display media files.</string>

This permission is required for accessing media files in the user's gallery.
If this is missing, the app might crash or fail to fetch media.

Requesting Permissions in Code

If you need to explicitly request permissions, you can call:

const permission = await GalleryPlus.checkPermissions();

if (permission.status !== "granted") {
    const request = await GalleryPlus.requestPermissions();

    if (request.status !== "granted") {
        console.error("Permission denied.");

This ensures the app prompts the user for access when needed.

💡 Tip: If you experience crashes on iOS, check your Xcode logs to confirm missing permissions.


import { GalleryPlus } from 'capacitor-gallery-plus';

async function getMedia() {
    try {
        const result = await GalleryPlus.getMediaList({});
        console.log('Media files:',;
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error retrieving media:', error);



checkPermissions() => Promise<{ status: string; }>

Checks the current permissions for accessing media.

Returns: Promise<{ status: string; }>


requestPermissions() => Promise<{ status: string; }>

Requests the necessary permissions to access media.

Returns: Promise<{ status: string; }>


getMediaList(options: GetMediaListOptions) => Promise<{ media: MediaItem[]; }>

Retrieves media items from the device gallery.

Param Type Description
options GetMediaListOptions - The options for retrieving media.

Returns: Promise<{ media: MediaItem[]; }>


getMedia(options: GetMediaOptions) => Promise<FullMediaItem>

Retrieves details of a specific media item by its ID.

Param Type
options GetMediaOptions

Returns: Promise<FullMediaItem>



Prop Type Description
id string Unique identifier of the media item.
type 'image' | 'video' The type of media (image or video).
createdAt number The Unix timestamp in milliseconds when the media was created.
thumbnail string Base64-encoded thumbnail image (only in getMediaList).
baseColor string Dominant color of the image (requires includeBaseColor).
name string Original file name of the media (only applicable for web platforms).
width number Width of the media in pixels (requires includeDetails).
height number Height of the media in pixels (requires includeDetails).
fileSize number Size of the file in bytes.
mimeType string The MIME type of the media item (e.g., "image/jpeg", "video/mp4").
isFavorite boolean Indicates whether the media item is marked as a favorite. (iOS-only)
isHidden boolean Indicates whether the media item is hidden. (iOS-only)
subtype MediaSubtype The subtype of the media, indicating special properties


Prop Type Description Default
type 'image' | 'video' | 'all' The type of media to retrieve. Default is "all". - "image": Only images - "video": Only videos - "all": Both images and videos "all"
limit number The maximum number of media items to return.
startAt number The starting index for pagination.
thumbnailSize number The size of the thumbnail in pixels. Example: 200 for 200x200px.
sort 'oldest' | 'newest' Sort order of the media items. - "oldest": Oldest first - "newest": Newest first "newest"
includeDetails boolean Whether to include additional details like width, height.
includeBaseColor boolean Whether to extract and return the dominant color of the image.
filter MediaFilter Filter applied to the media selection


An extended version of MediaItem returned by getMedia.

Prop Type Description
path string File path or accessible URI of the media item.


Prop Type Description Default
id string The unique identifier of the media item.
includeDetails boolean Whether to include additional metadata such as width, height, and file size. false
includeBaseColor boolean Whether to extract and return the dominant color of the image. false
includePath boolean Whether to generate a temporary path to access the media. Available on iOS, Android, and Web. - On iOS & Android, the file path is only available if enabled. - On Web, the browser automatically provides a temporary URL. false (iOS & Android), always available on Web



Members Value Description
MotionPhoto "motion_photo" A Live Photo (iOS) or Motion Photo (Android)
Panorama "panorama" A panorama image
HDR "hdr" A high dynamic range (HDR) image
Screenshot "screenshot" A screenshot
Portrait "portrait" A photo with depth effect (bokeh)
SlowMotion "slow_motion" A high frame rate slow-motion video
Timelapse "timelapse" A time-lapse video


Members Value Description
All "all" No filtering, returns all media
Panorama "panorama" Only return panoramic images
HDR "hdr" Only return HDR images
Screenshot "screenshot" Only return screenshots


This project is dual-licensed under:

  1. MIT License (Free & Open-Source) – For personal, educational, and open-source use.
  2. Commercial License – Required for closed-source, proprietary, or commercial use.

See the LICENSE file for more details.