- 9.1. What is Deep Q Network?
- 9.2. Understanding DQN
- 9.2.1. Replay Buffer
- 9.2.2. Loss Function
- 9.2.3. Target Network
- 9.2.4. Putting it All Together
- 9.2.5. Algorithm - DQN
- 9.3. Playing Atari Games using DQN
- 9.3.1. Architecture of DQN
- 9.3.2. Getting Hands-on with the DQN
- 9.4. Double DQN
- 9.4.1. Algorithm - Double DQN
- 9.5. DQN with Prioritized Experience Replay
- 9.5.1. Types of Prioritization
- 9.5.2. Correcting the Bias
- 9.6. Dueling DQN
- 9.6.1. Understanding Dueling DQN
- 9.6.2.Architecture of Dueling DQN
- 9.7. Deep Recurrent Q Network
- 9.7.1. Architecture of DRQN