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netcore 版本与 netframework 版本同步更新 但文档尚未更新,如果不同,请先直接查看 HttpApiCore.Test 测试项目


  • (01) HttpApi is a convinent framework to provide data by http, It can be the upgrating replacement for WebAPI.
  • (02) HttpApi can export class function to http interface, eg.
  • (03) HttpApi can export page's method to http interface, eg.
  • (04) HttpApi can auto create client javascript.
  • (05) HttpApi can auto create api list page, api test page. eg.
  • (06) Caching: You can assign api result caching duration. And client can refresh cache by '_refresh=true' parameter.
  • (07) Auth: IP, Method, LoginStatus, UserName, UserRole, Token, and custom logic.
  • (08) Capsule: return standard APIResult object to client.
  • (09) Output configuration: You can config output format, such as enum, datetime, long number, error.
  • (10) Server site and client can assign api output data format, such as text, xml, json, file, image, base64image.
  • (11) Support nullable and default parameter.
  • (12) Support traffic control, see HttpApiAttribute.AuthTraffic
  • (13) Support upload file, see HttpApiAttribute.PostFile



Nuget: install-package App.HttpApi


Skip to step 3 if use nuget to install httpapi.

(1) Import App.HttpApi.dll
(2) Modify web.config file

    <add name="HttpApiModule" type="App.HttpApi.HttpApiModule" />

(3) Modify method, add [HttpApi] Attribute

namespace App
    public class Demo
        public static string HelloWorld(string info)
           return string.Format("Hello world! {0} {1}", info, DateTime.Now);

(4) Ok, Client can call this api by url:


or test:


5.Senior guidline

(1) Control HttpApi output format

  <section name="httpApi" type="App.HttpApi.HttpApiConfig, App.HttpApi"/>
  formatEnum="Text"                      // Decide how to export Enum: Text | Int
  formatIndented="Indented"              // Decide whether to beautify json output by and space indent and line break
  formatDateTime="yyyy-MM-dd"            // Decide how to export DateTime
  formatLowCamel="false"                 // Decide whether to use low camel for property name
  formatLongNumber="Int64,Decimal"       // Decide which number type to string, to avoiding javascript number precision error
  errorResponse="APIResult"              // Decide error output when catch exception: APIResult | HttpError
  typePrefix="App."                      // Url abbr support. eg. Raw url /HttpAPI/App.Base/Demo can change to the short path: /HttpApi/Base/Demo
  language="en"                          // Culture support: en, zh-CN

(2) Auto create client javascript

<script src="http://.../HttpApi/Demo/js"></script>

You can add [Script] attrubute to class, to control the js content:

[Script(CacheDuration =0, ClassName ="Demo", NameSpace ="App")]

(3) Auto create api list, api test page.


You can add [History] attribute, to display api modify history. You can add [Param] attribute, to display api parameter infomation.

[History("2016-11-01", "SURFSKY", "modify A")]
public class Demo
    [HttpApi("HelloWorld", CacheSeconds=10)]
    [Param("info", "information")]
    public static string HelloWorld(string info)

Api list page

Api test page

(4) Caching

[HttpApi("Output system time", CacheSeconds=30)]
public DateTime GetTime()
    return System.DateTime.Now;

The api result will cache 30 seconds:


Add _refresh parameter if you want to refresh cache right now. It's useful when testing:


(5) Control the output data type

Server site

[HttpApi("...", Type = ResponseType.JSON)]
[HttpApi("...", Type = ResponseType.XML)]
[HttpApi("...", Type = ResponseType.Text)]
[HttpApi("...", Type = ResponseType.Html)]
[HttpApi("...", Type = ResponseType.Javascript)]
[HttpApi("...", Type = ResponseType.Image)]
[HttpApi("...", Type = ResponseType.ImageBase64)]
[HttpApi("...", Type = ResponseType.TextFile,)]
[HttpApi("...", Type = ResponseType.BinaryFile)]

Client side

    <CreateDt>2019-07-16 10:26:30</CreateDt>
    <Data>Hello world!</Data>

(6) Auth

The usualy api security protection, and HttpApi solution:

  • Use Https to transport api data, to avoiding be listenned and modified.
  • Full open api: This kinds of api is only use in inner trusted system environment.
  • Fixed Token protected api: This kind of token is fixed string, such as appid.
  • Dynamic token protected api: Token is created by appid + appsecret + timestamp.
  • Need Login api: such as GetMyOrder.
  • Other limit: IP, Frequence, Action.

HttpAPI makes some AuthXXX properties to support api security.

[HttpApi("...", AuthVerbs="Get,Post")]      // check visit verb
[HttpApi("...", AuthLogin=true)]            // check user login status
[HttpApi("...", AuthUsers="A,B")]           // check user name
[HttpApi("...", AuthRoles="A,B")]           // check user role
[HttpApi("...", AuthIP=true)]               // check visit IP
[HttpApi("...", AuthToken=true)]            // check token
[HttpApi("...", AuthTraffic=1)]             // check traffic for: 1 times per second

Check login status, user name, user role

public string Login()
    AuthHelper.Login("Admin", new string[] { "Admins" }, DateTime.Now.AddDays(1));
    return "Login success ";

[HttpApi("Sign out")]
public string Logout()
    return "Sign ok";

[HttpApi("User must login", AuthLogin=true)]
public string LimitLogin()
    return "OK(Logined) ";

[HttpApi("User must be admin or kevin", AuthUsers = "Admin,Kevin")]
public string LimitUser()
    return "OK(Limit Admin,Kevin) ";

[HttpApi("Use must has 'admins' role", AuthRoles = "Admins")]
public string LimitRole()
    return "OK(Limit Admins) ";

AuthToken and AuthIP

You can check token and ip in custom way, eg.

public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication
    protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // HttpApi custom auth
        HttpApiConfig.Instance.OnAuth += (ctx, method, attr, token) =>
            if (attr.AuthIP && !CheckIP(ip))
                throw new HttpApiException("This ip is forbidden", 401);
            if (attr.AuthToken && !CheckToken(token))
                throw new HttpApiException("Please check token", 401);
            if (attr.Log)
            // Other auth logic, such as visit frequence.
            // Throw HttpApiException if auth fail.


HttpApi supports traffic control. To enable this capability, just set HttpApiAttribute.AuthTraffic=n (n means visit times per second). The engine will count and detect the visit ip and url. If the traffic is too heavy, the engine will abort the connection for a long time (Setted in HttpApiConfig.Instance.BanMinutes). This capability is offen openned for login api to protect website security.

[HttpApi("User login", AuthTraffic=1)]
public string Login()
    AuthHelper.Login("Admin", new string[] { "Admins" }, DateTime.Now.AddDays(1));
    return "Login success";

If you refresh the login api page too quickly, you will see the unreachable page error for a long time.

(7) Upload

HttpApi supports upload file. To enable this capability, just set HttpApiAttribute.PostFile=true, the engine will auto create test page with a file input field.

[HttpApi("UploadFile", PostFile=true)]
public APIResult Up(string filePath, string fileName)
    if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Files.Count == 0)
        return new APIResult(false, "File doesn't exist", 11);
    return new APIResult(true, url);

The test page may be:

(8) Uniform data format: APIResult

HttpApi support uniform api result format to simply client calling.

[HttpApi("Ouput system datetime")]
public APIResult GetTime()
    return new APIResult(true, "OK", System.DateTime.Now);

Then the output maybe

    Result: true,
    Info: "OK",
    CreateDt: "2019-07-16 10:24:14",
    Data: '2019-01-01',
    Extra: {...}

(8) Other HttpApiAttribute properties

public string Description { get; set; }
public string Example { get; set; }
public string Remark { get; set; }
public string MimeType { get; set; }
public string FileName { get; set; }
public bool Wrap { get; set; } = false;
public ApiStatus Status { get; set; }
public bool PostFile {get; set;}

6. More examples

[HttpApi("Json Wrapper", Wrap = true)]
public static object TestWrap()
    return new { h = "3", a = "1", b = "2", c = "3" };

[HttpApi("Default paramter", Status = ApiStatus.Delete, AuthVerbs ="GET")]
public static object TestDefaultParameter(string p1, string p2="a")
    return new { p1 = p1, p2 = p2};

[HttpApi("Exception Test")]
public static object TestError()
    int n = 0;
    int m = 1 / n;
    return true;

[HttpApi("Auth verb", AuthVerbs ="Post")]
public static string TestVerbs()
    return HttpContext.Current.Request.HttpMethod;

[HttpApi("Return enum")]
public static Sex TestEnum()
    return Sex.Male;

// Other basic data type
[HttpApi("plist file", CacheSeconds = 30, MimeType="text/plist", FileName="app.plist")]
public string GetFile(string info)
    return string.Format("This is plist file demo! {0} {1}", info, DateTime.Now);

[HttpApi("date time", CacheSeconds=30)]
public DateTime GetTime()
    return System.DateTime.Now;

public DataTable GetDataTable()
    DataTable dt = new DataTable("test");
    dt.Rows.Add("a1", "b1");
    dt.Rows.Add("a2", "b2");
    return dt;

public DataRow GetDataRow()
    DataTable dt = new DataTable("test");
    dt.Rows.Add("a1", "b1");
    dt.Rows.Add("a2", "b2");
    return dt.Rows[0];

public IDictionary GetDictionary()
    var dict = new Dictionary<int, Person>();
    dict.Add(0, new Person() { Name = "Marry" });
    dict.Add(1, new Person() { Name = "Cherry" });
    return dict;

[HttpApi("Image", CacheSeconds=60)]
public Image GetImage(string text)
    Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(200, 200);
    Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);
        new Font("Arial", 16, FontStyle.Bold), 
        new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 206, 97)), 
        new PointF(5, 5)
    return bmp;

// Class
[HttpApi("father:{Name:'Kevin', Birth:'1979-12-01', Sex:0};")]
public Person CreateGirl(Person father)
    return new Person()
        Name = father.Name + "'s dear daughter",
        Birth = System.DateTime.Now,
        Sex = Sex.Female,
        Father = father

public static Person CreateNull()
    return null;

[HttpApi("Output class object")]
public static Person GetPerson()
    return new Person() { Name = "Cherry" };

[HttpApi("Output Xml", Type=ResponseType.XML)]
public static Person GetPersonXml()
    return new Person() { Name = "Cherry" };

[HttpApi("Output class, and wrap with APIResult", Wrap =true)]
public static Person GetPersonDataResult()
    return new Person() { Name = "Kevin" };

[HttpApi("Output APIResult")]
public static APIResult GetPersons()
    var persons = new List<Person>(){
        new Person(){ Name="Kevin", Sex=Sex.Male, Birth=new DateTime(2000, 01, 01)},
        new Person(){ Name="Cherry", Sex=Sex.Female, Birth=new DateTime(2010, 01, 01)}
    return new APIResult(true, "", persons);

7. Project motivation

  • Basic motivation: (1) Simplify api coding for http server; (2) Auto create client calling javascript
  • And more complex functions, such as auth, security, caching, format, exception, uniform api result, etc.
  • WebAPI has many limits:
  • So I create this project, and maintain it for so many years.


Api define

Api output(defautl is json)

Api output xml

Token demo

Auth demo


  • Long time connect
  • XML format control: property/field, indent, case...

10. Thanks

Buy me a coffee if you like this framework, thank you.


