1 | 1 | (ns mori
2 | 2 | (:refer-clojure :exclude
3 |
| - [count distinct empty first rest seq conj cons find nth last assoc dissoc |
| 3 | + [extend count distinct empty first rest seq conj cons find nth last assoc dissoc |
4 | 4 | get-in update-in assoc-in fnil disj pop peek hash get empty? reverse
5 | 5 | take drop take-nth partition partition-all partition-by iterate
6 | 6 | into merge merge-with subvec
275 | 275 | cljs.core.PersistentQueue
276 | 276 | cljs.core.PersistentQueueSeq)
277 | 277 |
| 278 | +;; ============================================================================= |
| 279 | +;; JS Protocol support |
| 280 | + |
| 281 | +(defn extend-to-iassociative [obj methods] |
| 282 | + (specify! obj |
| 283 | + IAssociative |
| 284 | + (-contains-key? [this k] (.call (aget methods "contains_key") this k)) |
| 285 | + (-assoc [this k v] (.call (aget methods "assoc") this k v)))) |
| 286 | + |
| 287 | +(defn extend-to-icloneable [obj methods] |
| 288 | + (specify! obj |
| 289 | + ICloneable |
| 290 | + (-clone [this] (.call (aget methods "clone") this)))) |
| 291 | + |
| 292 | +(defn extend-to-icollection [obj methods] |
| 293 | + (specify! obj |
| 294 | + ICollection |
| 295 | + (-conj [this o] (.call (aget methods "conj") this o)))) |
| 296 | + |
| 297 | +(defn extend-to-icounted [obj methods] |
| 298 | + (specify! obj |
| 299 | + ICounted |
| 300 | + (-count [this] (.call (aget methods "count") this)))) |
| 301 | + |
| 302 | +(defn extend-to-iencodeclojure [obj methods] |
| 303 | + (specify! obj |
| 304 | + IEncodeClojure |
| 305 | + (-js->clj [this options] (.call (aget methods "toClj") this options)))) |
| 306 | + |
| 307 | +(defn extend-to-iencodejs [obj methods] |
| 308 | + (specify! obj |
| 309 | + IEncodeJS |
| 310 | + (-clj->js [this] (.call (aget methods "toJS") this)))) |
| 311 | + |
| 312 | +(defn extend-to-iequiv [obj methods] |
| 313 | + (specify! obj |
| 314 | + IEquiv |
| 315 | + (-equiv [this obj] (.call (aget methods "equiv") this obj)))) |
| 316 | + |
| 317 | +(defn extend-to-ihash [obj methods] |
| 318 | + (specify! obj |
| 319 | + IHash |
| 320 | + (-hash [this] (.call (aget methods "hash") this)))) |
| 321 | + |
| 322 | +(defn extend-to-ikvreduce [obj methods] |
| 323 | + (specify! obj |
| 324 | + IKVReduce |
| 325 | + (-kv-reduce [this f init] (.call (aget methods "reduce_kv") this f init)))) |
| 326 | + |
| 327 | +(defn extend-to-ilookup [obj methods] |
| 328 | + (specify! obj |
| 329 | + ILookup |
| 330 | + (-lookup [this k] (-lookup this k nil)) |
| 331 | + (-lookup [this k not-found] (.call (aget methods "lookup") this k not-found)))) |
| 332 | + |
| 333 | +(defn extend-to-imap [obj methods] |
| 334 | + (specify! obj |
| 335 | + IMap |
| 336 | + (-dissoc [this k] (.call (aget methods "dissoc") this k)))) |
| 337 | + |
| 338 | +(defn extend-to-iseq [obj methods] |
| 339 | + (specify! obj |
| 340 | + ISeq |
| 341 | + (-first [this] (.call (aget methods "first") this)) |
| 342 | + (-rest [this] (.call (aget methods "rest") this)))) |
| 343 | + |
| 344 | +(defn extend-to-iseqable [obj methods] |
| 345 | + (specify! obj |
| 346 | + ISeqable |
| 347 | + (-seq [this] (.call (aget methods "seq") this)))) |
| 348 | + |
| 349 | +(defn ^:export extend [protocol-name obj methods] |
| 350 | + (case protocol-name |
| 351 | + "IAssociative" (extend-to-iassociative obj methods) |
| 352 | + "ICloneable" (extend-to-icloneable obj methods) |
| 353 | + "ICollection" (extend-to-icollection obj methods) |
| 354 | + "ICounted" (extend-to-icounted obj methods) |
| 355 | + "IEncodeClojure" (extend-to-iencodeclojure obj methods) |
| 356 | + "IEncodeJS" (extend-to-iencodejs obj methods) |
| 357 | + "IEquiv" (extend-to-iequiv obj methods) |
| 358 | + "IHash" (extend-to-ihash obj methods) |
| 359 | + "IKVReduce" (extend-to-ikvreduce obj methods) |
| 360 | + "ILookup" (extend-to-ilookup obj methods) |
| 361 | + "IMap" (extend-to-imap obj methods) |
| 362 | + "ISeq" (extend-to-iseq obj methods) |
| 363 | + "ISeqable" (extend-to-iseqable obj methods) |
| 364 | + (throw (js/Error. (str "Cannot extend to " protocol-name))))) |
| 365 | + |
278 | 366 | ;; =============================================================================
279 | 367 | ;; Closure hacks so we get exported ES6 Map/Set interface on collections
280 | 368 | ;; Following functions are NOT a part of the API
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