File tree
1,790 files changed
lines changed- api
- autoapi
- Microsoft
- AspNet/Identity/CoreCompat
- IdentityDbContext-TUser
- IdentityDbContext-TUser-TRole-TKey-TUserLogin-TUserRole-TUserClaim-TRoleClaim
- IdentityRole
- IdentityRole-TKey-TUserRole
- IdentityRoleClaim
- IdentityRoleClaim-TKey
- IdentityUser
- IdentityUser-TKey-TUserLogin-TUserRole-TUserClaim
- IdentityUserLogin
- IdentityUserLogin-TKey
- UserStore-TUser
- UserStore-TUser-TRole-TKey-TUserLogin-TUserRole-TUserClaim
- AspNetCore
- Antiforgery
- AntiforgeryOptions
- AntiforgeryTokenSet
- Internal
- AntiforgeryFeature
- AntiforgerySerializationContext
- AntiforgeryToken
- BinaryBlob
- IAntiforgeryFeature
- Authentication
- AuthenticateResult
- AuthenticationHandler-TOptions
- AuthenticationMiddleware-TOptions
- AuthenticationTicket
- AuthenticationToken
- AuthenticationTokenExtensions
- BaseContext
- BaseControlContext
- ClaimsTransformationContext
- ClaimsTransformationHandler
- ClaimsTransformationMiddleware
- ClaimsTransformer
- Cookies
- BaseCookieContext
- ChunkingCookieManager
- CookieAuthenticationEvents
- CookieRedirectContext
- CookieSignedInContext
- CookieSigningInContext
- CookieSigningOutContext
- CookieValidatePrincipalContext
- FailureContext
- ISystemClock
- JwtBearer
- AuthenticationFailedContext
- BaseJwtBearerContext
- JwtBearerChallengeContext
- JwtBearerEvents
- MessageReceivedContext
- TokenValidatedContext
- OAuth
- OAuthCreatingTicketContext
- OAuthEvents
- OAuthHandler-TOptions
- OAuthMiddleware-TOptions
- OAuthRedirectToAuthorizationContext
- OAuthTokenResponse
- OpenIdConnect
- AuthenticationFailedContext
- AuthorizationCodeReceivedContext
- BaseOpenIdConnectContext
- IOpenIdConnectEvents
- MessageReceivedContext
- OpenIdConnectEvents
- OpenIdConnectHandler
- OpenIdConnectMiddleware
- RedirectContext
- RemoteSignOutContext
- TokenResponseReceivedContext
- TokenValidatedContext
- UserInformationReceivedContext
- PropertiesSerializer
- RemoteAuthenticationEvents
- SystemClock
- TicketReceivedContext
- TicketSerializer
- Twitter
- AccessToken
- BaseTwitterContext
- RequestToken
- TwitterCreatingTicketContext
- TwitterEvents
- TwitterRedirectToAuthorizationEndpointContext
- Authorization
- AuthorizationContext
- AuthorizationHandler-TRequirement
- AuthorizationHandler-TRequirement-TResource
- AuthorizationHandlerContext
- AuthorizationOptions
- AuthorizationPolicy
- AuthorizationPolicyBuilder
- AuthorizationServiceExtensions
- AuthorizeAttribute
- DefaultAuthorizationPolicyProvider
- DefaultAuthorizationService
- IAllowAnonymous
- IAuthorizationHandler
- IAuthorizationPolicyProvider
- IAuthorizationRequirement
- IAuthorizationService
- IAuthorizeData
- Infrastructure
- AssertionRequirement
- ClaimsAuthorizationRequirement
- DenyAnonymousAuthorizationRequirement
- NameAuthorizationRequirement
- OperationAuthorizationRequirement
- PassThroughAuthorizationHandler
- RolesAuthorizationRequirement
- Builder
- ApplicationBuilderExtensions
- AuthenticationOptions
- BuilderExtensions
- ClaimsTransformationAppBuilderExtensions
- ClaimsTransformationOptions
- CookieAppBuilderExtensions
- CookieAuthenticationOptions
- CookiePolicyAppBuilderExtensions
- CookiePolicyOptions
- CorsMiddlewareExtensions
- DatabaseErrorPageExtensions
- DatabaseErrorPageOptions
- DefaultFilesExtensions
- DefaultFilesOptions
- DeveloperExceptionPageExtensions
- DeveloperExceptionPageOptions
- DirectoryBrowserExtensions
- DirectoryBrowserOptions
- ElmExtensions
- ExceptionHandlerExtensions
- ExceptionHandlerOptions
- Extensions
- MapOptions
- MapWhenOptions
- FacebookAppBuilderExtensions
- FacebookOptions
- FileServerExtensions
- FileServerOptions
- GoogleAppBuilderExtensions
- GoogleOptions
- IApplicationBuilder
- IISOptions
- IdentityOptions
- Internal/ApplicationBuilder
- JwtBearerAppBuilderExtensions
- JwtBearerOptions
- MapExtensions
- MapRouteRouteBuilderExtensions
- MapWhenExtensions
- MicrosoftAccountAppBuilderExtensions
- MigrationsEndPointExtensions
- MigrationsEndPointOptions
- MvcApplicationBuilderExtensions
- MvcAreaRouteBuilderExtensions
- OAuthAppBuilderExtensions
- OAuthOptions
- OpenIdConnectAppBuilderExtensions
- OpenIdConnectOptions
- OwinExtensions
- RemoteAuthenticationOptions
- RequestLocalizationOptions
- RoutingBuilderExtensions
- RunExtensions
- RuntimeInfoExtensions
- RuntimeInfoPageOptions
- SessionMiddlewareExtensions
- SessionOptions
- StaticFileExtensions
- StaticFileOptions
- StatusCodePagesExtensions
- StatusCodePagesOptions
- TwitterAppBuilderExtensions
- TwitterOptions
- UseExtensions
- UseMiddlewareExtensions
- WebApiCompatShimRouteBuilderExtensions
- WebSocketMiddlewareExtensions
- WebSocketOptions
- WelcomePageExtensions
- WelcomePageOptions
- CookiePolicy
- AppendCookieContext
- CookiePolicyMiddleware
- DeleteCookieContext
- SecurePolicy
- Cors
- EnableCorsAttribute
- Infrastructure
- CorsOptions
- CorsPolicy
- CorsResult
- IEnableCorsAttribute
- DataProtection
- AuthenticatedEncryption
- AuthenticatedEncryptionSettings
- CngCbcAuthenticatedEncryptionSettings
- CngGcmAuthenticatedEncryptionSettings
- ConfigurationModel
- AuthenticatedEncryptorConfiguration
- CngCbcAuthenticatedEncryptorConfiguration
- CngGcmAuthenticatedEncryptorConfiguration
- ManagedAuthenticatedEncryptorConfiguration
- XmlExtensions
- XmlSerializedDescriptorInfo
- ManagedAuthenticatedEncryptionSettings
- DataProtectionAdvancedExtensions
- DataProtectionBuilderExtensions
- DataProtectionCommonExtensions
- DataProtectionOptions
- DataProtectionUtilityExtensions
- IDataProtectionBuilder
- ISecret
- Infrastructure/IApplicationDiscriminator
- Internal
- DataProtectionBuilder
- KeyManagement
- IKey
- Internal
- IKeyRing
- KeyManagementOptions
- Repositories
- FileSystemXmlRepository
- RegistryXmlRepository
- Secret
- SystemWeb/CompatibilityDataProtector
- XmlEncryption
- CertificateXmlEncryptor
- EncryptedXmlInfo
- Diagnostics
- CompilationFailure
- DiagnosticMessage
- Elm
- ActivityContext
- ElmOptions
- ElmScope
- HttpInfo
- LogInfo
- ScopeNode
- ViewOptions
- Views
- DetailsPage
- DetailsPageModel
- LogPage
- LogPageModel
- EntityFrameworkCore
- DataStoreErrorLogger
- DataStoreErrorLog
- DataStoreErrorLoggerProvider
- Views
- DatabaseErrorPage
- DatabaseErrorPageModel
- ExceptionHandlerFeature
- ICompilationException
- IExceptionHandlerFeature
- IStatusCodePagesFeature
- IStatusCodeReExecuteFeature
- RuntimeInfoMiddleware
- StatusCodeContext
- StatusCodePagesFeature
- StatusCodeReExecuteFeature
- Views
- CompilationErrorPage
- CompilationErrorPageModel
- ErrorDetails
- ErrorPage
- ErrorPageModel
- RuntimeInfoPage
- RuntimeInfoPageModel
- StackFrame
- StackFrameInfo
- DiagnosticsViewPage/Views
- AttributeValue
- BaseView
- HelperResult
- Hosting
- Builder
- ConventionBasedStartup
- DelegateStartup
- HostingAbstractionsWebHostBuilderExtensions
- HostingEnvironmentExtensions
- IApplicationLifetime
- IHostingEnvironment
- IStartup
- IWebHost
- IWebHostBuilder
- Internal
- ApplicationLifetime
- ConfigureBuilder
- ConfigureServicesBuilder
- HostingApplication/Context
- HostingEnvironment
- HostingEnvironmentExtensions
- RequestServicesFeature
- StartupLoader
- StartupMethods
- WebHost
- WebHostOptions
- KestrelServerOptionsConnectionLoggingExtensions
- KestrelServerOptionsHttpsExtensions
- Server
- Features
- IServerAddressesFeature
- ServerAddressesFeature
- IServer
- Startup
- IStartupLoader
- StartupLoader
- StartupBase
- WebHostBuilder
- WebHostBuilderExtensions
- WebHostBuilderIISExtensions
- WebHostBuilderKestrelExtensions
- WebHostBuilderWebListenerExtensions
- WebHostDefaults
- WebHostExtensions
- WindowsServices
- WebHostService
- WebHostWindowsServiceExtensions
- Html
- HtmlContentBuilderExtensions
- HtmlEncodedString
- HtmlFormattableString
- HtmlString
- Http
- Authentication
- AuthenticateInfo
- AuthenticationDescription
- AuthenticationManager
- AuthenticationProperties
- Internal/DefaultAuthenticationManager
- ConnectionInfo
- CookieOptions
- CookieSecurePolicy
- DefaultHttpContext
- Extensions/UriHelper
- Features
- Authentication
- AuthenticateContext
- ChallengeContext
- DescribeSchemesContext
- HttpAuthenticationFeature
- IHttpAuthenticationFeature
- SignInContext
- SignOutContext
- DefaultSessionFeature
- FeatureCollection
- FeatureReferences-TCache
- FormFeature
- FormOptions
- HttpConnectionFeature
- HttpRequestFeature
- HttpRequestIdentifierFeature
- HttpRequestLifetimeFeature
- HttpResponseFeature
- IFeatureCollection
- IFormFeature
- IHttpConnectionFeature
- IHttpRequestFeature
- IHttpRequestIdentifierFeature
- IHttpRequestLifetimeFeature
- IHttpResponseFeature
- IHttpSendFileFeature
- IHttpUpgradeFeature
- IHttpWebSocketFeature
- IItemsFeature
- IQueryFeature
- IRequestCookiesFeature
- IResponseCookiesFeature
- IServiceProvidersFeature
- ISessionFeature
- ITlsConnectionFeature
- ItemsFeature
- QueryFeature
- RequestCookiesFeature
- ResponseCookiesFeature
- ServiceProvidersFeature
- TlsConnectionFeature
- FormCollection
- Enumerator
- FragmentString
- HeaderDictionary
- Enumerator
- HeaderDictionaryExtensions
- HeaderDictionaryTypeExtensions
- Headers
- RequestHeaders
- ResponseHeaders
- HostString
- HttpContext
- HttpContextAccessor
- HttpRequest
- HttpResponse
- HttpResponseWritingExtensions
- IFormCollection
- IFormFile
- IFormFileCollection
- IHeaderDictionary
- IHttpContextAccessor
- IQueryCollection
- IRequestCookieCollection
- IResponseCookies
- ISession
- Internal
- BufferingHelper
- DefaultConnectionInfo
- DefaultHttpRequest
- DefaultHttpResponse
- DefaultWebSocketManager
- FormFile
- FormFileCollection
- ItemsDictionary
- QueryCollection
- Enumerator
- RequestCookieCollection
- Enumerator
- PathString
- QueryString
- RequestFormReaderExtensions
- ResponseExtensions
- SendFileResponseExtensions
- SessionExtensions
- WebSocketAcceptContext
- WebSocketManager
- Identity
- ClaimsIdentityOptions
- DataProtectionTokenProviderOptions
- DataProtectorTokenProvider-TUser
- EntityFrameworkCore
- IdentityDbContext
- IdentityDbContext-TUser
- IdentityDbContext-TUser-TRole-TKey
- IdentityDbContext-TUser-TRole-TKey-TUserClaim-TUserRole-TUserLogin-TRoleClaim-TUserToken
- IdentityRole
- IdentityRole-TKey
- IdentityRole-TKey-TUserRole-TRoleClaim
- IdentityRoleClaim-TKey
- IdentityUser
- IdentityUser-TKey
- IdentityUser-TKey-TUserClaim-TUserRole-TUserLogin
- IdentityUserClaim-TKey
- IdentityUserLogin-TKey
- IdentityUserRole-TKey
- IdentityUserToken-TKey
- RoleStore-TRole
- RoleStore-TRole-TContext
- RoleStore-TRole-TContext-TKey
- RoleStore-TRole-TContext-TKey-TUserRole-TRoleClaim
- UserStore
- UserStore-TUser
- UserStore-TUser-TRole-TContext
- UserStore-TUser-TRole-TContext-TKey
- UserStore-TUser-TRole-TContext-TKey-TUserClaim-TUserRole-TUserLogin-TUserToken
- ExternalLoginInfo
- IQueryableRoleStore-TRole
- IQueryableUserStore-TUser
- IdentityBuilder
- IdentityCookieOptions
- IdentityError
- IdentityResult
- LockoutOptions
- PasswordHasherOptions
- PasswordOptions
- PasswordValidator-TUser
- RoleManager-TRole
- SignInManager-TUser
- SignInOptions
- SignInResult
- TokenOptions
- TokenProviderDescriptor
- UserClaimsPrincipalFactory-TUser-TRole
- UserLoginInfo
- UserManager-TUser
- UserOptions
- UserValidator-TUser
- JsonPatch
- Adapters
- ObjectAdapter
- Exceptions/JsonPatchException
- Helpers/GetValueResult
- IJsonPatchDocument
- JsonPatchDocument
- JsonPatchDocument-TModel
- JsonPatchError
- JsonPatchProperty
- Operations
- Operation
- OperationBase
- Localization
- AcceptLanguageHeaderRequestCultureProvider
- CookieRequestCultureProvider
- IRequestCultureFeature
- ProviderCultureResult
- QueryStringRequestCultureProvider
- RequestCulture
- RequestCultureFeature
- RequestCultureProvider
- MiddlewareAnalysis/AnalysisBuilder
- Mvc
- Abstractions
- ActionDescriptor
- ActionDescriptorExtensions
- ActionDescriptorProviderContext
- ActionInvokerProviderContext
- IActionDescriptorProvider
- IActionInvokerProvider
- ParameterDescriptor
- AcceptVerbsAttribute
- ActionConstraints
- ActionConstraintContext
- ActionConstraintItem
- ActionConstraintProviderContext
- ActionMethodSelectorAttribute
- ActionSelectorCandidate
- IActionConstraint
- IActionConstraintFactory
- IActionConstraintProvider
- ActionContext
- ActionContextAttribute
- ActionNameAttribute
- ApiExplorer
- ApiDescription
- ApiDescriptionExtensions
- ApiDescriptionGroup
- ApiDescriptionGroupCollection
- ApiDescriptionGroupCollectionProvider
- ApiDescriptionProviderContext
- ApiParameterDescription
- ApiParameterRouteInfo
- ApiRequestFormat
- ApiResponseFormat
- ApiResponseType
- DefaultApiDescriptionProvider
- IApiDescriptionGroupCollectionProvider
- IApiDescriptionGroupNameProvider
- IApiDescriptionProvider
- IApiDescriptionVisibilityProvider
- IApiResponseMetadataProvider
- ApiExplorerSettingsAttribute
- ApplicationModels
- ActionModel
- ApiExplorerModel
- ApplicationModel
- ApplicationModelProviderContext
- AttributeRouteModel
- ControllerModel
- IApiExplorerModel
- IApplicationModelProvider
- IBindingModel
- ICommonModel
- IFilterModel
- IPropertyModel
- ParameterModel
- PropertyModel
- SelectorModel
- ApplicationParts
- ApplicationPart
- ApplicationPartManager
- AssemblyPart
- IApplicationFeatureProvider-TFeature
- IApplicationPartTypeProvider
- ICompilationReferencesProvider
- AreaAttribute
- Authorization
- AuthorizeFilter
- AutoValidateAntiforgeryTokenAttribute
- BindAttribute
- CacheProfile
- ChallengeResult
- ConsumesAttribute
- ContentResult
- Controller
- ControllerAttribute
- ControllerBase
- ControllerContext
- ControllerContextAttribute
- Controllers
- ControllerActionDescriptor
- ControllerBoundPropertyDescriptor
- ControllerFeature
- ControllerParameterDescriptor
- DefaultControllerFactory
- IControllerActionArgumentBinder
- IControllerTypeProvider
- ServiceBasedControllerActivator
- Cors
- CorsAuthorizationFilter
- Internal
- CorsApplicationModelProvider
- CorsAuthorizationFilterFactory
- DisableCorsAuthorizationFilter
- CreatedAtActionResult
- CreatedAtRouteResult
- CreatedResult
- DataAnnotations
- IValidationAttributeAdapterProvider
- Internal
- DataAnnotationsModelValidator
- DataTypeAttributeAdapter
- ValidationAttributeAdapter-TAttribute
- FileContentResult
- FileResult
- FileStreamResult
- Filters
- ActionExecutedContext
- ActionExecutingContext
- ActionFilterAttribute
- AuthorizationFilterContext
- ExceptionContext
- ExceptionFilterAttribute
- FilterContext
- FilterDescriptor
- FilterItem
- FilterProviderContext
- IFilterContainer
- IFilterFactory
- IFilterProvider
- IOrderedFilter
- ResourceExecutedContext
- ResourceExecutingContext
- ResultExecutedContext
- ResultExecutingContext
- ResultFilterAttribute
- ForbidResult
- FormatFilterAttribute
- Formatters
- FormatFilter
- HttpNoContentOutputFormatter
- HttpNotAcceptableOutputFormatter
- InputFormatter
- InputFormatterContext
- InputFormatterResult
- Internal
- MediaTypeSegmentWithQuality
- Json/Internal
- JsonResultExecutor
- JsonInputFormatter
- JsonOutputFormatter
- JsonPatchInputFormatter
- JsonSerializerSettingsProvider
- MediaType
- MediaTypeCollection
- OutputFormatter
- OutputFormatterCanWriteContext
- OutputFormatterWriteContext
- TextInputFormatter
- TextOutputFormatter
- Xml
- DelegatingEnumerable-TWrapped-TDeclared
- DelegatingEnumerator-TWrapped-TDeclared
- EnumerableWrapperProvider
- EnumerableWrapperProviderFactory
- IWrapperProvider
- SerializableErrorWrapper
- SerializableErrorWrapperProvider
- SerializableErrorWrapperProviderFactory
- WrapperProviderContext
- WrapperProviderFactoriesExtensions
- XmlDataContractSerializerInputFormatter
- XmlDataContractSerializerOutputFormatter
- XmlSerializerInputFormatter
- XmlSerializerOutputFormatter
- FromBodyAttribute
- FromFormAttribute
- FromHeaderAttribute
- FromQueryAttribute
- FromRouteAttribute
- FromServicesAttribute
- HiddenInputAttribute
- IUrlHelper
- IViewComponentHelper
- IgnoreAntiforgeryTokenAttribute
- Infrastructure
- ActionContextAccessor
- ActionDescriptorCollection
- IActionContextAccessor
- IActionDescriptorCollectionProvider
- IActionSelector
- Internal
- ActionDescriptorCollectionProvider
- ActionSelectionDecisionTree
- ActionSelector
- ActionSelectorDecisionTreeProvider
- ApiDescriptionActionData
- AttributeRoute
- AttributeRouteEntries
- AttributeRouting
- AuthorizationApplicationModelProvider
- ControllerActionDescriptorBuilder
- ControllerActionDescriptorProvider
- ControllerActionExecutor
- ControllerActionFilter
- ControllerActionInvoker
- ControllerActionInvokerCache/ControllerActionInvokerState
- ControllerActionInvokerProvider
- ControllerArgumentBinder
- ControllerResultFilter
- CopyOnWriteList-T
- DefaultActionConstraintProvider
- DefaultApplicationModelProvider
- DefaultCollectionValidationStrategy
- DefaultControllerArgumentBinder
- DefaultFilterProvider
- DefaultObjectValidator
- ElementalValueProvider
- ExplicitIndexCollectionValidationStrategy
- FileContentResultExecutor
- FileResultExecutorBase
- FileStreamResultExecutor
- FilterActionInvoker
- FilterDescriptorOrderComparer
- HttpMethodActionConstraint
- IActionSelectionDecisionTree
- IActionSelectorDecisionTreeProvider
- IControllerArgumentBinder
- IControllerPropertyActivator
- LocalRedirectResultExecutor
- MemoryPoolHttpRequestStreamReaderFactory
- MemoryPoolHttpResponseStreamWriterFactory
- MvcAttributeRouteHandler
- MvcBuilder
- MvcCoreBuilder
- MvcCoreDiagnosticSourceExtensions
- MvcRouteHandler
- NonDisposableStream
- ObjectMethodExecutor
- ObjectResultExecutor
- PhysicalFileResultExecutor
- PlaceholderBinder
- RedirectResultExecutor
- RedirectToActionResultExecutor
- RedirectToRouteResultExecutor
- ResponseCacheFilter
- ResponseContentTypeHelper
- ShortFormDictionaryValidationStrategy-TKey-TValue
- TaskCache
- TaskCache-T
- VirtualFileResultExecutor
- JsonPatchExtensions
- JsonResult
- LocalRedirectResult
- Localization
- HtmlLocalizer
- HtmlLocalizer-TResource
- HtmlLocalizerExtensions
- IHtmlLocalizer
- IHtmlLocalizerFactory
- LocalizedHtmlString
- ViewLocalizer
- ModelBinderAttribute
- ModelBinding
- BindNeverAttribute
- BindRequiredAttribute
- Binders
- BinderTypeModelBinder
- BodyModelBinder
- BodyModelBinderProvider
- CollectionModelBinder-TElement
- ComplexTypeModelBinder
- SimpleTypeModelBinder
- BindingBehavior
- BindingBehaviorAttribute
- BindingInfo
- BindingSource
- BindingSourceValueProvider
- CompositeBindingSource
- CompositeValueProvider
- DefaultModelBindingContext
- DefaultPropertyFilterProvider-TModel
- EnumGroupAndName
- FormValueProvider
- IBinderTypeProviderMetadata
- IBindingSourceMetadata
- ICompositeModelBinder
- ICompositeValueProviderFactory
- IModelBinder
- IModelNameProvider
- IOptionalBinderMetadata
- IPropertyFilterProvider
- Internal
- ModelBindingHelper
- JQueryFormValueProvider
- Metadata
- BindingMetadata
- BindingMetadataProviderContext
- DefaultMetadataDetails
- DefaultModelMetadata
- DefaultModelMetadataProvider
- DisplayMetadata
- DisplayMetadataProviderContext
- ExcludeBindingMetadataProvider
- IModelBindingMessageProvider
- ModelBindingMessageProvider
- ModelMetadataIdentity
- ValidationMetadata
- ValidationMetadataProviderContext
- ModelAttributes
- ModelBinderFactoryContext
- ModelBinderProviderContext
- ModelBindingContext
- ModelBindingResult
- ModelError
- ModelMetadata
- ModelMetadataProviderExtensions
- ModelPropertyCollection
- ModelStateDictionary
- Enumerator
- KeyEnumerator
- ValueEnumerator
- ModelStateDictionaryExtensions
- ModelStateEntry
- OperationBindingContext
- QueryStringValueProvider
- RouteValueProvider
- SuppressChildValidationMetadataProvider
- UnsupportedContentTypeFilter
- Validation
- ClientModelValidationContext
- ClientValidatorItem
- ClientValidatorProviderContext
- CompositeClientModelValidatorProvider
- CompositeModelValidatorProvider
- IClientModelValidatorProvider
- IObjectModelValidator
- ModelValidationContext
- ModelValidationContextBase
- ModelValidationResult
- ModelValidatorProviderContext
- ValidationEntry
- ValidationExcludeFilter
- ValidationStateDictionary
- ValidationStateEntry
- ValidatorItem
- ValueProviderFactoryContext
- ValueProviderResult
- ValueProviderResultExtensions
- ModelMetadataTypeAttribute
- MvcJsonOptions
- MvcOptions
- MvcViewOptions
- NonActionAttribute
- ObjectResult
- OkResult
- PartialViewResult
- PhysicalFileResult
- ProducesAttribute
- ProducesResponseTypeAttribute
- Razor
- Compilation
- CompilationFailedException
- CompilationResult
- IRazorCompilationService
- MetadataReferenceFeature
- MetadataReferenceFeatureProvider
- RelativeFileInfo
- RoslynCompilationContext
- Directives
- ChunkHelper
- ChunkInheritanceUtility
- ChunkTreeResult
- GeneratedTagHelperAttributeContext
- HelperResult
- IMvcRazorHost
- IRazorPage
- InjectChunk
- InjectChunkVisitor
- InjectParameterGenerator
- Internal
- CompilerCacheResult
- DefaultCompilerCacheProvider
- DefaultRazorPageFactoryProvider
- DefaultRazorViewEngineFileProviderAccessor
- DefaultRoslynCompilationService
- DependencyContextRazorViewEngineOptionsSetup
- ICompilerCacheProvider
- IRazorViewEngineFileProviderAccessor
- MvcRazorMvcViewOptionsSetup
- ServiceBasedTagHelperActivator
- SymbolsUtility
- ViewLocationCacheItem
- ViewLocationCacheKey
- ViewLocationCacheResult
- ModelChunk
- MvcRazorCodeParser
- MvcRazorHost
- RazorPage
- RazorPage-TModel
- RazorPageActivator
- RazorPageFactoryResult
- RazorPageResult
- RazorView
- RazorViewEngine
- RazorViewEngineOptions
- TagHelpers
- TagHelperFeature
- UrlResolutionTagHelper
- ViewLocationExpanderContext
- RedirectResult
- RedirectToActionResult
- RedirectToRouteResult
- RemoteAttribute
- Rendering
- HtmlHelperDisplayExtensions
- HtmlHelperDisplayNameExtensions
- HtmlHelperEditorExtensions
- HtmlHelperFormExtensions
- HtmlHelperInputExtensions
- HtmlHelperLabelExtensions
- HtmlHelperLinkExtensions
- HtmlHelperNameExtensions
- HtmlHelperPartialExtensions
- HtmlHelperSelectExtensions
- HtmlHelperValidationExtensions
- HtmlHelperValueExtensions
- HtmlString
- IHtmlHelper
- IHtmlHelper-TModel
- MultiSelectList
- SelectList
- SelectListGroup
- SelectListItem
- TagBuilder
- ViewComponentHelperExtensions
- ViewContext
- RequireHttpsAttribute
- ResponseCacheAttribute
- RouteAttribute
- Routing
- AttributeRouteInfo
- HttpMethodAttribute
- IActionHttpMethodProvider
- IRouteConstraintProvider
- IRouteTemplateProvider
- IRouteValueProvider
- RouteConstraintAttribute
- RouteDataActionConstraint
- RouteKeyHandling
- RouteValueAttribute
- UrlActionContext
- UrlHelper
- UrlRouteContext
- ServiceFilterAttribute
- SignInResult
- SignOutResult
- StatusCodeResult
- TagHelpers
- AnchorTagHelper
- Cache
- DistributedCacheTagHelperFormatter
- DistributedCacheTagHelperFormattingContext
- IDistributedCacheTagHelperFormatter
- CacheTagHelper
- CacheTagHelperBase
- DistributedCacheTagHelper
- EnvironmentTagHelper
- FormTagHelper
- ImageTagHelper
- InputTagHelper
- Internal
- CurrentValues
- FileProviderGlobbingDirectory
- FileProviderGlobbingFile
- GlobbingUrlBuilder
- ModeAttributes-TMode
- LabelTagHelper
- LinkTagHelper
- OptionTagHelper
- RenderAtEndOfFormTagHelper
- ScriptTagHelper
- SelectTagHelper
- TagHelperContentExtensions
- TagHelperOutputExtensions
- TextAreaTagHelper
- ValidationMessageTagHelper
- ValidationSummaryTagHelper
- TypeFilterAttribute
- UrlHelperExtensions
- ValidateAntiForgeryTokenAttribute
- ViewComponent
- ViewComponentAttribute
- ViewComponentResult
- ViewComponents
- ContentViewComponentResult
- DefaultViewComponentDescriptorCollectionProvider
- HtmlContentViewComponentResult
- IViewComponentDescriptorCollectionProvider
- ServiceBasedViewComponentActivator
- ViewComponentContext
- ViewComponentContextAttribute
- ViewComponentDescriptor
- ViewComponentDescriptorCollection
- ViewComponentFeature
- ViewViewComponentResult
- ViewEngines
- CompositeViewEngine
- ICompositeViewEngine
- IView
- ViewEngineResult
- ViewFeatures
- AntiforgeryExtensions
- AttributeDictionary
- Enumerator
- DefaultHtmlGenerator
- FormContext
- HtmlHelper
- HtmlHelper-TModel
- HtmlHelperOptions
- IHtmlGenerator
- IModelExpressionProvider
- Internal
- ExpressionTextCache
- MemoryPoolViewBufferScope
- NullView
- PagedBufferedTextWriter
- PartialViewResultExecutor
- TemplateRenderer
- ViewBuffer
- ViewBufferPage
- ViewBufferTextWriter
- ViewBufferValue
- ViewComponentResultExecutor
- ViewResultExecutor
- JsonHelper
- ModelExplorer
- ModelExplorerExtensions
- ModelExpression
- ModelExpressionProvider
- ModelMetadataProviderExtensions
- SaveTempDataAttribute
- TempDataDictionary
- TemplateInfo
- ViewContextAttribute
- ViewDataDictionary
- ViewDataDictionary-TModel
- ViewDataDictionaryAttribute
- ViewDataInfo
- ViewExecutor
- ViewResult
- VirtualFileResult
- WebApiCompatShim
- FormDataCollectionExtensions
- HttpRequestMessageFeature
- HttpRequestMessageHttpContextExtensions
- HttpResponseExceptionActionFilter
- IHttpRequestMessageFeature
- IUseWebApiActionConventions
- IUseWebApiOverloading
- IUseWebApiParameterConventions
- IUseWebApiRoutes
- OverloadActionConstraint
- UseWebApiActionConventionsAttribute
- UseWebApiOverloadingAttribute
- UseWebApiParameterConventionsAttribute
- UseWebApiRoutesAttribute
- WebApiCompatShimOptions
- WebApiCompatShimOptionsSetup
- Owin
- IOwinEnvironmentFeature
- OwinEnvironment
- FeatureMap
- OwinEnvironmentFeature
- OwinFeatureCollection
- OwinWebSocketAcceptContext
- OwinWebSocketAdapter
- Razor
- CSharpRazorCodeLanguage
- Chunks
- AddTagHelperChunk
- Chunk
- ChunkTreeBuilder
- CodeAttributeChunk
- DynamicCodeAttributeChunk
- ExpressionChunk
- Generators
- AddImportChunkGenerator
- AddTagHelperChunkGenerator
- AttributeBlockChunkGenerator
- ChunkGeneratorContext
- DynamicAttributeBlockChunkGenerator
- LiteralAttributeChunkGenerator
- RazorChunkGenerator
- RemoveTagHelperChunkGenerator
- SectionChunkGenerator
- SetBaseTypeChunkGenerator
- TagHelperPrefixDirectiveChunkGenerator
- LiteralChunk
- LiteralCodeAttributeChunk
- ParentChunk
- PreallocatedTagHelperAttributeChunk
- RemoveTagHelperChunk
- SectionChunk
- SetBaseTypeChunk
- StatementChunk
- TagHelperAttributeTracker
- TagHelperChunk
- TagHelperPrefixDirectiveChunk
- TypeMemberChunk
- UsingChunk
- CodeGenerators
- CSharpCodeGenerator
- CSharpCodeWriter
- CSharpCodeWritingScope
- CSharpTagHelperCodeRenderer
- CodeGenerator
- CodeGeneratorContext
- CodeGeneratorResult
- CodeWriter
- GeneratedClassContext
- GeneratedTagHelperContext
- GeneratorResults
- LineMapping
- LineMappingManager
- MappingLocation
- Visitors
- CSharpBaseTypeVisitor
- CSharpCodeVisitor
- CSharpDesignTimeCodeVisitor
- CSharpTagHelperAttributeValueVisitor
- CSharpUsingVisitor
- ChunkVisitor-TWriter
- Compilation/TagHelpers
- TagHelperAttributeDescriptor
- TagHelperAttributeDesignTimeDescriptor
- TagHelperDescriptor
- TagHelperDescriptorComparer
- TagHelperDescriptorProvider
- TagHelperDescriptorResolutionContext
- TagHelperDesignTimeDescriptor
- TagHelperDirectiveDescriptor
- TagHelperRequiredAttributeDescriptor
- TagHelperRequiredAttributeDescriptorComparer
- TypeBasedTagHelperDescriptorComparer
- DocumentParseCompleteEventArgs
- Editor
- AutoCompleteEditHandler
- EditResult
- ImplicitExpressionEditHandler
- SpanEditHandler
- ErrorSink
- Generator/ModelChunkGenerator
- Internal
- TaskCache
- Parser
- CSharpCodeParser
- Block
- CSharpLanguageCharacteristics
- HtmlLanguageCharacteristics
- HtmlMarkupParser
- Internal
- CallbackVisitor
- HtmlLanguageCharacteristics
- HtmlMarkupParser
- ParserBase
- ParserContext
- ParserVisitor
- ParserVisitorExtensions
- RazorParser
- RewritingContext
- SyntaxTree
- Block
- BlockBuilder
- Span
- SpanBuilder
- SyntaxTreeNode
- TagHelpers
- TagHelperAttributeNode
- TagHelperBlock
- TagHelperBlockBuilder
- TokenizerBackedParser-TTokenizer-TSymbol-TSymbolType
- ParserResults
- RazorCodeLanguage
- RazorEditorParser
- RazorEngineHost
- RazorError
- RazorTemplateEngine
- Runtime/TagHelpers
- ITagHelperDescriptorFactory
- ITagHelperTypeResolver
- TagHelperDescriptorFactory
- TagHelperDesignTimeDescriptorFactory
- TagHelperExecutionContext
- TagHelperRunner
- TagHelperScopeManager
- SourceLocation
- TagHelpers
- DefaultTagHelperContent
- HtmlAttributeNameAttribute
- HtmlAttributeValueStyle
- HtmlTargetElementAttribute
- ITagHelper
- NullHtmlEncoder
- OutputElementHintAttribute
- ReadOnlyTagHelperAttributeList
- RestrictChildrenAttribute
- TagHelper
- TagHelperAttribute
- TagHelperAttributeList
- TagHelperContent
- TagHelperContext
- TagHelperOutput
- TagStructure
- Text
- BufferingTextReader
- ITextBuffer
- ITextDocument
- LocationTagged-TValue
- LookaheadTextReader
- SeekableTextReader
- SourceLocationTracker
- SourceSpan
- TextBufferReader
- TextChange
- TextChangeType
- TextDocumentReader
- Tokenizer
- HtmlTokenizer
- Internal
- CSharpHelpers
- CSharpTokenizer
- HtmlTokenizer
- Symbols
- CSharpSymbol
- HtmlSymbolType
- ISymbol
- Internal
- HtmlSymbol
- HtmlSymbolExtensions
- HtmlSymbolType
- SymbolBase-TType
- SymbolExtensions
- Tokenizer-TSymbol-TSymbolType
- Tokenizer-TSymbol-TSymbolType-/StateResult
- TokenizerView-TTokenizer-TSymbol-TSymbolType
- Routing
- Constraints
- CompositeRouteConstraint
- HttpMethodRouteConstraint
- LengthRouteConstraint
- MaxLengthRouteConstraint
- MaxRouteConstraint
- MinLengthRouteConstraint
- MinRouteConstraint
- OptionalRouteConstraint
- RangeRouteConstraint
- RegexRouteConstraint
- INamedRouter
- IRouteBuilder
- IRoutingFeature
- Internal
- BufferValue
- LinkGenerationDecisionTree
- LinkGenerationMatch
- OutboundMatchResult
- PathTokenizer
- Enumerator
- UriBuildingContext
- RequestDelegateRouteBuilderExtensions
- Route
- RouteBase
- RouteBuilder
- RouteCollection
- RouteContext
- RouteData
- RouteOptions
- RouteValueDictionary
- Enumerator
- RoutingHttpContextExtensions
- Template
- InlineConstraint
- RoutePrecedence
- RouteTemplate
- TemplateMatcher
- TemplatePart
- TemplateSegment
- TemplateValuesResult
- Tree
- InboundMatch
- InboundRouteEntry
- OutboundMatch
- OutboundRouteEntry
- TreeRouteBuilder
- TreeRouteLinkGenerationEntry
- TreeRouteMatchingEntry
- TreeRouter
- UrlMatchingNode
- UrlMatchingTree
- VirtualPathContext
- VirtualPathData
- Server
- IISIntegration/Tools/PublishIISCommand
- Kestrel
- BadHttpRequestException
- Exceptions
- Filter
- ConnectionFilterContext
- FilteredStreamAdapter
- Internal
- FilteredStreamAdapter
- LibuvStream
- StreamSocketOutput
- SocketInputStream
- StreamExtensions
- Http
- Connection
- ConnectionContext
- ConnectionManager
- DateHeaderValueManager
- Frame
- FrameContext
- FrameRequestHeaders
- Enumerator
- FrameRequestStream
- FrameResponseHeaders
- Enumerator
- IConnectionControl
- ListenerContext
- ListenerPrimary
- PathNormalizer
- PipeListener
- PipeListenerPrimary
- PipeListenerSecondary
- ProduceEndType
- ReasonPhrases
- SocketInput
- SocketInputExtensions
- SocketOutput
- TcpListener
- TcpListenerPrimary
- TcpListenerSecondary
- Https/HttpsConnectionFilterOptions
- Infrastructure/MemoryPoolIteratorExtensions
- Internal
- Disposable
- Http
- BufferSizeControl
- ChunkWriter
- Connection
- ConnectionContext
- ConnectionManager
- DateHeaderValueManager
- DateHeaderValues
- Frame
- RequestLineStatus
- RequestProcessingStatus
- Frame-TContext
- FrameHeaders
- FrameRequestHeaders
- Enumerator
- FrameResponseHeaders
- Enumerator
- IBufferSizeControl
- IConnectionControl
- IFrameControl
- ISocketOutput
- Listener
- ListenerContext
- ListenerPrimary
- ListenerSecondary
- MessageBody
- PathNormalizer
- PipeListener
- PipeListenerPrimary
- PipeListenerSecondary
- ProduceEndType
- ReasonPhrases
- SocketInput
- SocketInputExtensions
- SocketOutput
- TcpListener
- TcpListenerPrimary
- TcpListenerSecondary
- UrlPathDecoder
- Infrastructure
- IKestrelTrace
- IThreadPool
- LoggingThreadPool
- MemoryPool
- MemoryPoolBlock
- MemoryPoolIterator
- MemoryPoolIteratorExtensions
- MemoryPoolSlab
- TaskUtilities
- KestrelEngine
- KestrelThread
- KestrelTrace
- Networking
- Libuv
- HandleType
- RequestType
- uv_alloc_cb
- uv_async_cb
- uv_buf_t
- uv_close_cb
- uv_connect_cb
- uv_connection_cb
- uv_fileno_func
- uv_ip4_addr_func
- uv_ip6_addr_func
- uv_read_cb
- uv_shutdown_cb
- uv_tcp_bind_func
- uv_tcp_getpeername_func
- uv_tcp_getsockname_func
- uv_walk_cb
- uv_write2_func
- uv_write_cb
- uv_write_func
- PlatformApis
- SockAddr
- UvAsyncHandle
- UvConnectRequest
- UvException
- UvHandle
- UvLoopHandle
- UvMemory
- UvPipeHandle
- UvRequest
- UvShutdownReq
- UvStreamHandle
- UvTcpHandle
- UvWriteReq
- ServiceContext
- KestrelEngine
- KestrelServer
- KestrelServerOptions
- Networking
- Libuv
- HandleType
- RequestType
- PlatformApis
- UvAsyncHandle
- UvConnectRequest
- UvException
- UvLoopHandle
- UvMemory
- UvPipeHandle
- UvRequest
- UvShutdownReq
- UvStreamHandle
- UvWriteReq
- ServerAddress
- ServiceContext
- Testing
- ApplicationDeployer
- DeploymentParameters
- DeploymentResult
- RemoteWindowsDeployer
- RemoteWindowsDeploymentParameters
- SkipIfCurrentRuntimeIsCoreClrAttribute
- SkipIfEnvironmentVariableNotEnabledAttribute
- SkipIfIISVariationsNotEnabledAttribute
- SkipOn32BitOSAttribute
- WebListener
- MessagePump
- WebListenerOptions
- Session
- DistributedSession
- DistributedSessionStore
- ISessionStore
- SessionFeature
- SessionMiddleware
- StaticFiles
- FileExtensionContentTypeProvider
- Infrastructure
- StaticFileResponseContext
- TestHost
- ClientHandler
- TestServer
- WebSocketClient
- WebSockets
- Client
- Constants
- Headers
- WebSocketClient
- Protocol
- CommonWebSocket
- Constants
- Headers
- OpCodes
- FrameHeader
- HandshakeHelpers
- Utilities
- Utf8MessageState
- Server
- ExtendedWebSocketAcceptContext
- WebSocketMiddleware
- WebUtilities
- FileBufferingReadStream
- FormReader
- HttpResponseStreamWriter
- KeyValueAccumulator
- MultipartReader
- MultipartSection
- StreamHelperExtensions
- WebEncoders
- Extensions
- Caching
- Distributed
- DistributedCacheEntryExtensions
- DistributedCacheEntryOptions
- DistributedCacheExtensions
- Memory
- CacheEntryExtensions
- CacheExtensions
- ICacheEntry
- MemoryCache
- MemoryCacheEntryExtensions
- MemoryCacheEntryOptions
- MemoryCacheOptions
- PostEvictionCallbackRegistration
- Redis/RedisCacheOptions
- SqlServer/SqlServerCacheOptions
- Cli/Utils
- AnsiColorExtensions
- AnsiConsole
- Reporter
- CommandLineUtils
- AnsiConsole
- CommandArgument
- CommandLineApplication
- CommandOption
- CommandParsingException
- Configuration
- CommandLine
- CommandLineConfigurationProvider
- CommandLineConfigurationSource
- CommandLineConfigurationExtensions
- ConfigurationBinder
- ConfigurationBuilder
- ConfigurationExtensions
- ConfigurationKeyComparer
- ConfigurationPath
- ConfigurationProvider
- ConfigurationReloadToken
- ConfigurationRoot
- ConfigurationSection
- EnvironmentVariables
- EnvironmentVariablesConfigurationProvider
- EnvironmentVariablesConfigurationSource
- EnvironmentVariablesExtensions
- FileConfigurationExtensions
- FileConfigurationProvider
- FileConfigurationSource
- IConfiguration
- IConfigurationBuilder
- IConfigurationProvider
- IConfigurationSection
- IConfigurationSource
- Ini
- IniConfigurationProvider
- IniConfigurationSource
- IniConfigurationExtensions
- Json
- JsonConfigurationProvider
- JsonConfigurationSource
- JsonConfigurationExtensions
- Memory
- MemoryConfigurationProvider
- MemoryConfigurationSource
- MemoryConfigurationBuilderExtensions
- Xml
- XmlConfigurationProvider
- XmlConfigurationSource
- XmlDocumentDecryptor
- XmlConfigurationExtensions
- DependencyInjection
- AnalysisServiceCollectionExtensions
- AntiforgeryServiceCollectionExtensions
- ApplicationModelConventionExtensions
- AuthenticationServiceCollectionExtensions
- AuthorizationServiceCollectionExtensions
- CorsServiceCollectionExtensions
- DataProtectionServiceCollectionExtensions
- DirectoryBrowserServiceExtensions
- ElmServiceCollectionExtensions
- EncoderServiceCollectionExtensions
- Extensions
- ServiceCollectionDescriptorExtensions
- IMvcBuilder
- IMvcCoreBuilder
- IServiceScope
- ISupportRequiredService
- IdentityEntityFrameworkBuilderExtensions
- IdentityServiceCollectionExtensions
- LocalizationServiceCollectionExtensions
- LoggingServiceCollectionExtensions
- MemoryCacheServiceCollectionExtensions
- MvcApiExplorerMvcCoreBuilderExtensions
- MvcCoreMvcBuilderExtensions
- MvcCoreMvcCoreBuilderExtensions
- MvcCoreServiceCollectionExtensions
- MvcCorsMvcCoreBuilderExtensions
- MvcDataAnnotationsMvcBuilderExtensions
- MvcDataAnnotationsMvcCoreBuilderExtensions
- MvcJsonMvcBuilderExtensions
- MvcJsonMvcCoreBuilderExtensions
- MvcLocalizationMvcBuilderExtensions
- MvcLocalizationMvcCoreBuilderExtensions
- MvcRazorMvcBuilderExtensions
- MvcRazorMvcCoreBuilderExtensions
- MvcServiceCollectionExtensions
- MvcViewFeaturesMvcBuilderExtensions
- MvcViewFeaturesMvcCoreBuilderExtensions
- MvcXmlMvcBuilderExtensions
- MvcXmlMvcCoreBuilderExtensions
- OptionsConfigurationServiceCollectionExtensions
- OptionsServiceCollectionExtensions
- RedisCacheServiceCollectionExtensions
- RoutingServiceCollectionExtensions
- ServiceCollection
- ServiceCollectionContainerBuilderExtensions
- ServiceCollectionServiceExtensions
- ServiceDescriptor
- ServiceProviderServiceExtensions
- SessionServiceCollectionExtensions
- Specification
- ClassWithOptionalArgsCtor
- DependencyInjectionSpecificationTests
- Fakes
- AnotherClass
- AnotherClassAcceptingData
- ClassWithAmbiguousCtors
- CreationCountFakeService
- FakeOpenGenericService-TVal
- FakeOuterService
- FakeService
- IFactoryService
- IFakeEveryService
- IFakeOpenGenericService-TValue
- IFakeOuterService
- PocoClass
- ScopedFactoryService
- ServiceAcceptingFactoryService
- TransientFactoryService
- TypeWithSupersetConstructors
- SqlServerCachingServicesExtensions
- TagHelperServicesExtensions
- WebApiCompatShimMvcBuilderExtensions
- DiagnosticAdapter
- DiagnosticNameAttribute
- Internal
- ProxyBase
- ProxyBase-T
- ProxyEnumerable-TSourceElement-TTargetElement-/ProxyEnumerator
- ProxyList-TSourceElement-TTargetElement
- ProxyTypeCacheResult
- FileProviders
- Composite/CompositeDirectoryContents
- CompositeFileProvider
- Embedded/EmbeddedResourceFileInfo
- IDirectoryContents
- IFileInfo
- IFileProvider
- NotFoundDirectoryContents
- NotFoundFileInfo
- NullChangeToken
- Physical
- PhysicalDirectoryInfo
- PhysicalFileInfo
- PollingFileChangeToken
- PhysicalFileProvider
- FileSystemGlobbing
- Abstractions
- DirectoryInfoWrapper
- FileInfoWrapper
- FileSystemInfoBase
- FilePatternMatch
- Internal
- ILinearPattern
- IPathSegment
- IRaggedPattern
- PathSegments
- CurrentPathSegment
- LiteralPathSegment
- ParentPathSegment
- RecursiveWildcardSegment
- WildcardPathSegment
- PatternContexts
- PatternContextLinear
- FrameData
- PatternContextRagged
- FrameData
- PatternTestResult
- Patterns/PatternBuilder
- MatcherExtensions
- PatternMatchingResult
- Internal
- ISystemClock
- SystemClock
- Localization
- IStringLocalizer
- IStringLocalizerFactory
- Internal/AssemblyWrapper
- LocalizationOptions
- LocalizedString
- ResourceManagerStringLocalizer
- ResourceManagerStringLocalizerFactory
- ResourceManagerWithCultureStringLocalizer
- StringLocalizer-TResourceSource
- StringLocalizerExtensions
- Logging
- Console
- ConfigurationConsoleLoggerSettings
- ConsoleLogScope
- ConsoleLogger
- ConsoleLoggerSettings
- IConsoleLoggerSettings
- Internal
- ConsoleLoggerExtensions
- DebugLoggerFactoryExtensions
- EventId
- EventLog
- EventLogLogger
- EventLogSettings
- Internal/IEventLog
- WindowsEventLog
- EventLoggerFactoryExtensions
- FilterLoggerFactoryExtensions
- FilterLoggerSettings
- IFilterLoggerSettings
- Internal
- FormattedLogValues
- LogValuesFormatter
- LoggerExtensions
- LoggerFactoryExtensions
- Testing
- BeginScopeContext
- TestLogger
- TestSink
- WriteContext
- TraceSource
- TraceSourceLoggerProvider
- TraceSourceScope
- TraceSourceFactoryExtensions
- ObjectPool
- DefaultObjectPoolProvider
- ObjectPoolProviderExtensions
- StringBuilderPooledObjectPolicy
- Options
- ConfigurationChangeTokenSource-TOptions
- ConfigureFromConfigurationOptions-TOptions
- ConfigureOptions-TOptions
- IConfigureOptions-TOptions
- IOptions-TOptions
- IOptionsChangeTokenSource-TOptions
- IOptionsMonitor-TOptions
- Options
- OptionsManager-TOptions
- OptionsMonitor-TOptions
- OptionsWrapper-TOptions
- PlatformAbstractions
- ApplicationEnvironment
- Platform
- PlatformServices
- RuntimeEnvironment
- RuntimeEnvironmentExtensions
- Primitives
- CancellationChangeToken
- IChangeToken
- StringSegment
- StringTokenizer/Enumerator
- StringValues
- Enumerator
- CancellationChangeToken
- IChangeToken
- StringSegment
- StringValues
- Enumerator
- WebEncoders
- Testing
- HtmlTestEncoder
- JavaScriptTestEncoder
- UrlTestEncoder
- WebEncoderOptions
- Net
- Http
- Headers
- CacheControlHeaderValue
- ContentDispositionHeaderValue
- ContentRangeHeaderValue
- CookieHeaderValue
- EntityTagHeaderValue
- MediaTypeHeaderValue
- MediaTypeHeaderValueComparer
- NameValueHeaderValue
- RangeConditionHeaderValue
- RangeHeaderValue
- RangeItemHeaderValue
- SetCookieHeaderValue
- StringWithQualityHeaderValue
- StringWithQualityHeaderValueComparer
- Server
- AuthenticationManager
- HeaderCollection
- Request
- RequestContext
- Response
- TimeoutManager
- UrlPrefix
- UrlPrefixCollection
- WebListener
- WebListenerException
- WebSocketExtensions
- WebSockets
- WebSocketBuffer
- WebSocketHelpers
- Owin/Security/Interop
- AspNetTicketSerializer
- ChunkingCookieManager
- DataProtectorShim
- Owin
- CookieInterop
- System
- Diagnostics/DiagnosticListenerExtensions
- Net/Http/HttpRequestMessageExtensions
- Security/Claims/PrincipalExtensions
- Threading/ThreadPoolBoundHandle
- Web/Http
- ApiController
- BadRequestErrorMessageResult
- ExceptionResult
- FromUriAttribute
- HttpError
- HttpResponseException
- InvalidModelStateResult
- NegotiatedContentResult-T
- ResponseMessageResult
- aspnet
- fundamentals
- common
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
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