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Building Image Sets

Prerequisite Steps

The AWS/Azure/GCP image set building machinery requires the following configuration to be present:

  1. Depending on which cloud you will be deploying to:

    • AWS only:

      You will need an AWS access key configured under ~/.aws on your host, and 2FA should be enabled on your AWS account.

    • Azure only:

      You will need an az installed on your host, and you will need to logon on your host (az login) in order that ~/.azure folder holds your logon information.

  2. You will need a valid git configuration under ~/.gitconfig on your host with a valid user/email, for committing changes to community-tc-config repo and the taskcluster team password store.

  3. In order to read/write to taskcluster team password store, you will need gcloud installed on your host, and you will need to logon (gcloud auth login <user> in order that ~/.config/gcloud folder holds your logon information.

  4. The ssh key for pushing to the taskcluster password store should be in a file somewhere underneath ~/.ssh on your host. This directory is mounted in to the docker container. If it is not in a standard location (e.g. ~/.ssh/id_rsa, ~/.ssh/id_ed25519, ...) then the location should be explicitly specified with an IdentityFile directive in the ~/.ssh/config file (see point 3 above).

  5. You will need your gpg account to be configured under ~/.gnupg on your host, with a valid key that is authorised in the taskcluster team password store.

  6. Depending on which cloud you are deploying to, there may be other steps required:

    • AWS only:

      • If you use a Yubikey:

        The image set building process requires that you are authenticated against AWS. If the env vars AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_SESSION_TOKEN are not set, the script will be automatically run. However, the yubikey interface isn't supported when running under docker, so if you use a yubikey, it is recommended to run eval $( before calling the script.

      • Other MFA Device:

        No additional steps needed, you will be prompted for MFA codes as necessary.

    • Azure only:

      First, run export AZURE_IMAGE_RESOURCE_GROUP=<your Azure resource group of choice to deploy image into> (typically rg-tc-eng-images). Worker Manager spawns instances in resource group rg-tc-eng-worker-manager-VMs but typically the machine images are stored in resource group rg-tc-eng-images.

    • GCP only:

      First run export GCP_PROJECT=<your google cloud project of choice to deploy image into> (typically taskcluster-imaging). Worker Manager spawns instances in project community-tc-workers but typically the machine images are stored in project taskcluster-imaging.

  7. You should set the gpg agent appropriately to enable building images without being prompted for your signing key passphrase. For example, by writing the following content to file ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf:

    default-cache-ttl 86400
    max-cache-ttl 86400

Once all of the above prerequisite steps have been made, you are in a position to be able to build image sets.


Building and deploying all image sets in one go in parallel


  • ./ all

Build single image set under Docker

To update/delete the image set IMAGE_SET whose definition is in the subdirectory <IMAGE_SET>:

  • ./ (aws|azure|google) (delete|update) IMAGE_SET

This will launch a docker container to build the image set.

Build single image set natively on host

If you instead prefer to build an image set natively on your host (not using docker):

  • ./ (aws|azure|google) (delete|update) IMAGE_SET

All of the following tools must be available in the PATH:

  • aws
  • az
  • basename
  • bash
  • cat
  • chmod
  • cut
  • date
  • dirname
  • env
  • find
  • flock
  • gcloud
  • git
  • grep
  • head
  • mktemp
  • pass
  • rm
  • sed
  • sleep
  • sort
  • tail
  • touch
  • tr
  • which
  • xargs
  • yq version 3 (version 4 is backwardly incompatible)

Post image set building steps when building a single image set

Note, this is not required when running ./ all.

There are some important, currently manual, post-image-set-building steps to complete:

  1. A new commit will have been made to your community-tc-config repository, updating image references in /config/imagesets.yml. Make sure to push this commit upstream (i.e. to [email protected]:taskcluster/community-tc-config.git).

  2. Apply the config changes by running tc-admin. Note, here is a script that does this, if you have not already set something up:

    set -eu
    set -o pipefail
    cd "$(dirname "${0}")"
    export TASKCLUSTER_CLIENT_ID='static/taskcluster/root'
    export TASKCLUSTER_ACCESS_TOKEN="$(pass ls community-tc/root | head -1)"
    pass git pull
    rm -rf tc-admin
    mkdir tc-admin
    cd tc-admin
    python3 -m venv tc-admin-venv
    source tc-admin-venv/bin/activate
    pip3 install pytest
    pip3 install --upgrade pip
    git clone
    cd community-tc-config
    pip3 install -e .
    which tc-admin
    tc-admin diff || true
    echo 'Applying in 60 seconds (Ctrl-C to abort)....'
    sleep 60
    echo 'Applying!'
    tc-admin apply
    echo "All done!"
  3. Don't forget to test your image set changes! Try rerunning some tasks that previously ran successfully.