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Releases: terra-money/classic-core


24 Nov 06:34
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v0.3.0-rc3 Pre-release
  • Fix overflow issue #291
  • Create new event manager for each tx #290
  • Allow non-positive vote #287


20 Nov 06:09
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v0.3.0-rc2 Pre-release
  • Fix oracle slashing bug #281
  • Align oracle parameters to units of blocks #279
  • Add swagger sync feature #283
  • Skip oracle slashing for the not passed ballot #276


19 Nov 03:24
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v0.3.0-rc1 Pre-release


30 Oct 03:41
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  • Bump Tendermint version to v0.31.11 to address the vulnerability found in the consensus package.


11 Oct 02:46
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  • Bump Tendermint version to v0.31.10 to address p2p panic errors.


04 Oct 02:44
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  • #243 Bump Tendermint version to v0.31.9 to fix the p2p panic error & Add terrareplay
  • #241 Fix terrad export feature for oracle module


22 Jun 02:07
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  • #187: Change all time instance timezone to UTC to remove gap in time calculation


#187 Bugfix/fix-time-zone

In update_230000.go, we change genesis time derivation from

genesisTime := time.Unix(genesisUnixTime, 0)


genesisTime := time.Unix(genesisUnixTime, 0).UTC()


21 Jun 12:22
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  • #185: Improve oracle specs
  • #184: Fix terracli docs
  • #183: Change all GradedVestingAccounts to LazyGradedVestingAccounts.
  • #179: Conform querier responses to be returned in JSON format
  • #178: Change BIP44 PATH to 330


#185 Oracle MsgFeederDelegatePermission specs

Added docs for using MsgFeederDelegatePermission to oracle specs

#185 Oracle price vote denom error fix

Oracle specs now specify micro units uluna and uusd for correct denominations for price prevotes and votes

#184 Minor terracli fix

#183 Oracle param update

OracleRewardBand: 1% => 2%

#183 Market param update

DailyLunaDeltaCap: 0.5% => 0.1%

#183 LazyGradedVestingAccount

  • Spread out the cliffs for presale investors, with varying degrees of severity (details #180)

#179 Align Querier responses to JSON

  • Querier was returning misaligned formats for return values, now aligned to JSON format

#178 Correctly use 330 as the coin type field in BIP 44 PATH

  • We were previously using the Cosmos coin type field for the BIP44 path. Changed to Terra's own 330.


05 Jun 13:46
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#165 Updated final parameter of genesis


05 Jun 12:25
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Bug Fixes

  • #140 Fix export bug.

  • #140 Client querier bug fix (distr outstanding rewards)

  • #140 Fix budget module to delete all votes when submitter withdraws the program and to use DeleteVotesForProgram to delete all votes for a program.


#140 Msg Types

cosmos-sdk/MsgSend => pay/MsgSend
cosmos-sdk/MsgMultiSend => pay/MsgMultiSend

cosmos-sdk/MsgCreateValidator => staking/MsgCreateValidator
cosmos-sdk/MsgEditValidator => staking/MsgEditValidator
cosmos-sdk/MsgDelegate => staking/MsgDelegate
cosmos-sdk/MsgUndelegate => staking/MsgUndelegate
cosmos-sdk/MsgBeginRedelegate => staking/MsgBeginRedelegate

cosmos-sdk/MsgWithdrawDelegationReward => distribution/MsgWithdrawDelegationReward
cosmos-sdk/MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission => distribution/MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission
cosmos-sdk/MsgModifyWithdrawAddress => distribution/MsgModifyWithdrawAddress

cosmos-sdk/MsgUnjail => slashing/MsgUnjail

#140 Oracle updates prevoting/voting

MsgPriceFeed is split into MsgPricePrevote and MsgPriceVote

Period  |  P1 |  P2 |  P3 |  ...    |
Prevote |  O  |  O  |  O  |  ...    |
        |-----\-----\-----\-----    |
Vote    |     |  O  |  O  |  ...    |

In prevote stage, a validator should submit the hash of the part of real vote msg to prove the validator is not just copying other validators price vote. In vote phrase, the validator should reveal the real price by submitting MsgPriceVote with salt.

The submission order has to be kept in (vote -> prevote) order. If an prevote comes early, it will replace previous prevote so next vote, which reveals the proof for previous prevote, will be failed.

#148 Oracle voting right delegation

By using the oracle/MsgDelegateFeederPermission a validator can assign the right to vote to another account at any time. The validator account will preserve its right to vote at any time.

#140 & #148 Rest Interface Update

Change rest interface url
"/distribution/parameters" => "/distribution/params"
"/staking/parameters" => "/staking/params"
Change request body
Send request body
type SendReq struct {
	BaseReq rest.BaseReq `json:"base_req"`
	Amount   sdk.Coins    `json:"coins"`

type SendReq struct {
	BaseReq rest.BaseReq `json:"base_req"`
	Coins   sdk.Coins    `json:"coins"`
New rest interfaces
(GET/POST) "/oracle/denoms/{%s}/votes"
(GET/POST) "/oracle/denoms/{%s}/prevotes"
(GET/POST) "/oracle/voters/{%s}/feeder"
(GET/POST) "/market/swap"
(GET/POST) "/market/params"

#140 Add transaction logs for tax and swap amount

Send Tx

Add tax log to send transaction for recording real amount which a transaction pay.
Ex) txs/B515331BF9EA9A92AD59A85D593E5A2B170E3D297C59E85DDA9FA6FF33790E9B

  "logs": [
      "msg_index": 0,
      "success": true,
      "log": "{\"tax\":\"400uluna\"}"
Swap Tx

Add swap_coin log to swap transaction for recording the amount of swapped coin along with offered coin

  "logs": [
      "msg_index": 0,
      "success": true,
      "log": "{\"swap_coin\":\"400ukrw\"}"

#150 Market Swap protections

Add bidirectional Luna supply change cap on market swaps.

A daily trading cap (luna supply change cap) protects excessive luna volatility. Capping Luna deflation prevents divesting attacks (attacker swaps large amount into terra to avoid slippage) and consensus attacks by limiting access to staking tokens. Early parameters are 2% - 10% on both sides of the trade.

Add bidirectional Luna spread fees on market swaps

To protect against short term price deviations between the open market and the on-chain oracle, we now charge a 2-10% spread on swaps that involve luna.

Change oracle reward scheme from monthly seigniorage to validators to minute distribution

Swap spreads are distributed to oracle ballot winners on the oracle VotePeriod; this vastly shortens distribution periods. Also, all stakeholders receive oracle rewards (includes delegators).

Swaps halt immediately after an illiquid oracle vote

Previously we facilitated swaps for 10 VotePeriods after the last valid oracle ballot. We now stop swaps immediately to prevent arbitrage attacks from price drift.

Parameter Changes

#150 Change MiningRewardWeight.Max from 20% to 90%. This is to reduce volatility in fees at network infancy.

Changed BlocksPerMinute from 12 to 5 to more accurately reflect Columbus block times.