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Book Dash Applications are open, and stay tuned for our upcoming Fireside Chat!

As the year continues, The Turing Way community is bringing back our regularly scheduled programming... and a whole lot more!

  • 📚💨 Our 9th bi-annual Book Dash will be taking place in May 2023. Host a local hub, attend virtually, applications are open for participants and hubs!
  • 👋 Check out our new welcome page here, and share the link with your networks!
  • 🔥 Save the date for our upcoming Fireside Chat called "Reflect, unlearn, reframe: Community care in times of digital burnout" on 31 March, 14:00 UTC+1 (in your timezone)! (sign up on Eventbrite)
  • ✍️ Apply to The Turing Way Senior Research Fellow position (here) by 12 March.
  • 📢 Join us at Mozilla Fest, Open Data Day(s), & AI-UK!

As usual, you can find more updates and opportunities in the 'Community News' and 'Opportunities in The Turing Way orbit' sections below. To keep up to date with community events, you can also subscribe to our shared calendar here. 📅

If you're interested in keeping up in real-time, don't forget that you can always join our Slack workspace, follow the project on Twitter, or join us on Fosstodon.

Community News and Updates

Alt: Hand-drawn sketch of "Our Community" drawn by Scriberia, featuring a garden that has people working with each other in maintaining, cleaning, working on computers and welcoming others. Illustration by Scriberia showing community as a garden and members as gardeners. Used under a CC-BY 4.0 licence. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3332807.

Apply for the Senior Research Associate position

The Turing Way is hiring a Senior Research Associate. The Turing Way was recently awarded funding to establish The Turing Way Practitioners Hub to involve and support domain experts from different sectors (such as academia, industry, government, research organisations and the public) applying data science. The Senior Research Associate will lead collaborative research and strategic development of the Practitioners Hub, implementing best practices for reproducible, ethical, inclusive and collaborative data science working adjacent to The Turing Way. Visa sponsorship to work in the UK is possible.

Fireside Chats are returning for the 2023 season!

Alt: Hand-drawn image by scriberia is on the right of the digital poster: three people are sitting around a fire whose flames form the words “The Fireside Chat”. They are holding speech bubbles on sticks in lieu of marshmallows. The talk is titled: “Reflect, Unlearn, Reframe: Community Care in times of digital burnout” with subtitle “31 March, 14-15:30 UTC – Register on Eventbrite”. There are black and white photos of 5 people who are co-organising and speaking at the Fireside chat: Agnes Kiragga, (Technical lead of the African Population Health Research Council), Chris Hartgerink (CEO & Founder of Liberate Science), Mayya Sundukova (Resident Fellow, Open Life Science), Patricia Herterich (Resident Fellow, Open Life Science), Eirini Zormpa (Community Manager, AIM-RSF & The Turing Way). Below: Hosted by with The Turing Way and Open Life Science.

Our Fireside Chat series is resuming this year! The first event of this month will be taking pleace on 31 March, 14:00-15:30 UTC+1 (see in your time zone) on the topic Reflect, Unlearn, Reframe: Community care in times of digital burnout.

Facilitated by Patricia Herterich (Open Life Science) and Eirini Zormpa (The Alan Turing Institute), this panel will feature insights from Mayya Sundukova (Open Life Science), Chris Hartgerink (Liberate Science) and one more Agnes Kiragga (African Population Health Research Council).

Join us, and sign up on Eventbrite here.

Book Dash 2023: calls for applications

Alt: A hand drawn scriberia image in pink and greyscale populate the right side of the digital flier. There is a hand-drawn globe featuring markers and text bubbles in different geographies, connected by a pink dashed line as if communicating with each other. On the right side of the globe is a path where people are writing on computers and on paper, with the dashed line following them. The line continues to show a person reviewing text and writing, which converges into books. The title says "Book Dash Applications are open! 22-26 May 2023, London, UK (and worldwide!)". Subtitle says: "Apply to: participate in a week-long event with The Turing Way community, meet other community members from around the world, join an ongoing project or team, Host a local hub within your university, city or region." Below in small text: "Have any questions about the application process? Email The Turing Way team: Contact the Community Manager: Anne Lee Steele,".

Save the Date! Our First Book Dash of 2023 will be taking place on 22-26 May 2023. Take a look at these tweets or toots to learn more.

Host a Local Hub

The Turing Way invites you to submit your interest for organising an in-person event during the next Book Dash in May 2023. The deadline for submission is 20 March 2023. Local hub form:

Please let us know if you are interested in hosting a local event in your organisation/city during the Book Dash week. Upon review, applicants will receive more information from The Turing Way team, who will guide local hosts in their organisational work on a case-by-case basis.

Attend Book Dash

We have opened the call for application to participate in the upcoming Book Dash. The deadline for local hub submission is 3 April 2023. Application form for attendees:

If you have previously interacted with the project or our community, and have always wanted to make more time to collaborate with us on your ideas, send us your application. Previous Book Dash attendees are also invited to express their interest to join us back as contributors, mentors for new participants and/or as a Book Dash Planning Committee member.

You can use the template document to prepare your draft. Learn more about the Book Dash and the application process.

Open Book Dash Q&A at Collab Cafe

Join us at our next Collaboration Cafe, where we'll be hosting an open Q&A about the Book Dash. Find the joining details here.

Upcoming events

📅 Check out our new events calendar to learn more about what is happening in the community. Uploading file..._ymuwonepx

✨ If you are attending an event and would like to meet folks from across the community, please include that in this pad.

Attend the Turing's Annual AI-UK (21-22 March)

Alt: Gradient image with orange, pink, and purple. Features AIUK logo that has a lightbulb above the "i", as well as the subtitle "AI UK 2023: The UK's national showcase of data science and artificial intelligence"

AI-UK is the UK's national showcase of data science and artificial intelligence (AI). Hosted by The Alan Turing Institute, AI UK 2023 will be an in-depth exploration of how data science and AI can be used to solve real-world challenges. If you are attending this event, do get in touch with The Turing Way team who are delivering talks, panel and exhibitions at the conference (email Anne).

Learn more about this event here, and grab your ticket -- we hope you will join us either in person or online!

Join us at Open Data Day (9 March) and Mozilla Festival (24 March)!

Alt: Logo for Mozilla Festival and Open Data Day. Mozilla is spelled "moz://a" with festival 2023 spelled below it in white on black text. "ODD" is spelled with two sideways triangles and a circle, overlayed onto a black and white map of the world.

This year, both the Mozilla Festival (21-24 March) and Open Data Days (4-10 March) are organising events around the topic of Artificial Intelligence in various contexts.

Join Jen and Anne, who will be giving an interactive workshop about responsible use of data while building ML models for Open Data Days on 9 March from 14:30-15:15 UTC. Learn more and sign up here. To learn more about other events during Open Data Days, visit their website.

Join Jen and Yacine, supported by Anne in a talk and workshop about the workshop about responsible use of data while building ML models at Mozilla Festival Online, on 24 March from 14-15 UTC. Learn more and sign up here. To learn more about MozFest and how to grab a ticket, visit their website.

Recurring Community Calls ☕

All are welcome to these calls, no sign-up is needed!

  • Collaboration Cafe: The next calls are on 15 March and 15 March, 14:00-16:00 UTC (see in your time zone). Feel free to drop in to meet the community, do some focused writing, or otherwise -- see this HackMD for more information.
  • Translation and Localisation Weekly Meetings: every Tuesday at 16:00 UTC (in your time zone). -- see this HackMD for more information. These calls are for co-working on translation and localisation efforts across several languages, and for learning more about the work of the team.
  • Community Chats: Last Friday of every month, usually 16:00-17:00 UTC (but dependent on speaker and organiser availability). We alternate between Fireside Chats in a panel format and informal conversations. Follow us on Eventbrite to be alerted about upcoming events.

Try out our new welcome page!

Alt: Screenshot of welcome page: Title image has hand draw Turing Way path split into two routes that represent the different books

The Turing Way now has a welcome page! Inspired by the GOSH Community's welcome page, we have created our own as a starting point for new and returning community members. Check it out here, and let us know what you think!

Feature on NHS-R Podcast

Alt: Screenshot of NHS-R Community page on Soundcloud. Audio file of project with playback button

Arron Lacey, Malvika Sharan, and Anne Lee Steele were recently featured on the NHS-R Community podcast about The Turing Way and the importance of reproducibility in the health field, organised and run by Chris Beeley. You can listen to it here. Thank you so much for inviting us!

Welcome to our new Research Project Manager!

Alex has long brown hair and sunglasses. She is similing, and sitting with a long white sleeve shirt in front of a green bush

A warm welcome to Alexandra Araujo Alvarez, our new Research Project Manager for The Turing Way! Alex is from Peru, and was previously a Research Project Manager at an arts research centre that connected academics, artists, and policymakers with a focus on mental health and wellbeing. She brings a wide range of experiences with project management to The Turing Way, and we are excited to see how her expertise will enable us to improve and processes, and grow as a community. Alex will be primarily support the development of our upcoming Practitioner's Hub, amongst other projects. We are so excited to welcome her to the team, and have already noted her positive effects upon our community. Welcome, Alex!

Alt: A person adding a new file on GitHub via a Pull Request, while another member reviews and approves it for them to merge it into the book.

Illustration by Scriberia. Used under a CC-BY 4.0 licence. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3332807.

Help Wanted

There are plenty of ways of getting involved in The Turing Way project: see below for a couple of ideas.


Chapter ideas 💡

Reviewers wanted 📚

Infrastructure questions 🛠️

Alt: Handrawn image of people walking on a path It's been a busy few months of talks by and with community leaders. As always, you can find an ongoing record in our Zenodo Community page.

Talks and Workshops

  • Malvika Sharan gave a keynote about "Buildling an equitable world with open source" at ITT at XPECTO'23 hosted by IIT-Mandi on 3 March: Zenodo link
  • Emma Karoune and Anne Lee Steele gave a workshop on "FAIR Principles and Open Research" for the Centres for Doctoral Training at University of Cambridge on 15 February: Zenodo link
  • Kirstie Whitaker gave a keynote about "Revolutionising Team Science with Research Infrastructure Roles" at the RSE in Data & AI Workshop hosted by Warwick University and The Alan Turing Institute on 18 February: Zenodo link
  • Malvika Sharan gave a talk about "Investing in Research Infrastructure roles" at State of Open Con on 8 February: Zenodo link
  • Emma Karoune, Malvika Sharan, and Anne Lee Steele ran a booth at State of Open Con on 7 & 8 February.
  • Susana Roman Garcia and Anne Lee Steele gave a workshop about reproducibility in research on 8 February: Zenodo link
  • Anne Lee Steele gave a talk about "The Turing Way and reproducibility" at FOSDEM on 4 February: Zenodo link

Tweets, Toots, & Mentions

Alt: Screenshots of tweets from Twitter and Toots from Mastodon that mention The Turing Way. Links to the tweets and toots are listed below

  1. Tweet by Patricia Herterich:
  2. Toot by Danny Garside:
  3. Tweet by Chris Hartgerink:
  4. Tweet by Environmental Data Science Book:
  5. Toot by Paul Marrow:[email protected]

Alt: A person sitting in an online call with four other people located in other parts of the worls. There is small plant on the desk next of the computer, and a dog sitting on the floor.

In The Turing Way Orbit

Superbloom: Survey for Usable Software Ecosystem Research

Funded by the Sloan Foundation, our friends at Superbloom (formerly Simply Secure) are researching how scientific open source software teams understand, consider, and undertake usability and design initiatives in their projects. They are seeking responses to a brief survey, in order to get a broad range of insights and opinions from the open source scientific software ecosystem. The project is titled “Usable Software Ecosystem Research” or “USER” for short. They are investigating:

  • How norms in academic, science, and/or open source working environments affect the choices teams make around their users and different kinds of design interventions
  • How team dynamics and trust affects those choices
  • What teams would need to be interested in or able to prioritize usability in their work.

Access the survey here.

Other opportunities

  • Job: Genomics England: Open Source Manager
    • ⏰ Applications are rolling
    • 📍 Location: London, UK
    • 🔗 Read Details
  • Job: TU Delft: Project lead discipline-specific data guidelines
    • ⏰ Apply by 10 March 2023
    • 📍 Location: Hybrid, Netherlands-based
    • 🔗 Read Details
  • Job: TU Delft: Data Manager - iRODS pilot
    • ⏰ Apply by 10 March 2023
    • 📍 Location: Hybrid, Netherlands-based
    • 🔗 Read Details
  • Job: TU Delft: Trainer on Research Data Management & Digital skills (3 vacancies)
    • ⏰ Apply by 10 March 2023
    • 📍 Location: Hybrid, Netherlands-based
    • 🔗 Read Details
  • Job: TU Delft: Data Steward (Library)
    • ⏰ Apply by 10 March 2023
    • 📍 Location: Hybrid, Netherlands-based
    • 🔗 Read Details
  • Job: TU Delft: Data Manager (3 vacancies)
    • ⏰ Apply by 10 March 2023
    • 📍 Location: Hybrid, Netherlands-based
    • 🔗 Read Details
  • Job: Stockholm University: SciLifeLab, Bioinformaticians (2 vacancies)
    • ⏰ Apply by 20 March 2023
    • 📍 Location: Stockholm, Sweden
    • 🔗 Read Details
  • Fellowship: The Maintainers
    • ⏰ Apply by 29 March 2023
    • 📍 Location: Remote
    • 🔗 Read Details
  • Job: DataKind: Data Science Project Manager
    • ⏰ Apply by 31 March 2023
    • 📍 Location: Hybrid, UK-based
    • 🔗 Read Details
  • Job: Bellingcat: Tech Community Facilitator
    • ⏰ Apply by 15 May 2023
    • 📍 Location: Remote
    • 🔗 Read Details

For more events, subscribe to the Open Research Calendar.

Get involved + Connect with us!

You are welcome to join The Turing Way community, and learn more about the project.

If you'd like to contribute to the next newsletter, please email Anne Lee Steele at [email protected]! Feel free to send her a message on Slack, or book some time in on Anne's calendly to say hello.

Did you miss the last newsletters? Check them out here.