This is a small continuation of the original tool, mainly focused on bug fixes.
This tool allows you to change various game settings and install mods.
Screenshots | Wiki & Guides | Posts | Bugs
- Change display, graphics, volume, audio, interface, and voice chat settings.
- Disable VSync (frame rate cap).
- Change your FOV.
- Mouse sensitivity fix for ALL aspect ratios.
- Change the color and resolution of your Pip-Boy and Quick-Boy.
- Use color presets from previous Fallout games.
- See a preview of how the color will look in the game.
- Install and manage mods.
- Check if a mod has an update. (Requires you to login to NexusMods)
- Access all your screenshots and photos from the gallery.
This program is running on .NET Framework 4.7.2
It should be preinstalled on Windows 10.
If you can't start the tool, you may have to install it manually: .NET Framework 4.7.2 web installer
Archive2 needs Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 Update 4.
This might be preinstalled on your system as well. If your mods aren't deploying properly, try to install it.
If you're still on Windows 7, make sure that you have Service Pack 1 and all updates installed.
Otherwise the .NET installer might fail or the tool might not start.
- Download and unzip.
- Run and set the game edition and path in the Welcome screen.
- Tweak to your heart's content.
- Don't forget to hit "Apply".
See Docs.
- Bilago's Configuraton Tool
- Cloudy01's Mod Manager
- runew0lf's Pipboy Color Changer
- The Step-Project wiki articles for Skyrim's and Fallout 4's *Prefs.ini files.
- Fafla McDafla's C.G.B.V.P.T.I.T.O.M
- u/LinuxVersion's Reddit post: Obtain all 3017 INI settings with default values... | (very useful spreadsheet)
- u/derpderp3200's Reddit post: "How to actually disable Depth of Field, and how to go from 20fps to 60fps"
- Trankquel's forum thread: "An Analysis of Mouse Input and Related INI Variables"
- DoubleYou's forum thread: "Sun Shadow Transition INI Settings"
- u/Xabraxxis's Reddit post: "Fallout 76 ini file and performance tweaks with full details on what they do."
- Gabi's forum thread: "Unlock Frame Rate, Change FOV, Skip Intro Video, Unlock Console, 21:9 Support and Remove Mouse Smoothing + Other Fixes"
- Jolu42's forum thread: "Fallout76Custom.ini (Make the game look better, run smoother)"
- u/Z0MG_H4X's Reddit post: "[PC] Useful ini Settings Everyone Should Check Out"
- u/Aten_Ra's Reddit post: "[Guide] How to Run Multiple Instances of ’76 on a single computer."
- u/Doppler5hift's Reddit post: "Solved: how to run two Fallout 76 characters simultaneously using Steam"
- QuadroTony: A lot of bug reports, and ideas, as well as: bSkipSplash=1 disables the news splash on startup.
- infinitywulf: Changing the color of the power armor PipBoy.
- Juinchi and Jolu42: TAA sharpening
- toarullen: bShowCompass
- Eckserah: A lot of valuable information as well as providing default *.ini values
- bolbman: PipBoy resolution, Camera tweaks
- ei8htzer0: Login credentials (s76UserName, s76Password)
- zingmars: A lot of bug reports, and ideas.
- dutem and ZeroByDivide: Brought Xbox Game Pass to my attention
- Deadmano: QoL improvement ideas and "bSteamEnabled=0" tweak.
- Pacoboyd: Advice, ideas, and "bAutoSignin=1" tweak.
- Russian by Sondju
- Italian for v1.12 by Roger08
- Spanish for v1.12 by Yllelder
- Japanese for v1.11.3 by Akamiso0123 (yuutarionn)
- Chinese for v1.12.1 by SugarBombsRADS (BulaLuka)
- Swedish for v1.5.2 by Pforga
- French for v1.6.2 by Christophe Noret (aka. kr1ss) and 3z3k3yl
- Brazilian Portuguese for v1.8.4h1 by Oruam
- Japanese for v1.9.0h2 by haiji951753
- Polish for v1.9.2 by Gray770
- Chinese
- for v1.6.2 by Broodahood
- for v1.8.2 by micus2048
- for v1.9.5 by ColaNaramon (可乐の魂)
- C# and .NET Framework 4.7.2
- Windows Forms
- Parsing libs:
- UI:
- Syroot KnownFolders
- Websocket.Client