The interactive visualization was based on d3-foresight a D3.js package built by the Reich Lab. Some custom package configurations were made and the adapted d3-foresight package is called covid-d3-foresight.
These are automatically installed when you run the one time setup
- Install Homebrew
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
- Install python3
brew install python3
- Install node
brew install node
- Install yarn
brew install yarn
- Run one-time setup
cd ./visualization
bash ./one-time-setup.sh
cd ./visualization
bash ./0-init-vis.sh
# if on mac
bash ./2-mac-build-vis.sh
# if on linux
bash ./1-patch-vis.sh
bash ./2-build-vis.sh
If you have Python 2.x:
cd ./visualization/vis-master/dist
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
If you have Python 3.x:
cd ./visualization/vis-master/dist
python3 -m http.server