No labels!
There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.
Problems computing the graph
Extra attention is needed
wait to merge (typically to coordinate before deploy
Issues relating to the info page
Issues relating to map display
Requires migrate game script to be executed
PR that will require a DB migration upon release
A minor bug that doesn't impact game play (erronous logging)
Issues relating to games that are not yet alpha test level
Rules relating to optional/solitare mode
PR that will require some games to be pinned
Further information is requested
Issues relating to route calculation/display
Pull requests that update ruby code
Behavior not explicitly covered by the official rules
Game comes to the wrong outcome compared with the rules (fixing these will break games)
Problems where allows things the game rules forbid (fixing these may impact active games)
Issues relating to unclear share sizes
Issues relating to spreadsheet
Issues relating to the stock market
You can’t perform that action at this time.