CloudPal organization will engage in the activities describe below. This document is the start of defining areas of work and responsibilities and is the basis for moving later to a fully decebtralized governance (DAO).
- Primer on CloudPal
- Manifestos: general and topic-specific: identity, P2P, etc.
- Slogan
- reseach
- competitve analysis
- Product research
- Protocols and standards
- Secure software execution
- Trusted environment
- Reproducable builds
- Zero knowledge proofs
- Server-side
- Client-side
- mobile (iOS, Android)
- wearables
- Windows
- MacOS
- Linux
- written content production
- podcasting and interviews of guests
- interviews where we are guest at other podcasts
- events (keynotes and panels)
- Website: content, SEO, links from other sites
- monitoring social media
- Design
- Core imagery, logo, colors
- Mascot production and pervasive use of that in all
- App design
- Documentation design
- Podcasts design
- Twitter posts design
- Media pack
- Journalist relationships
- Documentation production
- Tutorials and blogs on use cases
- Testing environment (sandbox)
- Production of Samples for use cases
- Participating in hackathons - offering CloudPal for devs to hack on, training and support
- Killer apps ideation
- Killer apps teams outreach
- Killer apps team formation
- Recruitment of app dev teams for killer app production
- consitent daily Tweeting
- sub-reddit
- Matrix
- Finding apps and bringing them to CloudPal
- Channels (B2B2C)
- Technology partners
- Supply (data centers)
- Formation
- SAFT notes?
- Governance - scopes of authority (strategy, execution, funds)
- Emission, burning
- Governance token
- premining? if premining - how tokens are divided between founders
- legal aspects of a token as commodity and oracles for a price index