Changelog since last release:
- added capsule/point and capsule/sphere intersection functions to lua bindings
- character controller: fade out whole character when camera gets inside it
- temporal AA frame reset fix (fixes startup crash on Vulkan when temporal AA is enabled)
- fixed flickering grass issue on AMD graphics cards
- physics fix: rigid bodies that are attached to parent will be detached at beginning of physics simulation
- added support for 16-bit PNG loading and writing
- terrain heightmap modifier will work with 16-bit PNG
- editor:
- terrain heightmap export will create 16-bit PNG to avoid major precision loss compared to 8-bit PNG
- added depth of field refocus hotkey to the editor: Press C and click anywhere where you want to focus the camera (takes effect when camera aperture size is greater than zero and depth of field is enabled)
- added dummy visualizers to editor: display a female or male dummy anywhere in the scene easily, this makes it easier to get a sense of scaling for objects. Access this from the top menu toolbar. The dummies are scaled like characters imported from Vroid studio.
- added support for Xbox Series X and S consoles
- fixes for handling paths with unicode characters
- fixes for AMD GPUs
- Vulkan stability improvements (by @brakhane )
- support for precompiled LUA scripts, greatly improves performance of script components in the scene
- HDRi image import will be converted to lower precision float for memory saving
- editor: added KHR_materials_emissive_strength GLTF extension
- character controller: NPC will turn towards player when entering conversation