title | slug |
Implementing the Like Feature |
parse-implement-like |
In this step we will tackle the core feature of Makestagram. Liking posts! We will need to tackle that feature from three different angles:
- We need new Parse queries to fetch/add/remove likes of posts
- We need to extend the
model to store the likes that belong to it - We need to connect the UI to our new code. That means, for example, displaying the red heart if a user has liked a certain post
We will start with adding new Parse queries! However, I first want to suggest some further cleanup of our existing Parse query!
#Cleaning up the Timeline Query - Once Again
Take a look at the query we have right now:
static func timelineRequestforCurrentUser(completionBlock: PFArrayResultBlock) {
let followingQuery = PFQuery(className: "Follow")
followingQuery.whereKey("fromUser", equalTo:PFUser.currentUser()!)
let postsFromFollowedUsers = Post.query()
postsFromFollowedUsers!.whereKey("user", matchesKey: "toUser", inQuery: followingQuery)
let postsFromThisUser = Post.query()
postsFromThisUser!.whereKey("user", equalTo: PFUser.currentUser()!)
let query = PFQuery.orQueryWithSubqueries([postsFromFollowedUsers!, postsFromThisUser!])
What could be improved?
Well, we have a ton of Strings inside of this method. Using strings in such a manner can cause multiple problems.
Firstly, typos can cause bugs that are difficult to debug. The compiler won't verify any of these strings and won't be able to identify if you are querying for "Uzer" instead of "User".
Secondly, if we use those strings in multiple places, we need to remember to update every occurrence of them if something in our Parse backend changes.
Instead of using plain strings it would be much better to use constants! Let's add constants for all the different Parse classes and fields we are going to access! Since this isn't too exciting of an exercise, I'll provide you with the full list of constants that we need.
[action] Add the following constants to the
class ParseHelper {
// Following Relation
static let ParseFollowClass = "Follow"
static let ParseFollowFromUser = "fromUser"
static let ParseFollowToUser = "toUser"
// Like Relation
static let ParseLikeClass = "Like"
static let ParseLikeToPost = "toPost"
static let ParseLikeFromUser = "fromUser"
// Post Relation
static let ParsePostUser = "user"
static let ParsePostCreatedAt = "createdAt"
// Flagged Content Relation
static let ParseFlaggedContentClass = "FlaggedContent"
static let ParseFlaggedContentFromUser = "fromUser"
static let ParseFlaggedContentToPost = "toPost"
// User Relation
static let ParseUserUsername = "username"
// ...
This approach has a third advantage that we did not discuss yet: all of the fields are now unambiguous. Before this change we could have used "toPost" to refer to either the toPost column in the FlaggedContent class, or to the toPost column in the Like class. Through giving all of these constants a name, we have removed this ambiguity.
Note that the constant names follow this pattern: Parse[ClassName][FieldName]. Consistent naming is important to make your life as a developer easier!
With these constants in place, we can now update our timeline query to use them.
[action] Change the timeline query to use constants instead of string literals:
static func timelineRequestforCurrentUser(completionBlock: PFArrayResultBlock) {
let followingQuery = PFQuery(className: ParseFollowClass)
followingQuery.whereKey(ParseLikeFromUser, equalTo:PFUser.currentUser()!)
let postsFromFollowedUsers = Post.query()
postsFromFollowedUsers!.whereKey(ParsePostUser, matchesKey: ParseFollowToUser, inQuery: followingQuery)
let postsFromThisUser = Post.query()
postsFromThisUser!.whereKey(ParsePostUser, equalTo: PFUser.currentUser()!)
let query = PFQuery.orQueryWithSubqueries([postsFromFollowedUsers!, postsFromThisUser!])
Same, same but nicer! Now we have a solid foundation to add more queries!
#Adding Parse Queries for Likes
There are three types of things our app needs to with likes:
- Create a like, when a user likes a post
- Delete a like, when a user unlikes a post
- Fetch all likes for a given post
These three requirements translate directly into three different queries that we're going to
add to our ParseHelper
Just as a refresher, here's how we are modeling likes in Makestagram
It's a pretty simple model, that only stores a reference to the user that performed the like and the post that has been liked (ignoring all of the fields that Parse provides automatically).
##Creating Likes
So, how can we create a method that adds likes to a certain post? I want to give you a try here! Based on your experience with Parse so far, try and see if you can build a query for this on your own! We will play this game for all queries in this step.
If you come up with your own solution that seems to work but looks different from ours - please replace your solution with the provided one. That way we can avoid that you run into issues later on.
[solution] Here's our solution:
static func likePost(user: PFUser, post: Post) {
let likeObject = PFObject(className: ParseLikeClass)
likeObject[ParseLikeFromUser] = user
likeObject[ParseLikeToPost] = post
It is pretty straightforward! the method takes a PFUser
and a Post
reference. Then it generates a likeObject
based on these two input parameters and saves it.
##Deleting Likes
Deleting a like is a tiny bit trickier. We need to first build a query to find the like object before we can delete it. Can you still come up with the unlikePost
method on your own?
[solution] Here's our solution:
static func unlikePost(user: PFUser, post: Post) {
// 1
let query = PFQuery(className: ParseLikeClass)
query.whereKey(ParseLikeFromUser, equalTo: user)
query.whereKey(ParseLikeToPost, equalTo: post)
query.findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock {
(results: [AnyObject]?, error: NSError?) -> Void in
// 2
if let results = results as? [PFObject] {
for likes in results {
- We build a query to find the like of a given user that belongs to a given post
- We iterate over all like objects that met our requirements and delete them.
Technically, there never should be more than one like for a given user on a given post. Our like code will ensure that. However, there are few guarantees in software development and especially when working with networking code, there are a ton of possible sources for issues. We could do some more error handling here, and log an error message if we find more then one like that - but that's well beyond the scope of this tutorial!
##Fetching all likes for a given post
It's once again on you! Try to come up with an implementation for the likesForPost
Hint: it should take a completion block and call it when the query completes! We already have implemented one Parse request that does this...
[solution] And here's our solution:
// 1
static func likesForPost(post: Post, completionBlock: PFArrayResultBlock) {
let query = PFQuery(className: ParseLikeClass)
query.whereKey(ParseLikeToPost, equalTo: post)
// 2
There are two interesting aspects that should be highlighted:
Our method is taking a
as an argument. We've used the same approach in ourtimelineRequestforCurrentUser
method. ThePFArrayResultBlock
has the following signature:([AnyObject]?, NSError?) -> Void
That's the default signature for the callback of most Parse queries. It takes an optional result and an optional error.
By taking this type of block as an argument, we can hand it directly to the findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock
method! This way, whoever has called the likesForPost
method will get the results in the callback block that they provide.
- We are using the
method to tell Parse to fetch thePFUser
object for each of the likes (we've discussedincludeKey
in detail when building the timeline request). We want to fetch thePFUser
along with the likes, because we later on want to display the usernames of all users that have liked a post. Remember, without theincludeKey
line we would just have a reference to aPFUser
and would have to start a separate request to fetch the information about the user.
##Summing It up
Awesome! We now have request to add / delete and fetch likes. Hopefully this section has helped to get you a little bit more comfortable in writing and understanding Parse queries.
Just to make sure we're on the same page, here's what all the queries that we just added to the ParseHelper
should look like:
// MARK: Likes
static func likePost(user: PFUser, post: Post) {
let likeObject = PFObject(className: ParseLikeClass)
likeObject[ParseLikeFromUser] = user
likeObject[ParseLikeToPost] = post
static func unlikePost(user: PFUser, post: Post) {
let query = PFQuery(className: ParseLikeClass)
query.whereKey(ParseLikeFromUser, equalTo: user)
query.whereKey(ParseLikeToPost, equalTo: post)
query.findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock {
(results: [AnyObject]?, error: NSError?) -> Void in
if let error = error {
if let results = results as? [PFObject] {
for likes in results {
static func likesForPost(post: Post, completionBlock: PFArrayResultBlock) {
let query = PFQuery(className: ParseLikeClass)
query.whereKey(ParseLikeToPost, equalTo: post)
A short side note: We haven't discussed the // MARK:
feature of Xcode yet. It allows you to group your methods into different sections which can be extremely useful! A click into the Jumpbar in the top right corner of Xcode will show you an outline of methods you've add to your class:
If you include // MARK:
sections in your source code, they will show up as headers in this view - great for navigating through more complex classes!
With all of the queries in place, we should think about how we want tie them into the rest of our code next!
Where should we place the code that adds and removes likes from Post
We're going to add it directly to the Post
class and you'll shortly see why!
#Extending the Post Class
In most object oriented programs we want to couple the information that an object stores along with its behavior. If I have access to a Post
object I would like to be able to like it or unlike it with a simple method call. I would also like to be able to access of all of the likes of a Post
directly through a simple method call.
Now we're going to add this functionality to the Post
class. It consists of two different parts:
- Storing likes
- Adding / removing likes
Let's start with storage. Why do we want to store likes in the first place?
##Storing Likes
We want to avoid performing network requests every single time we want to access the likes that belong to a post. Instead, similar to the post's image, we want to cache the information we have fetched.
Towards the end of this tutorial we will add a pull-to-refresh mechanism that allows users to refresh the timeline. We want to cache all information until such a refresh happens.
In which format should we store likes? For our purposes the best format is an array of users that have liked a certain post.
Just as with the image of a Post
, we won't load all of the likes directly with the timeline query. Instead, we will load them lazily as soon as a post is displayed. This means, we once again need to deal with data that is available asynchronously. Our favorite tool for such cases is the Dynamic
wrapper - as we discussed in detail when we implemented the image download.
With all this in mind, let's add the likes
property to the Post
[action] Add the following property to the
var likes = Dynamic<[PFUser]?>(nil)
We create the likes
property as a dynamic, optional array of PFUser
- now that's a mouthful! However, we've used all of these concepts before. We make the property Dynamic
so that we can listen to changes and update our UI after we've downloaded the likes for a post. We make it optional, because before we've downloaded the likes this property will be nil
Now that we can store likes, we can add methods to the Post
class that make it easy to retrieve, add and remove likes.
##Fetching Likes
We'll handle fetching likes very similarly to fetching images. They are fetched lazily and that lazy fetching can be triggered by a method call.
Let's add this functionality in the form of a fetchLikes
method. There are a bunch of a new concepts in that method, so I'll provide it for you and we'll discuss it in detail afterwards.
[action] Add the following method to the
func fetchLikes() {
// 1
if (likes.value != nil) {
// 2
ParseHelper.likesForPost(self, completionBlock: { (var likes: [AnyObject]?, error: NSError?) -> Void in
// 3
likes = likes?.filter { like in like[ParseHelper.ParseLikeFromUser] != nil }
// 4
self.likes.value = likes?.map { like in
let like = like as! PFObject
let fromUser = like[ParseHelper.ParseLikeFromUser] as! PFUser
return fromUser
- First we are checking whether
already has stored a value or is nil. If we've already stored a value, we will skip the entire method. As discussed, we will cache all likes until the entire timeline is refreshed (which we haven't implemented yet). So as soon aslikes.value
has a cached value, we don't need to perform the body of this method. - We fetch the likes for the current
using the method ofParseHelper
that we created earlier - There is a new concept on this line: the
method that we call on ourArray
. Thefilter
method takes a closure and returns an array that only contains the objects from the original array that meet the requirement stated in that closure. The closure passed to thefilter
method gets called for each element in the array, each time passing the current element as thelike
argument to the closure. Note that you can pick any arbitrary name for the argument that we calledlike
. So why are we filtering the array in the first place? We are removing all likes that belong to users that no longer exist in our Makestagram app (because their account has been deleted). Without this filtering the next statement could crash. - Here we are again using a new method:
. Themap
method behaves similar to thefilter
method in that it takes a closure that is called for each element in the array and in that it also returns a new array as a result. The difference is that, unlikefilter
does not remove objects but replaces them. In this particular case, we are replacing the likes in the array with the users that are associated with the like. We start with an array of likes and retrieve an array of users. Then we assign the result to ourlikes.value
Now we're able to lazily fetch the likes for a post!
##Checking If a Post is Liked by a given User
Next, we'll add a method that will allow us to find out whether a post is liked by a user or not.
We'll use that method to decide if the like button for a post should be displayed in gray or in red.
This method will be quite a lot simpler than fetchLikes
. All we need to do is check if a given user is contained in the array stored in the likes
[action] Add the
method to thePost
func doesUserLikePost(user: PFUser) -> Bool {
if let likes = likes.value {
return contains(likes, user)
} else {
return false
As promised, this method is pretty straightforward. The only part that might be new to you is the contains
function. The contains
function takes an array and an object and returns whether or not the object is stored inside of the array.
##Liking and Unliking a Post
The last piece of functionality that we need to squeeze into the Post
class for now is the like / unlike functionality. And we can actually wrap it into a single method that toggles whether or not a post is liked by a user - after all, the app only provides a single button to like / unlike. Furthermore it doesn't make sense to create a second Like
object if the user a already likes a given post.
[action] Add the following method to the
func toggleLikePost(user: PFUser) {
if (doesUserLikePost(user)) {
// if image is liked, unlike it now
// 1
likes.value = likes.value?.filter { $0 != user }
ParseHelper.unlikePost(user, post: self)
} else {
// if this image is not liked yet, like it now
// 2
ParseHelper.likePost(user, post: self)
If the
method is called and a user likes a post, we unlike the post. First by removing the user from the local cache stored in thelikes
property, then by syncing the change with Parse. We remove the user from the local cache by using thefilter
method on the array stored inlikes.value
.You might be wondering what
means. This symbol stands shorthand for the first parameter in a closure. The linelikes.value = likes.value?.filter { $0 != user }
Is equivalent to:
likes.value = likes.value?.filter { like in like != user }
would stand for the second parameter, and so on. -
If the user doesn't like the post yet, we add them to the local cache and then synch the change with Parse.
Great! Our changes to the Post
class are complete. Next, we can make use of our new methods!
#Loading Likes Lazily
Wow, did you notice the three l's in the header? Joking aside, let's take care of loading the likes for each post, as soon as it gets displayed. Now that our Post
class provides a method for exactly that, it's pretty easy to implement the feature.
Do you remember where we should place the lazy loading code?
[solution] Exactly: inside the
method of theTimelineViewController
. Why? Because that method gets called immediately before a cell gets displayed. Extend the method to look like this:
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("PostCell") as! PostTableViewCell
let post = posts[indexPath.row]
cell.post = post
return cell
#Toggling Likes from the UI
Now it's time to add some interactivity to our app. Let's hook the like functionality up to our like button in the PostTableViewCell
[action] Change the implementation of
in thePostTableViewCell
to call thetoggleLikePost
@IBAction func likeButtonTapped(sender: AnyObject) {
Awesome! Since we are using the Parse framework to access the current user, you will also need to import the Parse framework into the PostTableViewCell
[action] Import the Parse framework inside of the
by adding the following import statement
import Parse
Now we have created the first interactive connection between our code and the UI!
#Testing the Like Functionality
Now it's time to test! Run the app and hit the like button on the first post. Then open the Parse data browser. You should see one like instance:
Hit the like button on the same post again and the like should be removed:
Awesome! Our very first interactive feature!
This was a pretty intense step! You first learned that string constants are better than string literals. Then you implemented a few more Parse queries which hopefully made you more comfortable with the PFQuery
class. You've also added a new Dynamic
property that allows us to load likes of posts lazily.
From a Swift language perspective you learned about filter
and map
! Both functions allow you to manipulate collections by performing a closure that you provide to each element in the collection. The filter
function helps you to remove elements from a collection. The map
function helps you to replace elements in a collection by mapping them from one representation to another. We used that functionality to turn like objects into user objects.
We've made great progress on the core functionality of Makestagram, in the next chapter we will visualize likes to make our progress more apparent!