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To add a new Blog Post, head over under _post
folder and add a new file.
To add a new Blog post on Github to add a new file, simply click "Add file" and then "Create new file".
and save by committing the file
The format of the filename should be: YYYY-MM-DD-MY-FIRST-BLOG.MD
Every blog post needs a Front Matter which contains:
- title: blog's title.
- categories: categories which the blog belongs to, this is not mandatory, you can add categories as you please.
More than one category requres brackets around, separated by commas:
[category, hehe]
. - subtitle: appears on the sub info on the card display of the blog entry.
- thumbnail: appears on the card's image of the blog entry, as well as on the banner of the blog's post.
Note: three dashes are required
Basically same as how you would create a new Blog Post excpet it's located under _careers
Every career post needs a Front Matter which contains:
- title
- description
- department
- location
- created-on
Note: three dashes are required
**Every content update could be done via Github.