if useFakeData: h5filename = buildFakeSpectra(1000, 256, 256)
generates (1000, 256, 256) fake calls and backgrounds
A run of 10 epochs give these loss and accruacy plots:
And these confusion matrices (for one batchsize of records):
Confusion matrix fractions for predictions on dataset train dataset of length 100
PREDICT | 0 | 1 |
Label = 0 | TN 0.550 | FN 0.010 |
Label = 1 | FP 0.000 | TP 0.440 |
Confusion matrix fractions for predictions on dataset test dataset of length 100
PREDICT | 0 | 1 |
Label = 0 | TN 0.170 | FN 0.330 |
Label = 1 | FP 0.100 | TP 0.400 |
**If the failure to classify the test dataset is due to 'over fitting', what should be done? **
Save model as: models/Classify_h5fakeSpecsSml_[256-128-32-8]_Em_h5_0_40_epochs/
Confusion matrix fractions for predictions on dataset train dataset of length 100
PREDICT | 0 | 1 |
Label = 0 | TN 0.330 | FN 0.190 |
Label = 1 | FP 0.000 | TP 0.480 |
Confusion matrix fractions for predictions on dataset test dataset of length 100
PREDICT | 0 | 1 |
Label = 0 | TN 0.360 | FN 0.120 |
Label = 1 | FP 0.100 | TP 0.520 |
Weirdly, now the NN does better on the test dataset
What happened around epoch 12 in the Loss and then around epoch 40 in the Accuracy?