Mangobyte has a feature to allow users to be very specific when requesting information about dota matches. This allows users to filter for matches that are exactly what they are looking for. See filter options below.
Note: Many of these options allow for slight variations on the text. If you want more info and can read regular expressions, see the MatchFilter class in this file
- won/lost
- ranked/unranked
- turbo/ability draft/all draft
- radiant/dire
- solo/in a group
- significant/not-significant (turbo matches, etc.)
- mid/safe/off/roaming (lane)
- 5 days/2 weeks/1 year
- limit/count
(number of matches) - skip/offset
(skip this many matches) - with
(they were in the match, not necessarily on your team) - without
- as
- against/vs
- with
- us west/us east (etc.)
(the exact name of the item in your inventory at end of game)- since
(gets matches since that patch was released) <patch>
(gets matches during this patch)
You can also specify to get matches for someone other than yourself by just @mentioning them or adding their steam id to the query
/recent won as tinker in the last year
/lm grim safelane radiant
/recent ranked won this week
/lm offlane on dire as shaker
/recent @Player lost vs axe
/firstmatch turbo with a group
/playerstats radiance puck
/playerstats puck since 7.28
For any commands that take the "match" argument, you have several options in terms of what to give the command. These commands are looking for you to specify a specific match, which you can do in three different ways:
1. Specify a match by ID directly
2. Say 'lm', 'lastmatch', or 'me' to get the last match that you played. (assumes you have a dota account linked via /userconfig steam
3. Specify a dota player by @'ing someone on discord with a mangobyte-linked dota account, or by giving their steam id.
Note that this uses "Match Filter" behind the hood for parsing a dota player, so you can also do some of the advanced things that you can do with that filter here.
/match graph
/match info
/match laning
/match skillbuild
/match story
/match info 6481413969
/match graph lm
/match skillbuild @SomeoneOnDiscord
Slash commands are here! This covers some frequently asked questions about slash commands
Discord has decided to change their rules and bots are no longer going to be allowed to use prefix-based commands. This only applies to bots in 75 or more servers, but mangobyte is in 8k+ at the time of me writing this. If you want to read more about this decision, head over to thier blog post where they announced this.
Yeah I know. There are definetly a lot of things about slash commands that are a downgrade form prefix-based commands. Things like not being able to easily see the arguments given to a command by someone else and having to juggle multiple bots that all want to share the same command name. The whole discord bot community is in agreement that this move by discord is frustrating, limiting, and doesn't support a healthy ecosystem. Unfortunatley this is just how it is and we have to deal with it.
The tts channel I've implemented for mangobyte is a really commonly used feature. Anyone who read the blog post from discord probably realized that not having access to messages will break the feature, so I'll have to apply for a "Message Content Intent". I plan on doing this, but need to get a couple things straight and setup before I apply to give us the best chance at getting it approved.
A lot of people have been reporting issues with slash commands not working on thier server, or just not working for them at all. I've written a document with all the things I've learned helping people to get slash commands working for them. Feel free to check it out if you have issues. Slash Command Common Issues
Migration Progress: 100%
If you're having issues with slash commands, take a look at this: Slash Command Common Issues
Mangobyte's audio system is based around things called 'clips'. A clip is an audio clip that mangobyte knows about, and clips can be referred to by their "clip id". A clip id will look something like "local:wow" or "tts:testing 123", where the left side of the colon is the clip type.
2 super-useful features of mangobyte's audio system is the /say
command, and the #tts channel. The /say
command wraps a bunch of the clip types together and tries to find the best fitting clip for the input you give it. The #tts channel allows mangobyte to sit and watch a text channel in your discord, and then automatically run the /say
command on every message that is said in that channel. For more info on that, try /config ttschannel show
There are 4 different types of clips currently
Custom clips that have been selected from various sources. You can get a list of these by doing /clips local
, and can play them by name by doing /play local
A text-to-speech clip based on what the user types. You can play text to speech by doing /play tts
. Note: when moving this to a slash command, I tried making a command called /tts
but discord wouldn't let me (it would interfere with their built-in /tts
A dota hero voice line. You can search for a list of these by doing /clips dota
, and can play some while searching via /play dota
. Note that you can also search for these types of clips by visiting this website i made a long time ago.
A dota chatwheel sound clip. You can get a list of these by doing /clips chatwheel
, and can play them from /play chatwheel
A pokemon cry. Try playing these with the /pokecry
This clip type doesnt exist yet. In the past I've allowed a clip type called "url", and that has been removed in the latest rework. I'm planning on adding a new type of clip called "custom" that will be more powerful than url clips, and be easier to use. This hasn't been implemented yet, but I'll let you know (through the #updates channel on the Mangobyte Help Server) once I get around to implementing it.
As some of you may have noticed, many of the Admin commands (?botban
, ?botunban
, ?disablecommand
and ?enablecommand
) are in the process of being deprecated. The reason for this is that discord has created a new permissions system designed for slash commands, and I think this new system is a full (and potentially better) replacement for these commands.
To set up some slash command permissions for mangobyte, head over to Server Settings=>Integrations=>Mangobyte(you may have to scroll down). From here you can configure permissions for each command individually, and setup roles for who can access which commands. One step I'd advise is to setup a "@BotAdmin" role which you could then set in mangobyte to /config botadmin @BotAdmin
. Here's a link to the blog post where discord announced slash command permissions. I'd advise you check that out if you are interested as it gives some tips on how to use the permissions and what kinds of things are available. There is also an FAQ they posted with some decent feedback on questions you might be having.
I'll leave mangobyte's internal user banning and command disabling system up for a while during this transition period. I've removed the ?disablecommand
and ?enablecommand
commands, but I've left up the other two for now and moved them to slash commands so that you can un-ban people or enable commands if needed. In a month or more (probably not till July or so) I'll remove these commands entirely, and remove the internal system that mango uses to ban people and disable commands and the system will be gone. If you have any issues with this or questions about it feel free to drop by the Mangobyte Help Server and let me know.
Mangobyte collects some data in order to make for a configurable experience and also to help with debugging issues. To learn more, check out the Privacy Policy.