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EncryptedPickle for PHP

EncryptedPickle is PHP class for encrypting and signing data with support for versions, serialization, compression, and passphrase generations (rotation).

It's partly inspired by iron but isn't compatible with.

Example Usage


$passphrases = array(
    0 => 'Change me! CHange me! CHAnge me! CHANge me!'
         . 'CHANGe me! CHANGE ME! CHANGE Me! CHANGE ME!',

$data = array('example' => 123, 'test' => 'testing');

$encoder = new EncryptedPickle($signature_passphrases = $passphrases,
                               $encryption_passphrases = $passphrases);

echo("* data:\n");

$sealed = $encoder->seal($data);
echo("* sealed: $sealed\n");

$unsealed = $encoder->unseal($sealed);
echo("* unsealed:\n");

Customization Example


// You can use different passphrases for signature and encryption
$signature_passphrases = array(
    0 => 'change me! change me! change me! change me!'
         . 'change me! change me! change me! change me!',

$encryption_passphrases = array(
    0 => 'Change me! CHange me! CHAnge me! CHANge me!'
         . 'CHANGe me! CHANGE ME! CHANGE Me! CHANGE ME!',

$data = array('example' => 123, 'test' => 'testing');

$encoder = new EncryptedPickle($signature_passphrases, $encryption_passphrases);

$encryption = array(
     * Add new encryption algorithm specification with id = 255.
     * Default algorithms can not be overridden so we must use some other
     * id, maybe best starting with 255 (maximum id) and decreasing by one
     * for next added algorithm.
    255 => array(
        // Algorithm name defined in EncryptedPickle::$ALGORITHMS.
        'algorithm' => 'aes-256-cbc',

        // Salt size for PBKDF2 key.
        'salt_size' => 32,

        // Digest mode for PBKDF2 key.
        'pbkdf2_algorithm' => 'sha256',

        // Use 10 iterations in PBKDF2 key generation.
        'pbkdf2_iterations' => 10,
$encoder->set_algorithms($signature = NULL, $encryption = $encryption);

$options = array(
    // Use above defined encryption algorithm (id = 255).
    'encryption_algorithm_id' => 255,

     * Use "gzip-deflate" (id = 1) algorithm for compression.
     * Be carefull with this option, because compression is applied before
     * encryption and "Crime" attack is possible if third party can modify
     * data that is encrypted. For more info see:
    'compression_algorithm_id' => 1,

    // Add timestamp to header (unencrypted).
    'flags' => array(
        'timestamp' => TRUE,

$sealed = $encoder->seal($data);
echo("* sealed: $sealed\n");

list($unsealed, $unsealed_options) = $encoder->unseal($sealed, $return_options = TRUE);
echo("* unsealed:\n");
if (isset($unsealed_options['info']['timestamp'])) {
    echo("* timestamp: " . $unsealed_options['info']['timestamp'] . "\n");

Copyright and License

EncryptedPickle for PHP is Copyright (c) 2013 Vingd, Inc. and licensed under the MIT License.