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153 lines (112 loc) · 4.73 KB

File metadata and controls

153 lines (112 loc) · 4.73 KB

Autovivification 自实现

  • dict to tree # or inherit defaultdict

    class Tree(dict):
       def __missing__(self, key):
           value = self[key] = self.__class__()
           return value
       __getattr__ = dict.__getitem__
       __setattr__ = dict.__setitem__
    tree = Tree()
    tree.aaaaa.b2222222.ccccw = 9
    print (tree)
    prttree(tree) # see more  
    # {'aaaaa': {'b2222222': {'ccccw': 9}, 'bbbbb': {'cccccc': {}}}}
    #   0.> aaaaa
    #       1.> b2222222
    #           2.> ccccw
    #       1.> bbbbb
    #           2.> cccccc

    prttree see more ref1: wikipedia ref2 : gist hrldcpr

    eg2 : attr to url

    class Url(str):
        __add__ = lambda self,name: Url(str.__add__(self, "/" + str(name)))
        __getattr__ = __add__
    url_path = Url('').willowj.py_tricks.master + 5 + 8 + 9

SUM with start param

  • lis =  [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9], [1, 5], [5, [9]]]
    reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,i)
    sum(lis,[])  # little quicker than reduce and for loop
    #[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 5, 5, [9]]
    #[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 5, 5, [9]]

    sum(sequence[, start]) -> value

    Return the sum of a sequence of numbers (NOT strings) plus the value of parameter 'start' (which defaults to 0).

    When the sequence is empty, return start. Type: builtin_function_or_method


IF else <-> and or 一行条件判断

  • a = 0 
    b = 7
    r1 = "a" if (a > b) else "b"	   # little slower in py3
    r2 = a > b and "a" or "b"          # little slower in py2, 

Singleton 单例模式

​ singleton decorator

  • import threading
    def singleton(cls):
       instances_dict = dict()
       _lock = threading.Lock()
       def wraper(*args, **kwargs):
           if cls not in instances_dict:
               with _lock :
                   if cls not in instances_dict:
                       instances_dict[cls] = cls(*args, **kwargs)
                       instances_dict[cls].__init__(*args, **kwargs)
           return instances_dict[cls]
       return wraper
    class Test(object):pass
    Test() is Test()


  • namedtuple() factory function for creating tuple subclasses with named fields
    deque list-like container with fast appends and pops on either end
    ChainMap dict-like class for creating a single view of multiple mappings
    Counter dict subclass for counting hashable objects
    OrderedDict dict subclass that remembers the order entries were added
    defaultdict dict subclass that calls a factory function to supply missing values
    UserDict wrapper around dictionary objects for easier dict subclassing
    UserList wrapper around list objects for easier list subclassing
    UserString wrapper around string objects for easier string subclassing


  • # Cartesian product
    for p in itertools.product([1, 2, 3], [4, 5]):
    (1, 4)
    (1, 5)
    (2, 4)
    (2, 5)
    (3, 4)
    (3, 5)

more :

pythontips -intermediatePython 中文版


