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Rusty Enum

A lightweight Rust/Haskell-like enum for Typescript, with some runtime overhead.


rusty-enum aims to replicate the rust enum syntax, and chooses to provide an easy-to-use API. As a result, some runtime overhead is required. For a 0kb Rust-like enum for Typescript, see unenum.

Defining an Enum

import {EnumType, Enum} from "rusty-enum"; 

/* Define an enum schema as an interface.  */
interface Message {
  Quit: null,
  Move: { x: number, y: number },
  Write: string,
  ChangeColor: [number, number, number]
/* Acquire a factory for your enum. This returns a global factory instance. */
const Message = Enum<Message>();


const quitMsg = Message.Quit();
const moveMsg = Message.Move({ x: 42, y: 64 });
const writeMsg = Message.Write("some text");
const changeColorMsg = Message.ChangeColor(102, 204, 255);

Variant Matching

rusty-enum enforces compile-time exhaustive matching. You can either provide matching handlers for every possible variant

function handleMsg(msg: EnumType<Message>) {
  return msg.match({
    Move: ({ x, y }) => `moved to (${x}, ${y})`,
    Write: (s) => `wrote '${s}'`,
    ChangeColor: (r, g, b) => `color changed to rgb(${r}, ${g}, ${b})`,
    Quit: () => "someone quit",
  // Or equivalently
  return match(msg, {
    Move: ({ x, y }) => `moved to (${x}, ${y})`,
    Write: (s) => `wrote '${s}'`,
    ChangeColor: (r, g, b) => `color changed to rgb(${r}, ${g}, ${b})`,
    Quit: () => "someone quit",

...or provide a wildcard handler.

function handleMsgWithDefault(msg: EnumType<Message>) {
  return msg.match({
    Write: () => "a message is written",
    _: () => "nothing is written",

By default, rusty-enum expects all arms to return the same type, unless a union type is provided explicitly.

msg.match<number | string>({
  Write: () => 42, 
  _: () => "Fourty-two",

/* This does not compile */
  Write: () => 42, 
  _: () => "Fourty-two",

If you are only interested in a certain variant, you can use the ifLet util function.

function ifLet(rustyEnum, variant, cb);

const moveX = ifLet(moveMsg, "Move", ({ x }) => x);

If rustyEnum is of variant variant, cb is executed with rustyEnum's data, and the return value is returned. Otherwise null is returned immediately.

To determine the variant of an enum without unwrapping its content, use${Variant}().


Or directly access the ._variant readonly attribute.


Result and Option

rusty-enum comes with Result<T, E> and Option<T>.

import {EnumType, Result} from "rusty-enum";

type QueryResult = Result<number, Error>;

function handleQueryResult(res: EnumType<QueryResult>) {
    Ok: (num) => console.log(num),
    Err: (err) => console.error(err),
  return res.isOk();

Enum in Promise and Async Matching

async function msgPromise(): EnumPromise<Message> {
  return Message.Move({x: 42, y: 64});

An async function that returns an enum can have its return type as EnumPromise<S>, which is short for Promise<EnumType<S>>. An EnumPromise<S> can be processed by asyncMatch.

const moveMsgPromise = msgPromise();
const x = await asyncMatch(moveMsgPromise, {
  Move({ x }) {
    return x;
  _: () => 0


Converting JS Promises into Enums

A JS Promise<T> can be converted into OptionPromise<T> or ResultPromise<T, E>.

intoOptionPromise(p: Promise<T>) return OptionPromise.Some(T) if p is resolved, or OptionPromise.None() if it is rejected.

Similarly, intoResultPromise(p: Promise<T>) return ResultPromise.Ok(T) if p is resolved, or ResultPromise.Err(err) if it is rejected, where err is the reason of rejection with type any.

Additionally, intoResultPromise accepts a callback function, where the any typed err can be mapped into a given error type E.

const rejectPromise: Promise<number> = new Promise((_, rej) => rej(42));
const rejectResult = await intoResultPromise<number, string>(rejectPromise, (err) => err.toString());

Read more in the library test script.

Converting Error-Throwing Functions into Result-Returning Functions

function foo(arg: number) {
  if (isNaN(arg)) {
    throw "Sample error string";
  } else {
    return 42;
const enumifiedFoo = enumifyFn<string, typeof foo>(foo);
// OR
const enumifiedFoo = enumifyFn(foo); // returns Result<number, unknown>

  Ok(res) {
  Err(err) {

Runtime Costs

For creating enum instances, one and only one factory object is created by rusty-enum.

const factoryInstance: Factory<any> = {};

const factoryProxy = new Proxy(factoryInstance, {
  get(target, prop, receiver) {
    return (...args: any[]) => create(prop, ...args);

Every enum instance is proxied to support .is${Variant}() methods.

function create(...args: any[]) {
  return new Proxy({
    _variant: args[0],
    _data: args.length > 2 ? args.slice(1) : args[1],
  }, {
    get(target, prop, receiver) {
      const propStr = prop.toString();
      if (propStr.startsWith("is")) {
        return () => target._variant === propStr.substring(2)
      return Reflect.get(target, prop, receiver);