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162 lines (116 loc) · 5.98 KB

Web programming course

Welcome to the Web-Programming Course repository! This repo contains a series of lab work projects that span across various concepts in Web Programming.

Each lab work resides in its own directory with dedicated README files containing the respective instructions and requirements.

👇 An overview of the labs included in this course:

Laboratory Work Grade Difficulty Time Spent Key Concepts Materials
Laboratory Work №1 92% 3/10 6/10 HTML, CSS (+ flexbox, grid), Js, PHP theory ; preview
Laboratory Work №2 100% 4/10 5/10 Wildfly, Servlets, JSP, Js, MVC theory ; preview
Laboratory Work №3 100% 6/10 10/10 JSF, facelets, MVC, tailwind, parallax, UI/UX preview
Laboratory Work №4 100% 10/10 10/10 SPA, RBAC, Jwt, Nginx, Ngrok, Reverse-proxy, ORM, Java EE, Fullstack preview ; fronend ; backend

I'll be updating the Grade, Difficulty, Time Spent, Key Concepts, and Materials for each lab work as I progress through the course.

📝 Commit Message Convention

Consistency is key, especially when it comes to git commits.
For ease of readability and understanding, this repository follows a somewhat beautiful ✨ and outstanding : rocket: notation for commits!

Commit message should be in the following format:

type[!] message

That is type optionally followed by exclamation mark, strictly followed by one space, followed by a message.

Total message length may exceed 80 characters (type is counted as one character), but it is recommended to make messages expressive and small.

Exclamation mark denotes breaking change. It is correlates with MAJOR in Semantic Versioning.

Type should be one of the following

  1. 🚀 Starting new great things

things, like new repository, subproject, adding submodule to huge things, e.t.c

:rocket: Start labX
:rocket: Add labX submodule
  1. ✨ Indicates new feature

analogue to feat tag in conventional commits

:sparkles: Add new feature
:sparkles: Introduce new functionality
  1. 🐛🔧 Bug Fix

improve or fix something

:bug: Fix MUI Drawer bug
:wrench: Resolve table of contents issue
  1. 📚 Adding or Updating Documentation:
:books: Add table of contents to README
:books: Add documentation for backend logic
  1. 🧪 DevOps things

add CI/CD, anything related to docker/deploy/e.t.c.

:test_tube: Add CI
:test_tube: Update
  1. ♻️🧶🔨 Refactoring and improving repo
:recycle: Refactor code
:yarn: Improve classes structure
:hammer: Move dir1, delete kek1337 directory
  1. ✔️✅ Tests:
:white_check_mark: Add unit tests
:heavy_check_mark: Add e2e tests
  1. 🙈 Updating Gitignore:
:see_no_evil: Update .gitignore for LabX
  1. 🗑️ Removing Code or Files:
:wastebasket: Remove unused code

By following these conventions, I maintain a clean and structured git history which facilitates easier readability and project maintenance.

Happy coding! 🎉