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Migrations and Seeding

Migrations are the way to create, modify and share your database schema. This allows running the same set of queries to update your SQL schema on all machines running the application. Seeders will fill your database with test data.

If you haven't done it already, read the Laravel documentation about migrations and seeding for the full usage documentation.

Running Seeders

$ php app/console eloquent:seed

This will run the DatabaseSeeder classes which live in the Seed namespace of all registered bundles. You can also specify a specific seeder class:

$ php app/console eloquent:seed AppBundle\Seed\FlightsTableSeeder

The --database=<NAME> option allows you to use another connection than the default one.

You can generate a custom seeder using the make:seeder maker:

$ php app/console make:seeder Posts

created: src/Seed/PostsSeeder.php

Setting Up Migrations

Before you can use migrations, you need to create the migrations table that will be used to keep track of the migrations. This is done by running the eloquent:migrate:install command:

$ php bin/console eloquent:migrate:install

Generating Migrations

$ php bin/console make:eloquent-migration create_flights_table

This will generate a migration file in migrations/.

By specifying the --create and -table options, the maker will also generate some bootstrap code for you. The --table option can be used to specify the table name to update and --create to specify which table will be created by the migrations:

$ php bin/console make:eloquent-migration --create=flights create_flights_table
$ php bin/console make:eloquent-migration --table=flights add_aircraft_to_flights_table
Option Description
--database=<NAME> The connection to use.
--path=<PATH> The location where the migration file should be created, defaults to the main migration path.
--table=<NAME> The name of a table that is updated during the migration.
--create[=<TABLE>] Indicates that the migration will create a table. The value is a shortcut for --create --table=<NAME>.

Running Migrations

$ php bin/console eloquent:migrate

Use the --force option to suppress the confirmation question when running this command in production. Other options are:

Option Description
--database=<NAME> The connection to use.
--path=<PATH> The path to the migrations files (in case it's not migrations/).
--step Run the migrations one by one so they can be rolled back individually.
--force Suppress the confirmation question when executing this in production.
--pretend Do not run the migrations, only dump the SQL queries that would be run.
--seed To automatically seed the database after running the migrations.

Rolling Back Migrations

$ php bin/console eloquent:migrate:rollback

This commands rolls back the last executed batch of migrations. To rollback all migrations, use eloquent:migrate:reset.

Option Description
--database=<NAME> The connection to use.
--step=<STEP> The number of migration batches to be reverted, defaults to only the last one.
--force Suppress the confirmation question when executing this in production.
--pretend Do not run the migrations, only dump the SQL queries that would be run.

Viewing Migration Status

$ php bin/console eloquent:migrate:status

Shows all known migrations and their status (whether they are run on this database).

Option Description
--database=<NAME> The connection to use.
--path=<PATH> The path to the migrations files (in case it's not migrations/).

Refreshing the Database

$ php bin/console eloquent:migrate:refresh

This is a shortcut for running eloquent:migrate:reset, eloquent:migrate and eloquent:seed.

Option Description
--database=<NAME> The connection to use.
--step=<STEP> The number of migration batches to be refreshed, defaults to only the last one.
--path=<PATH> The path to the migrations files (in case it's not migrations/).
--force Suppress the confirmation question when executing this in production.
--pretend Do not run the migrations, only dump the SQL queries that would be run.
--seed To automatically seed the database after running the migrations.
--seeder The class name of the seeder.

How to Configure Migration Paths in a Bundle

If you share a bundle in multiple application, the migration files would not live in migrations/ but in your bundle. To make the migrator aware of this migration directory, call the MigrationPathsPass::add() method in your bundle's `extension`_:

// ...
use WouterJ\EloquentBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler\MigrationPathsPass;

class YourExtension extends Extension
    public function load(array $configs, ContainerBuilder $container)
        // adds the /Resources/migrations directory as migration path

        // ...

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